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Rešavanje problemsa sa pucanjem programa Visual Studio 2017 Community


Prvo preuzeti najnoviju verziju programa pa pokušati redom sledeće opcije (instalacija uvek sa novom

Za deinstalaciju programa primeniti sledeće korake:

1. Otići u „Control Panel—Programs and Features“ i ako postoji ‘Microsoft Visual Studio 2017’, desni
klik na njega i izabrati opciju ‘Uninstall’
2. Obrisati sledeće instalirane foldere:
1. Otići na lokaciju %ProgramData%\Microsoft\VisualStudio and obrisati foldere ‘Packages’ i
‘Setup’ ako postoje.
2. Otići u instalacioni folder za Visual Studio (obično se nalazi u folderu
%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio) i obrisati folder ‘2017’

Opcije koje treba pokušati:

1. Kreirati novi VC++ projekat Windows Desktop->Windows Console Application project

Dodati par linija koda u ovaj projekat (tipa „Zdravo svete“)
Pritisnuti "F5" za bildovanje i debagiranje projekta

2. Deinstalirati Visual Studio (po proceduri za brisanje), pa opet instalirati najnoviju verziju

3. Deinstalirati Visual Studio, pa prilikom instalacije nove verzije čekirati opcije vezane za C (C++/CLI

4. Pokrenuti Visual Studio Installer

Izvršiti sledeću komandu pre kompajliranja:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvars64.bat

5. Ako neki kolega ima instaliran program koji radi, sa njegovog računara snimiti fajl CL.EXE i iskopirati
ga na istu lokaciju na računaru gde je problem.

6. Instead of selecting the Empty Project for your first experiments with VS2017, select one of the
project types that will give you a working skeleton. If you want to try a C++ console app, the project
type will be Windows Console Application. This will give you a ready-to-run application with an
Main() function that just has a return 0; statement in it.
Hit the F11 key or select Debug/Step Into from the menu to compile your project and step into
Main(). It will stop on the opening curly brace. Hit F11 again and it will step to the return 0; statement.
Hit F5 now and it will continue running and exit the program. Now you have verified that you can
successfully build, run, and debug your code.
Once you've verified that this much works, you can start adding code and debug it. The Empty Project
is for when you really know what you're doing and want to start from scratch, otherwise one of the
predefined projects is a much easier way to get started.
7. -1073741515 means: "The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000135)" Since you do not
depend on CLR, Right-click on the project name, and Disable Common Language Runtime Support
in Project Properties.

8. I fixed my problem, there was an old CL.exe in my Syswow64 folder.

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