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Sell Yourself Rich

© Proctor Gallagher Institute, LLC

All rights reserved.

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You Can Sell Yourself Rich
W elcome to Mission In Commission. This program has been designed for
salespeople who have a sincere desire to improve their commissions.

“The good life is expensive.

There is another way to live that doesn’t cost as much,
but it isn’t any good.”
Spanish Distiller

Commissioned Selling Offers You The Good Life

You should earn the amount of money you need,

to provide the things you want, to live the way you choose.

Money is a servant! Always remember to love people and use money. Do not
be tempted to reverse this equation regardless of the circumstances. Selling is,
without question, the highest paying profession in the world. Unfortunately, for some,
it is also the lowest.

C hoose Sides
The line that separates the salespeople who earn the big commissions from those
who are not making it happen is often as fine as a razor’s edge.

Get on the right side of that fine line and stay there.

The successful execution of the various exercises in this program will definitely
improve your income.

You Can Sell Yourself Rich

F orm The Habit Of Doing Things FFailur
ailur es Don’t Lik
ailures Likee T
Too Do

Notes for Reference Prospect List

S elling Is Something You Do F

You or
For A Person, Not T
Person, Too A Person

Clients To Follow Up To Do List

F ind Out What A Person W

Person ants, Then Show Them How T
Wants, Too Get It
Ideas I Can Use To Improve My Performance
S ix Basic Concepts
that are Essential in the
Earning of Large Commissions

1 Decide on the exact amount of commission you choose to earn.

2 FEEL worthy of receiving the good that you desire.

3 REPEAT a prosperity affirmation daily. Make prosperity a habit.

4 INVEST time every day studying the Law of Compensation.

5 DECIDE what you are prepared to give, in return for the amount of
commission you have chosen to earn.

6 THINK, FEEL and ACT like the person who is already providing
the service and earning the commission you have chosen to earn.

Low income earners have a habit of backing into the future, dragging their old
conditioned behavior with them. When they are confronted with new information,
they ask themselves, “Does it fit?” If it doesn’t, it’s wrong.

You have chosen to change your commission. Improve it! Therefore, it is

absolutely essential that you change your mental conditioning. Since change causes
discomfort, there is no point in making small incremental changes. Make a decision
to take one quantum leap with your commission. That is precisely what this Mission
In Commission program has been designed to help you do.

F orm The Habit Of Doing Things FFailur
ailur es Don’t Lik
ailures Likee T
Too Do

Notes for Reference Prospect List

S elling Is Something You Do F

You or
For A Person, Not T
Person, Too A Person

Clients To Follow Up To Do List

F ind Out What A Person W

Person ants, Then Show Them How T
Wants, Too Get It
Ideas I Can Use To Improve My Performance
Understanding Precedes Change
To bring order and understanding to your mind, you must have an image to work
with. Since your mind is the unseen part of your personality, you must engage your
imagination to build this image. This can be accomplished with ...

The Stickperson

Part 1

Part 2

(This model of the mind and body

was originated by the late Dr.
Thurman Fleet of San Antonio,
Texas, in 1934 [circa]. Dr. Fleet
Part 3 was the founder of Concept

The stickperson concept is used in all Bob Proctor Seminars to graphically

illustrate the three basic parts of the human personality.

The stickperson, like all other ideas presented in the seminars, is extremely
simple. Do not allow the apparent simplicity to deceive you, for the stickperson can
reveal to you a wonderful world of power, possibility and promise.

This seminar is built upon the premise that you have a power within you that is
far superior to any condition or circumstance around you. With FREE WILL, your
thoughts can direct this power to whatever results you choose in this lifetime.

Although the difference in what you earned over the past twelve months and
what you choose to earn over the next twelve months may be great, the change you
will have to make in your personality could be small.

F orm The Habit Of Doing Things FFailur
ailur es Don’t Lik
ailures Likee T
Too Do

Notes for Reference Prospect List

S elling Is Something You Do F

You or
For A Person, Not T
Person, Too A Person

Clients To Follow Up To Do List

F ind Out What A Person W

Person ants, Then Show Them How T
Wants, Too Get It
Ideas I Can Use To Improve My Performance
Conscious Mind
This is the part of you that thinks,
reasons—your free will lies here. This is the
part of your mind that will decide how much
Part 1 money you want to earn. The conscious
mind can accept or reject any idea. No
person or circumstance can cause you to
think about thoughts or ideas you do not
choose. The “thoughts” you choose
eventually determine the results in your life.
All pain, pleasure, or limitation is either
originated in the conscious mind, or
accepted uncritically from an outside source.
As you accept a thought, it is impressed
upon the second part of your personality (see
part 2).
“You become what you think about.”

Sub-Conscious Mind
This part of you is certainly the most
magnificent; it is the power center. It
functions in every cell of your body.
Every thought your conscious mind
chooses to accept, this part must accept
... it has no ability to reject.
This part of you operates in an
orderly manner. “By Law,” it expresses
itself through you, in feelings and actions.
Any thought you consciously or Part 2
unconsciously impress upon the sub-
conscious over and over, becomes fixed
in this part of your personality. Fixed
ideas will then continue to express
themselves without any conscious
assistance, until they are replaced.
(Fixed ideas are commonly referred to as
habits.) The sub-conscious mind is the
God-like part of you referred to as Spirit.
It knows no limits, save those you
consciously choose.
(Read T h e P o w e r o f Y o u r S u b -
Conscious Mind by Dr. Joseph Murphy)

F orm The Habit Of Doing Things FFailur
ailur es Don’t Lik
ailures Likee T
Too Do

Notes for Reference Prospect List

S elling Is Something You Do F

You or
For A Person, Not T
Person, Too A Person

Clients To Follow Up To Do List

F ind Out What A Person W

Person ants, Then Show Them How T
Wants, Too Get It
Ideas I Can Use To Improve My Performance
“People are anxious to improve their circumstances,
but they are unwilling to improve themselves.
They therefore remain bound.”
James Allen
From As a Man Thinketh
Circa 1903

Part 3
or Action Results

Although this is the most obvious part of you, it is the smallest part. The body is
the physical presentation of you, the material medium; it is merely the instrument of
the mind, or the house you live in. The thoughts or images that are consciously
chosen, impressed upon the sub-conscious (which is in every cell of your body),
must move your body into action. The actions you are involved in determine your

No. 1—Thoughts; No. 2—Feelings; No. 3—Actions; No. 4—Results

To change commissions, change thoughts, feelings, and actions. Keep it simple.

G Get All Three Parts Working in

Harmony and WIN
F orm The Habit Of Doing Things FFailur
ailur es Don’t Lik
ailures Likee T
Too Do

Notes for Reference Prospect List

S elling Is Something You Do F

You or
For A Person, Not T
Person, Too A Person

Clients To Follow Up To Do List

F ind Out What A Person W

Person ants, Then Show Them How T
Wants, Too Get It
Ideas I Can Use To Improve My Performance
L et Go Of The Past
The doubts, fears, and anxieties you experience when you cross the Terror Barrier
are not from a lack of potential, they come from an inferior conditioning in your sub-
conscious mind.









Fear knocked Faith opened it,

on the door and lo, there was
“A” no one there.

You will either step forward into GROWTH,

or you will step back into SAFETY.

F orm The Habit Of Doing Things FFailur
ailur es Don’t Lik
ailures Likee T
Too Do

Notes for Reference Prospect List

S elling Is Something You Do F

You or
For A Person, Not T
Person, Too A Person

Clients To Follow Up To Do List

F ind Out What A Person W

Person ants, Then Show Them How T
Wants, Too Get It
Ideas I Can Use To Improve My Performance
T he Three Parts Of
M ission In Commission
“The Mission”

“The Law of Compensation”

“A Six Figure Commission”

Gain maximum benefit from your Mission In Commission program.

Make a written, binding commitment to yourself that you will truthfully complete
every exercise in this program, and carry out the instructions in your daily endeavors
to the best of your ability, one day at a time ... for ninety days.

C ommitment

Your Signature

F orm The Habit Of Doing Things FFailur
ailur es Don’t Lik
ailures Likee T
Too Do

Notes for Reference Prospect List

S elling Is Something You Do F

You or
For A Person, Not T
Person, Too A Person

Clients To Follow Up To Do List

F ind Out What A Person W

Person ants, Then Show Them How T
Wants, Too Get It
Ideas I Can Use To Improve My Performance
The Mission

F Fall In Love
With What You Do

F orm The Habit Of Doing Things FFailur
ailur es Don’t Lik
ailures Likee T
Too Do

Notes for Reference Prospect List

S elling Is Something You Do F

You or
For A Person, Not T
Person, Too A Person

Clients To Follow Up To Do List

F ind Out What A Person W

Person ants, Then Show Them How T
Wants, Too Get It
Ideas I Can Use To Improve My Performance
T he Mission
Most commissioned salespeople are so busy attempting to earn an income and
put out fires, they never have the time nor the inclination to study the behavior of the
real hard chargers in their industry ... those commissioned salespeople whose incomes
fall into the six and seven figure categories.

Write the names of six people you know, or know of, who earn six-figure

1. _______________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________

4. _______________________________________________________

5. _______________________________________________________

6. _______________________________________________________

The ideas and exercises in this program will help you analyze these high income
earners, relate to them, and then emulate them. Finally, join with them and enjoy all
the benefits, the recognition, and the rewards they are presently enjoying. Begin by
asking yourself the following questions:

What do these people do that makes them so different?

Why do they sell the way they sell?

When do they sell?

Who do they sell to?

Where do they sell?

How do they sell?

F orm The Habit Of Doing Things FFailur
ailur es Don’t Lik
ailures Likee T
Too Do

Notes for Reference Prospect List

S elling Is Something You Do F

You or
For A Person, Not T
Person, Too A Person

Clients To Follow Up To Do List

F ind Out What A Person W

Person ants, Then Show Them How T
Wants, Too Get It
Ideas I Can Use To Improve My Performance
M issionary and Obsession
We are going to be using two words that are not commonly used in sales:
missionary and obsession. One has a religious connotation and the other is
generally related to something of a negative nature. However, the natural law of
polarity decrees that everything has an opposite. Focus on the positive aspect of
both of these words.

The word “missionary” is generally associated with a religious faith. Most religious
missionaries have very deep-seated convictions with respect to their faith. They
attempt to convert everyone and anyone to their way of thinking about their particular

“A person who is attempting to have their ideas accepted,
adopted or approved.”
Dr. Herb True

If you accept Dr. True’s definition of a salesperson, missionaries would certainly

qualify. Research indicates that many missionaries are obsessed with the idea they
are working with.

They truly believe that what they have is the very best. They are always talking
about the benefits of their idea to anyone who will listen.

Throughout history, many religious missionaries have been persecuted. They

come up against obstacles on a daily basis, insurmountable obstacles, but they seem
to overcome those obstacles and keep on going.

R Rejection fires up their engines.

When a missionary hears the word “No,” they realize they have not caused their
prospect to want what they have. They know they have not explained their idea
effectively. If they had, they would have made the sale.

F orm The Habit Of Doing Things FFailur
ailur es Don’t Lik
ailures Likee T
Too Do

Notes for Reference Prospect List

S elling Is Something You Do F

You or
For A Person, Not T
Person, Too A Person

Clients To Follow Up To Do List

F ind Out What A Person W

Person ants, Then Show Them How T
Wants, Too Get It
Ideas I Can Use To Improve My Performance
T he Paradox
As paradoxical as it may seem, salespeople who earn the large commissions,
are not doing what they do for money. They are in love with what they’re doing,
although they would probably not do it, if they were not earning money! Strange isn’t
it? But, it’s true!

The professional residential real estate agent is aware that most people have a
dream of owning their own special home. The agent’s mission is to find these people
and convince them they can have the home of their dreams. The professional agent
will do everything in their power to help their clients.

There is a story that is told about Ben Feldman, one of the world’s greatest
insurance salespeople. He was speaking to a group of insurance agents at a
conference. When he had finished his speech, a young insurance agent asked the
old pro a question. “Mr. Feldman, why do you keep selling insurance? You’ve
been doing it for years. You’re a multimillionaire, you obviously don’t need the

Mr. Feldman’s answer said it all. He replied, “Don’t you think what we are
doing is important?”

The person selling cars, earning the large income, has actually fallen in love with
cars. They get excited whenever the conversation leads to cars. Watch them. They
are enthused and their enthusiasm is contagious.

These salespeople are on a mission! They are not working. They love what they
do. If you met these salespeople on a social level, they would have you talking about
their product or service. They are convinced their product or service is the best there
is available.

Is There a Mission In Commission?

All professional salespeople have one thing in common: they love
their work. They are hooked on the Mission In Commission!
F orm The Habit Of Doing Things FFailur
ailur es Don’t Lik
ailures Likee T
Too Do

Notes for Reference Prospect List

S elling Is Something You Do F

You or
For A Person, Not T
Person, Too A Person

Clients To Follow Up To Do List

F ind Out What A Person W

Person ants, Then Show Them How T
Wants, Too Get It
Ideas I Can Use To Improve My Performance
Your Mission
Go out every day and convert people to your way of thinking
about your product or service.
Your success will be determined
by the number of conversions you make.

Sell Yourself
Talking to people about what you have is not good enough. You must cause
them to want what you have. You must sell them. However, before you sell them,
you must make certain you have completely sold yourself ... intellectually, emotionally
and physically.

If you sell Cadillacs, don’t drive a Pontiac—drive the top of the line Cadillac. If
you sell real estate, don’t live in rented premises—own a beautiful home. If you sell
made to measure suits, don’t wear a garment off the rack—wear finely tailored clothes.
If you sell insurance, own it, lots of it—make sure you are properly protected.

“Become obsessed with the benefits of your own product or service.”

In 1929, a protestant minister, Lloyd C. Douglas, wrote a best-selling book that

had a dramatic impact on the lives of many people. Mr. Douglas’ book is called:

The Magnificent Obsession

Magnificent 1. Characterized by splendor or grandeur

2. Strikingly beautiful or impressive

Obsession 1. A persistent disturbing preoccupation with an often

unreasonable idea or feeling

Consider how spectacular your life will be and how effective you will be in sales

when you mentally have:

“A persistent disturbing preoccupation with an often

unreasonable idea or feeling, which is characterized by
splendor or grandeur. An idea that is strikingly beautiful
or impressive.”

F orm The Habit Of Doing Things FFailur
ailur es Don’t Lik
ailures Likee T
Too Do

Notes for Reference Prospect List

S elling Is Something You Do F

You or
For A Person, Not T
Person, Too A Person

Clients To Follow Up To Do List

F ind Out What A Person W

Person ants, Then Show Them How T
Wants, Too Get It
Ideas I Can Use To Improve My Performance
Your Product Or Service
Describe what you sell.

Do you own, or have what you sell?


How would a person or organization benefit from the product or service you sell
to them?

Are you obsessed with the idea of making people aware of the benefits of your
product or service?

Yes No

F orm The Habit Of Doing Things FFailur
ailur es Don’t Lik
ailures Likee T
Too Do

Notes for Reference Prospect List

S elling Is Something You Do F

You or
For A Person, Not T
Person, Too A Person

Clients To Follow Up To Do List

F ind Out What A Person W

Person ants, Then Show Them How T
Wants, Too Get It
Ideas I Can Use To Improve My Performance
My Mission










F orm The Habit Of Doing Things FFailur
ailur es Don’t Lik
ailures Likee T
Too Do

Notes for Reference Prospect List

S elling Is Something You Do F

You or
For A Person, Not T
Person, Too A Person

Clients To Follow Up To Do List

F ind Out What A Person W

Person ants, Then Show Them How T
Wants, Too Get It
Ideas I Can Use To Improve My Performance
The Law of Compensation

T The Right Road

To A Bright Future

F orm The Habit Of Doing Things FFailur
ailur es Don’t Lik
ailures Likee T
Too Do

Notes for Reference Prospect List

S elling Is Something You Do F

You or
For A Person, Not T
Person, Too A Person

Clients To Follow Up To Do List

F ind Out What A Person W

Person ants, Then Show Them How T
Wants, Too Get It
Ideas I Can Use To Improve My Performance
Form a Partnership
Confidence and Comfort
This lesson explains the beautiful truth of how and why any commissioned
salesperson can improve their income.

As a commissioned salesperson, the amount of money you earn is governed by

a law that is as exact as the Law of Gravity.

Understanding and compliance with this Law will ensure that large sums of money
will come to you with constant regularity.

The Law of Compensation

The amount of money you earn will always be in exact ratio to:

1. The need for what you do.

2. Your ability to do it.

3. The difficulty there will be to replace you.

Become a Conscious Competent

The proper awareness of how this Law works will help any person improve their
ability to earn more money. There are many people who are doing very well who
have never heard of this Law. Consequently, they have never given any thought to
its use.

These individuals are often referred to as UNCONSCIOUS COMPETENTS.

Regardless of how well they are doing, they could improve their commissions by

F orm The Habit Of Doing Things FFailur
ailur es Don’t Lik
ailures Likee T
Too Do

Notes for Reference Prospect List

S elling Is Something You Do F

You or
For A Person, Not T
Person, Too A Person

Clients To Follow Up To Do List

F ind Out What A Person W

Person ants, Then Show Them How T
Wants, Too Get It
Ideas I Can Use To Improve My Performance
S upply And Demand
When you bring your conscious attention to bear on the Law of Compensation
and each of its parts, you will quickly realize this Law has, as its foundation, the Law
of Supply and Demand.

The demand has always been high

And the supply has always been low


In every company all over the world. Effective salesperson
who is willing to accept as their income exactly what they
are worth, no expenses, no draw, no guarantees.


This is precisely why the commissioned salesperson who has become very
effective at selling a product or service which is in great demand, earns such enormous

F orm The Habit Of Doing Things FFailur
ailur es Don’t Lik
ailures Likee T
Too Do

Notes for Reference Prospect List

S elling Is Something You Do F

You or
For A Person, Not T
Person, Too A Person

Clients To Follow Up To Do List

F ind Out What A Person W

Person ants, Then Show Them How T
Wants, Too Get It
Ideas I Can Use To Improve My Performance
Part One
The Need For What You Do

F orm The Habit Of Doing Things FFailur
ailur es Don’t Lik
ailures Likee T
Too Do

Notes for Reference Prospect List

S elling Is Something You Do F

You or
For A Person, Not T
Person, Too A Person

Clients To Follow Up To Do List

F ind Out What A Person W

Person ants, Then Show Them How T
Wants, Too Get It
Ideas I Can Use To Improve My Performance
Part 1: The Need For What You Do
The first part of the Law of Compensation generally takes care of itself. It is only
on a rare occasion that a person must leave the field they are presently in to earn the
amount of money they want.

1. The need for what you do.

You have the potential to earn more money selling:

Cars and Cookies

Real Estate than Radios

Insurance than Insulation

However, there are many salespeople earning more money selling:

Cookies than Cars

Radios than Real Estate

Insulation than Insurance

... simply because they understand and apply part two of the Law of Compensation.

F orm The Habit Of Doing Things FFailur
ailur es Don’t Lik
ailures Likee T
Too Do

Notes for Reference Prospect List

S elling Is Something You Do F

You or
For A Person, Not T
Person, Too A Person

Clients To Follow Up To Do List

F ind Out What A Person W

Person ants, Then Show Them How T
Wants, Too Get It
Ideas I Can Use To Improve My Performance
Part Two
Your Ability to Do It

F orm The Habit Of Doing Things FFailur
ailur es Don’t Lik
ailures Likee T
Too Do

Notes for Reference Prospect List

S elling Is Something You Do F

You or
For A Person, Not T
Person, Too A Person

Clients To Follow Up To Do List

F ind Out What A Person W

Person ants, Then Show Them How T
Wants, Too Get It
Ideas I Can Use To Improve My Performance
Part 2: Your Ability To Do It
This second part of the Law of Compensation, if dealt with honestly, will raise
your commissions faster and higher than any other factor. It is the magic key to
wealth for any salesperson. Understanding and application of Part 2 of this Law will
move you from a life of comfort to one of luxury.

2. Your Ability To Do It

How effective are you at selling your product or service?

Make believe you are your boss and write a performance report on yourself that
is to be given to a senior executive. Take into consideration the following:

Attitude • Selling Skills • Management of Time

Team Player • Enthusiasm • Appearance



Team Player





Selling Skills


Time Management




F orm The Habit Of Doing Things FFailur
ailur es Don’t Lik
ailures Likee T
Too Do

Notes for Reference Prospect List

S elling Is Something You Do F

You or
For A Person, Not T
Person, Too A Person

Clients To Follow Up To Do List

F ind Out What A Person W

Person ants, Then Show Them How T
Wants, Too Get It
Ideas I Can Use To Improve My Performance
Know Where You are:
A Personal Evaluation

T The Right Road

To A Bright Future

F orm The Habit Of Doing Things FFailur
ailur es Don’t Lik
ailures Likee T
Too Do

Notes for Reference Prospect List

S elling Is Something You Do F

You or
For A Person, Not T
Person, Too A Person

Clients To Follow Up To Do List

F ind Out What A Person W

Person ants, Then Show Them How T
Wants, Too Get It
Ideas I Can Use To Improve My Performance
P ersonal Appearance
You never get a second chance to make a first impression. A prospect will
generally see you before they hear or touch you.

Who are three of the best dressed salespeople you know?

1. 2. 3.

How important do you consider a salesperson's appearance to be?

Extremely Important Very Important Important Not Important

Do you think a salesperson should consult a professional about their personal


Yes No

Have you ever had a consultant assist you with your appearance?

Yes No If no, do you think you should? Yes No

Where do you think the three best salespeople you know would score you on
your appearance on a scale of 1 to 10? (Mark with an X)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Poorly Dressed Very Well Dressed

Where would you like them to score you? (mark with an O)

Would you dress differently if your income was in six figures?

Yes No

Do you think you should dress like the salesperson you want to become?

Yes No


F orm The Habit Of Doing Things FFailur
ailur es Don’t Lik
ailures Likee T
Too Do

Notes for Reference Prospect List

S elling Is Something You Do F

You or
For A Person, Not T
Person, Too A Person

Clients To Follow Up To Do List

F ind Out What A Person W

Person ants, Then Show Them How T
Wants, Too Get It
Ideas I Can Use To Improve My Performance
P ersonal Evaluation
Answer the following questions with all the honesty you can muster. Dig deep
into your feelings and find out what your attitudes are. Keep in mind, your answer is
neither good nor bad, it just IS.

1. Why did you decide to become a salesperson?


2. How many different sales positions have you had?


3. How long have you been selling what you are presently selling?

4. What are your greatest strengths as a salesperson?


5. What are your greatest weaknesses as a salesperson?


6. Who is the most effective salesperson you know?


7. What do you admire most in the personality of this salesperson?


K KNOW Where You Are Going

F orm The Habit Of Doing Things FFailur
ailur es Don’t Lik
ailures Likee T
Too Do

Notes for Reference Prospect List

S elling Is Something You Do F

You or
For A Person, Not T
Person, Too A Person

Clients To Follow Up To Do List

F ind Out What A Person W

Person ants, Then Show Them How T
Wants, Too Get It
Ideas I Can Use To Improve My Performance
K now Where You Are
On a score of 1 to 10, how committed are you to your business?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Not Committed Totally Committed

How do you feel your sales associates would describe you as a salesperson?

Very Professional Good Fair Not Good

Imagine that a team of professional sales executives evaluated you and your
past sales performance. They rated you on a score of 1 to 10 and placed the score
in the box marked "A." 1 being low and 10 being high. How do you think they would
mark you?
“A” “B”
Sales Presentation


Obtaining Referrals

Product Knowledge

Closing Ability


Self Image

Personal Appearance

Time Management

Number of Presentations per Day

Consistency of Production

In the box marked "B," place the number you feel will reflect the
improved you.
F orm The Habit Of Doing Things FFailur
ailur es Don’t Lik
ailures Likee T
Too Do

Notes for Reference Prospect List

S elling Is Something You Do F

You or
For A Person, Not T
Person, Too A Person

Clients To Follow Up To Do List

F ind Out What A Person W

Person ants, Then Show Them How T
Wants, Too Get It
Ideas I Can Use To Improve My Performance
You Make The Difference
1. Do you allocate a specific portion of your income for our own research and
development? If so, how much?
Yes No How Much $

2. Describe what you are presently doing to improve your ability to sell whatever
you are selling? Be specific.

Commit to two activities that will improve your ability to sell your product or
service. (Listening to cassettes, attending seminars, reading books, etc.)

3. Do you simulate (not practice) your sales presentation regularly?

Yes No

Make a decision right now to begin simulating your sales presentation for a
minimum of fifteen minutes every day for ninety days. It is best if you work with
an associate whose desire to improve is as great as your own.

I will simulate my sales presentation with

(Associate’s Name) (Date)

every business day for days.

If you are alone, you can simulate with an imaginary

prospect. The more effort and emotion you put into this
exercise, the faster you will improve your effectiveness.
F orm The Habit Of Doing Things FFailur
ailur es Don’t Lik
ailures Likee T
Too Do

Notes for Reference Prospect List

S elling Is Something You Do F

You or
For A Person, Not T
Person, Too A Person

Clients To Follow Up To Do List

F ind Out What A Person W

Person ants, Then Show Them How T
Wants, Too Get It
Ideas I Can Use To Improve My Performance
YOfou Your
Are A Product
Your environment can have a tremendous effect on your commissions.

Record the names and approximate incomes of six people from your industry
with whom you frequently associate.
Associate’s Name Approximate

1. _____________________________________________________ $ _____________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________ $ __________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________ $ _________________________________________________
4. __________________________________________________ $ __________________________________________________
5. ________________________________________________ $ ________________________________________________
6. _________________________________________________ $ _________________________________________________

Are any of the above salespeople earning more than you or are they
demonstrating, by results, that they know what you must learn? Who?

1. _____________________________________________________

2. __________________________________________________

3. _________________________________________________

4. __________________________________________________

How much time do you spend with them?

1. _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________
How could you spend more time with them?

F orm The Habit Of Doing Things FFailur
ailur es Don’t Lik
ailures Likee T
Too Do

Notes for Reference Prospect List

S elling Is Something You Do F

You or
For A Person, Not T
Person, Too A Person

Clients To Follow Up To Do List

F ind Out What A Person W

Person ants, Then Show Them How T
Wants, Too Get It
Ideas I Can Use To Improve My Performance
Who in your industry do you respect and admire because of the sales results and
success they achieve? Name six. (You do not have to know them personally.)

1. _____________________________________________________ 4. _____________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________ 5. __________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________ 6. _________________________________________________

Have you ever gone to any of them for advice or guidance with a well-prepared
list of questions?
Yes No

Set a date to meet with at least two of these people some time within the next 30

I will have an appointment by (date) with:

1. _____________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________

These are questions I will ask them:

1. Who ________________________________________________________________________
2. What _____________________________________________________________________
3. When _________________________________________________________________________
4. Where _________________________________________________________________________
5. Why _________________________________________________________________________
6. How _________________________________________________________________________

(Make certain you send a thank you note for their time and assistance.
After you follow their advice, inform them of the positive results you have
accomplished and thank them again. Give them credit wherever and
whenever possible.)
F orm The Habit Of Doing Things FFailur
ailur es Don’t Lik
ailures Likee T
Too Do

Notes for Reference Prospect List

S elling Is Something You Do F

You or
For A Person, Not T
Person, Too A Person

Clients To Follow Up To Do List

F ind Out What A Person W

Person ants, Then Show Them How T
Wants, Too Get It
Ideas I Can Use To Improve My Performance
Part Three
The Difficulty There Will Be
To Replace You

F orm The Habit Of Doing Things FFailur
ailur es Don’t Lik
ailures Likee T
Too Do

Notes for Reference Prospect List

S elling Is Something You Do F

You or
For A Person, Not T
Person, Too A Person

Clients To Follow Up To Do List

F ind Out What A Person W

Person ants, Then Show Them How T
Wants, Too Get It
Ideas I Can Use To Improve My Performance
P art Three:
The Difficulty There Will Be
To Replace You

When you look after the second part of the Law of Compensation, the third part
will take care of itself.

3. The difficulty there will be to replace you.

As a salesperson, how difficult would it be for your company to find a salesperson

who could sell as much as you have been selling?

Very Difficult Fairly Difficult Not Difficult

A mateurs Compete With People.

P rofessionals Compete With Themselves.

F orm The Habit Of Doing Things FFailur
ailur es Don’t Lik
ailures Likee T
Too Do

Notes for Reference Prospect List

S elling Is Something You Do F

You or
For A Person, Not T
Person, Too A Person

Clients To Follow Up To Do List

F ind Out What A Person W

Person ants, Then Show Them How T
Wants, Too Get It
Ideas I Can Use To Improve My Performance
A Six Figure Commission

Y You Can
Sell Yourself Rich

F orm The Habit Of Doing Things FFailur
ailur es Don’t Lik
ailures Likee T
Too Do

Notes for Reference Prospect List

S elling Is Something You Do F

You or
For A Person, Not T
Person, Too A Person

Clients To Follow Up To Do List

F ind Out What A Person W

Person ants, Then Show Them How T
Wants, Too Get It
Ideas I Can Use To Improve My Performance
My Commission

F orm The Habit Of Doing Things FFailur
ailur es Don’t Lik
ailures Likee T
Too Do

Notes for Reference Prospect List

S elling Is Something You Do F

You or
For A Person, Not T
Person, Too A Person

Clients To Follow Up To Do List

F ind Out What A Person W

Person ants, Then Show Them How T
Wants, Too Get It
Ideas I Can Use To Improve My Performance
"Let us not look back in anger,
nor forward in fear,
but around us in awareness."
Leland Val Van De Wall

Do not permit old conditioning to prevent you from becoming everything you are
capable of becoming, or from earning the commissions you choose to earn.








"Every conflict is a set of opposing ideas.

All of us have had the feeling;
knowing what we should do on the one hand,
and doing what we feel like doing on the other.
By understanding the two opposing forces warring within us,
we come to a knowledge of the truth:
we no longer remain slaves.
A clear understanding will make us masters."
Wynn Davis
F orm The Habit Of Doing Things FFailur
ailur es Don’t Lik
ailures Likee T
Too Do

Notes for Reference Prospect List

S elling Is Something You Do F

You or
For A Person, Not T
Person, Too A Person

Clients To Follow Up To Do List

F ind Out What A Person W

Person ants, Then Show Them How T
Wants, Too Get It
Ideas I Can Use To Improve My Performance
R educe It To The Ridiculous
By reducing your six-figure income to the ridiculous, you will make it easy for
your conditioned sub-conscious mind to accept.

Commissions I will earn over the next year $

Decide on the number of months you have chosen to work, then divide your
annual commissions by that number. (Leave yourself time to enjoy your wealth.)

Commissions I will earn each month $

Now, reduce this figure to an even smaller amount. Each week will be divided
into two units.

Unit 1: Monday through Wednesday

Unit 2: Thursday through Sunday

There will be eight units in each month. Divide your monthly commission by

Commissions I will earn each unit $


To make certain you earn your six figure income, it is absolutely essential that all
of your conscious attention be focussed on the cause of earning the commission you

New Habits
Choose three activities, any one of which you know would guarantee you the
commissions necessary to reach your unit objective. These would be activities you
may be periodically involved with, but definitely are not habits.

1. ____________________________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________________________

“The Law of Cause and Effect is the Law of Laws.”

George Bernard Shaw
F orm The Habit Of Doing Things FFailur
ailur es Don’t Lik
ailures Likee T
Too Do

Notes for Reference Prospect List

S elling Is Something You Do F

You or
For A Person, Not T
Person, Too A Person

Clients To Follow Up To Do List

F ind Out What A Person W

Person ants, Then Show Them How T
Wants, Too Get It
Ideas I Can Use To Improve My Performance
T he Difference Between
Comfort And Luxury
Hard work and honesty alone have never made a person wealthy. Clear thinking,
good habits and dedicated service will make the difference for you. Choose two of
the three activities you wrote on the previous page and make an irrevocable
commitment to do both of these activities until they are deeply rooted habits.



F ocus On What You Do

“Words are words, explanations are explanations, promises are promises.
But, performance is reality. Performance alone is the best measure
of your confidence, competence and courage.
Only performance gives you the freedom to grow as yourself.”

Paul K. Marchand
Insurance Salesperson

Mentally prepare to make a commitment that you will personally hand to your
sales manager within the next 48 hours.

F orm The Habit Of Doing Things FFailur
ailur es Don’t Lik
ailures Likee T
Too Do

Notes for Reference Prospect List

S elling Is Something You Do F

You or
For A Person, Not T
Person, Too A Person

Clients To Follow Up To Do List

F ind Out What A Person W

Person ants, Then Show Them How T
Wants, Too Get It
Ideas I Can Use To Improve My Performance
My Signature
Sign Above

F orm The Habit Of Doing Things FFailur
ailur es Don’t Lik
ailures Likee T
Too Do

Notes for Reference Prospect List

S elling Is Something You Do F

You or
For A Person, Not T
Person, Too A Person

Clients To Follow Up To Do List

F ind Out What A Person W

Person ants, Then Show Them How T
Wants, Too Get It
Ideas I Can Use To Improve My Performance
“Are you in earnest? Seize this very minute;
what you can do, or dream you can do, begin it!
Boldness has genius, power and magic in it;
only engage and then the mind grows heated;
begin and then the work will be completed.”


I have made an irrevocable decision to earn a six figure

income. Please accept this as my commitment to myself and to
you, that beginning immediately, I will do whatever is required to
turn the activities outlined below into habits.

1. ____________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________

These activities will help me earn

over the next 12 months.

I am fully aware that commissions are

an effect and my selling habits are the cause
of my commissions. If, at any time, you
notice my performance slipping, please show
me this signed document to remind me that
my commitment to you is at stake. I want to
thank you, in advance, for your support and
assistance in helping me reach this goal.

Signature Ink


F orm The Habit Of Doing Things FFailur
ailur es Don’t Lik
ailures Likee T
Too Do

Notes for Reference Prospect List

S elling Is Something You Do F

You or
For A Person, Not T
Person, Too A Person

Clients To Follow Up To Do List

F ind Out What A Person W

Person ants, Then Show Them How T
Wants, Too Get It
Ideas I Can Use To Improve My Performance
My Mission

My Commission

Over the next 12 months I am committed to do

whatever is required to provide honest,
excellent service worth (fill in the amount above)

My Signature

My good name will only mean something to

others when it means something to me. My
signature represents my irrevocable decision to
live up to the commitments I have made and to
what is written on this page.

F orm The Habit Of Doing Things FFailur
ailur es Don’t Lik
ailures Likee T
Too Do

Notes for Reference Prospect List

S elling Is Something You Do F

You or
For A Person, Not T
Person, Too A Person

Clients To Follow Up To Do List

F ind Out What A Person W

Person ants, Then Show Them How T
Wants, Too Get It
Ideas I Can Use To Improve My Performance
F orm The Habit Of Doing Things FFailur
ailur es Don’t Lik
ailures Likee T
Too Do

Notes for Reference Prospect List

S elling Is Something You Do F

You or
For A Person, Not T
Person, Too A Person

Clients To Follow Up To Do List

F ind Out What A Person W

Person ants, Then Show Them How T
Wants, Too Get It
Ideas I Can Use To Improve My Performance

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