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Name group : 5

1. Deasy Miranti D
2. Feliks Oktapianus
3. Saftian S.R
4. Sahril Sabirin
5. Solehun

1. Triassic nephrotic syndrome is ...

a. Proteinuria, edema, hyperalbuminemia

b. Diabetes mellitus, pitting edema, hyperalbuminemia

c. Proteinuria, edema, hypoalbuminemia

d. Edema, hyperalbuminemia, hyperlipidemia

e. Hyperlipidemia, hyperalbuminemia, edema


2. Management in patients with nephrotic syndrome is:

a. Bed rest for several days

b. Low sodium diet to reduce edema

c. Antihypertensive administration to reduce blood pressure

d. Antidiuretic administration to remove fluid that is held at CES


3. A 3-year-old male child was discharged at the hospital with complaints of swelling in the area of
the eyelids, the doctor stated that the child had nephrotic syndrome. At the time of the study the
nurse found the child's eyes closed because of edema of the eyelids and the attached eyebrows.
What priority actions can be taken on the child?

A. Apply eye ointment as indicated.

B. Wipe the eyes with warm water.

C. Assess albumin levels.

D. Give lotion.

E. Give eye drops.

4. Bro. A 14-year-old girl came to the emergency department of the RSUD with complaints of red
blood pressure like blood, then the BAK was only a little later when urinalysis was obtained
proteinuria 4.0 grams / dl. what is the nursing problem?

A. Changes in elimination of Alvi

B. Risk of fluid and electrolyte volume deficiency

C. Changes in urine elimination

D. Body image disorders


5. An. H 3 years old by his mother was taken to the RSD Hospital to check for edema of the face
(periorbita) then edema of the stomach, and legs, then the condition was weak, dry mucous
membranes, bad skin turgor and vomiting when in the ED. What is the priority nursing problem?

A. Nutrition is less than the body's needs

B. Excess fluid volume

C. Lack of fluid and electrolyte volume

D. Body image disorders


6. What are the signs and symptoms of nifrotic syndrome?

A. Edema of the face (periorbita), abdominal ascites, limb edema, and pretibial edema, little BAK

B. Flat stomach, red limbs, Mongoloid face, polyuria

C. Poliphagi, polidipsi, BB decline, Polyuria

D. Waist pain, edema of pretibia, polyuria


7. The main nifrotic syndrome for diagnostic examination is?

A. Laboratory examination and kidney biopsy

B. Rongten Photo

C. Ultrasound

D. Tissue culture

Bro The 15-year-old hospitalization at the RSUD with a weak general condition then complained of
nausea and vomiting and no appetite. Then for the medical diagnosis is nifrotic syndrome, then for
self-planning what is done for nursing?

A. Give plenty of food every meal

B. Encourage eating a little but often with preferred food according to diit

C. Suggest eating 3 times a day

D. Encourage high-fiber meals


9. Ms. D, at the age of 14, came to the emergency department of the RSUD with complaints on his
face, especially under the eyelids, swollen stomach, and swollen legs. What nursing problems are
the priorities in the case?

A. Nutritional deficiency from body needs

B. Body image disorder

C. Risk of lack of fluid volume

D. Risk of injury


10. A child aged 7 years was taken to the emergency department of the RSUD with complaints of
swelling throughout the body. From the results of the study, nurses found BB data before getting
sick at 22 kg and during the assessment of 31 kg edema, little BAK, shortness of breath RR 30x /
minute. Laboratory results found proteinuria, hypercholesterolemia. The main priority in the
implementation of nursing An. D is?

A. Rest until edema is low

B. Give high diit protein

C. Give a cushion to the heel

D. Lay the patient half-seated


11. A 17-year-old woman came to the ER with a complaint of general weakness, red spots all over
the body, fever, red eyes and swollen eyelids, chapped lips peeled from 5 days ago, only red and
itchy patches . Possible diagnosis!

a. Steven Johnson syndrome

b. "rhythm multiforme minor

c. toxic epidermal hydrolysis

d. Staphyloccal scald skinsyndrome


12. An old man '(years of experience rash, blisters) on the mouth, eyes, ears, noseh, swelling of the
eyelids accompanied by persistent fever like flu symptoms after receiving analgesic injection
therapy) metamizole. Doctors diagnose patients with Steven son Johnson syndrome. Imun The
immunological mechanism underlying this disease ist

a. Hypersensiti and itas type 1 and 2

b. Hipersensitivity type 1 and 3

c. Hipersensiti type 2 and 4

d. Hipersensiti type 4 and 2

e. Type III and IV hypersensitivity


13. 22 year old men come to Rs Dr. Soedono with complaints of red spots all over the body and
itching, red eyes and swollen eyelids, chapped lips peeled 5 days ago. Dermatological status was
obtained by subepidermal bullae, presence of epidermal cell necrosis, lymphocyte infiltration in the
perivascular area. Supporting investigation !

a. Skin Biopsy

b. Immunological

c. Coloring of BTA

d. Grame staining

e. Methylene blue coloring


14. A 4-year-old girl cannot eat for two days due to gastro-intestinal disease. From the answers
below, which one is the main source of energy that will be oxidized in the skeletal muscle of the

A) Creatine muscle phosphate

B) Muscle glycogen

C) Triglycerides of muscles

D) Serum fatty acids

E) Serum glucose


15. Her 13-year-old daughter was taken by her mother to the polyclinic with complaints of body heat
continuously since 3 days. Next px?

a. RL test


c.Darah routine

d. throat throat



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