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TITIN NA’AFIAH / HI 4 / M – W / 19.00 – 21.

00 / 301

The Benefits of Classical Music

What kind of music do you like to listen? Nowadays, there are many types of music
one of them is classical music. Based on Wikipedia, classical music is art music
produced or rooted in the traditions of Western music, including both liturgical
(religious) and secular music. While a more accurate term is also used to refer to the
period from 1750 to 1820 (the Classical period). Hayden, Mozart, and Beethoven
were the three brilliant minds that are famous in the classical music period. In the
19th and 20th century's classical music was extremely popular. Nowadays, people
seem to have forgotten classical music completely. The most common excuse they
do not like classical music are boring, sleep provoking, and outdated. Classical music
is probably the least listened-to type of music among us and our friends. The top
downloaded music today includes music like pop, rock, jazz or rap but no Mozart,
Beethoven, Vivaldi or Wagner. It means classical music is now enjoyed by only few
people in the world. However, if we know listening to classical music can give us
some amazing benefits, we will start to enjoy it. An Edinburgh University study of
over 36,000 music fans worldwide found that along with heavy metal listeners,
surprisingly classical music listeners tended to be more creative than other people.
Moreover The English conductor Sir Thomas Beecham once said that if everyone
would start the morning with 15 minutes Mozart, earth will be a much more beautiful
place to live. Both of these studies prove that listening to classical music is extremely
beneficial for human’s life. Listening to classical music will give us some benefits; it
makes our brain work better, Improves our sleeping quality, and reduces stress.

First, listening to classical music makes our brain work better. There is something
called the “Mozart Effect,” which made many people believe that listening to music,
particularly classical music, makes us smarter. The “Mozart Effect “is a theory first
popularized by Dr. Alfred A. Tomatis in 1991, which links classical music to brain
stimulus and improves neurological function. Baroque’s and Mozart’s music, which
have a 60 beat per minute beat pattern, activate both the left and right sides of brain
at the same time. The stimulation of the brain can maximize learning abilities and
improves memory. The stimulation between both sides of brain causes better
communication between the left and right sides of brain, which makes the brain will
be more capable in processing information. Similarly, the University of Southern
California also examined research on the relationship between classical music and
enhanced learning productivity and found that having classical music playing in the
background while studying allowed students to absorb information more efficiently. It
happens because classical music is generally viewed as the best to be listened to
while studying which has a steady pulse and it is not too loud, which makes our brain
more focus on what we are learning about. It means listening to classical music can
help us maximize our brains work. Some of classical music which is well known can
make our brain work better are Mozart K 488 and J.S Bach 1998.

Second, listening to classical music can improve our sleeping quality. If we wake up
feel exhausted after a full night’s sleep, it is a sign we do not sleep well. Listening to
classical music is greatly effective for people who suffer from insomnia and other
sleeping disorders. The benefits may not happen overnight, it needs time about three
weeks to see the improvement. The slow classical music which has tranquil melodies
is the best choice to take us to bed. Classical music has the power to slow our heart
rate and our breath, lower our blood pressure, and it may even trigger our muscles to
relax. These biological changes allowing us to sleep better, making classical music is
the perfect preparation for restorative slumber. Psychologist, Laszlo Harmat gathered
together 90 students with sleeping problems. One group was given relaxing classical
music to listen to at bedtime, the second group was supplied with an audiobook, and
the third received nothing. Those with the music or audiobooks were asked to play
them every night for 45 minutes just before they went to bed. After three weeks, 27 of
the 30 students in the classical music-listening group were transformed into good
sleepers. They fall asleep faster, sleep longer, wake up less during the night, and
rate their nights as more restful than when they do not listen to classical music.
Listening to audiobooks helped far fewer people only nine out of 30 became good
sleepers. So, if we want to have a better sleeping quality, we should play classical
music at least 45 minutes before we go to sleep. Moonlight Sonata mvt.1 and
Chopin - Nocturne op.9 No.2 are some relaxing classical music which are we can try
to listen before bed time.

Third, listening to classical music can reduce stress. Everyone must have problems
in their life either about school, family, love, or others. Mostly, those problems make
us very stressed if we can not resolve it immediately. Stress can happen due to the
increase of cortisol hormone which also called stress hormone in our body. Listening
to classical music especially slow classical music can help reduce stress by lowering
cortisol levels in our body. A study conducted at Kaohsiung Medical University in
Taiwan discovered that pregnant women who listened to classical music showed
signs of reduced stress and depression throughout their pregnancies. Similarly,
studies have found that listening to classical music has the same psychological effect
with a massage, because it can help increase dopamine secretion, which activates
the brain’s pleasure center. Listening to classical music gives us tranquility, feeling of
relief and also makes us feel relaxed. Because of our body is relaxed, we can slowly
think how to solve our problem. So due to classical music makes us feel good,
depression naturally fades away, making classical music a powerful anti-depressant
as well. If we feel anxious, sad, or out of control, we should take a few minutes to
stop for a little while and listen to classical music, such as Canon in D The Elegance
of Pachelbel and Raindrops by Chopin.

To sum up, listening to classical music gives many advantages for us such as
boosting our brain work, increasing our sleeping quality and reducing stress.
Listening to classical music while studying is an effective way to make us more
concentrate on what we are learning and it is easier for us to absorb the lesson.
Furthermore, listening to classical music before we go to bed, helps our body relax
and can help us to get a better night sleep. The soft instrumental sounds of classical
music are able to carry away the tensions of the day due to it can reduce the amount
of stress hormone in our body. Based on the explanation above, it is proven that
listening to classical music is extremely beneficial for our life. So, we should give it a
try to listen to classical music, because it gives us many benefits.

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