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The uniqueness of Lagoon of Laguna Ocean Beach as Potential Geotourism in Indonesia.

Author and affiliation with Times New Roman aligned center, font 10 pt, number format 1,2, etc after
author last name. Affiliation is given after name of author and co-author accord with the number.

Abstract - Laguna Samudera Beach is located in Merpas, Sub district of Nasal, Kaur regency of Bengkulu
Province with coordinate S04o 54 '53 "E 103o 32'7". This area has the potential to attract Geotourism.
Laguna Samudera Beach has a unique morphological form of the lagoon coral. According to Van Zuidam
(1985), Laguna Samudera beach consists of three shapes, which are; beaches (M3); Coral reef (M13);
and Lagoons (M17). Laguna reef in calm waters are surrounded by coral reefs. Coral population may
develop as eligible for coral growth that is morphologically flat and has a low depth of sea water. While,
According to Mater and Bannet (1984), in the Pleistocene the occurrence of "Tectonic Subsidence"
which is caused by volcanic eruptions and sea level fluctuations due to changes in ice mass to
respondents. It results in the variations of ocean depths so that the growth of coral can be rateably. The
coral reefs that surrounds the beach plays a major barrier to the waves of the Indian Ocean, so that, the
beach is quite safe. The method of this research is Laguna Beach. Spread shores of coral reefs and
marine life that can be observed are the attractions of Laguna Samudera Beach. The Access to this
Beach is easily accessible, addition, common facilities such as: restaurant, rooms, lodging, parking, and
an interesting photo spot.
Key word: Lagoon, barrier reef, Morfology, Geotourism, access

Copyright PIT IAGI - 2018. All right reserved


According to the 2008 UN correction, Indonesia is a country that has the fourth longest coastal area in
the world. Indonesia has a good marine tourism potential. Beaches in Indonesia have a unique diversity,
the other one is Laguna Samudera Beach. Laguna Samudera Beach is administratively located in Merpas
Village, Kecamaan Nasal, Kauren Regency, Bengkulu Province with coordinates S040 54 '53 "E 1030
32'7". Laguna Samudera Beach has a very beautiful coral lagoon. This can be used as a geotourism
potential and can grow the economy for the people around it.

The coastal Laguna Samudera beach is surrounded by coral reefs. This is due to the relatively shallow
depth, so that sunlight can enter the sea and cause temperature to raise up and supply of sufficient
food. This situation causes coral reefs to develop optimally. The existence of coral lagoons in this area is
due to the "Tectonic Subsidence" phase. According to Mater and Bannet (1984) during the Pleistocene
period, "Tectonic Subsudence" occurred due to volcanic eruptions and sea level fluctuations caused by
changes in ice mass to Resen, this resulted in variations in sea depth so that coral growth could be
Laguna Samuera Beach borders the Indian Ocean. The Kaang Lagoon causes large waves from the Indian
Ocean to shrink in frequency until the shore. Therefore, Laguna Samudera Beach is safe for tourists. The
beauty of coral reefs that are a barrier is the aesthetic value of Laguna Samudera Beach.

The observation method used is image interpretation. The results of image interpretation will be made
into a reference map of landforms and models from Laguna Samudera Beach. Making a landform map
based on Van Zuidam, 1985. In addition, it refers to references from Hazer, et all (2006) to see the value
of tourist suitability.


Observation of the image in the area can be seen in Figure 1. The Laguna Samudera beach is
surrounded by a barrier containing a vast reef. Image data can be used to see aspects of the
coastal morphology.

Satellite imaging illustrates the condition of the Laguna Ocean Beach which is surrounded by
coral, so the wave energy will shrink if it reaches the shore. If the sea level recedes, the coral
lagoon cluster can be observed clearly. This event is a good tourist value to attract tourists.

Image observation is one of the references in making a landform map of Laguna Samudera Beach. The
following is the Laguna Samudera Beach’s landform map.
Image observation is one of the references in making a landform map of Laguna Samudera
Beach. Division of land form classification using Van Zuidam (1985). Classification of land
forms from Laguna Samudera Beach consists of beaches (M3); CORAL REEFS (M13); and
Lagoons (M17).

The beach is a geographical form consisting of sand, and is found in coastal areas of the sea. The
coastal area is the boundary between land and sea waters. The length of the coastline is measured
around the entire coast which is a territorial area of a country.
a set of salt water separated from the sea by a barrier in the form of sand, rock or the like. So, the
water that is isolated behind the coral cluster (barrier reef) or islands or inside the atoll is called a

The following is an overview of Laguna Samudera Beach during high tides and low tides. At high tide the
sea level covers the coral lagoon. While at low tide, the coral lagoon looks very clear.

Suitability also becomes a benchmark for a place to travel. Hhazer, et all (2006) conducted
research on the suitability of Laguna Samudera Beach to become a coastal tourism area. The
following results of the analysis can be seen in Table 1
Table 1. Results of Analysis of Suitability of Beach Tourism
The Parameter used is depth data, water material, Current velocity, water velocity, beach type,
coastal land cover, and distance of fresh water availability. Based on the results of the analysis of
the suitability analysis of tourist sites on the Laguna coast, the value of 85.3% was obtained. This
means, Laguna Beach is good (very suitable) developed for beach tourism.

Laguna Smudera Beach is directly adjacent to the Indian Ocean, but surrounded by a beautiful
coral lagoon. Coral lagoon causes energy levels from waves to be reduced due to the presence of
coral reefs. Beach tourism suitability is also very good, numerally 85.3% (Hazre, et al, 2006).
This uniqueness can be expected to be a place for geological tourism. Not only beauty, but the
story of the geological formation of lagoon beaches can be used as an attraction and educational
purpsoses. In addition, road access to Laguna Samudera Beach is easy to reach because it is
located not far from the edge of the road and facilities at Laguna Samudera Beach are also
adequate, including restaurants, prayer rooms, lodging, parking lots and interesting photo spots.
The potential for developing Laguna Samudera Beach tourism can improve the economy of the
surrounding residents.


Thank You to the Gift of God Almighty, a colleague who has helped in working on this paper and
guidance from Ms. Elisabeth Dwi Mayasari., S.T., MT.

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