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NAME: (OPTIONAL) __________________________________ DATE: __________________________

DEGREE :__________________________________________ YEAR LEVEL: ____________________

Direction: Please fill out the following with right and true information. Write the letter of your answer on
the space before each number.


___1. Symptoms of ADHD change at different stages of life. Which statement is not true?
a. Young children with ADHD exhibit excessive gross-motor activity.
b. Elementary-age children with ADHD may be extremely restless and fidgety.
c. For adolescents with ADHD, hyperactivity may diminish, but other symptoms may
d. Adults with ADHD have organizational problems, social relationship difficulties, and job

___2. ADHD is a chronic neurological condition characterized by inattention, impulsivity and

hyperactivity. Which of the following is a symptom of inattention?
a. not listening
b. blurting out answers before questions are completed
c. fidgeting and squirming in one’s seat
d. having problems in understanding words or concepts

___3. Symptoms of ADHD may change as a person gets older. Which of the following is a
symptom of ADHD found among adults?
a. chronic lateness and forgetfulness c. does not stay seated
b. improved concentrating when reading d. anger management

___4. Which of the following is a possible cause of ADHD?

a. heredity c. toxins
b. a brain injury d. all of the above

___5. There are several distinct but interrelated phases of attention. Which of the following is
Not true?
a. Coming to attention requires students to be alert, steady, and motivated for the lesson.
b. Focusing attention requires vigilance and develops an interest to the problems to be
c. Sustaining attention requires students to concentrate for an extended period of time.
d. There is no correct answer to the question.
___6. The following are the symptoms of ADHD in early childhood except:
a. difficulty in paying attention c. excessive activity level
b. excessive fidgeting d. difficulty in playing quietly

___7. The following are the times when aggressiveness of an ADHD occurs except one:
a. during low structure c. during difficult task
b. when entering your groups d. when dismissal comes

___8. Which is assessment is best for assessing interpersonal problems, inappropriate

behaviors and feelings, depression and physical symptoms and fear?
a. behavior rating scale c. behavioral observation
b. self-concept inventories d. ADHD checklist

___9. Which professional below is responsible for assessment and diagnosis of Attention
Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder?
a. Psychologists c. Psychiatrists
b. Surgeons d. Physicians

___10. Signs of hyperactivity may indicate that a toddler has ADHD. Which is not true?
a. being overly fidgety and squirming c. having an ability to sit still
b. thinking and behaving flexibility d. taking and making noise excessively

___11. Medical classification system for ADHD includes

a. a persistent pattern of inattention and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity
b. several inattentive or hyperactive-impulsive symptoms present prior to age 12 years
c. symptoms occur exclusively during the course of schizophrenia or another psychotic
disorder, and are not better explain by another mental disorder
d. Both A and B

___12. A person who seems to move about constantly, fidget excessively, tap or talk is
described as:
a. Impulsivity c. Hyperactivity
b. Disruptive d. Inattention

___13. Symptoms of ADHD fall into the following categories except one:
a. Inattention c. Impulsivity
b. Defiance d. Hyperactivity

___14. Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) is a childhood disorder also known as:
a. Hypokinetic Disorder c. Hyperactivity Disorder
b. Inattention Disorder d. Hyperkinetic Disorder
___15. An academic difficulty related to ADHD where the child is poor in spelling, use of capital
letter, and poor in editing written work is also known as:
a. Writing difficulty c. Reading difficulty
b. Math difficulty d. Spelling difficulty

___16. A symptom of ADHD that makes a person unable to think before they act describe as:
a. Hyperactivity c. Inattention
b. Impulsivity d. Unorganized Behavior

___17. Which of the following is not classified as problem relating to poor attention?
a. A child is easily distracted c. The child is dislikes task involving mental effort
b. The child finds it difficult to wait for his turn d. The child appears routinely forgetful.

___18. Jose blurts out the answer before the question has been completed. This is a symptom
of ________.
a. Impulsivity c. Hyperactivity
b. Inattention d. None of the above

___19. ADHD affects ________.

a. Children and teens c. Teens only
b. Children only d. None of the above

___20. ADHD is more common in?

a. Boys c. Boys and girls
b. Girls d. Adults

___21. What are the symptoms of ADHD?

a. Hyperactivity c. Impulsivity
b. Inattention d. All of the above

___22. ADHD symptoms continue until

a. Adulthood c. Secondary years
b. Childhood d. Elementary years

___23. ADHD can be detected during:

a. Early school years c. Adulthood
b. Middle adulthood d. Late adulthood

___24. Mrs. Carmona accepted a child with disability in her class without any hesitation.
What kind of accommodation does Mrs. Carmona employ?
a. Home-based education c. Inclusive education
b. Mainstreaming d. Intervention Plan
___25. Which statement is true about the current status of ADHD treatment as of 2019?
a. ADHD can be cured.
b. ADHD cannot be cured.
c. ADHD cannot be cured but can be treated.
d. ADHD can be cured at an early age.

___1. The following are strategies for students with ADHD in an inclusive classroom except:
a. Seats student near the teacher c. Seat students with well-behaved students
b. Keeps routines simple and effect d. Shortens homework assignments

___2. Students who are hyperactive present challenges for classroom teachers. These
students cannot sit in their seats for prolonged periods; they need to move and be active.
Which of the following suggestions does not belong in the methods for managing
hyperactivity in the classroom?

a. Provide opportunities for learners to move around the classroom

b. Do their personal necessities
c. Let the students use computer to do tasks, such as writing, planning, or playing games
d. Force the child to engage with other students/classmates to develop socialization

___3. There are strategies in handling students with ADHD in an inclusive classroom. Which
task is appropriate in managing ADHD learners?

a. Shorten the task - break in into smaller parts.

b. Give them a solo activity like writing an essay
c. Make tasks more interesting ( e.g. work with partner)
d. All of the above

___4. When a child has ADHD, behavioral symptoms may manifest inside the classroom

a. Not completing an c. Applying learned materials to new situations

b. Not following direction d. Talking to others rather than listening to someone

___5. Amer is easily distracted when somebody passes by because his chair is located near the
door. How should the teacher catch his attention?
a. scold him c. clap her hands
b. move him from the door d. none of the above

___6. Caloy is hyperactive. What should his teacher do to manage him?

a. Scold him c. Give him extra activities before the class starts
b. Tie him to the chair d. Report him to the guidance office
___7. Lorainne seems not to listen when spoken to directly. Below are symptoms of
inattention except:
a. not staying focused on a play or school work
b. doing eye to eye contact to the person who is talking in front of her
c. not paying attention when someone is talking to her
d. fidgeting

___8. Mr. Ramos asked Alan to answer the question on the board but Alan did not listen.
What will Mrs. Ramos do?
a. Ask him why he didn’t go c. Scold him in front of his classmates
b. Talk to him after class d. Force him to answer the question on the board

___9. Kisses answers her teacher's questions before she even gets to finish asking. What
strategy should the teacher apply to discourage Kisses from doing it?
a. Tell her to let you finish the question before answering.
b. Tell her to go out of the room.
c. Plaster her mouth so that she can't answer.
d. Ignore her.

___10. The following are classroom accommodations that may help a child remain calm and
focused EXCEPT:
a. Adjusting chairs, desks, tables so children can sit with feet flat on the floor and hips
bent at a 90-degree angle.
b. Using carpet squares for each child when sitting on the floor to keep them in their own
c. Using a soft, plush rug in play areas to muffle noise.
d. Letting them sit right beside the windows and doorways.

___11. As a teacher, what are the behavior management strategies that you should employ
to make sure ADHD students follow the rules and regulations inside the class?
a. Be firm with your rules and let them know that you are in authority inside the class.
b. Let the child scold you if you cannot handle them.
c. Be strict even without reasons in order for them to know that you are their teacher.
d. Call their parents immediately if there are violations committed.

___12. At a birthday party, a boy with ADHD is throwing tantrums and is shouting a lot,
disturbing other party goers. As the boy’s teacher, what will you do?
a. Go near the boy and ask him what he wants
b. Call the boy’s parents and let them go home
c. Apologize to the public and scold the boy after
d. Ignore and let the boy continue what he is doing
___13. Emmett can hardly stay in his seat during class and bolts as soon as the bell rings. In
the lunchroom, he grabs other students’ food and frequently cuts in line. What will you do
to help him improve his school relationships?
a. Don't help him. c. Get angry.
b. Punish. d. Teach him successful social strategies.

___14. Brianna spends most of her time doodling in her notebook, but she comes alive during
group activities. However, instead of focusing on the task at hand, she keeps on talking
with her classmates. Because of that, she misses the given instructions. As a teacher, what
will you do?
a. Do not repeat the instruction. c. Keep her on task with specific instructions.
b. Proceed to the activity. d. Do not let her do the activity.

___15. Tyler is constantly forgetting things. His homework is rarely finished and his parents
describe homework time as a nightmare. What will you do to help Tyler not to forget in
making his homework?
a. Let him copy the homework instructions in his assignment notebook.
b. Don't let him make homework.
c. Don't give any homework.
d. Don't give time for him.

___16. Hannah's social studies project is late again. When she finally turns it in, it looks
slapped together even though she had 2 weeks’ time to work on it before the deadline.
What will you do to help her pass the project on time?
a. Don't let her pass the project c. Don't give difficult projects
b. Ignore d. Share project and assignments with parents

___17. Maria has difficulty staying on a task. As a teacher, what will you do?
a. Make classroom routines c. Don't give her another task.
b. Ignore d. Proceed to the next task.

___18. Katrina is often struggling in social situations especially inside the classroom. What
should the teacher do to her to make interact with others?
a. Tell her to mingle with others c. Ignore her until the class is over
b. Let her do whatever she wants d. Give her a partner for the activity

___19. Impulsive students act out physically and verbally. Which of the following is not how
impulsivity is managed?
a.Adapt the curriculum.
b. Give some students some substitute verbal or motor response to use while waiting.
c. Give short assignments and tasks and reduce the amount of work involved.
d. Allow the students to leave their seats to make a wall chart after completing tasks.
___20. Kyla is throwing tantrums when she is having a hard time to answer the worksheets. As
a teacher of Kyla what are you going to do?
a.Make the worksheets easier for Kyla to understand.
b. Let Kyla out of the classroom and scold her.
c. Don’t give any worksheets for Kyla.
d. Force her to do more worksheets.

____21. Carlo, a student with ADHD, keeps saying bad words in all his conversations and later
on regretting them, and the teacher found out that Carlo lives in a squatter settlement. How
are you going to manage Carlo’s impulsivity?
a. Give penalty to Carlo every time he is going to say bad words.
b. Talk to him in private and encourage him to use positive words.
c. Every time you hear him say bad words, reply with bad words.
d. Just let him to say anything he wants because he has ADHD.

____22. A child is being hyperactive and restless at home every time he eats chocolates. What
would be your advice to the parents?
a. Scold the child until he will stop being restless.
b. Lock him inside the room.
c. Let the child eat chocolates sometimes.
d. Do not give the child chocolates.

____23. A child with ADHD attended your class. He doesn’t know how to do any life skills, and
the parents do not provide necessary interventions. As a teacher what are you going to do?
a. Consult first to the parents about the things that you want to know about the child.
b. Talk to the parents and tell them that you cannot handle a child with ADHD in your class.
c. Make a sequential plan to teach for the child to know any life skills.
d. Let the child learn on his own.

____24. Becca has symptoms of ADHD. In your class she keeps on bothering others when it’s
class time. As a teacher, what are you going to do to let Becca stop disturbing her classmates?
a. Let Becca sit beside you every class hour.
b. Let her sit away from everyone.
c. Announce in class that Becca has ADHD.
d. Scold Becca every time she disturbs her classmates.

____25. In your class, you noticed that one student cannot follow instructions even though you
repeated the instructions many times. As a teacher what are you going to do?
a. Make the instructions simpler and easier to follow
b. Let him ask again and again
c. Do not mind if he cannot follow
d. Let him ask his classmates


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