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MEMBER OF THE MONTH Mississauga for $291,000 - a fortune at the time.

Throughout 5 years, the house was transformed into an

arise with age anyway.
In 2015, I purchased the
3rd property, this time in St.
Catharines. It was the first
true investment property,
a duplex with triplex potential (3 units with 3 separate
entrances of which 1 is unfinished).
energy efficient and comfortable home by doing numerous
major upgrades and a full energy audit in 2009. We knew it At that time, St. Catharines didn’t get much attention,
would be too small once the second child arrived. it seemed risky but the numbers made sense. Only a 40
minute drive from Burlington and to pay $244,000 for this
Everything slowed down in the summer of 2010 when my
property that needed some work on an oversize lot seemed
mother was diagnosed with a rare type of blood cancer, she
like a good deal.
passed away in September 2010.
I was working for a software company in Downtown Toronto
It was something I never thought could happen so early and
and was commuting on the GoTrain every day until 2 weeks
quickly, it was devastating in so many ways.

Christian Kalb In 2013, just 2 weeks after giving birth to our second child,
we purchased our second home in Burlington, a detached
before closing when I got into a car accident.
My car was totalled and the aftermath of the accident
made me realize that I wasn’t actually passionate about
Born in Thunder Bay, I moved to Germany at the age of house for $435,000.
my job. I left the company and decided to fully focus on the
8. My father escaped from communist East Germany in The market was very competitive, we were only able to get triplex in St. Catharines for a while to get it up to speed.
1964, he risked his life to find freedom in West Germany. the house because it was already sold twice and the deal After experiencing difficulties with contractors I started doing
He ended up emigrating to Canada shortly after arriving in fell through each time. We were able to negotiate a deal and more and more work myself.
‘the West’ and started working in a remote lumberjack camp buy the house without appliances for $15,000 less. Kijiji was
A light bulb went off and I went to the Rock Star Introductory
outside of Thunder Bay without speaking a word of English. my best friend! ;)
class. Joining Rock Star Inner Circle turned out to be exactly
In 1988, my parents decided to move to West Germany with When I started to understand the actual cost of selling a what I was looking for and more. Just 10 months after
a notion that change was in the air. Sure enough, on Nov 9, house, I just had to find a way to keep it, so I decided to purchasing the house for $244,000, I was able to refinance
1989 the wall fell. refinance the mortgage and pull out just enough for the 20% at the appraised value of $320,000, which provided the 20%
At that time my parents made the decision to sell their down payment on the next home in form of equity, not a down payment for the next property.
custom built dream home situated on over 180 acres and penny more.
I was able to connect with the right individuals, at the right
start a new life close to the village he was born. The semi was rented out for $1,700/month to Scottish place, at the right time and I ended up refinancing two of
It took months to sell the house they built with their own hands immigrants - all the expenses were covered, there was even my three mortgages and purchase three homes within a
for many years and they actually took a significant loss. some positive cash flow to cover any surprise expenses or short period of time without actually being employed - 5
It had always been my dream to move back to Canada. renovations down the road. mortgages at once.
After 18 months of working and traveling in different places I will never forget signing 2 mortgages at the same time. It One of them was my first joint venture.We purchased two
around the world, such as Disney World and Australia, I was one of the scariest moments of my life. And the fact that side-by-side semi detached homes facing Twelve Mile
realized my dream of moving back to Canada. my father didn’t think it was a good idea did not help. After Creek in St. Catharines. One of the two homes was already
I was working in Dublin at the time and I requested a gaining positive experiences with tenants and maintaining a duplex and the other one was turned into a duplex. The
transfer from Dublin to Toronto. In April 2006 the transfer the property in Mississauga without any major incidents, I upstairs is a furnished short term rental and the downstairs
was approved and I got to spend 2 weeks in Dallas, TX for started to gain more confidence. It wasn’t nearly as bad as in a long term rental.
training where I ended up meeting my future wife. We didn’t everyone told me.
Currently I am renovating a duplex close to the lake. This
waste any time and in 2007 we had our first child, Marcela. Then, just one year after the birth of our second child, property was purchased for only $280,000. It was surprising
We decided to live in my mother in law’s tiny one bedroom Calista, my father passed away after being diagnosed to see a house like this priced under $300k on the market
basement in order to save money for a 20% down-payment with cancer. As the only child I had to go back and forth to for 30 days.
on our first home. It was a sacrifice we had to make to fulfill Germany to take care of things.
When we entered the unit, we knew why. The upstairs unit
our dream of owning our first house. After working full time After spending a significant amount of time in my parents was completely dated and in rough condition. The basement
in an office job and part time at the airport (70 hours/week) empty dream home I realized the traditional belief system unit was also occupied by a hoarder. Once the renos are
for one year, I was able to clear my savings accounts to (work, save, retire, enjoy life) did not work. done I am hoping to refinance at $380,000.
finally produce the 20% down payment on our first home.
I had to do things differently. My parents worked hard for The mid term goal is to get to 10 properties (duplex/triplex)
We were determined to get a detached home but realized everything that they had and made so many sacrifices over as fast as possible and work on strategic joint venture
quickly that it may be a better idea to start small, so we decades, the dream of a happy and prosperous retirement relationships. The long term goal is to live life on my terms
‘downsized’ our dream and in May 2008 we purchased was just an illusion with low pension payments from both and travel as much as possible and continue to grow my
a basic and small semi-detached home in Streetsville, countries and growing health concerns that automatically YouTube channel ‘Travel Guru TV.’

Words of Wisdom: Cash Flow: $600 Cash Flow: $1,000+

1. No pain, no gain - hustle hard and sacrifice where ever you
can with long term goals in mind.
2. The glass is half full! Don’t let fear kill your dreams.
3. Forget about being perfect. My favorite quote: “Perfectionism is the
enemy of profitability” (Mark Cuban). Focus on getting things/projects
done rather than ‘everything has to be perfect.’
4. Your tenants are your clients. Treat them that way. You cannot build a scalable
Cash Flow: $972
business without happy clients.
5. Be proactive and involved! Always try to be around during big projects/
jobs, be involved and ask questions. Offer your contractors water/coffee/
snacks/lunch, they will appreciate it and respect you. 7 Cash Flow: $350 Cash Flow: $900

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