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Pacific Science Review 16 (2014) 40e44

Modelling of RO installations for wastewater treatment plants

Viacheslav V. Slesarenko
Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia
Available online 16 September 2014


The investigation results of the processes involved in the combined plants for water and drainage cleaning, including an RO and
UF membrane apparatus for magnetic water treatment, are presented in this paper. The potential of the magnetic water treatment
method for correcting the nanofiltration processes is highlighted. New schemes are proposed for using the magnetic water treatment
apparatus for the purpose of preventing the formation of colloid and salt deposits on the membrane surface of the RO and UF
apparatuses. The membrane system mathematical model that enables the evaluation of the intensity of formation of deposits in the
membrane apparatus were considered by accounting for the hydrodynamic flow and diffusion processes. The membrane system
model accounts for the influence of the magnetic water treatment on the nanofiltration processes. The data of the experiments
performed at the laboratory stand with water desalination via a RO membrane apparatus equipped with the additional group for
influencing the water cleaned by the magnetic field are introduced in the current paper.
Copyright © 2014, Far Eastern Federal University, Kangnam University, Dalian University of Technology, Kokushikan University.
Production and Hosting by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Nanofiltration; Membrane; Magnetic field; Water conditioning; Desalination of water

Introduction General information

Reverse osmosis plants have considerable opportu- The performance of RO plants depends on the
nities in the technological cycle of water supply sys- selectivity of the membranes 4М ¼ (1Cp/Cw) used,
tems. RO apparatuses are capable of treating water for where Cw and С р are the concentration of diluted
industrial enterprises and for drinking purposes; such substance in the initial water and after the membrane
apparatuses can actually treat water of any initial apparatus in the desalinated water, respectively.
quality, even including sea water conversion. The ratio of the amount of desalinated water ob-
Regarding power expenses, the reverse osmosis pro- tained in the osmotic plant Gp (permeate) and the
cess is slightly beneficial in comparison with distilla- amount of processed initial water or drain Gw is known
tion and competes with electrodialysis in providing as the desalinated water extraction ratio j ¼ Gp/Gw.
desalinated water at a lower cost [1e3]. The specific capacity of an RO plant that is operated
at an excessive pressure of DРm is related to the
E-mail address: impermeability coefficient of the membranes jm used
Peer review under responsibility of Far Eastern Federal Univer- for reverse osmosis and to the membrane selectivity via
sity, Kangnam University, Dalian University of Technology, the relationship:
Kokushikan University.
1229-5450/Copyright © 2014, Far Eastern Federal University, Kangnam University, Dalian University of Technology, Kokushikan University.
Production and Hosting by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
V.V. Slesarenko / Pacific Science Review 16 (2014) 40e44 41

Jp ¼ jm DPm 4uM ; ð1Þ The thermodynamic function to calculate a
maximum value of the selectivity coefficient of the RO
where the empirical coefficient u depends on the membrane is as follows:
physical properties of the material and the operation 4M ¼ 1  expð½DW=Kb Tw Þ ð2Þ
conditions of the RO plant.
Membranes manufactured by various companies where DW e a share of power of osmotic process spent
differ in characteristics and design [4e6]. Selectivity for transferring ions through the membrane; Tw e water
of the best membranes attain 99e99.8% with temperature; Kb e Boltzmann's constant.
Jp ¼ 0.1e0.25 m3/(m2 h). As the specific capacity From expression (2), it appears that membrane
increases up to 1.0e2.0 m3/(m2 h), a selectivity coef- selectivity is directly related to the amount of power
ficient decreases up to 4m ¼ 50e60%. used in the reverse osmosis process, and it increases
A temperature range for the use of the membranes is with an increase in temperature at the expense of an
10e50  С, a recommended рН value ¼ 5 to 8 for increase of activity of salt ions in solution.
acetate cellulose membranes, and for ethyl cellulose From the known models describing the reverse
membranes the recommended рН value ¼ 4 to 14. osmosis process, the most efficient is the power model
When backed membranes are used, the capacity of RO that links the characteristics of the filtration process
modules increases approximately by a factor of two. with the thermodynamic parameters of medium and the
In the empirical model, the capacity and selectivity transfer power of ions through the membrane micro-
of membranes in RO plants without regard for their porous system.
internal properties, hydrodynamics and deposit for- In accordance with the power model of the RO
mation primarily depend on the operating pressure system, the influence of magnetic or electromagnetic
DРm, as well as on the initial water salt content. This fields upon water during its treatment may consider-
dependence suggests that the economic efficiency of ably adjust the indices of the of reverse osmosis
the desalination process considerably depends on these process.
parameters. The desalination efficiency is determined not only
The variations of the structure of membrane mate- by the concentration polarization near the membrane
rials determine the factors that influence the value of surface but also by common contamination caused by
selectivity and the impermeability coefficients of the the separation of the deposits and the dispersed parti-
membranes. This influence may be evaluated by using cles contained in the water along with corrosive and
the model equations describing a reverse osmosis biological contamination. Due to these factors, the
process. In so doing, a relationship of these factors total water transfer through the membrane in operating
with the change of the salt concentration and the conditions is reduced by 5e10%.
operating pressure in osmotic apparatuses should be In the mode of laminar flow of liquid in a flat
taken into account. passage of a roll module, the level of concentration
A mathematical description of the complex model polarization and the deviations of the flow parameters
processes applied for reverse osmosis tasks essentially depend on a complex combination of salts in the initial
requires simplification of the initial conditions and solution, the membrane structure and the kinetics of
does not provide an exact solution. In our opinion, a deposition of the diluted substances onto the mem-
more quantitative evaluation of the conditions of the brane. The requirement to consider the deposition ki-
course of the process under consideration may be netics is connected with the fact that during the
attained with an allowance for the influence of every formation of deposits, a concentration of salts near the
factor individually. membrane surface increases and may exceed their
In fact, the design and structural characteristics of solubility, resulting in the separation of the deposit
membranes used for RO plants are not basic parame- from the solution. Deposit formation occurs when the
ters from the point of view of their operation because salt concentration near the membrane surface Cmo is
the membranes are installed by the developer com- higher that the value of salt solubility Cso.
panies and cannot be adjusted in most cases. Therefore, However, the limit of salt solubility may change due
the most expedient approach is the evaluation of the to the additional influence upon magnetic or electro-
influence of external parameters connected with the magnetic field on the solution, resulting in a lowering
operation of osmotic plants upon the reverse osmosis of the intensity of membrane contamination.
42 V.V. Slesarenko / Pacific Science Review 16 (2014) 40e44

If a process of membrane contamination is consid- of the membranes 4m, reducing the thickness of the
ered from the point of view of a thin-film diffuse deposit layer, changing the deposit structure (reducing
model, then the penetrating flow has the following xo), or by influencing the dynamic viscosity mo.
dependence. With a low selectivity of membranes, the number of
Jvo ¼ Kto InðCso =Cmo Þ ð3Þ stages of water treatment in the RO plant must be
increased to obtain a product of prescribed quality; in
The deposition coefficient (deposition mass trans- so doing, the cost of RO apparatuses increases by a
fer) is proportional to the diffusion coefficient factor of 2e3 with a simultaneous increase of the
Kto ¼ Dto/do and is adequately determined only with power consumption for the pump drive. Therefore, the
the known thickness of the deposit layer do for the use of multistage technology is not cost-effective.
laminar or turbulent mode of medium motion. In the At the same time, the values mo and xo may be
studies of the characteristics of RO modules, it is adjusted as required at the expense of water treatment
established that a hydraulic resistance of the membrane by using a magnetic field in special apparatuses.
system is not limited by a deposit layer because the The basic elements from which a reverse osmotic
resistance depends on the membrane porosity, the plant is completed are the RO modules. The roll-type
thickness of the deposit layer do, the diameter of the modules are widely used in practice.
deposited particles and other factors. The more exact From the technological standpoint, the efficiency of
evaluation of the influence of deposit formation upon the module is determined by the allowable pressure on
the quality of the reverse osmosis process may be the retention of a high permeability of water through
attained with an allowance for the hydraulic charac- the membrane and the minimum penetration of salts to
teristics of the membranes. The intensity of the flow the desalted water.
passing through the membrane under pressure and As demonstrated by operation experience of RO
containing impurities depends on the hydraulic re- plants, connecting circuits of filtering elements in
sistances of the membrane xm and the deposit layer xo: modules and units strongly influences the hydrody-
namics of the plant. The module-connecting method
Jv ¼ jm DPm =½mo ðxo do þ xm dm Þ; ð4Þ
depends on the requirements as to the final product, the
where mo is the dynamic viscosity of the deposit layer. initial water quality, its pressure and other factors.
The hydraulic resistance of the membrane is deter- Connection of units between each other in a unit-flow
mined by the water permeability xm ¼ jm/mm. The value chart can be made as serial, parallel, or combined.
xo evaluates the set specific resistance of the deposit When the modules are serially connected, a deeper
layer. With a small thickness of the deposit layer, a desalination is obtained. In this case, the modules
prevailing role is played by the membrane resistance, installed at the end of a manufacturing line operate
depending on the type of membrane. As the thickness with a lower efficiency.
of the deposit layer increases, the resistance xo be- The application of combined parallel-series circuits
comes dominant. to connect modules enables a high degree of water
The parameter Jv is of primary importance in the desalination over a wide range of performance of RO
process of filtration because an increasing Jv corre- plants. Single-stage plants are mostly applied to treat
sponds to an increase in the consumption of obtained highly salted water (for example, in desalination)
permeate. Reduction in deposit formation is usually because one of the most important indices of their
attained by an increase in the flow speed and the operation is the filtrate performance Gp.
operating pressure, as well as turbulence; however, The use of additional connection of compound cir-
their influence with an increase in pressure upon cuits of osmotic apparatuses with recirculation having
decrease of the value xo markedly weakens (due to a high extraction coefficient j is economically sound.
deposit compaction). Plants with the connection circuits shown in Fig. 1
Thus, considering the relationships (1) and (4), the and 2 provide the filtrate with the necessary salt con-
specific flow of permeate through the membrane of RO tent at a minimum power consumption or a filtrate and
plant may be calculated according to the function: waste solution with the given salt concentration. In the
latter case, the ratio between the consumption of
Jp ¼ Jv ð4m Þ ð5Þ various flows is made in such a way to provide high
economic and technological indices of RO plants.
From Equations (4) and (5), the performance of RO To attain a high depth of desalination of treated
plants may be increased by decreasing the selectivity water, cascade circuits of connection of modules of
V.V. Slesarenko / Pacific Science Review 16 (2014) 40e44 43

With the known individual characteristics of a

standard module, their total requirement may be
determined by nm ¼ Gp/Gp1 and the quantity of mod-
ules in the last stage along the concentrate, as well as
in all previous stages:
ni ¼ nn þ niþ1 =ð1  j1 Þ:
Fig. 1. Circuit of an osmotic plant with recirculation of a part of the
permeate to reduce the water salt content at the entry to the plant: 1 e To minimise the specific power consumption, the
initial water tank; 2 e pump; 3 e RO module; 4 e magnetic water circuits of RO plants should apply the ratio Gw/Gp ¼ 1/
treatment apparatus. jmin, which characterises the basic component con-
sumption e power consumption for circulating a me-
three and more stages are used. Cascade circuits with dium through the RO modules to obtain a permeate
the recirculation of united flows are more efficient. In volume unit. To optimise the RO plant structure,
such circuits, the operation efficiency depends not only reduction of the quantity of modules in every following
on the efficiency of a separation stage, which is stages is required, provided that the ratio Gwi/
determined by the membrane material and the method ni ¼ constant, where ni e quantity of modules in the i
of organisation of flows in the module, but consider- e stage of desalination.
ably depends on the direction of the medium flows To optimise the operation mode of multistage RO
between the separation stages. plants, the application of magnetic water treatment is
Water desalination in multistage plants with a high proposed in the studied circuits.
salt concentration in the initial water promotes a In so doing, each of the studied modified circuits is
gradual reduction of the salt content, as well as a equipped with one to three magnetic apparatuses for the
decrease of the pressures applied to the membranes via treatment of medium flows brought to the RO modules.
stages. If required to provide a certain quality of filtrate The recommended circuits of connecting special mag-
and concentrate, in such a case, plants with three netic apparatuses are illustrated in Figs. 1e4.
groups of apparatuses are preferable. Fig. 3 shows the The FEFU water treatment laboratory performs
optimised double-stage circuit of plants with three research to evaluate the efficiency of water treatment
groups of apparatuses. using a magnetic field in front of the RO modules. The
According to our evaluation, to desalinate waste test bench, including a RO plant (type ROU-320),
waters with a high salt content, it is appropriate to use a mechanical and ion-exchange filters and water mag-
three-stage reverse osmotic plant (Fig. 4). netic treatment apparatus (type ЕМА-100) with
Using the equation of balances of consumption of generated field strengths of up to 104 amp/m.
water flows and salt concentration in flows we may The obtained results confirm [7,8] that magnetic the
obtain relationships to calculate the salt content in the treatment of water favourably influences the indices of
treated water: basic water treatment processes, provides an increase
4  14  in the efficiency of RO plants and decreases the power
Cc ¼ Cw ð1  jÞ ; Cp ¼ Cw 1  ð1  jÞ j: ð6Þ
consumption of high-pressure pumps.
Relationships (6) enable the determination of j and Long-term studies include the development of a
the amount of initial water supplied to the plant (with a specialised RO module that implements water treat-
known ratio С p/Cw and the required consumption of ment by magnetic field directly in the process if water
permeate Gp). filtration is performed using a membrane system.

Fig. 2. Circuit of the plant with an additional module in the recir-

culation line. Fig. 3. Circuit of the double-stage osmotic plant.
44 V.V. Slesarenko / Pacific Science Review 16 (2014) 40e44


This work was financially supported by the Russian

Federation Ministry of Science and Education, Con-
tract no. 02.G25.31.0035-225 of 12.02.2013 between
the JSC “Far-Eastern Plant ‘ZVEZDA’” and the RF
Ministry of Science and Education.

Fig. 4. Circuit of the three-stage osmotic plant.


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