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Thermodynamics is the science of energy related with The properties of a macroscopic system as a whole are
the conversion of energy from one form to another. The called its bulk properties, example is the system's mass,
word energy itself comes from a Greek root meaning "to do volume, density, temperature and pressure. Macroscopic
work." and thermodynamics is concerned with converting systems are also characterized as being either solid, liquid.
stored energy of various forms, such as the energy in fuels, or gas. These are called the phases of matter, and we will
into useful work. be interested in when and how a system changes from one
Thermodynamics is the systematic study of converting phase to another.
heat energy into mechanical motion and work. Hence the Ultimately we would like to understand the macroscopic
name thermo + dynamics. properties of solids, liquids, and gases in terms of the
Thermodynamics deals with macroscopic systems, the microscopic motions, of their atoms and molecules.
prefix macro (the opposite of micro) meaning large. We will Solids, Liquids and Gases
be concerned with systems that are solids, liquids, or gases,
rather than the "particles". The variables of thermodynamics The ice cube you take out of the freezer soon becomes a
will be temperature, pressure, volume, and moles instead of puddle of. liquid water. Then, more slowly, it evaporates to
position, velocity and force our queries will be of : become water vapour in the air. Water is unique in its
properties. It is the only substance whose three
How do temperature and pressure change during a phases-solid, liquid, and gas, are familiar to us from
certain process? everyday experience.
How does a physical system such as an engine do Each of the elements and most compounds can exist as a
mechanical work? How is the work related to the solid, liquid or gas. The change between liquid and solid
temperature and pressure inside the engine? (freezing or melting) or berween liquid and gas (boiling or
A room full of air, a beaker of water, are condensing) is called a phase change that occur at a
examples of macroscopic systems, systems that are well-defined temperature.
large enough to see or touch.
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Atoms vibrate around A system is in thermodynamic equilibrium if every

equilibrium positions. state variable has the same value throughout the system. In
equilibrium there is no tendency for it to undergo
spontaneous macroscopic change.
State Variables
In describing a thermodynamic system we use few
variables called thermodynamic variables. e. g.,
Melt thermodynamic variables for an ideal gas are pressure P,
volume V, temperature T, number of molecules N,
(a) A solid consists of panicle-like atoms connected together by
internal energy V, and entropy S.
spring like molecular bonds. Vibrateing around an equilibrium The parameters used to describe a macroscopic system
position. but an atom Is not free to move around inside the solid.
Solids are nearly in compressible.
are known as state variables.
The state variables may dependent on each other. For
Atoms are held close together
by weak molecular bonds, but example that a system's mass density p is defined in terms of
they can slide around each other. the system's mass M and volume Vas
p = M (mass density) ...(1)
If we change the valUeof any of the state variables, then
the state of the system change. If we compress a gas ir means
to decrease irs volume. Pressure and temperature, may also
cltange as the volume changes.
(b) Like a solid, a liquid is nearly incompressible. The molecules in a A system is said to be in thermal equilibrium if irs
liquid are about as close together as they can gel. Like a g8S, a liquid state variables are constant and not changing.
nows and deforms to fit the shape of its container,
Atoms are far apart and travel ATOMS AND MOLES
freely through space except for The mass of a macroscopic system is directly related to
occasional collisions.
the total :lumber of atoms or molecules in the system,
denoted by N.
The number of atoms or molecules per cubic metre in a
system is called the number density. It characterizes how
dense the atoms are packed together within the system. In
an N-atom system that has volume V,the number density is

(c) In gas each molecule moves through space as a free. non.

interacting particle il collides with another molecule or with the wall of The 51 units of number density are m -3. The number
the container. A gas is a fluid. A gas is also highly compressible.
There lois of space between the molecules.
density of atoms in a solid (N jV}wlid _ 1029m -3.
The value of NjV in a ulliform system is independent of
Fig. 2.1
the volume V.
THERMODYNAMIC PROCESSES The basic panicle depends on the substance. Helium is n
mono-atomic gas, meaning that the basic particle is the
A thermodynamic system refers to a collection of
helium atom. Thus 6.02x 1023 helium atoms are 1 mole of
panicles which we wish to focus. A system has boundary this
boundary may be real such as that of a container or it mar helium. But oxygen gas is a diatomic gas because the
be an imaginary boundary placed around a particular part of basic panicle is the two-atom diatomic molecule 02' 1 mole
matter. A standard system is that of a gas enclosed in a of oxygen gas contains 6.02 x 1023 molecules of02 and thus
cylinder equipped with a movable piston. The cylinder walls 2x 6.02x 1023 oxygen atoms. Table 2.1 lists the
and the piston form the boundary and the enclosed gas is the mono-atomic and diatomic gases.
A thermodynamic system is said to be in a steady
state if all the state variables remain constant with time at
each point within the system.
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Tables 2.1 Mono-atomic and diatomic gases There are four basic quasi-static processes III
Mono.atomic Diatomic equilibrium thermodynamics. The processes are
characterized by the thermodynamic variable that is kept
He H, constant.
Ne N, (a) Isothermal process: A process is
isothermal when the temperature of the system is kept
0, constant. The word comes from the Greek isos, equal and
therma, heat.
(b) Isobaric process: A process is isobaric
A process occurs when the system changes from one
when the pressure of the system is constant. The word
state (one set of values of its physical properties) to another
comes from the Greek baros, weighr.
state. The system returns to its original state when all of its
macroscopic physical properties resume their original (e) Isochoric process: A process is isochoric
values. when the volume of the system is constant.
Heat transfer and work are nvo processes that change (d) Adiabatic process: A process is adiabatic
the state of a thermodynamic equilibrium. A quasi-static when no heat is transferred to or from the system. The word
process is one in which the system changes slowly enough comes from the Greek adiabatos, not passable.
so that each succeeding state through which it passes is The P - V Diagram
essentially in equilibrium. All the reversible processes We represent ideal-gas processes on a graph called a
are quasi-static (occur very slowly). An equilibrium state is a p. V diagram. A graph of pressure verstL~ volume. Each point
static state. During a reversible process the system can on the graph represents a single, unique state of the gas, it
deviate from equilibrium by only an infinitesimal directly specifies the values of P and V. But knowing P and V,
amount. and assuming that n is known for a sealed container, we can
In a reversible process equation of state find the temperature by using the ideal-gas law. Thus each
applies at all times. point actually represents a triplet of values CP, V, T)
Imagine a pan of water at temperature To which is put in specifying the state of the gas.
contact with reservoirs at temperature To + dT, To + 2 dT Quasi-Static Processes
and so on until it reaches its final temperarure. Such a
Note thal the ideal-gas law applies only to gases in
process would require infinite contacts with heat reservoirs,
thennal equilibrium. A system is in thermal equilibrium if its
therefore, we can only approximate a reversible process,
state variables are constant and not changing. Consider an
strictly speaking quasi-static processes do not exist: they are
ideal gas proces.s that changes a gas from state 1 to state 2.
idealizations. Notice that if we make an infinitesimal change
The initial and final states are states of thermal equilibrium,
in the temperature T (in reverse direction, change T by
with steady values of P, V and T. During process, some of
-dT ), we reverse the direction of the process, hence the
these state variables change. The gas is not in thermal
process is called reversible process.
equilibrium while the process of changing from state 1 to
state 2 is continuning.
.•••• 'T,
To use the ideal-gas law throughout, we will assume
that the process occurs slowly that the system is never far

Reservoir at
To + 2dT To + dT

Reservoir at
from equilibrium. In other words P, V and T at any point in
the process are essentially the same as the equilibrium
temperature To temperalure T,
values they would assume if we stopped the process at that
point. A process occurs essentially in thermal equilibrium at
Fig. 2.2
all times, is called a quasi-static process. It is an idealization,
A process that proceeds in only one direction is like a frictionless surface, but one that is a vel)' good
approximation in many.real situations.
irreversible. The equation of state does not apply during an
irreversible process. The thermodynamic variables are not
constant throughout the system, the system is not in
equilibrium. All real processes are irreversible.
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venical line 1 -4 2 on the PV diagram of Fig. 2.4 (b). A

constant-volume cooling, by placing the container on a block
Piston moves
very slowly
of ice, would lower the pressure and be represented as the
vertical line from 2 to 1. Any isochoric process appears on a
p-v diagram as a vertical line. While 1 ---+ 3 ---+ 2 is not
isochoric process because dt, ~ 0.



•• -
Ao ;,oct'O';o
process appears

Quasi-static process _- on a PV diagram
, 3 as a vsrticalline
suddenly bursts 1

/ '------,,----V

(;) 1/ Fig. 2.4 A constant-volume (isochoric) process.

Constant Pressure Process

A constant pressure process is called an isobaric
process, where baric is from the same root is 'barometer"
and means "pressure." An isobaric process is one for which
Pj = Pi (M = Oand dP:= 0) ...(2)
Irreversible process Fig. 2.5 (a) shows one method of changing the stelte of a
I') gas while keeping the pressure constant. A cylinder of gas
Fig. 2.3 The slow motion of the piston is a has a tight-fitting, melssless piston that can slide up and
quasi-sIalic process. The bursting
of the membrane is not The mass maintains a constant

.•• ..
pressure In the cylinder

An important characteristic of a quasi-static process is

.hat the path through the PV diagram can be reversed. If you •
~uasi-statically expand a gas by slowly pulling a piston out,
=15shown in Fig. 2.3(a), you can reverse process by slowing
Jushing the piston in. The gas retraces its PV path until it has
"eturned to its initial state. What happens when the
nembrane bursts in Fig. (b). That is a sudden process, not at V,
111quasi static, but irreversible process in Fig. 2.3 (b) cannot
)e represented on a PV diagram. It is often reffered as a free
::onstant Volume Process
Before After
Gas processes take place in a container of constant, Fig. 2.5 (a)
Jnchanging volume is called an isochoric process, where
so, is prefix meaning "constant" or "equal" while choric is
down but the container is closed so that no atoms enter or
'rom a Greek root meaning "volume." An isochoric process is
escape. The mass on top applies a constant downward force
me for which
Mg on the piston. The atmosphere also presses down on the
Vj :=Vj (.:.\I':=O,dv=O) ... (I} piston. In equilibrium, the upward force PA on the piston by
For example, suppose that you have a gas in the closed, the gelSin the cylinder, where A is the piston's area, exactly
"igid mntainer heating the gas with will raise its pressure balances the downward force Mg plus the air-pressure force
.vithout changing irs volume. This process is shown as the P n;A. Consequently, the gas pressure inside the cylinder is
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--->lTHEI!'RMOrulillDYNAM!U'2 •• ,;;;cs;'!

P = Pa,mos + Mg = constant ... (3) slowly, then heat energy transfer through the walls of the
A cylinder will keep the gas at the same temperature as the
This pressure is independent of the temperature of the surrounding liquid. This would be an isothermal
gas or the height of the piston, so it stays constant as long as compression. The reverse process, with this piston slowly
M is unchanged. pulled out, would be isothermal expansion.
If the cylinder is warmed, the gas will expand and push We have the P
the piston up. But the pressure, determined by mass M, will relationship
not change. This process is shown on the p. V diagram of
p = nRr An Isothermal process
Fig. 2.5 (b) as the horizontal line 1 ~ 2. We call this an 2
./ appears on a PV
isobaric expansion. An isobaric compression occurs if the gas •• diagram as a hyperbola
is cooled, lowering the piston. Any isobaric process appears
on a P - V diagram as a horizontal line.
The inverse P,
between P and V
P2 An isobaric process appears on
causes the graph of
a PV diagram as a horizontal line
an isothermal
process to be a v, v,
, • 2 Ibl
The process
shown as 1 ~ 2 in
F;g. 2.6 (b)
v represents the temperature
v, Ibl
v, isothermal
Fig. 2.5 A constant-pressure (isobaric) process compression shown
in Fig. 2.6 (a).
Constant Temperature Process An isothennal
A constant temperature process is called an expansion would
isothermal process. An isothermal process is one for move in the
which Tf = Ti• Because PV = nRT, a constant temperature opposite direction v
along the 1'1
process in a closed system(constant n) is one for which Fig. 2.6 A Constant-temperature
hyperbola. (isothermal) process.
p/V/ =P;Vi .•• (4)
The location of
is an isothermal process.
the hyperbola depends on the value of T. A
One possible isothermal process is illustrated in Fig. 2.6 lower-temperature process is represented by a hyperbola
(a). A piston being pushed down to compress a gas, but the closer to the origin than a higher temperature process. Fig.
gas cylinder is floating in a large container of liquid that is 2.6 (c) shows four hyperbolas representing the temperatures
held at a constant temperature. If the piston is pushed T1 to T4 where T4 > T3 > T2 > r}. These are called
Push isotherms.
•• Work Done in A Thermodynamic Process
• Fig. 2.7 shows a cylinder with a movable piston. By
•• virtue of its pressure the enclosed gas has moved the piston
• through a small displacement dx.


:( ........... ~


Fig. 2.6 (a)
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Area A For an expanding gas (V2>V 1)

The area under the PV curve is
positive (integration direction is
dv=Adx to the right) Thus the environment
p does negaliv~ work on the gas,

F =PA ..~'.


1 ", ..•.. ::
Fig. 2.7
'" "~.~~
o o
o o
The infinitesimal work dW is o
o o


dW =; F dx = (PA) dx = P(A dx)

f o

=p dV
> ~
i o
The product A dx is change in the volume of the gas.
The work done by a gas when its volume changes from Vi to
Vj is


v, .' (.J
For a compressed gi.'ls (V2>Vj)
The gas p~hes on lt1e piston The area is negative because the
p integration direction is 10 the right
with force Fgas outward Thus the environment does positive
To keep the piston in place. work. on the gas.
an external force must be
Pressure P
equal and :OPPOSile 10 Fgas


, •
o Piston area A Integration direction

(.) (bJ
Fig. 2.9 The work done on a gas is lhe
As the piston moves OX. the negative of Ihe area under the curve.
external force does work Fga.dx
on the gas During a quasi-static process any of the thermodynamic
" variables may be considered to be a function of other, and
the functional relation between them can be depicted as a
\ :o
curve on a two-dimensional graph. A common choice is a
.~ p - V diagram.
Fig. 2.10 (a) is a graph

, 0 p
of P versus V for several
: : ,
different T values. The PI

:, :: form of the equation

PV = nRT is a hyperbola.
The volume change by dV=Adx For larger values of PI
as the piston moves dx constant the hyperbolas
(bJ are farther from the origin. v, V,
Fig. 2.8 The external force does work The constant temperature
on the gas as the piston moves Fig. 2.10 (<I)
lines are called
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Fig. 2.1O(b) shows a graph of P versus T for several W=JllfpdV

different constant V-values. From the ideal gas equation, v,
P P v Since the pressure is constant in an isobaric process, the
integral becomes

v, P,P
J" P2 >Pl
W =Pj
!v, dV =Pi (VI - Vi)
v, P,
v, P, = Pi L\V
T, T T
If the gas expands, V, > Vi' so L\ V > 0 and the wor\l'
V done by the gas is positive. When the gas is compressed,
PV = (nRT) P ~(":)T V~(";)T V, < Vi so that L\V < 0, and the work done by the gas is
(b) (e) ('j
Fig. 2.10
The work done by the gas is represented on the P-v
diagram by the rectangular area under rhe isobaric path OJ)
P=(":)T the diagram. Whether the area is positive or negative,
depends on whether the gas expands or is compressed.
In the PT-plane this relation is linear with slope nRjV. Work Done by a Gas in an Isochoric Process
For smaller V values, the slope of the P versus T line is large. In an isochoric process, volume of the gas remaim
The lines of constant V are called isochores. constant, it is represented by a vertical line on a p. v
Fig. 2.10(c) shows the graph of V versus T when P is held diagram. Since the volume does not change,
constant. From the ideal gas equation, P For an isochoric process

V=(~)T i
••' the area under the PV
curve is zero. No worK

; is done.

A graph of V versus T is a straight line with a slope nRjP.

Small P-values yield steeper slopes. Constant P lines are f
called isobars.
The work done by a gas is the area under the P versus V
curve. There are two important points regarding the ~-~----v
definition of work:
Fig. 2.12
1. The work depends on the path between initial and
final states. Note that area under the P versus V culVe dV = 0
depends on the shape of the culVe.
2. When a gas expands, the system does work on the v,
environment; the work done is positive. When the Whether the pressure change is positive or negative. tht:
environment does work on the system, the work done is work done by the gas in an isochoric process is zero.
Work done by a gas in a process in whicl
Work Done by the Gas in an Isobaric Process PV n = constant, where n is a constant
A horizontal path on P-V diagram is an isobaric process. It can be considered to be a general process.
The work done is found from the equation P
Isotherm for
P For an isobaric process
the area Is PAV. The worK I"m""","" T
/-- done on the gas is PIN

P -_ •.•••••• ~ ••••• ,
: .. ,,


...' Pf - •••
_ ,
v v
v, v,
Fig. 2.11
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pv" = p;v;n = PI V/ = constant Work Done by a Gas Taken Around a Cycle
Pyt PjV; Some thermodynamic systems involve taking a gas
P~-~-- around a closed path on a P-V diagram, so that some useful
V" Vn
work is done around the closed path in each repetition of
W~fVI ,, PdV. tycle. A closed curve on a P-V diagram is called a cycle; the
gas returns to initial point on the P-V diagram irrespective of
where the process begins on the cycle.
P Path 1 P

~ ~
,, '' , '
,,, '
'' :
, '
= p;vt (V)-n _ v/-n) ,
'' :, '''
, ' , , '
1- n v
v, v, v, v, v
V Vl-n - p.V" V'-"
1- n Fig. 2.15

Positive work is done by the gas in expanding from

volume VI to V2, as the gas expands. Negative work is done
by the gas when compressed from volume V2 back to Vl•
Hence the total work WlO1a1 = WI + W2 is represented by the
area enclosed by the cycle curve on the P-V diagram.
If the cycle is completed in a clockwise manner as shown
Work Done by a Gas in an Isothermal Process in Fig. 2.15, WI"'41 > 0, otherwise for anticlockwise
In an isothermal process both the pressure and volume Wto1al < O.
change along the path. From ideal gas equation, Work Depends on the Path
p = nRr Fig. 2.16 shows two different processes that take a gas
V from an initial state i to a final state f. Although the initial
The work done by the gas is and final states are the same, the work done during these
W = IV, P dV VI = Pi p The area under the process A
V, Vi PI ,.'-'curve is larger than the area
T Process A ••• under the process B curve.
~fVf nRT dV v ,,
v, V Vi Vf

= nRrfVf dV Fig. 2.14

v, V
RT Process B

~ nRTln (VI ) ~ nRTlJ!l)

Vi '\pf ~ nRT 1J 2)
Fig. 2.16 The work done during these two
ideal gas processes is not the same.
If Vj > Vi' the gas is expanded and the work done is
.positive. n\lo processes is not the same. The area under the curve of
If Vi < V" the gas is compressed and the work done is process A is larger than the area under the curve of process
oIlcgative. B, so IWAI>IWBI. As this example shows, the work done
The work done by the gas is the area under the path on during an ideal-gas process depends on the path followed
through the P.V diagram.
othe P-V diagram and is positive or negative depending on
whether the gas is expanded or compressed.
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The path dependence p p
of work has an important
implication for multi step
processes such as the one
shown in Fig. 2.17. The
total work done on the gas Work = Area
during the process y
1 -+ 2 -+ 3 must be Vo = 0.10 m3, VI 0.25 m3 =
calculated as Flg.2E.2
Wlto3 = W\to2 + W2to3' In
this case, WJ102 is positive
and W2103 is negative. The Fig. 2.17 The war\( done during the
, 2
w=fv/av dv=a""""3
(V )'! 3
process1'--lo2--t3 must be
initial and final states are calculated In two steps
the same, but the work is a 3 3
"-(V! -V)
the same because work depends on the path followed 3 '
through the P-V diagram.
"(~J [(0,25)3 - (0.10)3]" 9,75x 10-3 J

Example 3 V-
Fig. 2£.1 shows Q clockwise circular path of a gas on a P-V
diagram. Volumes and pressures are as shown. What is the A thermodynamic system is taken from initial state A to final
total work done by the gas around one cycle? state C via an intermediate state B, as shown in Fig. 2£.4.
P(alm) p Compute the cotal work done by the gas from A to B to C.

Volume radius


• V (liter)
0- p""",, I



2.00 5.00
Solution: Area of the cycle on the P-V diagram
represents total work done. Since the path is clockwise in Solution: The work performed by the gas is area
P.V the total work is positive. bounded by the curve and V.axis. From A to B total area is
Area = 1t (pressure radius)(volume radius) the area of triangle ABC, and rectangle below CB.
= rt{2.00x 1.013x 105)(3.00x 10-3) wAH • .!c [(5,00x 1O-3)-(2.00x 10-3)][600-300]
= 1.91x 103 J + [(5 x 10-3) - (2 x 10-3 )](300)
We have expressed pressure in pascal and volume in
= 1.35 J
cubic metre to get work in joule.
Work done from B to C is negative because the gas is
being compressed, volume is decreasing. Be is isobaric
process. Thus work done is
Pressure and volume of a gQ.';are related by the law P = aV2, Wac =P~V=PB(VC -VB)
where a = 2 N / m2. The gas expands from a volume of 100 to = (300)[(2.00x 10-3) - (5.00x 10-3)]
250 1. How much work is done by the gas during the
expansion? "-0,90J
The negative work shows that work is done on the
Solution: Fig. 2E.2 shows a graph of the expansion. system. Change in volume, ~V, is always Vj - Vi' The net
The work is work done by the system is
WIOta! =WAB +WBC =1.35J+ (-0.90J)

= 0.45 J
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Concepts : Determining work done in some, special P

casesWork done when
A P.V graph for a process in which pressures is ~
a linear function a/volume. The net workdone/or the
process 1 -+ 2 area of the graph between volume axis and the ~
given process as shown shaded in the Fig. 2.18 L v
P Fig. 2.20


._...• ____

---; 3



P, .--:-~r IWAI<IW,I
So the ne[ work done"" +WA + (-WB) ""negative
Work done in a cyclic process represented as a
circle on P-V diagram
v v,
v, v, v, Such a Fig. 2.21 is an ellipse of P
.!. (P2 -
Fig. 2.18
(b) semi major axis of
PI) and
P, .....
semi minor axis of.! (V2 VI).
.,,, ,,,
1 -
2 =- x (Vz - VI )(P2 -PI)
WI ....•
+ (V1 - VdPI 2 P, -----Q
Thus the work done, ,
1 v
WI ....•2 = - x (P2 + PI )(V2 - VI) W = Area of ellipse. v, v,
= jt x (Semi major axis) Fig. 2.21
In the process shown gas expands therefore work done is
positive. x (semi minor axis)
Work done when = _"::(P2 -Pj)(V2 -V1)
A process is performed on the system such that
the volumes at initial and final state 1 and 2 are Work-Energy Theorem
the same. In this process, although. Fig. 2.22 shows a cylindrical container fitted with
(V) final - (V) initial = d V = 0 piston. Cylinder contains an ideal gas. Forces acting on
piston are contains a gas. An external force Fex1' spring force,
P2 •••••••• --- ;2

P, System
Fig. 2.19

But the net work done PdV in the process is not be zero
the work is given by, Fig. 2.22
Wntr = W1->3 + W3 ....•
= - (Area under the curve 1 ~ 3 enclosed with V-axis) force due to atmospheric pressure (Po), force due to gaseous
+ (Area under the curve 3 --l' '2 enclosed with V-axis) pressure (Pg~5 A) etc. act on the piston. In such situations
processes take place slowly. If the piston moves very slowl};
Note that W1-.3 is negative as volume decreases and W3 ....•
then by work energy theorem,
is positive as volume increases.
Forces acting on piston
Work done for a Cyclic Process IW =N<
In the cyclic process shown in the Fig. the work done
(W A) in the cycle A is positive as it is clockwise and the work
done (WB) in the cycle B is negative as it is anti-clockwise. Wgas: Work done by the gas
Since the area of cycle A is smaller i.e. Watm; Work done by atmospheric pressure
Wex1 : Work done by external force
W.pri~g: Work done by spring force
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Wgr : Work done by gravitational force THE FIRST LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS
Note that when the piston moves Durward, expansion of When a thermodynamic system is taken through a
gas takes place so its volume increases, say by 6.V , then the process in which heat Q is added to the system and wotk W is
volume of the air atmosphere will decrease by the same performed by the system, irrespective of the nature of the
amount but with opposite sign, i.e., the change in ,the process, the value of Q - W is same for same initial and final
volume of air is negative.1.V (volume decreases by .1.V). states, which means Q - W depends only on the initial and
final states. This new variable Q - W is the change in
internal energy between initial and final states.
Heat CQ)is the thermal energy transferred via particle
t:.U=UJ -Uj=Q-W
collisions, from a region of higher temperature to a region of
lower temperature. A body stores or contains thennal This equation is called first law of thermodynamics.
energy, not heat. Heat is thermal energy in transit and once Heat Q is negative when heat energy leaves the system and
transferred it is no longer called heat. that work is negative when work energy enters the system;
therefore, Q - W represents the net energy entering the
For an infinitesimal changes in the internal energy, heat
transferred and work performed,
(.) (bl
dU =dQ -dW. dQ =dU + dW

the bar on the differential d is to emphasize that they are

not exact differentials of any function but merelv represent
«) (d)
sma:!l amounts of heat and work. .
FIg. 2.23 The first law of thermodynamics is a statement of
Heat and work (Q and W ) are the two ways of bringing conservation of energy for pure thermodynamic system. The
energy into or taking it out of a system. Heat and work can very fact that the internal energyU is a state variable implies
produce identical results. Heat transferred into a system can that energy is conserved. Suppose a system is isolated so
increase its temperature, as when the Sun warms the air in a that it cannot interact with its surroundings, i. e., Q = 0. and
bicycle tyre; similarly when work is done on the air by W = O. It implies that t:.U = 0. or that the internal energy of
pumping it into the tyre, the temperature rises. an isolated system is constant.
The quantities that depend only on the state of the
system are called state variables or state functions or point Concept: An isolated system has no interaction with its
functions. On the other hand, both work and the amount of
heat transferred depend on the particular path of the The opposite of isolation is thennal contact:
process; we call them path variables. A system that can exchange thermal energy with its
Internal Energy environment is in thermal contact with environment.
In thermodynamics, as in mechanics, an equilibrium
The internal energy is the p state of an isolated system is one that has no tendency to
sum of the individual kinetic and • change.
potential energies associated ;~,
with the mmions and
interactions of all the individual
j~ ... ..
Two systems are in thermal equilibrium with each other
if there is no net transfer of thermal energy when they are put
particles comprising the system. .. .. in thermal contact.
In a particular thermodynamic
The zeroth law of. thermodynamics:
state a system has a definite ... Two systems each in thermal equilibrium with a third are
internal energy. When the v in thermal equilibrium with each other.
system changes its state, it is Flg._2_.2~4
__ A system unable to transfer energy to any other system in
only changes in the internal energy t:.U that are physically thennal contact with it has the lowest possible temperature,
significant. called absolute zero.
When energy is transferred from one system to another as
The value of internal energy is a characteristic of the
state of the system; it is a state variable. a result of the temperature difference between them the
process is called heat transfer.
Heat means the amount of energy that is transferred
through a large number of random events.
Study Anurag Mishra with


Heat transfer is a process and does not involve any new .\U =Q
form of energy. Heat transfer may increase the internal For a constant volume process,
kinetic energy of a system, for example. Second, we are using
fiU=nC,.(1'j -Ti)=nC,.fiT
"heat" as a description of the tramJer process. Systems do not
contain heat any more than they contQin work .systems fo.U represents change in a srate variable Qnd therefore it is
contain internal energy that may be changed either by heat independent of path from T,. to Tf . Hence llU must always
transfer or by doing work. be equal to nC"IlT irrespective of the process. We
11le first law of themodynamics expresses conservation can calculate the change in internal energy for any process
of energy during any process. between temperature 1',. and Tf by finding the change in
The increase in a system's energy equals the heat energy for an isochoric process between the same two
transferred to the system plus the work done on the system. temperatures.
Equation suggests that the temperature of a system is
related to the internal energy of the system; t:.U is related to
Specific Thermodynamic Processes
temperature change. Writing the equation in differential
In this section we will analyze the changes in internal form,
energy, the amount of heat transferred, and the work
dU = nCt, dT
performed by a system during some specific processes.
The molar specific hear was defined earlier by the c =.!.dU
t' n dT
For an ideal gas, when temperature is constant, internal
Q = nCfiT
energy is constant, i. e., isotherms of an ideal gas are
where 11 is the number of moles and fiT is temperature constant internal energy curves. These statements are
difference. The heat Q transferred into or out of the system is true for real gases only when they behave as ideal gases, at
dependent on the particular process; therefore, the equation low pressures and far from me vicinity of phase transitions.
Q = nCfiT depends on the path. The magnitude of Q may be During phase changes internal energy can depend on the
different for different paths between the same two pressure and volume per mole of the gas, and the relation
temperatures. But n and fiT remains same. So the molar Q =: nC".11' is not applicable.
specific heat C is path dependent.
Isobaric Process
During an isochoric (constant volume) process the
Work performed during an isobaric process is
amount of heat transferred is
Q == nCL.t:.T
where C is the molar specific heat at constant
W == J:
P dV =,P(Vf -Vi) =PllV

volume. For this case first law of thermodynamics can be written

During an isobaric (constant pressure) process the
amount of heat transferred is 6U =Q-W
nC"t:.T =' nC p llT -PfiV
=: nC p llT - n.RliT
where C p is the molar specific heat at constant
pressure. Ct. =Cp-R

During an isothermal process, fiT = 0 or Cp - C,. = R (ideal gas only)

Q Equation says that the specific heat at constant pressure
TlIlT is greater than the specific heat at constant volume. We can
Specific heat of the system is infinite. explain this result from the definition of specific heats. We
defined molar heat capacity as amount of heat necessary to
During an adiabatic process, llQ = O.Specific heat of the
raise the temperature of one mole of a substance by one
system is zero.
temperature degree. During a constant pressure process,
Isochoric Process some of the heat transferred is used to perform work, as the
There is no change in volume of the gas in an isochoric volume changes, whereas during a constant volume process
process so that dV == 0 and the work done by the system is no work is performed; the entire heat contributes to the
zero. temperature increase (change in internal energy). Thus we
W=JPdV=O see that the extra heat is required in [he constant pressure
process to perform work.
The first law of thermodynamics reduces to
Study Anurag Mishra with

Isothermal Process In (yY ) + In (P) = In (constant)

Work done in an isothermal process is given by In (PyY) = In (constant)

W = nRT In (~ ) (ideal gas only) , or pyY = constant ... (5)

" The eqn. (5) is the mathematical relation for the curve
In the isothermal process, in P.V plane for an adiabatic process. Relations describing
t.U=nCvl1T=:O adiabatic behaviour of an ideal gas in terms of Y and T, and
So from fjrst law we find Q =W
in terms of P and T can be derived by combining eqn. (5)
with the ideal gas equation PY = nRT, to obtain the
Q =nRT In(~) following results:
PyY = constant
Adiabatic Process
IVy -} = constant
An adiabatic process is performed in a well insulated
container so that no heat flows across the container pO-1)!YT = constant
boundary. When a process is performed suddenly, there is A family of curves representing quasi-static adiabatic
little time for heat transfer. We can approximate it as an process may be plotted on a P-Y diagram by assigning
adiabatic process. different values to the constant in eqn. (5). The slope of any
As Q = 0, the first law becomes adiabatic curve is determined by taking the differential of
eqn. (5).
flU =-W or W =-/1U
W=-nCv6T ...
(1) Pd{YY) + VYdP = 0
In the differential form, or PyyY-1dY+YY dP=O
dU=-dW=-PdV dP P
Then -=-y-
nC1, AT = -P dV ... (2) dv V
We eliminate T from this equation with the help of the Slope of an isothermal curve is
ideal gas equation PV = nRT.
dP P
d(PV) = d(nRT) -=--
dV V
PdV + VdP =nRdT
It follows that an adiabatic curve has a steeper negative
n dT = P dV + V dP ... (3) slope than for an isothermal curve at the same point.
Work done by the gas in an adiabatic process can be
Substituting expression for n dT in ego (2), calculated from the first law of thermodynamics. Since
CuCF dV + V dP) =_P dV dQ =0,
Rearranging this resu!t, we have
(Cv+R)dV+ dP=O P, Adiabat P'/I '" Constant
C ... (4)
V " P )
ButCv +R =CP' So eqn. (4) can be written as
P, _.•••••••• -flsotherms
C,)dV +dP =0
( Ct. V P
v, V,
We integrate this expression and write the integration Fig. 2.25
constant on the right hand side as natural logarithm of
another cons tan(.
dW ==-dU=-nC" dT
(~:) In(V) + In (P) = In (constant) Wadiabafic = J dW = J -nC" dT

C = - nC., ,~.T= nC f' (Tj - Tf)

The ratio -!!.. , ratio of specific heats, is customarily We have assumed that Ct' is constant, for an ideal gas, U
written as the Greek letter gamma, so that C p/Cv = y. With is proponional to temperature, and therefore, Ct. = du is a
this substitution. we have constant.
Study Anurag Mishra with


Using PV '" nRT, 'we obtain Adiabatic Free Expansion

We now consider what
W"di"h"lic =nC,. (PIV1 _P2V2J happens \•... hen a gas is
nR nR
allowed to expand
=~ (PIVi -PIV/) adiabatically without doing
any work. Fig. 2.27 shows
c, t\NO vessels connected by a Fig. 2.27
Cr -C" tube with a stopcock.
Initially, one vessel is filled with gas while the other is
where we have used R = C p - C I'. Dividing numerator evacuated. The system is thermally insulated; that is, Q ::=0.
and denominator bye and writing '{forC piC,., we obtain
When the stopcock is opened the gas quickly expands to fill
PIV, -Pj Vi the second chamber. The uncontrolled expansion is not
lVadiabatic '" 1
y- quasi-static and cannot be depicted on a PV diagram. Since
the gas does not expand against a piston, it does no work,
Concept: 1. Isothennal (constant-temperature), W ::=O.From the first law we conclude that
iso-chone (constant-volume), and isobaric (Free expansion) ilU ::=0
(constant-pressure) processes require heat transfer however,
heat transfer is relatively slow and is negligible in many In an adiabatic free expansion the internal energy of
processes that occur rapidly. Examples of such processes any gas (ideal or real) does not change.
include pressure oscillations in a sound wave and the In the special case of an ideal gas, there is no change in
expansion phase in the operation of an automobile engine. temperature in an adiabatic free expansion. One can
In an adiabatic process, a system does not exchange heat conclude that the imernal energy of an ideal gas depends only
with its environment: on temperature, not on pressure or volume. Sensitive
experiments show a small temperature change for a real gas
Adiabatic proees.s c:> Q = Q
at high pressures and low temperatures. This indicates that
An adiabat is the path/allowed by the system paim in the the internal energy of a real gas is also a function of pressure
p-v diagram during an adiabatic process. or volume.
2. In an adiabatic expansion, the system does work at the Table 2.2 Summary of Thermodynamic Processes
expense of its internal energy: ~U ::= -W. The adiabat drops to
Process and general result Result for ideal gas
lower isotherms as tile internal energy (and hence
temperature) decrease. Adiabar.s are steeper than isotherms. bochoric

P W =0 (True also for nonisochoric

ilU::= nCv /1T process)
T, + dT
W '= PilV
ilU ::=nCl, ilT::=Q - W
P, Q::= nC p /1T
dV Isothermal
w = J P dV W =Q = nRT In(~o)
v, V
ilU =0
Fig. 2.26: A differential piece of a P-Vdiagram
showing two neighboring isotherms and an Adiabatic
adiabal crossing them.
W :-/1U ::=-nCv I1T PVY::=constant(y::=Cp/C,.)
When the gas is compressed along an adiabat, its pressure Q-O
rises from PI to PI + dP. Work is done on the gas but no heat
transfer occurs. According to the first law of thermodynamics,
the internal energy and temperatu,e of the gas increase. Thus
point E is on a higher isotherm than A Adiabats are steeper
than isotherms.
Study Anurag Mishra with

Graphs: p.v, V.T and poT v
1. Isochorlc process:
-------- --- v

v, •••... /


.' . T

Pl __._ •• A
•• ...

Fig. 2.29 (e)

v, v T dV nR
(e) slope=- =-

I') (b) dT Po
Fig. 2.28
3. Isothermal process:
. F F p p
V = constant therefore ..1. = ...l. and Pl < P2
T1 T2 A

dF dV
(a) slope = - = 00 (b) slope=-.0
dV dT
~8 f
P, ••.... ; ..• ~ 8
v T
P1 .~ i (.) (b)

... ...
," :
Fig. 2.30

To = constant; P:x: -
11 T2 T V
FIg. 2.28 (c) To = constant
dF dF
dF nR (a) slope = -; PV = nRT (b) slope =- =00
(c) slope =- =- dV dT
dT V
=> PdV + VelP = a
2. Isobaric process: dF p
p p
;> -=--
dV V
8 A 8

Po m •••••• :

v 8
(.) Ib)
Fig. 2.29 T
Fig. 2.30 (e)

P = constant,
v V
therefore...!. = -l. and V2 > VI dV
T1 T2 ee) slope = - = 00
dF dF
(a) slope=-=O (b) slope::: - = 0
dV dT
Study Anurag Mishra with



P Example I.

P, ~ P
P P ,,

P, ---L------
v A/

... c
.Ll T



v, ,, ," ,;, ....

Tt T2
Fig. 2.31 Fig. 2.33

StutcPl,Vl,Tl-P2,V2,T2; Suppose?! <P2 The sense of the cyclic process in P-J" diagram is always
(a) PV"r = K(const.) ~ P = K/VY opposite to the.sense of the cyclic process in V.7' diagram.
slope can be determined as Example II.

P'"lVHdV + Via? = 0 ~ elP = _ yP

, dV V

(b) pl-YrY = K:::>p~Y_


(c) nw1 =K
Comparison of an Isotherm and Adiabat
Slope of adiabatic curve =- yP

Slope of isothermal curve =_f

Adiabatic slope = P
(isothermal curve)
In the P-V graph if t\\'o ,,
intersecting curves are shown
then both are not adiabatic and : isotherm
both are not isothermal because : adiabat
t\vo isothermal curve can not L---'-----_V
intersect and two adiabatic curve Fig. 2.32
can not intersect also.
Study Anurag Mishra with

Example III. Example V.
p p p p

C~" 17"
L-----~V T .,,' D
v V


,c, ,
" ,,
T "
Fig. 2.35 Fig. 2.37

Note: On a P-V diagram we have a cui point then poT and V-T Example VI.
diagram we will also have a cut point.


'i) '{J'
p , p

,:,' T L

.,,::~: T


.: ••••• A
" /.,-

T Important points
------' Fig. 2.38

Fig. 2.36 (1) Temperature Analysis on P-V diagram: In the

diagram three process shown on the P.V diagram. Here
temperature will increase because we are moving from a
lower isotherm to a higher isotherm.
Study Anurag Mishra with


p . . .. General Conclusions
If the same gas is expanded p
from the same pressure and
volume to the same final volume
then the work-done by the gas in
2 : isotherm
an isothermal process is greater : :
T. than the work-done in an ~
:, :. adiabal
T, ,,
adiabatic process.
T, v
T, If the same sample of gas is V, V2
v expanded from the same initial Fig. 2.43
Fig. 2.39 state to the same final volume by
(2) Work done in adiabatic process 3 ~ 4 = work done three different process then the work done by the gas has
in the adiabatic process 1 -) 2, (In adiabatic process work following inequality
done is equal to the change in internal energy.)
p p

V1 V2 V
2 Fig. 2.44

Fig. 2.40 In me case of the comprcssion the incquality is revcrse.

Win >Wdi >Wmono
(3) Compare the heat supplied sand
for the process A, Band C. /'

QA =6U+W"
QB = 6U

Qc =ilU-W"
QA >Q" >Qc
Im~~ol[I] 1 I H~O

Molar heat capacity of A is Fig. 2.45

(4) The plot a,b, ande represent adiabatic process for The sand particle are remove very slowly and the gas
H2, He and H20 identify them: expand adiabatically. In the case of mono atomic gas sample.
The final pressure will be minimum and the removal of sand
will be maximum.
The final temperature 'A'ill be minimum in the case of
monoatomic gas sample.
First Law of Thermodynamics In differential form
, dQ::= dU + dW ; dU::= IlC1,dT ; dW ::=PdV
b dQ = nC"dT + PdV ;
, for a differential time dt
dQ dU dW
_=_+_ ...
Fig. 2.42
dt dt dt
dQ --+ rate at which heat is supplied i.e., Thermal
a = H2O (trO de
b = H2 (di) power supplied.
c = He (mono) -dU --+ rate 0f.mcrease 0 f.Imerna I energy.
Study Anurag Mishra with

~0 --~T"'HE;llRMOIln"IiDYNAM==Ill':CSrl
t Connecting process \
-dW ~ me ch'lamea power output.
Isothermal PV = constant
For a dT change in temperature
dQ dU dW Isochoric P
-=-+- ,.... (2)
- = constant
dT dT dT T

How to Determine Specific Heat of a Process

'." Isobaric V
- = constant
To find the molar specific heat of any process in general, T
let C proceS!J be the molar specific heat for the given process Adiabatic PV Y = constant
taking one mole of gas. The amount of heat dQ supplied to
TV 1- I = constant
increase its temperature by dT is
pO-Y)i1T =constant
dQ = C proc~""dT
dQ dU C. Use Table-J to calculate ~U,Q and W for each path.
dT =Cproces,; dU =Cl,dT; dT =Cv• dW =PdV.
dW PdV Example
dT dT
from eqn. (2) ~gm; cylinder hm; O.6mole of an ideal gm;. It is taken through
the process A-B-C as shown in Fig. 2E.4. What is the work
Cprocess =Cv +-- perfonned by the gas, the heat framferred. and the change in
dT internal energy for each of the processes A ~ Band B ~ C.
Problem.Solving Strategy for Thermodynamic Specific heats at comtant volume and constant pressure of the
Cycles gas are 12.5 JLmol!K and 20.8 J/moVK respectively.
A thermodynamic cycle may involve unknown
Solution: Process A ~ B is isobaric, and B ~ C is
parameters. The following general strategy may help in
isothermal. We construct a table and fill up flU = 0 for
determining them:
B~C, because there is no change in internal energy along
I. Sketch the process in the P.V plane. Make a table of . heern 0f'd
a n Isot an leal I •••.
t.V, Q and W for each segment of the cycle.
i' Process .u Q w
A. Fill in the given informations in the appropriate box
of the table. A-->B
B. Apply first law,.1.U =Q - W for each segment. B-->C 0
C. At the end of a complete cycle all the state variables
return to their original values, including the internal energy. Total
= =
For a complete cycle, 6U cycle Q Therefore, Q - W 0, i. e.,
Process A ~ B is
work obtained from a reversible cyclic process is equal to the P, Pa
heat transferred into the system. We reemphasize the fact isobaric, so the work done Isotherms
that irrespective of the process performed bet'Neen t'NO
states with temperatures Ti and Tf, the change in internal
energy is
WJ\B = f v, Pdv 100

6U =nCv(Tf -Ti) = P(Vf - Vi)

If all the boxes are not filled by using I, apply the = (100)(2 -1)
strategy in II below: = 100 J V,m3
V, '" V2 = V3
II. Determine the temperature, pressure and volume at The change in 123
each vertex of the cycle. internal energy from A to
A. If two state variables are known, the equation of B is
state can be used to find the third. tJ.U = nCv~T
B. If one variable is known at a given vertex, the second = (0.06)(12.5)(400 - 200)
can be determined by relating the values at neighbouring
vertex by knowing the process connecting the two vertex, = ISO J
The heat transferred can be computed in two ways.
1. Q = nG pliT
= (0.06)(20.8)(400 - 200)
Study Anurag Mishra with


2. From first law, Q == E,U + W Example

== (150 + 100) J
~2S0J A cylinder witll a movable piston encloses one mole of helium.
Process B --) C is isothermal; so the work done is The cylinder is placed in contact with various reservoirs and
insulated when required; the helium peiform.~ the cycle as
wBe ~Jv1--v lpdV
shown in Fig. 2£.5. Compute the internal energy change, hear
transferred and work peifonnedfor each segment of the cycle
Vf = v3dV
=nRT J Vi" V2
and the toral amount of each of these quantities for the entire
cycle. Assume helium to be an ideal gas, with Ct, = 12.5
j/moVK, C p = 20.81/moVK.
~ nRTln[ ~: J
Solution: First we calculate temperatures
~ (0.06)(8.314)(400) In(~) TA =TB, Te, TD• the volume VB' and the pressure PRo We can
determine temperatures from the ideal gas equation
:: 80.9 J T = PAVA =(8.00)( 104)(2.00)( 10-3)
A nR (1)(8.314)
Since 6U = a for an isothermal process,
QBC == Wile == 80.9 J = 19.2 K

We can now complete our table.

We use the law for adiabatic process PV"' , for the process
B --) C to compute pressure and volume at point B.
PeVJ=PIJVJ ... (1)

For helium, we have

'{ == Cp =(20.8)= 1.66 TA"'Ts"'19.2K (aBC" 0)
C,. 12.5 (.J 10J
However, we have two unknowns, both Pfl and VB' so we
need another equation, which is
PBVB =nRTB ... (2) r
Eliminating Pjj from eqos. (1) and (2), we have
PeVZ =PBV; =PSVB(VB r-1 ~P '" 0

=nRTB(vB)r-1 Po <0
On solving for VB' we have (01 (dJ

VB = (PcVZ )1'(}-1) Flg.2E.5

p. Pa

On substituting numerical values, we have
VB == 4.55 x 10-3 m 3

Again from eqo. (2), Isochor B

nRTiJ <4 Adiabat
PB = -- = 3.51x 10 Pa 3" 104 ----- C
V, D: Isobar :

Now, the pressure, volume and temperature at each L_-'-__ -'-__ .'V.1o-3m3
2.00 5.00
vertex of the cycle are known. Now we can calculate heat,
work, and internal energy: Fig. 2E.5 (e)
Process W Q \ w
PcVc (3)( 104)(5)( 10-3)
A ~B 150 J 250J 100 J Tc=--~
nR (1)(8.314)
B~C 0 80.9 J 80.9 J = 18.0 K
Total 150 J 331 J 181 J
Study Anurag Mishra with

PVVD (3):: 104)(2)< 10-3) which 57 J of heat is converted to work and the remaining is
To =--
nR (1)(8.314) transferred to the low temperature reservoir.
,7.22 K ',' Ie..
for each segment of cycle. :;!..
Isotherm A --+ B Consider the vaporiuztion oflg o/water at 100'C to steam at
l00"C at one aonosphere pressure. Compute the work done by
WAS=nRTAln(~:) the water system in the vaporization and change in internal
energy:0/ the system.
3 ...
, (1)(8.314)(19.2) In(4.55X 10- J Solution: To change a system of mass m of liquid to
2x 10-3
vapour, heat required is
= 132 J Q =mL,.
Along an isotherm, tJ.UAS = 0, so QAB = W AB = 132 J. The process takes place at constant pressure, and so the
Adiabat B -+ C work done by [he system is the work in an isobaric process.
We know that W =P.1.V
Wac =-liUBC =-nCutJ.T where .1.V = (Vvapour - V1iquid )
, -(1)(12.5)(18.0 - 19.2) This work is positive since V,,,pour > Vliquid
From first law of thermodynamics
,15.0 J
aU'Q - W
and ""Vae =-Wac =-15.0J
= InIll - P(Vvapour - VliqUid)
The work done by the gas in this segment of the cycle
Latent heat of vaporization of water
decreases internal energy; work done is at the expense of
internal energy, as QBC = O. Lv = 22.57 x lOs J/kg
Isobar C -to D Q = (1.00 x 1O-3)(22.57x 105)
WQ) =P6,V= (3.00x 104)[(2.00x 10-3) =2.26x 103 J

- (5.00x 10-3)]=-90.0 J Moles of water in 1 g = ~ = 0,0556 mole

Qev = nC paT = (1)(20.8)(7.2- 18.0)=-225 J
V , nRT, (0.0556)(8.315)(373)
Wev 'Qev -Wev = (-225J)-(-90J),-135J vapour P 1.013 x lOS
We may apply I:1U = nC u AT for calculation of change in
=1.70x 10-3 m3
internal energy.
[sochor D -+ A The density of water is lOa x 103 kglm 3 = 1.00 glcm 3

For a constant volume process, W = 0, W VA = a Vliquid = 1.00x 10-6 m 3

tlUVA=QVA =nCvtJ.TVA =(1)(12.5)(19.2-7.2)= 150J Thus the work done by the water system in vaporization
We can summarize our results in the table form is
I Process .U Q \ w I W = P(Vvapour - Vliquid)
A ->8 0 132 J 132 J = (1.013x 105)(1.70)( 10-3 - 1.00x 10-6)
B->C -15 J 0 15 J =172J
C->D 135 J 225 J 90 J The work done by the system is positive since the
D->A 150 J 150 J 0 volume of the system has increased.
Total 0 57 J 57 J From first law,
It is a cyclic process. Therefore, ~U'Q -W
.1.U = (2.26)( 103 - 172) J
AUcyclic =0
and Qcycle = W cycle = 2.09x 103 J
During each complete cycle 132 J + 150 J = 282 J of Note that larger percentage of energy 92% is utilized in
heat is removed from high temperature reservoir, out of changing the internal energy and only 8% went into work
done by the system on surroundings. In vaporization, the
Study Anurag Mishra with


energy is required to weaken the intermolecular forces (c) Find the expression for work done in the cycle in terms of
within the liquid. minimum and maximum volumes VI' V3, TH• TL, Pl, VI'

Example 7 ........-- Solution: (a) (i) Isothermal expansion,

1-» 2: The system is immersed in a bath at temperature
Consider the melting of 1 g of ice at DOC to liquid water at.DOC TH and is allowed to expand quasi-statically doing \\'ork on
at atmospheric pressure. Compute the work done, on ice an external mechanism as heat flows into the system from
system in melting and change in internal energy a/the system. the bath.
Solution: Heat required to change the phase of solid, ,,
Q = mLf ,
,, Isothermal
Work done by system at constant pressure, ,,
W = P(VIi'luid - Vso:id )
From first law of thermodynamics,
~u=Q - W Adiabatic
'-" .lsothermT H

= rnL f - Pevliquid - Vsolid) QL 3.'.-lsothermTL

Latent heat of fusion of water, V

Lf = 3.335x lOs J/Kg Fig.2E.8

Q = (l x 10-3 )(3.335 x 105) The work done by an ideal gas in an isothermal

The density of ice is 920 kg/m 3. WI == nRTH In- ... (I)
V 1 x 10- = 1.09><10-6 m3 Since the temperature is constant in an isothermal
solid = 920
process, the internal energy is constant. nUl = 0 J. From
VUquid=lx 10- m] first law of thermodynamics,
Thus work done by the system in melting is V,
QH =LlU+W =OJ+WI ==nRTH In - ... (2)
W = P(\t)iquid - Vso1id)
= (1.013>< 105)(1 x 10-6 - 1.09><10--6) It shows that all of the heat transfer QH to the gas is
converted into the work W1•
(ii) Adiabatic expansion, 2 -» 3: The system is
Work done by the system is negative because the system enclosed in a perfect insulator, the quasi-static expansion
decreased in volume. follows until the temperature has decreased to TL•
From first law, Since Q = 0 J, the first law of thermodynamics
~U =Q - W = 334-(-9,10-') Q = 6U + W becomes
OJ=6U2 +W2
-= 334 J
LlU2 =-W2 =nCu(Tr -TH) ... (3)
Nearly all the heat transferred to the system in the
melting goes into changing the internal energy of the Since work done of expansion is positive, the change in
system. The absolute value of work done by the system is internal energy is negative, the internal energy decreases.
only about 0.003% of the heat transfer to melt the ice. Since internal energy is a function of temperature, the
temperature of the gas decreases to Tt.
Example 8:.--'" (iii) Isothermal compression, 3 -» 4: The
system is immersed in a bath at temperature TL and
A Carnot cycle takes an ideal ga.>around a cycle consisting of compressed quasi-statically by an external agent as heat
alternating isothermal and adiabatic processes, as shown in flows out of the system to the bath.
Fig. 2£.8. (a) Calculate work done, heat transfer, internal The process is isothermal, I\U3 = 0 and
energy change in each segment of the cycle. (b) Show that the
cylinder volumes in the stares 1, 2, 3, 4 bear the relation
W 3 =nRTL In(~:) ...(4)
V4 V3
Study Anurag Mishra with


The work done is negative because V4 < V3 (the temperature and TI = T2 = TH and at the minimum
logarithm of a number less than 1 is negative). The first law temperature T3 = T4 = TL.
of thermodynamics, Q = 6U + W becomes WlOtal = WI + W3

QL =OJ+W] =nRTL In(~:) .;:,.. (5)

V2 V4
=nRTH In- + nRTL 10-
Since work done is negative, QL is also negative, Vt V2
=nRTH In- + nRTL In-
implying that heat is transferred from the gas (system) to V2 VI
the bath at temperature Tr.
V V2
(iv) Adiabatic compression, 4 -t 1: Tne system Using eqn. (11), - 3 0_

V4 Vt
is enclosed in a perfect insulator, the quasi-static
compression continues until the temperature of the system V,
Wlotal = -nR(TH - TL) In- ... (12)
has increased to TH' VI
The process is adiabatic, Q = 0; the first law becomes From ideal gas equation,
OJ=.6.U4 +W4 nR=PtV1
.6.U":-W4 =nCv(TH -TLl ... (6) TH
Since W" is negative (compression work), tJ.U4 is For adiabatic process, 2 -)0 3,
positive, indicating that temperature of the gas increases.
For complete cycle, the gas returns to its initial state; the
Vz = --l::....
( TH
)1'('-" V3
total change in internal energy of the gas is zero. i. e.,
L\Utotal =L\Ut +L\U2 +L\U3 +L\U4 By substituting these values in eqn. (12), and doing
some algebraic manipulation, we obtain
001 ... (7) Wtotal = Pt \'t (1- TL ) (_1_ In !i. + In V 3)

The two internal energy changes L\U 2 and !:tV 4 during l TH lY-l TH VI
two adiabatic processes of the cycle are of equal magnitude
and opposite sign, see expressions (3) and (6). The internal
energy is a function of temperature alone. In one adiabatic
process temperature decreased from TH to TL and in the 'Fig. 2£.9 shows a cyclic process perfonned on one mole of an
other temperature increased from TL to TH• ideal gas. A total of1000) of heat is withdrawn from the gas
in a complete cycle. Find the work done by the gas during the
The first law applied to entire cycle is therefore, process B -)0 C. •
QtOlal = Wtotal + L\V tOlal T
QH +QL =W1 +W2 +W3 +W4 +OJ C

Taking sign of heat transferred and work, we get

Net heat tiansk""d
Total work done by
400 K

•• ,' A
to the gas the gas "
" V
(b) For the adiabatic process 2 -)0 3,
THV2y-t =TLV3y-t ... (9)

For the adiabatic process 4 -)0 1, Solution: In a cyclic process,

THVly-1 =TLV/-I ... (10) L\U=O
Dividing eqn. (9) by (10), we have Qey<;le = W cycle .•• (l)
V2 V3 whereas Wcyde = WA ...• B + WB ...• e + We....•
A ... (2)

VI V4 Process C -)0 A is isochoric, hence We ...•A = 0

VI V2 Process A -)0B is isobaric, as its T-V graph is a straight
0' -0- ••• (11)
V4 V3 line passing through origin.
(c) The net work done in adiabatic parts of the cycle is In an isobaric process, work done is
zero. It follows that all the work done in the cycle is W =P(V2 -Vt)
isothermal work, performed at maximum system
Study Anurag Mishra with

WA->B =lx 8.31(400-300)
= 831 J ... (3)
= 2(~R) (600- 300)

W A -./l is positive; expansion of gas takes place. = ISOOR
From eqns. 0), (2) and (3), Heat is added to the system.
-1000 = 831 + W/l_.e + a Process B -+ C is isothermaL
Wu ...•c = -1831 J From first law of thermodynamics,
Negative work dO:le implies that compression of the gas QBC =WBC' as I:1U =0
takes place.

= nRTe In(~:)
= (2)(R)(600) In(4V2V A)

Two moles of a monatomic ideal gas is taken through a cyclic A

process starting from A as shown in Fig. 2£.10. The volume = (l200R) In (2)
ratios are VB = 2 and Vv = 4. If the temperature TA at point = (1200R)(0.693)
A is 27"C, calculate: ~ 83L6R
Heat is added to the system.
Process C -+ D is isochoric.
v, ----ODe From first law of thermodynamics,
Vs •••• B QCD = nC,.(TD -Tc)
A '
VA ---~
i, =n(%R )(TA -T,)

Flg.2E.10 =2(%R )(300-600)

(a) the temperature of the gas at point B, = -900R

(b) heat absorbed or released by the gas in each process, Negative sign implies heat is rejected by the system.
(c)the total work done by the gas during the complete cycle. Process D -+ A is isothermal.
Express your answer in terms of the gas' constant R. QDA =WDA
Solution: Gas is monatomic; hence
C =-R and C =-R
= nRT, In(~; )
u 2 p 2
= (2)(R)300 In ( VA )
Number of moles n=2 4VA
TA =ZrC=300K
(a) Process A -+ B is a straight line passing through =600R In(~)
origin; hence it is an isobaric process.
= -83L6R
Negative sign implies heat is rejected by the system.
(c) In a cyclic process,
Ts =(~:)TA ilU=O

=2x 300K=600K
(b) Process A -+ B is isobaric. Wne1 = QAB + QBC + QCD + QOA
Qp =nCp(TB -rAJ = ISOOR + 83l.6R - 900R - 831.6R
= 600R.
Study Anurag Mishra with

The pf;fSSures and temperatures at A, B, etc_, are denoted by
PA, TA, PB, TH, etc., respectively. Given TA = 1000 K,
An ideal gas having initial pressure P, voll1~e, V and PB = (2/3)PA and Pc = (lj3)Pk Calculate (a) the work done
temperature T is allowed to expand adiabatically until its by the gas in the process A -) B, (b) the heat lost by the gas in
volume becomes 5.66 V while its temperature/ails to Tj2 (a) the process B -} C, and (c) temperature TD-
How many degrees of freedom do the gas molecules have? (b-'. Gil'en (2/3)(2'5) = 0.850_
Obtain the work done by the gas during expansion as a
function of initial pressure and volume. Solution: (a) For an adiabatic process,
Tr pl- r = constant
Solution: (a) For an adiabatic process, temperature Trp1-r _Trpr-1
and volume are related as AA -BB


TV y-1 -T where y = 5/3 for a monatomic gas.
1 1 - 2 2

1Vy-1 =(~)(5.66V)Y-l
T•• TA (~:

y-l= logt2 =0.6931=0.4

loge 5.66 1.7334 .1000G) ".• 850 K
1.4y =
Work done in an adiabatic process is given by
The relation between y and degrees of freedom is
w = nR(TA -TB)
y=1+- y-l
1. 8.31 (1000- 850)
2 •
1.4.1+ (5/3) -1
/.5 -1869.75 J
(b) Process B -} C is isochoric.
(b) Work done in an adiabatic process is given by
Hence W =a
w = PI VI - P2V2
From first Jaw of thermodynamics,
Q =.t!.U + W
as PIV} =nRT=PV
T PV 3
PlVl =nR - =-
2 2 .n-R(Te - 350)
Thus W = 1 (PV _ PV) = 1.25PV For an isochoric process,
(lA-I) 2 p
- = Constant
I:::xam~le T

One mole of a monatomic ideal gas is taken through the cycle

Te T
shown in Fig. 2E.12. Pe
T P,
_ (I/3)PA T

t:::J c 2

A -} B adiabatic expansion = 425 K
B -} C cooling at conMant volume Hence Q = 1 x - x 8.31(425 - 850)
C -} D adiabatic compression
= -5297.625J
D -} A heating at constant volume
Negative sign implies that the system has lost heat.
Study Anurag Mishra with

ee) Process C +4 D is adiabatic. _5x10"xl0
TA - 500x 8.31 120.33 K

Tn -:=lOx 10" x 10 =240.66K

500 x B.31
Pressure at D. PD is unknown, but pressures at A and C
are known. T = lOx 10" x 20 =481.32 K
Process D --+ A is isochoric; hence 500x 8.31
PD Tv Tn -:=5x 10 x 20 =240.66 K
-=- 0'
PA TA 500 x 8.31
Therefore, (b) Change in internal energy is path independent;
hence we cannot predict the path taken.
(c) Process A B C consists of isochoric process
-}> -}>

A -}>B and isobaric process B C. -}>

rl,'! =T ~ WA--->s ....•c -:=WA ....•B + Wn ....•c
[ ]
-:=0+P(V2 - VI)
-:= 0 + 105(20 -10)
T" =(T,2" )[ (1'3)P P
x 1000
-:= 106 J

['21(2)" ]( 3 )" Change in internal energy,

= '3 x 1000 1000 h.U-:=nC,,(Tc-TA)

Tv =500K
=(500)(~ R)( 4~0 _1~0)

E':><<:l'TIPt ••. -:=2.25x106J

,,-------- ... -_ ......,..-.

From first law of thermodynamics,

A sample of 2 kg of monatomic helium (assumed ideal) is Q -:=f,U + W
taken through process ABC and another sample of 2 kg of the
-:=(2.25 x 106 + 106) J
same gas is taken through the process ADe. Given molecular
mass of helium = 4: (a) What is the temperature of helium in =3.25x 106 J
each of the states A, B, C and D? (b)ls there any way a/telling Path A D C consists of isobaric process A
-}> -}> -}> D and
afterwards which sample of helium went through the process isochoric process D C. -}>
ABC and which went through the process ADC? (c) How much
is the heat involved in each of the processes ABC and ADC?
p = P(V2 - VI) + 0
:=5x 10"(20-10)
=0.5x 106 J
Change in internal energy aU -:=2.25 x 106 J; there is no
need to calculate h.U once again. Internal energy is path
10 20 independent; therefore,
Flg.2E.13 tJ.UA ....•B ....•C :=f,UA ....•D ....•C

From first law of thermodynamics,

Solution: Ca) Number of moles of helium,
n -:= mass -:=500 mol
molecular weight '" (2.25x 106) + 0.5x 106

From ideal gas equation. =2.75xI06J

Study Anurag Mishra with

Example Wcycle ""WA~B + WB~C + WC~A
""2.0BRT - 1.5RT + 0
Three moles of an ideal gas [c p =~ RJ at pressure P and " O.5SRT
W cycle"" Qcytle "" O.58RT
temperature T is isothermally apanded twice to its initial
W cycle and Qcycle are positive, hence heat is added to
volume. It is then compressed at constant pressure to its
system, while net expansion takes place.
original volume. Finally the gas is compressed at constan~
volume to its original pre.ssure P. (a) Sketch p.v ~nd p.T. Example
diagram/or the process. (b) Calculate the net work done by'
the gas and heat supp'lied to the gas during the comp'/ete cx.cle.
One mole of an ideal monatomic gas is taken around the
Solution: (a) The initial state A is characterized by cyclic process ABCA as shown in Fig. 2E.15; calculate:
state variables: pressure P, volume V, temperatureT. Process (a) the work done by the gas,
A --. B is isothermal expansion.
(b) the heat rejected by the gas in the path e -4 A and the heat
PAVA =PaVs absorbed by the gas in the path B -4 e,
F = PA VA = PA (c) the net heat absorbed by the gas in the path B -}o e,
VB 2 Cd) the maximum temperature attained by the gas during the
f'Y,c1"e, _
Process B -+ C is isobaric process.
VB c V Solution: (a) Work done in a cyclic process is area
B c under P-Y diagram of the cycle. Work done is taken positive
Vc T if the cycle is clockwise.
Tc =-Ta =-a
VB 2 Area of triangle ABe ""..!. (Base»( (Height)
Process C -+ A is isochoric process.
(b) For a cyclic process l:!.U = 0, as the gas returns to its ==- (3Po -Po
»( (2Yo - Yo)
initial state at the end of each complete cycle.
P P ""PoYo
LJ(P'TI gas
(b) Process C A is isobaric,

For an ideal monatomic


(PI2, V)

(P/2, 2V)



From first law of thermodynamics,

C (Pf2, T/2) 8 (Pf2. T)

C p "-R

TA == PoVo

From ideal gas equation,

nR •
3::_1~~c ,
Vo 2Vo

T == 2PoYo
B Fig. 2E.15 (a)
Qcycle == l:!.U + W cycle nR
Clcrcle == W cycle Qp ""nCpCTA -Te)
Isothermal process:
"n(~ R)(POVO _ ZPoVo)
2 nR fiR
W.''\~B ==nRT Jog~v
""3RT logt 2 ""2.08RT 2
Isobaric process: Negative sign implies that heat is rejected by the system
to surroundings.
C ""P(Vc-VB)=nR(Tc -To)
Process A -}o B is isochoric.
",,3R(~-T ) ""-I.5RT
For an ideal monatomic gas, C v "C -R"-R3
p 2
Isochoric process:
From ideal gas equation.
WC_.A "" 0
Study Anurag Mishra with

Temperarure versus T
volume curve is a parabola 3PoVl)
as shown in Fig. 2E.1S(b). P
Q" =/le,,(ra -TA) During expansion,
=n~R(3PoVo _PoVo) temperature will increase
2 nR nR and af::er reaching a
maximum will decrease.
= 3PoVo v
For maximum Vo~V 2Vo
Positive sign implies that heat is added to the system. 4 0
Fig. 2E.15 (b)
(e) Out of-the three processes dT = 0
A -) B, B -+ C, C -+ A, we know the heat involved in the dV
two processes A -+ Band C -+ A. We also know the oct work
done in the cycle. Since !'J.U = 0 for a cyclic process, R (4
Po - V
V+ 5 ) = 0
Qcycle = W cycle
QC ....•A + QA-->B + QB ....•C = W(:rde V =- Vo
QB ....•C =W..-yde -QC ....•A -QA ....•1l
Po [ 2 2S 2 2S ]
= PoVo + - PoVo - 3PoVo
Hence Tmax =R" - V
16 Vo +4 Vo
1 25 PoVo
= - PoVo =---
2 8 R
Cd) Along process A .......•
B, temperature increases This is the maximum temperature attained during the
from entire cycle.
PoVo 3PoVo
TA =--toT n =--=3TA• Examp~le 16y--
nR nR
Along process C -+ A, temperature decreases from Two moles of an ideal monatomic ga.~is taken tllrough a cycle
T = ZPoVo to TA = poVo. ABCA as shown in the P-T diagram Fig. 2E.16. During the
oR nR process AB, pressure and temperature of the gill vary, such
The process B -) C is a general process whose equation that PT = constant. 1fT) = 300 K, calculate:
is nm known. Since it is a straight Hne with negative slope P
and positive intercept with axis, its equation is 2P,
B c
P =-aV + b
where a and b are slope of straight line and P intercept
The straight line passes through points B(3Po, Yo) and
P, ••• •••

C (Po, 2Vo); so we have T1 2T1

3Po =-aVo + b Fig.2E.16

and Po =-2aVo T b
(a) the work done on the gas in the process A -) B, and
On solving these equation, we get
2Po (b) the heat absorbed or released by the gas in each of the
a=- processes.
Give answers in terms of the gas constant R.
and b = SPo
So the equation of the process is Solution: From ideal gas equation
2Po PV = nRT ..,(I)
Vo On differentiating the gas equation,
pdV + vdp =nRdT .. ,(2)
From ideal gas equation, T = PV for one mole of gas,
R .. ' (3)
pdV + (n~T) dP = nR dT
T = Po [_
v sv]
2 +
Study Anurag Mishra with

Process A -) B follows the law

PT = constant 3P,
On differentiating we get
PdT+TdP=O ",(4) 2~o ------_.B
On substituting expression forT dP in eqn. (3), we h<
.. P,
V (lit)
P dv = 2nR dT ",(5) 2
(a) Work done in process A -). B, Fig. 2E.17 (b)
WA-oD = fPdV =2nR fT: dT = Area under the curve BC -

=2nR(TB -TA) Area under the curve AB

=2nR(T}-ZT2) = Area of the half circle = nR 2 atm x lit.

= (2)(2)(R) (300 - 600) 2
= -1200R n
= -atmx J'u.
(b) For a monatomic gas,
R = (volume)2 -(volume)l = 1(lit)
3 5
C =-R C =-R
" 2 ' p 2
liU = nCvliT
The average degrees of freedom per molecu.lesfor a gas is 6.
=(2)(~R)(300-600) rhe gas perfonns 25 J of work when it expands at constant
pressure. Find the heat absorbed by the gas, [Pi = P2 = P (at
= - 900R
Pconstanl )}--------,---
From first law of thermodynamics on process A -) B,
QA-oB =WA ...•B +Ii.U
liQ = liW + liU ""P(V2 - VI) + nCvdT
= -1200R - 900R nR
=P(V2 -Vl)+--(T2 -TI)
= -2100R (y -I)
Negative sign implies that heat is rejected by the gas. "Q = P(\' _ v ) + (nRT, - nRT, )
2 I (,-1)

=P(V _V,)+(P2V2-PIVI)
In the P-V diagram shown in Fig. 2E.17. ABC is a semicirde. 2 I (,-1)
;Pindthe workdone in the process ABC. 2 P(V - VI)
- =P(V2 -\'t)+-~-~~[':PI =P2 =PJ

-s "
" (y -I)

.3 "L" ,C
Q.. B : liQ = P(V2 - VI )[1 + _1_]
1 •• ~- :A '(-I

Fig. 2E.17 fa)
= P(V, - v,[-y-]
Given Ii W = P(V2 - VI) = 25,
Solution: Workdone in the process ABC is divided
into two parts AB, Be. In A -) B compression and B -) C and y =1 + 2/1 = 4/3.1 =6
expansion Upto initial volume. But pressure is changing 4/3
tlQ = 25 x -'- = 100J
continuously and increase at every stage. 1/3
Study Anurag Mishra with

Examplg. 3P =Pn x(~)x ZTo ...(2)

1 mole of an ideal gas at initial temperature T was cooled From (1) and (2)
isochorically till the gas pressure decreQ.';edn times. Then by
an isobaric process, the gas was restored to the initial
temperature T. Find the net heat absorbed by the gas in the
whole process.

Solution: p_V diagram of monoatomic ideal gas is a straight line

TI =T, PI =P, VI =v v = constant pocT passing through origin. Find the molar heat capacity in the
T P process.
T2 =-.
Pz =-, V =v
P = constant VocT
Solution: Equation of the line is P = KVbeacuse P x V
V2 T2
V =T '

6Q = 6W + 6U, f
nCdT = PdV + nCvdT,
n 3 3

V3 = nV C=Cv+--
Total change in (U) 6.U = 0

J" J V2 K z 2 -VI)
so .1.Q=6.W 6W= pdV=K VdV=-(V
c.Q= hoW=-(V3 -V2) =-(nV-V) 1 , 2
n n = - (KV2 -KV\ )
=PV(l-l/n) 2
and PlY] =nRTl• n=l, PV=RT' 6W='!-(PZ xVZZ_ \ 2
XV1 )
2 Vz
~QoR1\l-~J 1

ndT = n(T2 -

Tl) = -(Tz
- Tt)

Pressure versus temperature graph of an ideal gas is shown. 1

=-(nRTz ~nRTI)
Density a/gas at point A is Po' Find the density of gas at B. R

P 1
=-(P2VZ -P1VI)
3P ••
C =C •. +B.x (PzVz -ptV\)
p __.0j),: :
2 (P2V2 -PlVt)
,, oC, +Rj203Rj2+Rj2oZR
• T C oZR

.-...- ...-""""""'
Solution:General equation for an ideal gas An empty pressure cooker of volume 10 litres contains air at
PV = nRr atmospheric pressure 105 Pa and temperature of 27°C. It
P'= m RT contains a whistle which has area of 0.1 ern 2 and weight of
M V 100 gm. What should be the temperature of air inside so that
m R the whistle is just lifted up ?
P =Pox(~ }To ...(1) Flg.2E.22
Study Anurag Mishra with

Solution: When the whistle is just lifted up, then
pressure inside of the cooker Example

P2 = Pi" =(Po +7) One mole of a gas mixture is heated under constant pressure,
and heat required t.Q is plotted against temperature
= 105 + 100x 10-3 x 10 difference acquired. Find the value 011 for mixture.
0.1 X 10-4
= 2x 105 N/mZ
V2 = V = constant, Tz =?
Pi" V =nRT2
T _Pi"V o 100K AT
2 - nR
PIV} = 105
n =-- lOx 10-3_
Solution: t.Q =nCpt.T
RT} Rx300
.•. _ 2xlOs x lOx 10-3 xRx 300 "1'
" - 105 x lOx 10-3 x R "Q yR
--=c p =--
T2 "" 600K, or 327°C "Tn (y-1)
2500 yR
Example --=-
100 (y-1)

V.T cu"'e for 2 moles of a gas is straight line as shown in the YR~25(J)
(y-1) K-mol
graph here. Find the pressure of gas at A.

V(lil(~ (~~ + 1)=y

Flg.2E.23 1=1(1- ~:)
Solution: V"" tan 53°T
(.: n = 2)
1 = y(25;5&3) = ye::)
3 25
4 16.7 = Y
3 1.499~1.5=y
PA =2RX(~:)
Ideal diatomic gas is taken through a process t.Q = 2t.U. Find
PA = 2R. x_
3 the molar heat capacity for the process. (where t.Q is the heat
4 supp..lied andt.u is cha[!ge in internal energy)

PA =.:?R Jjlitre Solution: "Q = I>W + I>U

Given, ~Q= 2liU
P = 3/2x &31 J/m3
A 10-3 UU =t.W +t.U

PA =1.25x 104 N/m2

I'~Q= nCt,dT
t.u = nCvdT
nCdT = 2ne ,.dT
Study Anurag Mishra with


C =2x~R(fOrdiatomicgasc,. =~R) aV2 == nRT

T _ uV~
1 - nR
Exampl.e and T2 ==---
A gas is undergoing an adiabatic process. At a certain stage A, l'.U == nC 1:( a112V~R-aVo )
the values of volume and temperature =: (Vo,To) and the
magnitude of the slope of V-T curve is m. Find the value of C p R aVo2(n2 -1)
and C", Of -1 R
Solution: PVY = K
l'.U == aV~ (n 2 -1)
1Vy-1 =K1 (y-I)
log.T+(y-l)log. V=log.K1
.!.+ ("(-1)
dV =0
(ii) W 0 J pdVo J::' aVdvoa[V:[
(y-I) dV 1
---=-- == 2:[n2Vi - Vi]
V dT T 2
dV __
_= Vx __ 1 a~,2 2
W 0_[71 -1]
dT T ()'-1) 2
(iii) Consider one mole of gas undergoing process.
(~~)(VO.TO)=- ~: x (y~l) P == HV

V, 1 dQ ==Cprocc"dT; dU ==C"dT: dW =PdV

To (y-l) dQ == dU + dW =:> Cprocm

(y -1) 0 I;:,:, HT~~I by


+ PdV

because y > 1 and (y -1) ---)tvc

=:> uV2 == RT
so C_yR C_R dV
_0 __ R
'-(y-I)' "-(y-1)
dT 2aV

CI' =(m~:'o), =( n~:o) Cp R+

=:> 2a vdV
c:= RdT
dT 2
=mRTo Cp=U(l+mTo)
C,' Vo '\ Vo R R
C pro('ess == --,
,- +-2

Example How to Determine Equation of Process

An ideal gas whose adiabatic exponent equals y is expanded .E:<Clmple

according to the law P = aV, where a is a constant. The initial
volume of the gas is equal to Vo' As a result of expansion the The amount of heat given to the gas is equal to the decrease in
volume increases n limes find: its internal energy. If y is given then find out the equation of
(i) increase in internal energy process. Given the work done by the gas is 2 times heat given.

(iO work perfonned by the gas

(iii) the molar heat capacity of the gas in the process.

... (1) Flg.2E.28

Solution: P == uV
(i) l'.U ==IIC"l'.T ==nC,.(T2 -TJ)
by PV == nRT from eqn. (1)
Study Anurag Mishra with

w = -2tJ.U [ 1+ KKR -1]e" InV+ [KKR -1ell ] InP=constant
PV = nRT
PdV = -2nC~dT [ ~ R +lJlnV+lnPOK
Pdv + VelP = nRdT (K-1)-
y -1
PdV =_2nCv(PdVn~VdP)

Pd~1+2~, H2~, )VdP=o

1 Kh-U)
PV ( •. (K-1J = K)

(R+2C,,) fdvy-+2C" fdPp=O

Molar heat capacity of an ideal gas varies as C = C v + aT,
(R + 2C,,)ln V + lev lnP = constant:::K
C =ev +J3V and C ::e" +aP, where a, J3 and a are
R+2Cv InV+lnP=K constants. Find the equations of the process for an ideal gas in
2C, temu of. the variables T and v. ~ _

PV 2c" = K1 Solution: (i) From first law of thermodynamics,

p)2~+1) =K
C = dQ =c +pdV

2 = K} =C

tt dT

I' V dT ...
since it varies as, C.= C I' + aT ... (2)
On comparing expressions (1) and (2). we have
In a given process K times the heat given is equal to the
increase in the internal energy K < 1. Find out the equation of. aT=(R:)(:~)
dU = KdQ
(*)dT=~ ... (3)

dW=da-dU On integrating eqn. (3), we have

~ dO aT
log V - - = constant
Flg.2E.29 R
or V = (another constant) eQTiR
Solution: dw = (l-K)dQ

or V= Ve-{nT/R) =constant ... (4)
Eqn. (4) is the equation of process.

Pdv =(' ;K}C,dT

(ii) We have C =C + RT dV
Comparing it with given molar heat capacity,
PdV =(';K}C,(PdV ~VdP) C=CII +jW
Hence; we have
=- Pdv + VdP = nRdT
RTdV =pV
V dT
PdV[l-C~K)~ ]+K~lCv .VdP=o dV
P dT
... (5)

dV +(K-1)C
V KR"p
f dP = constant Above equation integration yields
- ..!.. =..@. log T + constant
Study Anurag Mishra with


R ___
(6) dT = Tou e"v dv = TadV
log T + - == another constant
or TelR'PV) =anotherconstanc --_(7) dQ =nd'lC' + :V J
Above equation is the law of the process. The molar heat capacity mathematically is defined as
0 n comparmg
- C =
C t' + -- C =.!. dQ
V dT 11 dT
and C =C1,. +aP In the above process
we have R
C proc<:ss = C,' +-
RTdV =aP aV
V dT
Process is P =PoeaV jindCprocw'
Since PV = RT for one mole, hence
dV Solution:
or V =uT
or v = anT
for n moles dQ = nC"dT +PdV
Calculating the molar heat capacity for general
process: =11"C d-r +---
nRdT dP = PadVand
1 + oV PV == nRT

_.r:=~an:>pl!,,-31\.7 dQ = nd-rlC,_+ _R_J PdV + vdP = nRdT

Q joule of heat is given to n mole of monoatomic gas. The gas

'l 1 + uV

performs a work g on its surrounding. Find the molar heat

I dQ R
PdV(l + uV) = qRdT
2 C ",--=C +--
capacity for the process. process n dT V 1 + aV

w=Q/2 One mole of an ideal gas whose adiabatic exponent is y
Flg.2E.31 undergoes a process given by the equation.
Solution: g = t.U = ~nR!lT
2 2 Find out the heat capacity of a gas as a function of volume.
Q = 3nRi>T Also find our increase in the internal energy, work done by the
The amount of heat given to 1 mole such that the gas and amount of energy rransjelTed if the volume changes
temperature increase by 1°C is equal to 3R. from VI to V2.

Solution: dQ=nC"dT+PdV
a -a
p = Po + -; dP = -dV
V V'
An ideal gas, it is given that the molar heat capacity C!! at
constant volume. Find out the molar hear capacity of gas as a PdV - .c: dV = nRdT
function a/V. lfthe process peiformed by the gas is T = ToeClV• V
PV = nRT
Solution: dQ = au + dW To and 0. are constant
dQ = nC,.dT + PdV dV= nR dT
T = Toe
(p -~ J
nRT dT
dQ = nel,dT + ---- PdV + Vdp = nRdT
V Ta

.I ~."' ••• -.
, . ."..
Study Anurag Mishra with

dQ = nCudY+--dT
p-!!. Q = J dQ = J:" (c, + :~ )adV
dT = adV

Mixing of Gases
Consider mixture of three gasses "1 mole of monatomic,
"2 mole diatomic'"3 mole triatomic, Heat supplied to raise
temperature of gas by tIo T is given by
Heat supplied Volume = constant
': P""Po +~ 3 5

dU =nCudY ..

ilQ = n1 -R6.T + n2 -R6.T
n, -+ Mon
"2 -+ Dia
"3 -+ Tri
dU = nC PodV
"nR 2
~Q 3 5 6
= "}-R + n2 -R + n3-R
dU= PoC" J V2
dV =PoCv (V2 -VI)
tIoT 2 2 2
nRT =: PoV + a .: nRdT = PadV £\Q --). is the heat capacity of the gaseous mixture
dW=PdV=(Po+~}V ~Q,'~T
Molar heat capacity at constant volume =
W = J dw = J (Po + ~ )dV Dissociation
Suppose we have n2 mole of diatomic gas and n1 mole
=Po(V2. -V1)+uln- of monoaromic inside a closed insulated box after some time
VI we find that K fraction of diatomic gas molecule dissociate

Example Remaining mole of Diatomic = n2 - Kn2 = n2(1- K)

Remaining mole of Monatomic = ZKn2 + n}
One mole of an ideal gas with heat capacity at constant Heat capacity
pressure C p undergoes a process given by the equation, ~Q 3 SR
-=(n1 +2Kn2)-R+(1-K)n2-
T =To + aV, tIoT 2 2
(i) Find out molar heat capacity as a function
(ii) Find out amount of heat transferred it the volume be
of' v' .
>(nI ~ R )+ n 2 5: which is greater than molar capacity

increases f! VI to V2' if the heat capacity is increases in dissociation

Solution: 0) dQ = nC"dT + PdV '; T =To +aV Molar heat capacity = £\Q/£\T
dQ =nC dT +PdV ',' dT =u=> dV =..!...; PV=nRT
dT v dT dT dv dT a The molar heat capacity is decreases.

= nC" + ••.•
\ V +
o a)"!"a '; P = nR
V (To + aV)
C =..!.. dQ = c + RTo + Ra In the compartment (1) shown in the Fig. 2£.36 a
n dT tt aV a aissociation had not taken place monoatomic gas is present in
RTo the state shown. In the compartment (2). A diatomic gas has
=Cp -R+--+R
aV been enclosed in the state shown. Both the compartment are

C =Cp
thennally, insulated.
(ii) dQ =CdT

= ( C + RTo)
p aV dT -=a
Study Anurag Mishra with


Mixture of Gases
Consider a homogeneous mixture of 'n' inert
T Oi (non-reacting) ideal gases (G1 ,G2 •... Gn). Let their-moles be
Pl' V,. T1 P2,V2.T2
~ll' )..I2')..I3.... Pn respectively.
Molar masses be M},M 2,M3 .... M n.
P1V, P2V2 Molar heat capacities at constant volume be
n1= RT , n2=--
RT, C Y ,C v2 ,C v), .... Cyn.

Flg.2E.36 Under the ideal gas approximation, the properties of a

gas are not influenced by the presence of other gases, and
(a) Find out the final pressure, volume and temperature of the
each gas component in the mixture behaves as if it exists
gas mixture. alone at the mixture temperature T m and mixture volume
(b) Find out the CVmix. and C Prnl~_ Vm•

Solution: (a) Let us assume that the final Molar Mass of the Mixture
-temperature of the gas mixture is T . Weight of the mixture
Ma 1ar mass a f mixture = -~-------
Initial internal energy of the mixture total no. of moles
3 5 IlIMl +)..I2M2 +1l3M3+ ....
="1 -RT, +"2 -RTz M mixture "" ~~~~~~~~~--
2 2 ~tl+~t2+P3
Final internal energy of the mixture Internal energy of the mixture
3 5 Internal energy is an extensive property. It is additive in
"'", -RT + n2 -RT
2 2 nature i.e ..
Since the internal energy of the gas mixtures can not Umax, ""UI +U2 +U3+ +Un
-change therefore.
nj-RT1 +nz-RTz
5 RT
=-(3n. +5n2)
".m..,.,....RJ" =.'.,.,.RT + f' _,RT + ".3R_T_+ ..... + _f,~"_R_T_
2 2 2 ('(mix -1) (y\-1) (Y2 -1) (1'3-1) (Yn-1)

2 (nt . ~RTI
+ n2 .~RT2)
(where T: temperature
)..Irnix. ~ll +
of the mixture).
)..12 + )..13 + .... + )..In
R(3n] +5n2) ('(mix-1) (y\-1) (Y2-1) (13-1) (Yn-1)
The final volume of the gas mixture VI + Vz
Where )Jmix.
p= nRT
VI + V1
(b) liU =- AU, + )JI +)..12 +)J3+ ... )Jn )..11 + )..12
Q1 =(nl +nz)CVtnix.tJ.T (Ymix-1) (y\ -1) (Y2 -1)
=- "IG" mono L1T + T!2C"A_. ul /),T + )..13 +..... + lin
=- rt1CL'mono +n2C"df (Y3-1) (rn-1)
C"mlx --------
with the help of above expression '(nix, can be obtained
Q, is the heat given to 1 mole of the gas mix to increase for a mixture of gases.
its temperature by 1"C at constant volume. Cp and Cv for a mixture
C _ n,C"".ono + n,Cp' ,,' For a mixture
") + "2 + "3 Umix =UI +U2 +U3+ +Un
n} ~ mono, n2 ~ di, "3 ~ tri
(C¥)mi~. _Pl(Cv)l +)..I2(C¥}z +113(Cvh+ .... l-ln(Cv)n
"ICl' +"2C"
j +"3C"
C"mhr. "" 2 3 PI +P2 +~13+ ... +Pn
"I +"2 +"3
As Cp -Cy =R
"" "ICPl + "2Cp2 + "3Cp3
C Pmhr. So, from the above expression,
(CP)mix =R+(C~')mix
'l _
'ml" --C~-
Study Anurag Mishra with

R + PI (CV)1 + }1z(Cv h + 1l3(CV h+"'lln(CV)n A B
Vo no
III +112 +fl3+ ... lln
. '.'

1l2(CV}z +J.L3(Cvh+ .....+lln(CV)n

~+-------------- PoVo 2PoVo
III +J.12+J.I3+ ...•• +j..ln
nR nR
IlI[R + (Cv)d + )..l2[R + (Cv hl + 1l3[R + (Cv hl + Temperature (T)

...•• +lln[R + (CV)n] Fig. 2E.37 (b)

III +Ilz +J.l3+ .... +J.ln

Ilt(Cp)l +j..l2(Cph +1J3(Cph+ .....+lln(Cp)n

III +J.l2 +Jl3+ ....• +lln Draw the P.T and V-T diagrams for an isobaric process at.
p:pansion, corresponding to n moles of an ideal gas at a
pressure Po> ftom Vo to 2Vo'
Solution. From the equation state PV = nRT
Draw the P-T and V-T diagrarru of an isochoric process of n
moles of an ideal gas from pressure Po volume Vo to pressure A B
2Po indicating the pressures, and temperatures, of the gas, in ., Po u; •
the inieial and the final states. €
Solution. From the equation of state for an ideal
gas PV = nRT for an isochoric process
PoVo 2PoVo
(a) P = T~T i.e., P oc T
nR nR
Temperature (T)
For p =po and V=VnT=-- o Fig. 2E.38 (a)
"' nR
and at P = 2Po• v=v"
We have, V ~(~)r v~r or

The graph of P vs T is a straight line passing through the At V=Vo T1 .= PoVo

origin, when interpolated. nR
and V=2Vo T = 2PoVo
B 2
for the graph of P versus T the variation is a straight line
the temperature vatying from T1 to T2 as shown in figure.

PaVo 2PoVo
nR nR
Temperature (T)
Fig. 2E.37 (a)

PoVo 2PoVo PoVo 2PoVo

(b) Since, temperature increases fr am -- to __
nR ,nR nR nR
Temperature (T)
volume remaining constant, so, the graph of V.T will be a
straight line parallel to T axis as shown in figure. Fig. 2E.38 (b)

For the graph .of V''Versus T the equation V = ( ~ )T is a

straight line the volume varies directly, as the temperature

(Charle's Law).
Study Anurag Mishra with


Efficiency of a Cyclic Process Illustration: Find the efficiency of the thermodynamic

Efficiency (11) of cycle is defined as the ratio of the net cycle shown in Fig. 2.48 for an ideal diatomic gas.
work performed to the total heat supplied to the system, per
work done per cycle
Th us 11 = -----------
total heat supplied per cycle

Vo 2Vo
Volume (V)
Fig. 2.48

: . Let n be the number of moles of the gas and the
Vo 2Vo
temperature be To in the state A.
Volume (V) Net work done during the cycle is area under curve,
Fig. 2.47 1 1
= W = - x (2Vo - Vo)(2Po -Po) = -PoVo
2 2
Illustration: Fig. 2.47 shows the pressure' versus For the heat given during the process (6QI) A --+ B, we
volume graph corresponding to n moles of an ideal have
monatomic gas for a cyclic process ABCDA. Find the
efficiency of the cycle. ~Ql =~WAB +~UAB

Network done by the gas during the cyclic process is ~W AB = area under the straight line AB
given by area enclosed by cyclic process 1
=-(Po -2Po)(2Vo -Vol
W = (2Po ~Po)(2Vo - Vol
= PaVo ~UAB=nCt,~T = {S:)c4To -To)
For the isochoric process A to B the heat supplied is
given by, ~ lSnRTo _ lSPoVo

~Q=8.U+~W 2 2
3 15
= nC"t.T + 0 ~Ql =-PoVo +-PoVo =9PoVo
= n( 3:) :-Po)
2 2
The processes B --+ C and C --+ A involve the rejection of
heat by the gas.
=-PoVo . ( ) Work done per cycle
2 Effi Clency 11 = ------------
Total heat supplied per cycle
Temperature in respective states A,B,C,D is given by
= PaVo TD = 2PaVo T = 4PoVo T = 2PoVo
c i.e.,
2:PoVo 1
nR'u oR' nR' D nR 11 =--- =-
9PoVo 18
for the isobaric process B to C the heat absorbed will be
given by
~Q2 =flCp~T

= n( S:) 2Po(2~- Vo) An isolating vertical cylinder fitted with an insulating

frictionless piston contains n moles of an ideal diatomic gas.
The initial volume and temperature of the gas are Vo and To
For the processes C to D and D to A, the heat is rejected respectively, with the piston fixed tightly. The atmospheric
from the system. pressure is Po. if the piston be released, find the equilibrium
. ( ) f h I Net work doen per cycle temperature and volume of the gas, if the heat capacity of the
Erfi C1ency 11 ate eyc e = ----------
Tmal heat given per cycle cylinder and piston is negligibly small. Weight of the piston
and cross sectional area of the cylinder are Wand A
PoVo ...3.-
Study Anurag Mishra with

Solution. (a) Since the system is isolated from The process B -+ C is isochoric in volume remains
the surrounding, the work done by the gas will be at the cost constant at 3Vo'
of its own internal energy. Let the final temperature and From equation of state PV = nRT
volume be T and V respectively. Evidently, the final pressure
P oc T
P of the gas will be just enough to hold the piston in
equilibrium against its weight and the atmospheric pressure. Since P changes form Po to 2Po, so accordingly T changes
W from To to 2To'
i.e., P = Po + - ...0)
A Next, the process C -+ D is an isothermal compression,
Change in internal energy of the gas, the temperature remains constant throughout at Zfo state D.
nR8T The process D -+ A is isobaric in nature, the gas getting
-tJ.U=nC tJ.T=--
II (y-l) compressed from a volume 2Vo to Vo-
nR(T -To) SnR(T-To) From equation of state PV = nRT
G -1) =
2 VxT
the temperature varies linearly from Zfo to To.
Work done by the gas against a constant external __ 3PoVo
Here, To
pressure Po + W, will be nR
aW =pav=(po + :}v-Vo)
• ---20
:> 2To
------- -- •• ,,D
Using equation of state PV = nRT, we have ~ To
E ,
, .:
' ,
-------A ----:,
(Po + :)v = nRT ...(ii)
Vo 2Vo 3Vo To 2To
Volume (V) Temperature (T)
since tJ.W +tJ.U = 0 [..."Q : OJ
(.) (b)
=:> (p W}v
- V)0 SnR(T-To)
... (iii) Fig. 2.50

Illustration: Fig. 2.50 (c) shows the V.T diagram for a

Solving Eqs. (ii) and (iii), for V and T, we get
cyclic process performed on n moles of an ideal gas.
T = ~o + (Po + :):~ D C

and V = 2Vo + 5nRTo

7 {Po+:)
Illustration: Fig. 2.49 shows the P-V diagram for the
cyclic process ABCDA performed on n moles of an ideal gas. TO 2To 3To 4To

Here we draw the T.V and P-T diagrams for the process. Temperature (T)
Fig. 2.50 (c)
Initially, if To be the temperature of the gas in state A,
then from equation of state (3Po)(Vo) = nRTo Here we draw P-V and P.T diagrams.
Let Po be the initial pressure of the gas,
Po .: nRTo
Process A -+ B is isochoric the volume remains constant.
Vo 2Vo 3Vo If V is constant, then P IX T
Volume (V) Since temperature increases from To to zro, the pressure
____ '.19.2.49 also increases linearly from Po to 2Po'
The process B -+ C, is isobaric, because the straight line
0' To = 3PoVo
BC passing through the origin, thus, V :x T.
the process A -+ B is isothermal expansion, so the The pressure remains at 2Po from state B to state C. For
temperature of the gas remains constant at state B it is To. the process C -+ D, the volume remains constant,
Study Anurag Mishra with


pxT and 6.QJJC = oWC4 (:.oUC4 = 0)

As the temperature decreases from 4To to ZTo the Total work done oW = llW AB + oWBC + oWC4
_pressure also gets halved to Po from 2Po' = 3nRTo + 0 - nRTo In 4
The process D -4 A is agains isobaric in nature as the =nRTo(3-1n4)
.line DA, pusses through the origin.
Total heat supplied, oQin = oQAll
'" 3nC T = 2nyRTo

--~Ll g; 2Po pO (y-1)

, ----Z0---~,, ~,, ,
" ---- A
' ,
:. Efficiency 'r]' for the process is given by
:, ' ~ Po
: ' .
, ,D, "=--
oQ in
Volume (V)
To 2T03T04To
Temperature (T) = nRTo(3-1n4)
y 3
("I (.)
Fig. 2.50 (y -I)

Illustration: Let us find the efficiency of the cycle E><ample

shown in Fig. 2.51.
An ideal gas is made to undergo a thennodynamic process
given by V 0::: y2; find the molar heat capacity of the gas for
the above process.

Solution: Given; V x T2
V", kT2 where k is constant.
Differentiating both sides, of the above equation, we
dV = 2kTdT
Let n be the number of moles of the gas and To its initial
temperature in state A. AJso, from equation of state V = nRT = kT2
. P
Process A ~ B is isobaric expansion, we have
or p '" nR
Tx.V kT
T~ = VB = 4 dW =PdV
fA VA nR
Til = 4To kT
dW AB = nR.t..T = nR(4To - To) = 3nRTo '" 2nRdT
and 1'.QAR = nC ph.T = 30G pTo dW =2R
The process B -} C is isochoric and hence, ndT
The molar heat capacity of the gas for the process will be
"'WBC = 0
and 6-Wac =nC,.!'iT
=nC,,(To-41 o) ",~+2R
Finally, the process C -} A is isothermal compression. Method-2: Compare it with PV" '" const. to get n "'-
"'WBC = nRYo In(~;)
= nRTo In( :v) = -nRTo In 4 Determine the average molar heat capacity of an ideal gas
undergoing a process shown in Fig. 2£.41.
Study Anurag Mishra with


A Total work done dW = ,..R (T2 - Tt)

_ P2V2 -PIV1


Vo 2Vo 3Vo
~ P,V,
(1- 1 TI
Volume (V)
Flg.2E.41 Since 1V1l-1 = constant and ~ = constant,

Solution: Let n be the number of moles of the gas,
6W ~ P,V,[1_(V, )""1]
I-n Vt
T =2PoVo

and T
= 3PoVo ~ P,V,
Now, work done by the gas during the process is given
The above equations can also be expressed in terms of
by area under curve
PI VI' It also evident that,
L\W -'" - (Po + 2Po)(3Vo - Vo) = 3PoVo I
Work done per mole of the gas per unit rise in
;: =(~~r-l =(::)1-;
w,=L\W = 6,W From equation W' =....!!:....- :::: constant,
i.e., a polytropic is
nliT n(Ta -rAJ one in which the molar work is a constant.
= 3PoVo "" 3R The molar heat capacity of the process will be
n[3~o _ 2P~o] C=C •. +W'
=C" +--
Molar heat capacity of the gas for the above process will 1-n
be R =Cp -Ct. =yC" -C" =C,,(y-l)

,R (31-2)
R C --C, +~---
Polytropic Process ~c,,[y-n] 1-n
A polytropic process is one in which [he equation of the
pressure versus volume curve is of the form PY" = constant; (i) C ~ c, ; for an j'ochoric process;
where n is a constant throughout the process and may adopt since, forTI -+:tco; y-n =1-n
any numerical value.
(ii) C = C p ; for an isobaric process;
for the isochonc process n --+ 1::00;
since, forn =O;C =yev -=Cp
for the isobaric process n = 0 ;
(iii) C -+ co ; for an isothermal process;
for the isothermal process n = I;
since, for n -+ 1, the denominator of eq. (i) = 0
and for the adiabatic process n = y = C P (The adiabatic (iv) C = 0 ; for an adiabatic process;
since, n = y
The work given by per mole of the gas per unit rise in
temperature, will be
W,::::_R_ An ideal gas is taken through the process P -= k.ff where k is a
I-n' constant. Determine the molar heat capacity of the gas for the
.. "R(T I -T)2 "R(T 2 -T)1 process.
For an adiabatIC process dW = _
l-TI I-n
= where ~ is the number of moles.
Study Anurag Mishra with

Solution. If n be the number of moles of the gas, then dW R

dW =PdV ndT 2
From gas equation, PV :: nRT The molar heat capacity of the gas for the process will be
or V:: nRff C=C,,+W
Differentiating both sides, we have =Y~I+%=(~:n~
.6.V:: nRdT Method-2: Compare the given process with PV" to get
2k.ff n =~1
k.ffdV = ,>RaT R R
Thus, C:: -- ---
2 y-l n-l
PdV= nRdT R
2 =-+R/2
dW :: nRdT
The work done bJ the gas per mole per unit change in
For C = -ve, (y - n) and (1 - n) should have opposite
temperature will be ~ :: B..
ndT 2 signs,
The molar heat capacity of the gas for the process will i.e., n>land1>n
be, Thus, the molar heat capacity C is negative, for
C ::C,. + W' polytropes that lie between an isotherm and an adiabatic
passing through a common point in a PV diagram.
= Y~1 +~=(~:~)~ Now, from dQ = nCdT
dQ and dT have opposite signs i.e., when heat is
Method-2: P = k.ff
extracted from the gas (dQ being negative), then dT is
rPV positive and when heat is supplied to the gas (dQ being
V-;;R positive), then dT is negative (the temperature drops).
or PV-1 =const. From first law of thermodynamics.
Compare with equilibrium of polytropic process Since .6.Q= dU + dW
n =-1 or, dU = dQ -dW
R R Here, dW > dQ, so in performing work dW (greater than
Thus, C =-----
1-1 n-l dQ), a part of its internal energy is used up decreasing the
R temperature of the gas, although heat is supplied.
=-+R/2 Similarly, when heat is abstracted from the system, more
work is done on the system, with the effect that, the surplus
work done gets stored in the form of internal energy rising
its temperature.
An ideal gas is made to undergo a process P a: V; find the Concept: 1. Graphs of various polytropic process.
molar heat capacity of the gas for the process. From, the equation of a polytropic, we have

Solution: Given P oc V py" = constant

.. P = kV Where k is constant. Differentiating both sides of the above equation.

nRT = kV P(nV"-ldV) ..•.V"dP = 0

V dP -nP
or - = -- (assuming V '1' 0)
Differentiating both sides, we get dV V
nRdT = 2kVdV which gives the slope of the p.V curve.
= 2PdV when have, for an isothennal, slope dP = E.. and for an
dV V
or PdV = nRdT
2 a d'lQb atlc,sope-=-
' I dP nP
dV V
Study Anurag Mishra with

i.e., (slope of adiabatic) = n (slope of isotherm) = y 7. For n = -1 or (l = 1, the equation of curve is P = kV

(slope of isotherm) (:. n = y)
In other words, the adiabatic cUn>e is more steeper (y C =Cy --
being greater than 1) than an isothermal one, Qoth passing
through a common point. Putting n = -1; we have C 1
--CV(Y+2 )
2. For a general polytropic process, we have
Pv" = k where k i.~constant. 1
=-(yCv +CvJ
k 2
or P=_
V" =-(Cp +Cv)
J !
Fig. 2E.44 shows a cycle performed on an ideal gas, referred to
" as Otto- cycle. Show that its efficiency is given by

where VJ!V2 is called compression ratio.

Solution: The heat exchanges take place at constant

IQLI=nCv(T4 -T1)

Volume (V)
Fig. 2.52 v
For all positive values of the index n (i.e., 0 < n < 00), the
curves are hyperbola, which touch the coordinate axes at Efficiency of a heat engine is given by
infinity. In particular for an isothermal process n = 1, the
~ = 1- J..g;J
equation reduces to P ox; .!, which represents rectangular. IQH I
hyperbola and/or other process (where 0 < n < 'J) or n :f'I), =1_[T.-T,] ... (1)
the curves are unequilateral hyperbolae. T3 - T2
3. For the isobar n = 0 and P = constant, C = C p and is Process 1 ~ 2 is adiabatic.
represented by the horizontal line.
4. For the isochor 11 ~ ::!:(X) and V
is represented by the vertical line.
=- constant, C = C y and T,
... (2)

5. For values of n such that y > n > 1, the value C (molar.. Process 3 ~ 4 is adiabatic.
heat capacity is negarive[shown in figure).
6. For values of n which are negative, say n = -a, the
equation of the polyrrope can be rewritten as P = kV<l, which
;: =(~:r-I=(~:r-I
pass through the origin of coordinated (since P = 0 and V = 0, As v4 = v) and V3 = V2 [isochors], therefore,
satisiY. the above equation)". _~ _ T2 T3
T) T4
Study Anurag Mishra with


Process 2 -t 3 is isobaric.
T2 V2 1
- =- =-
T3 V3 r(

Process 1 --)0 2 is adiabatic.

TI = V2
T2 VI ( )
T1 =T2-- ,- ,
Fig. 2£.45 shows Diesel cycle on a P-V diagram,
two adiabatic processes and one isobaric and
it consists of
one isochonc 1', 1
process. Find the effidency
, '(lV,
compressIOn ratIO rk -,
of this cycle,
' ,
expansIOn ratIO rr
in tenns of
= -,
r, r:- 1

V2 V3 Substituting the values of Tl, T2 and T4 in [he

, V, expression for efficiency, we obtain
ratto r, =-
1'",:-' _1', _I ]
[ rr-I

2~ :d"''''O r[T -T
3 3. ~]

~IQd 'l==1-!_1- r/ -1
1 V r r;-l r,-l

Solution: Heat is supplied at constant pressure

Fig. 2E.46 shows an isotherm and two isobars of two gases on
IQHI=nCI'(T3-Tz) a work done versus heat supplied curve. The initial states of
Heat is rejected at constant volume. both gases are the same and the scales for the two axes are
I QL 1 = nG,! (T4 -T1) same. \i\t'hich straight line corresponds to which process? The
graphs of what process coincide with the coordinate axes?
Efficiency of cycle,
"~1_l'kl4 lanA, =1-
IQHI tan62=~
=I_C"CT4 -Ttl
tan 03 '" 1

=1- (74 -T1)

y(T3 - T2) Q

Process 3 ~ 4 is adiabatic. Flg.2E.46

1'1", = rr-1
1 Solution: From first law of thermodynamics,
Q ==W + t.U
We can see that
For an isothermal process, Q == W, stope of W-Q graph is
1, hence straight line 3 represents an isothermal process.
Thus, For an isobaric process,
W == Rt.T (for one mole of gas)
Study Anurag Mishra with

Q=C "T=(f;2)Rl>T
corresponds to C p of a monatomic gas and G of a diatomic

gas. Slope of straight line 1 is maximum, i. e., it corresponds

where f is the number of degrees of freedom. Slope ofw to minimum heat capacity, hence it corresponds to a
versus Q line is monatomic gas in an isochoric process. Similarly, slope of
W 2 straight line 3 is less, corresponding to greater heat capacity.
-=-- represents an isobaric process involving a diatomic
Q f +2 gas.
For monatomic gas f = 3 and for diatomic gas f = S.
Thus slope of the straight line representing the W versus Q is
2/5 for a monatomic gas and 2/7 for a diatomic gas. Straight
line 1 corresponds to a monatomic gas and straight line 2 A gas is expanded from pressure PI' volume VI to final state
corresponds to a diatomic gas. volume V2 in two ways, isothermally and adiabatically. In
In an isochoric process work done is, zero, the which of the two processes is the final pressure higher and in
corresponding straight line coincides with the horizontal which is the work greater?
axis. p p
In an adiabatic process heat is not absorbed, the
corresponding straight line coincides with the vertical axis.
Example ,,,
i~i .
. •
,: Isothermal. ,
In Fig. 2£.47 are shown different processes for a monatomic
and diatomic gas on a temperature versus heat supplied v, v, v
diagram. Which processes correspond to these straight lines? (.J (')
The graphs of what processes coincide with the coordinate Fig.2E.48
axes? The initial states of the two gases are the same.
oT Solution: An adiabatic curve is steeper than an
isotherm. Hence for expansion to same final volume, the
final pressure in the case of adiabatic process will be lower.
The area under isotherm is greater than the area under
3 adiabatic curve. The area under P-V diagram represents
work done.
In case of compression, from same initial volume to final
a volume, final pressure attained in case of adiabatic
Fig.2E.47 compression.

Solution: Along horizontal axis, I!T = 0, hence it

represents an adiabatic process.
Along vertical axis Q = 0, hence it represents an Fig. 2£.49 shows two adiabatic curves for two gases, helium
adiabatic process. and carbon dioxide. Which cu",e corresponds to which gas?
Heat absorbed in a process is given by p

Q =nGI!T

I!T =(n~)Q

Hence a straight line on I!T- Q diagram has slope (l/nG).

Molar heat capacity of a monatomic gas in an isochoric
process is, G" = (3/2)R and that of a diatomic gas is,
Gv = (S/2)R. Molar heat capacity of a monatomic gas in an Flg.2E.49
isobaric process is, G p = (S/2)R and that of a diatomic gas is,
C, = (7/2)R. Solution: An adiabatic process is given by
Since heat capacity Gv of a diatomic gas and the heat PVY = constant
capacity Gp of a monatomic gas are same, the slope of tiT_Q
curve (a straight line) is same. Therefore, the straight line 2 IG
where y = G p \J = 1 + (2/ fl. f represents degrees of
freedom. A helium molecule (monatomic) has three degrees
Study Anurag Mishra with


of freedom and that of a carhon dioxide molecule has six. On the log-log scale the pressure dependence of
Therefore, for helium we have y = 5/3 = 1.67 and for carbon compressibility is shown by a straight line. The lines
dioxide we have y = 8/6 == 1.33. The greater value, of y corresponding to isothermal process and adiabatic processes
represents a steeper P-V curve. The upper curve corresponds involving argon and carbon dioxide are shm ..•..
n in Fig. 2£.52.
to carbon dioxide and the lower curve corresponds to
Example 51
helium. • •.'c' ....' .--
.. '.

Find the /lumber of degrees of freedom of molecules of a gas:

(a) whose molar heat capacity (C) = 29 l/mol-K
Give expression for the compressibility of an ideal gas as a (b) whose molar heat capacity (C) ""29 llmol-K when
function of pressure for two cases, one when the gas is PT = constant.
compressed isothermally and the other when the gas is
compressed adiabatically. Draw a rough graph of Solution: (a) According to eguipartition of energy
compressibility versus pressure in the two cases. Also draw on theorem gas with N degrees of freedom has internal energy
the log-log scale the pressure dependence of compressibility for N
U "" - oRT for 0 moles of gas
argon and carbon dioxide. [s the isothennal line for argon 2
and carbon dioxide same?
C, ~~dU~.!.3-(N nRT)~NR ... (1)
ndT ndT 2 2
Solution: The compressibility is given by the
relation From the relation,
P logP
Cp ""C" +R
=-R +R

~ ,,,'"'~,,
~(N;2)R ... (2)

Adiabatic process
P logP Hence y=C =(N+2)
p ... (3)
C" N
From egn. (2),
I dV R 2
~~--- -~--
VdP Cp N+2
For an iSOlhermal process, 8.314 2
PV = constant --~--
29 N + 2
PdV+VciP=O which on solving for N, yields
Hence, (f\)isOlh"rmaJ = p N =5
(b) The given process is
For an adiabatic process, PT = constant (1)
PV~ = constant From ideal gas equation, PV = oRT (2)
'(PVy-1 dV+VYdP""O Eliminating T from eqns. (1) and (2), we have
I p2V = constant or PVL2 = constant
H~nce, (Il) 3diabatic =-p
y This is a polytropic process, with n = 1/2.
For an isothemtal process,J3P = 1 ""constant For a pOI}1rOpicprocess, molar specific heat is given by
For an adiabatic process, I3P =.!.. "" constant C~----
y y-l /1-1
On all versU.'i P diagram isothermal as well as adiabatic
If N = degree of freedom, " __(NN+ 2)

processes are represented by hyperbolas; the constant

decides the nearness to origin. The constant is lesser for
adiabatic process, hence it is nearer to origin.
Study Anurag Mishra with

N+ 2
With C = 29J/mol-K, R = 8.314J/mol-K, Y = -- and Example
n =-, we have
2 Consider an ideal gas with density p = 1.3 mglcm3 at
29 I 1 standard pressure and temperature. If velocity of sound
-- + ---
&314 (-1/2)
= ~---~
[(N;2)_I] propagation in this gas is v = 330 mis, calculate the degrees
of fr.eedom of gas molecules.
'.' ,
On solving for N, we get, N = 3. Solution: Speed of sound is given by

COTL5idera mass m = 15gm of nitrogen enclosed in a vessel at where p is density, P is pressure, and y is adiabatic
constant for the gas.
temperature T = 300 K. Find the amount of heat required to
double the root mean square velocity of. its molec!;IJes. From the above equation. we can find y.

Solution: All the diatomic gases (H2• ° 2, ;-J2• etc.)

y=p ... (1)
exhibit 5 degrees of freedom between 100-1000 K, 3 of
translation and 2 of rotation. Hence, internal energy of n Now, y depends on the degrees of freedom of gas
moles of N 2 at T = 300 K would be molecules. If there are f degrees of freedom, then average

U =~ nRT
inte~al energy of each molecule is f>< ..!. kT. Therefore,
. 2
internal energy of a mole of gas.
Translational kinetic energy of each molecule is
I , 3 V=No><l.kT
"2 maurms = '2 kT 2
where rna is the mass of the molecule. 2
If rms speed increases a times, v'rms = a v mu' then where No is the number of molecules per mole
temperature has to be raised to T' such that (Avagadro's number). The molar specific heat at constant
volume is
m v.z =~ kY'
C =dU =l.R
2 2
t' dT 2
or Y' = a.2y 1+2
and Cp =C" +R=--R
The internal energy therefore increases to 2
Cp f+2
U. =~ nRT' Therefore. y=-=-- ... (2)
2 C, 1
Change in internal energy, From eqns. (1) and (2),
W =U' -U =~ nR(T'-T) we get
2 1= (Pv,2
5 , P
~-nRT(a -I)
On substituting numerical values, p = 1.3 kg/m3,
2M v = 330 mis, and P = 1.013 >< lOs N/m 2, we get

where the number of moles n = m ,m is the mass of gas n=S

M Degrees of freedom are 5. It is a diatomic molecule with
and M is its molecular weight. 3 translation and 2 rotational degrees of freedom.
On substituting numerical values, m = 15 g, T = 300 K,
a = 2 and M = 28g/mol for N 2' we get
5 IS
U =-x - x 8.31><300><(4-1)J Determine the specific heat capaczttes, C" and C p' for a
2 28
mixture of7 g afnitrogen and 20g of argon. Assume the gases
= 104 J. to be ideal (take y for N 2 and Ar as 1.40 and 1.67,

Study Anurag Mishra with


Solution: Let masses ml and

be mixed. If M 1 and M 2. are their respective molecular
m2. of the ideal. gases
]+n,(_R Y2-1
J~(nl+n2) R
weights, then the number of moles of the two gases present
in the mixture are where C,. = ~ . On solving for Yrna we arrive at egn.
m1 '1-1
") =- (4).

and n2=-
m, Example
Further, let 6Q1 and L'!.Q2 be the heats required for unit Consider one mole of an ideal gas whose pressure changes
rise of temperature, at constant volume. for the two gases
with volume as P = aV, where a is constant. If it is expanded
when they are heated separately. In isochoric heating, all the such thar its volume increases 'l times, find the change in its
heat energy goes in raising the temperature ofthe gas; thus
internal energy, work done by the gas, and heat capacify of
the gas.
6Q1 =nje"l
and 6.Q2 == rtZC"2 Solution: Let the initial volume of the gas is Vand it
where, C til and C"2 are molar specific heats at constant
is expanded to volume 'lV. The work done in the process is
given by
volume of the two gases, respectively.
Now, the gases are mixed and again heated at constant W = v J,V
P dV =
Jv,v aVdV
volume till their temperature rises by one degree. Let tJ.Q be 2
the heat supplied to raise the temperature of both =aV ('l2_1)
components individually by one degree, 2

i. e., dQ = .6Q} + dQ2 The pressure of the gas as a function of volume is

P = aVo The initial and final values of pressure would be aV
If C" is the molar specific heat at constant volume of the
and TlaV respectively. Hence, the change in internal energy
mixture, then we have
of the system is
+ n2)C" ... (1)
(nl u = p[V[ -PjV; _ 112aV 2 - aV2
1-1 y-l
= aV (Tl2 -1)
In terms of masses of the gases, we have
m}M2Cc' + m2M}C"
C" = I 2 •.. (2) Internal energy change corresponds to change in
m]M2 +m2M]
temperature from T; to T[ , such that
n]CPi + n2Cp
Similarly Cp = 2 ••• (3) T _ PiVi _ aV2
n1 + n2
i- -
nR nR
Adiabatic constant Yis given by p[ V Tl2aV 2
and Tf =--~~--f
Y = Cp = n1CPi + n2Cp2 nR nR
C" nlC"l + 7l2C"2 The total heat exchange in the process is given by
_ n]y] (rz -1) + 7I212(Y1 -1) Q =U + W
7I](Y2 -1)+ 11 2(y}-1)
... (4)
~ aV'("' -I) (_1_ +~]
y -1 2
where in the last expression we used the identities
R =!UV2(112 -1) ()' + 1)
C,. =-- 2 (y -1)
and Cp=yC" The heat capacity C of the gas is, therefore,
substituting numerical values Q
On C~--
7 20 Tf -T,
n1 =- and n2 =- andalsoY1 =1.40'Y2 =1.67,weget
28 40 .!aV2(Tl2 _1)~y+l)
C" = 0.42J/K; ~ _2 ~('1_-_1,-)
C p = 0.65 J/K. uV2('l2 -l)/nR
Alternatively we can proceed from egn. (1) as
Study Anurag Mishra with

2 (y - 1) ,1m
Since n = 1, we have
" k
C=!!:.(Y+l)=C +!!:. m,A
2 (y -1) " 2

.- .-~- -. ~_.

COnsider one mole of an ideal gas whose volume changes with

Fig. 2E.53 (a)
temperature as V = ~ , where a is constant. Find the amount
T Initial Condition:
a/heat required to raise its temperature by ~T, ifirs adiabatic
constant is "(. From equilibrium of piston we get
PiA = -mg + PalmA
Solution: According to ideal gas equation, mg PjA mg
Pi =-+Pa1m ... (1)
PV =nRT A Fig. 2E.53 (b)
Since volume V of the gas varies with temperacure as by PV = nRT,
V == ~, pressure as a function of volume is PV
T PiV=nRTi~Ti=-'-
PV=nR~ Final Condition:

or p = nRa
P,A = PalmA + Kxl + mg ~K',
Kxl mg
y' P, =Parm + __ +_
A A P,A mg
The work done in the process is
PjV, =nRTI ~TI
=-- Fig. 2E.53 (e)
W =fvf PdV=fv/ nRa dV nR
VI Vi V 2
•. Change in internal energy 6.U = ~ nR(Tj - Tj)
=nRa(2- __ ! j=nR(T; -TIl •. Increase in G.P.E.of the system = mgxl
••. Increase in elastic P.E. =..! Kxl
Since Tj < Tf ' W is negative which implies that work is 2
done on the gas. Change in internal energy is given by •. Work done on atmosphere = ParmAxI (P.1.V)
nR(TI - T) Using first law of thermodynamics, we get
u= I
y -1 3 'I
Q = -nR(TI -Tj) + mgxl + -Kxl + PatmAxJ
Thus, heat required to raise the temperature by 2 2
6.T=Tf -Tjis mg

Q:U+W P.~
= nR!J.T _ nRtlT
y-l P••• A

illustration: n moles of monoatomic gas is present Fig. 2E.53 (d)

inside an insulated cylinder. The initial volume of the gas is
V and initially the spring is in a relaxed state. Now by the
Work done by the gas on the surroundings
help of the heater the gas is slowly heated and finally the (i) Atmosphere, (ii) Spring (iii) Against gravity
compression of the spring is Xl find out, (i) initial mg Kx
Pgas=Pum +-;-+-:4
temperature, pressure, (ii) final pressure, volume and
temperature (iii) heat supplied by the heater.
w = f PgasdV

Study Anurag Mishra with


Alternatively we can use work energy theorem to get Example 57 _

--N~a, + Wa11ll + Wgrn'ilY + Wspring == 0

Wgra,;ry =: -mgx} One mole of an ideal gas is present inside a vertical cylinder at
1 a temperature T. The piston is ma$sless. Find out the work
Wspring =-k(x} -x1) =-PoA\"}
2 done by an external agent in increasing the volume of tlie gas
Wa1rn = Po[V! - Vi] = -PON!
by K times by slowly lifting the piston. Temperature of the gas
1 , remains constant.
Thus Wga, = mgxl + POAxJ + - kx1
Illustration: n mole of diatomic gas has been enclosed F
in cylinder (1) and (2). Initially the spring is in a relaxed state
_and pressure inside cylinder (1) is Pl, find out initial
------_ .._--------
-temperature of cylinder (1) and initial temperature, pressure ._---------------_
-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ..._ ... -
of cylinder (2). Now Q joule of heat is given slowly co cylinder -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-------------~.~ ...._---- .
(I), finally the spring gets compressed by x and the pressure
--.-------- ....~~~.~--------
P gas :.:.:.:.:.:.:-:.:.:-:.:.:-:-:-
_~~-~~~ -••• -.-.-_. c"_-_"_-_~-_-_-_-_-_-
inside cylinder (2) is P2' Find out final volume, temperature
-------_ .._-"""~"~------- ..--.
and pressure in both the cylinder. Find our the value of Q. .-~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-------_ .....~----------
------------ -----------

a- - --- --- "m -- K


-- - -- Solution: (1) Wga< + WF = Wmm

P ,V
- - PalmA
-- {

work done by the gas + external agent = work done on
the atmosphere
(2) If gas is doing work and at the same time its
temperature is constant. Then it means that it is getting heat
Fig. 2.54
from the surrounding
PI V} Q = Wgas
Initial Condition: T =--
" nR WF =Walm -Wga• ""Pmm(KV-V)-RTlnK
(By force balance on both)
Initial Condition P; V = RT ; Pi = Palm
Palm V ""RT
Final Condition: V2f =V2 -Ax'; WF =RT(K-l)-RTlnK
Vlf == VI + Ax The heat absorbed from the surrounding,
PitA =P2A+Kx Q = RTinK
Plf Vlf = P2t V2j Illustration: A piston can freely move inside a
Tlf =-_.; T2t
nR nR horizontal cylinder closed from both ends. Initially the
We can also find out the final temperature, pressure and piston separates the inside space of the cylinder into two
equal parts each of volume Yo, in which an ideal gas is
.•. Net on workdone on the atmosphere is zero because contained under the same pressure Po and at the same
compression on one side = Expansion on another temperature.
side What work has to be performed in order to increase
isothermally the volume of one part of gas n times compared
Wga< + Walm + W<pring = 0
to that of the other by'slowly moving the piston?
Thus Wgas= -Wspri,,~
and from first law of thermodynamics we have
Study Anurag Mishra with

IfQjoules of heat is slowly supplied by a heater to L.H.S.
" :Pl P,
till the final pressure of R.H.S. becomes P2 Find out (i)
P, (Yo +~) ". Pressure, volume and temperature finally (ii) the total heat
". ""Pc
- 1--,
, supplied by the heater.
, The gas in R.H.5. gets zero heat from the surrounding
TO = constant T(l = constant therefore the process in R.H.S. will be adiabatic
• Fig. 2.55 ••• __ • _. • • ••••• System
: : boundary
Finally F = (Pz - PI)A for (I) chamber
: Po.Vo,To PoVo,To ,:
PoVo =:: PI (Vo + Ax) ,
for (II) chamber
PoVo =P2 eVa -Ax) .._-----
~ __ .._._-'
F ~(PoVo PoVo 1.", FIg. 2.56 (a)
Va-Ax Vo+AxJ'
POV02A1x Povo" = P2 VfY Y = ~ for monoatomic
~ , 3
,,2 A 2X2

" - V - 0 0 •
fR - P ,
W.,cnl =fF'dx=2A2PoVof,,,"1 X dx
Vo 2_A2x2

The cotal no. of moles in R.H.S. = PoVo

Initially x =:: a RT,
Finally x=x1 P2Vf
Final temperature in R.H.S. Tf = --'-
Vo + Ax} = neVa -Ax,) _.. R nR
Vo(n -1) Vir =2Vo -VI
:::> XI =
A(n + 1) . Since the process is carried out very slowly therefore the
The total heat given to the whole system goes to piston will always remains in the state of rest of mechanical
2 equilibrium.
increase the internal energy ofL.H.S. and R.H.S. + Kx i. e.• PIr = P2 (Pressure from both sides equal)
2 P2V
Q ==.1UL+6UR +-Kx
1 , --"..!.Lf
If we consider both sides as one system then the net heat
Calculating Work Done by Integration
given to this system will be equal to the increase in internal
Since the process is reversible therefore the piston energy of L.H.S. and R.H.S.
should be in the state of mechanical equilibrium at all the 3 3
stage of the process. t..UL=n-R(Tf -To); t..UR =n-(TJ -To)
2 L 2 R
Pga,A = mg + PalmA + Kx
If in the question given piston is adiabatic therefore no
mg Kx
Pgas =-+Pa1m +- heat transfer can take place across it.
Case when the piston is diathermal: In the above
W = PgasdV = f: v
Pa1mdV + ":: J dV +f ~ .Adx diagram the piston is diathermal. The cross-sectional area of
the piston is A. The spring shown is initially in a relaxed
:=:Pa1mdV+ mgJ:l dx+KJ;l xdx state. The final volume of R.H.S. = V2• Find out the final
pressure, volume and temperature on both sides. Find out
Kx' the total heat given by the heater.
W "" Pa1mAxl + mgxl + --'
2 The temperature of L.H.S. and R.H.S. will increase
If the force balance was not taking place then the kinetic uniformly. Let us assume that the final temperature is T
energy of the system would have continuously increases. L.H.S R.H.S

Illustration: In the diagram shows an insulated

cylinder di••ided into two equal parts by an insulated piston. Q
Equal moles of monoatomic gas has been enclosed inside the K
L.H.S. and R.H.S. chamber. The diagram shows initial states
of the gases in L.H.S. and R.H.S. FIg. 2.56 (b)

Study Anurag Mishra with


Applying ideal gas equations

PiR V2 '" nRT ... (1) =~[3nRT+ ~KL' T)
y-1 nR
Pir (2Va - V:2) = /tRT ... (2)
The piston will always remain in the
state of mechanical equilibrium. The final
. . h . Va - V2 p~"
=( 2nRT + %KL
compressIOn In t e spnng x = ---
If the force balanced on the piston ~ PfRA
Q -Q
s r
4 2 2
Kx+PjRA=PftA ... (3) Fig. 2.56 (c)
5 ,
we can calculate the T from the above equations (3) by = 3nRT + - KL
substituting PI and P,., from ego. (1) and (2).
Illustration: Figure shows two cylinders partition by Examele
movable diathermal spring loaded piston. Left chamber is
diathermal i.e.) allows heat to loose to environment. Heat A large botrIe is fitted at its neck with one-liole stopper
given by heater is Qg and heat rejected by left chamber is Qr' through wliicli passes a precision bore glass tube. A steel ball
If we assume the cross-sectional area to be A. Difference bearing of mass m, radius rjust fits inside the tube. The bottle
Qg - Qr will be equal to the sum of increase in the is filled with the gas for which y(C p Ie is to be calculated.
l' )

mechanical energy and thermodynamical energy. Inside the rube gas leaks through the narrow space between
the ball and the tube, gas forms a gas cushion that keeps the

1 t 1
-U2- -2L-~-----..j
ball from rouching the wall. Thus the ball can slide with little
friction. A very slow flow of gas into tlie bottle through the
K side arm compensates the leakage of gas. When the ball is
lowered into the tllbe, it would compress the gas to an
o ,T o ,T
equilibrium pressure Po, volume Vo' A small displacement
-L--L- Q

Fig. 2.57 (a)

from this equilibrium position will cause oscillations of the
ball with frequency v.

Mechanical energy
2 x -1 K -
Internal energy wiH change only of the
gas present in the R.H.S. KL KLJ2
AL 2"
Pf .-=nRT
, 2
2nRT Fig. 2.57 {bJ
Side arm


Pit A +KL =PfRA

Pf , =Pf , +-
=--+- 2
(a)5how thaty = 4v mVo, assuming process to be adiabatic.
3 poy4
Pf -LA = nRTf
, 2 '
(b) Determine the frequency of oscillation if the process is
2nRT +~)3LA isothermal.
( AL A 2
TfJ.: nR
(c) What is the force constant of trapped gas?
(d) What is the amplitude of oscillation of the ball?
(3nRT + %KL )
Solution: (a) The weight of the ball and the
nR atmospheric force P'lIm x A must be balanced by the upward
force PA exerted by the gas pressure.
l'.UR =nC,,(TfR-T)
Study Anurag Mishra with

mg Cd) Amplitude of oscillation,
Po =- + P"trn
A mg mgVo
The conditions are adiabatic, hence k VPo A2
PVr = constant ... (1)
Differentiating this gives
PCyVr-1) dV + V7dP = 0
:4. glass U-tube of unifonn cross-sectional area A, open at both
dP=_yPdV ends, contains a volume Vo/liquid of densityp. Thw the total
V length of the liquid column from surface to surface is I = VI A.
=_VPo.(Ad.y) ... (2) rrhe tube is jiggled to set liquid into oscillation.
Vo (a) When the liquid surface on the right lies a distance y from
where dy is small vertical displacement of ball. its equilibrium position, show that the liquid experiences a
Hence restoring force is restoring force of the form F = -kyo Find the period of
2 oscillation.
dE =_ yFoA dy
Vo (b) One end of the tube is now closed so that the length of the
entrapped air column is L. Show that for small oscillations of
Acceleration of the ball is thus 'I
the liquid column oscillation is approximately simple
a =_ yPoA d'"" ... (3)
harmonic. Find the time period of oscillations assuming
mVo adiabatic and isothermal conditions.
This is equation of simple harmonic motion with (c) Assuming adiabatic conditions determine y for the trapped
angular frequency of oscillation gas.
",=,1-"="-'- )2 Solution: (a) When the

from which
=2nv ... (4)
liquid column is displaced by y, in
left column, the weight of excess
liquid in left column is the
y = 0 ... (5) restoring force y
Por4 F =-(pg2y)A
(b) If the process is isothermal, Since F oc(-y), the oscillation
PV = constant ... (6) is simple harmonic.
PdV+VdP=O ... (7) . Therefore, acceleration of the Fig.2E.59
dP =_PdV liquid column,
V a=-2pgAy
PAdy pIA
dF =_
PO(rtr Y2
dy "'=J~Z:=ff=:~
p. (nr2)2 To = 2rr~ ...(1)
a ""_ 0 dy ... (8)
•. The period of oscillation depends not on p but only on
p. (nr2)2 . I and is mus independent of me panicular liquid used.
00= 0 =2nv ... (9)
mVo This problem was proposed and solved by Newton.
(b) For an adiabatic process
v= l..-jP 2
o(nr )2 ... (10)
2n' mVo
ee) From eqn. (4), yPoA
Force constant, Total force on the liquid column in right arm is due to
gas pressure and weight of excess liquid.
Study Anurag Mishra with
poVJ = P(Vo - AxV
Restoring force = -[ y~O+ 2pg] Ay
which is proportional to y, hence motion is simple P, - ( ,
Acceleration of liquid column,
lAY "Po(l- Ax)-' Vo
pAl .',
= Po ('f1Ax)
+ V
From the expression for Q, o
"("'yP"o-,L""'+c:q,"g:')C7A 2it
"- (as Ax is small quantity)
pAl T Vo
pi Similarly for the left part,
Tadiab.1tic = 27t ... (2)
(ypoiL + :q,g) poVJ ""PLVl =PL(Vo+Ax)T
For an isothermal process, proceed according to.
V Fig. 2E.60 (b)

to obmin T
isothemlal -
- 2Jt I
\ (PoiL + 2pg)
.' Net force acting on {he piston,
(c) From eqns. (1) and (2), we can obtain

y=pgL(T(f -1) F "-HI+ Y~)A -Po(I-Y~H

Po Tu~
=-2 PoyA x
Acceleration of {he piston
A closed and lsolated cylinder contains ideal An adiabatic
separator of mass m, cross-sectional area A divides the 2P. yA 2
o n
cylinder into two equal parts, each with volume Vo and Vom
pressure Po in equilibrium. Assuming that the separator can
On comparing the acceleration with a = -(J}2 x,
move without friction, find the oscillation frequency when the
separator is slightly displaced. We get <.tl = {2PeYA 2 = 2l't = 2;-cv
r--T'r-'-~,---, \ Vern T
: po. Vo 2
, v=-.!..-/2POYA
: PR
:- 2l't \ Vem

Fig. 2E.60 (a) Exo,,:,gl.e

Find the molar heat capacity (C ) of an ideal gas in a
Solution: Let the pismn be displaced by a small
polytropic process represented by PV II = constant. Ratio of
distance x towards right.
specific heats is y. Find the value of n for which heat capacity
Volume of the right part ""Vo- Ax is negative.
Volume of the left part"" Vo + IU"
As the cylinder is isolated from surroundings and
Solution: In a polytropic process represented by
separator is adiabatic (n<m~conducting), the process is pv II = constant, work done on one mole of gas is given by
adiabatic. the expression
=P1V\-P2V2 =R(T\-T2)
W --- --- ... (1)
n-l n-l
[right part 1
Study Anurag Mishra with


Change in internal energy. when temperature changes

-2R)dT =PdV
from T1 to T2, is (
'. y-l
liU ""Cv (T2 -Tt) = R(T2 -Td ... (2) ::-From ideal gas equation,
, -I
PV =RT (one mole of gas)
If C is the molar specific heat,
. Hence RT dV+2RdT =0
Q =C(T, -T,) ... (3) V y-l
From first law of thermodynamics,
... _2_)dT + dV = 0
( y-l T V
C(T -T ) = R(T1 -T2) + R(J'2 -T1)
2 I
n-l y-l dT +(Y-I)dV =0
T 2 V
'(-1 n-l
R(n -,)
logt T +(Y;I) logt V = constant

(n -1)(, -I)
(Y -1)

Therefore IV 2 = constant
For C to be negative, we must have 1 < n < y.
(b) Equation of the process in terms of pressure
Example and volume of the gas can be obtained by eliminating T with
t~~ help of ideal gas equation PV = nRT.
In a thermodynamic process a gas expands such that the heat Equation of the process is
transferred to the gas (dQ) = decrease in internal energyj
(-dU> PV
2 = constant
(a) Find the molar heat capacity and the equation of the
process in variables T and V. Th"IS IS a po I'ytroPIC process wit. h n = [,-2-
+ I ) .

(b) Find the work performed by one mole of the gas, when its
volume increases '1 times, if the initial temperature of the gas Work done is W = PIVI - P2 V2
is To. n -I
R(Tl - T2)
Solution: (a) (i) Change in internal energy when = ---- (for one mole of gas)
n -I
temperature changes from T to T + liT, for one mole of gas,
T+ ••• RTo(I-~)
fj,U= JT C<.dT =----
n -I
(sinceTI =ToandTz =T)
From equation of the process,

MT T1 = To = (V, )(Y-I}!2 = 11(Y-1),12
,-I T2 T VI

Heat transferred to system for one mole of gas, RTo(l - 11(Y-lJ/2) RTo(l- 11(Y-I)'2)
So, W= -------
Q =C~T = -~U =[__ R_] ~T
(y -I)
(,;1)-1 (';1)
or C =--
(ii) From first law of thermodynamics, :4 vertical cylinder of volume V has n mole.s of an ideal
dQ=dU+dW monatomic gas. The walls of the cylinder are thermally
insulated, the piston is weightless. When a mass M is placed
But dQ = -dU
on the piston. the piston is displaced by a distance h. What is
Hence 2dQ = dW the final temperature of the gas after the piston has been
or 2CdT=PdV aisplaced. the area of the piston is A and the atmospheric
pressure is Po?
Study Anurag Mishra with


Solution: Since the gas is

M Solution: if 6.Q is the heat
thermally insulated, the entire work done supplied (Q the system, it is spent in
on the gas is equal to change in internal the change in internal energy of the
energy. When the piston is displaced by II, system. Since there is no friction and
the volume becomes V - hA. The nct the vessel is thermally insulated, Fig.2E.64
pressure on the piston is Po + (mg/A). AQ = AU
From ideal gas equation before and after
6.Utotal =6.U~as + f,U.pring ... (1)
loading we have
Flg.2E.63 There are two changes in the internal energy, change in
internal energy of gas &Ugas and that of spring t.Uspring'
PoV '" nRT1 ... (I) 3
t.Ugas ='2R(T2 -Tl) .•. (2)

[Po + (M~ )] [V - hAl = nR1', ... (2)

1 , ,
t.U.pring ='2 k(X2 -Xl) ...(3)
The change in internal energy
where Xl and x2 are compression in spring at
~u= nC"t1T = ~ nR(T2 - 1'1) temperatures Tt and T2 respectively.
In equilibrium,
Work done on the system = Mgh
Pressure due to gas = Pressure due to spring
Therefore, from first law of thermodynamics
• P= kx
Mgh =~ nR(T2 -1'1) ... (3) A
Subtracting eqo. (1) from eqo. (2), we have x=- ...(4)
[PoV + (:g) V -PohA -Mgh -PoV] From ideal gas equation, for one mole,
P = RT = RT ... (5)
nR(T, -1',) =[[ ~)v-PohA - Mgh] ... (4)
V Ax
From eqns. (4) and (5), we have
Substituting nR(T2 - 1'1) from ego. (4) in eqo. (3), we , RT
x =-
have k
MgV 2 1 2 2 R
-- -Mgh - PoM = - Mgh Hence,-k(x 2 -xl)=-(T2-T1) ... (6)
A 3 2 2
Hence we obtain From eqns. (1), (2) and (3), we have
3 R
h = MgV L\Utolal =-R(T2-Tt)+-(T2-Tt)
A (PaA + SMg/3) 2 . 2
;2R(T2 -Tt)
Substituting h in eqo. (2) and solving for 1'2' we get
(PoA + Mg)(3PoA - 2Mg)V
Thus heat capacity of the system is
T2 =~~---~~---- C=AQ= AU -2R
(3PoA + SMg )AnR
L\T (T2-TI)

A non-conducting piston divides a thennally insulated vessel
into two parts. The left part of the vessel contains one mole of. A thin heat insulating piston divides a horizontal cylindrical
an ideal monatomic gas and the right part is vacuum. A vessel of length 21inro two equal parts. Each part contains n
spring connects the piston to the right wall of the vessel, the moles of ideal monatomic gas at a temperature T. Two springs
natural length of the spring in the free state is equal to the of spring constant k each are connected to the piston on either
length of the vessel. Neglecting heat capacities of the vessel, side as shown in Fig. 2£.65(a). When heat Q is supplied to the
piston and spring, determine the heat capacity C of the gas in the right part, the piston is displaced to the left by a
system. distance x = 1/2 The left part is in contact with a thermostat
at temperature T all the time. Determine the heat Q' given
awa~ to the thermostat.
Study Anurag Mishra with


I_ 2/ _I
r:::s.::rc;:] One mole of an ideal gas is comained under a weightless
~ piston of a vertical cylinder at a temperature T. The space over
Fig. 2E.65 (a) the piston opens into the atmosphere. What work has to be
performed to increase isothennally the gas volume under the
Solution: Net heat added to the system is Q -Q'. piston n times by slowly raising the piston? Friction is
From first Jaw of thermodynamics, negligible.
Solution: As the piston is displaced slowly the
Q-Q'=~U+Us ... (1)
change in kinetic energy is zero. From work energy theorem,
where 6.U is the change in internal energy of the system we have
and Us is the elastic potential energy stored in the spring.
The work done by the gas has changed the potential energy
of the spring.
The temperature in the left part has not changed as it is
in contact with a thermostat and piston wall is
non-conducting. Hence the change in the internal energy of "VO dV
the gas is due to the heating of the gas in the right part by
=RT Jv, -
[PV = nRT]

So, ... (2)
Thus, wex1 =-wann -wga.o;
Gas is monatomic. =-[-PoVo(n -l)+RTlnn]

Fm'es acting 0:" ~h:Rpiston

shown in Fig. 2E.65(b). In equilibrium
Me :'A:~.P"'~
2=kAx killl=2

In Fig. 11E.40 shown, an adiabatic cylinder of volume V has

PLA + 2kM = PRA ... (3) Fig.2E.65(b)
monatomic gas in both the compartments. The piston is
When the piston has moved by a distance x = 1/2, the diathermic. Initially the piston is keptjixed, and the system is
volume of the left part, VL = A(l-1/2) and the volume of the allowed to acquire a state of thermal equilibrium. The initial
right part VR = A(l + 1/2) . From ideal gas equation, pressures and temperatures in respective compartments are
P, = nRT ... (4) PI' P2 andT}, T2• Calculate the final temperature and the final
A(I-1'2) pressure. Now the piston is set free to move slowly such that a
state of mechanical equilibrium is also achieved
P _nR(T+.6T) (5)
R - A(I + 1!2) ... (T1P2 > PIT2). Calculate the final volume of the gas in each
Substituting expression for PL and PR in eqn. (3), we
have Solution: (i) Let T be the final temperarure in both
2"R(T + ~T ) 2nRT kl
(he compartments, then from first law of thermodynamics
----=--+- ...
(6) applied to the cylinder,
3Al AI A
which on solving for .6T, yields
2 P,. T,. va
tiT = If + 3kl
From eqn. (1), Flg.2E.67
Q'=Q -aU -Us
=Q -~nR
[2T + 3kl']
_ kl '
As (he cylinder wall is adiabatic and fixed,
5 ,
=Q-3nRT--kl so there is no change in internal energy of the system,
2 6U=O
Study Anurag Mishra with
Solution: We have, for an adiabatic process,
7Vy-1 =-constant
Differentiating with respect to T,
vr-I.1+T.(y_1)vy-2dV =-0
dV v
For the left compartment,
" T(, -1)
P1 _
~_PI P\ = final pressure in the left compartment
But from the graph,
T, T

or P
, -_ PI (PIz ++ P2 }Tz
dT To. Vo

Similarly, p'z can be obtained. o =tan e
To(y -1)
P ,-
' _ Pz(p] + P2)T\
PiT2 + P'}.TI V, --
or y-1=-
(iii) As P2Tj > PIT2, it follows that P'2 > P'l .
To tan e
Therefore the piston moves to the left. Let 6.V be the or y = Vo _ 1
change in volume of any compartment. To tan e
Then on applying the ideal gas equation, we have "lR (Vo -To tan O)R
C ," __ "_~~~--_Totan 0
y-1 ToranO.Vo
Pf(~2- "v)
... (I)
=(1-~: tanO)R
f(V2- + 6.V) =P2V
and C\' =~
Y -}
= RTo tan fl
and ... (2)
1'[ Zf2
- -.-
On dividing ego. (2) by (1), -'.- .-

V A gaseous mixture enclosed in a vessel of volume V consists of

- +:<.V P T
_2__ =2-!- one gram-mole of a gas A with y(=- C piC v) = 5.'3and another
~ -6.V PtT2 gas B with y =7/5 at a certain temperature T. The
2 gram-molecular weights of the gases A and Bare 4 and 32
:. Volume of left compartment respectively. The gases A and B do not react with each other
and are assumed to be ideal. The gaseous mixture follows the
=~-6.V=V PlT2
2 P2Y1 + PiT2
equation PVl9-13 = constant, in adiabatic processes.
(a) Find the number of gram.moles of the gas B in the gaseous
and volume of right compartment
=~+D.V=V P2 I (b) Compute the speed of sound in the gaseous mixture at
2 P2YJ + PITz
T = 300K.
(c) 1fT is raised by 1 Kfrom 300K, find the percentage change
in the speed of sound in the gaseous mixture.
(d) The mixture is compressed adiabatically ro 1/50/its initial
A gas is u.ndergoing an adiabatic process. At a certain stage A,
volume V. Find the change in its adiabatic compressibility in
the values of volume and temperature:; (Vo• To). From the
details given in the graph (Fig. 2E.68), find the value of C p terms of the given quantities.
and Cv. Solution: (a) The y of the mixture is given by
'" --~~--~-~-
nl"l1 (12 -1) + TlZ"l2(Y1 -1)
TIl("12 -1) + n2(Y1 -1)

A5 YI =5/3, 12 =7/5,n1 =1,andy=19/13

Fig.2E.68 we find; 112 =2
Study Anurag Mishra with
(b) Speed of sound in an ideal gas is given by

where y and p refer to mixture of two gases,'" "" 19j13for

n moles of an ideal gas is made ro undergo the cycle

~-t 2 -t 3 -t 4 -t 1as shown in Fig. 2£.70. Process ~ -t 4is
the mixture. The density p of the mixture is given by a straight line. The gas temperatures in states 1, 2 and 3 are
ntM) + n2M2 p
Tj, T2 and T) respectively. Also points 3 and 4 lie on the same
p~~----_.- isotherm. Detennine the work done by the gas during the
n1 +n2 RT cycle.
For n, =1, n2 =2, M, =4>dO-3kg/mol,
3 2 ~ •~3
M2 "" 32)( 1O- kglmo! and T = 300 K, we get
p=O.9xlO-5p kg/m3
,!. \4"':;"h'~
Therefore, Ii = (19 x 1 )1:2::: 402 mls Fig.2E.70
13 0.9xlO-5
(e) In terms of temperature. the speed of sound Solution: Let P and V be the initial pressure and
can be written as volume respectively, then for process 1 -t 2,
P, P
- =- ('.'volume remains constant)
T2 T,
Thus, we have P, =P- ...(1)
Ii ~ T~.'2
. For.process 2 -t 3
ill! 1 !1T 1 1 1
0' -x 100=--)(100=-x_xl00=_
'Ii 2 T 2 300 6 . Y3=~ => Y3=yT3 ... (2)
T3 T2 T2
i. e.• speed changes by 1/6%.
Cd) Adiabatic bulk modulus of a gas is B = "(P, so For process 3 -t 4 (temperature at points 3 and 4 is the
Adiabatic compressibility is,
1 V4=yT2 ... (3)
K~- T,
.. The work done by the gas = Area of the trapezium 1
Hence, the change in adiabatic compressibility is -t2-+3-+4
IV{ =Kj -Kj =!(J... _..!.-)
During adiabatic compression, we have

~vy =Pf(~r
or ~ =(~r But

Thus, we get

l1K ~2.(p,-1)
yPi PI Example 71
Y nRT :t\gas takes part in two thermal processes in which it is heated
from the same initial state ro the same final temperature. The
=-0.025- processes are shown on the P-Y diagram by straight lines
T 1 -+ 3and 1 -+ 2 Indicate the process in which the amount of
where we put n = 3 and y = 19(13 for the mixture. heat supp'lied to the gas is larger.
Study Anurag Mishra with

P ,,
, " . Therefore the process A --Jo B is
isobaric. Process B -) C is isochoric
P, \2 because density is constant. Process
'" C --) A is isothermal because internal
energy is constant. Now P-V diagram is ~A
v as shown in Fig. 2E.72(b).
Fig.2E.71 (b) Total heat absorbed by the Fig. 2E.72 (b)
Solution: Since the temperature difference is same.
1'.T=O ~ Cl'.V=O)
Now W12 =-(PI +P2)(VZ -Vt)
2 As process B --) C is isochoric
Wl3 =-(PI +P3)(V3 -V1)(P2V2 =P3V3) QB-~C =t.U =3Uo
2 As process C --Jo A is isothermal,
W12 -W13 =- [PI(V2 -V'l) + (P3 -Pz)Vtl <0 VA
2 " QC ...•A = nRT In-
W12 > WI3
Q C~A =Rx lOUo In Pc
Q'2 > Q13 3R PA
Example 72~ =lOUu In~ (asp,\;Pc =PR =5po)
3 2
Fig. '2E.72 (a) shows the variation of the internal energy U IOUu
Q = ~2Uo + -- In (2.5)
with the density p of one mole of ideal monatomic gas for a 3
thennodynamic cycle A -) B -) C -) A.
u Rectangular by =(l~ In 2.5 - 2 o )U

:~:~.'..'~.'.~~~i" ,
(c) WA ...•R =t.QA ...•R -L'J.UA_~fj

= -2110

2po r .Example
Fig. 2E.72 (a)
Fig. 2E. 73 shows two vertical cylinders with thennally
Assume the process A -) B to be a part of a rectangular insulated walls and pistons of same mass fitted on the top.
hyperbola. The cylinders enclose n moles of a monatomic gas. The initial
pressure is P and it is given that spring I is relaxed. An electric
Draw the P-V diagram of the above process.
heater slowly supplies heat to the system. Finally spring II
Find the total amount of heat absorbed by the system/or the
becomes relaxed.
cyclic process.
Find the work done in the process AB. "
k k
Solution: (a) Process A -) B is part of a rectangular
hyperbola; hence
Up = constant
From ideal gas equation, we have
"f" unction 0 r temperature
_P "_ RT an d"Interna 1energy ISa
r M Fig.2E.73

So U = aT, where a is a constant

What is the initial state of spring II? Given that A2 < AI.
PM = constant
Up = aT -
So What is the final pressure?
If the initial volume is V, what is the final volume?
0' P = constant
Study Anurag Mishra with
Solution: (i) Let Po be the atmospheric pressure, then
considering the equilibrium of piston I, '
PAl =mg +PoA,
or p = Po + - ... (1)
Now consider the forces acting on piston II. According to
given condition, spring II is relaxed, finally. Before that we .Example
have to determine the state of spring by comparing
downward and upward force. 0.01 mole of an ideal diatomic gas is enclosed in an adiabatic
0'linder of cross-sectional area A = 104 m2• In the
Net upward force acting on piston II
arrangemenrshown in Fig. 2£.74, a block of mass At = 0.8 kg
= PA2 = Po A2 + mg - [from Eqn. (I)] is placed on a horizontal support, and another block of mass
A, m = 1 kg is suspended from a spring of stiffness co1t~tant
Net downward force acting on piston II k = 16N/m. Initially, the sfring is relaxed and the volume of
the gas is V = 1.4_x 104 m ,
=mg +POA2
As A2 < AI' so net upward force is less, than net
downward force.
Hence to keep the piston in equilibrium, the spring must m
apply an upward force on it, therefore spring is stretched

and spring force lex = mg (1 - ~: )

where x is the extension in the spring n. Flg.2E.74

(ij) When spring II is relaxed, let P , be the pressure. fa) Find the initial pressure of the gas.
Then from the equilibrium condition of piston of area A2 we (b) If the block m is gently pushed down and released, it
have, with the help of eqn. (1) oscillates hannonically; find its angular frequency of
P'= mg +Po =p_ mg + mg oscillation.
A2 A, A2 (c) When the gas in the cylinder is heated up, the piston starts

=P+mg (AtA A-A2) moving up and the spring gets compressed so

is just lifted up. Determine the heat
that the block M
sup~Ued. Take
I 2 atmospheric pressure Po = lOS Nm2, g = 10 ms .
(iii) When the pressure increases, spring I is
compressed. Let x' be the compression, then from the Solution:
condition of equilibrium of piston of area A" we have mg
Ca) p=po +-
P'AI =kx' + mg +POA1 A
or kx'=P'AI -mg -PoA, =10s + (1)00) = 2x lOS N/m2
-{ p+ mg ( A~,~~')} A, -mg -(p_ ~)A, Cb) For an adiabatic process,
dP dV
kx'_mg(~: -1) p


.. Change in volume of the gas V

~V=X'AI +xA.2 Resultant restoring force on piston,

= mg
(~-l)A, (1-~)A,
+ mg
k A2

mg -, -At +A2 --'
=- A'Al ] =_[yp~2X +kx]
k 2
Study Anurag Mishra with

2 2 Solution: As the piston is heat ,, ,,
d x =_[YPA +.!5..] x conducting, the temperature on both , ,
dt2 mV m ,,
the parts is equal at each instant. ,, ,,
2 The system is isolated, so there is no ,, ,,
"fPA k
/ heat transfer to or from the system. Displaced
From first law of thermodynamics, posilion
(1):= /(l.4)(2x lOs)(lO-4)~'~~ ,1U+W =0 Fig.2E.75
\ lxl.4xlO-4 1 From the condition of the
=6 rad/s problem,
(e) In order to lift the block M, compression in the Vo + V =l](Vo - V)
spring must be where l' is the displaced volume.
x" Mg " (0.8)(10) "0.5 m
k 16
... (I)

Work done by the gas is The work done by an external agent in displacing the
W =mgx+- 1 kx' + PoAx' piston slowly increases the internal energy of both the
2 compartments.
or W = (1)(10)(0.5) +..!. (16)(0.5)2 + (105)(10--4 )(0,5) Fe~tdx = 2nC dT -= (PI -P )dV
li ... (2)

2 where PI and P2 are the respective pressures of the two

"12 J compartments. From ideal gas equation, we have
Change in internal energy is PI =~, P2 = nRT ... (3)
Vo-V Vo+V
.1.U=~ nR(T'-T) =2(p'V'-pV)
2 2 On substituting eqn. (3) in (2), we have
t mg kx
Here p =Po+-+- nRT _ nRT ) dV -= 2nC t' dT
A A ( V - V Vo + V
"10' + (1)(10) + (16)(0.5)
10--4 10--4 or
R rV
Jo (V 2 _
dV -
f'To T

= 2.8x 105 Nm-2 0

V'=V+Ax ke,. =--, wehave
= (1.4x 10.-4) + (}0-4 )(0.5)
(y-l)f V dV=lnI-
= 1.9 x 10-4 m3 o V 2 _ V2 To

/':"U = 2 {(Z.B x 105)(1.9 x 10--4)

or InI-=[Y-l][_ln(Vi_V2)]~
To 2
-(2x 105)(1.4x 10-4)]
"63 J or In.!..= In[ vl ](V-1l
To Vo2 _V2
Using first law of thermodynamics,

m T"To[(~:~)'r-l)'
The P- V diagram shows a cycle A, Band C. Process AB is
A heat conducting piston can freely move i1L5ide a closed isothermal expansion, Be is isobaric compression and 0\ is
thennally imulated cylinder with an ideal gas. [n equilibrium adiabatic compression. We are given PA> Vjj and Te. If one
the piston divides the cylinder into t\NO equal parts, the gas mole of monoatomic gas is made to perform the cyclic
temperature being equal to To. The piston is slowly displaced. process. Find out the pressure, volume and temperature at
Find the gas temperature as a junction of the ratio 11 oj the all the points
volumes of the greater and smaller sections. The adiabatic
exponent of the gas is equal to y.
Study Anurag Mishra with

p p

,, B
v v
Fig. 2.58 Fig. 2.60

(0 PAVA =P,V, (isothermal, T =- canst.) Thermodynamic efficiency

(ii) PH = Pc (isobaric B -l' C) Wnet =-~-~~-~
(iii) TCVCr-1 =TAV/-t (adiabatic C -lo A) C2gi\••.•
n C2gi""n

Since we have monoatomic gas therefore y = ~ In a cyclic process from A to A, change in the internal
3 energy is equal to zero.
The additional equation for all the points is PV =: nRT The total work done by the gas on the surroundings is
T = PAVA =< C2given - Qrejened
nR Example: Carnot's Cycle
We can calculate the pressure, volume and temperature P A
at all the points.
Work Done in One Cycle
Work done by the gas p
is positive only in the
process of expansion
WAB = nRTA 10-
WBe =-PB(VB -Vel
Fig. 2.61
WCA = -nC., (TA -Te) B
The total work done B -t C is adiabatic expansion
by the gas in one cycle is and
equal to the area enclosed
v D -)0 A is adiabatic compression
Fig. 2.59
inside the cyclic process C2g;ven ::0 nRT1 In -V,
and this is VA
Q,eje<."led ::o+nRT21n-
When a thermodynamic cycle has clockwise sense the VD
work done by the gas on the surrounding. (0 PAV ••• ::oPBVB
Thermodynamic Efficiency of a Cycle (ii) PaV; ::0 Pc V!
This is defined as the ratio of net work done in one cycle Tt V;-l ::0 T2 Vr1 and T2 Vr1 ::0 T2 VJ-l
to the heat given.
Qgiven =: nRT A In-
V, (iii) Pc VC =PDVD - =-c

In the isothermal expansion process heat is given to the (iv) poVJ =p .••VX
gas by the surroundings. In the isobaric compression process Total work done by the gas in one cycle is
heat is rejected by the gas to the surroundings.
W""t =Qg -Qr
Qg Qg
Study Anurag Mishra with

=l_TzlnVc,VD T, Vs = K2
V, T, V,
T In--- j
V, 1 T InK+T 1nK-T 1nK
2 3
In adiabatic expansion work done = Decrease in T} InK + TzinK
internal energy. _T}+Tz-ZT3
If a sample of gas performs an adiabatic expansion TI + T2
between two given isotherm then work done by the gas will
always same Example

Find out the efficiency of a cycle consisting two isothoric and

fWO adiabatic line. The volume of the ideal gas changes by n

times within the cycle?

An ideal gas is taken through a cycle consisting of alternate , p
isothermal and adiabatic process. The isothennal process are 2
perform at temperature Ttl T2 and T3 Find out the efficiency>

of the cycle if in each isothermal expansion the gas volume

increases in same amount.
~. ,4
, V
Vo nVo

~ : •••••• ~-. T, Solution: Process 1 -) 2 isothoric heating process and
•••• _- T process 3 ~ 4 is isothoric cooling process
Qg =nC,,(T2 -1i)
5 -'--'r3
Qr =nC,,(T3 -T4)
v Qg -Qr
Fig.2E.76 "= Q,
_ nCt, [(T2 - T1) -(T3 -T4 )]
Solution: Process 1 --) 2, 3 -;. 4 and 5 --) 6 are the
nC,,(T2 -TI)
isothermal process. In the expansion process since the gas
volume increases in the same proportion therefore, T3 -T4
11=1- --
(1) V2=V4=K T2 -TI
(Equation of adiabatic process)
V, T2VJ-l =T3(nVoF-1
(2) Qg] = oRT! In-
and TI V",-I
- T4 (n\(0 ),-1
(3) Qg~ = nRT2 In- ::::> (T2-T})Vrl =(T3-T4)(nVO)y-1
V T -T
3 4 1
(4) Q, = nRT3In2 ---=--
V, T2 ~Tl ny-I

Qh + Qg2 ~Qr 1
~= n y-)
QXl + QK2
T V'(-} - T Vy-l Example 78
(5) ] 2 - 2 3 '
T Vy~l - T vy~}
Find out the efficiency of cycle consisting fWO isobaric and two
TVY-] -TVr-} adiabatic line. The pressure change n times within the cycle
3 6 ~] 1

V2V4 V6 = V3VSV1
and y ~ given.

V2 V4
V3 VI V6
Study Anurag Mishra with

16 IH
p PI VI = nRT ...(1)

P, •• ---4
Q Or 3
By equation (3)/(2)
P2VI = nR(nT)
P2V2 = nRCn 2T)
PI V2 = nRT3

... (2)

Fig.2E.78 VI =-
V, n
Solution: Qg = nC peT2 -T1) Put in (1)
Q, =nCp(TJ -T4) PI' = nRT ~ PIV =- nR(nT)
...!.....1. ... (5)
Qg -Q, (T2-T1)-(T -T-4) n
~ = ~-- = -~~-~-~ 3
Qg (T2 -T1) From equation (4) and (5), TJ = nT
T -T Gv (nT -T) -G p(n2T -T) -G~ (n2T -nT) -Gp(nT-T)
'1""1 3 4 "=~----~----------~---
T2 -T1 GI, (nT -T) +G p(n T-T)
(nP o )1-1T1 - pi-rTY
2-03 solve it
and (nPo)1-YT1Y = ptTT: ... (1) ExamplE<
(nPo )o-ylfYT - p(l-y)/yy
2-0 3

and (nPo)o-Y)/YT1 =(Po)'-Y/YT4 I\n ideal gas goe.<; through a cycle consisting of isochoric,
... (2)
adiabatic and isothennal lines. The isothennal process is
By equation (1) - (2), perform at minimum temperature. If the absolute
(I-1) temperature varies K times within the cycle then find out its
n y (T2-T1)=T3-T4 efficiency.
73-74 1 P
T2-T1 n(H)/1 2 (KT)
- nO-1)/1


An ideal gas goes through a cycle consisting of two i.sochoric

and two isobaric line. The absolute temperature of the gas

V, V
rises n times both in isochoric heating and in isobaric V,
extension. If y is given rhenfi.nd out the efficiency of the cycle. Fig.2E.80

• 0" Solution: Process 2 3 is adiabatic expansion and
P .1
Process 3 --)0 1 is isothermal compression.
2 n1 \'.
From process 2 3 ; the internal energy continuously

decrease (i.e., temperature continuously decreases).
P, 4, Point 2 is at highest temperature Qg = nG ~ (KT - T);
V I'
Qr = nRT In...1.
Process 2 ~ 3 (KT)V/-I = 7V;-1 "::)-2 = (K)\'(y-I)
Solution:Qg, =nCv(nT-T);Qg2 2
=nCp(n Y-T) V,
Q'l =nCv(n2y-nT); Qr2 =nCp(nT-T)

+ Q -Q
Q +Q
Qg} g2 r] -Q'2

Study Anurag Mishra with

I Example 81!.---'

A cycle is made of three process isobaric. adiabatic and
isothermal. Isothermal process has minimum temperature.
Absolu£e temperature changes by K rimes within the cycle.
Find out the efficiency.

' '
1 ..
• Q'
Qg = nC p(KT-T) v, , Vo KVo
v, v2
I -=--
Q, =IlRTn- V, Vj
Solution: Qg =nC,,{T2 -'1'\)
Qr =nCp(T] -'1'1)
, '1'1 '1'3
Process 1 ~ 2 is isobaric, VI '= ~ For process 3--'!o 1 ---'
T KT V3 = K(Kr-1 Vo-KVo'
For process 2 -» 3 T20v:r-1 T
--30 (KV )"(-1

Process 2 --'!o 3 is adiabatic, - KT . T - T Ky-I

K1Vr1 =7Vr1
, Q Cp(T3-T\)
=1--r =l-~---
V] = (K)7=-i Q.~ C,,(T2 -'1'\)
'1'3-'1'1 =K -1 and '1'2-'1'1 =K"(-1
p '1'1 T1
(K -1)
11=1-)" .
(KY -1)

Example 83y--

A cycle is made of two isobanc and two isothermal line. The

volume changes by K times and the temperature changes by n
times within the cycle. Find out the efficiency.



Vo KVo

Solution: Qg1 = nC,. (nT - T)

QS2 =nRllrlnK
An ideal gas through a clockwise cycle consisting of adiabatic,
isobaric and isothoric line, the volume of the gas increases by Qrl =nC,,(nT-T)
K times in adiabatic process. Find out the efficiency. Qr2 = nRTlnK
'1= 1- Q"l + 2
Qg1 + Qg2
Study Anurag Mishra with

THE SECOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS ," A perfect heat engine has efficiency of unity. Expression
AND HEAT ENGINES for efficiency shows that, it is possible only when QL = O.A
Fig. 2.62 shows schematic High-temperature perfect heat engine converts all the heat transferred I QH I
diagram of a heat engine. This device reservoir into work.
converts internal energy into The second law of thennodynamics states that a perfect
mechanical energy by absorbing heat heat engine is impossible. The first statement of second law
QH from a high temperature heat of thermodynamics is called the Kelvin-planck
reservoir at temperature TH• statement. It states that it is impossible for any cyclic
performing an amount of work W. process duting one cycle to convert imernal energy into
and rejecting heat QL to low work, without any heat rejection.
temperature reservoir. The high
In btief:
temperature heat reservoir is
referred to as source and the low 1. Efficiency of a real heat engine is always less than
temperature heat reservoir as sink. one.
The ideal heat reservoirs are Low-temperature 2. No heat engine can transfonn heat transfer from hot
assumed to be of infinite heat reservoir reservoir QH completely imo work.
capacity so that heat transfer does Fig. 2.62 3. In a cycle the heat engine returns to its initial state of
not change their temperature. pressure, volume and temperature.
From first law of thermodynamics heat transfer to any Carnet Cycle
engine during one cycle is equal to the change in internal
energy plus the work done. We have already studied the carnot cycle in example 9,
so we briefly summarize the results in the table below.
Table 2.3: Carnol cycle
At the end of one cycle the internal energy has returned
to its initial value. So !J.U = 0.
j'rocess \ .U \ Q \ w
For a cyclic process,
Qcyclc = W cy<:lc
l~ 2
nRTH In (~:) nRTH In(~:)
where Qc,'de is the net heat added to the engine system 2~3 nC"UL -TH) 0 -nC,crL -TH)
and WTIC' is the net work done by the system duting the (adiabat)
3~ 4 0
The net heat transferred (Q a system is the difference (isotherm) nRTL In (~:) nRTlln (~:)
between the heat transfer (Q the system from the hot
reservoir (I QH D, and the heat transferred from the heat
engine to the cold reservoir (I QL I).
• •
Q,,, =IQHI-IQd forms] -nRTlln (~) -oRT! In (~)
Magnitude has been shown [Q avoid confusion.
According to our sign convention, heat added (Q the system 4~ 1 nC,.er" -Tt) 0 -nC •.tTL - TH)
is positive and heat rejected from the system is negative.
without absolute signs, TOTAL 0
nRrrH-TL)ln(~) nRcrH-TL)ln(~~)
Qnt"' =QH + QL
From first law, with fJ,U eyde = 0.
The efficiency '1of a heat engine is defined as the ratio of Wnet =Qnet =nR(TH -TL) 1n-VB
the net work done to heat added to the system. VA
Net work done per cycle Efficiency,
"- Heat input per cycle

Study Anurag Mishra with


As V4 < V3, we can write absolute value of QL by

lpplying In (a/b) "" -In (bfa)
IQd nRTL In(V3/V4)
IQul nRTJlln(VzlVJ)
V2 V3
V} V4 = Til
IQd !i
Thus coefficient of performance of a Carnot refrigerator
IQ" I T"
The efficiency of Carnat engine is
1 T,
T, Ilr = . =
Tl'"l~- (TH1TL)-1 Tff -TL
A heat pump and refrigerator are the same device, but
.Refrigerators and Heat Pumps they differ in the desired effect. For a refrigerator the desired
A refrigerator accomplishes heat transfer from a cold to effect is the heat removed from the low temperature
-a hot reservoir. Fig. 2.63 reservoir whereas for the heat pump the desired effect is the
==shows a schematic p heat transferred to the high temperature reservoir. In other
-diagram of a refrigerator. words, we can say that in a refrigerator, low temperature
lHeat QL is extracted from Adiabatic reservoir is system and high temperature reservoir is
II!:he low temperature surroundings; reverse is true for heat pump.
-reservoir and transferred The coefficient of performance Il hp of a heat pump is
-[0 the high temperature
defined differently.
reservoir. The
I Heat transferred to the high
-effectiveness of a
particular refrigeration remperature reservoir I
;;proces5 is characterized L
I Work done on the system I
-by a coefficient of
Fig. 2.63 IQHI
_performance f.l. r'
Heat removed from low temperature reservoir
p = T"
r Magnitude of the net work done on the system =-~-
TI/ - TL
=--- A perfect refrigerator is one that has I W I = a and an
I WnPl I infinire coefficient of performance. The second sratemenr of
Q, second law of thermodynamics is called Clausius
IQ" I-I QtI statement. It states that it is impossible for any cyclic
1 process during one cycle to remove heat from a cold
reservoir to hot reselvoir without any work done on the
152"1 _ 1 system.
For a Carnot refrigerator,

nRIH In(tz,J
Efficiency of a Caroot heat engine is exactly unity when
1~ = a K; such a heat engine cannot be constructed
(Vv: J according to Kelvin-Planck statemem of the second law.
Hence absolute zero cannot be attained; this is third law
of thermodynamics.
V2 V3
As shown earlier, -=- For a Caroot engine in a complete cycle,
and we have to consider magnitude only,
I Q, I T"
Study Anurag Mishra with


We can determine an unknown temperature T of any reversible cycle as a family of Caroot cycles. Thus the
reselVoir by operating a Carom engine between it and efficiency of any reversible engine is equal to the Carnot
another reselVoir at reference temperature Tref, with T = TL efficiency. All the reversible engines have same efficiency
and T,ef = Tn when they operate between the same two temperatures.
The Clausius inequality states
T~~T r
IQ,efl re
The absolute temperature scale, that is independent of cycle T
the working substance, is defined by taking T ref as triple The equality hold for a reversible cycle as we have
point of water. shown for a Caroot cycle. If we take large number of cycles,
T,ef = 273.16 K each of which is infinitesimally separated in temperature,
the sum becomes an integral.
T ~ J.9.L (273.16 K)
General Cyclic Processes Equality holds for a reversible process and inequality for
From Camm cycle we can see that an irreversible process.
~-nR In(V,) V]
Entropy: A State Variable
For a reversible process, Clausius inequality becomes

=nRln(V,) VI
pdQ = 0

On adding these two equations, we have Thus the quantity dQ must be a state variable as its
QL + QH = 0 sum for a complete cycle is zero.
Entropy is defined as
Fig. 2.64 shows that any arbitrary engine cycle can be
dS = dQ
p p T
Adiabat Isotherm

liS = r di
The change in entropy
reversible path
between any two states is

~ The entropy change of a system as it changes from

~ one state to another is:
Actual engine
process '- .T (i) positive if heat is transferred to the system
{'I {bl (dQ > 0 J).
Fig. 2.64 (ii) negative if heat is taken from the system (dQ < 0 J).
(iii) zero for adiabatic process (dQ = 0 J). Adiabatic
broken into a large number of Carom cycles. If we travel processes are also called isentropic processes, implying
along each segment, the interior segments cancel. So for all constant entropy processes.
the Carnot cycles,
(iv) zero in a cyclic process; since the initial and final

~[~:: + ~:}o states are the same, entropy is a state variable .

• Although the equation is written for a reversible path,
but it will be same for any irreversible process
N = number of processes in the family ofCamot cycles. connecting the same initial and final states .
If we take processes into account, • For an isochoric process,

Q, =0
dQ =nCv dT
dS =nCv-
N = number of processes in the family ofCamot cycles. T
• For an isochoric process,
Clausius Inequality
No engine can have a greater efficiency than the dQ = nCt. dT
corresponding Carnot engine. This result is called Carnot's dT
theorem. Previously we have modelled an arbitrary T
Study Anurag Mishra with


f dT Tf From ideal gas equation

tS=nC" I i T=rzct.ln- -;
T p

•.. For an isobaric process, T V

Substi[ming this into second term of eqn. (3), we have

dS = nC
!is = IIC" r ~: + J/ d:

f T VI
f."S == nC p f -dTT = nC
= nC" In--I- nRIn-
1', Vi

.•. For an isothermal process, We have calculated !is without consideration of the path
followed. Since entropy is a state variable, the entropy
f."S =- change will be the same regardless of the process between
T two stares,
•.. For melting or boiling mass In,
•. For an isothermal process, TJ = Ti
T In TJ = In (1) = 0
where T is the absolute temperature during phase
:hange and L is the latent heat involved during' phase L\S = nR In~
:hange . V;
•.. Freezing or condensation of a mass In, •. For an isochoric process, VJ = Vi
f."S=_rnL V
In....£. =In (1) = 0
T V; .
•.. Warming or cooling a solid or liquid of mass nI, T
T/ 65 = nC" ln~
ilS=mCln- T,
where c is the specific heat . Example ~5_~
••.For heat transfer to a reservoir at temperature TL•
Fig. 2E.85 shows a container I,,'itha membrane partition. The
,IS = + LgJ left hand side, volume 11;,is filled with an jdeal gas; the rig/It
hand side is initially vacuum. Total volume of the container is
••. For heat taken from a reservoir at temperature Til' Vj . The membrane is punctured and free expansion of gas
t.S = - LgJ takes place, which is an irreversible process. Find the entropy
change associated with rhis free expansion of an ideal ga.~.
Entire system is thennally insulated from its surroundings,
Example 84~

An ideal gas is taken from initial state (Vi. Ti) to a final state Membrane
(Vj• Tf ) by an unspecified process; find the entropy change.
Solution: From first law of thermodynamics,
dQ =dU+dW Solution: From first law of thermodynamics,
dQ = nC" dT + PdV Q =tJ.U+W
dQ =nC dT + PdV In free expansion, W = 0
... (1)
T l' T T The temperature of an ideal gas is unchanged during
The entropy change is free expansion; internal energy is function of temperature
only; hence !iU = 0,
~s=Ii, dQ
T ... (2)
The system is isolated; there is no heat transfer to or
from the surroundings; Q = O.
=nC,I! dT +1'T1 ~dV ... (3)
t'T As dQ = 0, it seems that 65 = If, dQT is zero, bur this is
not the case,
Study Anurag Mishra with


From the example 84 The first term is negative and second is positive, but.
T V total entropy change is positive. Let's see it in a special case.
~ =rzC" In...L+ rzRln..l..
Tj V; m] =m2, C1 =C2

This expression is applicable to any process, reversible

or irreversible, between same initial and final states. Since
T =(Tl ;T2)

temperature of gas is constant (free expansion), T'

V ." IiSto1a1 =mCln-f-
liS = nR In..l.. T)T2
Since final volume Vj is greater than initial volume, the
entropy change is positive, entropy has increased. This is
=mCln[C' ~T,J'l,T,]
one of the examples in which dS ~ 0 but dQ = o. . T +T
Smce I 2 is the arithmetic mean of twc
temperatures T1 and T2, ~T]T2 is geometric mean, and
1\ well insulated container has a thin membrane partition. AM> GM
Each of the two chambers has two different liquids, as shown >0
in Fig. 2£.96. The membrane is punctured and liquids are which shows that total entropy change will be POSitiV
allowed to mix. Find the entropy change associated with this in this irreversible process of mixing.
free mixing of liquids.
tr~]lli T,
Find the entropy change when heat I Q I is transferred from a
hot reservoir at temperature TH to a cold reservoir at

T, >T2 temp'erature Te.
Solution: Process of heat transfer is irreversible.
Solution: We first compute the final temperature of Entropy change of hot reservoir
the mixture. dS =fJ dQ =_L9J
Qnel = 0 i T 1H
mlC) (Tj - T)) + m2C2(Tj - T2) "" 0 Entropy change of cold reservoir,
_ m)C1TI +m2C2T2
Tf - dS=fJ dQ =+L9J
mlCI +m2C2 j T Tc
Change in entropy of liquid 1, The total entropy change of both the reservoirs is

dS, = f: ~Q liSlotal =L9J_L9J

=mlCI f T, -T =IQI[TH-Tc]
=mjClln- Since TH > Te, the total entropy change is positive.
Since Tj < T1, this entropy change is negative.
Entropy and the Second Law of Thermodynamics
The entropy change of liquid 2, In the previous three examples (example 84, 85, 86), we
saw that change in entropy is positive in all the three
AS2 =m2C2In- irreversible processes. The generalised statement of second
T, law of thermodynamics is:
Since Tj > T2, this entropy change is positive. The total The total enrropy change of an isolated system is always
entropy change is the sum of the entropy changes. greater than or equal to zero.
&Stolal = IiSI + AS2 AS 2:OJ/K
Tj T1 •.. Note that this sta£ement involves an isolated system.
= mlC1ln- +m2C2In- If an ice block is kept open to atmosphere, heat is
T) T2
transferred from environment to system.
Study Anurag Mishra with


~Stotal = h,Sice + f.Senvironmcnl t..S rcirig. = a J/K

l1StOlal must be positive. Change in entropy of cold reservoir,
If a heated metallic block is kept open to atmosphere, IQI
lI\1eatis transferred from system to environmenl. AS cold rc'C",.oil = - Tc

f.StOla1 = i\Sbl",'k + i\Scnvironmcm Change in entropy of hot reservoir,

Although h.Sb1od:is negative, but i\Scnvironmt'm
is positive
and it must be greater than i\Sblock so that <.\SlOtal is positive. t..S hot reservoir
~+ I<lj
lIFor any irreversible process "'"SlOtalmust be positive.

Environment H Environment t..SI<ltal

~ o-I<lj + I<lj
0".-----/ '" transfer ."-'..
".- Healed -', ./
, /,
: Ice
'.metallic block! olQI[Tc -TH]
'. .'- p.- .' TcTH
System Since Tc <TH, <\Stoml is negative, which is violation of
Fig. 2.65
second law of thermodynamics. Thus perfect heat engine
• The total entropy change is the algebraic sum of the and refrigerator do not exist.
individual entropy change of the components of the
system . Example 89y--
.•. The total entropy change is zero for a reversible
process. The system shown in the Fig. 2£.89 is in equilibrium. The
piston is massless, frieeionless and insulated. All walls of the
Example chamber are also insulated. Whet! heat is generated inside the
lower chamber the piston .~lowly moves upward by 3 m and
Show that Q peifeer heat engine and a peifect refrigerator the liquid comes out through an orifice so that it can rise to a
cannot exist. It is violation of second law of thermodynamics. maximum height of 5 m above the orifice level. The lower
chamber contains 2 moles of an ideal monatomic gas at
Solution: For a heat engine, SOaK. Find the heat generated in the lower chamber, if
t..SrOlal = t..Sengine + t..Shot reservoir + t..Scold reservoir ~orifice
After cycle of the heat engine it returns to its initial
.;tate, entropy is a state variable; therefore

t..S engine = a J/K

The entropy change of hot reservoir,
IQH 1 H,=5m
t..Shot rc.,e"lOir = - -T-
Liquid r

which is negative as heat is transferred from the system.

For a perfect heat engine, I Q, I = 0; hence
t..S mid resenll>ir = a J/K

t..Stmal = --~

Total entropy change is negative, which violates second
Fig. 2E.89 (a)
aw of thermodynamics.
For a perfect refrigerator, area of the piston A = 1m 2
= t..Srefrig. + t..Sculd reservoir + AShOl reservoir
""S rmal
density of the liquid, p = 103 kgl m3
After one cycle of the refrigerator, it returns to its initial g ~ lOm/,'
-;tate; entropy is a state variable. Atmospheric pressure, P"'m = 105 N 1m2
Study Anurag Mishra with

Solution: Assume datum at the position of the orifice. Pt VI pzVz

Since --=--
Initial energy of the liquid Tt T2
1 2 T = PZV2 T = (1.8)(4)
Ei = -"2PgAHl z t
P, V, (1.5)(2)
=.!. (103)(10)(5)2 = -1.25 x 105 J T = (1.8)(4) (500)
2 I (1.5)(2)
and final energy
Increases in internal energy. !J.UnCv!J.T
Er =--pA(H) _h)2 +rgAhho 3R
2 here. n=2,C =2;Y

= -~ (10' )(10)(1)(5 -I)' + (103)(10)(1)(2)(5) !J.T = 1200 - 500 = 700K

= -0.45 x 105 + 105 .. 8U =(2)(3(2)(8.3)(700) = 17.43kJ

Work done by the expanding gas is First law of thermodynamics

W =Er -E = 1.25)( 105 -0.45)( 105 + 105 Q =!J.U+W

= 17.43 + 180 = 197.43 kJ

= l.8x 105J
""",,, Example
",,",,' n-moles of an ideal gas at 2rc are expanded isothermally to
II,,,,,,, five time its volume and then heated at this constant volume
'" "."
". '"''
.. Ho=5m to raise its pressure equal to initial pressure (before
~ansion). If heat given to the system in the process is
... 83.14 kJ then find the value of n. The r( = ~: ) of the gas is
' •.....
.", 1.42 [ln5 = 1.61J

Solution:':!J.Q = 6U +!J.W
Liquid p
For isothermal process l'1U = 0 and
!J.W = nRTo In(Vj IV;), where To = 300K
=> !J.QI = nRTo In 5J
For isochoric process !J. W = 0
=> 6Qz =nCy!J.T,6T=-T-To,
PV =Px5V :::>T=1500K
To T
=> 6Qz = n -- x 1200J
Fig. 2E.89 (b) .. 6QI + 6Qz = 83.14J
On solving, we get n = 3
Initial pressure of the gas, Pt = Palm + pgH I
= 10; + (10')(10)(5) Example
= 1.5x lOsPa
P-V diagram of cyclic process is given. The process is
Final pressure of the gas. P2 = Pmm + pr(HI -h + ho) performed on one mole of monoatomic gas. During the
= 105 + (103)(10)(5 - 2 + 5) process ABC, hear is absorbed by the system till poinr Band
= 1.8 x lOs Pa after point B sysrem rejects heat. Then rhe efficiency of the

Initial volume. VI = AH z = (1)(2) = 2m 3 cyc Ite In percenrage).100tn

IS ~ h. t en m IS _ .

Final volume, V2 = A(H z + h) = (1)(2 + 2) = 4m 3
Study Anurag Mishra with


oV o 2,5V 4V


Solution: Percentage efficiency

= Tl = Wcycle x 100
Heat supplied
9 T = PoVo
- PoVo " nR
= 2 x 100
nC,,(TA -TD)+nC,,(TB ~TA)+WAB
=3 2 x 100
-R(TB -TD)+areaunderAB
2 x 100
~(2: PoVo -PoVo )+ 6PoVo V, ::VO'Pb ::P,::-
12 From b to c process is isobaric V :: constant
37 Vi T1 V,
-::-,T, ::-.T,
V2 T2 Vb
__ =>0 __, ..=~
Vb :: Tb T:: Vo x PoVo _ PoVo
V, T,
, 4Vo 2nR
A system containing n moles of an ideal gas (y = 1.5) is taken
through the thermodynamic cycle shown in figure. Let the T :: PoVo
initial pressure Po and volume Vo at point a be given, and let , 8nR
Vb = 4Vo' Assume step a 4' b is an adiabatic process. Find the
Work done during the complete cycle is area of the
pressure, volume and temperature of the system at points b
and c in terms of the given quanti/)' and also the total work
closed cycle
done by the system during one complete cycle. WI ::work from a to b ::[P1V1 -P2V2
Po • a

~nD(T, -T'J~nD(T" -TbJ~nR[!'9~ -~]

'\ y-1 '\ 1-1 1.5-1

::nR-- x 2 ::PoVo
v, 2nR
Fig.2E.92 Work from b to c (isobaric process)
Po 3
W2 :: Fev, - Vb):: - [Vo -4Vo] :: -- VoPo
Solution: Given Va Vo' P" = Po.y = 1.5
= B 8
Vb =4VO.Pb =? 3 5
Wntl =PoVo --PoVo ::-PoVo
P" V} = Pb V~~ B B
Study Anurag Mishra with


Example (b) Examine the following diagrams :

A movable heavy piston is supported by a spring inside a

vertical cylindrical container as shown. When all air is
pumped out of the container, the piston is in equilibrium as
shown in Diagram 1, with only Q tiny gap between the piston
and the bottom of the container. When a portion of gas at
vL2:v~ TL2
•.••. T v P
(I) (II) (iii)
temperature T is introduced under the piston, the later rises to
a height h as shown in Diagram 2. What would be the height Fig,2E.94
of the piston above the bottom of the container if the gas is
then heated to a temperature Zf ? Assume that the piston and fill in the table:
moves without friction and that the spring obeys Hookes law.
> or <
',':~ ,. (i) PI P2
(ii) TI T2
(iii) V, V2

Diagram1 Diagram2 Solution: (a) We have m = VI 'PI and

Flg.2E.9J m - Lim = V2 ,p 2 where VI and V2 are volume of the vessels
at t} °C and t 2°C and P I and P 2 are densities of {he liquid at
Solution: Initially there is no gap between piston and ttOC andt2°C
cylinder because initially all the air pumped out. Thus spring m VI "PI m V 'P2[I+y(t2-tt)J
---~ --- => ---- ---------
force balance weight of piston. m-Lim V2'P2 m-Lim VI[I+3u(t2-tl)]P2
Now after introducing gas in container, the decrease in => .6.m=(t2-td[(m-t.m)y-3u'm]
extension of spring is because of the pressure of gas because
due to gas pressure spring begins to compress let the => t2 =t} +-- "m _
pressure of gas is PI' A -l' Area of cross-section of piston
P, . A ~ kh ... (1) = 0+ 15
After raising the temperature let new pressure is P2 and (700-15)(18)( 10-5) - 3)( 9)( 10-6)( 700
new height h' = 143.7°C~
P2.A==kh' ... (2)
(b) In (i)VOCT,ButPV=:RT => V==(:~}T
P, h
P2 h'
So slope of V - T plot is mR
Conserving the number of moles MP
PIAh P2Ah' Here slope of 1 < slope of 2.
--~-- mR mR
T zr => --<--=>P2 <PI orFI >P2
MP} MP 2
h2 1
(h,)2 ~ 2 In (ii) we notice that corresponding to a given value of
P,V1 <V2
J2h~h' PVI < PV2
Example mRTt mRT2.
A:1<A:1 '
(a) A 'weight thennometer's is simply a hollow thin walled
vessel of glass or any other suitable material used in the past
In (iii) T ocF, butPV =<: RT => T =(:}p
to measure temperature. It holds m = 700g of mercury a~
tl = O°C. When it is heated Lim == 15g of mercury flows out.l
:. Slope of T _ P line is MV
'calculate the final temperature if Y = coefficient of cubical
expansion of mercury = 18)( IO-SOC -1 and a = coefficient oJ. Here slope of 1 < slope of 2
linear exv.ansion of glass = 9)( lO-6oC -I. l'JVt MV2
-- <--=> V2 > VI or VI < V2
mR mR
Study Anurag Mishra with



Only One Alternative is Correct

ePeve I
1. If 2 moles of an idee'll monoatomic gas at temperature isothermal. Let W] and W2 be the respective work
To is mixed with 4 moles of another ideal monoatomic done, then:
gas at temperature 21'0, then the temperature of the W,
(a)W2=Wjln2 (b) W2 =--
mixture is : 1n(2)
5 (b) ~To (c) W2
=- (d) data is insufficient
(a) - To
3 2 2
4 (d)"T 5. The energy density U I V of an ideal monoatomic gas
(e) -To
3 4 ' is related to its pressure P as :
2. A spherical soap bubble (surface tension =- 5) encloses U U 3
(a)-~3P (b)-~-P
11 moles a monoatomic ideal gas. The gas is heated V V 2
slowly so that t..hc sUlface area of the hubble increases (e) - ~- (d) - ~-P
V 3 V 2
by 3::SR per unit increment in temperature. The
6. One mole of an ideal gas is taken from state A to state
specific heat for this process is : H by three different processes:
(a) 3R (b) SR p
2 2
(e) 7R (d) 9R
2 2
3. Pressure versus temperature graphs of an ideal gas are
as shown in Fig. Choose the wrong statement :

co ACB (ii) ADB (iii) AEB as shown in the P-V
diagram. The heat absorbed by the gas is :
(a) greater in process (ij) than in (i)
(i) (ii) (iii) (b) the least in process (ii)
Ca} Density of gas is increasing in graph (i) (e) the same in CO and (iii)
(b) Density of gas is decreasing in graph (ii) (d) less in (iii) than in (ii)
(c) Density of gas is constant in graph (iii) 7. Sixty per cent of given sample of oxygen gas when
(d) None of the above raised to a higher temperature dissociates into atoms.
4. A gas is expanded to double its volume by two Ration of its initial heat capacity (at constant volume)
different processes. On is isobaric and the OTher is to the final heat capacity (at constant volume) will be :
Study Anurag Mishra with

8 (b) 25
(a) - water in a 0.45 kg copper cup from 298 to 373K ? esp.
7 28 heat of copper = 389 J I kg K)
(e) 10 (d) 25
7 27
(a) 95 (b) 31
8. In a cyclic process shown in the
(e) 39 (d) 45
Fig. An ideal gas is adiabatically p
taken from B (0 A, the work 13. Pressure versus density graph of p
done on the gas during the an ideal gas is shown in Fig.
process B -+ A is 30 J, when the
gas is taken from A -+ B the heat
absorbed by the gas is 20 J. The
(a) During the process AB work
done by the gas is positive
(b) During the process AB work
I J '
change in internal energy of the gas in the process
done by the gas is negative
(c) During the process BC
/"A 6n p
A-+Bis: internal energy of the gas is
(a) 20 J (b) -30 J "
(e) 50 J (d) -10 J (d) None of the above
14. Ideal gas is taken through the process shown in the
9. Three moles of an ideal Fig.
monoatomic gas performs a p (a) In process AB, work done by p
cycle 1-+2-+3-+4-+1 system is positive
(b) In process AB, heat is rejected

shown. The gas temperatures
in differem states are (c) In process AB, internal energy
T1 :=: 400K, T2 = 24DOK and increases
T (d) In process AB, internal energy
T41200K. The work done by
decreases and in process BC, T
the gas during the cycle is :
intef!lal energy increases
(a) 1200R (b) 3600R
15. A process I -+ 2 using diatomic p
(e) 2400R (d) 2000R
gas is shown on the P-V diagram
10. Three moles of an ideal monoaromic gas perform a below. --.-;-71 2

cycle shown in Fig. The gas temperatures in different P2 =2P1 =106N/m2, --_.V
states are Tt = ZOOK, T2 = 400K. T3 = 1600K, and V2=4\)=0.4m3. The molar ,
T4 = BOOK.The work done by the gas during the cycle v
heat capacity of the gas in this
is: (Take R = 25/3 J/mol-K)
process will be :
(a) 35R/12 (b) 25R/13
(c) 35R/ll (d) 22R17
16. Select the correct statement from among the
(a) A monoatomic gas has three degrees of freedom
because it undergoes translational as well as
(a) 5 kJ (b) 25 kJ rotational matiGn
(e) IS kJ (d) 20 kJ (b) A diatomic molecule undergoes both translational
and rotational motion and has six degrees of
11. Unit mass of liquid of volume VI completely turns into freedom
a gas of volume V2 at constant atmospheric pressure (c) A diatomic molecule is capable of rotating
Po and temperature T. The latent heat of vaporization energetically about each of three mutually
is L.Then the change in internal energy of the gas is : perpendicular axes
(a) L (b) L+PO(V2 -VI) (d) The molecule of a polyatomic gas is capable of
(c) L - PO(V2 - VI) (d) zero rotating energetically about each of three
mutually perpendicular axes and undergoes both
12. If all the heat produced were used, how many Iitres of
translational and rotational motion
natural gas at NTP (heat of combustion of the gas
6 3 17. A gas is expanded from volume Vo and 2Vo under three
= 37.3 x 10 MJ 1m ) is needed to heat 4.54 kg of
different processes. Process 1 is isobaric, process 2 is
Study Anurag Mishra with


isothermal and process 3 is adiabatic. Let AU1• L'!.U2 21. A cylinder of ideal gas is dosed by an 8 Piston
and AU3 be the change in internal energy of the gas in kg movable piston (area 60cm2) as rz,";;~;;"zz1
these processes. Then: shown in Fig. Atmospheric pressure is Gas
P 100 kPa. When the gas is heated from
30°C, to 100~C the piston rises by
p ,.---- ,
2 20cm. The piston is then fixed in its place and the gas
is cooled back to 30°C. Let .6QI be the heat added to
the gas in the heating process and I.6Q21 the heat lost
during cooling. Then the value of [.6Q2 -1l'.Q21l will
v, v be:
(a) zero (b) 136 J
(a) AU) > ilUz > t.U3
(e) -136 J (d) -68 J
(b) flU) < AU2 < AV3
(e) D.U2 < AUl < L\U3 22. P-V diagram of an ideal gas is as shovvn in Fig. Work
(d) IlU2 < tJ,U3 < L'!.U} done by the gas in the process ABeD is :
18, A cylindrical tube of uniform cross-sectional area A is
fitted with n\'o air tight frictionless pistons. The
pistons are connected to each other by a metallic wire.
Initially the pressure of the gas is Po and temperature
..._-:r-----: D

of To. Atmospheric pressure is also Po, Now the P, -- ••• .8

LA, ~
,• :
temperature of the gas is increased to Zfo• the tension ,, ,, ,,
, ,, ,,
in the wire will be : V
----_.---- v, 3V,
-:-:-:-:-:-:-:. :.:-: (a) 4PoVo (b) 2PoVo
:.:.:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:- (c) 3Po Vo (d) PoVa
-:-:-:-:-:.:-:-: -:-: 23. A vessel of volume 20 litres contains a mixture of
hydrogen and helium at temperature of 2rc and
(a) 2PoA (b) P,A
pressure 2.0 atm. The mass of the mixture is 5g.
ee) PoA (d) 4PoA Assuming the gases to be ideal, the ratio of the mass
of hydrogen [0 that of helium in the given mixture will
19. Let V denote the root mean square speed of the
molecules in an ideal diatomic gas at absolute (b) 2 , 3
(a) 1 : 2
temperature T. The mass of a molecule is 'm'. (d) 2 , 5
(c) 2: 1
Neglecting vibrational energy terms, which is false?
24. Pressure versus temperature graph of an ideal gas of
(a) A molecule can have a speed greater than .../2 t'
(b) V is proportional to JT equal number of moles of different volumes are
(c) The average rotational kinetic energy of a plotted as shown in Fig. Choose the correct
molecule is mv 2 / 4 alternative:
(d) The average kinetic energy of a molecule is tan 9 =.nB.
Smv2 / 6 V

20. One mole of an ideal gas undergoes a process

Hence, Po and Vo are constants.
P~I+[~r T

(a) VI = V2, V3 = V4 and V2 > V3

Change in temperature of the gas when volume is
(b) VI = V2, V3 = V4 and V2 < V3
changed from V = Vo to V = 2Vo is :
(c) Vj =V2 =V3 =V4
(a) _ 2PoVo b) llPoVo
SR (lOR Cd) V4 > V3 > V2 > VI
(c) _ SPoVo (d) PoVo 25. Volume versus temperature graph of two moles of
4R helium gas is as shown in Fig. The ratio of heat shown •
Study Anurag Mishra with

in Fig. The ratio of heat absorbed and work done by 3 ,

(a) fuT;] (b) -uTo
the gas in process 1-2 is : 2
V (c) 2aTi Cd) 3uTo2

30. Pressure versus temperature

. graph of an ideal gas is as
shown in Fig. corresponding
density (p) versus volume (\I)
(a) 3 (b) 5/2
graph will be :
Ce) 5/3 Cd)7/2
26. The P-V relation for a monatomic ideal gas undergoing t
an adiabatic change is :
(a) PVS'3 "" Constant (b) PV2 "" Constant,'
, C

(c) PVZ.'3 = Constant (d) PV7/3 "" Constant ~, B,C

27. Pressure versus temperature graph of an ide'll gas is as
(a) (b)
shown in Fig. Density of the gas at point A is Po'
Denshy at B will be :
P ---,---
V v

Po •••••• 'A



Cd) 'b: V

(a) -Po
(b) "Po 31. The Fig. shows the graph of logarithmic reading of
4 pressure and volume for two ideal gases A and B
(c) -Po Cd) 2po
3 undergoing adiabatic process. From Fig. it can be
28. In the p.v diagram shown in Fig. ABC is a semicircle. concluded that:
The work done in the process ABC is :

3 ..•• ~.rc-~.:c ~A
,, '' B
--~ ••• t ••. - :A loV
,, (a) gas B is diatomic
(b) gas A and B both are diatomic
(c) gas A is monoatomic
IT (d) gas B is monoatomic and gas A is diatomic
(a) zero (b) -atm.L
2 32. A thennodynamic system undergoes cyclic process
(c) -~atm.L (d) 4 atm.L ABCDA as shown in Fig. The work done by the system is :
2 p
29. Pressure P, volume V and temperature T of a cerrain

material are related by P = aT

• Here, a is a constant. 3PJ ~,
V ,
The work done by the material when temperature
2P ...... ~_.
changes from To to ZTo while pressure remains ,
constant is : A'

Study Anurag Mishra with


(a) Po Vo (b) 2PoVo p

(e) PoVo (d) zero

33. Certain amount of an ideal gas are contained in a
dosed vessel. The vessel is moving with a constant
velocity v. The molecular mass of gas is M. The rise in
temperature of the gas when the vessel is suddenly (a) > 1
stopped is ('f ==Cp ICv) (b) < 1
Mv' Cb) Mv'C ..,-I) (e) I
Ca) ---
2R(y -I) 2R (d) data insufficient
Mv' Mv y 2 37. A sample of an ideal gas is taken through a cycle as
Ce) Cd) - . shown in Fig. It absorbs 50 J of energy during the
2R(y -I)
process AB, no heat during Be, rejects 70 J during
34. A cylinder contains He and 02 of equal volume. They 0\.40 J of work is done on the gas during BC. Internal
arc separated by massless freely moving piston as energy of gas at A is 1500 J, the intemal energy at C
shown. If the gas is adiabatically compressed by
would be :
moving the piston so that volume of He becomes half. p
t •• .1

0, H.
Area A
Ca) 1590 J (b) 1620 J
(e) 1540 J Cd) 1570 J
38. A liquid of density 0.85 g I cm 3 flows through a
massless massless calorimeter at the rate of 8.0 em 3/S. Heat is added by
Adiabatic wall piston
means of a 250 W electric heating coil and a
(a) pressure in He chamber will be equal to pressure temperature difference of 15"C is established in
in O2 chamber steady-state conditions benveen the inflow and the
(b) pressure in He chamber will be less than pressure outflow points of the liquid. The specific heat for the
in 02 chamber
liquid will be :
(e) volume of He chamber will be will be equal to
(a) 0.6 kcaVkgK (b) 0.3 kcaVkgK
volume of 0 2 chamber
(d) volume of O2 chamber will be LA I (2)25121 (c) 0.5 kcaVkgK Cd) 0.4 kcallkgK
39. One mole of a monoatomic ideal gas udergoes the
35. The ratio of specific heat of a gas at constant pressure
process A --+ B in the given P-V diagram. The specific
to that at constant volume is y. The change in internal
heat for this process is :
energy of a mass of gas when the volume changes from
V to 2V at constant pressure P is :
y -1
(b) PV 6P o •.•.... / .•••

(e) PV Cd) yPV 3Po :
"".f... '
'f -1 "f -1 •.
36. The Fig. shows two paths for the change of state of a v
Vo 5Vo
gas from A to B. The ratio of molar heat capacities in
path 1 and path 2 is : Ca) 3R Cb) 13R
2 6
(e) 5R Cd) 2R
2 '.
Study Anurag Mishra with

40. An ideal monoatomic gas is taken round the cycle (a) W2 >W} >W3 (b) W2 >W3 >W1
ABCDA as shown in the P-V diagram (Fig). The work (c) WI > W2 > Wt (d) WI > W3 > W2
done during the cycle is : 46. An ideal gas is initially at temperature T and volume V.
It~ volume is increased by .6.V due to an increase in
i"o.V 2~.2V temperature liT, pressure remains constant. The

, ,
quantity 8 = .6.V/V.6.T veries with temperature as :

P,V P,2V
Cb) /
(a) PV Cb) 2PV
ee) 112 PV Cd) zero T
T T+dT
41. If M1.M2,M3 •••••••• are the molecular weights of
different gases, R1,R2,RJ ••••••••• are the gases
constants respectively then which of the following is
(a) M1 +M2 +M3 + .•........ =1 (d) ~
R1 +R2 +R3 + " T
(b) M1 = M2 = MJ = =Constant
R1 R2 RJ
47. 1\vo monoatomic ideal gases 1 and 2 of molecular
(e) MIR} =M2R2 =MJRJ =..... =Constant
masses mt and m2 respectively are enclosed in
Cd) none of these
separate containers kept at the same temperature. The
42. 1\vo identical containers A and B with frictionless
ratio of the speed of sound in gas 1 to the gas 2 is given
pistons contain the same ideal gas at the same

r' r'
temperature and the same volume V. The mass of the
gas in A is rnA and that in B is mB" The gas in each Ca) (b)
m2 mt
cylinder is now allowed to expand isothermally to the
same final volume 2V. The changes in the pressure in (c) ~ (d) m2
A and B are found to be /1P and 1.5/1P respectively, m2 ml
then: 48. P-V plots for two gases during adiabatic processes are
(a) 4mA =
9mB (b) 2mA = 3mB shown in the Fig. Plots 1 and 2 should correspond
(c) 3mA = 2mB (d) 9mA = 4mB respectively to :
43. A monoatomic ideal gas initially at temperature Tt, is p
enclosed in a cylinder fitted with a frictionless piston.
The gas is allowed to expand adiabatically to a
temperature T2 by releasing the piston suddenly. If L}
and L2 are the lengths of the gas column bfare and
~, 2
after expansion respectively, then T1 / T2 is given by: v
(a) (LI / L2)2/3 (b) L1 / L2
(a) He and O2 (b) 02 and He
(c) L2 / L} (d) {L2 / L} )2/3
(c) He and Ar (d) 02 and N 2
44. The C p IC v ratio for a gas mixture consisting of 4 gIns 49. An ideal gas is taken through the cycle A -+ B -+ C
helium and 32 gms of oxygen is : -+ A, as shown in the Figure. If the net heat supplied
(a) 1.45 Cb)1.6 to the gas in the cycle is 5 J, the work done by the gas
(e) 1.5 Cd)1.66 in the process C -+ A is :
45. Starting with the same initial conditions, an ideal gas V(m3)
expands from volume V} to V2 in three different ways,
the work done by the gas is W} if the process is purely
isothermal, W2 if purely isobaric and W3 if purely
. .
• A
adiabatic, then:

Study Anurag Mishra with


(a)-5 J (bl -10 J

., (a)"Rf"tn 2 (b) ~ RT
(e) -15 J (d) -20 J 2

50. Which of the following graphs correctly represent the (el RT (d) ~RT
variation of P = -dV I dP with P for an ideal gas at
54. In the P-V diagram of Fig. shown, the gas does 5 J of
constant temperature: work along isotherm ab and 4 J along adiabatic be.
What is the change in the internal energy of the gas if
p p the gas traverse the straight path form a to c ?


~ p
\ p
a b


p p
(a) I (b) 4 J
(el (d)
~ (e) 5 J (d) 9 J

p p 55. An adiabatic change in a perfect gas in one:

(a) which should be carried alit very rapidly III
thin-walled, perfectly-conducting vessel
51. At a temperature of To = 273K, n\lo moles of an ideal (b) in which the temperature T and pressure pare
gas undergoes a process as shown. The total amount of related by the expression Py-IT" constant

heat imparted to the gas equals Q = 27.7kJ. (c) in which internal energy remains constant
Determine the ratio of molar specific heat capacities. (d) in which no heat enters or leaves the system
T 56. For twO different gases X and Y, having degrees of
/c freedom II and 12 and molar heat capacities at
constant volume C VI and C V2 respectively, for
.' ,
' B adiabatic process, the In P versus In V graph is plotted
as shown:
(a) IAI (b) 1.63
(e) 1.33 Cd)None of these
52. An air bubble of volume V o is released by a fish at a
depth h in a lake. The bubble rises to the surface.
Assume constant temperature and standard I,V
atmospheric pressure above the lake. The volume of (a) II >12 (b)/2>fl
the bubble just before touching the surface will be (e) CVz >CV1 (d)Cv1 >C"z
(density) of water is p :
57. The V-T diagram of an ideal gas for the process
(a) Vo (b) Vo(pgh/p) A ~ B ~ C is as shown in the Fig. Select the correct
ee) t'o (d) vo( I + P~h) altemative{s) :

(l+P~~) v

53. One mole of an ideal gas is contained within a cylinder

by a frictionless piston and is initially at temperature
T. The pressure of the gas is kept constant while it is o T
heated and its volume doubles. If R is molar gas (a) Pressure of the gas first increases then remains
constant, the work done by the gas in increasing its constant
volume is : (b) Pressure of the gas first decreases then remains
Study Anurag Mishra with
(c) Pressure of the gas remains constant throughout 62. One mole of an ideal gas with heat capacity at
Cd) Nothing can be said about the pressure of the gas
constant pressure Cp undergoes the process
from this graph
T = To + aV where To and a. are constants. If its volume
58. An ideal gas, contained in a cylinder by a frictionless increases from VI to V2 the amount of heat transferred-
piston, is allowed to expand from voltime VI at to the gas is :
pressure PI to volume V2 at pressure P2' Its
temperature is kept constant throughout. The work
done by the gas is :
(a) CpRTo 11~~r
(a) zero, because it obeys Boyles's law and therefore (b) a.CP(V2-Vl)-RToln~1
P2V2-PIVl =0
(b) negative, because the pressure has decreased and
so the force on the pistOn has been diminishing (c) aCp(V2 -VI)+RTo InIV,[
(c) zero, because it has been kept at constant
and so its internal energy is
(d) RTo lnl~- aC p (V2 - VI)

Cd) positive, because the volume has increased

59. The molar heat capacity of an ideal gas at constant
63. Fig. shows a parabolic graph between T and -!. for a
pressure is greater than that at constant volume mixture of a gas undergoing an adiabatic process.
What is the ratio of VmLS and speed of sound in the
(a) work has to be done against intermolecular forces mixture?
as the gas expands
(b) work has to be done against external pressure as
the gas expands
(c) the molecules gain rmational kinetic energy at the
-7---- ~
gas expands To • :
Cd) the molecules move faster when heat is supplied at (1NoJ (4NoJ (1N)
constant pressure than when supplied at constant
volume Ca) 13 .J2
60. The equation of a state of a gas is given by
V~ (b)

P(V -b) = nRT. If 1 k mol of a gas is isothermally (e) f2 (d) .fj

expanded from volume V to 2V, the work done during V3
the process is : 64. The density p versus temperature T graph of an ideal
(a) RT Inl
2V -
bl V
(b) RTlnl ~ bl gas is shown in Fig. Choose the incorrect statement(s):

I2V-b I (d)RTlnl~1
61. An ideal gas has temperature T and volume V. The
o T
quantity is = dVjVdT varies with temperature under
isobaric conditions as:
(a) The curve represents an isobaric compression
(b) The internal energy of the gas decreases
, (c) The system absorbs heat during the process
(d) The curve shifts upwards at higher pressures
(al (b)
65. fig. shows three isotherms at temperatures 300 K,
Temperature K sao K and 700 K respectively on P-V diagram. lWo
Temperature K
thermodynamic process (A and B) are performed on
one mole of monoatomic ideal gas as shown in Fig.
, ,
(e) ~ (d) ~
0 0
T T+t.T T T+AT
Temperature K Temperature K
Study Anurag Mishra with

p 68. Liquid oxygen at 50 K is heated to 300 K at constant
pressure of 1 atm. The rate of heating is constant.
Which of the following graphs represents the variation

of temperature with time?

T, Ca) (b)

en The gas in process A is heated while the gas in

process B is cooled.
Oi) The work done in process B is less than the work
done in process A.
(iii) The amount of heat is absorbed by the gas in both
Which of the above observations must be correct?
(a) (ii) only (b) (ij) and (iii) only
(e) T

Lt Lt Cd)T

When an ideal diatomic gas is heated at constant

pressure the fraction of the heal energy supplied
ec) (i) and (ii) only Cd) (i) and (iii) only which increases the internal energy of the gas is :
(a) (2/5) (b) (3/5)
66. The poT diagram of thermodynamic heat engine cycle
is shown in Fig. Two curved processes arc adiabatic. (e) (7/5) (d) (517)

The work done for one mole of monoatomic gas in one 70. During the adiabatic expansion of 2 moles of a gas, the

cycle is given by : change in internal energy was found to be equal to
p (-IOOJ). The work done during the process will be
8 C equal to :

3T, ST' (a) zero (b) 200 J
(e) -100J Cd)100J
To 2T 71. A container contains n moles of oxygen molecules
:~,0 0
,>- (02), The molecules get dissociated if the temperature
a T T of the gas is greater than some minimum
(a) 1.25RTQ (b) 2RTo temperature Td• The percentage dissociation into
(c) -2RTo Cd) -1.25RT, atomic oxygen is given by (~ - I). The ideal gas

67. A cyclic process ABeD is shown in a V-I' diagram, the equation can be written as (for Td ::::;T ::::;2Td):
corresponding P-V diagram is : (a) PV == nRT (b) PV == nRy

:[78 72.
Ce) PV = 2nRT Cd) PV = nR(2T -Td)
In a thermodynamic process for an ideal gas, the

... T
system and the surrounding can influence each other
only through work. Which of the following curves best
represents this process?

Ca) A'CJ c
A~=J c

III (isothermal)
v v
p p
c (a) I (b) II
(c) III Cd) IV
.LJ: v
8~A v
Study Anurag Mishra with

73. PV curve for the process whose vr curve is:

-,' b

V 78. A rigid tank contains 35 kg of nitrogen at 6 atm
Sufficient quantity of oxygen is supplied to increases
the pressure to 9 atm. while the temperature remains
(a) P~y (b) constant. Amount of oxygen supplied to the tank is:
(a) 5 kg (b) 10 kg
(e) 20 kg (d) 40 kg

79. A perfect gas of a given mass is heated first in a small
vessel and then in a large vessel, such that their
(e) (d)
volumes remain unchanged. The P-T CUlVesare:
, (a) parabolic with same curvature
(b) parabolic with different curvature
74. Find the approx. number of molecules contained in a (c) linear with same slopes
vessel of volume 7 litres at O°C at 1.3 x lOs pascal: (d) linear with different slopes

(a) 2Ax 1023 (b) 3.0x 1023 80. At a temperature 11<,the pressure of 4.0 g argon in a
Ce) 6.0x 1023 Cd) 4.8 x 1023 bulb is P. The bulb is put in a bath having temperature
75. One mole of an ideal gas is kept enclosed higher by 50 K than the first one. 0.8 g of argon gas
under a light piston (area : IO-2m2) had to be removed to maintained original pressure.
connected by a compressed spring (spring The temperature T is equal to:
constant IOON/m). The volume of gas is (a) 510 K (b) 200 K
a.83m3 and its temperature is lOOK. The (e) 100 K (d) 73 K

gas is heated so that it compresses the spring further 81. When 2 g of a gas are introduced into an evacuated
by 0.1 m. The work done by the gas in the process is flask kept at 25°C the pressure is found to be one
(Take R = &3J/mole and suppose there is no atmosphere. If 3 g of another gas added to the same
atmosphere) : flask the pressure becomes 1.5 atmospheres. The ratio
(a) 3J (b) 6J of the molecular weights of these gases will be:
(e) 9J (d) 1.5J (,)1:3 (b)3:1
76. An ideal gas mixture filled inside a balloon expands (e) 2 : 3 (d) 3 : 2
according to the relation PV2l3 = constant. The 82. An ideal gas foHows a process PI' = constant. The
temperature inside the balloon is: correct graph between pressure and volume is:
(a) increasing
(c) constant
(b) decreasing
(d) can't be said
77. An ideal gas undergoes a thermodynamics cycle as
shown in Fig. Which of the following graphs
(a) t2 v
(b) p~

p~ plL
represents the same cycle?

(e) (d)
v~" ••• __ y, v

83. The process AB is shown in the Fig. As the gas is taken
from A to B, its temperature:

(a) p~" (b)
Study Anurag Mishra with

89. The ratio of average translational kinetic energy to
2P A
rotational kinetic energy of a diatomic molecule at
P .... 0,..
temperature Tis:
(n) 3 (b) 7/5
, , (e) 5/3 (d) 3/2
90. One mole of an ideal gas at STP is heated in an
insulated closed container until the average speed of
its molecules is doubled. Its pressure would therefore
increase by factor:
(a) 1.5 ./2
(b) ..
84, (e) 2 (d) 4
91. Three particles have speeds of 2u, 1011 and 11 u. Which
of the following statements is correct?
(a) The r.m.s. speed exceeds the mean speed by about

(b) The mean speed exceeds the r.m.s. speed by about
(c) The r.m.s. speed equals the mean speed.
(d) The r.m.s. speed exceeds the mean speed by more
than 2u
92. The ratio of specific heats of a gas is ~, then the
number of degrees of freedom of the gas molecules for
translational motion is:
86. (a) 7 (b) 3
(c) 6 Cd) none
93. A diatomic gas of molecules weight 30 glmole is filled
in a container at 27°C. It is moving at a velocity 100
mls. If it is suddenly stopped, the rise in temperature
of gas is:
(a) 60 (b) 600
(c) 6)( 10 Cd) 6)( lOs
Temperature R R
(n)C (b) A
94. One mole of an ideal diatomic gas is taken through the
cycle as shown in the Fig. ?
(e) B Cd) none
1 2 : isochoric process

87. A vessel contains 1 mole of O2 gas (molar mass 32) at

2 ~ 3 : straight line on P-V diagram
a temperature 7'. The pressure of the gas is P. An
3 ~ 1 : isobaric process
identical vessel comaining one mole of He gas (molar
The average molecular speed of the gas in the states
mass 4) at a temperature zr has a pressure of;
1, 2, and 3 are in the ratio:
(n) P/B (b) P
(e) 2P (d) BP P 2{V04Pol

88. A container X has volume double that of container Y

<lnd both are connected by a thin tube. Hath contains
same ideal gas. The temperature of X is 200 K and that 1 (Vo.Po)
of Y is 400 K. [f mass of gas in X is m then in Y it will
(a) I : 2 : 2 (b) 1 0 .fi 0 .fi
(a) m/8 (b) 111/6 (c)I:l:l (d)lo204
ee) m/4 (d) m/2
Study Anurag Mishra with

95. (N < 100) molecules of a gas have velocities 1, 2, 100. In the above thermodynamic process, the correct
3 N/km/s respectively. Then: statement is:
(a) r.m.$. speed and average speed of molecules is P
(b) ratio of r.m.s. speed to average speed is
J(2N + I)(N + 1)/6N
2Po ••
ee) ratio of r.m.s. speed to average speed is
, ,C
, , V
JC2N + I)(N + 1)/6 Vo 2Vo
Cd) ratio of r.m.s. speed to average speed of a molecule
(a) Heat given in the complete cycle ABO\ is zero
i, 2/.J6X x JC2N + I/(N + I)
(b) Work done in the complete cycle ABC4. is zero
96. At temperature T, N molecules of gas A each having (e) Work done in the complete cycle ABO\ is (1/2Po Vol
mass m and at the same temperature 2N molecules of (d) None of these
gas B each having mass 2 m are filled in a container. 101. Pressure versus temperature graph of an ideal gas is
The mean square velocity of molecules of gas B is v2 shown in Fig.
and mean square of x component of velocity of
molecules of gas A is w2 the ratio of W2/V2 is :
Ca)1 (b) 2
P :~:
Ce) 1/3 (d) 2/3
97. Five particles have speeds 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 mls,the ':--A T
average velocity of the panicles is (in mls) :
Ca) 3 (a) During the process AB work done by the gas in
(b) 0 positive
(e) 2.5 (b) During the process CD work done by the gas in
(d) cannot be calculated negative
(c) During the process BC internal energy of the gas is
98. A given mass of a gas expands from a state A to the increasing
state B by three paths 1, 2 and 3 as shown in T-V (d) None of these
indicator diagram. If WI' W2 and W3 respectively by
102. A reversible adiabatic path on a P-V diagram for an
the work done by the gas along the three paths, then:
ideal gas passes through state A where
T P",0.7x 105 N/m-2 and V ",0,0049 m3. The ratio of

I2J" 3
specific heat of the gas is 1.4. The slope of path at A is:
(a) 2.ox107Nm-s
(c) -2.0x 107Nm-s
(b) 1.0x107Nm-s
(d) -1.0x 107Nm-s

103. An ideal gas is taken from point A to point C on P-V

diagram through two process AGC and ABC as shown
in the Fig. Process AGC is isothermal.
(a) WI >W2>W3 (b) WI <W2<W3
(c) WI "'W2 ",W3 (d)W1 <W2,WI >W3

99. An ideal gas undergoes the process 1 2 as shown in

the Fig. the heat supplied and work done in the

process is l!Q and.1.W respectively. The ratio .1.Q:l!.W
. :,

Vl ....
7' Vo 2Vo

(a) Process AGC requires more heat than process ABC

(b) Process ABC requires more heat than process AGC
(c) Both process AGC and ABC require same amount
(a) y:y-1 Cb) y of heat
Ce) y-1 Cd)'I-I/y (d) Data is insufficient for comparison of heat
requirement for the two processes
Study Anurag Mishra with


.04. Heat is added to an ideal gas and the gas expands. In p ,

such a process the temperature:
(a) must always increase
(b) will remain the same if the work done equals the
hear added v
(c) must always decrease
(d) will remain the same if change in internal energy (a) - 40 J (b)-20J
equals the heat added (c) +40 J (d) +20 J
11105. One mole of an ideal gas requires 207 J heat to raise 110. When unit mass of water boils to become steam at
the temperature by 10K when heated at constant 100"C, it absorbs Q amount of heat. The densities of
pressure. If the same gas is heated at constant volume water and steam at 100"C are P I and P 2 respectively
to raise the temperature by 5 K,then the heat required and the atmospheric pressure is Po, The increase in

may be : internal energy of the water is:
(a) 62.lJ (b) 124J (a) Q (b) Q +
(e) 12.4J (d) 6.2J PI P2
106. A thermodynamic cycle takes in heat energy at a high
temperature and rejects energy at a lower
(e)Q+Po(~-~l (d)Q-Po(~+-11
temperature. If the amount of energy rejected at the
111. A poly-atomic gas with six degrees of freedom does
low temperature is 3 times the amount of work done
25J of work when it is expanded at constant pressure.
by the cycle, the efficiency of the cycle is:
The heat given to the gas is:
(a) 0.25 (b) 0.33 (a) 100J (b) 150J
(e) 0.67 (d) 0.9 (e) 200 J (d) 250 J
107. Monoatomic, diatomic and triatomic gases whose 112. An ideal gas expands from volume VI to V2. This may
initial volume and pressure are same, are compressed be achieved by either of the three processes: isobaric,
till their volume becomes half the initial volume. isothermal and adiabatic. Let AU be the change in
(a) If the compression is adiabatic then monoatomic internal energy of the gas Q, be the quantity of heat
gas will have maximum final pressure added to the system and W be work done by the
(b) If the compression is adiabatic then tri-atomic gas system on the gas. Identify which of the following
will have maximum final pressure
statements is false for AU ?
(c) If the compression is adiabatic then their final
(a) f..U is least under adiabatic process
pressure will be same
(d) If the compression is isothermal then their final (b) t:,.U is greatest under adiabatic process
pressure will be different (c) AU is greatest under the isobaric process
Cd) AU in isothermal process lies in between the
108. If heat is added at constant volume, 6300 J of heat are
values obtained under isobaric and adiabatic
required to raise the temperature of an ideal gas by processes
150 K. If instead, heat is added at constant pressure, 113. In an isobaric expansion of an ideal gas, which of the
8800 joules arc required for the same temperature following is zero?
change. When the temperature of the gas changes by (a) work done (b) AQ
300 K. the internal energy of the gas changes by: (e) ~u (d) d' V/dT'
(a) 5000 J (b) 12600J
114. A perfect gas is found to obey the relation PV3/2 =
(e) 17600J (d) 22600 J
constant, during an adiabatic process. If such a gas,
109. Three processes form a thermodynamic cycle as shown initially at a temperature 1', is compressed
on P-V diagram for an ideal gas. Process 1 -+ 2 takes adiabatically to half its initial volume, then its final
place at constant temperature (300 K). Process 2 -+ 3 temperature will be:
takes place at constant volume. During this process (a) 2T (b) 4T
40J of heat leaves the system. Process 3 -+ 1 is (c) ",Fl.T (d) 2.'/21'
adiabatic and temperature 1'3 is 275 K. Work done by 115. An ideal monoatomic gas is carried around the cycle
the gas during the process 3 -+ 1 is: ABCDA as shown in the Fig. The efficiency of the gas
cycle is:
Study Anurag Mishra with


120. '!Wo identical vessels A and B contains equal amount
of ideal monoatomic gas. The piston of A is fixed but-

3~:::.. A:,
that of B is free. Same amount of heat is absorbed b}'
A and B. If B' s internal energy increases by 100 J, the
change in internal energy of A is:
V, 2V,

Ca) ~ (b) 2 A B
25 21
(e) - Cd) 2
31 31
116. A gas takes part in two processes in which. it is -heated ''0
from the same initial state 1 to the. same final
(a) 100 J (b) 500 J
temperature. The processes are shown on the P.V
diagram by the straight line 1 -) 2 and 1 -) 3. 2 and 3
(c) 250 J (d) none of these
are the points on the same isothermal curve. Ql and Q2
121. Three processes compose a thermodynamics cycle
are the heat transfer along the two processes. Then:
shown in the P.V diagram. Process 1 -+ 2 takes place
at constant temperature. Process 2 -+ 3 takes place at
constant volume, and process 3 -+ 1 is adiabatic
During the complete cycle, the total amount of work
done is 10 J. During process 2 -lo 3, the internal energy
decrease by 20 J and during process 3 -+ 1, 20 J of
(a) Q, =Q, (b) Q, <Q, work is done on the system. How much heat is added
(c) Q1 > Q2 Cd) insufficient data to the system during process 1 -+ 2 ?
117. In thermodynamic process pressure of a flXed mass of p
gas is changed in such a manner that the gas releases
30 joule of heat and 18 joule of work was done on the
gas. If the initial internal energy of the gas was 60
joule, then, the final internal energy will be: V
(a) 32 joule (b) 48 joule (a) 0 (b) 10 J
(c) 72 joule Cd) 96 joule (e) 20 J (d) 30 J
118. A cylinder made of perfectly non-conducting material 122. An ideal gas undergoes an adiabatic process obeying
dosed at both ends is divided into two equal pans by a the relation pv4/3 ""constant. If its initial temperature
heat proof piston. Both parts of the cylinder contain is 300 K and then its pressure is increased upto four
the same masses of a gas at a temperature to"" 27'lC times its initial value, then the final temperature is (in
and pressure Po "" 1 atm. Now if the gas in one of the kelvin) :
pans is slowly heated to t "" 57°C while the (a) 300-/2 (b) 300 1/2
temperature of first part is maintained at to the (e) 600 (d) 1200
distance moved by the piston from the middle of the 123. The adiabatic Bulk modulus of a diatomic gas at
cylinder will be : (length of the cylinder"" 84 cm) atmospheric pressure is:
(a) 3 cm (b) 5 cm (a) Zero (b) 1 Nm-2
(c) 2 cm (d) 1 em 4
(c) lAx 10 Nm~2 (d) lAx 105 Nm-2
119. 1 gm water at 100 e and 105 Pa pressure converts into
124. A closed container is fully insulated from outside. One
1841 emJ of steam at constant temperature and half of it is filled with an ideal gas X separated by a
pressure. If latent heat of vaporization of water is plate P from the mher half Ywhich contains a vacuum
2250 J/gm. The change in internal energy of water in as shown in Fig. When P is removed, X moves into Y.
this process is: Which of the following statements is correct?
(a) zero (b) 2250 J
(c) 2066 J (d) none of these
Study Anurag Mishra with

127. Consider the thermodynamics cycle shown on P-V
diagram. The process A -+ B is isobaric, B -jo C is
x y
gas vaccum isochoric and C _ A is a straight line process. The
following internal energy and heat are given:

(a) No work is done by X
(b) X decreases in temperature
ee) X increases in internal energy
(d) X doubles in pressure ,
125. In Ideal gas undergoes a thermodynamics cycle as
shown in figure .. Which of the following graphs
1.5 v(m3)
represents the same cycle?
V 6.U.•._.H =+400kJ and Q/J-oC =-sOOkJ
B The heat flow in the process QC-->A is:
(a) - 20 kJ
(b) +25 kJ
(e) - 25 kJ
T Cd) Data are insufficient
p p
128. 1 kg of a gas does 20 kJ of work and receives 16 kJ of

Af7 B

.A: heat when it is expanded between two states. A second
kind of expansion can be found between the initial and

. .' e
final state which requires a heat input of 9 kJ. The
work done by the gas in the second expansion is:
(a) 32 kJ (b) 5 kJ
p p

A\]: A~:
(e) -4 kJ (d) 13kJ
129. A vessel contains an ideal monoatomic gas which
(e) (d) expands at constant pressure, when heat Q is given to
it. Then the work done in expansion is:
(a) Q (b) ~Q
126. A cyclic process ABC4. is shown in P-T diagram. When
2 (d) ~Q
presented on P-v, it would: (e) -Q
5 3

... .e
130. One mole of an ideal monoatomic gas at temperature
To expands slowly according to the law P/V '" constant.
If the final temperature is 2To• heat supplied to the gas
T 3
(a) 2RTo (b) ~RT,
(c) RTo (d)~RTo
131. A diatomic gas follows equation PV'" '" constant,
during a process. What should be the value of m such
that its molar heat capacity during process'" R ?
(a) 2/3 (b) 1
(e) 1.5 (d) 5/3
132. One mole of an ideal gas at temperature T1 expends
according to the law ~ '" a (constant). The work
done by the gas till temperature of gas becomes T2 is:
Study Anurag Mishra with

(a) -R(T, -T,) twice its volume and then compressed at constant
1 pressure to CVo/2) and the gas is brought to original
(e) -R(T2 -TI) state by a process in which P IX: V (Pressure is directly
proportional to volume): The correct representation of
133.2 mole of a diatomic gas undergoes the process: process is :
PT2 IV =constant. Then, the molar heat capacity of the I
gas during the process will be equal to : P
(a) sR/2 (b) 9R/2
(e) 3R (d) 4R Po •••• - ••
134. A resistance coil connected to an ~
external battery is placed inside an
adiabatic cylinder fitted with a v m
frictionless piston and containing j . R" i
an ideal gas. A current i flows , P
through the coil which has a resistance R. At what
speed must the piston move upward in order that the
temperature of the gas remains unchanged? Neglect
atmospheric pressure .
(a) ~ (b) Rmg
Rg i'
(e) mg (d) i'R
i' mg
135. A long glass tube of length L, sealed at both ends,
contains a small column of mercury (density =p) of
length 'o'(a «L) at its middle and air at pressure P on
both sides. The tube is fixed horizontally. If the
mercury column gets a small displacement, the time

period of its oscillations would be (assuming that the
air on the sides undergoes isothermal expansion or
compression) : (d) t
(a) n[pLajP]"' (b) 2n[p La/P]>2
v<f2 ;:. :
(e) n[2pLajP]"' (d) n[pLa/ZP]u,
ToT •...•
136. Two pistons having low thermal conductivity divide an
adiabatic container in three equal parts as shown. An 138. Two completely identical samples of the same ideal
ideal gas is present in the three parts A.B & C having gas are in equal volume containers with the same
initial pressures as shown and same temperatures. pressure and temperature in containers labeled A and
Now the pistons are released. Then the final B. The gas in container A performs positive
equilibrium length of part A after long time will be: work W on the surroundings during an isobaric
(constant. pressure) process before the pressure is
• reduced isochorically (constant volume) to 1/2 its
B c initial amount. The gas in container B has its pressure
2P P reduced isochorically (constant volume) to 1/2 its
initial value and then the gas performs same non-zero

(a) L/B

(b) L/4
positive work W on the surroundings during an
isobaric (constant pressure) process. After the
processes are performed on the gases in containers A
and B, which is at the higher temperature?
(e) L/6 (d) L/s
(a) The gas in container A
137. One mole of an ideal gas at pressure Po and
(b) The gas in container B
temperature To volume Vo is expanded isothermally to
(c) The gases have equal temperature.
Study Anurag Mishra with

Cd) The value of the work W is necessary to answer (a) The number of molecular collisions per second on

this question. the common wall
(b) the average speed of the molecules
(c) The pressure exerted by the helium
~\ _~111
(1~:.'1 (d) The density of the helium
143. Under isobaric condition if the temperature of a room
increases then :
, P-
(a) the total kinetic energy of the molecules in the
room will increases
(b) the total kinetic energy of the air molecules
contained in the room will decrease.
(e) the total kinetic energy of the air molecules in the
.'~...'. room will remain the same.
(d} the density of air in the room will increase.
v- 144. A thermod}'namic system is taken through the cycle

'" abea as shown in the figure. Then:

If (1) represents isothermal and (2) represents 200 kPa •
adiabatic, which of the graphs given above in respect
of an ideal gas are correct?
(a) I and II (b) 11 and III 100kPa ••••• b
(e) I and III Cd) I, II and III
140. For an ideal gas the equation of a process for which the 100 cm3
300 cm3
heat capacity of the gas varies with temperature as
(a) heat rejected by the gas during the process is 10J
C = afT (a is a constant) is given by : (b) heat absorbed by the gas during the pTQcessis 10J
(a) VlnT = constant (c) work done by the gas is 20 J
(b) \lTl(y-lle"RT =constant (d) work done by the gas is -10J
145. Oce mole of an ideal monoatomic gas is taken from
(e) Vy-1Te(/,RI = constant
point A to C along the path ABC. The initial
Cd) Vy-1 = constant
temperature at A is To. For the process A -1> B -1> C:
141. Find the pressure at which temperature attains its
maximum value if the relation between pressure and
volume for an ideal ~sP = Po + (1- u)V2; X > 1 A
Po B
(a) 2Po (b) Po P .
3 3 ..J! ~ ,c
(e) Po Cd) 4Po
3 v
142. Cubical tanks X and Y have the same volumes and
share a common fixed perfectly conducting wall. (a) Heat absorbed"" RTo/2
There is 1 gm of helium in tank X and 2 gm of helium (b) Heat liberated"" 2R'fo
in tank Y. Which of the following is the same for both (c) Change in internal energy ""0
samples treating them as ideal gases? (d) Work done = 0
146. One of the straight lines in the Fig. depicts the
x y dependence of the work done IWI on the temperature
variations T for an isobaric process. The two of
/ \ following are the adiabatic curves for argon and
.:1gm 2gm' ..
. nitrogen. The isobaric process which depicts both the
. He He' ". gases is :
Study Anurag Mishra with

'.' process AB is two times the work done in the process

CD then what is the value of T1/T2 ?

.._--~ .. •••• B
T T'-'P~,'
2 " •• ' D
(a) 1
(e) 3
(b) 2
(d) 4
.. '
147. A same amount of same gas of temperature Tare (aJ 1/2 (b) 1
enclosed in a three identical A, B & C. The temperature (e) 2 (d) 4
of wall of three container is TA,TB &Tc• (TA >Ta >TcJ 150. The P-V diagram shows four different possible
respectively. The pressure on wall of vessel : reversible processes performed on a monatomic ideal
(a) PA >PB >Pc I .'. gas, Process A is isobaric (constant pressure), Process
(b) PA <PH <Pc B is isothermal (constant temperature). Process C is
ee) PA ""ps =Pc adiabatic, Process D is isochoric (constant volume).
Cd) Data's are insufficient to decide For ~hich process(es) does the temperature of the gas
148. The pressure P of a gas is plotted against its absolute decrease?
temperature T for two different constant volumes VI P
and Vz, where ~ > V2• P is plotted on the y-axis and T Po
on the x-axis :
(a) The curve for VI has greater slope than the curve ..! Po D~
for V2 2
(b) The curve for V2 has greater slope than the curve V
Vo 2Vo
for V)
(e) The curves must intersect at some point other [han (a) Process A only
T ~O (b) Process Conly
Cd) The curves have the same slope and do not (c) Only Processes C and D
intersect (d) Only Processes B, C and D
149. On a T-P diagram, two moles of ideal gas perform
process AB and CD. If the work done by the gas in the
Study Anurag Mishra with



3. (0) 4. (a) 5. (b) 6. (d) 7. (0) B. (b)

1. (a) 2. (0)
(b) 12. (0) 13. (d) 14. (b) 15. (d) 16. (d)
9. (0) 10. (0) 11.
19. (0) 20. (b) 21. (b) 22. (0) 23. (d) 24. (a)
17. (a) lB. (b)
(a) 27. (b) 2B. (b) 29. (d) 30. (d) 31. (d) 32. (d)
25. (b) 26.
(b) 37. (a) 3B. (a) 39. (b) 40. (a)
33. (b) 34. (d) 35. (0) 36.
43. (d) 44. (0) 45. (a) 46. (0) 47. (b) 4B. (b)
41. (0) 42. (0)

(a) 51. (b) 52. (d) 53. (0) 54. (a) 55. (d) 56. (b)
49. (a) 50.
(b) 60. (a) 61. (0) 62. (0) 63. (b) 64. (0)
57. (a) 5B. (d) 59.
67. (a) 6B. (0) 69. {d) 70. (d) 71. (b) 72. (b)
65. (0) 66. (a)
(d) 76. (a) 77. (a) 7B. (0) 79. (d) BO. (b)
73. (a) 74. (a) 75.
(a) B5. (b) 86. (0) B7. (0) BB. (0)
B1. (a) B2. (0) B3. (a) B4.

(a) 92. (b) 93. (a) 94. (a) 95. (d) 96. (d)
B9. (d) 90. (d) 91.
99. (a) 100. (0) 101. (0) 102. (0) 103. (a) 104. (b)
97. (d) 98. (a)
(a) 108. (b) 109. (a) 110. (b) 111. (al 112. (b)
105. (a) 106. (a) 107.

115. (a) 116. (b) 117. (b) 118. (0) 119. (0) 120. (b)
113. (d) 114. (0)

123. (d) 124. (a) 125. (a) 126. (0) 127. (0) 128. (d)
12l. (d) 122. (a)

131. (d) 132. (b) 133. (d) 134. (d) 135. (a) 136. (b)
129. (0) 130. (a)

139. (d) 140. (b) 141. (a) 142. (b) 143. (0) 144. (b)
137. (0) 138. (b)
147. (a) 148. (b) 149. (0) 150. (0)
145. (0) 146. (d)
Study Anurag Mishra with --

Level-I: Only One Alternative is Correct

21. [b) The gas pressure
2. [el 4S Weight of piston
P-Po ""-
r = --------+ atm. pressure
Area of cross - section
r' = 8><9.8 +1.00xlOsN/m2
60 x 10-4
C ""Cv +-- = 1.13>< 105N / m2

""Cv +[R + 16.511: rdr] "" 7R During the heating process, the internal energy is
3 ndT 2 changed by AU1 and work liWI• is done.
12. [el Let V be the volume of natural gas needed. Therefore, liQ1 = AUt + liWI = .1U1 + p. dV
Then [37.3 x 106]V =AU\ +(1.13)( lOs)(U20x 60x 10-4)
= [(4.54)(4184) + (145)(389)]75
:= toUl + 136J
Solving we get V "" O.039m2 "" 39L
During the cooling process, no work is done as
15. [dl P2 =2P], V2 =:4V} , n =1 volume is constant, AW = 0.
C =:Gv +_ Hence, .6.Q2 =dU2" But tJ.U2 is negative as the
temperature decreases, and since the gas returns
dw =: Pdv =: Area to its original temperature, tlU2 := -I1U1"
=: -[(PI + P2)(V2 - VI) Hence, [.1Q\ -lliQ21l
= (troUI + 136-IlU1) = +136 J
1 9
",-(3PI x3VI)"'-PIVI 23. [d) Suppose there are n1 moles of hydrogen and n2
2 2
moles of helium in the given mix(Ure. Then the
dT ",T2 -TJ '" P2V2 _ PJVI pressure of the mixture will be,
nlRT n2RT RT
_ 2PJ x 4V) p) VJ TPI VI P =--+-- =(nt +n2)-
~~~---=-- V V V
=> 2xI01.3x103""(n +n )(0.3)(300)""1.62
c =~R+.2x PIV]R ] 2 20xIQ-3
2 2 7P]VI
The mass of the mixture is,
'" ~R + 9R '" 44R '" 22R nj x2+n2x4",S
2 14 14 7 ... (1)
(nJ + 2n2) = 2.5 ...(2)
Study Anurag Mishra with


Solving equation (1) and (2), 2Cv ",,(lx%+lX~)R=4R

"1 0: 0.74, "2 '" 0.88

H coce, --
0.74)( 2 2C ~(IX~+ h
p 2
~ 6R
mHe 0.88x 4
Cp 6R
= 1.48 """,*2: 5 - ~- ~1.5
Cv 4R
26. [a] The first law of thermodynamics gives with E as 75. [d] kxo = PA [xo is initial compression]
internal energy, dE = -dE for the adiabatic
process. The energy of monoatomic ideal gas is
100xo =( n~T)x 1O~2

given by x ~~I_xlxa3xl00x_1_=o.l
E ~~NkT o 100 0.83 100
2 0.2 (Total compression)
Xl =

dE ~ ~NkdT 1
Wgas =-xl00x(0.2) 2 1
--xl00x(0.1) z
2 2 2
Moreover using the ideal gas law 100 1
~_x_ [4-1]=1.5
dW ~PdV ~ NkTdV 2 100
V 105. [a] 207=CpxlO
~NkdT ~ _ NkT dV 6.Q=Cyx5
2 V
6.Q '" 207 x.s:.. = 103.5
dT +3:dV =0 2 Cp Y
T 3 V
Minimum value of 6.Q is for maximum
38. [aJ This is a problem of 'Flow calorimeter' used to
measure specific heat of a liquid. y = Ymax ="35 for monoatomlc. gas
Amount of heat supplied to the water per second
by the heating coil", Q.• = 250 joule ~Q ~ 103.5 ~ 61.5
4186 (61.5$ 6.Q< 103.5)
the volume of liquid flowing out per second 135. [a]
= 8.0em:'! = 8x IO-6m3

Mass of this liquid = (0.85) x 1000 x 8 x lO-6kg

Temperamres rise of this mass of liquid = 15°C


• •

Hence, 250


= mst = 0.85 x 8x 10-3 x sx 15

= -------

250x 103
4186>< 0.85)( 8x 15
0.6 kcaVkg K

P1V1 "'PZV2

p(L;a)A ~P2(L;a -X)A

• •


41. [c) The product of molecular weight and gas

_ pel-a)
constant is Rw(universal gas constant) P 2 -
MjRj ""M2R2 ""Constant p(L;a)A =(L;a + X )AP2
44. [c] The molecule contains 1 mole of helium and one
mole of oxygen P. _ (L-a+
2 -
4 gm of helium (monatomic weight and
molecular weight) corresponds to 1 mole 32 gm _P' _ peL -a) peL -a)
of oxygen (diatomic molecular weight 32) [(L-a)-(2x)J [(L-a)+2x]
corresponds to one mole.

Study Anurag Mishra with

tV' = 4P(L -a) 140. [bJ '

[(L _all _4x1]
F = tV'A = 4PA(L - a)
[(L_a)2 _4x2] => ~dT=CvdT+PdV

~=~L:=2~L: =>
T =~(L~r2
= ~ =>
C = VTy-1e<liRT
PV 141. [a]
136. [bl n=-
Final pressure & temperature is same hence
=> Po+(1-aV2)V=nRT
volume will be in ratio of number of moles.
137. [e] For isothermal process VI = 2Vo T = (Po + (1 - a)V2)V
PI = Po/2 nR
For isobaric process 2
dT = Po + 3V (I-a) ",,0
Vo dV nR nR
VI = Vo/ 2, Tf = ---To.
2x 2Vo Po = 3(a -1)V2
=- V2 = PJ
For P oc V process
p - V must be straight line P=Po+(l-a) 0
2 3(a -1)
T oc V =;. V - T must be parabolic
=;. Po 2P
p2 ocT P - T must be parabolic =Po--=- o
3 3
138. [bl e.g .•
143. [eJ

u = nf RT, where f is degrees of freedom and U is

internal energy.
also PV = nRT
(P0f2,VO,ToJ2 W 1
v, V
v => U=PV-
Po Since the total volume of the room is constant
W = Po' Vo = 2" (VI - Vol
and pressure is also constant therefore energy of
VI =- 3Vo => T, = '3[0/2 the room remains constant. Same molecule will
TB > TA leave the room.
139. [dl Asy>1 144. [b] Work done = area under the CUlVe

for 1Vy-1 = constant d'T

dT < 0 -->0 =!2 x 200x 100 ""lOx 103 kPacm3
dV dV'
and for T1 =KPy-l L\Q "" L\W (in a cyclic process)
dT > 0 --<0 d'T 146. [dl For adiabatic process, "" nf RL\T and for
dP dP' 2
isobaric process L\Wj "" nR.L\T role of the line is
less for isobaric process.
Study Anurag Mishra with

149. [c:] Let slope of line AG is m} & that of line DB1s'm2', 160. [el PV = nRT
then For isobaric conditions
T PdV =nRdT
A •••
T, "' •• 'B
dV nR
C ,':
T .... ~O
2 ••
: .'::
•••• :
. dT
nRP 1
.... ::
'~' :
VdT PnRT T t
.!L!l .!l. 11
m m m2 m2 D=-
1 1
m2. m2. hence rectangular hyperbola.
nRT}ln- ~ 2nRT2.ln-
m} m}
.- ,.... _ , f'

T1 = 2 , ',' ,
Study Anurag Mishra with

250 THlIMllIlilWllCS

Problem ~I

9?eve I f2\ More than One Alternative is/are Correct

1. In the arrangement shown in Fig. (c) Heat absorbed/released by p
Gas is thermally insulated. An the gas is maximum in path
ideal gas is filled in the cylinder k 1 1
having pressure Po (>
m, , (d) Temperature of the gas first A~B
atmospheric pressure Po)' Spring increases and then decreases '-..;.7
of force constant k is initially continuously in path 1 3
unastretched. Piston of mass m 4. Two moles of a monoatomic L--- 'V
and area S is frictionless. In V'
equilibrium piston rises up a ideal gas undergoes a thermodynamic process - =
distance xo, then: r'
constant, ifthe temperature is raised by 300 Kthen;
(a) final pressure of the gas is Pa + kxo + mg (a) work done by the gas is 400R
(b) change in internal energy is 900R
(b) work done by the gas is .!. kx5 + mgxo (c) molar heat capacity of the gas for the process is
13(6 R
(e) decrease in internal energy of the gas is
1 , Cd) molar heat capacity of the gas for the process is
- kxo + mgxo + PaSxo 3/2 R
5. During the process A-B of an ideal gas:
Cd) work done by the gas is 12 kx5 p
2. P.V diagram of a cyclic process ABC4, is as shown in
Fig. Choose the correct statement.(s) :

(a) Work done on the gas is zero
(b) Density of the gas is constant
v (c) Slope of line AB from the T-axis is inversely
proportional to the number of moles of the gas
(a) .6.QA-->B = negative (b) .6.UB-oC = positive
(d) Slope of line AB from the T-axis is directly
(e) tiUC ...•A = negative Cd) i'1WCA.B ••• negative proportional to the number of moles of the gas
3. A gas undergoes the change in its state from position A 6. Temperature versus pressure p
to position B via three different paths as shown in Fig. graph of an ideal gas is shown in
select the correct alternative (s) : Fig. During the process AB :
(a) Change in internal energy in all the three paths is (a) internal energy of the gas A--0--8
equal remains constant
(b) In all the three paths heat is absorbed by the gas (b) volume of the gas is T
Study Anurag Mishra with

(e) work done by the atmosphere on the gas is (c) C I' < 5/2 R for a diatomic gas
positive (d) Cv >R for a diatomic gas
(d) pressure is inversely proportional to volume 11. A barometer is faulty. When the true barometer
7. One mole of an ideal monoatomic gas is taken from A reading are 73 and 75 em of Hg, the faulty barometer
to C along the path ABC. The temperature of the gas at reads 69 em and 70 em respectively:
A is To' For the process ABC : (a) The total length of the barometer tube is 74 em
p (b) The true reading when the faulty barometer reads
69.5 em is 73.94 em
(c) The faulty barometer reading when the true
barometer reads 74 em is 69.52 em
(d) The total length of the barometer tube is 69.5 em
12. The density (p) of an ideal gas p
varies with temperature T as
Vo 2V shown in Fig. Then:
(a) the product of P& Vat A is
Ca) work done by the gas is RTo
equal to the product of
Cb) change in internal energy of the gas is .!2 RTo P& V at B
2 (b) pressure at B is greater than
(e) heat absorbed by the gas is .!...! RTo the pressure at A
2 (c) work done by the gas T
(d) heat absorbed by the gas is 13 RYo during the process AB is
2 negative
(R = universal gas constant) (d) the change in internal energy from A to B is zero
8. Select the correct statements about ideal gas: 13. A gas is found to obey the law P2V == constant. The
(a) Molecules of a gas are in random motion colliding initial temperature and volume are To and Vo. If the
against one another and with the walls of the gas expands to a volume 3Vo' then:
container (a) final temperature becomes J3 To
(b) The gas is not isotropic and the constant 0/3) in (b) internal energy of the gas will increase
equation p = .! pu2 r.m.s. is result of this properry C
3 (c) final tempemture becomes ~
(e) The time during which a collision lasts is
negligible compared to the time of free path (d) internal energy of the gas decreases
between collisions 14. For an ideal gas :
(d) There is no force of interaction between molecules (a) The change in internal energy in a constant
among themselves or between molecules and the pressure process from temperature T1 and T2 is
wall except during collision equal to nC ~ (T 2 - 'Ii), where Cv is the molar heat
capacity at constant volume and 11 the number of
9. For two different gases X and InP moles of the gas
Y, having degrees of freedom
(b) The change in internal energy of the gas and the
I, and 12 and molar heat work done by the gas are equal in magnitude in an
capacities at constant adiabatic process
volume Cv and C v2 (c) the internal energy does not change in an
respectively, the In P versus In isothermal process
V graph is plotted for '------~I" V (d) no heat is added or removed in an adiabatic
adiabatic process, as shown: process.
(a) I, > 12 (b) 12 > /, 15. An ideal gas is taken from the state A(Pressure P,
(c) CV2 >CVj (d) CYj >C1'2
volume V) to the state B (pressure PI2, volume 2\1)
along a straight line path in the P~Vdiagram. Select the
10. At ordinary temperature, the molecules of an ideal gas
correct statements from the following:
have only translational and rotational kinetic energies.
(a) The work done by the gas in the process A to B
At high temperatures they may also have vibrational
exceed the work that would be done by it if the
energy. As a result of this at higher temperatures:
system were taken from A to B along an isothermal
(C~, == molar heat capacity at constant volume) (b) In the T-V diagram, the path AB becomes a part of
(a) C v = 312 R for a monoatomic gas a parabola
(b) C Y == 312 R for a diatomic gas
Study Anurag Mishra with

ee) In the poT diagram, the path ABbecomes a part of (c) change in internal energy of the gas is ..!. kx~
a hyperbola 2
Cd) In going from A to B, the temperature T of the gas (d) temperature of the gas is decreased
first increases to a maximum value and then 20. n moles of an ideal gas p
decreases undergo an isothermal
16. An ideal gas can be expanded from an initial state to process at temperature T.
certain volume through two different processes p-v graph of the process is
(i) PV2 "" constant and (ii) P = KV2 where K is a shown in the Fig. A point
positive constant. Then: A(V"P,) is located on the
(a) final temperature in (i) will be greater than in (ii) P-V curve. Tangent at point
(b) final temperature in (ij) will be greater than in (i) A, cuts the V-axis at point D. 0
(e) total heat given to the gas in (0 case is greater AD is the line joining the
than in (ii) ,'I \'"1 point A to the origin D of PV diagram. Then :
Cd) total heat given to the gas in eii) case is greater
than in (i)
(a) coordinate of points D is ( 3~1 ,oJ
17. The total kinetic energy of translatory motion of all the (b) coordinate of points D is (2V,,0)
molecules of 5 Htres of nitrogen exening a pressure P (c) area of the triangle ADD is nRT
is 3000 J :
(d) area of the triangle ADD is ~ nRT
(a) the total KE. of 10 litres of N2 at a pressure of 2P 4
is 3000J 2). A gas may expand either adiabatically or isothermally.
(b) the toral KE. of 10 litres of He at a pressure of2P is A number of P-Vcurves are drawn for the two process
3000J over different ranges of pressure and volume. It will be
(c) the total KE. of 10 litres of O2 at a pressure of 2P found that:
is 2000J
(a) two adiabatic curves do not intersect
(d) th~ total KE. of 10 litres of Neat a pressure of 2P is
(b) two isothermal curves do not intersect
(c) an adiabatic curve and an isothennal curve may
18. Two spheres A and B have same radius but the heat intersect
capacity of A is greater than that of B. The surfaces of (d) the magnitude of the slope of an isothennal curve
both are painted black. They are heated to the same for the same value of pressure and volume is less
temperature and allowed to cool. Then: than that of adiabatic curve
(a) A cools faster than B .
22. During the melting of a slab of ice at 273 K at
(b) both A and B cool at the same rate
atmospheric pressure :
(c) at any temperature the ratio of their rates of
(a) positive work is done by the ice-water system on
cooling is a constant
the atmosphere
(d) B cools faster than A
(b) positive work is done on the ice-water system by
19. A thermally insulated the atmosphere
chamber of volume 2Vo (c) the internal energy of the ice-water increases
is divided by a (d) the internal energy of the ice-water system
frictionless piston of decreases
area 5 into two equal
23. A bimetallic strip is fanned out of two identical Strip
parts A and B. Pan A
one of copper and the other of brass. The coefficients
has an ideal gas at pressure Po and temperature To and
of linear expansion of the (\NO metals are ar and UB'
in part B is vacuum. A massless spring of force constant
On heating, the temperature of the strip goes up by fiT
k is connected with piston and the wall of the
and the strip bends to form an arc of radius of
container as shown. Initially spring is unstretched. Gas
curvature R. Then R is :
in chamber A is allowed to expand. Let in equilibrium
(a) proportional to l!.T
spring is compressed by xo' Then:
(b) inversely proportional to fiT
(a) final pressure of the gas is kxo (c) proportional to lOB -ucl
1 , (d) inversely proportional to laB -ucl
(b) work done by the gas -kxo 24. The Fig. shows a (lIp) versus T graph for an ideal gas.
Select the correct statement(s) :
Study Anurag Mishra with

(lIp) (b) is infinite for an isothermal process

(c) depends only on the nature of the gas for a process

in which either volume or pressure is constant
(d) is equal to the product of the molecular weight
and specific heat capacity for any process
28. During an experiment, an ideal gas is found to ooey a
T condition p2 = constant [p = density of the gas]. The
(a) The graph represents an isobaric expansion
gas is initially at temperature T, pressure P and density
(b) L..,rgethe slope of straight line higher the pressure
p. The gas expands such that density changes to 1'/2 :
ee) Internal energy of the gas increases
(a) the pressure of the gas changes to .J2 P
Cd) Work done during the process is positive
(b) the temperature of the gas changes to ..Pi T
25. The Fig. shmvs PV versus T graph of ideal gas. Choose (c) the graph of the above process on the P.T diagram
the correct alternative(s) : is parabola
PV (d) the graph of the above process on the P-T diagram
is hyperbola .
29. Monoatomic, diatomic and triatomic gases whose
initial volume and pressure are same, each is
compressed till their pressure becomes tvvice the initial
pressure. Then :
(a) if the compression is isothermal, then their final
volumes will be same
(b) if the compression is adiabatic, then their final
(a) The slope of the straight line is independent of the
volumes will be different
monoatomic or diatomic nature of the gas (c) if the compression is adiabatic, then triatomic gas
(b) The slope of the straight line depends on the molar
will have maximum final volume
mass of the gas
(d) if the compression is adiabatic, then monoatomic
ee) The straight line denotes a process in which the
gas will have maximum final volume
gas is heated up
Cd) The slope of straight line represents the universal 30. Two gases have the same initial pressure, volume and
temperature. They expand to the same final volume,
one adiabatically and the other isothermal. Then :
26. A rectangular narrow V-tube has equal arm lengths
(a) th~ final temperature is greater for the isothennal
and base length, each equal
to I. The venical arms are
(b) the final pressure is greater for the isothermal
filled with mercury up to l!2
and then one end is sealed. (c) the work done by the gas is greater for the
By heating the enclosed gas
isothennal process
all the mercury is expelled. If (d) all the above options are incorrect
atmospheric pressure is Po,
the density of mercury is p
1----------.-- 31. Some of the thermodynamic parameters are state
and cross. sectional area is S, 1/2 variables while some are process variables. Some
grouping of the parameters are given. Select the
then: • ••
(a) Work done by the gas correct:
. (a) State variables : Temperature, No. of moles;
agamst t h e atmosp henc. pressure IS. -51 PoS Process variables: Internal energy, work done by
the gas
(b) Work done by the gas against the gravity is ~ Spg/2 (b) State variables : Volume, Temperature; Process
variables: Internal energy, work done by the gas
(c) Work done by the gas against the atmospheric
(c) State ••.. ariables : work done by the gas, heat
pressure is Post
rejected by the gas; Process variables
(d) Work done by the gas against the gravity is ~ Spg/2 Temperature, volume
(d) State variables: Internal energy, •...olume; Process
27. The molar heat capacity for an ideal gas: variables: Work done by the gas, heat absorbed by
(a) is lero for an adiabatic process the gas
Study Anurag Mishra with

During an experiment, an ideal gas found to obey a
condition vp2 = constant. The gas is initially at a
temperature T, pressure P and volume V. The gas
expands to volume 4V :
(a) The pressure of gas changes to ~
(b) The temperature of gas changes to 4T
(c) The graph of above process on the P.T diagram is
(d) The graph of above process on the PoT diagram is
During an experiment, an ideal gas is found to obey a
". p2
can d ltIon - -= constant [p -= density of the gas]. The
gas is initially at temperature T, pressure P and density
p. The gas expands such that density charges to pl2 :
(a) The pressure of the gas changes to .J2 P
(b) The temperature of the gas changes to .j2 T
(c) The graph of above process on the P-T diagram is
(d) The graph of the above process on the PoT diagram
33. An ideal gas expands in such a way that PV2 = is hyperbola
constant throughout the process: 38. According to kinetic theory of gases,which of the
(a) The graph of the process of T-V diagram is a following statement will be true:
parabola (a) Ideal gases can not be liquified
(b) The graph of the process of T-V diagram is a (b) The molecules of ideal gas do not obey ne'Ntons
straight line laws of motion
(c) Such an expansion is possible only with heating (c) Pressure of gas is always inversely proportional to
(d) Such an expansion is possible only with cooling its volume
34. A gas expands such that its initial and final (d) Molecules of gas never move in straight line
temperature are equal. Also, the process followed by 39. According to kinetic theory of gases:
the gas traces a straight line on the P-V diagram: (a) the velocity of molecules decreases for each
(a) The temperature of the gas remains constant collision
throughout (b) the pressure exerted by a diatomic gas is
(b) The temperature of the gas first increases and then proportional to the mean velocity of the molecule
deceases (c) the K.E. of the gas decreases on expansion at
(c) The temperature of the gas first decreases and constant temperature
then increases (d) the mean translational KE. of a diatomic gas
(d) The straight line has a negative slope increases with increase in absolute temperature
35. Fig. shows the 40. fuo vessel of the same volume contain the same gas at
pressure P versus same temperature. If the pressure in the vessels be in
volume V graphs for the ratio of 1 : 2, then:
two different gas (a) the ratio of the average kinetic energy is 1 : 2
sample at a given (b) the ratio of the root mean square velocity is 1 : 1
temperature. M A and (c) the ratio of the average velocity is 1 : 2
M B are masses of two (d) the ratio of number of molecules is 1 : 2
samples, nA and nB 41. A vertical cylinder with heat-conducting walls is closed
are numbers of at the bottom and is fitted with a smooth light piston.
moles. Which of the It contains one mole of an ideal gas. The temperature
following must be of the gas is always equal to the surrounding's
incorrect. temperature, To. The piston is moved up slowly to
(a) MA >M8 (b)MA <MB increase the volume of the gas to 11 times. \Vhich of the
(c) nA >nB (d)nA<nB following is incorrect?
Study Anurag Mishra with

(a) Work done by the gas is RTo In '1 p
(b) Work done against the atmosphere is RTo(lj-1)
(e) Thre is no change in the internal energy of the gas
Cd)The final pressure of the gas is _1~ times its
(11 ~ 1)
initial pressure (O,O)L
42. A dosed vessel contains a mixture of two diatomic
(a) QI/ -Wn >Qc-Wc
gases A and B. Molar mass of A is 16 times that of B
and mass of gas A contained in the vessel is 2 times (b) QA -QD =WA -WI)
that of B. The following statements are given (c) WA <Wn <We <WD
CO Average kinetic energy per molecule of A is equal (d) QA >Qn >Qc >QD
to that of H. 47. A student records tiQ, .o.U and .o.W for a thermody
Oi) Root mC,1n square value of translational velocity of -namic cycle A -Jo B -Jo C -t A. Certain entries are
B is four times that of A. missing. Find correct entry in following options :
(iii) pressure exerted by B is eight times of that exerted
by A.
(vi) Number of molecules of B in the cylinder is eight 'W 40J 30J
time that of A.
(a) (i), 00 and (iii) are true "u SOJ
(b) (ji), (iii) and (iv) are true
"Q 150J lOJ
ee) (i), (ii) and (jv) are true
(d) None are true (a) Wnc = -70J (b) .o.QO\. = 130J
43. A mixture of ideal gases 7 kg of nitrogen and 11 kg of (e) !'J.U"B =190J (d) !'J.UO\. =-160J
CO2, Then: 48. fuo moles of mono-atomic gas is expanded from
(Take y for nitrogen and CO2 as 1.4 and 1.3 (Po, Vol to (Po, 2Vo) under isobaric condition. Let .o.Q],
respectively) be the heat given to the gas, .o.W] the work done by the
(a) equivalent molecular weight of the mixture is 36 gas and tiU} the change in internal energy. Now the
(b) equivalent molecular weight of the mixture is 18 monoatomic gas is replaced by a diatomic gas. Other
(c) "(for the mixture is 5/2 conditions remaining the same. The corresponding
(d) y for the mixture is 47/35 values in this case are !'J.Q2' !'J.W2, t:l.U2 respectively,
44. A piston is slowly pushed into a metal cylinder then:
containing an ideal gas. Which of the following (a) .o.Q] -.o.Q2 = .o.U] -.o.U2
statements is/are incorrect? (b) !'J.U2 + .o.W2 > .o.U] + !'J.W]
(a) The pressure of the gas increases (c) !'J.U2 > t:l.U]
(b) The number of the molecules per unit volume (d) None of these
49. For an ideal gas:
(c) The average speed of gas molecules increases
(a) the changing in internal energy in a constant
(d) The frequency of collision of the gas molecules
pressure process from temperature Tj to T2 is
with the piston increases
equal to nCv{T2 -T]) where Cv is the molar
45. In case of hydrogen and oxygen at N.T.P., which of the specific heat at constant volume and n is the
following quantities is/are the same? number of the moles of the gas
(a) Average momentum per molecule (b) the change in internal energy of the gas and the
(b) Average kinetic energy per molecule work done by the gas are equal in magnitude in an
(c) Kinetic energy per unit volume adiabatic process
(d) Kinetic energy per unit mass (c) the internal energy does not change in an
46. An ideal gas is taken from state 1 to state 2 through isothermal process
optional path A,B,C and D as shown in P-V diagram. Cd) Cal. (b) and (0)
Let Q, Wand U represent the heat supplied, work done
and internal energy of the gas respectively. Then:
Study Anurag Mishra with

50. An enclosed ideal gas is taken 54. A 'cyclic process ABCD is shown in

through a cycle as shown in the the p. V diagram. Which of the
figure. Then: following curves represents the
(a) a long AB, temperature same process if BC and DA are
decreases while along BC isothennal processes :
temperature increases A' V-

(b) along AB, temperature
increases while along BC the temperature
(c) along CAwork is done by the gas and the internal
energy remains constant.
l~ (b) V
(d) along CA work is done on the gas and internal T- T-
energy of the gas increases

51. In the figure shown. the amount :of hihit' sup~lfed co
one mole of an ideal gas is plotted:or{thitfiorizontal
axis and the amount work performed by the gas is
drawn on the venical axis. One of the straight lines in
l~ D C

the Fig. is an isothenn and the other tWo are isobars of T~ T~

two ,gases. The initial states of both gases are same.
80 55. 2 moles of a mono-atomic gas are expanded to double
70 its initial volume, through a process P/V = constant. If
60 its initial temperature is 300 K. then which of the
W(J)! 50 following is not true.
40 (a) ~T = 900K (b) ~Q = 3200R
32 (e) ~Q = 3600R (d) W = 900R
20 56. An ideal gas has molar heat
10 capacity at contant pressure
C p = 5R/2. The gas is kept in a
o 20 40 Q~Jt 80 cylindrical vessel fitted with a
piston which is free to move. Mass
Select the correct statements. of the frictionless piston is 9 kg.
(a) Curve 3 corresponds to isothermal process Initial volume of the gas is
(b) Curve 1 corresponds to a polyacomic gas 0.002701 3 and cross-section area of the piston is 0.09
(c) Curve 2 corresponds to a monatomic gas m 2. The initial temperature of the gas is 300 K.
(d) Process 1 and 2 are isobaric process. Atmospheric pressure Po' = l.05 x lOs N/m 2. An
52. In the previous question 31, if the two gases are amount of 25 x 10 J of heat energy is supplied to the
compressed to the same final volume : gas, then:
(a) the final temperature is greater for the adiabatic (a) Initial pressure of the gas is l.06x 105 N/m Z
process (b) Final temperature of the gas is 1000 K
(b) the final pressure is greater for the adiabatic (c) Final pressure of the gas is 1.06x lOs N/m2
(d) Work done by gas is 9.94 x 103 J
(c) the work done on the gas is greater for the
. adiabaric process 57. On the poT graph of an ideal gas:
(d) all the above oprions are incorrect (a) adiabatic process will be a straight line
53. The first law of thermodynamics can be written as (b) isochoric process will be a straight line passing
6.U = 6.Q + 6.W for an ideal gas. Which of the
through the origin
following statements is correct? (c) adiabatic curve will have a positive slope
(a) 6.U is always zero when no heat enters or leaves (d) the slope of adiabatic curve will decrease with
the gas increase in T
(b) 6.W is the work done by the gas in this written law 58. A gas is trapped in a cylinder closed by a frictionless
(c) t::..U is zero when heat is supplied and the movable piston having some mass m.
temperature stays constant (a) pressure of the gas will be equal to that of the
(d) 6.Q = -t::..W when the temperature increases very surrounding if axis of the cylinder is horizontal.

Study Anurag Mishra with

(b) pressure of the gas cannot be less than that of the (b) Root mean square value of translational velocity of
surrounding if axis of the cylinder is not gas B is four times that of A
horizontal. (c) Pressure exerted by gas B is eight times of that
(e) pressure of the gas may be equal to that of exerted by gas A
surrounding if axis of the cylinder is not (d) Number of molecules of gas B in the cylinder is
horizontal. eight times that of gas A
Cd) pressure of the gas may be less than that of 62. A partition divides a container having insulated walls
surrounding if axis of the cylinder is not into twO compartments I and II. The same gas fills the
horizontaL two compartments whose initial parameters are given.
59. At ordinary temperatures, the molecules of a diatomic The partition is a conducting wall which can move
gas have only translational and rotational kinetic freely without friction. Which of the following
energies. At high temperatures, they may also have statements is/are correct, with reference to the final
vibrational energy. As a result of this, compared to equilibrium position?
lower temperatures, a diatomic gas at higher r;===;===;-,
temperatures will have: ,I P,y,T 1 'Trv.rl

(a) lower molar heat capacity

(b) higher molar heat capacity (a) The pressure in the two compartments are equal
ee) lower isothermal compressibility (b) Volume of compartment I is 3V/S
Cd) higher isothermal compressibility (c) Volume of compartment II is 12V/S
60. The initial state of an ideal gas is represented by the (d) Final pressure in compartment I is SPj3
point a on the P - V diagram and its final state by the 63, In Fig. here shows four paths traversed by a gas on a
point e. The gas goes from the state a to the state e by p-v diagram. If AU l' aU z' ilU 3 and t:.U" are the change
three quasi stationary processes represented by (j) abe in internal energies in their respective path, then
(ij) ace (ij) ade. The heat absorbed by the gas is : choose the incorrect relation :

(a) the same in all the processes. T,
(b) the same in processes (i) and (ii) T, V
(c) greater process (i) than in (iii)
(d) less in process (ii) than in (iii) (a) t:.U1 =aUz =t:.U" =ilU3
61. A closed vessel contains a mixture of two diatomic (b) t:.U1+t:.Uz =ilU3 +tl.U"
gases A and B. Molar mass of A is }6 times and that of (c) ilUI > tl.Uz > ilU3 > ilU"
B and mass of gas A, contained in the vessel is 2 times (d) aUI <tl.Uz <L'!.U3<tl.U"
that of B.
(a) Average kinetic energy per molecule of gas A is
equal to that of gas B
Study Anurag Mishra with


= Level-2: More than One Alternatives is/are CorreCt


1. (a, c) 2. (a, b, d)" 3. (a, b, c) 4. (a, b, c) 5. (a, b, d)

6. (a, c, d) 7. (a, c) 8. (a, d) 9. (b, c) 10. (a, d)
11. (a, b, c) 12. (a, b, c, d) 13. (a, b) 14. (a, b. c, d) 15. (a, b, d)
16. (b. d) 17. (c, d) 18. (c, d) 19. (a, h, C, d) 20. Ch, c)
21. (b, c, d) 22. (h, c) 23. (b. d) 24. (a, c, d) 25. (a, h, C, d)
26. (a, b) 27. (a, b, c. d) 28. (b. d) 29. (a, b, d) 30. (a, b, c)
31. (d) 32. (0) 33. (d)
. 34. (b. d) 35. (0)
36. (a, d) 37. (b. d) 38. (,) 39. (d) 40. (b. d)
41. (d) 42. (d) 43. (a, d) 44. (b) 45. (0)
46. (a, d) 47. (b. d) 48. (d) 49. (b, c) 50. (,)
51. (a, b. c, d) 52. (a, b, c) 53. (0) 54. (a, b) 55. (b)
56. (a, c) 57. (b, c) 58. (a, d) 59. (b, c) 60. (c, d)
61. (a, b, C, d) 62. (a, b. c, d) 63. (b, c, d)
Study Anurag Mishra with

s [] ria t i [] n

LeveI-2: More than One Alternatives Islare CoI'T'fd

Adiabatic: PVY = constt.:::> p( R:r = constt.

51. [a b, c, d]
:::::> pI-YTY =constt.(csay):::>P=c,Ty-1
(a) For isothermal process Q = W.
Curve 3 corresponds to isothermal process, and
Curve 1 and 2 corresponds to isobaric processes.
.. slope: dP =.!:.:L Ty-l > a (not constt.)
dt y-1
(b) For isobaric process d'P
W =p.6.V =RliT -->0

Q =Cp6T =
, + 2)
( -2- Rl>T 61,
[a, b, c, d]

(where i = degrees of freedom) ~KT avg. KE is same ~ a

W 2
~3RT 3RT
Q i+2 vm\.lA = M' vnnsfl = (M/16) = 4VnnsA -) b
For curve 1,
i + 2 Q, 80 4 nA = 2m n,
M •
= 2m
= 16mjM )
(polyatomic gas)

For curve 2, _2_=Wz =32=~:::>i=3

P, =("An:n,)PO'PA =("A":",)PO .-H,d

(monatomic gas) 62. [a, b. c, d]

56. [a. c] PV = PI VI Temp. will not change as internal energy of
C, = SRj2, C" = 3Rj2 T T
.6,W=n(Cp-Ct')=l_~=~ the system will remain unchanged
.6.Q nC p 5 5 For 2nd compartment
(2P)2V P,(3V - V,)
.6,W = UQ = 2 x 2S x 104 = 104 J T T
5 5 PV
Pressure is constant and equal to ~ 4PV=-(3V-VI)
5 9 x 10
P=Po+mg!A=l.05xlO +--
= 1.06)( 105 N/m'l
57. [b, cJ
Ideal gas PV=RT-:::>V=-
Study Anurag Mishra with


Pevel 3 . ComRrehension Based Problems

Indicator diagram for 1 mole of a monoatomic ideal gas is =The Fig. shows an insulated cylinder of volume V
shown in Fig. it consist of two isobar and two isotherm. The containing monoatomic gas in both the compartments. The
temperature of isotherms are 300 K and 600 K. The piston is diathermic. Initially the piston is kept fixed and
minimum volume of gas is given VI and maximum volume the' system is allowed to acquire a state of thermal
is 41), heat absorbed is process (1), (2), (3) and (4) are Q"
Q2• Q3 and Q4 respectively and area of cycle is A. Now
answer the following question. --
equilibrium. The initial pressures and temperatures are as
shown in the Fig. Calculate:

P....:Q,V' P,V,
4 2

.•••••••• P 1. The final temperature:

DP.V43 (a) (Pt -P2)TIT2 (b) (PI +P2)TIT2

v ~~-~~ ~~-~~
(c) (PI + P2)TIT2 (d) (PI + P2)T1T2
1. Efficiency of cycle : ~~+~~ ~~-~~
Ca) - (b) A 2. The final pressures of each companments :
Q, Q1 +Q2 (a) PI PI (PI +,P2)T2 'P _P_,_CP_,_+_P_,_lT_,
Ce) A Cd) Q, +Q2 +Q3 +Q4 PIT2 +P2TI (PIT2 +P2TI)
Q1 +Q2 +QJ +Q4
2. The value of Q1 :
Cb)P Pl(PI+P2)T2
(P1T2 +P2TI)
Ca) 450R (b) 750R
(e) 200R Cd) zero (c) PI PI (PI +P2)T2 'P P2(P1 -P2)TI
3. Change in internal energy in process '3' : PIT2 -P2TI (PIT2 +P2TI)
Ca) '-450R Cb) 200R d) P PI(PI +P2)T1 P P2(PI +P )T
Ce) -200R Cd) 750R
, P]T2 +P2T2 , 'c PIT2 +P22TI)1
Study Anurag Mishra with
3. The heat that flows from RHS to LHS, given '1"2> Ti• 1. The initial pressure of the gas is :
(a) IN/m2 (b) l02N/m2.
Ca) ~PIP2V (12 +T1) (b) ~PIP2V tTl -TI} (c) 1.l0N/m 2. (d) L12N/m 2.
4 PITz - PZT} 4 PITz + P2Y}
2. Wo:k done by the gas in t = 5s is :
(e) ~PIP2V {Tl-Tll (d)~P1P2V tTz-Tll 1 Ca) 300 J Cb) 400 J
(e) 114.3 J Cd) 153.6 J
3. Increase in temperature of gas in 5 s is :
Ca) 6.9 x 1O-3K Cb) 6.9 K
Two mole of a monoatomic ideal gas follows the process (c) 83 X 10-4 K (d) 96 x lO-2.K
PV4/3 "" const.
1. which of the following statement is correct about this
process? The Fig. shmvs tvo/Oidentical cylinders A and B which
(a) It is an adiabatic process contain equal amounts of an ideal gas with adiabatic
(b) It is a process in which t.Q = - ~ ~U exponent g. The piston of cylinder A is frce and that of
cylinder B is fixed.
ee) It is a process in which dQ = dU (ahvays) B
Cd) It is a process in which dQ = - dU (always)
2. If this process is possible:
(a) its molar heat capacity is negative
(b) its molar heat capacity is positive
(e) its molar heat capacity is zero , Heat , Heat
Cd) molar heat capacity can't be defined until volume
or pressure is constant 1. If the same amount of heat is absorbed by each
3. If initial temperature of system is To and it is cylinder, then in which cylinder the temperature rise is
compressed to '1 times its initiCll volume then work more?

done by system is : (a) Temperature of A will be more
(bl Information is not sufficient to reach the
Cb) 6R1ol' - J conclusion
(c) The temperature of both A and B will be same

(c) 3RTo(l- (11)-11,) Cd) 3RTo[I-(~r3) (d) Temperature of B will be more

2. If the temperature rise in cylinder A is To, then
determine the temperature risc in cylinder B.
(a) .....Q. (b) To
2 k-mol of an ideal diatomic gas is enclosed in a vertical (e) 11" Cd)Zfa
cylinder fitted with a piston and spring as shown in the Fig_ 3. An ideal gas with adiabatic exponent y is heated at
Initially, the spring is compressed by 5 em and then the constant pressure. It absorbs Q amount of heat.
electric heater starts supplying energy to the gas at constant Detennine the fractions of heat absorbed in raising the
rate of 100 J/s and due to conduction through walls of internal energy and performing the work :
cylinder and radiation, 20 J/s has been lost to Ca) y + 2 Cbl'i
surroundings. 2y
(c) y+1 Cd) "(-2

Fig. shows variation of internal energy U with the density p

[Take k = 1000 N/m, g = 10m/s2, Atmospheric pressure,
of 1 mole of ideal monoatomic gas for a thermodynamic
Po = lOs N/m 2.. Cross-section area of piston Ao = 50cm • cycle ABO\. Here process AB is a part of rectangular
Mass of piston m = 1kg, R = 8.3kJ/mol-K) hyperbola.
Based on above information, answer the following
Study Anurag Mishra with

, ,
, p 1. When the lower piston is moved upwards a distance
h!2, the compression :
1. The P-V diagram of above cycle: (a) leads to cooling
p p (b) takes place isothermally
(c) takes place adiabatically
(d) leads to heating
(a) (b) 2. Which of the following statements is correct?
(a) Heat given in compression is used to do work
v v against elastic force only
(b) Heat given in compression is used to do work
against elastic force and atmospheric force
(c) No work is done during compression
(e) (d) There is no change in internal energy
Cd) none of these
3. The value of h is :
. , (a) 1 m (b) 1.4 m
c....c-==;>- 'V
(c) 1.6 m (d) 2 m
2. The total amount of heat absorbed by the cycle is :
(a) C30!n2S-2)Uo (b) Cs O!nOA-2)Uo

(e) sauo Cd) None of these An horizontal insulated cylindrical vessel of length 21 is
3. The work done in process AB is : separated by a thin insulating piston into two equal pans as
(a) -Va (b) -2Uo
shown in Fig. Each part contains n moles of an ideal
monoatomic gas at temperature T. The piston is connected
ee) -SUo Cd) None of these
to end faces of the cylinder with the help of two springs
4. Efficiency of the cycle is :
each of spring constant k. Initially both the springs are in
(a) 1Oln2.5-6 (b) 5In2.5-6 relaxed state. The temperature of left part of cylinder is
10102.5+9 5102.5+9 kept constant by some external means while heat is
(e) 10102.5-3 (dlNoneofthese supplied to right pan with the help of filament. Based on
5102.5+9 above information, answer the following questions:

k k
M ideal gas at NTP is enclosed in an adiabatic vertical
cylinder having an area of cross section A 27 em 2 = o. T o. T
between mo light movable pistons as shown in the Fig.
Spring with force constant k = 3700N/m is in a relaxed
state initially. Now the lower position is moved upwards a
1. If energy (heat) Q is supplied to right part so that the
distance hl2, h being the initial length of gas column. It is
observed that the upper piston moves up by a distance piston moves to the left by i, then the change in
'h / 16. Final temperature of gas = 413 x 273 K. Take y for:
the gas to be 3/2. ._ internal energy of right part of cylinder is :
(a) 15 kl2 + nRT
(b) 3nR[5kl' +
2 4nR 3
Study Anurag Mishra with

2. If 100 gm of ice is melted during the cycle ABQ\, how
ee} ~k12 +2nRT much work is done on the gas?
Cd) None of the above (a) S kcal (b) 5 kcal
2. The heat given by left part of cylinder to external (e) 2.1 kJ (d) 4.2 kJ
arrangement is (for Q. 1) : 3. If the change in the volume is (VI - Vl) = Vml, the
(a) Q - kl2 - nRT work done (in N/m 2) during the cycle is, with P being
(b) Q - kl2 - 2nRT the atmospheric pressure acting on the piston.
(a) PV J (b) 2PV J
ee) Q_15 kl2 -nRT 2 3
(c) PV J (d) None of these
Cd) None of the above
3. The temperature of the gas in right part in final
equilibrium is (for information of Q. 1) :
!P" " " " "I ~i(j1
__ Vo.i_lJ_~ i.I

2 2
(a) Skl + ZT (b) 15k/ + 51' An ideal diatomic gas undergoes a process in which its
BnR 3 16nR 3 internal energy relates to its volume as, U = kJV, where k is
2 ,
(e) 15kl + zr Cd) Ski + 51' a positive constant.
16nR 3 8nR 3 Based on given information, answer the following
1. The molar heat capacity of gas for this process is :
(a) 2.5R (b) 2R
A cylinder containing an ideal gas (see diagram) and closed
by a movable piston is submerged in an ice-water mixture. (e) 4,5R (d) 3,SR
The piston is quickly pushed down from position (1) tD 2. The amount of heat transferred between system and
position (2) (process AB). The piston is held at position (2) surrounding so that the internal energy of system
until the gas is again at 0" C (process Be). Then the piston is increases by 300 J is :
slowly raised back to position (1) (process CA) : (a) 300 J (b) 240 J
(e) 420 J (d) 540 J
3. If 2 moles of gas is taken in mentioned process, then
o 000 the change in temperature of gas for Q. 12 is :
~o o 0 [R o8.314J/mol-k]
:: 2 0 0 (a) 7.2 K (b) 10K
o -----~:..----- 0 (d) 100 K
------------ 0 (c) 72K
o O'oooooe.o 0
o 0 0 o
o 00 0 0 0
o A container of volume 4Vo made of a perfectly
non-conducting material is divided into two equal parts by
1. Which of the following P-V diagrams will correctly a fixed rigid wall whose lower half is non-conducting and
represent the processes AB, BC and CA and the cycle upper half is purely conducting. The right side of the wall is
ABCA ? divided into equal parts (initially) by means of a massless
, non-conducting piston free to move as shown. Section A
A' : '
contains 2 mol of a gas while the section Band C contain 1
f--2>.lc P
mol each of the same gas (y = 1.5) at pressure Po. The
,, (b) 'B
,, heater in left part is switched on till the final pressure in
(a) ,, ,, section C becomes.125/27 Po, Calculate:
, ,
v, V, V V, V, V

p p
A s' :

' ,
(e) : :8 (d)
,, '
,, ',
v, v, V v, v, v
Study Anurag Mishra with

~'j I'

A B V, •.P." Vol_tJ
," \ "',.'1 .•..
{JI ~
An ideal gas undergoes a change in its state from 1 to 2
P, through three difference processes, A, Band C. as shown in

P, , Fig.


1. Final temperature in part A : v

(a) 12PoVo (b) PaVo
13R R 1. If the work done during the three processes are WA,
ee) IOSPoVo d) 20SPoVo WB and We, respectively, then:
13R (27R (a) WA =WB =We (b)WA >WB >Wc
2. Final temperature in pan C : (e) WA =WC>WB (d)We>WA >WB
(a) PoVo (b) PaVo 2. If the heat supplied to the gas are QA' QB and Qe
R 3R respectively, then :
(e) SPaVo Cd) SPaVo (a) QA =QB =Qc (b) QA < Q8 < Qe
3R R (e) QA > QB > Qe (d)QA =Qn >Qc
3. The heat supplied by the heater:
Ca) 405 p ~ (b) 113 p ~ tfP" ,~,~" 1'1 ~ r.TI@
__ vv_;::;v~
800 500
315 368 5 mole of helium are mixed with 2 mole of hydrogen to
(e) -PaVo Cd) -PaVo
9 9 form a mixture. Take molar mass of helium M I 4g and=
that of hydrogen M:2 = 2g
"f) v~
__ vv_,.
4{> ti'V ~,~ \~
1. The equivalent molar mass of the mixture is:
An ideal diatomic gas is expanded so that the amount of. (a) 6 g Cb) 13g
heat transferred to the gas is equal to the decrease in its 7
internal energy. (e) lBg (d) none
1. The molar specific heat of the gas in this process is 2. The equivalent degree of freedom f of the mixture is:
given by C whose value is : (a) 3.57 Cb)1.14
(a) -5R (b) -3R (c) 4.4 (d) none
2 2 3. The equivalent value of y is:
Ce) 2R Cd) 5R (a) 1.59 Cb)1.53
2 (c) 1.56 (d) none
2. The process can be represented by the equation 711" -= 4. If the internal energy of He sample of 100J and that of
constant where the value of n is : the hydrogen sample is 200 J, then the internal energy
Wn=! (b)n=! of the mixture is:
5 5 (a) 900 J (b) 128.5 J
(e) n =~ (d) n =~ (e) 171.4 J (d) 300 J
2 5
3. If in the above process, the initial temperature of the
gas be To and the final volume be 32 times the initial
volume, the work done by the gas during the process 'A monoatomic ideal gas of two moles is taken through a
will be, in joules : cyclic process starring from A as shown in Fig. The volume
(a) RTo (b) 5RT, ratios are VB = 2 and VD = 4. If the temperature TA at A is
27:.J:" then _
(e) 2RTo (d) RT,

Study Anurag Mishra with


"" vv
\~ " f'/ ./'f ., ~

A massless piston, which can move without friction, doses

a sample of Helium in a vertical, thermally insulated
cylinder, which is dosed ac its baHam, and the cross-section
of which is A = 2 dm 2. Above the piston there is a fixed
stand to which an unstretched spring of spring constant
2000N/rn is attached, whose bottom end is at a distance of
2 drn from the piston when the volume of the gas is
Vo = 8dm 2. The external pressure is
1. The temperature of the gas at point B is :
(a) 1200 K Cb) 600 K Po = lOs Pa, g = 10m/ S2. The gas confined in the cylinder is
Ce) 400 K Cd) 3001n2K heated with an electric heating element. (1 dm = 10-1 m)
2. Hear absorbed by the gas in the process A to B is :
Ca) 600 R
ee) 1500 R

cycle is :
Cb) 900 R
Cd) 1200Rln2
3. The total work done by the gas during the complete
4JF:t VO

Ca) 600 R Cb)ISOOR

Ce) 1200 R (d) 900Rln2

The dot in Fig. represents the initial state of a gas. An 1. How much heat is supplied by the elemcnl till it
adiabat divides the P.V diagram into regions 1 and 2 as reaches the spring:
(a) zero (b) 600 J
p (e) 8000 J Cd) 1000 J
2. How will process look like on a P-V diagmm :

(a) P)-'~B , v (b) P -.-/_A_ v

1. For which
of the following processes,
heat supplied to the system Q is

(a) the gas moves up along the adiabat

(b) it moves down along the adiabat

(e) Pl-'~B .v

ee} it moves to anywhere in region 1

3. What is the ratio of work done by gas in moving the
Cd) it moves to anywhere in region 2
piston from initial position to A, and from there to B:
2. As the gas moves down along the adiabatic, the
Cal 10 (b) ~
temperature: 11 10
(a) increases
(e)~ (d)~
(b) decreases 3 5
ee} remains constant
Cd) variation depends on type of gas
Study Anurag Mishra with

4. Choose the correct P-T diagram for the given cyclic

t!"_ •.••.•
•. ,","":.':{:,
-t,; - ~ ~ process:
The Fig. shows p~vdiagram of a thermodynamic cycle.


..~ c
(a) PIl?".
a T
(b) PI;lt'"

"A: o
v. 3Vo V
Cd) none of these
(e) P ~c

1. The work done by the cycle is : a T

(a) 2PoVo (b) 3PoVo 5. Choose the correct V.T diagram for the given cyclic
(e) PoVo Cd) 6PoVo process:
2. IfTA,TB,Tc and To are the respective temperature at
A, B,C and D. Then, choose the correct statement if
TA = To : (a) VI,~lt (b)
(a) The maximum
occurs at C.
(b) To = 3To
temperature during the cycle
ee) Ts = 2To
(d) aU the above
3. Identify the diagram which correctly represents the
(e) v A\\ Cd) none of these

heat inflow and outflow of the system: ~c
P aL~=---.T

t:] a, c
(a) a, ~"
.....," ," -tl
_•.••.• ",:~/;' ~
A 0
a. Two cylinder A and B having piston connected by massless
0'--,,-----,;'-;;;,-. v rod (as shown in Fig.). The cross-sectional area of two
cylinders are same and equal to •S' . The cylinder A contains
m gm of an ideal gas at pressure Po and temperature To. The
cylinder B contain identical gas at same temperature To but



A 04 D
has different mass. The piston is held at the state in the
position so that volume of gas in cylinder A and cylinder B
are same and is equal to Vo'

'H:'::.1.....i:;~ i(

(e) ifhe walls and piston of cylinder A are thermally insulated,
a, whereas cylinder B is maintained at temperature To
o 04 C reservoir. The whole system is in vacuum. Now the piston is
V slowly released and it moves towards left and mechanical
equilibrium is reached at the state when the volume of gas
in cylinder A becomes Vo . Then (here y for gas:::: 1.5).



o 04 C

1. The mass of gas in cylinder B :
2./2 m
J2 m
(b) 3./2 m
(d) none of these

Study Anurag Mishra with


2. The change in internal energy of gas in cylinder A :
(12 -l)PoVo
(b) 2(../2 -l)PoVo
Cd) none of these

3. If work done by gas in cylinder B is WB and work done

(a) 1>7".
a T
by gas in cylinder A is WA' then :
(a) WA =-WE
(b) IW,i>iW,1 (e) VIp"
(e) IW,I< IWBI
Cd) we can't say anything
4. What will be the compressive force in connecting rod
at equilibrium:
(a) PS (b) ,/ZPS
ee) 2 pS Cd) none of these

A sample of ideal gas is taken through the cyclic process

shown in the Fig. The temperature of the gas at state A is
The Fig. represents a cyclic process in which the process CA T A = 200 K. At states Band C the temperature of the gas is
is adiabatic the same.

aL-----_'v V
1. Select the correct statement(s) :
(a) Positive work is done during the isobaric process 1. Net work done by the gas in the process is :
(b) Negative work is done during the adiabatic (a) 2PAVA (b)4PAVA
process (c) 6PAVA (d) 8PAVA
ee) The system cools dovl'D. during the process Be 2. Which of the following graphs best represent the cyclic
Cd) The system reject heat during the process CA process in T-V diagram:
2. If TA,TB and Tc are the temperatures at A,B and C
respectively, then identify the correct statement : I
(a) TA <T8 <Tc (b)TA =,Te
(c) TA >Tc (d)TA <TB >Tc (a) (b)
3. Select the diagram showing the correct representation
of the thermodynamic cycle on at P-T diagram:


(b) lv".
a T (e)


(e) PI.y" (d)P~A/ "

aLT a'
3. What is the greatest temperature of the gas during the
cyclic process ?
(a) 600 K
(c) 2400 K
(b) 1200 K
(d) none of these
4. Select the diagram showing the correct representation
of the thermodynamic cycle on at V.T diagram:
Study Anurag Mishra with

Column I Column II
(p) Both Wand.6U are
1. An ideal gas (molar specific heat C v = SR/2) is taken positive
along pams acb, adb, and abo P2 = 2PI, V2 = 2V}. Along
ab, P = kV where k is a constant. The various
(a) V ...
parameters are shown in the Fig. Match Column I with L ~p
the corresponding options of Column II.
(q) Both W andNl are
P negative
T, [b)
P, d

(r) W is positive whereas.6U

v, v, V
A is negative

Column I
"- "- Column II I ~B
W,'" (p) 15RT1/2 I
[b) w••• (q) -lSRTll2
(s) W is negative whereas
[e) V •• [.) RT, aU is positive
[d) Voc- (5) 2RT1
(d) V

2. In Column I some actions performed on a body are

mentioned, followed by an incomplete statement, P
while in Column II phases are mentioned which can
complete the statements of Column I. Match the
entries of Column I with the entries of Column II. 4. In Column I some statements or expressions related to
first law of thermodynamics are given and in Column
Column I Column II II some processes are mentioned. Match the entries of
(a) When a person rubs his hands, (p) Increases Column I, with the entries of Column II.
they become warm. The internal
Column I "-
energy of the hands
[b) A cylinder containing gas is \fig- [q) Increases because "-
[aJ dU = nCvdT is valid for " Column II
(p) Adiabatic ptocess
orously rubbed from outside, as heat is supplied to (b) Temperature of the system can (q) r-Isothermal process
a result, the cylinder and gas the system change in
both get heated up. The internal
energy of the cylinder. [e) Q '" dU + W is valid for [.J Polytropic process
[el A cylinder containing gas is vig- [.) Increases because [d) The process in which heat ex- (s) Free expansion
orously rubbed from outside, as mechanical work is change between the system and
a result the cylinder and gas done on the system surroundings is zero
both gets heated up. The inter-
nal energy of the gas 5. An ideal monoatomic gas undergoes different types of
processes which are described in Column I. Match the
[d) A closed bottle containing water [s) Remains constant corresponding effects in Column 11. The letters have
is shaken vigorously, as a result
their usual meanings.
the water gets warm. The inter-
nal energy of water "-
"- Column I
"- Column II I
3. A sample of gas goes from state A to state B to in four [a) P=2V2 (p) If v~lume increases then tempera-
different manners, as shown by the graphs. Let W be ture will also increase
the work done by the gas and ilU be change in internal (b) pv2 '" constant (q) If volume increases then tempera-
energy along the path AB. Correctly match the graphs ture decreases
with the statements provided.
Study Anurag Mishra with


-(e) C=Cv+2R (,j Fur expansion, heat will have to

- Column I
Column 11

be supplied to the gas (aj Heat given to system (i.e. (p) Positive
(,j If temperature increases then ideal gas sample) during iso-
-(d) C=CI'-2R
work done by gas is positive thermal expansion
(b) Work done by gas during adi. (q)
6. X and r are two equal size containers. X contains 5 abatk compression
mol of 1I2 and Y has 10 mol of 02 .It the same
temperature. Assuming that the gases are ideal, match
(c) Change in internal energy of (r)
Columns J and II :
gLlssample during adiabatic
Column I Column II process

(a) 1n the container X (p) Pressure of the gas is more. (d) Change in internal energy of (s) Negative
gas sample from most initial
state to the final state
(b) in the container Y (q) nns speed of gas molecules is
more 10. h kmol of a monochromarir ideal gas is taken
quasistatically from state A to state C along the
(e) Since the number of (r) Average thermal is more energy straight line shown in the Fig. Alternalivcly, the same
molecules of a molecule is the same as that
gas is taken quasistatically from A to C along the path
of a molecule in the other
container ARC, Express all answers in terms of PA and VA'
Cd) Since the gas has a (5) Internal energy of the system is
smaller (5) molecu- more than that of the system in P =2P .•. 6 c
the other container. c
lar mass

7. Match the column I with Column II

\ Column I
"- "- Column II A

(aj lsochoric process (p) DU '" 0 v, v

(b) Isobaric process (q) 8Q ",0
Column I Column II
(oj Isothermal process (,) 8W",Q

(d) Adiabmic process (,) DW ~ 0

8. Find the charge in the internal energy of the system in (b) Chang~ in inrernal energy of the (q) 13 P \l
each of situation in talumn 1. gas along the straight line path AC 2 A A

Column I Column II (e) The work done by the gas along (,)
the path ABC
(d) The heatM/' added to the gas
along the path ABC

11. An ideal gas at pressure P and volumeV is expanded to

volume 2V, Column I represents the thermodynamic
processes used during expansion. Column II
(e) Twel\'e hundred calories is rl'- (r) 1680J represents the work during these processes in the
moved from a gas held at con- random order.
stant volume
" Column I "''' Column II
9. There is an ideal gas sample. The ratio of C p and C v
(a) isobaric (p) pv(1-i-Y)
for gas sample is y. In its initial state its pressure is PI
and volume is VI Now it is expanded isothennally
from volume V1 to V2. Then it is compressed (bj isothermal (q) PV
adiabatically from volume V2 to VI again.
(0) adi:lbatic (,j PVjln 2
Hegarding the <lbove situation, match the following
(dj The heat MI' added to the gas (,) 9
along the path ABC 2
Study Anurag Mishra with

12. When a sample of a gas is taken from state i to state f 14. An ideal gas undergoes two processes A and B. One 0
along path iaf. heat supplied to the gas is SO cal and these is isothermal and the other is adiabatic.
work done by gas is 20 cal. If it is taken by path ibf,
then heat supplied is 36 cal. Column I Column I[
(aj (p) Heat supplied during curve

~'0f A is positive


; b

Volume (b) (q) Work done by gas in both

processes positive
Column-I Column-II
(a) Work done by the gas along path ibf is (p) 6 cal : B
(b) If work done upon the gas is 13 cal for (q) 18 cal . V
the return path ft, then heat rejected
by the gas along path if is (e) (t) Internal energy increases

in adiabatic process
(el If internal energy of the gas at state i is (r) 40 cal
10 cal, then internal energy at state f
(d) If internal energy at state b is 22 cal (5) 43 cal
and at i is 10 cal then heat supplied to
the gas along path ib is (d) (,) Temperature of gas in pro-

cess 8 is consamt
13. Respective graphs for adiabatic process taking first
tenn on Y-axis.

15. For an ideal gas a process P-V diagram is a circle. An

adiabatic from A passes through C. An isotherm from
A passes through B. We take a part of the circular cyclic
process. Comment on the sign of the quantity of
Column I Column II column-I.
(a) Pressure-Temperature (p) p
(3)...•...•• B
C' :
(b) Volume-Temperature (qj

Column-I '\ \ Column-II I

(aj Heat given to the gas in going from A (p) Positive
(e) Pressure-Voloume
to C along circle
(bj Heat given to the gas in going from B (q) Negative
to C along circle

(d) Pressure-Internal Energy (,j (e) Heat given to the gas in going from C (t) Zero
to D along circle
(,j can't be said
Study Anurag Mishra with

16. An ideal gas is taken along the reversible processes as 2. Statement~l: In an adiabatic process, change in
represented by the adjoining diagram. internal energy of a gas is equal to work done on or by
P{Nlm<) the gas in the process.
Statement.2 : Temperature of gas remains constant
c in a adiabatic process.
3. Statement-I: Air quickly leaking out of a balloon
becomes cooler.
Statement-2: The leaking air undergoes adiabatic
5- -----_ .._ .._----~ 4. Statement-I: In cyclic process, initial and final state
, are same. Therefore net work done is zero.
V(m~) .
2 6 Statement-2: Initial and final temperature is equal,
therefore change in internal energy is zero.
"- Column-I "- "- Column-II
5. Statement-I: Systems are in thermal equilibrium,
(a) For processB ---+ C (pJ L\Q .> 0 when their temperature are same or average kinetic
(b) For processA ---+ B (qJ L\W > 0
energy per molecule is same.
Statement-2: Total kinetic energy or internal energy
(e) For cycleA ---+ B --Jo C ---+ A (,J L\U .> 0
or tetal energy does not determine the direcdon of
(dJ ForprocessC -t A (,) L\W = 0 flow of heat.
(0 L\Q <0
6. Statement-I: When a boule of cold carbonated
drink is opened a slight fog forms around the opening.
Statement-2: Adiabatic expansion of the gas causes
lowering of temperature and condensation of ,vater
7. Statement-I: A quasi-static process is so called
because it is a sudden and large change of the system.
ASSERTION AND REASON Statement-2: An adiabatic process is no quase-statk
becCluseit is a sudden and large change of the system.
Direction: In the questions that follow rvvostatements 8. Statement-I: The work done on an ideal gas in
are given. Statement.2 is purported to be the explanation for changing its volume from V1 to V2 under any
statement 1. Study both the statements carefully and then polytrophic process is given by the integral "f P. dV
select your answers, according to the codes given below:
(a) If Statement-l is true, Statement-2 is true;
taken along the process.
Statement-2 is the correct explanation for
Statement-2: No work is done under an isochoric
Statement. I.
(b) If Statement-l is true, Statement.2 is true, process of the gas.
Statement-2 is not a correct explanation for 9. Statement~l: When an ideal gas is taken from a
Statement-I. given thermodynamic state A to another given
(c) If Statement.l is true; Statement-2 is false. thermodynamic state B by any polytrophic process, the
(d) If Statement-l is false; Statement-2 is true. change in the interval energy of the system will be the
1. Statement-l : An ideal gas is enclosed within a same in all processes.
container fitted with a piston. When volume of this Statement-2: Internal energy of the gas depends
enclosed gas is increased at constant temperamre, the only upon its absolute temperature.
pressure exerted by the gas on the piston decreases. 10. Statement-I: Experimental results indicate that the
Statement.2 : In the above situation the rate of molar specific heat of hydrogen gas at constant
molecules striking the piston decreases. If the rate at volume below 50 K is equal to 5/2 R, where R is the
which molecules of a gas having same average speed universal gas constant.
striking a given area of the waU decreases, the Statement-2: A diatomic hydrogen molecule
pressure exerted by gas on the wall decreases. possesses three translational and two rotational
degrees of freedom at all temperatures.
Study Anurag Mishra with



= level-3: Comprehension Based Problems

Passage.1: 1. (a) 2. Cb) 3. (e) Passage-2: 1. (a) 2. Cd) 3. Cb)

Passage.3: 1. (e) 2. (a) 3. (a) Passage-4: 1. Cd) 2. (e) 3. (a)

Passage-5: 1. (d) 2. (a) 3. (a) Passage-6: 1. (a) 2. (a) 3. Cb) 4. (a)

Passage-7: 1. (e ,d) 2. Cb) 3. (e) Passage-8: I. (a) 2. (a) 3. Cd)

4. (a)

Passage.9: 1. Cd) 2. (a) 3. Cd) Passage-10: I. (e) 2. Cd) 3. (a)

Passage-11 : 1. Cd) 2. (e) 3. (d) Passage-12: 1. (a) 2. (h) 3. (b)

Passage.13: 1. (h) 2. (e) Passage-14: 1. Cb) 2. (a) 3. (e)

Passage-15: 1. Cb) 2. (e) 3. (a) Passage-16: 1. Cd) 2. Cb)

Passage-17: 1. (d) 2. (b) 3. (a) Passage-18: 1. (a) 2. Cd) 3. (h) 4. (a)

Passage-19: 1. Cb) 2. Cb) 3. (e) Passage-20: 1. (a. h, e) 2. (e) 3. (e) 4. (b)

4. (e)

Passage-21 ; 1. Cd) 2. Cd) 3. (e)

=: Matching Type Problem

I. (a)- ,; (b)- r; Cc)- p; (d) -q 2. (a)- p. r; (b)- P. r; (c)- P. q; (d)- r

3. (a) -" Cb) -q; (c) or; (d) .q 4. (a)- p, q, r, s; (b)- p, r; (e)- P. q, r. s; (d)- p. s
5. (a) -p, r, s; (b) .q; (e) -p, r, s; (d) -q, r 6. (a)- q. r; (b). p, r. ,; (c). P. ,; (d)- q
7. (a) -r; (b) -s; (e) -p, s; (d) -q. s 8. (a)- q; (b). r; (c). p
9. (a) -p; (b) or.,; (c) -p, q; (d) -poq 10. (a)- r; (b)- ,; (c)- p; (d)-q

11. Ca) -q; (b) -" (c) -p; (d) -r 12. (a)- p; (b)- ,; (c)- r; (d)- q

13. (a) or; (b) -p; (c) -p; (d) .r 14. (a)- p, q ; (b)- r, s; (e). P. q; (d)- r, s
15. (a) -p; (b) .q; Cc) -q 16. (a)-p. q. r; (b).p, r. ,; (c)-p, q; (d)-,

== Assertion and Reason

I. (a) 2. (c) 3. Ca) 4. Cd) 5. Cb) 6. Ca) 7. Cb) 8. (c)

9. Ca) 10. (d)
Study Anurag Mishra with



= Level-3: Comprehension Based Problems

say Q' is transferred from gas to external
arrangement (which is used to keep its
temperature constant).
As temperature of left pan is constant so change
1. [d] At t = 0,
let p be the in internal energy of left part is zero.
pressure of gas, then free
Body diagram of piston
would be as follows : c¥l====O From first law of thermodynamics
Q _ Q' = Total work done by the gas against
surrounding in both the chambers (W) + change
in internal energy of right chamber (6U).
kxo mg
P=Po+-+- W = work done against the spring force only
A A 2
= k{l/4)2 x 2= kl
P = 1.12 N/m2 2 16
2. [c] From first law of thermodynamics, t.U= nCvaT= nC,,(T,-T)
dQ=dU+dW Where Tf is the final equilibrium temperature of
dW = dQ-dU fight part.
__ 31/4__ 5//4_
= n(Cp -C,,)dT = nRdT
W = nRxaT = 114.3J
k k
3. [a] Net heat supplied in time tis,
Q = (100- 20)dr = BOr. As heat has been P" T

supplied to the gas, it expands under constant

pressure, thus increasing the internal energy.
Using ideal gas equation
dQ = nCpdT 31
PIxA x-
Q = nCpt:.T ____ 4_= PoAI
t:.T= BOxS
2x 103 x?. x 8.3 51
P2Ax- PoAI
2 4 =--
= 6.9x 1O-3K RT
Passage-B From eqm'j'b '
I num 0 f' pIston, P2 - PI = -KI
1. [aj, 2. [aj, 3. [d]
As heat Q is supplied to right part, the piston T = ST[~ + ~] where Po = nRT
f 4 2nRT 3 Al
moves towards left thus compressing the left
spring and elongating right spring. To keep the
temperature of left parts constant some energy
Study Anurag Mishra with
Sk1 5T Passage-12
BnR 3
1. [a] It is given that there is decreases of the internal
3R energy while the gas expands absorbing some
t.U=nx-xCTj -T)
2 heat, which numerically equal to the decrease in
internal energy.
= 3nR[Skl' + zr]
28nR3 Hence dQ = -dU
Thus, dQ = dW +dU= -dU
So. Q'=Q-W -flU
2 dW =-2dU
=Q_kI2 _15k1 -nRT
16 16 (remembering that both dW and du are
=Q_kl2 -nRT.
'.. PdV = 3CdT [dU = -edT]
Where C is the molar specific heat of the gas
1. [el. 2.[dl. 3.[al
Since the gas is ideal, PV = RT
Using U ::::nC II T where n is numb~r of moles of
gas and T is temperature of gas \ . From (2) P =-
nCl,T = kV1!2
Hence (1) gives RT
-dV = XdT ~ _dV = __
1V-I12 = _k_ = constant V V R T
Using PV=nRTT=_
Solving, we get \IT
(-'C) R = constant

X v-1I2 = constant Also since, dQ = -dU:C = (dQ)
dT v
pv1/2 = constant

S0,the process U = kJV is equivalent to pv1I2 =

constant which is a standard form of polytropic
process. Hence R
C=-Cy =---
R 1-1
I-x R SR
=-7-~-2'since the gas is diatomic.
=-+---=4.5R --1
2 1-1/2 2
du = nCvdT = 300J
2. [bl From equation (3), TV2C = constant
= n x-dT= 300J -')
Putting C = -- SR2 •IV --( s = constant
.1Q = nCdT = n x -RdT
2 3. tal Under the given process, the final volume V is 32
times the initial volume Yo'
= 2. x nRdT = 2. x ~ x 300J
2 2 5 nyo PdV 32Vo RT
= 540)
Thus, w = f -2
= f - dV
\( 2V
(see note below)
'0 0

dU= 2x SR xdT= 300 J 32Vo RT

2 f -TdV
dT = 300 = 300
o 2V
SR 5xR314 T v:l!S
Now, 1VI/ = T. v:l/S given T = -.2.....2....-
= 7.2 K o 0 VlIS
Study Anurag Mishra with

32Vo R T v.lIS J J dT -= -2C[TI
Hence,W= f -~dV
Integrating, W -= dW -= -X
- To]
Putting 1'/ -= To C = _ SR
2' 2
W -= --To
1. [d] If the gas goes into the region 2 the work done
by the gas increases as the area under curve
increases so mole heat is needed to the supplied.
W = _ 5Rl'o 2. [b] The temperature of the gas decreases as the gas
= 2 does work at the expense of internal energy.
SRT Passage.17
Work done by the gas:::; __ 0
2 1. [d] Since from begining to A process is isobaric hence
Note: In a normal polytropic process, the work 6.Q = nC p6.T
done dW changes the temperature by dT and
volume by av. Here heat dQ entries or levels the 5
6.Q = -nR x ----
[PoV, - PoV,]
system, dQ = dW + dU, and molar specific heat 2 nR
(= C v) is positive. Consider the adiabatic
Vi = 8x 10-3 Vg = (8+ 2x 2)x 10-3
process, in which dQ = 0. The work done dW
goes entirely to change temperature by dT and "'Q: 1000J
volume by dV. Here dW = -dU, and molar
specific heat = 0. 2. [b] Initially Po -= canst. and then P increases linearly
with V.
Consider a polytropic process in which the molar
specific heat, C is negative. The relation 3. [al Pa =Po+-
dQ = dW + dU still holds. But the heat dQ A
entering the system, cools the system, lowers the 1
105 + 2000 x 2 X10- '" 1.2 x lOS
temperature T by dT and volume by dV directly. 2x 10-2
In addition, the work done dW also changes
temperature T and volume V. Thus, in such a upto A WI = lOs x 4x 10-3 = 400J
process, a given change of temperarure dT 3
involves a change of volume dV1 due to the work h At
= 2.Zx lOS x 4x 10- =: 440J
fromA~B 2
done dW and a funher change of volume dV2 2
due to heat dQ (as an effect of the negative W1
400 10
specific heat), the total change of volume being W2 440 11
dV -= dV1 + dV2• The work done dW contributes
to only the part dV1 of this change. Passage-19
m ...(1)
In the polytropic process in the given problem PoVo = -RT in A cylinder
dQ -= -dU and C -= -e~,and I dV11=I dV21. Thus in
a given change dV of the system, the work done PBVO = rna RT in B cylinder ...(2)
dW contributes to only dV12 of that change, and M
hence dW -= P. dV [instead of p. dV as in a Adiabatic

normal process]
Let Tf be final temperature.
T. ViiS T VIIS To Pf = zJ2po = Ps
Then, :-
I - vj!s - [32V
o]I/S 2 Divide eqns. (1)/(Z),
PoVo rn
Also, dW : -2dU : -2CdT --:-
PaVs rna
Study Anurag Mishra with

(d) i\H = 0, W = -ve ~ .&V=+ve

PoVo m
2f2Po(~Vo) 2, [c, d]
Since ITom A --+ B
rna '= 3J2m
Since.&Q "" 0 & W = -ve & C --+ B, PV is increasing
pI VI -p:v.) =_~2
Vo r;;
( y-1

Sol. [el Area of triangle =.! (Base) x

= 2(./2 - I)Po Vo
'. , ,p,'p ",[:>,r,
Frompressive = PI Area = 2F2PS , ,..
3P ••••••••••••••• 9PA
W = (P;Vi -PI VI) = PoVo - 2FzpoCYo/2) TA :
y-l (3/2)~~,
PA "'..
" . •

= 2PoVo(l-./2)
= PoVo(2(l-1.414) = Po Vo(-O.B2B) = -O.B2BPoVo
I= Q.B2BPoVo
T =C = nRTo 1n(V/) = P/V/ In(3Vo) For BC P.V eq. is P = crV + b
~ 2Vo

= 2f2Poe~0 H~)
= 3F2PoVo In(%)
= [min (1.5)PoVol = (4.242 x OAO)PoVo
WB = 1.719PoVo 9PA = crV•.•..+b

IWal= 1.719PoVo 3PA = JaV ..•..+ b

6P..... p..•..
IWAI< IW,I 0=--=-3-
2V..... V..•..
Alternative Fig.
p~---_'"" b= 9P..•..-crV ..•..
=9PA+3P ..•..
b =- 12P..•..
p=--AV+IZP ..•..
PV = - 3PA V2 + lZPA V
o "--;;->;;;-:r-:=:- VA '
_ VrJ2 Vo 3V"'''''
nRT = -3PA/VA V2 + 12PA V ... (1)

Passage.20 nRT dT = _ 3P (2V) + 12P

1. [a, b, e]
(a) Since volume is increasing dTjdV=O ,
(b) Since volume is decreasing
(c) Since PV is deceasing
Study Anurag Mishra with

By equation (1) 14. (a) Isothennal process, 6,V = 0, W = +ve ~ 8Q = +ve
Since volume is increasing in both processes
3PA 2
nRT = --(2VA) + 12PA(2VA) (b) A is adiabatic with -ve work done => tlU = +ve
B is isothennal
= -l2PA VA + 24PA VA (c) Same as a
nRT=l2PAVA (d) Same as b
nRT = 12nRTA .' > 15. (a) A to C along circle net work done is +ve and tlV is
T = 12TA
But (tlW - tlV) > 0 SO, 6Q = tlW - tlU
=12x200 tlQ>O
= 2400K (b) B to C along circle there is compression so work
done is(-ve) and tlU is (-ve) So tlQ is -ve
(c) Same as B to C along circle
Matching Type Problem

Assertion and Reason

8. (a) dQ = dU + dW
Here dQ = + SOOx 4184 J = 2092
1000 7. It is true that for real gases, and for the real procedures
dW = +400J, since the work is done by the system in the laboratory, an adiabatic process is a sudden and
large change of the system obtained in a small time.
Hence, dU = dQ - dW However, for an ideal gas, and for an ideal procedure
= 2092-4000= 1700J we assume for such a gas, an ideal adiabatic process is
(b) ~U=~Q-~W considered as quasi.static. in which the system passes
= (300)(4.184) - (-420) = 1680J through a continuous succession of equilibrium states,
(e) ~U= (~Q- ~W) which we can plot on a P-V diagram. Such a process is
= (-1200)(4.184) - 0 = -5000J
also assumed to be reversible. though of course. a
quasi-static process may not be reversible. Such ideal
[Note that dQ is positive when heat is added to the
conditions as we assume may not be obtained in
system and .:i,W is positive when the system does the
particle but almost all real systems deviate little from
work} the results of our ideal procedures, which may
12. Wittl + Wif = Riaf therefore considered as approximations to real
20+uij = 50 processes.
uif = 30 8. Work is done only expansions or compressions of the
and Wibj +Uif = Hib/ gas where volume changes occur. In a quasi-static
Wibj + 30 = 36 condition, a small change of volume dV under pressure
P involves the work dW = p.dV. In a succession of
Wibf = 6
quasi-static equilibrium states, total work done can be
(a) Wibf = 6
obtained by integration.
(b) Hji=Wfi+Ufi 9. Any given thennodynamic state has a definite
=13+30=43 temperature T. The internal energy of a system in an
(e) Vif =30 U;-=10 Vf =40 ideal gas is a function of only the absolute temperature
Cd) Hib"",Wib+Uib and is independent of its pressure and volume. The
= 6+(22-10) = 18 internal energy per mole of a gas is directly
13. PV1 = constant, V(y-I)T = constant, proportional to its absolute temperature.
P(l-Y)T"f = constant
p~ _1_. P oc T1'/(y-ll. V <X TL'{y-ll
P <>< TYi(l-l) oc (L E. )yi{y-I)

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