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The Problem and It’s


This chapter presents the background of the

study, the problem and its significance, and
the scope and limitation of the study.




The Philippines is still primarily an agricultural country despite the plan to make it
industrialized economy. Philippines is full of different kinds of plants. This is because their place
has different type of tropical climate that they encounter each year. The Filipino farmers are
very hardworking which means they like to plant whatever they want and harvest abundant of
crops. They used fertilizer for their agricultural farming.

Fertilizers are simply plant nutrients applied to agricultural fields to supplement

required elements found naturally in the soil. It has been used since the start of agricultural.
Fertilizer use is very expensive and can harm the environment if not used correctly. So, while
fertilizers serve an important purpose, farmers can be careful to use the right amount, at the
right time, to avoid potential negative effects to the environment

The coconut tree, known for its rich abundance of healthy produce, is called the
“Tree of Life”. The unopened flower of the coconut tree is the source of the sweet sap, which is
the only ingredient in Coco Natura. The bone meal fertilizer is essentially what it says it is. It is a
meal or powder made from ground up animal bones, normally beef bones, but they can be the
bones of any animal commonly slaughtered. The bone meal is steamed to increase its
availability for plants.

In this study, the researchers found out that coconut sap with burnt and crushed
bone meal can bring a great help for plant. The researchers use an eggplant to test the efficacy
in the growth of the plant.
1.1 Background of the problem

This study that we conducted will be able to help the people to make improvements
in their plants by the use of coconut sap with burnt and crushed bone meal. It is accessible to
everyone especially for farmers or for people who have gardens in their homes. Researchers
found out that there is a possibility that it is effective for the production of plants. It has been
proven that the coconut sap with burnt and crushed bone meal can be used as a fertilizer.
Farmers turn to fertilizers because these substances contain plant nutrients such as nutrients,
phosphorus, and potassium. Nowadays, farmers are facing difficulties in growing their plants.
So, the researchers conducted this study in order for them to use a better and easier way for
the production.

1.2 Significance or Importance of the Study

Some farmers were not able to produce fertile soil, healthier plants and to make their
plants grow faster. This study is conducted to help the individuals, who have gardens, especially
for farmers who have troubles in making their plants to grow faster than expected and for them
to save money instead of spending it for expensive and chemical fertilizers. Bone meal is also
useful for balancing out other high nitrogen, organic soil amendment. Bone meal can be used as
one part of a balanced organic fertilizer program for bulbs, roses and other plants that benefit
from a slow-release form of phosphorus. It can feed in plants for up to four months. Although,
it does not offer a high amount of either, bone meal is also having trace amounts of nitrogen
and potassium. This coconut sap with burnt and crushed fertilizer could possibly more helpful
for farmers, for them to harvest fleshy and well-grown plants, especially for the eggplant.
1.3 Objective of the Study

This study introduces coconut sap with burnt and crushed bone meal used as organic
fertilizer in eggplant. It aims to produce healthy foods, healthy soils, healthy plants and healthy
environment a priority, along with crop productivity and also to test the effectiveness in plant.
Other objectives include:

1.6.2 Demonstrate the production and the use of the fertilizer in each plant

1.6.3 Demonstrate the consistent improvement of the soil health and fertility

1.6.4 Promoting organic farming, which helps in healthy living and environment

1.6.5 To make use of leftovers instead of throwing it

1.4 Statement of the Problem

a. Effectiveness of coconut sap with burnt and crushed bone meal fertilizer on the growth of

a. How effective is the coconut sap with burnt and crushed bone meal fertilizer on the

growth of eggplant?

b. Can it affect to other types of plants, specifically flowering, non-flowering and non-leafy

c. What does it contribute to the plant except for fertilizing soil and making the plant healthy?

d. What are the other benefits we can gain from using it?

a. Can it make the plant fleshier?

b. Does it have negative effects to the plant being experimented?

1.5 Assumption and Hypothesis of the Study

1.5.1 Hypothesis of the Study

Question: Can coconut sap with burnt and crushed bone meal fertilizer make the eggplant grow
faster? 𝐻0 : Coconut sap with burnt and crushed bone meal can no longer make the
eggplant grow faster. 𝐻1 : Coconut sap with burnt and crushed bone meal can make the eggplant grow

1.3.2 Assumption of the Study How effective are the strategies used in coconut sap with burnt and crushed bone
meal as an organic fertilizer for the eggplant?

Implicit assumption: There are certain strategies that are effective in using coconut
sap with burnt and crushed bone meal as an organic fertilizer for the eggplant. How adequate are the farm should acquire before it can be used as an organic

Implicit assumption: There are certain required facilities that a farm should
acquire before it can be used as an organic fertilizer? How qualified are the farmers to use the chosen fertilizer.

Implicit assumption: There are certain credentials for the farmers before they can
use the fertilizer.
1.6 Scope and Limitation

1.6.1 Scope of the Study

In general, this study focuses on the effectiveness of the coconut with burnt and
crushed bone meal as organic fertilizer for the eggplant. It will be conducted in the backyard or
in own farm. The coconut sap should be mixed together with bone meal. It has to be put inside
the jar and buried deep in the soil. The coconut sap should be used is ¼ of the jar. There should
be a measurement for fertilizer when placing in the eggplant and it should 1 tablespoon.

1.6.2 Limitations of the Study

Although, there are some limitations that may affect the researchers study such as
lack of resources, since, the coconut sap is not easily found in the market. The limitation in
climate change in our country that can affect the experiment. Also

1.7 Definition of Terms

Efficacy the ability to produce a desire or intended result

Eggplant a plant, Solanum melongena esculentum, of the nightshade

family, cultivated for its edible, dark-purple or occasionally white

or yellow fruit, which is eaten as a vegetable

Organic fertilizer are fertilizers derived from animal matter, animal excreta, human

excreta, and vegetable manner

Coconut sap is a sweet juice or sap, obtained by tapping the unopened spadix of

The coconut palm, locally known as ‘tuba’.

Bone meal is a substance made from animal bones which is used as a fertilizer

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