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A Research

Presented to

The Faculty of Senior High School

Gordon College

Olongapo City

In Partial Fulfillment

Of the Subject Requirements

Project Research

Submitted by:

Bonifacio, Rhemaveal S.

Submitted to:

Juico, Aurora

MARCH 2019

The researcher would to give heartfelt

Chapter 1

The Problem and Its Background


Bitter melon (Momordica charantia) is through its rough and wrinkled skin, which some might

even call “warty.” But while the fruit might appear off-putting, bitter melon is actually famous

for its effects on obesity and diabetes. Bitter melon, also called bitter gourd or Indian bitter

melon, is a climbing shrub that typically grows in countries with a tropical climate. The bitter

melon plant is a relatively fast-growing plant characterized by its thin stems, tendrils and bright

yellow flowers that only bloom for a day.

Bitter melon fruits usually start off with a light green shade and become yellow or orange as

they ripen. Native to India and other countries with warmer climates, bitter melon fruits are

usually prepared in dishes, while the leaves are used in teas and soups. But aside from its

culinary uses, bitter melon is also used as a traditional medicine in China, India and South

America, specifically for tumors, asthma, skin and digestive problems. One of the most well-

known uses for bitter melon is for the management of diabetes, as the fruit contains three

different components that help in blood sugar regulation, namely charantin, peptides and

alkaloids (Dr. Joseph Mercola).

This vegetable is low in Sodium, and very low in Cholesterol. It is also a good source of Thiamin,

Riboflavin, Vitamin B6, Pantothenic Acid, Iron and Phosphorus, and a very good source of

Dietary Fiber, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Folate, Magnesium, Potassium, Zinc and Manganese.

The cupcake evolved in the United States in the 19th century, and it was revolutionary because

of the amount of time it saved in the kitchen. There was a shift from weighing out ingredients

when baking to measuring out ingredients. In the beginning, cupcakes were sometimes called

"number" cakes, because they were easy to remember by the measurements of ingredients it

took to create them: One cup of butter, two cups of sugar, three cups of flour, four eggs, one

cup of milk, and one spoonful of soda. Clearly, cupcakes today have expaned to a wide variety of

ingredients, measurements, shapes, and decorations - but this was one of the first recipes for

making what we know today as cupcakes.

Cupcakes were convenient because they cooked much quicker than larger cakes. When baking

was down in hearth ovens, it would take a long time to bake a cake, and the final product would

often be burned. Since their creation in 20th century, cupcakes have become a pop culture

trend in the culinary world. They have spawned dozens of bakeries devoted entirely to them.

While chocolate and vanilla remain classic favorites, fancy flavors such as raspberry meringue

and espresso fudge can be found on menus. There are cookbooks, blogs, and magazines

specifically dedicated to cupcakes (Unknown).

Sensory evaluation, or sensory analysis, is the process of evaluating consumer products using

the five senses. Consumer panels are organized to test a particular product before it hits store
shelves, using sensory analysis. Results of these tests can determine whether or not a product

will ever reach consumers. PROCESS

1. Problem Identification:
Application and Uses Identifying the topic.

2. Gathering of data:
Many food and drink companies use sensory evaluation to test their products. Companies ask
The researchers will gather
consumer panels to test products, and data by means
analysts of surveys
record and
their responses. Some panels are chosen
based on certain criteria, while others are picked at random.
3. Analyzation of data:
The data that has been
A random sampling can often provide a better
collected gauge
form the of the general public. Analysts then use
ways will be evaluated and
the insight provided by panel responses to help make predictions. Consumer evaluation can
analyzed to fully understand
the answer of
help determine how successful, or unsuccessful, the
a product will be. It is a way to get feedback on
a product before the company releases it to the public (Michelle McKinley 2008).
4. Transition of data:

The carefully evaluated and

analyzed data that we
gathered will then be
compiled for further use in
the final output.

5. Final Output:
After all the processes have
been done, the gathered
information will be used in
the output.

Conceptual Framework

Sensory Acceptability
of Bitter Gourd
• Socio Demographic Flavored Cupcake

a. Name

b. Age

c. Gender

• Level of acceptability
of CupCake made from
Bitter melon in terms

a. Taste

b. Aroma

c. Texture

d. Color

Figure 1. Paradigm of a Study

Background of the Problem

Bitter gourd or bitter melon is known because of it's bitterness, so called the most bitter of all
vegetables of cooking in Asian countries. It can use as an alternative medicine for many
conditions, recommended to relieve liver problems, to control blood sugar, HIV, skin diseases,
sterility in women, to kill parasites, to reduce fever and purge illness from the body through
defecation. Both the bitter gourd leaves and fruits contain vitamin B, iron, calcium, beta
carotene and phosphorus.

In 2005, Philippine Cancer Facts and Estimates reported that 7,477 Filipinos would die of liver
cancer second to lung cancer (26.7%) with an estimated annual death of 15,881 calculated at
12.3%. While diabetes is the 6th leading cause of death among Filipinos based on the data from
the 2013 Philippine Health Statistics, and over 6 million Filipinos are diagnosed to have
diabetes, as declared by the Philippine Center for Diabetes Education Foundation in 2016.
Schistosomiasis is an acute and chronic disease caused by parasitic worms called trematodes or
blood flukes. It is endemic in the Philippines affecting 1,599 barangays (villages), in 189
municipalities (towns) and 15 cities, in 28 endemic provinces, in 12 regions. The total population
at risk is approximately 12 million with 2.5 million individuals directly exposed to the disease. It
is transmitted through contact with fresh water infested with the cercarial schistosome of the
parasite that penetrates human skin. Given the magnitude of the problem of schistosomiasis in
the country, the Department of Health (DOH) strengthened the Schistosomiasis Control and
Elimination Program by adopting a multi- pronged multi-stakeholders’ approach and fueling
additional funding.

Diabetes is one of the deadliest causing disease, it is experiencing world wide. It targets the
immune system of the person who is high on blood sugar. In record Diabetic affects 6 million
and rather more than a year in philippines. Medical plants and its product continue to provide
for healthcare. Herbs for diabetes treatment are not new.

Momordia charantia also known as bitter melon or bitter gourd are used for treating of diabetes
related conditions particularly in Asia, Its fruit that has a distinguishing bitter taste. The benifits
provides of the herbal plant it can disinfects, relieve cold symptoms, boost imunity, regulates
blood sugar levels, lower blood pressure, relieves headaches and protects spleen and liver.
To prevent such happening amongs the affected people, even the youngster. Some of it are not
used to eat the herbal treatment. There is only one way to encourage them to eat bitter gourd
even the youngster is to encourage them to try to eat cupcake made in bitter gourd.

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