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Experiencing Discomfort:

When you experience discomfort of any kind:

1. Dive right smack into the middle of it.
2. Feel the discomfort energy fully.
3. When it reaches a peak of intensity, tell The Truth about it.
4. Reclaim your power from it.
5. Open up more and more to who you really are.
6. Express appreciation for yourself and the creation.

1. Dive right smack into the middle of it.

Whatever your experience of the discomfort is, in Consciousness, you dive right into the middle of it
(or run or walk or jump or whatever action works for you). However you choose to do it, fully
immerse yourself within the discomfort energy.

2. Feel the discomfort energy fully.

Once you’re fully immersed in the discomfort energy, feel it as fully as you possibly can. Just feel it,
the intensity, the waves, the raw power in it, whatever it feels like for you. If you can escalate the
intensity and allow yourself to feel even more of what’s there, do it because the more you feel, the
more power you can reclaim. Just feel the energy of the discomfort as much as you’ll allow
yourself to. No thinking, no logic, no intellect, no judgment, no labeling. Just feel it.
How you do it, what you see, feel, hear, and create for yourself in the experience is all up to you and
you can evolve and change what you do over time

3. When it reaches a peak of intensity, tell The Truth about it.

What does that mean?
You affirm who you really are, how powerful you really are, that you created it, it’s not real, just a
creation of your Consciousness. To do that, you must come up with a phrase to describe the Real You
that resonates with you and supports you in feeling as powerful and infinite as you possibly can.
How they make you feel is the only thing that matters: “I am the Power of Pure Consciousness.”
“I am the Power of Pure Consciousness creating this. It’s not real. It’s completely made up. It’s a
creation of my Consciousness.”
You must tell The Truth about it and really feel the truthfulness and power of the words you use to
describe it. Why? Because throughout Phase 1, you lied to yourself about it. You told yourself the
illusion was real, it was scary, it had power and you did not, and those lies locked you into limitation.

4. Reclaim your power from it.

“I reclaim my power from this creation NOW!”
“As I reclaim that power, I feel it coming back to me.” (And I really feel it “flowing” back to me.)
Then I say,
“I feel it surging through me.”

5. Open up more and more to who you really are.

You open up to The Truth and Power of who you really are, and you really feel it.
I call this feeling the Infinite Energy. - “The Power of Pure Consciousness.”
You must then learn to cultivate the feeling of really being that—the feeling of actually being
infinitely powerful, infinitely wise, and infinitely abundant. You start by asking yourself questions like
What would it feel like if I had infinite power, wisdom, and abundance?
What would it feel like if I could just snap my fingers and anything I wanted instantly manifested?
What would it feel like to be in absolute joyfulness and peace all the time?”
Repeating the following phrases to myself, over and over, and feeling, really feeling, the Truth and
power of them:
I am the Power of Pure Consciousness creating everything I experience, everything.
There’s no power out there, not in anyone, not in anything.
I am in Infinite Abundance, right here, right now.
Infinite power to create anything I want.
Infinite knowledge and wisdom.
Infinite feelings of joyfulness and peace.
Infinite feelings of unconditional love and appreciation for all my creations.
Infinite supply of money to express appreciation with, right here, right now.
There’s no magic to it, but as I say those words, I also raise my hands and arms, palms up, so when
I’m at the end and saying “right here, right now,” my open palms are above my head. For me, the
feeling of rising movement as I feel the power expand within me is supportive.
So, you do your best at the start with full confidence that your capacity to feel the Infinite Energy will
expand over time.
Just do your best and resist the Phase 1 temptation to beat yourself up for not doing it perfectly, for
getting “better” too slowly, doubting yourself or The Process.
Your goal is to be able to feel the Infinite Energy on command—and you will get there if you commit
to playing in Phase 2 of The Human Game. And remember, you’re not alone when you do the Phase 2
work. Your Expanded Self is always there with you, helping you and supporting you perfectly at all

“As I feel the energy, I feel myself expanding more and more into who I really am.
I feel myself expressing more and more of who I really am in my hologram, in my Human Experience . . .
I AM the Power of Pure Consciousness. I AM in Infinite Abundance, right here right now.”

You must always really feel The Truth behind the words you use!
Then, while immersed in the Infinite Energy, in Consciousness, you replay the experience that
triggered the original discomfort. If you still feel any discomfort as you experience the scene again,
merge the discomfort energy into the Infinite Energy and let the discomfort dissolve into the Infinite
Energy. Replay the scene as many times as you feel moved to and merge it into the Infinite Energy
until you can replay it, and feel only the Infinite Energy.

6. Express appreciation for yourself and the creation.

You take a look at the “movie scene” you created to stimulate the feelings of discomfort, and you
appreciate how magnificent that creation was, how amazing you had to be to create it, and how
amazing it is that you could actually believe it was real when it was really just smoke and mirrors. In
essence, you want to say and feel “WOW!” about the creation you just reclaimed power from and
bask in the why of that wow and in all your magnificence. I call this “The Wow Effect.” Therefore, at
the end of applying The Process, you’re in an extremely joyous and expanded state.

“I am the Power of Pure Consciousness creating this.”

“It’s not real.” (Really feel the meaning of the words.)
“It’s completely made up.” (Really feel the meaning of the words.)
“It’s a creation of my Consciousness.” (Really feel the meaning of the words.)
“I reclaim my power from this creation NOW.”
“As I reclaim the power, I feel it coming back to me.” (Feel it.)
“I feel it surging through me.” (Really feel it surging.)
“As I feel the surge, I feel myself expanding more and more into who I really am, expressing
more and more of who I really am in my Human Experience.

I am the Power of Pure Consciousness”

(Replay the scene)

Excerpt from “Busting loose from the money game” – Robert Scheinfeld
(You will find it here in my e-book store, under Scheinfeld, Robert)

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