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Asia Tenggara South East Asia

Benua Continent
Daerah Area
Daratan Land
Desa Village
Gunung Mountain
Gunung Berapi Volcano
Kepulauan Archipelago
Khatulistiwa Equator
Kota City
Ibu Kota Capital City
Laut Sea
Negara Country, State
Pegungungan Mountain Range
Perairan Waters
Batas Border
Provinsi Province
Propinsi Province
Pulau Island
Samudera Ocean
Samudra Ocean
Selat Strait
Wilayah Region, Area
Koordinat Coordinates
Lintang Utara North (Latitude)
Lintang Selatan South (Latitude)
Bujur Barat West (Longitude)
Bujur Timur East (Longitude)
Utara North
Timur Laut Northeast
Timur East
Tenggara Southeast
Selatan South
Barat Daya South West
Barat West
Barat Laut Northweat
Angin Topan Hurricane
Badai Storm
Banjir Flood
Bencana Disaster
Bencana Alam Natural Disaster
Gempa Bumi Earthquake
Letusan Eruption
Letusan Gunung Berapi Volcanic Eruption
Letusan Vulkanik Volcanic Eruption
Kebakaran Hutan Bushfire (Jungle Fire)
Tanah Longsor Landslide
Tsunami Tsunami
berbatasan dengan To border with
dengan luas With the total area of
di atas permukaan laut Above sea level
di antara Between
di antara gunging Between the mountain
di atas Above, on top of
di atas gunung On top of the mountain
di bagian On the ... part of
di bagian barat On the western part of
di bawah Below, beneath, under
di bawah gunung Under the mountain
di depan In front of
di depan gunung In front of the mountain
di sekitar Around
di sekitar gunung Around the mountain
di sebelah To the... of
di sebelah timur To the east of
ke arah In the direction
ke arah utara In the northerly direction
sebagai berikut As follows
terdiri dari To consist of
Berada To be located, present (in relation to people)
Berpenduduk To have people, to be populated, inhabited
Berpenghuni To have people, to be populated, inhabited
Memberikan To provide something to someone
Membujur To run, to stretch (along)
Mengalami To experience
Memiliki To own, possess
Menyebar To spread across
Terbentang To stretch
Terletak To be located
Termasuk To include, including
Cuaca Weather, climate
Cuaca tropis Tropical weather
Hingga Until, up to
Jiwa Person (lit. soul)
Luas Wide/width, broad/breadth
Pada At, in, on (time)
Penduduk Inhabitant, resident
Posisi Position
Seperti Such as, like
Sepanjang Along (for the length of something)
Terbesar The biggest
Tertinggi The tallest
Warga Citizen, local resident

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