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By Hathib k.k.


By Hathib k.k.

Definitions to Learning

The term learning covers every modification Learning is the acquisition of new behaviour or the
in behavior to meet environmental strengthening or weakening of old behaviour as the
requirements- result of experience- Henry P Smith
Gardner Murphy

Learning is the acquisition of habits, knowledge and attitudes. It involves new ways of doing things, and it
operates in an individuals attempts to overcome obstacles or to adjust to new situations. It represents
progressive changes in behaviour- Crow and Crow
By Hathib k.k.
Characteristics of Learning

Learning is a process, not product

 It is changes in behaviour- Positive or negative
 It facilitates adjustment or adaptation
 Learning is purposeful and goal oriented
 It helps in changing attitudes.
 It helps in forming new habits
 It some times causes for deletion of some habits or behaviour
( Unlearning)
 Learning is situational
 It may be implicit or explicit.
 It brings relatively permanent change in behavior
BELIEFS ON Learning By Hathib k.k.


It is the process of It is the process of
learning something in an learning something
incidental or natural intentionally or
manner in which the deliberately by
learner unintentionally or memorizing or collecting
unconsciously learns necessary information
smoothing new related to the learning of
the particular item

Maturation is the particular development in each individual,

which occurs at different stages of life as a result of the growth
and development of body and brain. Maturation is not at all
learning, though learning may help in the enhancement of
maturation. Maturation is mandatory in learning particular
items while learning helps in the enhancements of maturation
LEARNING & Imprinting By Hathib k.k.

Imprinting is a feeling of strong attachment created between a

new born organism and the first object it happens to contact
just after its birth. It is also not regarded to be learning as it is
a mere instinct.
SO LEARNING IS By Hathib k.k.

Relatively permanent change in

behavioral pattern, attitude, habits,
concepts, visions etc occurred by
experiences gained naturally or
By Hathib k.k.
Factors which influence learning

The factors which influence learning

are related to three major elements.
They are

The Learner

 The Learning Experience

 The Resources: Human as well as Material

By Hathib k.k.
Factors which influence learning

The factors which Related to the Learner

The Learner’s Physical & Mental Health
 The Potentialities of the Learner
 The Aspiration of the Learner
 Attitude of the Learner
 Aptitude of the Learner
 Intelligence of the Learner
 The Intrinsic Motivation of the Learner
 Life Goals of the Learner
 Readiness of the Learner
 The Determination of the Learner
By Hathib k.k.
Factors which influence learning

The factors which Related to the Learning Experience

The Nature of the Learning Experience

 The Style of Transaction
 The Vividness of Methods
 The Attention given to Different Individuals
 Proper Linking the New with the Past Experience
 Timely Reinforcement
 Correlating different learning experiences
By Hathib k.k.
Factors which influence learning

The factors which Related to the Resources

The Quality of the Teacher

 The Psychological Knowledge of the Teacher
 The Social Environment at School
 Availability of Proper Learning Materials & Aids
 Proper Learning Environment
 Proper Classroom Management
 Proper Learning Atmosphere at Home
By Hathib k.k.
Types of Learning
The factors which Related to the Resources
Verbal Learning
 Motor Learning
 Concept Learning
 Problem Solving
 Serial Learning
 Paired-Associate Learning
 Proper Learning Atmosphere at Home
 Mechanical Learning
 Meaningful Learning
By Hathib k.k.
Outcomes of Learning
The factors which Related to the Resources
 Bringing Desirable Changes in Behavior
 Facilitating Proper Growth and Development
 Developing Balanced Personality
 Facilitating Proper Emotional Development
 Cultivating Adjustment Tendency
 Helping in Realizing Goals of Life
 Enabling for Healthy Relationship with Others
 Developing leadership Qualities
 Helping in Situation Management
By Hathib k.k.
Outcomes of Learning
The factors which Related to the Resources
 Bringing Desirable Changes in Behavior
 Facilitating Proper Growth and Development
 Developing Balanced Personality
 Facilitating Proper Emotional Development
 Cultivating Adjustment Tendency
 Helping in Realizing Goals of Life
 Enabling for Healthy Relationship with Others
 Developing leadership Qualities
 Helping in Situation Management
Motivation is an
urge or force or
compulsion which
prompts or
energizes an
individual to act or
perform in a

What is Motivation?
particular manner
at a particular
situation to attain



Motivation Cycle

Satisfaction &
Build up of
Tension Tension

Goal Focused
Achievement Activities

Motivation Cycle ( Another Model)


Esteem Needs

Belonging and love Needs

Safety Needs

Physiological Needs

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs


Types of Motivation
Motivation is
the urge or
force one

Intrinsic Motivation
feels in his
inner mind to
do or perform
Motivation is
the urge or
force one gets

Intrinsic Motivation
From others
to do or
It is a sort
Motivation that
one gets for

Achievement Motivation
winning greater
though he is not
provided rewards
Plateau effect is a
natural state during
the learning process
where learning
becomes almost zero
level or lesser than
the previous level of
learning after
reaching a
particular level
It is a graphical representation to show the
variation in learning

Learning Curve
Causes and Elimination of Plateau Effect

Causes Elimination

 Mental Fatigue  Proper Motivation

Physical Tiredness Intervals for Physical Needs
Lack of Motivation Chance for Recreation
 Unnecessary Repetition  Judicious Repetition
 Lack of co-ordination  Proper co-ordination
 Old v/s New  Tackling Old v/s New
 Stereo Type Methods Vividness of Methods


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