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John J.

Shea Assembly#729 Meeting for February 20193

Meeting opened 8:00 pm by F N Thomas Fawcett at St. James Council#12839

Roll Call of Officers By F. Scribe S/K O. Panton S. Blaske (ex)
Honor Guard presented Flags for Pledge and America The Beautiful
Prayers done by Faithful Friar S/K Father Rudy
Motion for minutes as submitted with amendments -Passed
Communications read by F. Scribe S/K O. Panton ( 3)
Comptroller’s Report by S/K F. Comptroller V. Rutherford
I gave out ten forms and thought we would have them to read and motion tonight
However we will read at our next meeting in March. I will need all monies and forms
By March 12,2019 so they can be reviewed prior to our meeting on the 3/25/19
March 25,2019 myself the FN and Worthy Master have a meeting, at that time I need
To have all form and monies for candidates taking the 4th degree Exemplification on
March 30,2019,at the Howard Beach location. Cost for the Candidates is $70.00
Weather he stays for dinner or not. The cost for all guest is $55.00, A priest is
Taking the Exemplification his cost is $55.00 which will be payed by the Council
And on March 30,2019 I will be looking for $20.00 dues from each new members
Fatima Assembly FN Bob Murray added We all have to be there by 11:15 Am the
Day of the Exemplification and that we are honoring our State Deputy, which they
Are asking for Honor Guard turnout.
Purser’s Report read by S/K C. Bonavoglia Motion made and passed
Report of the Faithful Navigator S/K Thomas Fawcett I’ll start with dates
3/2/19 Northport VA 1:30 pm we also have a parade our FA will elaborate
We also have OLOFMC Church celebrating their 100 year and ask the Honor Guard
To be there a 4:30 pm Turnout. 3/7/19 Officers Meeting at Patchogue Council #725
7:30pm I would like all the council Reps to attend that meeting.
3/6/19 Ash Wednesday 3/9/19 Suffolk County free Throw finals in Deer Park
3/14/19 7:00 pm Islanders VS Canadians, we get $10.00 of each ticket sold
3/13/19 Drill and Mass at Patchogue 36/17/19 Parade at Rocky Point 3/20/19
Fatima Assembly St. Patrick dinner at Paradise Dinner 549 Vets Hwy Hauppauge
S/K F. Navigator Bob Murray have invited us $20.00 a head for dinner, soda coffee
Cake time 7:30 Pm 3/27/19 Commander Shea Business Meeting at St .Sylvester
Council #6844 570 Long Island Ave Medford 11763. 3/30/19 4th degree
Exemplification Cross Bay Blvd Queens NY. 4/14/19 Palm Sunday 4/21/19 Easter
Sunday 5/5/19 Memorial Mass 5/16/19 Marion hour of prayer 5/19/19 Our Lady
Of the Island rosary walk 10:30 am 11:30 Mass 6/9/19 Charity Ball $80.00 at the
Watermill, you have flyers for everything. We will start $10.00 tickets 3 for $20.00
We need to start a fund raiser, Council Reps get involve to improve council relations.
That is my report.
Report of Committees S/K F. Captain Bob Elliott Rev Fr Deacon Monty FN S/K all
We have lot of things coming up first the Journal Adds are coming in Slow send adds
To me, Peter Bizzoso or Odel Panton I need them all by 4/12/2019 so we have about a
Month an a half to get them in. take info back to your councils email me the add and
Mail the check, we will get it into the journal. Flyers are on the tables with info
Pilots Report S/K F Pilot P.Bizzoso Thanked Bob E and Odel P. for helping with the
Christmas Party. Our Memorial Mass is 5/5/19 1:00 pm at St Isidore Church
In River Head cost for the Dinner $45.00 cash bar liquor drinks, for tickets
Contact Bob Elliott, Odel Panton or myself.
S/K F Captain Bob Elliott our State Deputy Ken Latham want me to pass the word
Around he was contacted by the Bishop of Rockville Center to hand out finger
Rosary and prayer cards, all FS & GK can order the kit it cost nothing. But be
Careful not to give them to children because of it’s size, 125 is in the kits
Stony Brook Vets Home this Saturday 3/2/19 get there at 9:30am have breakfast
At 10:30 am bring the residents down they will have a 1st degree I Believe our State
Deputy will be there usually it runs an hour or so then bring the residents back your
Done. S/K John Leonardo acknowledges Bob Elliott covered everything, great job
S/K C. Beattie Commanders Log I apologize for having the wrong location of this
Meeting once again Progress on the Log
Respect for Life S/K Pete Bertran Rev FR. Deacon FN Officers brothers all
If anyone had their emails changed in the past year please see me after this
Meeting The year has been eventful 2016 United States there were 926 Thousand
Abortions, NY is the abortion capital of the US with twice the national average in
NY State 2% of these abortions are late term, that means that 2000 abortions are
Late term every year. So when the GOV said it doesn’t happen it does and NY it’s
2000. That means babies are fully formed and experience pain in late term
Abortion ,having a second DR present if baby survive the abortion has been
Eliminated if the child is alive chances are it will be left to perish.
2/23/19 was a day of morning on long Island, Albany and else where this was a
Prayerful protest at the Smithtown Bypass in Front of the Denison and State Office
Buildings about 300 people showed up just to show one we are in mourning and 2
People don’t agree with what the GOV is doing in Albany. People will be registering
Their complaint and protest and they need to hear this in Albany. Although the law
Have been passed we are trying to get informed consent, informed consent will give
The mother a look at the child with a sonogram that is inside her, Tonight’s of
Columbus have financed 1000 machine throughout the country 80% of women who
Look at the Ultrasound totally have changed there minds about abortions and give
Birth, if we can get this informed consent through Albany it would be a significant
Move. Abortion are down to what they were a few years ago so we are making
Progress. The president have stop funding for any plan parent facility that
Participate in abortions. The movement 40 days for life started on Ash Wednesday
Several parishes have signed on for the program St. Patrick’s Smithtown,
St.Thomas More Hauppauge St Anthony Padua Northport St Francis in Greenlawn
And it will take place in River Head these parishes will have special holy hours
Special vigil and optional opportunities to go to an abortion center and have a
Prayerful prayer service outside that abortion center. See me after this meeting for
Information. A movie is coming in March called Unplanned it is an excellent movie
That reveal terrible thing that are happening and what abortion is all about it’s
A true story of Abby Johnson’s life. There might be a free screening I will mention
This again. 6/3/19 March for life in Albany we are taking busses to Albany to show
That lif is important to us. Thank You.
Honor Guard Report S/K Commander V .Rutherford All date were given out I don’t
See any that were missed. Would all the Honor Guard’s please stand (applause)
Thank you gentlemen. Thank you Worthy.
Fatima Assembly S/K FN Bob Murray FR. Deacon Brothers all I believe everything
Have been covered I’m here for a change because I want to thank the Honor Guard
For 2 times we called on you to assist us for Monsignor Hamilton and also deacon
Gillette, without you it would be a lot less but it looked good. The 8 District is
Having there 21 annual Pasta Dinner 6/2/19 from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm $15.00
Per at our Lady of Grace (applause)
Our Rep to Fatima S/K Bob Bienemann There was no meeting last Wednesday
Because of the snow and there will be no meeting on 3/20/19 because they will
Be having there St. Patrick’s Dinner at the Paradise Dinner, (noise) I’m going
For $20.00 if you want mixed drinks you will have to pay for that. Worthy FN
That include my report . Thank You.
Report of Applications S/K F. Admiral Mike Tully- Worthy FN Progress.
Unfinished Business S/K Robert Wissert Worthy FN.FR. Worthy Deacon
My Brothers all on behalf of the Nominating Committee Chairman if there
Is anyone who wants to run for an office jn the Assembly please get a letter
To him (Salvatore Loiacono) as soon as possible. He wants letters to be typed
Or written and mailed to him positively no emails .
Report of the Trustee both books are in order
New Business.. S/K Anthony Martelli ..please don’t give Cuomo any credit here
(applause) Dark Horse $45.00 to the winner 746114 won by S/K P. Bertran
Report of Faithful Friar S/K Fr Rudy Worthy FN Worthy Deacon Brothers all
Unity continue what we are doing for pro life never give up we all pray and
Believe in God. Thank you.(applause)
S/K Spiritual Advisor Deacon Monty I’ll call your attention that we start Lent
Next week I want you all to think in the way that I think you should about lent
Go into lent holding the hands of God and know why we are going there.
The good of the order S/K Mike Tully’s Wife Patricia had surgery yesterday
Keep her in your prayers S/K Peter Bizzoso Wife Eleanor had a fall back
Surgery keep her in our prayers. First responders including LT John T.
Olson who is coming up on his 50th anniversary of his death and who this room
Is named after. S/K Andy Magyar past F/S of St. Sylvester Council #6844 recovering
From stage 4 throat and lung cancer keep him in our prayers. S/k John Ahrens
#6844 Recovering from pancreatic cancer S/K Mark Keicher #6844 recovering from
Major car accident keep him in our prayers.
All Past Faithful Navigator’s please stand(applause)
Roll call of council by S/K F. Scribe Odel Panton
Closing Prayers S/K Faithful Friar Fr. Rudy the lords prayer 3 Hail Mary’s
Honor Guard Retrieve Colors. Star Spangler Banner Song by all
Honor Guard Retire the Colors
Meeting closed at 9:20 Pm

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