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Vita Consecrata Exam.

1.- Vita Consecrata (VC) is a post-synodal _____________________document written by
______________________________, published on __________________________. Its sub-title
is "_______________________________________________________”.
In the consecrated life, individuals commit themselves to the_________________________.
Their lives testify to the values of the __________________________. Consecrated Life rejects
the idolatry of anything created and points to _______________ as the absolute good.
2.- (VC #1) The Consecrated Life, deeply rooted in____________________________________
________________, is a gift of God the Father to His Church through the Holy Spirit. By _____
___________________the characteristic features of Jesus,______________________________
_____, are made constantly “visible” in the midst of the world and the eyes of the faithful are
directed towards the mystery of the_______________________________.
3.- How does VC use the Icon of The Transfiguration to express the nature of Consecrated Life?
4.- What is the place and role of Consecrated Life in the Church?
5.- What does VC mean by New and Special Consecration?
6.- What is the relation of VC with the sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation?
7.- What is the effect of the profession of the evangelical counsels on the Sacrament of Holy
7.- (VC#30) What does it mean “This call (of Consecrated Life) is accompanied, moreover, by a
specific gift of the Holy Spirit?
8.- (VC#32) In what way does “the Consecrated Life has an objective superiority over other
states of life”?
9.- Why the vows are called Evangelical Counsels?
10.- What are some of the challenges and temptations of Consecrated Life today mentioned in
11.- Explain what does VC mean by Consecrated Life as a sign of communion in the Church?
12.- Why is important for the Consecrated Life to read the Signs of the Times?
13.- Explain the Prophetic Character of the Consecrated Life?
14.- Why is the Consecrated Life a gift for the Church?
15.- Give a brief history of Consecrated Life.

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