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Quisiera comenzar esta descripcion de solicitud de visa humanitaría, describiendo

los motivos que nos trajo originalmente a Australia en el año ______. En ese
momento, teniamos como meta aprender inglés lo mejor posible y cursar estudios
superiores, para asi poder competir en un mercado laboral competitivo, en el cual el
inglés era la base fundamental. Al terminar nuestros estudios teniamos como meta
regresar a Venezuela, y comenzar a trabajar para trasnacionales que hacian vida
en la economia venezolana.
Durante esos primeros realizamos visitas a Venezuela, para vistar a nuestros
padres y atender asuntos personales. Nos formamos en el inglés y mi esposa curso
estudios de postgrado para ampliar su carrera original. Realizamos varios cursos de
inglés en Universidades en _________. En esos primeros años de estudios, mi
esposa queda embarazada, situación que consolido nuestro matrimonio, y nos
impulso a trabajar más duro para poder seguirnos formando mejor, y brindarle un
provenir mejor a nuestro hijo.
Sin embargo, comenzamos a notar que la economia en nuestro país comenzo a
sufrir un declive vertiginoso, para ese momento pensabamos que sería algo
temporal, y que la situación economica y politica mejoraría pronto. Jamás
hubieramos pronosticado lo que vendría en estos dos ultimos años. Nuestros
padres comenzaron a informarnos sobre la consolidación del comunismo por parte
del presidente actual de Venezuela, y como se inicio una ola de ataque
desproporcionado contra las empresas privadas, y el abandono en inversiones en
las empresas propias del Estado Venezolano. Ataques contra todo aquel que no
compartiera el ideal comunista-castrista. Encarcelamiento, desapariciones,
bloqueos de cuentas, por mencionar solo algunas cosas. De igual manera, nuestros
padres comienzan a contarnos como el Estado Venezolano comenzo a quebras las
empresas privadas, trasnacionales, a limitar el acceso a las divisas extranjeras, para
asi tener un control de todo el aparato economico de Venezuela. Esto trajo como
grave consecuencias la desaparición de productos básicos de la alimentación, se
disparan los precios de los pocos productos alimenticios, las medicinas
desaparecen del mercado motivado a la falta de divisas extranjeras. Todo esto ha
llevado al colapso de una sociedad, que en algún momento fue prospera y
productiva (así la habiamos dejado y en función de eso habiamos realizado nuestros
planes en el futuro)

En este año 2018, mi familia viaja a Venezuela, debido a que mi abuela se había
puesto muy delicada de salud y quería vernos, especialmente a su nierto que aún
no lo conocia. Adicionalmente necesitaban nuestro apoyo económico para poder
comprale los medicamentos que con tanta urgencia necesitaba. Nuestra llegada a
Venezuela el día _________ comenzó nuestra tragedía. El primer obstaculo que
enfrentamos con la guardía nacional, y la nueva policia migratoria creada para
responder a controles politicos del gobierno venezolano, fue con nuestro hijo, que
al ver que tenía documentos australianos, querian dinero y todo aquello de valor
que teniamos para dejarlo entrar al país. De lo contrario no los iban a quitar y
deportar sin nostros. Esto nos llevo a la desesperación, y tener que enfrentarnos a
ellos. No nos quedo otro remedio que entregar los poco que habiamos reunido en
dinero para el tratamiento de mi abuela.
Estando ya dentro del país, tuvimos que vender lo poco que nos quedaba alla para
poder asistir a mi abuela en su recuperación. Tuvimos que vender nuestro
apartamento y los inmuebles que era nuestro único patrimonio que teniamos para
nuestro regreso, y asi ofrecerle a nuestro hijo un futuro y un techo estable.
Padecimos situaciones y dificultades barbaras para poder hacer un mercado
completo, ya que muchos productos no se consiguen, y los pocos que hay cuesta
diez veces más de lo que cuestan en cualquier economia sana.
Estando en Venezuela, nuestro hijo se enferma por el cambio de clima. Tuvimos
que recorrer casi tres dias cientos de farmacias para poder adquirir los
medicamentos sin ningún éxito. Solo logramos obternos por medio de
organizaciones de ayuda proveniente de España, y contactos entre amistades y
vecinos. Para mayor gravedad de la situación en Venezuela, por haber entrado a
la plataforma del banco donde tengo algunos ahorros en Venezuela desde Australia,
mis cuentas fueron bloqueadas y expropiadas por el Estado Venezolano. Cuando
fuimos al banco a revisar porque no podiamos usar las cuentas, los funcionarios del
banco nos informaron que esas son las nuevas medidas del estado, y que debia ir
hasta el Banco Central de Venezuela (entidad encargada de controlar todo referente
a materia bancaria). Al llegar hasta alla, fuimos objeto de burlas, ataque, maltrato
verbal y humillaciones por no ser parte del partido politico del Gobierno, es decir,
por no ser comunista-castrista. No pudimos desbloquear ni recuperar nuestros
Debido a todo esto, mi esposa y yo decidimos que debiamos regresar a Australia.
Estando ya en el aeropuerto para bordar el Avión, la nueva policia emigratoria
venezolana, nos detienen para revisar todas nuestras maletas, y declarar porque
nos ibamos del país. Al explicarle que teniamos tiempo ya viviendo, estudiando y
trabajando en Australia, los funcionarios comienzan a burlarse de nostros y a
humillanos llamandonos “vende patria”. Y una vez más nos solicitan dinero si
queriamos salir. Le explicamos que no teniamos dinero alguno. Que solo
contabamos con nuestro pasaje de avión. Esta respuesta produjo ira en ellos, hasta
el punto que nos quitaron los boletos aereos haciendo que perdieramos el avión.
Gracias a la intervención de un conocido en el aeropuerto que logro convencer a los
funcionarios emigratorios que nos regresaron los boletos y pasaportes. Sin
embargo, ya habiamos perdido el avión. Tuvimos que vender le poco oro que
tenimos escondido para poder pagar la multa por a perdida del avión y asi poder
salir de Venezuela.
Es por todos estos elementos explicados arriba, y por el temor de no poder brindarle
a nuestro hijo una estabilidad emocional, economica, de salud y alimenticia, que nos
vemos en la necesidad de solicitar esta visa humanitaria. Y asi poder esperar un
tiempo, para poder definir un plan de trabajo para poder enfrentar esta grave
situación que vivimos mi esposa, hijo y mi persona.

I would like to start this description of a humanitarian visa application, describing the
reasons that originally brought us to Australia in the year ______. At that time, we
aimed to learn English as best as possible and pursue higher education, in order to
compete in a competitive labor market, in which English was the fundamental basis.
At the end of our studies we had as goal to return to Venezuela, and to start working
for trasnational companies that made life in the Venezuelan economy.
During those first years, we visited Venezuela, in order to visit our parents and attend
to some personal matters. We trained in English and my wife took postgraduate
studies to expand her original career. We do several English courses in Universities
in _________. In those first years of studies, my wife got pregnant, a situation that
strengthened our marriage, and encouraged us to work harder and to continue
studying more, and to provide a better future for our son.
However, we began to notice that the economy in our country began to suffer a
vertiginous decline, for that moment we thought it would be temporary, and that the
economic and political situation would soon improve. We would never have predicted
what would come in these last two years. Our parents began to inform us about the
consolidation of communism by the current president of Venezuela, and how a wave
of disproportionate attacks against private companies began, and the abandonment
of investments in the companies of the Venezuelan State. Attacks against anyone
who does not share the Communist-Castro ideal. Imprisonment, disappearances,
account blocks, just to mention a few things. In the same way, our parents begin to
tell us how the Venezuelan State began to break private, transnational companies,
to limit access to foreign currencies, in order to have control over the entire
Venezuelan economic apparatus. This brought about as serious consequences the
disappearance of basic food products, the prices of the few food products soar, the
medicines disappear from the market motivated by the lack of foreign currency.
These led to the collapse of a society, which at one time was prosperous and
productive (we had left it that way and based on that we had made our plans in the

In this year 2018, my family traveled to Venezuela, due to the fact that my
grandmother had become very ill and wanted to see us, especially her grandson
who she hasn’t seen him yet. Additionally, they needed our financial support to be
able to buy the medicines that they so urgently needed. Our tragedy began from the
very first momento We stepped in Venezuela. The first obstacle we faced was with
the national guard, and the new immigration police created to respond to political
controls of the Venezuelan government. They tried to take our son away just
because he had Australian documents. They asked us for money and everything of
value if we wanted to keep our son with us. Otherwise, they would deport our son
without us. This drove us crazy. We had no choice but to give them the few money
we had with us. Money that was going to be used for our grandmother’s treatment.
Once we were inside of the country, we had to sell some properties we had left there
in order to help my grandmother in her recovery. We had to sell our apartment and
the real estate that was our only patrimony that we had for our return, and thus we
could offer our son a future and a stable roof. We had to face the reality that there
was no food available and medicine. And the food that was available was too
While in Venezuela, our son got sick from the change in climate. We had to walk into
many drugstores for almost three days in order to purchase the drugs without any
success. We only obtained the medicine through aid organizations from Spain, and
contacts between friends and neighbors. For greater seriousness of the situation in
Venezuela, I checked my bank account while I was in Asutralia, just to make sure I
had some money I could use there. However, the Venezuela State has blocked my
bank account because they had a new policy, which stated that any banck account
checked outside of Venezuela, must be blocked inmediately. We did not know that
then. When we went to the bank to check because we could not use the accounts,
the bank officials informed us that these are the new policy of the state, and that it
should go to the Central Bank of Venezuela (entity in charge of controlling everything
related to banking matters). When we got there, we were the object of ridicule, attack,
verbal abuse and humiliation for not being part of the Government's political party,
that is, for not being a Castro-communist. We could not unlock or recover our

Because of all this, my wife and I decided that we should return to Australia. When
we were in the airport to embroider the plane, the new Venezuelan emigrant police
stopped us to check all our suitcases, and interrogated us in order to explain why
why we were leaving the country. By explaining that we had time already living,
studying and working in Australia, the officials began to make fun of us by calling
us "traitors." And once again they asked us for money if we wanted to leave the
country. We explained that we did not have any money. We only had our plane
ticket. This response made them anger, to the point that air tickets were taken
away from us, causing us to miss the plane. Thanks to the intervention of an
acquaintance at the airport who managed to convince the immigration officials, we
could get back our tickets and passports. However, we had already lost the plane.
We had to sell the little gold we had hidden to pay the fine for the loss of the plane
and thus be able to leave Venezuela.

It is for all these elements explained above, and for the fear of not being able to offer our
son emotional, economic, health and nutritional stability, that we are in need of applying for
this humanitarian visa. And so I can wait a while, to be able to define a work plan to be able
to face this serious situation that my wife, son and my person live.

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