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— er 2! * Supreme Wispor | TEACHINGS OF THE BLACK MAN AND ALLAH "ALLAN" THE ORIGINAL BLack MAN 1s THE AsiaTic OWNER, MAKER, CREAN OF THE PLANET EARTH JOD OF THE UNiveRse, THE EarTH 1S 24,896 MILES IN CIRCUMFERENCE; WHICH MAKES T APPROX, 25,000 MILES CIRCUMFERENCE, EACH MILE OF THE CIRCUMFERENCE REFERS 70 ONE CALANDAR YEAR OF THE ORIGINAL CALENDAR OF THE BLACK MAN (ARABIC - CALENDAR) , - 'HEREFORE EACH MILE 1s EqUAL To 1,000 YeaRS, AT THE CLOSING oF every 25,000 "EARS~A NEW CycLe (oR CALANDAR) IS BEGUN; THIS MEANS THAT THE STARTING OF NEW sIFE AND CivILizATION ON THE PLANET BEGANS TO REVOLVE FROM THE YEAR OF NUMBER WWE. Every 25,000 Years THE EARTH RENEW HERSELF THIS MEANS THAT LIFE AS WE SNOW IT, WILL HAVE UNDERWENT A TREMENDOUS CHANGE. SUCH CHANGE WILL HAVE AFFECTED “VEGETATION, “PEOPLE, AND ANIMAL Lire, OuR ‘ome (PLaneT) Lives ano Dies FOUR times out oF EVERY CALENDAR YEARS THIS ‘AKES PLACE THROUGH THE REVOLVEMENT OF WHAT WE TERM AS BEING “SEASONS”, THEN THE ORIGINAL NATIONS ON THE EARTH HAVE comPLeTeD A CYCLE ( or 25,000) ‘HERE BEGINS ANOTHER CYCLE OF HisTory. JLLY GAIN AN INSIGHT OF yUST (Hat occurs aND HOW!, We must FIRST HAT TAKES PLACE ON THE 'LANET (THINGS OF THIS NATURE WE cA Lil We KNOW (BY NATURE) THAT HERE MUST BE SOMETHING oR some Unseci HAT MAKE THINGS AND EVENTS ‘CCUR THE WAY THAT THEY DO-BUT THE KNOWLEDGE OF WHAT THIS FORCE Is, HAS EVER BEEN REVEALED To THE NATIONS OF THE EARTH (UNTIL ToDAY), THis KNOWLEDGE. 'aS KEPT IN SECRET FROM THE PEOPLE OF THE NATIONS THAT HAVE LIVED AND DieD N°THE PLANET. ‘HAT WE KNOW THROUGH NATURE IS TERMED AS “BELIFF" - Better 1s HOPE suBsTANces THINGS UNSEEN ano UNKNOWN, “FOOLS BeLieve ALL TRUTHS” CANNOT BE DEMONSTRATED “Proven. £ : “from aqdtetene: | THAN THAT LIFE ust have received auch POWER FROM one who haa AUTHORITY to give POWER. “These Islante Sctentist are tn truth part of « chain of GODS that have the knowledge and These Sctentiet (or GODS) Live in the HOLY CLTY Mace: They say that, "THAT, which CANNOT be PROVED through the method or Logte and reasoning oF AE they do not SEE ite actual (the ACT of tke being or Living) EXISTENCE then auch a thing does NOT EXIST, BUT when no one can give any PROGF OF the extetence of such « thing, they then question aa to NMiY2" When actually the anewer lies tn REASONING and MATHEMATICS, Machesatics 10 Tolan and Islam Lo Mathenaties-"'Everything that He see a the Creation 1 based on Mathematica; there {0 NO LIFE without the Use of Mathenaticsy ‘hen We contemplate the thought of UNSEEN FORCES / or the Power of being CONTROLLED LE = LIFE ha We then are thinking about the POWER that te LIFE {ui Tf LIFE has oF posseus POWER POWER and {t 1 thts FOWER THAT continues to REPRODUCE Lifi POWER of LIFE. [a ther auch When this happene we say,?That one (who gave pover) h "tha answer “szaon? (who gives pover)....!the anewor ie YES!, Can such a person be seen?’ * fa YESI, Ia there more than on auch person? that has thte ability?, the anewer te YES!. We try to understand the ab{litytes of auch pereens or person -WS first mat Befor sees Sean becone fan{lar with other persons and events concerning our Hone (the planet) "these other perscas are called Inns or Black Sctentist of the Nation of Iolam, they are trained in the knowledge of ALL the Sciences of HAN (the four science che Life of man "which are! ASTRONGMY, "BIOLOGY", "HATHMATICS and Science of the Man). Viedom of hew to bring about the different CHANGES and events that occur and ts occuring within each and every 25,000 year calendar of litstory. where they record the HMatory of ‘the dtgterent nations of people, they are able to determaa the FUTURE of Nations and tte of years in advance (25,000 years) they do thie by taping che THOUGHT REX people thoussn wreans of the people by thetr having Knowledge of “the Sctence of the Hunan Hind, they — The Mind of the Human Being't are able to “predtet the Future of Nations of people GONSCIOUS, and UNCONSCIOUS of chat vhich Lu create by THOUGHT. oda é 7 7 Sai yn i : Continued. Teachings of the Black Nan and Allah Pg.2 This we term as being "WILL" ....The GOPS are able to read and TAC our Thought FORS (all thoughts have a shape to Lhemselves) Uhis means that efore they are able to read that which is evolving within our (inds Lot i q q [that thought has completed its form (iteel!). We aust renember that tt ts [she THOUGHTS of the Feople tha: move-- OVE then to ACT. With our Prain £ We are (nave the rower) carable of thinking the thought or producing the IDEA from which we form an IMAGE. Our HANDS fashion it (our Ideas and thoughts) into shape- the shape of the INSHR from the Mind, and our SENSES (Eyea, Ears, Mouth, Smell, Taste/Touch ) bear witness to that which We have thought. : “he GODS help and assist what the people (that which) Long or Desire for this We call a CHANGE, there are 24 GODS/or rather there are 23 GODS who preforms the function of reading and recording the THOUGHTS and WILL of “the people- The 2hth GOD is the JUDGE over what the other Gods see (in the future). The 24th God is the SUPREME God over all the other Gods, although the other Gods know what He knows, they (the 23) have the a cant Science of one particular Science (or major) BUT! it is the 24th who is WieM#81018 ees learned in AL’ ->: ‘ciences,. this i the authority (or power) to i JUDGE the ott Wisdom in the ‘The Supreme Being hold Sil 360 degrees « and knowledge ssanding; He is able to ii bring each at ogether (Wisdom-Knowledge) His combining the two tiakes him hav - Power over Life. If he has POWER over Life then he has Power aswell. A Judge has Power over Life and Death. rlves in the knowledge of what.a Cod actually is, We now arrive + of trying to gain an understanding in to” What happens (thi: n) dn our everyday lives and just how the GODS mes manifest on the Pl et.” "The actual » Aaner, workine ata and affairs (things “sat harnen sventey

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