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ID of Student: G00320853 Ryan Connolly

Article/Reading Code of professional Conduct for teachers


The teaching council was established to promote teaching as a profession at

both primary and post primary levels, to promote the professional
development of teachers and to regulate standards in our own profession
(Teaching council 2018)
• It aids and directs the teacher in a professional manner towards best
practice and upholding a professional manner within the profession
• It demonstrates to new teachers which enter the profession the high
calibre of what is required to succeed
• The code also demonstrates to the public that the education system is
being ran in the correct manner and that it can hold the public’s trust
• It stands as a legal document regarding the abilities and purposes of a
teacher whether they can be deemed ‘fit’ to teach if there ever was a
legal issue
• The code stresses that respect, care, trust and integrity are all taking
into account when in an educational profession
• It values the opinions of parents and the public and shows that certain
responsibilities should be undertaken by teachers at times
• At all times the code revolves around students/pupils receiving the best
education they can meeting all the requirements to which may be
needed when catering for all students needs
Professional Values
• The code states ‘the role of the teacher is to educate’ but they must
be also mindful of the students regarding their trust and integrity
• Professional collaboration is a major key to developing as a teacher,
working with fellow teachers will lead to building on better educational
experiences and learning for the students

© GMIT Letterfrack 2018-2019

• The code states that only major/serious complaints will progress to an
• Complaints will only be adhered to if there is misconduct, poor
performance or convictions.

Conclusion: To conclude the code of professional conduct is set to help and

develop teachers to maintain a better educational system and to uphold to
an exceptional level. It allows students receive the best learning experiences
to which they can. It also demonstrates to the public the high standard of an
education system there is in place.


From my reading of the code of conduct for teachers I have noticed

that it sets a very clear vision for teachers as towards what they are
required to do with in the educational system in relation to best practice
and achieving a high standard. Dealing with serious complaints against
teachers is a strong section of the code as it is an area in which must be
very clear as regarding whether a teacher can be deemed ‘fit, to teach.
In my opinion I feel this is an important section to the code as dealing
with complaints like such could have a profound effect on your

Moral thinkers behave appropriately from fear of punishment or hope of

reward (Noddings, 2006). I have found that having a moral code and
following the correct ethical guidelines is a major factor to which is
stressed evidently within the code. When reflecting on reading the code I
have noticed that sticking by the correct morals will lead to the
development of your class as a whole as you will not alone gain trust but
also respect from your students which in turn will lead to a better learning

Catering for all different students learning requirements can be

challenging but it is a requirement to which must be met to ensure a
successful lesson. Each student achieving the most learning outcomes
from the class depends on a number of reasons which could be the
engagement by the student or the availability of resources and supports.
The code states that such factors are beyond the teachers control but
which leads to a bearing on their work. ‘Each student is unique individual,
different in cognitive and affective development, social maturity, ability,
motivation, aspiration, learning styles, needs, interests and
potential’(Curriculum Development,2012)

© GMIT Letterfrack 2018-2019

Regarding professional conduct communication has a major role to play
to ensure there is a good positive learning environment provided which
caters for all students and their personal needs. The code suggests that
you as a teacher communicates with fellow teachers and co operate
along side them to a certain degree. This I believe is a positive move
towards building a stronger working relationship with your fellow teachers
and also by sharing collaborative material for building on stronger and
better lessons with more learning outcomes. ‘Developing teaching skills
that are fresh, sharp and cutting edge depend on the teachers
motivation’ (kyriacou, 2007)

From my time spent on placement I have experienced that not every

lesson can be the same even when you set a plan, things still may
change slightly depending on the level of students and their learning

Regarding to professional values and relationship, the code states that

being fair and committed to the best interests of the students will lead to
a productive class. In my opinion when completing my placement, I
found that being Fair with the students lead to a productive class.
Although not building a friendship with them it is important, you still must
form a teacher student relationship where you have a friendly attitude
that is work based in the classroom. Students entrusting you with their
safety will lead to a class that has a happy work environment where
students are willing to work and are self-motivated. Students can be
found to become motivated by certain aspects of education one of
them being when they are given interactivity. Students are given
feedback on their work in which drives and motivates them to succeed.
As stated by the literature Effective Teaching evidence and practice that
students given immediate feedback on their work is known as
interactivity and found to motivate and stimulate their learning to a
higher level (Daniel Muijs, 2001). I feel this ties in majorly with the aspect of
motivation and relationships within the classroom. As I have stated above
having the correct working relationship within the classroom leads to a
more productive atmosphere. (Daniel Muijs, 2001) Positive teacher-
student relationships promote a sense of school belonging and
encourage students to participate cooperatively. Students develop
confidence to experiment and succeed in an environment where they
are not restricted by the fear of failure. Teachers are able to assist

© GMIT Letterfrack 2018-2019

students with motivation and goal setting and students can turn to them
for advice and guidance’ (Scots college, 2017). Respect within the class
room plays a major role regarding the effectiveness of the lesson.
Students having respect for their teacher and likewise a teacher
respecting the students and build on the development of the class as a
whole. The Competency that is portrayed by the teacher can determine
the amount of respect shown by the students to the teacher. ‘Mutual
respect largely develops from the pupils seeing by your actions that you
are a competent teacher, and that you care about their progress by
planning and conducting effective lessons and carrying out various tasks
with commitment’. (kyriacou, 2007)


College, S. (2017). Developing student teacher relationships.

Curriculum Development. (2012).

Daniel Muijs, D. R. (2001). Evidence and practice

kyriacou, c. (2007). Essential teaching skills. London.

Noddings, N. (2007). Philosophy of Education . Cambridge .

© GMIT Letterfrack 2018-2019

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