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de4 d>u3d *dr*&rd doefl - 2016

District Level Midterm Examination - 2016
nd:o3: : 3.1s zlo8rl$: QAed &.o$D.A. I 2nd,PUC dOd erodil$: : roo
Time : 3.15 Hours qrdruoi- I ECONOMICS(22) Max. Marks : 100

r. dd. doa3crjdd:. d$o3ran esoagdq, aldosrO / Write the question Number Legible in the Margins.
2. d.g Odarfo erugd mdoddo-0fi de-e / Answer for a Question should be continuous.

'cD' aqrarl - PART'A'

I. & ddnd gidurturl gfoolooddg a,odr uod5dg erugfo,$ 10x1=10
Answer the following questions in one sentence each
1. a:$ eodr d6dd oodded: r
What is Mixed economy ?

2. Pooaed6 d$dea3ondc. aa6aro5s&l ?

Define Indifference curve ?
3. eso-oo3c aieetojc
*€ilBddgd dduedrd dtg adou0 z

Write the formula for Income elasticity of demand ?

4. dd; uu$d. dea3 aodded.r z

Define=I51ogry! ?_ -
5. dsodo eso-oo3cddt deri e3{ a-odcao z
How do you calculate the average revenue ?

6. dQ aa:d.d ooddenb z

What is meant by product differentiation ?

7. eruogdoa aoaddd;. dzueddeod doddg a:doeJO r

Write the production function in the form of an equation ?

8. ddod.oeod a3ei oodded: z

What do you mean by equilibrium price ?
9. GDP oerod NDP ddo3cer: addo. ddoia3edo z
What is to be deducted from GDP to arrive at NDP ?

10. dild esdssod ooddedo z

What do you mpan by Macro Economics ?

'as' a?.rorl - PART'B'

III. * dCnd obodcnddo to gfdorlerf giooloodfu + uod5rlCg uugfO,$ 10x2=2O
Answer any 10 of the following questions in 4 sentence each
11. esdr d6dd"J, dr e-: trod5riead;dl t
What are the basic functions of an economy ?

72. odr,tr dea3oi erfreorld$$ z

What are the prJperties of a bud.get line ?

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13. d1odd dddtrjdodded: r e eruurodds8 d-o6 z

what do you mean by comprementary goods ? Give 2 exampres
14. dedr, $droeod nojcaJod addeadd; z
What are the types of returns to scale ?

15. d"t "ndl d6rrood ddoad a:d.drtdab. oBR

between firm & Industry i

16. aie6d dea3oi: Edair:a: qtras-ocb doo6d ad r

Why does the demand curve slope downwards ?

17. anQ ddJd eofrruodd dd:ad z d6oo6drJd$d ardquo.

write any two differencesEetween Micro i.riMu.*o economics.
18. d{ ooddedr z edd dr:ar5 eru{edded:
What is selling cost ? What
is its ,r,ii, dbjective ?

19. d.-{d d5dneoobd dee.iflod derS ard.oood z

How does a Monopoly differ from a competative firm ?

20. ilQ ,ljoarua ddd dcdJad d5uo6ddedr I

what is the difference between Fixed .J.t irra variable cost?
27' oooodoa d-d-d-.d oogeon dddDdrid dd:ad d5uo6d oB& ?
Distinguish bdtween Nominal*g .da*
Natiolnal in8ome and Real National income ?

22. s.q.d d€d a3ej do deri zo ood. drodrd*"ng aQd dsd drooor.rd
ddneo roo ood rzo darj dapdd?"8 fgoarJ
_d,odd8An 6eqa*$bal.-ioa, ad-*ro z
If the price of orange increases ?"o- ns. io p", fg to*Rs.}s pJ. kg the euantity offered
for sale in the market increases 100 kg to 120 kg. Find
the price elasticity of supply ?
',$' ciqlorl - PART'C'
I. de dCnd oJroelooddo e pd.rlurf gfootooddg rc
md5rlCg vr:gfo,rr Sa1fras
Answer any 8 of the folroiing questions in lb
23. _*.tr*rj esdrd,sddon oC e,odr ,rd*S adqrO ?
""Lr"I"" ;.h
Write a short note bn Market economy ?
24. dg*rbeo a{1.ion doaro6doajd aoad abdl
qdddrd aaadrjd dcd;ad
d6uo6dr.luodld r
what are the differences between cardinal and ordinal approaches
to utility analysis ?
25' ooj:"bda3c. esdrdroal andl dearoasgid da-ooi:6od ado,$
_dodpdon ?
Explain the law of supply with the help of a siredule and diagram

26. dee.iojo CIdr ado',o aarin egdd od€oriddJa ado&.

_*_:*d. Bdd
. What is Oligopoly Market ? Explain its features.

27 ' TP, AP dndl Mp dodgdrld"bd dwon daaojo6od ado,$ ?

Explain the concepts of rp, Ap-anJ nnp with the help of table

28. aieSfaiea* E€qa*gdajr. ot'ro,$d esodrJd"jrd

cidO.$ ?
Explain the factors determining price elasticity of demand ?
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29. Bil,S"n d d5dfoeo deeioJc ofieoridnb. adO.$ ?

Explain the features of Monopolistic Competition ?

30. aad eeqde d?drJdila ad0.r,.

Describe various types of short-run costs.

31. ?T*..*U dldea3on dro{oaddro s e_:gieorlddr. adO,r, ?

Explain any five properties of Indifference curves ?

32. a"odr ddd esdr

*dd"irg dddrddd d6Baodd doaje_:doid:. adoa
Describe circular flow of income in a simple economy

33. da$ adgoneron{dcb daI! esfrruo{ ar.aritrod dr:Eiarong. * deudoid:. da1;6r,$ r

Allhough Macro economics has g*ained Maximum popularity yet it is not'free from
limitations'. Justify this statement?

34. dddrod dndddee ocbqorbd o3rogoaddo ecdc d"iddrid$a ado,$ ?

Explain any five problems in the Measurement of National income
=g:"n ?

'A' SeJorl - PART'D'

IV. * dcnd oJ:adoofdo e gfdurlurr g.goloodd€ *o auod6rlcg eru$oa 2x10+20
Answer any 2 of the questions in 40 sentences each
35. €ud.lar aedrood drqrbeo eoi"bd"bd a,odr d,neSd
dearoat$d da-ooiOod edO,$ ? "jre
- - Exllaip !!e lqrry qf dlminishing Marginal utility with the help of a shedule and
diagram ?

36. a3e&doJc &ojJabddJa a3e6dojc esdJdroa3 drdl a3e&d deaioi.rooori ad6a r

Explain the law of demand with the help demlnd shedule and demand curve
37. oderorbd d0daeod eoi*ddra dB ile dearoal$d drood .ido& ?
Explain the law of variable proportions with the hetp of table and diagram

38. eruqdd& -ne es^bduaasrJdnb. .aoeod d.)'

lu.*tt {a*.: aTdd:Jong
dildoeoddd derl d;ooaroo:cdg*
- Joauddc. Oeg d6*?
Show how the invisible hand g.;id"r the prodricers and consumers
equilibrium in a perfect competitive Market ?
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'E' &qlorl - PART .E,
v. * dCnd oloeald aarto &qJ.oeard erqro0d
otro$unddo e $doduri eodoa
Answer any 2 of the following project and assignment related questions
39. de dddod Aoe{d{ uordqiro0cbd ddrjdd; e3{ a-o*
Calcuiate the Missing costs
c()s tn thee ;E;';il-t
in glven table
@Hda (dr^tdridg) ar.,$.d a".al.d {
a".d. d..$.d -.f c^J C\J .
@ a
Output(in units) TFC TVC T.C. AFC A.V.C. AC
1 50 &.c 70 50 3n -,1 p"
2 i7. 30 tsr' 25
, lr 40
rJ 50 Ln 90 t6. 6'> 13.33 30
4 50 60 110 12.5 15 27.5
5 50 90 :ar 10 18 2(?
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40. deq dQon aie&d ildl dpdOd aoerd Qd = 250 - 50p d:Q Qs = 25 + 25p esnqri
dabdoeod aiei ilQ d"lrd.roee:d aie&doJc dd.*
"5Q eiudOt $droeoridab. dodc
6060$0 z dd.ldoeod a3eJoidbd d.rdddJ dA& oiro$de eSeJon dod.odoi daid ae-:d
aie6tojc dqid{ aodeoo-orbdd ooaodd:u oaased; d&&
If the demand and supply function of raw cotton are Qd - 25A - 50p and Qs - 25 -r 25p,
Find the equilibrium price and equilibrium quantity demanded and supplied and prove
that price other than equilibrium price leads either to excess supply or excess demand ?
41. * dCnd$dCdb{ o?e& ilQ dOd)dCoao0 aorl6a. Classify the following into Stocks
and flows e,ro6o# dedE6, dedd, doddc, egaad Oud.Sd dogld, dd{ddc, esdJdJrJdo,
ade8 asdJoJc .t:ederridc, oogeon dddrod, sdd d.road drd.] aode;rod
Bank deposits, Salary, Wealth, Food grain, Stock, Exports, Imports, Foreign exchange
reserves, National income, Net investment and Capitai


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