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Accelerated Learning Integrated by Discovery Learning in

History Course: How Z Generation Learn

Dyah Ayu Safitri1, Nurul Umamah2 , Sumardi3
Faculty of Teacher Training and Education University of Jember, Indonesia
Faculty of Teacher Training and Education University of Jember, Indonesia
Faculty of Teacher Training and Education University of Jember, Indonesia.


Abstract. This research is motivated by the characteristics of high school students dominated by
Z generation. Gen Z is always looking for authentic and meaningful, more independent
experience, using online ways to research, communicate with others as a matter of judgment of its
own decisions. Teachers as educational service providers are expected to apply 21st century
learning; communication, collaboration, critical thinking, creativity (4C). Particularly in learning
History has not been able to develop communication skills, collaborate, critical thinking, and
creativity according to the demands of learning 21stcentury. This Development( R&D) research
uses Borg and Gall method. This research is conducted 8 school in Kabupaten Jember with 160
students as the subjects. Results from this study conclude that a) ALID learning model suitable to
apply to Gen Z who need learning activities 21st century, b) use of ALID learning resources that
improve achievement for students, the results of the t test found that the real level α = 5% = 0,005
with value = 0.004, the t-test showed that H0 is rejected (significantly different p-value < α), c)
through the development of learning model Accelerated Learning Integrated By Discovery
Learning which includes Self Concept, Stimulation, Problem Statement, Exploration, Data
Collecting, Data Processing, Trigerring your memory, Exhibiting what you know, Verification, and
Reflection try as a troubleshooting step.

1. Introduction

Historical researchers found that the main idea of history is an interesting thing to study, especially
in developing students' character (P.1). But it becomes tedious and scary experience when learning history
is only the presentation and transmission of information about the past and the memory and recorded
(p.2). Paradigm that there is an impression that history is only the second class, which is very worrying
for activists history. Research conducted by Alfie (p.3) states that the historical teaching strategies are
inseparable from the planning history curricula. Planning is used to achieve educational goals. The main
substances that are often found in historical problems learning the textbooks used by teachers in the
classroom. Efforts to revive the history of the changes to the existing curriculum to history adaptive
learning at any age. Generation Z, high school turns age to be unique, inter alia: (1) set Z is different from
every generation by three factors: age and Lifestage (ontological factors), times and Technology (social
factors), and events and experiences (historical factors ).
A Gen shortcomings of the skills of an aging population and global demand for labor will continue
to strengthen them. And they enter the workforce at a time of decreasing supply: more people retiring
than entering it. A Gen shortcomings of the skills of an aging population and global demand for labor will
continue to strengthen them. And they enter the workforce at a time of decreasing supply: more people
retiring than entering it. A Gen shortcomings of the skills of an aging population and global demand for
labor will continue to strengthen them.Generation theory was first proposed by William Strauss and Neil
Howe (1991), which states that "generation" is identified as a group based on year of birth, age, location
and life events marked the importance of the development. Generation is divided into four (4) groups of
generations, namely: (1) generation of veterans generation born before 1946; (2) Baby Boomers
generation are born in the years 1946 to 1964, (3) Generation X is the generation born in the years 1965
to 1980; (4) Generation Y is the generation born in 1981-2001. Generations are formed through shared
memories and experiences and collective history. Therefore, several studies found that revealed opinions
as to the birth of a different reference periods for each generation (p.17).

Generation Z, as mentioned Barnes and Nobel, the generation born between 1990 and 2000.
Various characteristics of the previous conventional generation. Ozkan and Solmaz (p.4) suggest that
tends generation of practical thinking. History education curricula states that it is necessary to balance the
ability of the aspects of attitudes, skills and knowledge important. Process standard, which initially
focuses on the exploration, processing and validation, including aspects of observing, asking, processing
and thinking to create images to conform to a main focus of students who have distinguished generations
of. The demands are becoming aware that they can meet the unique needs generation Z. In accordance
with the 2013 implementation of the curriculum in schools should be teaching history teaching to
facilitate 21st century history teachers as providers of educational services. Applicable instructional
illustrations are required to meet 21st century educational activities, namely: communication,
collaboration, critical thinking, creative (4c) (p.2).
The fact that often occurs in schools is that students are used to learning only in the low cognitive
domains (p.5). Observations show that teachers use to directly explain existing concepts and to build train
students lack self-knowledge. Still teacher centered learning. Students sit in the teachers' notes and
listening to lectures. The process of learning, which allows students to develop learning outcomes in
relation to history, and gives scientific work is missing. Students learning objects, unlike different
characteristics and emotions held by students. Many students consider the teaching of history as a subject
less attractive so that students become less motivated, passive and bored.One proof that history is less
than optimal learning outcomes is based on the results of data analysis in the second half of the 8th
exploring Jember State High School in the academic year 2017/2018 performance;

Table 1. Historical Learning Result

Historical Learning Result
School Percentage of
Average value
SMAN 1 Jember 70% 79
SMAN 2 Jember 64% 70
SMAN 3 Jember 53.4% 65
SMAN 5Jember 51.9% 64
SMAN ARJASA Jember 44.3% 60
SMAN Kalisat Jember 45.2% 62
SMAN SUKOWONO Jember 40% 60
SMAN RAMBIPUJI Jember 43.2% 60

Based on the above data shows that not all students achieve SKM 75 sets of school. Low
percentage of completeness and value - average students demonstrate that they lack the indicators is the
purpose of learning. Problems associated with the study results are caused by various factors that affect
the learning process. Factors that affect the learning process can be divided into two: internal factors and
external factors. Internal factors are derived from the motivation of students, their interests and thinking
skills of students. External factors are external factors that affect the learning environment for students
include students, family, school, and community learning. School factors include teaching methods,
curriculum, relations between teachers and students, school discipline and teaching aids (p.10).
Observations and interviews related to the 8 way Nasional Pendidikan (SNP) at several universities in the
implementation of Jember data showed a cumulative score of 93.39% with a gap score of 6.61%. Posts
score the biggest difference is less consensus standards issued by processes that have an impact on
student learning. On the basis of the need to improve the process-based standards. The standard process
includes planning the educational process, the implementation process of learning, evaluation of results
and monitoring of the learning process for the implementation of the learning process efficient and
One solution could be to resolve various issues relating to the learning standards is to improve the
implementation process of learning the techniques, strategies, methods, approaches used by teachers.
Techniques, strategies, methods, approaches may be contained in various learning models (p.4). Teachers
responsible for learning plan should be able to select and implement innovative learning models enables
student learning results overall history. Also applied learning models are expected to manage the internal
factors and external influences student learning. One of the innovative learning models that can be used
to improve student learning outcomes in the curriculum according to the invention in 2013, is an
educational models.
Discovery learning model is one of the constructivist model of education, which provides an
opportunity for students to explore and discover their own concept using the approach to problem
solving. Students are encouraged to be able to explore, to get specific data, processing the information
and draw conclusions based on available data. (P.6). Students can actively work on getting meaningful
knowledge for themselves through activities based on the scientific method. Discovery learning can
enhance the overall learning outcomes both in terms of knowledge, attitudes and skills (p.7, p.5).
However, the discovery learning models made in class by the number of students is too many will be
difficult for teachers to control students' activities. Students who have the ability to dominate the high
comprehension and mastery of concepts Faster (p.8). Conversely, students who have low comprehension
skills are still left behind (p.9). In addition to learning discovery requires psychological preparation of
students, in order to follow the teachings well (p.10, p.2). The result is that less intelligent students would
be hard to think and express relationships between concepts in written or oral, that may lead to
frustration. This study less attention to the emotional aspects of students. Implementation of discovery
often takes a long time because students are required to obtain an independent concept (p.11). The
weakness of the discovery learning process can be overcome by it integrates with other elements of
learning related claims. One alternative learning models that can be integrated with knowledge of
learning accelerated learning (AL).
AL is an educational models growing niche that has the properties to be flexible, passionate,
relates to the objectives of cooperation, humane, multi-sensory, maintain, as far as activities related to
mental and emotional and physical (p.12). AL was able to create a positive environment for learning and
fun for the students to accommodate different learning styles of students. One of the principles of the
Navy, is the importance of learning through collaboration teamwork. It can be used to improve student
learning so that students can learn faster and can occur between students' own conception (p.13).The
second measurement Feelings students to learn writewas affective checklist entitled How are you feeling
today? '. The aim of the Waste Determine how students feel before and after the tutorial
AcceleratedLearning (p.14). Pleasant learning atmosphere can be created and activated Now is the
interaction between teachers and students so that learning can take place effectively. AL learning can
improve cognitive ability, memory and student achievement (p.15, p.7). Various creative techniques for
rapid learning and how to improve your memory is also becoming one of the stages in this model.
However, the freedom to learn at AL engage students in learning activities that develop learning history
characteristics (p.16)

Table 2.

Source: (p.7)
Accelerated Learning Integrated by Discovery (alid)a learning model that combines a model of
Accelerated Learning is able to make a positive learning environment and fun for learners to
accommodate different learning styles of students. One of the principles of Accelerated Learning, the
importance of learning through collaborative teamwork. It can be used to improve student learning so that
students can learn faster and can occur even distribution between the concept of learners
( p.21).Combined with the discovery as one of the models of constructivist learning models that provide
opportunities for learners to seek and find their own concept of using a problem-solving approach.

Figure 1. Illustration teachers paradigm centered student centered learning

Based on the background outlined above, the problems faced are: (1) the urgency of learning
adaptive to the times, the educator as a provider of education services are expected to apply demanding
21stcentury learning activity; communication, collaboration, critical thinking, creativity (4C) (2)
implementation of the curriculum in 2013 against the lessons of history are less than the maximum,
especially related to the learning process, (3) changes in the paradigm of learning in the curriculum of
2013, which requires the role of learners actively to meet the needs of competence a must-have, (4) lack
of tools for learning, especially learning model train independence, accelerated learning and
constructivist. Solution of solving some of these problems, is to develop Integrated model of Accelerated
Learning by Discovery (alid), So that the problem in the study of this development are;
a. How the results of the validation of the model by Accelerated Learning Integrated Discovery
(alid) the development model Borg & Gall on the subjects of Indonesian history class X SMA?
b. Are models Included Accelerated Learning by Discovery (alid) as a learning model class X SMA
learners able to support learning Indonesian history into effective learning and efsien?
The objectives to be achieved in this study are as follows:
a. The products with the learning modelAccelerated Learning Integrated by Discovery (alid)
validated subject matter experts and instructional design experts.
b. The products with Integrated model of Accelerated Learning by Discovery (alid) as a model of
effective and efficient learning for learners in class X High School in Jember in Indonesian
history courses.
The Product Specification Development:
Products produced in this development is a system that leads to a learning model. This learning
model was developed from the model AL (Accelertaed Learning) and Discovery. The prototype model of
learning that have so will be equipped with the preparation of learning tools that support adherence to the
model, include: lesson plan (RPP) in accordance with the syllabus of the curriculum in 2013, adapted the
material with teachers on curriculum workbooks, 2013, evaluation instruments and instructional videos.
Design learning tools tailored to the format applicable to the curriculum in 2013. Syntax alid learning
model consists of 10 steps, namely; (1) Self Concept; (2) Stimulation; (3) Problem Statement; (4)
Exploration; (5) Data Collecting; (6) Data Processing; (7) Trigerring your memory; (8) Exhibiting what
you know; (9) Verification; and (10) Reflection. Basic competence is developed namely KD 3.7
Analyzing the various theories about the process of inclusion of religion and culture of Islam to
Indonesia. The next KD is KD 3.8 Analyzing the development of community life, governance and culture
in the kingdom - the kingdom of Islam in Indonesia as well as show examples of evidence - evidence that
is still valid in contemporary Indonesian society.

2. Methods

Determination of the place or location of this study using purposive sampling area, namely the
selection or location where the research was done deliberately and is determined solely by the researchers
based on certain considerations including the limitations of time, money, and effort. . Preliminary
observations made in 8 schools in Jember district. This study be conducted in three high schools in
Jember, SMA Negeri 5 Jember, SMA Negeri Kalisat, and SMA Negeri Plus Sukowono class X.
Research learning model development alid refers to the Borg and Gall (1987) which has been
modified into eight stages, namely: 1) research and information gathering, 2) planning, 3) early product
development, 4) trial starters, 5) revision of its first product, 6) the main field test / unlimited, 7) revision
of the second product, 8) operational field testing / effectiveness. Research and information gathering
phase is an early stage in the development of procedures that cover all activities related to the collection
of data for analysis requirements. The activities performed at this stage include analysis eighth Standar
Nasional Pendidikan (SNP), the results of evaluation of half analysis cognitive development of pupils,
interviews with teachers and students, tracking problems arising during the study and analysis "Rencana
Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP)") and its implementation and analysis of the needs of students. Results
of the analysis will be used to improve and develop businesses as an alternative solution to the problem.
Validator assess prototype models. Planning stage is done designing learning model Alid. Design based
on the questions that were analyzed in the research and information gathering in order to create a model is
a model that is designed to solve all the problems that exist. Planning is done to achieve competence,
formulation of objectives, sequence of teaching and learning device format. The planning phase also
consists of determining the qualifying activity will contribute to the development of research and
vAlidtors, including vocational development model, subject matter experts, and practices and student
learning. In addition, the procedure for the determination will be carried out during the study, that
research can be done effectively and efficiently.
Research and Information Collecting 1. Analysis of need include:
analysis of eight National
Education Standards (NES),
the evaluation of learning
outcomes of students,
interviews with teachers and
students, the analysis
Learning Implementation
Plan (RPP)
Planning 2. Identify the problems and
Designingto solve
a model alid
through stages: the
achievement of
competencies, formulation of
objectives, sequence
Development Preliminary Form of Product learning, and learning device
format. of a model
syntax alid
Preliminary Field Testing Validation Test conten,
language, learning design,
and media.

Main Product Revision Revised draft 1 that has been

through a trial beginning on
the subject of 6-10 people.

Main Field Testing Draft 3: limited test a large

group 2 class

Operational Product Revision

Draft 4: the final package 3
Figure 2. Borg and Gall Method in ALID Learning Development
Early development products is made with reference to the plans that were made earlier. This phase
begins with the development of the educational model, syntax Alid integration phase detection in
accelerated learning and getting new syntax. Development learning model that includes four components
learning model are: 1) The basic theory, 2) syntax learning, social system 3) and 4) support system. The
four components are presented in the form of a prototype model. The prototype model of learning, which
will be equipped with teaching aids that support the preparation according to the model include: RPP
(RPP) in accordance with the syllabus of 2013 designing curriculum learning tools tailored to the format
applicable to the curriculum in 2013. Initial experiments conducted field to obtain initial qualitative
evaluation of the design of products that have been made. Experiments carried out starting with an
examination expert validation, consisting of expert validation of language, validation of content experts,
validation of development model of learning, and validation of media. The test results were analyzed
with descriptive qualitative and quantitative using SPSS 25.0 and T-Test formula.

3. Results and Discussion

3.1 Analysis of Instructional
The activities undertaken in the development process Alid revised Phase I products are based on
test results related to the development expert validation, consisting of expert validation of language,
validation of content experts, validation of development model of learning, and validation of media.
The test phase one to one, conducted on two students Jember. Stage field trial / limited group of
small users 5 fields of education and 10 students get the main assessment and improvement
proposals related to the models and tools that have been revised. Retrieving data using the
verification sheets and questionnaires. The test results were analyzed with descriptive qualitative and
quantitative descriptive. The second revision stage product is based on suggestions to improve the
training of doctors and students as users of the product in the field. The second product revision aims
to improve the learning model Alid order to better carry out field operational test phase / activity.
Field operational test phase / effectiveness conducted in SMA Negeri 5 Jember, SMA Negeri Kalisat,
dan SMA Negeri Plus Sukowono establish a quasi-experimental design using posttest only control
group. The research sample is determined by cluster random sampling to class X. The test results
consists of the application syntax data, feedback from teachers and students and the study results
sheets obtained through observation, interviews, questionnaires and tests. Descriptive data was
analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. Analysis cognitive value using the t-test with SPSS 25.0
before which are the prerequisite test points, i.e. homogeneity and normality test.
Phase III product revision is based on the results of the operational field trials. qualitative
information and results of analysis used as the basis for the revision of educational models of
products. The results of interviews with subject teachers Sman 1 Jember History says that learning
model, which is often used in teaching problem solving. The results of the needs analysis showed
that most of the students, which is equal to 70.32% of students still think that history is the subject of
remembering, 75.21% of students who used to be taught to use a model to teach lectures and
discussions from teachers, 57 83% of students still considering learning model used by the teacher is
less attractive. 70.91% of students are less familiar aspect trained 5M (observe, ask questions, try,
explore, thinking and creative), 79.65% of students said only emphasizes cognitive learning, 62.65%
said that pupils were taught accelerated model learning and 60.56% of students reported never taught
discovery learning model. History is regarded as a difficult subject for many conditions that can be
saved in memory, the main act - the historical facts.
Based on theory (p.4), here are the results of research on the preferences of the generation Z
80% of learning with friends study, 67% said it was fun to learn together, 60% would like to
exchange views with reviews of their friends, 52% would like to help Reviews of their friends to
learn, 40% online.Kolaborasi learned through practice and learn their opinions guided achievements.
How to learn generation from 51% to 38%, with a view, 12% listening.Media roommate They
consider very useful discussion in class 64%, working through the issues / concepts 60%, suggests a
study 60%, textbooks 56%, check the test session, 52%, work in small groups of 49%, Home Work
46% recorded over online 38%.

3.2 Development Outlines Large Model Accelerated Learning Integrated by Discovery

Based on an analysis of needs and analysis of the characteristics of a generation college student
in Jember as a research-based. Development Outlines Large Model Accelerated Learning
Integrated by Discovery follows;


Theoretical basis Alid learning developed based on the results of original research and analysis of
needs must improve standard processes on the subjects of history. Although the
underlying theory models Alid learning include: Opinions constructivism and
humanistic learning, cognitive learning theories include: the discovery of the
theory of Jerome Bruner, David Ausubel meaningful learning theory, theories of
John Dewey problem solving, information processing theory of Piaget's theory of
intellectual development.

Syntax Syntax learn to develop a combination of invention and intense learning models
knowledge have to learn the syntax of 9 degrees: self, stimulation, problem description,
research, data collection, data processing, memory Fire-Wire those show what
you know, verification and reflection.

Social system Alid learning can lead to social aspects in the classroom and open atmosphere
that invites students to discuss. In addition to learning Alid build a cooperative
group that has a positive impact on learning outcomes. Without learning
accelerated learning and fun, matched with elements of constructivism learning
System Alid learning to be effective when used with the support of teaching aids, the
Support environment and complete facilities. Evidence suggests that the environment
provides an atmosphere of learning activities leading to increase both
instructional delivery and better academic performance. In addition, Alid model
also supported teachers' competences.

Learning Model ALID At KD to analyze the various theories about the accession process and the
development of Islamic religion and culture in Indonesia
No. Activity Description time allocation
1 Early 1. Educators greeting, and invite the class president to lead 10 minutes
the prayers. Next, he asked how the pupils, by greeting
"How are you today? Are you ready to learn? "Is there
not present in today's lesson?
2. The educator asks students to check the cleanliness class,
at least around the table (under the table) and the seat of a
3. Teachers express purpose of learning or KD.
4. Educators describes various materials and an explanation
of the activities to be undertaken students to solve a
problem or task at this meeting.
2 Core 1. Self Concept 70 minutes
Educators provide motivation and enthusiasm that students are
ready to learn history
2. Stimulation
In this activity, the teacher asks the participants to watch a
video recording of the culture and religion of Islam in
3. Problem statement
Students are asked to formulate questions based on observation
of the image (essential facts), using the principle of 5W + 1H
"evidence - evidence of the arrival of Islam and the theory of
what is right and rational"
4. Exploration
Teachers ask questions about the material that has been studied
and related to the material to be examined, with the question:
"Do you understand the evolution of Hindu - Buddha seems
logical, except Hindu - Buddhism development of what is
developing in Indonesia at this time?"

5. Data Collecting
The instructor divides the group into 5 groups. Each group
studied the issues that have been formulated, limiting
formulation of the problem, determine the causes and
consequences of problems that need to be met and to identify
the source (Internet, literature, field studies) that will be used to
solve the problem.
Subjects in each group;
1. Background Islam came to Indonesia?
2. Sign up and development of Islamic religion and
3. Compare theory - a theory to which supports the
introduction of Islam to Indonesia?
4. Do you think that theory is best? Why?
5. What is the role of manager - leader in the spread of
Islam in Indonesia.
6. Data Processing
The data collected is used to account for pupils as time/
Timeline and conclusions "events during the popular resistance
to foreign occupation Indonesian declaration of independence"
7. Trigerring Your Memory
Effective learning strategies for generating Z is an educational
strategy that can improve the ability to think (Moore, 2005).
Strategies that facilitate the students to do independent learning
and develop metacognitive. Fire-Wire memory can be achieved
by students to stalls, code generation for a name - the name of
the kingdom of King / Sultan of Islam and Technology
8. Exhibiting what you know
Students presented the results of group discussions, information
search results, the result of solving the problem with the other
9. Verification
Students / groups in order to ascertain views on its findings to
the student / group to find / compare new findings from other
groups, Students give opinions of its findings with the results of
other groups and then present findings in the form of
conclusions to other students
10 Reflection
Students and teachers together - learning together numbered.
Teachers required materials yet understood students. Teachers
analyze indicators has not been achieved by learners. Teachers
provide an opportunity for students to reflect the results of
activities in the classroom.
3 End 1. Teachers provide feedback on the process and learning 10 minutes
2. Educators plan to follow-up in the form of individual
3. Teachers lesson closed greeting.

3.3 Validation and Effectiveness of ALID ( Acelerated Learning Integrated by Discovery)

Validation is the evaluation of the initial product is successfully developed to look
at aspects truth of the contens, media, and enforceability (user friendly), which involved of
expert validation of language, validation of content experts, validation of development model
of learning, and validation of media. Each substansion get B/Well Score by category 72% ≤ B
≤ 92%.
Figure 3. Questioner of validation language, media, content, and learning models

Test the effectiveness of the products developed in the form of formative tests using the same
test instrument in the second grade class is experimental and control classes T test results for
two samples can be viewed on the display as shown below is as follows:

Figure 4. T Test Result

With the following conditions:

Ho : μProduct learning = μNon Product (conventional)

H1 : μProduct Learning ≠ μNon Product (conventional)

Because the P-Value = 0.004 then the real level α = 5% = 0.05, t test

show that H0 rejected (significantly different P-Value <α), so that it can be said that learning to
use the ALID Learning is better than learning by (conventional) at the 5% significance level.

3.4 Characteristic ALID Models

Learning model developed in this study is a design or pattern learning is used as a guide in
planning and embodies a process / activity history teaching in class directing in designing
learning to help learners, so that the learning goals set to be achieved. Model Accelerated
Learning Integrated Learning by Discovery (alid) using Borg and Gall is a pattern concept used
as a guide in planning and realizing a learning process in the classroom who directs the design
learning to help learners to improve acceleration of learning and learning outcomes of students.
The combination of models AL and Discovery Learning in learning is done by integrating syntax
accelerataed model of learning and discovery learning model as alid learning syntax. ALID
learning aims to make learning constructivist and humanistic to the specifications:
1. Accelerated Learning Integrated model development by Discovery (alid) equipped with
learning tools are developed and can be used as well as lesson plans and learning
resources for learners.
2. Model Integrated Accelerated Learning by Discovery (alid) equipped with learning tools
are developed in accordance with KI and KD a subject to be taught, the material time of
the kingdom - the kingdom of Islam in Indonesia with sub material and KD 3.7 and 3.8
3. Model Integrated Accelerated Learning by Discovery (alid) developed learning model
encompasses four components: 1) a theoretical basis, 2) learning syntax, 3) social system,
and 4) support system. The four components are presented in the form of prototype
models that meet the criteria for model development.

3.5 Excellence Product ALID for Generation Z in History Course.

1. Model developmentAccelerated Learning Integrated by Discovery (alid) as supporting
the demands of the curriculum in 2013 in history, learning about history that helps Gen Z
infuse new knowledge of matter and solve a problem;
2. Model developmentAccelerated Learning Integrated by Discovery (alid) can improve
the competence of Gen Z to learn independently and constructivist, according
21stcentury learning needs of a demanding activity; communication, collaboration,
critical thinking, creativity (4C);
3. Model development Accelerated Learning Integrated by Discovery (alid) can build up
competence of Gen Z in reflection of events - Historical events;
4. Accelerated Learning Integrated model development by Discovery (alid) can be used by
researchers to conduct similar research and test the effectiveness further through
experimental research.

4. Conclusions
Conclusion Alid development model study on the topics of history are:
1. Get Model development Accelerated Learning Integrated by Discovery that suitable for Gen
Z is obtained namely High School Students in Jember who need a model that leads to
demanding learning and training activities 21stcentury; communication, collaboration,
critical thinking, creativity (4C).
2. Model development Accelerated Learning Integrated by Discovery has changed the learning
approach from teacher centered to student centered which makes students more free to
follow history learning through discussion forums between students and teachers. The
development of ALID model does not change the essense of the Curriculum 2013 but
combines constructivist and humanis learning.
3. Use of ALID learning resources that improve achievement for students on history course, the
results of the t test found that the real level α = 5% = 0,005 with value = 0.004.
4. The results of the development of the models of learning consists of 10 steps ALID items,
namely; Self Concept, Stimulation, Problem Statement, Exploration, Data Collecting, Data
Processing, Trigerring your memory, Exhibiting what you know, Verification, and Reflection.

The recommendation referred to in connection with the development of models ALID are:
1. There is a ned for seriousness for High School in Jember to implement ALID model so
that the results obtained are optimal.
2. The teacher have to able fulfill the learning needs of the gen Z namely Hisgh School
students so that they can easily reach the goal learning of history course.
3. Teacher should be revised periodically on subjects that teach.

I thank the supervisors who have provided input to complete the research and write this article, and
also thanked the informant research and reviewers. Acknowledgments and awards are given to editors
who have reviewed and reviewed the journal. The following are the names of editors who have also
reviewed the journal manuscript;
Prof Yuei An Liou, (National Central University, Taiwan)
Prof Chanjong Kim, (Seoul National University, South Korea)
Prof. Madden Marguerite, (The University of Georgia, United States)
Prof Chryssy Potsiou, (National Technical University of Athens, Greece)
Prof. Muh. Aris Marfai, (Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia )
Dr rer nat Nandi, (Indonesia University of Education)
Bejo Apriyanto, S.Pd., M.Pd (University of Jember, Indonesia)
Elan Artono Nurdin, S.Pd., M.Pd (University of Jember, Indonesia)
Fahmi Arif Kurnianto, S.Pd., M.Pd (University of Jember, Indonesia)
Fahrudi Ahwan Ikhsan, S.Pd., M.Pd (University of Jember, Indonesia)
Drs. Yagus Wijayanto, Ph.D. (University of Jember, Indonesia)


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