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We made a visit to one of Erajaya subsidiary company which is NASA, that is an

authorized retail store for Samsung device in Indonesia.

Company Profile

Samsung was founded by Lee Byung-chul in 1938. Samsung is a South Korean electronics
company which sells televisions, household appliances and perhaps most notably, mobile
devices. The devices run on the Android operating system. Samsung continously develop and
expand strategic products in its Consumer Electronic division. Since the company fist won
top global market share in 2006, exceptional technology and innovative design have
strengthened its unrivaled leadership in flat-panel TVs and monitors. In the Home
Appliances, the company achieved remarkable growth by debuting inventive new products
and differentiated design in the premium market. With the success of its electronics business,
Samsung has been recognised globally as an industry leader in technology and now ranked as
a top 10 global brand. Samsung Electronics constantly reinvents tomorrow to pursue happier
and richer lives. The company explore the territory of the unknown to discover potential and
fulfill greater promise.


The company vision is to inspire the world and create the future.


The company mission is to inspire the world with innovative technology, product and designs
that enrich people’s lives and contribute to social prosperity by creating a new future.

Here are several questions and answers during the interview session :

1. What strategy that Samsung store implement to acquire and retain its customers?
In order to acquire a customer, Samsung store strategy’s is its team or human
resources. The company wants all of the employees are able to master a basic selling
skill. This shows that the company is very concerned about the quality of its services.
The company believes that if they deliver a good service quality then customers will
be satisfied and in return they will made another purchase and increase their sales.
Another strategy is the product’s originality. All items that are sold at the store are an
original goods and the quality is guaranteed. Hence, this makes customers have
greater trust in their company. Furthermore to retain its customers, Samsung
implement a Samsung Priority. The advantage of the priority customer is that when
there is a pre-order session, the priority customers will be precedenced. Samsung also
provide a lots of discount and free gifts for all of its customers. Besides that, Samsung
has a trade in program. In this program, Samsung gives a chance for its customers
who is interested in upgrading its gadget to the newest collection. The customer
doesn’t need to pay lots of money for the newest collection. As an example, the
customer is using S8 at the moment but he/she wanted to change it to S9. Then the
customer can simply trade the previous gadget to get the newest collection by paying
only several amount of money.
2. Is there any CRM system that the company implement? If there is, how does it
Inside the store, there is a smart service. This system helps its customers to update
software and solve trouble that its customers face after purchasing its products.
Furthermore, they also implement CRM system that provided by the parent company
which is Erajaya. Their CRM system is powered by Oracle and designed by P.T.
AZEC Indonesia. .These system helps all the operation system of the company. With
the help of the system, Samsung store is able to operate its company successfully and
in return it increases its customer satisfaction. The CRM system will record any of
transaction data, stock data, and customer data to the databases. The data in the
databases will be processed by their headquarter in Jakarta (NASA).
3. Is there any CRM system that the company use to check for the stock? If there is,
how does it work?
There is a CRM system to check for the stock. It is namely AZEK. In this system, the
company can easily check for the stock, price list, and also it helps the transaction
process. With the help of AZEK, all of the process can go faster and smoothly. Hence,
it increases its customer satisfaction because customer don’t have to wait for a long
time to know for the availability of the goods, price of the goods and also for the
transaction process.
4. How could CRM system benefit the company?
By implementing a CRM system, it benefits the company a lot. All of the operation is
structured and organized. The employee can just directly operate the system. With just
one click, all of the stock and price is listed in the computer. The employee don’t have
to go to the other store to check for the stock. In addition, the transaction process and
the customer data is saved to the computer. This makes all of the operation process
goes faster and smoothly. Thus, the company will gain a greater trust from its
5. Can you imagine if Samsung don’t implement a CRM system?
Definitely all of the operation process won’t be well organized and will be chaotic.
Take an example, the employee will be difficult to check stock and they need to go to
another store to check for the stock. This makes customer wait longer and in return
customer will be disappointed and choose to purchase from another store. Thus, the
sales of the company will decrease.
6. Does the company have a partnership?

7. What strategy that the company use to measure its customer satisfaction?
To measure its customer satisfaction, Samsung provide a form of questionnaire to its
customers. Sometimes, Samsung also send an email to its customers to fill in a
survey. From those data that Samsung received, the company will be able to analyze
and improve its services. The company goal is to retain existing customers and to gain
new ones by providing the best customer relations that they can. And hopefully, to
find better customer services than their competitors provide.
8. How do the company convert the data from the customer so that it can be useful for
the company?
The company convert the data from the customer using Excel and NASA. In Excel all
of the formula is stated there so the employee just type in and insert the customer’s
data. This data will be sent to the center and the company will process the data with
the help of NASA.
9. Do the company have an email automation?
Samsung company has an email automation. In the national program, the email
automation is from Samsung Indonesia. There is an operator that directly share the
email to all of its customers. Besides that, there is also an email automation from each
store. As an example, Samsung store in Sun Plaza has its own data base to share for
its customers. The company usually use gmail, whatsapp, and another social media
accounts to share any information to its customers. The reason Samsung implement
this email automation is because it can automatically send to a whole list of its
customers in one go. Hence, it is easier for the company to operate and it isn’t time-
10. Do the company has a special offer or program to its customers?
Samsung has a special offer to its customers. There are several special offer that is
going on at the moment. Firstly, by purchasing one gadget in Samsung store then the
customers will get one free screen guard. Secondly, there is an trade in program.
Samsung gives a chance for its customers who is interested in upgrading its gadget to
the newest collection. The customer doesn’t need to pay lots of money for the newest
collection. Thirdly, there is an 0% installment to purchase the newest collection by
using a certain credit card. Lastly, there is also a special offer from Samsung Gift
Indonesia (SGI). In this program, customer can redeem something or get a special
11. Is there any goal that haven’t been achieved by the company?
There is a goal that haven’t been achieved by the company. The goal is about
targeting a broad market and be the number one everyone’s choices whenever comes
to technology stuffs. This goal hasn’t been achieved because the company still face a
price competition. Some store also sells Samsung’s products with cheaper price and
more great deal. Hence, this factor creates an issue for the company and makes the
company difficult to achieve its goals. But the company still keep fighting on until the
goals is achieved.

Visi misi visi utk menjadi mengembangkan sdm dan penjualan retail retail no 1 seindo. Misi
Utk mjd bangsa psr besar

Posisi Area manager/ area head 5 tahun.

Jawaban no 1

Yg paling utama yg kt tanamin sih ke team di lapangan. Apa yg paling dijual ke kt adalah pelayanan.
Basic selling skill dari team yg paling kt unggulin karna dari harga sendiri kt persaingan pasar dengan
di luar lebih murah diluar ketimbang dengan kt. Yg kedua originality. Barang yg kt jual disini adalah
barang” original dan kualitasnya lebih benar” terjaga jadi bukan barang sembarang. Jadi lebih ke
excellent service dari setiap team kt disini yg lebih kt unggulin ke luar. Kedua baru promonya.

No 2

Software crm ada. Cro dari team samsug sndr. Jdi samsung store disini terdiri dari dua team. Yg
pertama dr samsung yg kedua dari nasa dari erajaya group. Dari samsung diblkg store ini ada smart
service itu fungsinya untuk update software dan kenadala” customer apa after selling. Yg kedua
team samsung itu di depan promotor dan team operational dari nasa sendiri.

No 3

Post azec dari oracle utk cek stock, transaksi price list dan semuanya.

No 4

Ada dampak positif setelah menggunakan crm. Yg pertama trust customer lebih besar ke kt karna kt
tersistem dan terstruktur dengan baik.

No 5

Jika tidak menggunakan sistem CRM maka perusahaan bakal kacau dan tidak terorganisir dengan
baik sementara utkbarang dan maintenance semuanya sudah ada pada sistem. Jadi team
operasional hanya tinggal menjalankan sistem tersebut saja.

No 6

Samsung banyak partnership. Kalau sprt kt organize itu modern channel diluar kt ada trade jdi
tradisional channel. Jd sprt ownership yg ada di millenium toko kecil yg simbolnya SAP atau partner
store dari tradisional.

No 7

Strategi yg digunakan untuk mengukur kepuasan customer. Samsung ada form untuk penilaian
customer puas/tidak. Dari team samsung sndri mrk jg sering bless ke customer kmd ada
priority/samsung priority itu utk cust yg vip jdi klo ada pre order mrk yg bakal diduluankan. Jdi cust
itu tdk kemari jdi mrk yg ambil. Dr form ini diolah jdi gmna? Dr form ini sih mrk ngisi terus direport
ke pusat. Brp walk in customer hr ni yg masuk, apa aja yg dilakuin cust disini ada upgrade kah
masing” team sudah pegang job disknya. Untuk promotor mereka pegang utk lgsg ke customer
seperti untuk settingan dll kmd smart service utk service dan ada isi data.

No 8

Sejauh ini utk data submit by excel karna di excel ada rumus angka kt jd kt lgsg kirim ke pusat. Di
pusat bru mrk yg olah

No 9

Email automation ada di samsung dr samsung indonesia. Dari operator lgsg bless ke customer. Itu
utk program nasional. Kalo yg on store mis di sun plaza kt pny data base sendiri utk dishare
domainnta gmail utk email kmd dr WA, sosmed. Klo promo skala nasional lgsg samsung indo dan dr atau market online si dr utk samsung sndr msh belum jdi msh
dr sana semua.

No 10
Samsung ada program khusus utk customernya. Mis utk yg sdh pernah beli sblmnya ada program
khusus. Ini yg lg berjalan ada free screen guard dan itu dishare lgsg ke customernya yg pakai note 8,
s9,s8 dan mrk bs redeem lgsg kemari. Kmdian sistem yg dipakai itu SGI (samsung gift indo) yg utk
nukar itu jg ada itu biasanya program diskon aksesoris. Mis saya pakai s9 saya mau redeem pakai SGI
SUPAYA DAPAt diskon itu jg ada.

No 11

Goals yg blm tercapai adalah benar” makan market lbh besar drpd tradisional. Kendala yg kt dpt
adalah persaingan harga.


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