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2, MARCHIAPRIL 1989 257

High-Performance Direct Torque Control of an

Induction Motor

Abstract-A new direct torque control method for an induction motor

is presented which is quite different from field-oriented control. Improv-
ing the torque response of a large-capacity induction motor using two sets
of three-phase inverters and an open-delta induction motor is of special
concern. Instantaneous voltage vectors applied by an inverter have
redundancy characteristics which provide some flexibility for selecting the
inverter switching modes. By using this switching freedom, control is
achieved according to the following priorities; 1) high-speed torque
control, 2) regulation of the primary flux, 3) decreasing the zero phase
sequence current, 4) minimization of the inverter switching frequency.
Simulations and experiments have been carried out to verify the feasibility * A
of this priority control, accompanied by comparisons with another (b)
control scheme. Torque frequency-response corner frequencies above Fig. 1 Torque control schemes. (a) Field-oriented control. (b) Direct torque
2000 Hz have been experimentally measured, and time constants of 4 ms and flux control.
have been achieved for rotor speed step responses from - 500 to 500 r/
min. The peak transient torque during the step change is about 20 times
the rated torque. The proposed method is very promising for rapid torque output waveforms which do not compare favorably with those
control. of the voltage-controlled inverter. The current-controlled
inverter often causes increased motor harmonic losses and
I. INTRODUCTION acoustic noise during steady-state operation [ 11431.
This paper proposes new control schemes based on the
H IGH DYNAMIC performance of servo motor drives is
indispensable in many applications of today’s
automatically controlled machines. AC servo motor control
principle of Arago’s disk, which can be considered a basic
law of torque generation in the induction motor. It makes
possible both fast torque response and high-efficiency control
has attracted much attention recently in the power electronics at the same time.
field. Field-oriented control has been developed, enabling an Fig. l(b) shows a schematic diagram of the proposed
ac motor to attain dynamic responses as rapid as for a dc control scheme. In the system, instantaneous values of the flux
motor. The principle of field-oriented control is based on and the torque are calculated from primary variables and
Fleming’s law, which describes the interaction force between controlled independently by using an optimum switching table.
fluxes and currents. Therefore, it can achieve not only the fastest torque response
Fig. l(a) shows a typical system configuration employing but also the lowest harmonic losses and acoustic noise [4].
field-oriented control. The system usually employs a position An object of the paper is how to apply the theory to a large-
sensor to drive a rotating reference frame transformation, capacity servo system using a gate turn-off (GTO) inverter.
which generates the phase current commands for the current- The switching frequency of a GTO inverter is restricted to
controlled inverter. The primary current reference i* is values no higher than several hundred hertz. To increase the
calculated from the flux command $2* and the torque drive capacity while decreasing the switching frequency, two
command T* by using an estimator. The control equation for sets of three-phase GTO inverters are employed in the
the estimator contains motor parameters which vary with the experiment.
winding temperatures and the flux saturation level of the iron
core. Many papers have reported the problems associated with 11. INDUCTION
compensating these parameters. The current-controlled invert- INVERTER
ers typically used in the field-oriented drive system develop Fig. 2 shows a schematic diagram of the power circuit,
Paper IPCSD 88-2, approved by the Industrial Drives Committee of the which is composed of two sets of three-phase inverters, a
IEEE Industry Applications Society for presentation at the 1987 Industry reactor L for suppressing the zero phase sequence current, and
Applications Society Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, October 19-23. Manu- an open-delta connection induction motor (IM). Since neutral
script released for publication May 13, 1988.
I. Takahashi is with the Department of Electrical and Electronic System points of the induction motor are not isolated, zero phase
Engineering, Nagaoka University of Technology, 1603-1 Kamitomioka, sequence current, expressed as io = i, + ib + ic, exists. The
Nagaoka, Niigata, Japan 940-2 1. current io increases the copper losses as well as the required
Y. Ohmori is with the Technical Development Center, Toyo Electric
Company, Ltd., 388-1 Kamikusayanagi, Yamato, Japan 242. inverter capacity. These effects can be limited somewhat by
IEEE Log Number 8825305. the primary leakage impedances of the motor, but the effect is

OO93-9994/89/03OO-0257$01.OO 0 1989 IEEE



Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of system.

so small that the zero phase sequence reactor with isolated

three windings must be employed.
The instantaneous voltage vector u I is represented as
U ]= J2/3((Uu - u,/2 - 4 2 ) +jJ2/3(u, - ”,)}. (1)
Assuming a dc link voltage of E , the line-to-line terminal
voltages uu, U,, U, applied by the inverters have three levels: E ,
0, or - E . As shown in Fig. 3, there are 19 distinct vector
sets, including one zero voltage vector VO,six intermediate
amplitude vectors VI, V2, * * , v,,and 12 large-amplitude
vectors V,, V8, * * ., VIS. Since the total number of inverter
switch combinations is 2, = 64, some of the switching modes
overlap, delivering the same voltage vector. This switching
redundancy can be employed to decrease the zero phase
sequence current. Fig. 4. Locus of $, and voltage vectors

FLUX instants is always a16 rad, which eliminates unnecessary
The primary voltage vector u1 for the symmetrical induction inverter switching.
motor is expressed by following equation: The Fig. 4 also shows that the flux vector locus changes
direction periodically by d6-rad steps. Considering the
u1 = R Iil + d$, /dt (2) inherent symmetry, the switching plane pattern is divided into
12 segments as follows:
where R I is the stator resistance, is the flux linkage of the
stator winding, and il is the input current vector expressed as ( d 6 ) ( n - 1) <en < ( d 6 ) n , n = I , 2, - . . , 12.

il =J2/3{(iu-i,/2-i,/2)+jJ2/3(i,-i,)}. (3) Fig. 5 shows the torque response, with different amplitudes
of step changes of the slip frequency w, applied under constant
The vector u I changes discretely at the switching instants but Irl/ll. The maximum steady-state torque in this figure is
stays constant between the switching intervals. Therefore, achieved for w, = 2 a x 15 rad/s, which corresponds to the
from (2), during each interval is slip frequency for maximum torque on the steady-state torque-
speed curve. However, the rate of torque increase at t = 0 is
Gl=Vlt-! Rlildt+$lo (4) almost proportional to the amplitude of the step difference of
where ql0 is the initial value of at the beginning of the a,.This characteristic is explained analytically in [4]. It shows
switching interval. Assuming the voltage drop of R I is small, that the torque step response is
the trajectory of moves with constant speed approaching the
same orientation as uI. The speed is almost proportional to the T= sin (w,t +a )
amplitude of U,.
Fig. 4 shows the relationship between the locus of and
selected voltage vectors to follow a circular reference I *.
The selection of V(S,, S,, S,) is made to retain the flux
amplitude error within the specified limits set by a hysteresis
band of width Al$ll, i.e.,
l ~ l l * - ~ l ~ l l ~ ~ ~ l ~ ~ l ~ l ~ l l * + ~ l $ l l ~ ~ .
The voltage vector selection algorithm depends not only on where
the amplitude error but also on the direction of G I . As shown
in Fig. 4, the angle between the voltage vectors at switching z = [ R: + ( ~ , 1 ) ~ ]and a = tan - I (a,1/R2).

“T ws=2n*25


Fig. 7.
Four-loop hysteresis comparator.
time (ms )
Fig. 5. Torque response for step change of U,.

Fig. 8. Voltage vector to generate desired flux.

The IG and ZG vector loops are mainly used at low speeds

or steady-state operation. Switching between the hysteresis
loops occurs automatically by detecting the saturation of the
loops. When loop 2 saturates at its upper limits, the compara-
tor detects a saturation level AT2/2 which is slightly larger
tirre(m5 ) than A T l / 2 and causes the control to switch to loop 1.
Fig. 6. Relations between torque and voltage vector groups. Similarly, when loop 1 is undersaturated, the loop is switched
over to loop 2.
The selection of the inverter switching elements is designed
Assuming that the speed response is very slow in compari-
to achieve the following performance objectives, arranged in
son with the torque response, the fastest response can be
order of control priority (1 is highest):
obtained by changing the slip frequency as much as possible.
This means that the maximum rate of increase for the 1) fast dynamic torque control,
torque, i.e., the minimum torque response time, is achieved 2) regulation of the primary flux linkage,
by controlling the inverter maximum frequency under the 3) reduction of the zero phase sequence current, and
condition of constant 1. 4) minimization of the inverter switching frequency.
Fig. 6 shows the torque control scheme based on this
principle. When the torque T increases and reaches the upper OF THE PWM INVERTER
hysteresis limit T* + T l / 2 ,it is better to decrease T as slowly In this section, the algorithm for selecting the voltage vector
as possible to reduce the inverter switching frequency. The which controls both torque and flux simultaneously is de-
slowest decay rate for the torque can be obtained by using the scribed. Fig. 8 shows the relation of the desired vector u I to
intermediate amplitude vector group VI, -
, V, at rather generate flux $, and several voltage vectors V2, V8, V3,and
high-speed operation and the zero vector V, at low-speed VI, which are neighbors of vector VI. From (2), since the
operation. These vectors are selected until the torque T desired voltage vector is advanced by 90°, $I can be rotated
reaches the lower hysteresis limit T* - A T l / 2 . Using this clockwisely by using one of the vectors V,, V3, V8, or v15.
technique, the torque error is limited within AT. Vectors V3 and VI5 can decrease the amplitude of IG1l with
Fig. 7 shows the method for choosing the desired voltage time, whereas vectors V2 and V8 increase 1. The rotating
vector of the large-amplitude group (LG) and the middle- speed 0 of the flux is minimized by selecting Vo, has
amplitude group (IG), or the middle and the zero-amplitude intermediate values using v 2 or V3,and is maximized by v8 or
voltage group (ZG). VIS.
Fig. 7 is composed for four hysteresis loops. Loop 1, Therefore, in the case of small flux rotating speeds when e
employing LG vectors and IG vectors sequenced to produce decreasing torque is required, the optimum voltage vector
clockwise rotation, is used during clockwise high-speed would be Vo. In the case when both torque and flux are
operation or at times when large clockwise impulse torque is required to increase, the optimum voltage vector is V2.When
required. increasing torque and decreasing flux are required, the

2 0
2 1
1 0
1 1
0 0
0 1
-1 0
-1 1
-2 0
-2 1

~@ -2
t Io

Fig. 10. Switching table for decreasing io.

Fig. 9. Optimum switching table and controller.
in Fig. 10, io would be increased most rapidly by selecting the
optimum voltage vector is V,. As mentioned before, in the table (E, E , E ) , i.e., uo = 3E rather than (0, 0, 0), i.e., uo =
case of large the inverter switching is done between the Vz, 0. However, due to the high voltage of uo, the rate of the io
V3 group and the V,, V I ,group. On the other hand, for small current increase is very large in this case. Therefore, to reduce
e, the inverter switching is done between the Vz, V3group and the switching frequency, it is better to use the vector (0, 0, 0),
the VOgroup. Thus the optimum switching can be uniquely i.e., uo = 0 rather than the vector (E, E , E ) . In this case, io is
selected by using the methods already described. kept almost constant until the next switching mode. The
Fig. 9 shows the optimum voltage vector table. The torque suppression of io within the desired limits is not always
error T* - T and the flux error I I * - I I are digitized by realized during normal operation due to its low control
four-loop and one-loop hysteresis comparators, respectively. priority.
A 3-bit signal T , a 1-bit signal 4, and a 4-bit signal 8, are As shown in Fig. 3, the switching redundancies of Voand
developed. 0, is the angle signal for which divides the the VI, * , V6 group are three and two, respectively. If
switching plane into 12 areas. switching to decrease the zero phase sequence current is
The switching mode redundancy provided by the inverter required, the inverter must be changed to another switching
can be used as previously mentioned for suppressing the zero pattern while retaining the same voltage vector. Since voltage
phase sequence current permitted by the open-delta connec- vectors in the VI3, , VI, group have one switching
tion. That is, some of the voltage vectors can be produced by redundancy, switching to decrease io requires that the voltage
several different switch mode combinations, leaving the volt- vector be switched to the neighboring group V,, * * , VIZ,
age vector unchanged. The zero phase sequence voltage uo which has uo = 0, detecting the angle of 8,. The priority
developed by the inverters is given by controls for generating optimum torque, flux, and zero phase
sequence current uniquely select one voltage vector at every
uO= U, + ub + U,. (6) time instant.
Then the zero phase sequence current io is represented as The next task is to select the switching condition of the
inverters for a given voltage vector. It can be considered that
uo = (Ro+ Rl)io+ (1 3L0)di0/dt (7) two sets of three-phase inverters in Fig. 2 are equivalent to
three sets of single-phase bridge inverters. For example, when
where Ro and Lo are the resistance and the reactance of the the line-to-line voltage U, = E , or - E , the switching
zero phase reactor. Equations (6) and (7) indicate that the condition (SI,Sib) in Fig. 2 is uniquely determined as (1, 0)
increase or decrease of io is determined by the polarity of uo. and (0, l), respectively. When U, = 0, however, two
Fig. 10 shows a switching table for suppressing the zero switching modes (0, 0) and (1, 1) can be selected. For
phase sequence current. By using a three-level comparator, io equalizing the switching frequency of each device, it is
is compared with the limits %Aio setting the comparator desirable to select modes (0, 0), and (1, 1) alternately.
output Io to 1, 0, or - 1. In the case of Io = 1, a negative value Fig. 11 shows the switching frequency equalization circuit
of Vo is desired to reduce io, but the minimum number of already described. A separate equalization circuit is necessary
switch mode changes is also desired to minimize the average for each individual phase. In this figure, the input signal u,*(x
switching frequency. = a, b, c) represents phase voltage reference for the bridge
For example, under the condition of VO,n odd and Io = - 1 inverter. To get the desired control, the previous switching



7 * d o n ‘ t care ’(x-a,b,c)

Fig. 11. Switching frequency equalizing circuit.

signal (SIX, Sk) and the signal Soxare necessary. Soxindicates

whether the changed signal during the previous cycle was SIX
or S,. When the changed signal was SIX, Sox = 1, and when
the changed signal was S,, Sox= 0.

Experimental Systems
Using vector notation, the torque of the two-pole induction
motor can be written as

T=$, * (-jil). (8)

This equation can be rewritten using d-q axis components as

T = $I& - $ l q i l d (9)

$Id= j (Uld-Rlild) dt
$lq= j ( u I ~ - R I ~dt.I ~ ) (10) Fig. 12. Configuration of proposed system.

A flux estimator using simple op-amp integrators to

calculate and $ l q has high drift levels for low-frequency Three bits of 7,one bit of 4, 4 bits of 8, and 2 bits of IOare
operation. In [4], a more precise flux observer was developed. used to address a I-kbit ROM table. In this figure, the signal 7
The measured flux amplitude 1 and torque Terrors are is determined by the four-stage hysteresis loop shown in Fig.
digitized using a hysteresis comparator and a five-level 7. The output of the ROM is not the switching condition of the
hysteresis comparator, respectively. The angle 8, of is also inverter but the line-to-line voltage references U;, U:, and U,*.
digitized into 12 sectors as shown in Table I. The switching condition of the individual inverter is deter-
Fig. 12 represents the total configuration of the proposed mined by using the circuit shown in Fig. 11.
control system. The three-phase line-to-line voltages u I and the
line current il are transformed into d-q components. Using V. FREQUENCY
(lo), the primary flux linkages are estimated using Fig. 13 shows the experimental results for a torque step
integrators. The amplitude 1$11 and its sector angle 8, are response. A response time of 300 ps for a step change of - 9
determined from the following equation and Table I, respec- to 9 N * m (rated torque) is observed. From (5), the rate of
tively: torque increase is approximately expressed as

dT/dt = ( P M 2\ $ I I 2 ~ s ) / L I/(LIlL22
I - M 2 ) / 2 . (12)

Fig. 13. Experimental result of torque step response


Rated power 1.5 kW Number of pole P = 4

L , , = L22 = 87.5 mH M = 83.8 mH
E = 273 V = 0.5 Wb

In the case of locked rotor conditions, the slip frequency W, is (b)

Fig. 14. Frequency characteristic of torque. (a)fr = 200 Hz. ( b ) f r = 1.5
identical to the rotating speed of the primary flux. liHZ.
Under these conditions U, is given by
w s = J2/3E/I ~1 I. (13)

Experiments were carried out to verify the feasibility of the - w--_ _

~. r a t e d torque
proposed control using a 1.5-kW three-phase induction motor. v

The maximum forcing voltage applied to the motor is 2.9

t- --- -
times the rated voltage. The machine constants are listed in v

M 0-.
0 -
Table 11. Substituting these parameters into (12) and (13), a U
calculated value of dT/dt = 5.6 x lo4N.m/s is obtained for N

the locked rotor condition. This value corresponds to 322 ps, ; fc-Zkkh
which is almost the same as the step response measured from I

the experimental results.
Fig. 14 shows the sinusoidal response of the torque with
frequency (fr). Fig. 14(a) is the case forfr = 200 Hz, and its
lag time is almost zero. Fig. 14(b) is for fr = 1.5 kHz. The
amplitude of the output torque is slightly larger than that of the
reference because of the hysteresis torque control.
Fig. 15 shows the frequency characteristics of the torque for
the torque reference amplitudes of 13.5, 8.9, and 4.3 Nem.
The cutoff frequency of the system at the rated torque (8.9
N*m) is about 2 kHz. These results may represent a world
record for such a large induction motor drive system.
The mean switching frequency for operation with a torque
reference frequency of fr = 5 kHz is slightly higher than 1
kHz. Since the inverter has six switching arms, the idealized Fig. 16. Step response of speed
switching pattern for this same operating point would yield a
somewhat lower mean switching frequency of 5000/6 = 833
Both the harmonic torque and flux are restricted within the
Hz .
hysteresis bands with minimized switching frequency. There-
Fig. 16 shows a velocity step response obtained from the
fore, the acoustic noise and the temperature rise of the motor is
experimental drive system. A proportional-integral (P-I)
very small in comparison with that of a conventional inverter
speed controller is used to get the torque reference signal T*,
drive system. The quality of the motor noise is quite different
and the flux reference 1 1 * is set at its maximum value, 0.5
from the case of the conventional PWM inverter drive-motor.
Wb. The maximum impact torque is 180 N * m , which
It sounds broad-band in nature rather than a miscellaneous
corresponds to 20 times the rated torque. The current in this
instant is 125 A, which is 12 times the rated current. The zero
phase sequence current io is limited within 2.0 A . VI. COMPARISON CONTROL
The - 500 to + 500-r/min velocity step response time of
The following control schemes are compared:
4.0 ms is obtained under no-load conditions. These results
may represent the world record for induction motors rated at 1 Scheme 1 (Fig. I7(a)): field-oriented control employing an
kW or more. instantaneous current-controlled inverter using the same con-

-0.8 1 -40 1 -48 1

Fig. 17. Comparison with field-oriented control and proposed control. (a)
Field-oriented control. (b) Direct torque control by single inverter. (c)
Direct torque control by double inverters.

figuration inverter as shown in Fig. 2;

Scheme 2 (Fig.17(b)): proposed control employing one set
of three-phase PWM inverter having a dc link voltage of E ;
Scheme 3 (Fig. 17(c)): proposed control employing the
configuration as shown in Fig. 2 .
Schemes 1 and 3 are compared under the same switching
frequency of 600 Hz in steady state. The simulation results
show that these speed responses are almost the same. How-
ever, the torque ripple and the amplitude of the current of the
3 "^'&
proposed system is decreased to about 70 percent of that of the
field-oriented control.
0.0 10 20 30 40 50
Schemes 2 and 3 display comparable values of torque
fundamental frequency (Hz)
ripple, and the speed responses are almost the same for both
cases. However, the switching frequency of scheme 2 is 1.5 Fig. 18.2.0Mean N.m,
switching frequency under steady state and no load. AT, =
= 0.55 Wb, Al$,l = 0.02 Wb, i = 2.0 A.
kHz, which is about 2.5 times the value for scheme 3.
Fig. 18 shows the mean switching frequency of switching inverter can supply the required current instantaneously to
devices for schemes 2 and 3. These results are compared for generate the torque. It is very easy to calculate the optimum
the same torque ripple amplitude and peak line-to-line volt- voltage vector using the proposed scheme since the system
ages. uses a voltage source control.
The switching frequency is almost constant for scheme 3
and limited within 600 Hz. This permits the use of large- VII. CONCLUSION
capacity GTO switching elements without increasing torque A newly developed direct torque control for an induction
ripples and harmonic currents. motor using two sets of three-phase inverters has been
It has been said that a field-oriented controller can achieve presented. The control scheme is quite different from field-
instantaneous torque response, but this is true only when the oriented control, because it depends on the concept of the

instantaneous slip frequency control in spite of the magnetic drive with a squirrel-cage induction motor,” ZEEE Trans. Ind. Appl.,
force. This paper especially proposes switching methods for a vol. IA-16, pp. 173-178, MarJApr. 1980.
[3] K. B. Nordin, D. W. Novotny, and D. S. Zinger, “The influence of
large-capacity inverter control system using a priority control motor parameter deviations in feedforward field orientation drive
scheme. Through experimental and simulation techniques, the systems,” in Conf. Rec. 1984 Ann. Meet. ZEEE Znd. Appl. Soc.,
validity of the proposed system has been examined. The main pp. 525-531.
141 I. Takahashi and T. Noguchi, “A new quick response and high
results obtained in this paper are as follows. efficiency control strategy of an induction motor,” ZEEE Trans. Znd.
1) The adopted dual three-phase inverter can deliver 19 Appl., vol. IA-22, pp. 820-827, 1986.
different voltage vectors (approximately 2.5 times as many as [5] I . Racz, “Dynamic behavior of inverter controlled induction motors,”
Conf.Rec. 1965 ZFAC, pp. 4B.1-4B.7.
for a single bridge) using 64 switch position combinations. 161 K. R. Jardan, S. B. Dewan, and G. R. Slemon, “General analysis of
The redundancy of the switching combinations is employed by three-phase inverters,” ZEEE Trans. Znd. Gen. Appl., vol. IGA-5,
the priority control. pp. 672-679, 1969.
2) The measured frequency response of the torque exceeds 2
kHz for the rated torque amplitude. This experimental result
may represent a world record.
3) Impact torque values of about 20 times the rated torque Isao Takahashi (M’86) was born in Japan on
March 10, 1942. He received the B.S. degree in
have been achieved. These high torques make possible the fast 1966 and the Ph.D. degree in 1971, both in
velocity loop response time of 4 ms for a - 500 to + 500 rlmin electrical engineering, from the Tokyo Institute of
step change. Technology, Tokyo, Japan.
He was an Assistant Professor at the Tokyo
4) The switching frequency of the proposed system is 1/2.5 Institute of Technology from 1971 to 1975 and an
of the frequency for the single-bridge inverter under the same Associate Professor at Utunoniva Universitv from
conditions of torque ripple amplitude. It makes use of a GTO 1975 to 1978. He was a Visiting Associate Profes-
sor at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, In
inverter drive. 1982. He is now a Professor in the Department of
These results show that the new control schemes are more Electrical and Electronics System Engineering at Nagaoka University of
suitable for high-speed servo systems than field-oriented Technology, Japan. His current research interests are in high-power optimum
control, especially motor drives, power active filters, PWM inverter control,
control in all respects. high-frequency power systems, flywheel energy storage systems, and power
control of an atomic fusion reactor.
The authors would like to express their appreciation to Mr.
I. Miyashita of Toyo Electric Co. Ltd and the Power
Electronics Laboratory members of the Nagaoka University of Youichi Ohmori was born in Japan on December
Technology. 6 , 1962. He received the M.S. degree in electrical
and electronics system engineering from Nagaoka
University of Technology, Niigata, Japan, in 1986.
REFERENCES In 1986, he joined the Toyo Electric Mfg. Co.,
A. Nabae, K. Otuka, H. Uchino, and R. Kurosawa, “An approach to Ltd., Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan, and his current
[I] works are on the static power converter and motor
flux control of induction motors operated with variable-frequency
power supply,” ZEEE Trans. Znd. Appl., vol. IA-16, pp. 342-350, torque control.
[2] L. J. Garces, “Parameter adaption for the speed controlled static ac

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