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From Dissonance to Note-Cluster: The Application of Musical-Rhetorical Figures and Dissonances

to Thoroughbass Accompaniment of Early 17th-Century Italian Vocal Solo Music

Author(s): Thérèse de Goede
Source: Early Music, Vol. 33, No. 2 (May, 2005), pp. 233-250
Published by: Oxford University Press
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Accessed: 03-02-2016 15:16 UTC

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Th rdsede Goede

Fromdissonanceto note-cluster:
the applicationof musical-rhetorical
thoroughbassaccompanimentof early17th-centuryItalian
vocal solo music

Figuramnenne ich eine gewife Art die Dissonantzenzu Although the earliest Italian treatises and texts on
gebrauchen,dai dieselbennicht allein nicht wiederlich, thoroughbassdeal with the realizationof unfigured
sondern vielmehr annehmlich werden, und des
Kunstan den Taglegen. basses,2 the authors focus almost exclusively on
consonances that must be played above the bass.
(I call Figurama certainmannerof using dissonancesso
thatthese arenot only not repulsive,but ratheragreeable, The treatment of dissonances, however, is hardly
andshowthe artof the composer.) mentioned in these texts. These are merely men-
Christoph Bernhard,Tractatus compositionis tioned in passing and illustrated in the musical
augmentatus, c. 16551
examples, mostly as conventional suspensions at
cadences. It is nevertheless striking to consider
ATofthe turn of the 17thcenturyItaliancomposers that c.161o composers like Jacopo Peri, Claudio
secularvocal music to a
began place greater
Monteverdi,FrancescoRasi or JohannHieronymus
emphasis on textual expression. In order better to
convey a text's affective meaning, they expanded Kapsbergerwrote the most daring note-combina-
their harmonic vocabularyand experimentedwith tions in their vocal monodies and polyphonic com-
the treatment of dissonance. These new harmonic positions, and Ercole Pasquini was composing the
tools include the use of extreme or unprepared first durezzee ligaturetoccatas for organ or harpsi-
dissonances (durezzeand heterolepsis),unresolved chord (in the application of durezze e ligature
dissonancesin cadences(ellipsis),harshnote-clusters preceded by Giovanni de Macque and his pupil
(acciaccatura),and the persistentrepetitionof a bass Trabaci). Whether or not these so-called durezze
note in a tenorizing cadence (extensio) or in the note-combinations were also used in thoroughbass
vocal part (cadentia duriuscula),thus delaying its accompanimentis impossible to deduce from con-
resolution.Some composers,especiallythose associ- temporary writings on this subject. The questions
ated with the secondaprattica, did not eschew any remain: how might continuo players exploit such
means to make the listener experiencethe intensity dissonancesin their realizationsfor expressiveends?
of the emotions describedin the text. And how can one handle such problematiccases as
For a present-day accompanist it is not always cadential and other harmonic patterns that appear
clear from the notated music how and where to to conflict with the melodic line?
apply these new expressivedevices in the continuo An examinationof the earliestthoroughbasstrea-
realization.More often than not, the bass lines are tises suggests that the authors were somewhat at a
unfigured.Relevantperiod information on the use loss to explain the accompanimentof music by the
of dissonancesin accompanimentis not easyto find. compositorimoderni. For the accompaniment of

EarlyMusic,Vol. xxxIIi, No.2 @The Author 2005. Publishedby OxfordUniversityPress.All rightsreserved.

doi:10.1093/em/cah068,availableonline at 233

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prima prattica compositions, the rules of counter- with the secondaprattica.Bernhard'scompositional
point dictated which chords should be played. By treatisesinclude Von der Singe-Kunst,oderManiera,
applying these conventions, players could deter- Tractatuscompositionis augmentatusandAusfi2hlicher
mine from the bass progressionwhetherthey had to Berichtvom GebrauchederCon-undDissonantien.He
play a 5th or a 6th above the bass (togetherwith the does not, however, formulate new rules, but only
3rd and/or the octave), and whether those 3rds and describesa numberof musicalexamples.Onlytwo of
6ths had to be minor or major. In the treatisesby these formulas or figures are discussed (or rather,
Francesco Bianciardi and Adriano Banchieri this demonstrated)in latertreatises.The cadentiadurius-
procedureis outlined in painstakingdetail.3But the cula, although not under this name, by Bartolomeo
treatment of dissonances was hardly mentioned in Bismantova (1677) and Henry Purcell (1694) and the
the early treatisesor, if at all, only in regardto 7-6 heterolepsis (also undera differentname) by Lorenzo
and 4-3 suspensions at cadences.AlthoughAdriano Penna (1672). Of the musical figures, formulated by
Banchieridid make a connection between the con- Bernhard,in particularthe cadentiaduriusculaand
cept of 'text as the mistressover music',4and the use the ellipsiswill be discussedbelow.
of durezzeby the modern composer,this was only to
stressthat composersought to figuretheirbasslines. Cadentia duriuscula
Finally, by the middle of the 17th century some A typicalelement seen in the monody of this period,
figures representing unusual dissonant note- especially in the stylus theatralisor recitativus,is
combinations appearunder the bass lines of recita- the independence of the solo part from the bass
tives in cantatas. Marc'Antonio Pasqualini wrote line and its implied harmony. In other words, the
figures that clearly representnote-clusters such as solo part and the bass line make dissonant note-
5/14/3or 7/#6/5,prefiguringthe later acciaccaturein combinations that fall outside the common chord
sonatas by Domenico Scarlatti, and their use in possibilitiesof 17th-centuryharmoniclanguage.Ex.1
recitatives as described by Francesco Gasparini.5 shows a typical example,from BrusselsMs.7o4;ex.2
Written-outexamplesof these note-clusterscan also gives a somewhatlaterexamplefrom Peri'sEuridice.
be found in toccatas by Kapsberger and in A strikingphenomenon in both unfiguredor par-
Frescobaldi's'Cento partite'for harpsichord. tially figured examplesis the sustained,or repeated
In the same period ChristophBernhard,a pupil of note A (ex.1) and E (ex.2) in the vocal part. Below
Heinrich Schtitz, attempted to codify typical this sustainednote the bass moves in predominantly
harmonicand melodic formulasor figuresassociated stepwise fashion towards the two final notes. This

Ex.1JacopoCorsi[attrib.],'AlmoDio che'lcarr'ardente',

Al-mo Dio che'l car - r'ar - den - te per lo ciel vol - gen - d'in - tor -

- o ve-st'ildi d'unau-
U: 2 7 ~ l


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persistentfixation on the same note is the cause of figures written by the composer under the bass, or
the appearance of the dissonance of a 4th above written-outaccompaniments.One can also examine
the bass (here indicatedby asterisksbelow the bass similar passages in contemporary polyphonic
line). How should a thoroughbass player realize compositions such as madrigals or solo pieces for
this bass line? And should one avoid doubling harpsichord,organ or lute.
the vocal part?The 17th-centurytreatises on thor- The examplesby Corsiand Periarenot exceptional
oughbass or counterpoint provide no answers to cases.Otherexamples,with sometimeseven stronger
these questions. Fortunately, however, there are dissonancesbetweenbassand vocalpartcanbe found
other sources of information available, such as in variouscompositions(exx.3-12).All theseexamples

Ex.2 JacopoPeri, 'Perquel vago bosschetto',from Euridice(16oo)

Re-st6 tan - ta bel-lez - za im - mo - bil gie - lo

4 4 11 #

Ex.3 ClaudioMonteverdi,'Io la Musica',from L'Orfeo(1609)

Et hor di no - bil i -ra et hor d'A-mo-re pos - s'in - fiam-mar le piiu ge-la - te men - ti.

Ex.4 FrancescoRasi,'Indarnofebo', from Vaghezzedi musica(16o8)

me la'il pu-ro'ar- gen - to Ch'io lon-ta-no da voi nul - la non scer - no

Ex.5 JacopoPeri, 'Quest'humilfera',from Le variemusiche(16o09),bars 30-35

Ma pur, co -me suol far, tra due mi tie - - ne,

4 3 ~I4 2
4 3 I ,-3 4 #3 2


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Ex.6 Johann Hieronymus Kapsberger,'Gia risi del mio mal mentre', from LibroII di villanelle(1619):(a) bars 5-8; (b)
bars 13-16


Pie - ta da due bei ra i


ar e sos - pi - rar_ ma - van - za.

Ex.7 JohannHieronymusKapsberger,'Dove mi lasci',from Librosecondod'arie(1623)

gra - ve mar-to - so lo per-te vis-sie sen-za te mi mo - ro, e

[:J I o
43 43

sen-za te mi mo - ro.

Ex.8 GirolamoFrescobaldi,'Ariadi Romanesca',from Primolibrod'ariemusicali(1630)

ri - por - tar tor - men - ti'e pe - ne,



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Ex.9 ClaudioMonteverdi,'Ede pur dunque vero', from Scherzimusicali(1632)

fa- bri- ca - te il se - pol-cro al-la mia vi - ta Domenico Mazzocchi,'Uscite a mille', from Madrigalia cinquevoci (1638),bars 13-18

L'a-do-ra - ta ca - gion

-ra- taca-gion
L'a-do del mio -men -
tor - to,
L'a-do - ra - ta ca- gion del mio tor - men - - to

L'a-do - ra - ta ca- gion del mio tor - men - - to,

S I Ii
--n 4 _" 6 7 6 43 87
#6 5 6 5 87 Domenico Mazzocchi,'Didone, Romanesca,Quartaparte',from Musichesacre,e morali(1640)

t. t. t. t.

miei, dov'Eu - ro il vol - - - - e, Le - ga-to il le-gno, che da Tro-ia sciol - se.

3 #4 SN 6

sharethe sustainedor repeatednote in the solo voice, notably Artusi, Galilei and Banchieri,attemptedto
but show considerablevarietyin theirbasslines:some bridge these diverging musical styles by adding
have a mostly stepwise descendingbass line, while licencesto the pre-existingrules.8However,none of
othersmay have leaps of a 3rd or 4th in some places. these licences relate to the examples of cadentia
The dissonances that result are not prepared or duriusculagiven here, probably because the stilo
resolvedaccordingto the rulesof the so-calledprima recitativoor monody in general'was outside contra-
prattica.6 Although church composers continued to puntaltheory'.9
write in the stile antico describedby Zarlino,7com- What exx.1-12 have in common is a certain
poserswritingfor the theatrewere more experimen- pattern-a musical figure called cadentiaduriuscula
tal with their treatmentof dissonances.Laterwriters, by Christoph Bernhard.10Bernhard, the only

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Ex.12 Claudio Monteverdi, 'Disprezzata regina', from L'incoronazione di Poppea (1642)


Den-tro'al- le tue de-li-zie, i miei, i miei, i miei_ mar- ti - ri.

Ex.13 Examples of cadentia duriuscula from Christoph Bernhard, Tractatus (c. 1655)


AI " • i " • I .J •-J I I

ifI -II 1t . I

4 The examples of these figures that I took from other com-

17th-centurywriter to describethis figure,1defined
it as follows: posers may, in the place of severalrules, serve as demonstration,
the more so because, in my opinion, it is better to avoid them
1 Cadentiae duriusculae sind, welche etwas seltsame
Dissonantzen vor denen beyden Schlug-Noten annehmen. 5 With some authors this type of harshness occurs apart from
the preparations of cadences and things like that, but they
2 Solche werden fast nur in Soliciniis und meistentheils in should be applied with great discernment. It is impossible to
Arien und Tripeln angetroffen. condense into rules the sometimes horrible liberties some
composers take. The stylus communis includes a sufficient
3 Da aber einige in mehrstimmige (Sachen) gefunden wiir- amount of examples. For the rest I leave him free to accept
den, so werden die iibrigen Stimmen dermagen gesetzt, daif most things as good or to reject everything as evil.
solche keine MiBhelligkeit spiihren lassen.
Bernhardgivesthreeshortexamples(ex.13).12 He does
4 Dieser Figurae Exempel so ich aus anderen hergenommen,
mdgen anstatt meherer Regeln dienen: zumahl weil, wie ich
not give a clear explanationas to the origins of the
daftir halte, es allemahl beger ist, dieselben gintzlich zu cadentiaduriuscula.However, in referenceto other
meiden. musicalfigures,he suggeststhat they originatedfrom
5 Es kommen auch bey einigen Authoribus auger denen
the improvisationof singersand instrumentalists:13
Vorbereitungen zu denen Cadentzen in denen Arien, und hatmanobserviret,
sonsten dergl. Hirtigkeiten ffir, welches sich mit grogten
Nachgehends dagktinstliche
Instrumentalisten,wann dergleichen Sachen zu machen gewe-
Judicio zu gebrauchen. Und wiren aller Componisten sen, von den Noten hier und dort etwas abgewichen, und also
bigweilen tibel genug genommene Freyheiten unm6glich in einige anmutige Art der Figuren zu erfinden Anlat gegeben;
Regeln zu fassen. Es wird einer an besagten in Stylo communi denn was mit verntinfftigen Wohl-Laut kan gesungen
genung haben. Im tibrigen lasse ich ihm frey ein mehreres als werden, mag man auch wohl setzen.14
gut anzunehmen, oder alles (als) bise zu verwerffen.
Following this, it has been observed that artful singers and
instrumentalists, in places were it was appropriate to do so,
1 Cadentiae duriusculae are those (cadences) in which rather moved only now and then a little away from the written
peculiar dissonances precede the two final notes. notes, creating elegant figures this way. Thus, what can be
2 They appear almost only in solo song and for the most past sung with good sounding effect might as well be written.
in arias and triple metre sections.
What is most remarkableabout Bernhard'scom-
3 If they are found in polyphonic compositions, the other
voices have to be set in such a way that they do not cause any mentary on the cadentia duriuscula is that it is
conflict or unpleasantness. descriptive, and certainly not prescriptive. Even


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Ex.14(a) Examplesof cadentiaduriuscula
Bismantova, of
musicale(1677);(b) realizations
the figures

I. 9.• " .

_Q0I I


more telling, his later treatise, the Ausfiihrlicher Ex.15HenryPurcell's

exampleof cadentiaduriuscula
Bericht (in essence a later and shorter version of AnIntroduction
JohnPlayford, totheSkillofMusick(1694)
the Tractatus),leaves out the cadentia duriuscula
entirely. The popularity of this figure among his Thereis another
fortof Difcrd ufled
by the
Italiansnot yet mentioned neitrhe-, which is the
contemporariesis nonethelessconvincinglydemon- 2Tirdafd Fwrthtogether,to introducea Gife.,
strated by the abundance of examples in their
As for Example.
compositions. ., .
A somewhat later treatise writer, Bartolomeo _• I.___ _
Bismantova,similarlydescribesthe cadentiadurius-
cula in its essentialform. His thoroughbasstreatise,
Compendiomusicale (1677), contains an example,
now labelled Preparamentoalla Cadenzadi 4a e 3a
(ex.14). Bismantova clearly indicates how the - -

realizationof the figures should be divided between

the hands (mano destraand manosinistra).
An even later description of this figure can be
found in HenryPurcell'schapteron counterpointin
Playford's An Introductionto the Skill of Musick
(1694).'5 Here he gives examples of typical Italian
Other sources of information on performance
progressions, which he describes simply as 'the practice
Third and Fourth together' (ex.15). The example Given the limited discussion of cadentiaduriuscula
shows, confirmedby its completefigures,that in the found in contemporarytreatises,one must turnto an
upper voices the note-combination of D/C is examinationof similarpassagesin composed music
repeatedfive times. for informationabout the bassocontinuorealization


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of these passages.These might include: (1) written- precededonly by 6/4/3. In bar 188-9 the 5/4 chord is
out examplesin lute tablature,e.g. Kapsberger,'Gia preceded by 6/5, 5/4 and 4/3 above a chromatic
risi del mio mal' (ex.6);(2) polyphoniccompositions, ascending bass line. In ex.16 the 5/4 chord is pre-
e.g. Mazzocchi'sfive-voice madrigal'Uscite"amille' ceded by 10/9, 4/3 and 6/5 above a partlychromatic
( and Frescobaldi's'Cento partite'for harpsi- descending bass line. In all examples, the repeated
chord or organ (ex.16);(3) cadentiaeduriusculaewith interval of a second (the 5/4 note-combination
figuressuppliedby the composer:(e.g. exx.2,5, lo, 11, above the penultimate bass note) is placed in the
with figuresby Periand Mazzocchi). upper parts. The dissonances sound together with
the complete consonant harmony-which, while
The written-outaccompaniment not always written out in full above the bass, is
Ex.6 shows written-out cadentiaeduriusculaefrom implied by the context of the progression.17
the lute tablatureof Kapsberger's'Gia risi del mio
mal'. At the essentialdissonantplaces the vocal part Cadentia duriusculafigured by the composer
is doubled in the accompaniment.In both cadences An earlyexamplewith figuresprovidedby the com-
the suspension 5/4 note-combination A/G, above poser is Peri's recitativefrom Euridice(ex.2). Here
the dominant bass note D, is anticipatedin the ear- he writes single figures,indicatingmajor 3rdsand a
lier chord (7/6) with exactlythe same two notes. 4th (11), under all bass notes of the cadence, except
There is one remarkabledifferencebetween ex.6a below the 'ratherpeculiar dissonance' where the B
and 6b. In ex.6a the 7/6 combinationon the B is pre- in the bass forms a 4th with the E in the vocal part.
ceded by another 7th, now prepared,between bass The absence of a figure at this point suggests that
and vocal part on the C, with the result of two 7ths Peri expectedthe continuo playerto follow the rules
following each other betweenthe bass and the vocal for the realization of unfigured bass lines, which
part. On this bass note C, Kapsbergerdid not write made the figuring of such a place redundant.
the A/G combination, which in that case would According to these rules given in the 17th-century
have caused a 7/6/5 note-cluster,but wrote the 6/3 basso continuo treatises (by Bianciardi, Agazzari,
instead.We can conclude that Kapsbergerwrote his Banchieri,Praetoriusand Penna, just to mention a
realizationwith and againstthe vocal part.By realiz- few),'8the thoroughbassplayeris expectedto play a
ing the bass line according to the aforementioned 6/3 chordwith a major6th when the bass is descend-
rules and, at the same time, doublingthe vocal part, ing a tone or a semitone. The 6th has to be major
he confirmed and stressedthe effect of dissonance because it must resolveto a perfectconsonance-in
between bass and solo part. this case, of course, the octave-via the nearest
imperfectconsonance. By playingthis 6/3 in combi-
Polyphonicexamples nation with the vocal part-whether we double the
Frescobaldi,in his 'Cento partite sopra passacagli' vocal part or not-the result is a 4/3 chord.
for solo harpsichord,wrote the cadentiaduriuscula However, in terms of counterpoint, the 4th is a
in several places (bars 4, 59-60, 188-9, 218-19) dissonancethat has to resolveinto the 3rd;they may
(ex.16).16 Both cadences in bars 4 and 59-60 are not sound together.This is probablythe reasonwhy
similar. They are rathershort, and the 5/4 chord is the 4/3 chord is not mentioned in counterpoint-or

Ex.16 GirolamoFrescobaldi, fromIIprimolibrodi toccate(1637),bars 218-21

li " -- - - • "I ,' '

ij i "
83 Ciaccona 84

[i:" I #:?


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of thefiguresin ex.2(Peri,'Perquelvagobosschetto')
(a) (b)
( I
6) 11(I

thoroughbass treatises-at all before the third harmonic progression and to ensure that certain
quarter of the 17th century. One reference to this dissonances would be performed by the continuo
chord can be found in Bismantova(ex.14). player(s). In ex.lo the figures have two functions:
As indicatedby Peri's figures,major3rds have to they represent the intervals formed by the vocal
be played above the first A and above the G. While parts,but indicateadditionalnotes for the bassocon-
an accompanistmight be tempted to add a 4th (D) tinuo realization.In bar 15a sharpened6th is added
to the first A chord as an anticipationto the chords to the 4th in the figure,even though this G#is not to
G and second A (figured with 11),the sharp in the be found in the vocal parts;likewise,a 3rd (D) must
figure negates this possibility:the C#cannot sound be played in the accompaniment,even though it is
together with the D (ex.17). Moreover, the sharp not figured.This is also the case for the 6/5 chord on
above the A also indicatesthat a 5th (or 6/5--but by G in bar16:the 5th (D) is not in the vocal part,but it
no means a 6th without a 5th) has to be playedabove is indicatedby the figure.Again,in Mazzocchi
the nextbass note G:the major3rd (C#)mustresolve wrote a sharpened4th, followed by a 6 above the B.
into a pure 5th above G (D). Since the E in the vocal The sharpened4th, F#, must resolveto the G in the
part forms a 6th with this G, a 6/5 chord will be the realization, thereby making an unavoidable clash
sounding resultwhetheror not we double the vocal with the A in the vocal part (beat3).
part.The 5th above the G acts as the preparationfor The above examples are clear indications that
the 4th (or lith) above the next bass note A, which Mazzocchi's figures are not simply an aid for the
will resolvein the major3rdabovethe last A. If there continuo player to prevent the playing of wrong
would not have been any figures,this examplecould chords, or as a warning to avoid the playing of the
have been realized according to ex.17b.In the pre- indicated dissonances.These figures ratherserve to
sent situation, the example has to be realized as in make the harmonyfull and complete.
The other exampleby Peri (ex.5) is a half cadence. The realization of the cadentia duriuscula
Apart from that, it resembles the cadences by Ex.18 recapitulates exx.1-12, but whereas those
Frescobaldi(ex.8) and Rasi (ex.4):in all three exam- exampleswere in approximatechronologicalorder,
ples an A in the solo voice is writtenagainsta G in the here the materialis arrangedaccordingto the type
bass, creatingthe intervalof a 9th. In Peri'sexample of harmonic progression.Eachexample of cadentia
(bar34) the bass note G requiresnot only a 3rd (Bb) duriusculais given in threeversions,A, B and C. The
and 5th (D), but also the octave.This doubled G acts composer's original figures are written above the
both as the resolutionof the F#on beat one, as well as bass line. The figures below the bass line are added
the preparationfor the 4th abovethe D in beat three. by me.
This G will, of course, sound very harsh againstthe The figuresbelow all A examplesare accordingto
solo voice. However,the figuresindicate that this is the rules from the above-mentionedcontemporary
indeed what Peri intended. treatisesfor playingunfiguredbass lines. The figures
Similarly, Mazzocchi also wrote figures for below all B examples are, in a number of cases
cadences in exx.xo and 11 in order to clarify the (exx.1-8), the same figures from the A example,

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Ex.18 Analysisof exx.1-12

(a) = ex.1


6 5 4 6 5
3 8 3 5 4

(b) = ex.2

11 11

86 5 5 5 86 5 6 5
8 3 4 8 4 • 5 4
(c) = ex.12


6 65 5 5 84 85 86 5
3 t 3 4 3 4 5 4

(d) = ex.8


5 55 665 5 59 645
3 3 4 3 3 8 5 3 4
(e)= ex.4 3


86 5 5 6 9 5
3 4 # 8 4 8
(f) = ex.5 3

b 4 32 # b 4 32 8

6 5 8 5 #32 # 35
5 9 5


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(g) = ex.3


5 5 5 6 5 5 5 6 7 5
b 4 3 3 5 6 4
(h) = ex.6


7 7 5 5 7 5
6 6 4 6 4
(i) = ex.7


6 5 7 5
48 6 4

(j) = ex.9


86 5 6 5 4 5 6 7 5
3 4 8 3 4 5 6 4 #
(k) = ex.lo

[ A Bc
4 6 7 6 4 3
' C
86 5 6 5 8 7
[: c' o 7' I -1 o
86 5 6 6 6 5 4 5 6 7 6 5
3 5 4 #6 3 5 6 5 4
(1) = ex.11

cA B C
334 6 3 4 6 3 #46

65 5 76 5
, 4# 65 4#


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combined with extra figures representingthe vocal At this point let us return to the question: how
part. might a continuo realization exploit dissonance
In the othercases(exx.9,11),belowthe basslinesof either with or against a voice. And how should a
the B examples,I have added figures based on the thoroughbassplayerharmonizeunfiguredcadentiae
written-out examples of Kapsberger's'Gia risi del duriusculaein particular?If this musical figure did
mio mal' (ex.6), Frescobaldi'sexamplesfrom 'Cento indeed originatein the practiceof improvisation,as
partite' (ex.16) and Mazzocchi'smadrigal'Uscite "a stated by Christoph Bernhard, a simple cadence
mille' ( With 'Giarisidel mio mal',I simplyfig- form must have been the basis on which both
ured the realizationsas they are given by Kapsberger singers and bass players began to make variations.
himself. As for 'Uscite "amille', I only added simple It is not difficult to imagine how this figure may
figuresto the A examplein orderto demonstratethat have developedin actualpractice.In ex.19I suggest
figuresaccordingto primapratticaruleswould have a possible model of development. In ex.19a the
been sufficientfor a correctrealization. cadence is written in its simplest form. In ex.19bI
Analysis of all the examples in ex.18 shows that, have added ornamentalnotes to the uppervoice. In
abovethe penultimatecadentialbassnote (the dom- ex.19c ornamentalnotes are also added to the bass
inant) one can play-and in some cases one must line, while in ex.19dthe vocal line is simplified.As is
play-first the suspension4th togetherwith the 5th, illustratedby examples1-12,in many casesthe avail-
afterwhich the 4th will resolveinto the 3rd. Typical able space in the cadence has been used, or extra
for the cadentiaduriusculais that the second,formed bass notes added immediately preceding the
by this note-combination of 4th and 5th, appears cadence,to add harmoniesor ornamentsthat could
already above one or more of the preceding bass enhance the dramaticexpressionof the text.
notes (and in most casesthe vocal partis includedin The written-out accompanimentand the exam-
this second), giving rise to other combinations of ples figuredby the composer makeit clearthat most
figures,e.g. of these cadences can be accompanied correctly
both with and without the doubling of the disso-
the 4/3 sonorityin exx. 1,2, 12
nances of the vocal part. In written-out accompani-
the9/8 sonorityin exx.8,4, 5 ments (for instance,lute tablatures)the vocal partis
the 7/6 sonorityin exx.3,6, 7, 9, 1o,11 often partly or even completely doubled, which
makesdoublinga possibilitysupportedby historical
This is demonstratedin the C part of every example sources. This, however, is rather a matter of per-
in ex.18. sonal taste, and may also depend upon the instru-
Occasionally,there are other consonant chords ment used. Harsh note-combinations will usually
like 6/5 and/or 5/3 betweenthe duriusculachord and sound less penetratingwhen playedon a chitarrone
the penultimate suspension. Sometimes there is than on a harpsichord, let alone an organ.19
more than one 'duriuscula'chord in the cadence,as However, if composers specifiedinstrumentsat all,
in Frescobaldi's 'Aria di Romanesca' (ex.8) and as Monteverdidoes in L'Orfeo,this does not seem to
Mazzocchi's'Uscite a mille' (ex.lo). concern the dissonancetreatment.

Ex.19Modelof development
of cadentiaduriuscula

(a) (b) (c) (d)

•r'r K
rJ IIi / '~ / I / / / /

0%%c Or
r- I Ipo 0r -E ,


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The dynamic shapingof the text could also influ- unfigured bass lines without a thorough under-
ence a decision about whether or not to double the standing of rhetoricalfigures and dissonance treat-
vocal part. Composerswho use such extrememusi- ment. In Ottavia'slament 'Disprezzataregina' the
cal figures like cadentiaduriusculaare demonstrat- figure with its note repetitions is, as usual, placed
ing a preferencefor abrasivesounds. Where the text over a sorrowfultext, below which the bass squirms
is intensely sorrowful, the music must not only its way towards the cadence. Monteverdi enhances
express violent pain but also cause the listener to this effect, makingit even more sad and 'sighing'by
experience it. Similar effects can be heard in the adding appoggiatureto the last two note repetitions.
madrigals of Gesualdo and Monteverdi, and in Ex.2oa,which shows the editorialfiguringaddedby
Frescobaldi'skeyboard toccatas. These new disso- the harpsichordist and musicologist Alan Curtis,
nance treatments form an essential tool for the who has not recognizedor understoodthe cadentia
expressivenessof the music of this period. It is a pity duriuscula.In the first place, below the first 'i miei',
that in most present-dayperformancesthese musi- above the bass note C, the 6/3 and not the 6/2 should
cal-rhetoricalfigures are not recognized or under- be added to the #4. According to the contemporary
stood by the performersand consequentlyignored, rules a 6/#4/2 chord has to resolve into a 6/3 chord,
playeddown, or their harshdissonancessoftened. A but Monteverdirepeatsthe F#,which now becomes
recent case is the new recording of Monteverdi's a 5th above the next bass note B. Only the 6/#4/3
L'Orfeodirected by Emanuelle Haim. To give one chord can resolvein a 3/5 chord.
example: at the end of the second verse of La Second, the bass note A in the next bar does not
Musica's recitative the text is 's'infiammarle pih" descend to G, and thus does not form a so-called
gelate menti' ('inflame the coldest minds'). tenor-cadence. If that had been the case, then
Monteverdiplaces the word gelatebetween the B in Curtis'sfigures,accordingto the contemporarybasso
the vocal part and the C# in the bass, just before continuotreatises,would have been correct.At this
both cadence notes (ex.3). In the recording, this point, however,the bass will ascenda step, hence the
importantC#,which causesthe B in the vocal partto G is an ornament (i.e. an accento)and not a suspen-
sound highly expressive,is practicallyinaudible. sion, so that a #6 is sufficienthere.These two correc-
Understanding musical-rhetorical figures, is tions merely result in a correctharmonization.The
obviously importantfor editors as well. Ex.12serves affectivepower is, however,stronglyincreasedwhen
to illustrate the problem of editing music with a Frescobaldi-likeharmonization,like the one shown

Ex.2o Claudio Monteverdi, 'Disprezzataregina',from L'incoronazione

di Poppea(1642): (a) with figuresby Curtis;(b)
with figuresby the author (compareex.12)


Den-tro'al-le tue de -li - zie, i miei, i miei, i miei mar - ti - ri.

2 7 6

Den-tro'al-le tue de - li - zie, i miei, i miei, i miei_ mar - ti - ri.

44 65 46 5
2 4 5 4 3


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in ex.16, is applied here. Only after applying this bass line here, so there is actuallyno informationas
harmonization does the whole phrase become to how to realizethis cadence.
coherent and, by applicationof these caustic note- A similar passage is discussed in Christoph
combinations,obtainits intendedsorrowfulcharacter. Bernhard's Tractatus.He calls this musical figure
That the realizationof ex.2ob can also be applied an ellipsis and explains that 'Ellipsis ist eine
to Monteverdi's'Ed e pur dunque vero' (ex.9) has AuslagungdersonsterfordertenConsonantz'('Ellipsis
alreadybeen demonstratedin ex.18j.Here it is possi- is the leaving out of the otherwiserequiredconso-
ble to apply more than one duriusculachord and nance').20 Bernhard gives a number of different
even to play the characteristiccombination of a 2nd examples to demonstrate this figure; one of them
in the realization on every bass note. This way of closely resemblesthe final cadence of Monteverdi's
realizingthe cadentiaduriusculawill shapeand unify Combattimentodi Tancredie Clorinda.The string
the entire musical figure. Of course, it is also possi- partsaccompanythis cadencewith only a 5th and an
ble to play the repeated 2nds in the middle of the octave on the penultimate chord. It is unclear
accompaniment and play the upper voice of the whether Monteverdi wants the continuo player to
realization partly in contrary motion to the bass play the 5/4 suspension resolvingto the 3rd or not.
line. My suggested realization of this passage is Consideringthe verysereneand calm atmosphereof
shown in ex.21. the text and the situation (afterall, Clorindaexpects
to ascend to heaven), I would chose to leave out the
Ellipsis 4-#3 here and only double the string parts. But this
In stilo recitativo,a very dissonanteffect is occasion- might be an exception to the general treatment of
allycreatedwhen the composeromits the resolution ellipsisin thoroughbassplaying.
of a 4th or a 7th in the vocal part of the cadence.At Two earlier examples of an ellipsisin the vocal
the same time the continuo playerdoes have to play part show that the accompanimenthas been, or was
those resolutions. In Monteverdi'sL'Orfeothere is supposed to be realized independentlyof the vocal
an example in the recitativeof Pastore(ex.22, at the part. The first example is the conclusion of
word pianto). Monteverdidid not add figuresto the Kapsberger's'Interottesperanza'(ex.23).In the final

Ex.21 ClaudioMonteverdi,'Ede pur dunquevero',from Scherzimusicali(1632), with a realizationby the author

(compareex.9), bars128-32

fa- bri - ca - te il se - pol-cro al-la mia vi ta


t9I fI / I CIO
6 8 10 10 5
4 5 6 7 4 #
3 4 5 6

Ex.22 ClaudioMonteverdi,'In questo lieto', from L'Orfeo(1609)

sel - ve ha so-spi-ra- to'e pian- to.

F r" I

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cadencethe vocal partforms a 4th againstthe bass, a dem Cercar della Nota, wovon in der Manier in der 24.ten
dissonancethat remainsunresolved.By contrast,in Regul. [i.e. 'Cercardella nota heif3tein Suchen der Noten, und
wird mit dem c bezeichnet.'] Denn der Singer muss es unten
the lute tablaturethe 4th does resolve, accordingto
the rules, to the major 3rd. The second example,
found in Peri's Euridice(ex.24), concerns an unre- when in a cadence the 4th is not resolved but stays on. Here
one has to apply the cercar della nota according to the 24th
solved 7th. In Orfeo'srecitative'Funestepiaggie'we
rule [i.e. 'Cercardella nota means a searching for the note, and
see in the vocal parthow the 7th is preparedbut not is indicated by c.'], which means the singer has to sing the res-
resolved,while at the same time above the bass note olution from below.21
A a major6th is prescribedby the composer.In both
cases the resultingclash was clearlyintentional. Bernhardtasksthe singersto resolvethe 4th from
Likewise,Monteverdi'sex.2o in the penultimate below as a short embellishing note (cercar della
bar ends with an ellipsis.It is true that this cadence nota). This is exactly what happens in bar 131of
does have the resolution of the 3rd in the vocal part, ex.21. When the continuo playerresolvesthe A to G#
but since this resolution sounds together with the in the third beat, the A in the solo voice is held until
last syllableof the word 'vita',which is connected to the fourthbeat.
the final note with a tie, this major 3rd is ratheran In the same mannerFrescobaldidemonstrateshis
accento.In the abridgedversion of the Tractatus,the own treatmentof ellipsis(ex.25): in the one voice the
AusfiihrlicherBericht,Bernhardonce more explains 4th is not resolved;in the other it is. This example
the ellipsis, but this time he gives an addition to the also combines cadentia duriuscula with ellipsis.
explanation concerning the performance practice Again we find the note-combination of a 6th and a
for the singers: 7th on the third beat in bar 238. Instanceslike this,
Und wenn in einerCadenzdie Quartadurchdie Tertianicht in which both the dissonance and its resolution are
resolviretwird,sondernstehenbleibet.Das k6mmether aus allowed to sound simultaneously,demonstratethat

Ex.23JohannHieronymus 'Interottesperanza',
Kapsberger, finalbar,fromLibroprimodi ariepassegiate

vocal part I I

ro - go mi o

bass part

transcription 9:

Ex.24Peri,'Funestepiaggie',fromEuridice in bracketsby theauthor)


al dell' an- go- scio - se mie pa- ro - le


?6 11 4

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•, P• "o ~~LiB PpiMo

6i \ 4 &mAo.





Illus. 1 The frontispieceof the 1612edition of Kapsberger'sLibroPrimo di Arie Passegiatea Una Vocecon L'intavolatura
del Chitarone,from which Ex.23,'InterotteSperanza'was taken


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fromIIprimolibrodi toccate(1637),bars238-9

93 94

the resulting sonorities in certain contexts were treatisewriters,e.g. of the primaprattica.If continuo
sought and appreciated. players do not have a working knowledge of these
conventional counterpoint rules, difficulties arise
Conclusion when attemptingto realizethe unfiguredbass lines
The musical figuresdiscussedhere, cadentiadurius- of the secondaprattica.
cula and ellipsis,were originallydeveloped through What I further set out to demonstrate is that
improvisation above typical cadential patterns as a recognizing and understandingthese figures is not
means to express more powerfully the meaning of only a prerequisitefor the correct accompaniment
the text in vocal music. It is these typical formulas of Italian 17th-centurysolo vocal music but also
that were extended into a form of prolonged caden- that active use of these figures can lead to a defi-
tial preparation;still, the additionalnotes which fill nite enhancement of the affect and the expression
out the bass line must neverthelessbe harmonized of the music without in any way impeding the
according to the rules of the earliest thoroughbass singer.

Theresede Goedeis a harpsichordistand teachesbassocontinuoand historicalperformancepractice

at AmsterdamConservatory. Presentlyshe is preparinga doctoralthesisfor the Universityof Utrecht
on early basso continuo with an emphasison the realizationof unfiguredbasses.Other work on
17th-centurythoroughbasshas beenpublishedin Concerto, Performancepractice review and the
Nederlandstijdschriftvoor muziektheorie.

' "Del sonare

This paper is an extended version of a sopra il basso": over cimbalo (Venice, 1708;facsimile edn,
lecture with the same title given het uitwerken van vroeg Bologna, 2ool), chap.9: 'Delle false de i
during the InternationalBasso Continuo zeventiende-eeuwse bassen', recitativi, e del modo di far
Symposium in the Holland FestivalEarly Tijdschriftvoor muziektheorie, acciaccature'.
Music 1998 in Utrecht. i (1996), pp.123- 41, and in 6 In conservative dissonance
Performancepractice review, treatment, both voices must begin
1 Issued as Die Kompositionslehre x/1 (Spring 1997).
from a consonant interval, move
Heinrich Schiitzensin der Fassung seines 4 'E per maggiore intelligenzaa ne
Schilers ChristophBernhard,ed. J. M. stepwise to the dissonant interval (of a
lasciar cosa di rilievo, restami dire 2nd, 4th, 7th or 9th), and then, again
Mtiller-Blattau (Leipzig, 1926). che alcuni compositori moderni, per
by stepwise motion, resolve to a
2 Francesco Bianciardi, Breve regola maggior sicurezza segnano le Quinte e consonance.
per imparar a sonare sopra il basso con Seste, Settime & Seste, & simili, che
ogni sorte d'instrumento (Siena, 1607); nelle durezze & legature si vanno 7 Gioseffo Zarlino, Le istitutioni
harmoniche (Venice, 1558),book 3:
Agostino Agazzari, Del suonare sopra il seguitando come qui.' Banchieri,
basso con tutti stromenti & uso loro nel L'organosuonarino, p.11. L'artedel contrapunto,trans. G. A.
concerto(Siena, 1607); Adriano Marco and C. V. Palisca (New Haven,
5 See Cantatas by Marc'Antonio
Banchieri, L'organosuonarino 1968).
Pasqualini, ed. M. Murata, Italian
(Venice, 1611). Cantata in the Seventeenth Century 8 See O. Strunk, Sourcereadingsin
3 A detailed discussion of these (New York, 1985) and Francesco music history (New York, 1950),
treatises is given by T. de Goede, Gasparini, L'armonicopratico al pp.30o2,393, 405, 413.F. Rempp, Die


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KontrapunkttraktateVincenzo Galileis the xviith and xvIIth centuries
(Cologne, 1980); C. V. Palisca, Studies (London, 1931).
in the history of Italian music and music
19 Vicenzo Giustiniani says about
STEPHANBLEZINGER theory (Oxford, 1994), chap.2; Adriano the singers: 'They sing with one or
Banchieri, Cartellamusicale, nel canto at most three voices in concert
RECORDERMAKER figurato,fermo & contrapunto (Venice, with suitable instruments, as the
1614). Theorbo, or Chitarre,or the Cembalo,
FINEST 9 Palisca, Studies in the history of or with Organ, according to the
HANDMADE RECORDERS Italian music and music theory,p.29. circumstances.' Discorsosopra la musica
AFTER (c.1628),trans. C. MacClintock
io See Die KompositionslehreHeinrich
BRESSAN Schiitzens,ed. Miiller-Blattau, p.42, (American Institute of Musicology,
o* ?9; p.82. 1962).
11 According to D. Bartel, Musica 20 Die KompositionslehreHeinrich
4 STEENBERGEN Schiitzens,ed. Mtiller-Blattau, p.84.
poetica: musical-rhetoricalfigures in
+ STANESBY GermanBaroque music (Lincoln, 21 Die KompositionslehreHeinrich
WYNE NE, 1997). Schiitzens,ed. Mtiller-Blattau, p.151.
+GANASSI 12 Die KompositionslehreHeinrich
Schitzens, ed. Miiller-Blattau, p.82.
13 Die KompositionslehreHeinrich
Schiitzens,ed. Mtiller-Blattau, p.72,
INFORMATION! 14 Die Kompositionslehre Heinrich
Schatzens,ed. Mtiller-Blattau,p.147,?2.
15 J. Playford, An Introduction to the
Skill ofMusick (London, 12/1694;R/
New York, 1972) (containing also The
Art of Descant, or composingMusick in
Parts:Made veryPlain and Easy by the
late Mr. Henry Purcell). Purcell
discusses the 'Sharpseventh [called
heterolepsisby Bernhard] and Flat
In 1705, J. S. Bach
Seventh [later called the diminished travelled from Arnstadt to
seventh chord] two Notes mightily in Libeck to listen to the music of
use among the Italian Masters' on
pp.181-2. 'The Flat Sixth before a Close
[later called the Neapolitan sixth
D. Buxtehude
chord] is a Favourite Note with the In 2005, you can do the same!
Italians...' 'There is another sort of
Discord used by the Italians ( ... )
which is the Third and Fourth together,
to introduce a Close' (p.182).
16 Other examples from Frescobaldi
can be found in Il secundo libro di
toccate(1627), for instance in 'Canzona
prima' (bar 40), 'Partite sopra
"Tour de Bach"
31 August - 4 September 2005
ciaccona' (bars 29, 31) and 'Partite
sopra passacagli' (bars 12, 21). A musical journey from Arnstadt to
17 Although Mazzocchi's 'Uscite L.iineburgand Iiibeck, with concerts,
SCHILLERSTRASSE11 mille' (ex.lo) is a polyphonic work, it lectures, exhibitions, guided tours...
D-99817 EISENACH will be discussed in the section on Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra and
GERMANY figured examples. Choir (TonKoopman),Martin Petzold,
18 Michael Praetorius, Syntagma Gottfried Preller, Kerala J. Snyder,
musicum, iii (1619),pp.144-52; Jacqueline Toussaint and others
Lorenzo Penna, Li primi albori
e-mail: Int. Dieterich-Buxtehude-Gesellschaft
musicali, iii (Bologna, 1672). See also F. T. Arnold, The art of accompaniment
from a thorough-bassas practised in


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