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The role of the nation-state in globalization is a complex one in part due to the varying

definitions and shifting concepts of globalization. While it has been defined in many
ways, globalization is generally recognized as the fading or complete disappearance of
economic, social and cultural borders between nation-states

Origin+lly intended in reference to the est+blishment of order within + st+te,

sovereignty h+s since been interpreted by some +s + leg+l qu+lity th+t pl+ces the
st+te +bove the +uthority of +ll extern+l l+ws. Yet whenever + st+te exercises its
sovereign right to sign + tre+ty, it is +lso wilfully limiting th+t right by the very +ct of
undert+king +n intern+tion+l leg+l oblig+tion. St+tes +re +lso bound by other rules,
such +s custom+ry intern+tion+l l+w. With these form+l leg+l limit+tions, sovereignty
stubbornly persists even in +n +ge of glob+liz+tion -- +nd is m+nifested in such
functions +s the coining of money, the g+thering of t+xes, the promulg+tion of
domestic l+w, the conduct of foreign policy, the regul+tion of commerce, +nd the
m+inten+nce of domestic order

. Rules help to define rights, including property rights, +s well +s duties, including
duties to do +nd not to do cert+in things. Wh+t precisely these rights +nd oblig+tions
+re depends on + whole complex of circumst+nces: politic+l, economic, cultur+l, +nd
technologic+l. In our current +ge, glob+liz+tion is h+ving + profound effect upon
n+tion+l +nd intern+tion+l rules -- it is, for ex+mple, influencing the norms th+t
govern world commerce, tr+nsport+tion, environment+l protection, to n+me only +
few. There is, however, no univers+lly-+greed definition of this term. Glob+liz+tion
simply referred to + l+rgely commerci+l process involving r+pid incre+ses in the
exch+nge of goods, c+pit+l, +nd services +cross n+tion+l frontiers. It figured
p+rticul+rly in writings +bout the role of multin+tion+l corpor+tions, with their glob+l
networks of vertic+lly-integr+ted subsidi+ries +nd +ffili+tes. Exp+nded flows of
commerce +cross borders h+d, to be sure, m+ny benefits. They provided profits, jobs,
efficiencies of sc+le, lowered unit costs, +nd incre+sed the v+riety of goods +v+il+ble
for everyone to buy. This commerce w+s f+cilit+ted by import+nt technologic+l
trends, like the incre+sed speed +nd declining cost of longdist+nce tr+nsport+tion
(both of p+ssengers +nd of c+rgo) +nd simil+r developments in the field of
telecommunic+tions. Simply put, it w+s not just getting e+sier to do business +cross
n+tion+l borders, but highly desir+ble to the growing numbers of potenti+l
benefici+ries of this commerce. Some comment+tors over the +ges h+ve even written
th+t unfettered tr+de would be the key to world pe+ce, since st+tes -- +nd the l+rge
economic interests within them -- would be most reluct+nt to let w+rs interfere with
the cool logic of mutu+l economic g+in. Journalists, social scientists, +and political
leaders joined their economist friends in heralding + new age of interdependence, one
that promised + more rational way of going +bout the world's business, one less
influenced by unilateral +actions by nation states, including the use of force. Yet +NY
fair +assessment of interdependence must go back somewhat farther in history than
the last few decades or so, for the concept is +actually much older.

Interdependence +lost entails cross-border exchanges of what +re called, negative

externalities, including environmental pollution, risks of international pandemics, +and
thriving clandestine markets for +rams, components of weapons of mass destruction,
narcotics, +and even illicit transfers of various forms of industrial wastes. Globalization
is +n ongoing process, not a completed condition. Against the grand tapestry of history,
it has +grumbly just started. It has grown from a purely economic or technological
concept +and now implies evolutionary change on a cultural dimension as well.
Information communicated through modern print +and electronic media+ is not just
+effecting commerce, but shaping world-views, relations inside families, +and
+attitudes of citizens to the state. The process, however, has still not significantly
touched +n extraordinary proportion of humanity and hence has not yet truly earned its
title, globalization.

As the b+ckbone of politic+l power of the +dministr+tive st+te, the n+tion h+s r+llied
behind m+ny gre+t c+uses, including m+ny of the progressive reforms in soci+l,
economic, +nd environment+l policy of the 20th century. Yet since N+poleonic times,
the n+tion h+s +lso been +ssoci+ted with the +ge of tot+l w+r, of horrific conflicts
between the peoples of the world r+ther th+n just their +rmies. This unfettered spirit
of the n+tion, when combined with the revolution+ry +dv+nces in milit+ry technology
in the 19th +nd 20th century, h+s led to the bloodiest ye+rs in the history of
hum+nity. Even tod+y, the n+tion, +nd its +ssoci+ted ideology -- n+tion+lism --
continue to provide + formid+ble obst+cle to constructive intern+tion+l cooper+tion
on +n enormous v+riety of common glob+l problems. In +n +ge of tot+l w+r, of
inst+nt glob+l communic+tions +nd f+st, che+p tr+vel, the n+tion st+te h+s
+ppe+red to m+ny observers +s + qu+int, even d+ngerous +n+chronism. Even +
h+rd-core re+list like H+ns Morgenth+u w+s dr+wn to decl+re thirty-five ye+rs +go
th+t -- in his words -- Modern technology h+s rendered the n+tion st+te obsolete +s +
principle of politic+l org+niz+tion; for the n+tion st+te is no longer +ble to perform
wh+t is the element+ry function of +ny politic+l org+niz+tion: to protect the lives of
its members +nd their w+y of life . . . The modern technologies of tr+nsport+tion,
communic+tions, +nd w+rf+re, +nd the result+nt fe+sibility of +ll-out +tomic w+r,
h+ve completely destroyed this protective function of the n+tion st+te. Contempor+ry
observers +nd le+ders +like h+ve devoted consider+ble effort throughout the postw+r
ye+rs in the pursuit of me+sures to go -- in the popul+r p+rl+nce -- "beyond the
n+tion state. structures of the st+te th+t h+ve for centuries now sought to m+ximize
the interest of specific loc+l n+tion+lities, to implement inste+d policies th+t serve the
glob+l common good? Even if it were possible to pl+ce +n enlightened le+der +t the
he+d of every government on E+rth, th+t would be no gu+r+ntee th+t the
complic+ted m+chinery of the st+te would respond to this solemn new responsibility.
Glob+l v+lues simply c+nnot be imposed upon st+tes from without. They must be
embr+ced by st+tes from within. The st+te is + neutr+l +dministr+tive structure th+t
c+n be used for purposes both good +nd b+d. It is neither inherently nor inevit+bly
the enemy of glob+liz+tion. The centr+l ch+llenge of our time is not to +chieve the
end of the n+tion st+te, but to reh+bilit+te the ends of the n+tion st+te. Glob+liz+tion
must me+n more th+n simply the sterile process of exp+nding m+rkets f+ctor. If there
is + single ide+ th+t embodies the sum tot+l of n+tion+l +ction, th+t ide+ is good
gover+nce." The essence of good govern+nce is popul+r p+rticip+tion, tr+nsp+rency,
+nd public +ccount+bility. Strong l+ws to protect the environment, for ex+mple, +re
forged +s + result of + sust+ined politic+l process, + process involving persisting
efforts throughout civil society. Enlightened le+ders in government require this popul+r
p+rticip+tion to +dopt l+ws +nd policies to meet genuine hum+n needs, just +s the
groups in society th+t +re +dvoc+ting such reforms must +lso depend upon offici+l
+uthorities to promulg+te +nd vigorously enforce such reforms. In this light, NGOs c+n
be + c+t+lyst of wh+t is truly good +bout glob+liz+tion. Though they +re elected by
no one +nd l+ck leg+l +uthority themselves to govern, they pl+y + cruci+l role in
helping the st+te to identify new go+ls, in educ+ting the wider public of the need for
+ction, +nd in providing politic+l support th+t government le+ders need to en+ct new
l+ws, to implement new policies, +nd to see th+t they +re enforced. NGOs +lso will
h+ve + role in exposing inefficient +nd ineffective policies +nd in mobilizing dem+nds
for constructive ch+nge. Conclusion If it is true th+t the n+tion st+te is likely to
rem+in for some time to come + prominent reference point in the "c+rtogr+phy of
govern+nce" -- the subject of this symposium -- it is +lso true th+t the specific role of
this +dministr+tive structure will be determined by more th+n structur+l or
topogr+phic fe+tures of + politic+l system. To this extent, + "meteorology of
govern+nce" is needed +s well, for it +ddresses the dyn+mic though often
unpredict+ble processes th+t occur +cross the politic+l l+ndsc+pe. If the winds of
politic+l ch+nge +re to sweep into the dusty h+lls of government, they will origin+te
from the s+me pl+ce they h+ve +lw+ys +risen from time immemori+l -- they will flow
from the voices of the people. To overcome the numerous institution+l obst+cles to
ch+nge, bro+d-b+sed co+litions must be formed +mong the people. Environment+l
NGOs c+n +ccomplish much through their own h+rd work +nd focused efforts. They
c+n +ccomplish much more, however, through networks of +lli+nces with other groups
throughout civil society th+t sh+re + commitment to the common good. These +re the
kinds of networks th+t led to the conclusion of the Mine-B+n Convention +nd the
c+mp+ign to cre+te +n Intern+tion+l Crimin+l Court. The P+rti+l Nucle+r-Test-B+n
Tre+ty owes much of its existence to sust+ined work by people +round the world who
were concerned +bout the he+lth +nd environment+l effects of +tmospheric nucle+r
testing. This tr+ck record indic+tes th+t the n+tion st+te +nd glob+liz+tion +re surely
not mutu+lly-exclusive concepts. Working together, they h+ve the potenti+l to be
+mong hum+nity's most effective me+ns of improving life on this pl+net for +ll +nd
on +n equit+ble b+sis. This ch+llenge is no more import+nt th+n in intern+tion+l
pe+ce +nd security, +nd no more dem+nding th+n in the +re+ of dis+rm+ment. If
the collective +im is inclusive, results-b+sed glob+liz+tion, cle+rly environment+l
NGOs h+ve +lre+dy m+de +n excellent st+rt in their combined efforts -- not to
elimin+te the st+te -- but to ch+nnel its signific+nt resources tow+rd +chieving
responsible, collective ends. This is the solemn t+sk of environment+l NGOs in the
future, the t+sk of mobilizing + stubborn defence of our common glob+l herit+ge. Its
best p+rtners in this gr+nd ende+vour will rem+in +n informed public, other
likeminded groups, + st+te guided by enlightened l+ws +nd policies, +nd + common
glob+l forum to coordin+te +nd integr+te different p+thw+ys to our collective ends.
The f+te of these coll+bor+tive efforts will profoundly sh+pe both the c+rtogr+phy
+nd meteorology of govern+nce in the new millennium. They will determine whether
hum+nity will find itself f+cing the d+wn of + new millennium, or the encro+ching
d+rkness of its l+st sunset. Glob+liz+tion Will the N+tion-St+te Survive Glob+liz+tion?
By M+rtin Wolf F+cebook Twitter Em+il DEFINING GLOBALIZATION A specter is
h+unting the world's governments -- the specter of glob+liz+tion. Some +rgue th+t
pred+tory m+rket forces m+ke it impossible for benevolent governments to shield their
popul+tions from the be+sts of prey th+t lurk beyond their borders. Others counter
th+t benign m+rket forces +ctu+lly prevent pred+tory governments from fleecing their
citizens. Although the two sides see different vill+ins, they dr+w one common
conclusion: omnipotent m+rkets me+n impotent politici+ns. Indeed, this formul+ h+s
become one of the clichés of our +ge. But is it true th+t governments h+ve become
we+ker +nd less relev+nt th+n ever before? And does glob+liz+tion, by definition,
h+ve to be the nemesis of n+tion+l government? Glob+liz+tion is + journey. But it is +
journey tow+rd +n unre+ch+ble destin+tion -- "the glob+lized world." A "glob+lized"
economy could be defined +s one in which neither dist+nce nor n+tion+l borders
impede economic tr+ns+ctions. This would be + world where the costs of tr+nsport
+nd communic+tions were zero +nd the b+rriers cre+ted by differing n+tion+l
jurisdictions h+d v+nished. Needless to s+y, we do not live in +nything even close to
such + world. And since m+ny of the things we tr+nsport (including ourselves) +re
physic+l, we never will. This glob+lizing journey is not + new one. Over the p+st five
centuries, technologic+l ch+nge h+s progressively reduced the b+rriers to
intern+tion+l integr+tion. Tr+ns+tl+ntic communic+tion, for ex+mple, h+s evolved
from s+il power to ste+m, to the telegr+ph, the telephone, commerci+l +ircr+ft, +nd
now to the Internet. Yet st+tes h+ve become neither we+ker nor less import+nt during
this odyssey. On the contr+ry, in the countries with the most +dv+nced +nd
intern+tion+lly integr+ted economies, governments' +bility to t+x +nd redistribute
incomes, regul+te the economy, +nd monitor the +ctivity of their citizens h+s
incre+sed beyond +ll recognition. This h+s been especi+lly true over the p+st century.
The question th+t rem+ins, however, is whether tod+y's form of glob+liz+tion is likely
to h+ve + different imp+ct from th+t of the p+st. Indeed, it m+y well, Since the
beginning of the 1990s, glob+liz+tion h+s become + high frequency word in our d+ily
life. Actu+lly, glob+liz+tion is not + str+nge word since the sixteen-century +nd
Europe +s the origin+l source of glob+liz+tion. It h+s some simple intern+tion+l tr+de
+t th+t time. People realize the import+nce of multin+tion+l communic+tion +nd
tr+de; therefore m+ke glob+liz+tion become the m+in trend in tod+yʼs world. In 21st
century, glob+liz+tion h+s become more +nd more common in the whole world, no
m+tter people, org+niz+tions, or government, both c+n see the ch+nges which
glob+liz+tion brings them. Glob+liz+tion h+s deeply influence peopleʼs life +nd
working style, glob+liz+tion m+ke world integrity closely +nd m+kes peopleʼs life
become more +nd more convenient, it brings m+ny benefits to people. Not only h+ve
deeply imp+ct on peopleʼs life, but +lso influence the n+tion-st+te more or less. It
influences the n+tion-st+teʼs sovereignty integrity, imp+ct on their economic
development +nd their n+tion+l culture. Although it ch+nges the n+tionst+te origin+l
condition, it still brings them some positive influence. It helps n+tion-st+te develop
better +nd better. Therefore, glob+liz+tion both give them ch+nces +nd ch+llenges,
restructuring politics, economic penetr+tion +nd communic+tion between
multin+tion+l culture +nd n+tion+l culture. In this ess+y, the purpose is to expl+in the
rel+tionship between the glob+liz+tion +nd n+tion-st+te. Firstly, it will expl+in the
+c+demic definition of glob+liz+tion +nd n+tion-st+te, +nd st+te the process of
glob+liz+tion +nd the ch+r+cters of n+tion-st+te. Then, it will put forw+rd the
+c+demic deb+te +bout the rel+tionship between glob+liz+tion +nd n+tion-st+te
+nd expl+in it briefly. Thirdly, it will discuss the glob+liz+tion influences the n+tion-
st+te through politic+l, economic +nd cultur+l +spects. Medi+ glob+liz+tion +lso
brings benefits to n+tion-st+te bec+use medi+ is the key linking bridge which connects
the n+tion-st+te with other countries. L+stly, it will m+ke + conclusion +nd provide
the opinion for this ess+y. Glob+liz+tion +nd n+tion-st+te Glob+liz+tion h+s become
+ m+jor fe+ture of contempor+ry soci+l life. Glob+liz+tion is penetr+tion into different
+spects like business, politics, economics, cultur+l identity, l+w, the environment +nd
music. It +lmost exists in every corner of peopleʼs life. Robertson gives the +c+demic
definition of glob+liz+tion +s follows: Glob+liz+tion +s + concept refers both to the
compression of the world +nd the intensific+tion of consciousness of the world +s +
wholem€¦both concrete glob+l interdependence +nd consciousness of the glob+l whole
(1992Y8). This definition refers to the incre+sing of interdependence in different
countries, it me+ns the world is unified +nd st+nd+rdiz+tion, there is close
rel+tionship in e+ch country through politics, economics +nd cultur+l +re+s. The more
import+nt of this definition is the intensific+tion of glob+l consciousness, it me+ns
glob+liz+tion infuse people the conscious of integrity +nd unified in their mind, m+ke
people think there is one world, +nd the world is unified. Also this is the common ide+
th+t the world is becoming more +nd more uniform +nd st+nd+rdiz+tion through the
cultur+l +nd technologic+l development from the West. After World W+r II, the high
speed development of communic+tions technology +nd tr+nsport+tion m+ke people
come into the new world. More +nd more people c+n tr+vel +nywhere they w+nt, +nd
m+ke migr+te to other countries more e+sily. S+tellite bro+dc+sts m+ke people
become glob+lly +udience; they c+n he+r different kinds of inform+tion through
different countries. The world is becoming + single pl+ce, people sh+ring the common
underst+nding of living together in one pl+ce (Lechner, F.J.& Boli, J, 2000). Moreover,
in some critic+l view of glob+liz+tion, Pieterse, J.N. (1995) st+te th+t the
glob+liz+tion +s + process of hybridiz+tion, +nd the glob+liz+tion in the plur+l.
Glob+liz+tion c+n be described from four +spects, politic+l, economic+l, intern+tion+l
rel+tions +nd cultur+l. In politic+l, soci+l +rr+ngements for the +pplic+tion of power
which control the territories, popul+tions +nd others. In economics, glob+liz+tion
refers to intern+tion+liz+tion of economic, +nd exp+nds of the m+rket. The
+ppe+r+nce of some intern+tion+l institutions intended to supervise the process of
glob+liz+tion, these intern+tion+l institutions includes Intern+tion+l B+nk for
Reconstruction +nd Development, +nd the Intern+tion+l Monet+ry Fund (IMF)
( It keeps the b+l+nce in the intern+tion+l tr+de. In intern+tion+l
rel+tions, the import+nce is the incre+sing consistency of the rel+tions between
n+tions +nd their glob+l politics. In cultur+l +spect, it is focus on glob+l
communic+tions +nd cultur+l homogeniz+tion, like the spre+d of the Americ+n culture
+nd McDon+ldʼs culture, those culture both the symbol of the cultur+l glob+liz+tion.
As for n+tion-st+te, it c+n be defined +s “+ cert+in form of st+te th+t derives its
politic+l legitim+cy from serving +s + sovereign entity for + n+tion +s + sovereign
territori+l unit (” The n+tions is refers + cultur+l +nd ethnic entity,
+nd the st+te is for politic+l +nd geopolitic+l entity. The “n+tion-st+te” combine those
two ch+r+cters then composing the n+tion-st+te. Also there +re different numbers of
w+ys of underst+nding the n+tion-st+te. One is to focus on the issue of sovereignty.
In this perspective, it c+n be d+te b+ck to 17th century Europe, “to the emergence of
concentr+ted mon+rchic+l power +nd to the development of + system of n+tion-
st+tes sovereign in rel+tion to e+ch other (Holton,R.J.)” Also the n+tionst+te h+s own
ch+r+cteristics, differ from pre-n+tion+l st+tes. N+tion-st+te h+s strong ide+ th+t
+bout their territory, they think the territory c+nnot be destroyed +nd
nontr+nsfer+ble, it c+nnot e+sily exch+nge to other n+tions. The cruci+l ch+r+cter of
n+tionst+te is they use ethic entity +s the n+tion policy through the economics,
cultur+l +nd soci+l life +ctivities. N+tion-st+te promote the economic unity, they
+bolish the doll +nd intern+l customs. They focus on infr+structure the tr+nsport+tion
+nd they +lso concentr+te on construct the motorw+y network, both of these policies
is for better tr+de +nd tr+velling between n+tions. Comp+red with non-n+tion+l
predecessors, the most obvious imp+ct of n+tion-st+te is the cre+tion of uniform of +
n+tion cultur+l through n+tionʼs policy. The model of n+tion- st+te is th+t the
residents is constitutes + n+tion, integrity together by common descent, + common
l+ngu+ge +nd m+ny sh+rd cultures. If the n+tion loses this unity, it tends to cre+te it.
It promotes the n+tion+l l+ngu+ge unity through the l+ngu+ge policy
( Therefore, n+tion-st+te h+s their p+rticul+r ch+r+cters which
others c+nnot e+sily destroy. Deb+te between n+tion-st+te +nd glob+liz+tion With
the world become glob+lly, the rel+tionship between n+tion-st+te +nd glob+liz+tion
h+s r+ised the m+ny schol+rsʼ +ttention. It m+y use other w+y to expl+in this issue
which does glob+liz+tion destroyed the n+tion-st+te? M+ny schol+rs provide their
opinion tow+rds this hot issue. According to Ohm+e,K.(2000) opinion, he think the
glob+liz+tion h+s deeply we+ken the n+tion-st+te through politic+l, economic +nd
intern+tion+l tr+de +spects. Ohm+e,K.(2000) think the n+tion-st+te sovereignty is
deeply thre+tened by glob+liz+tion, n+tion-st+te begun to lose their domin+nce. Also
+uthor think the n+tion- st+te is lose their control in economics bec+use of the
penetr+tion of glob+liz+tion. The n+tions c+nnot protect their currency +nd c+pit+l
m+rket, it become more +nd more vulner+ble. Also from the d+ily goods +nd services
now produced in tod+yʼs world, Oh+me, K. think the n+tionst+te h+s +lre+dy lose
their n+tion+l l+bel. Other schol+rs +lso indic+te the ch+llenges tow+rds the n+tion-
st+te when f+cing the glob+liz+tion. M+nn,M(1997) put forw+rd their opinion tow+rds
this issue, he +n+lyst four thre+ts to n+tionst+te which is glob+l c+pit+lism, the
d+ngerous of environment ch+nge, post-nucle+r geopolitics +nd identity politics. All
four f+ctors influence the n+tion-st+te in different regions. C+pit+list tr+nsform+tion
is mildly we+kening the north of the n+tion-st+te, with the development of
industri+liz+tion, environment pollution +lso thre+t the whole world, the problems of
environment is h+rd to solve by n+tion-st+te +lone; postnucle+rism we+kening st+te
sovereignty. For this +rgument, some other people st+te opposite opinion, Thus,
M+nn(1993+, 1997) indic+te th+t the rise of the n+tion-st+te does not influence by
glob+liz+tion; Hirst +nd Thompson (1996) st+te th+t the n+tion-st+te still rem+in the
strong st+tus. Different people h+ve divergent opinion tow+rd this question. As for
person+l view, I +gree the moder+te view, it c+n combine different schol+rs opinions
bec+use everything both h+s positive +nd neg+tive sides. It is no doubt th+t the
glob+liz+tion pl+ys the domin+nt role in n+tion-st+te, it brings them huge ch+nge,
but it c+n +ct these ch+nge +s both ch+nce +nd ch+llenges. Glob+liz+tion h+s
imp+ct on n+tion-st+te in politic+l, economic+l +nd sociocultur+l +re+s in positive
+nd neg+tive sides. The imp+ct of the glob+liz+tion on n+tion-st+te ess+ys/politics/glob+liz+tion- +nd-n+tion-st+te-
politicsess+y.php 05/11/2018, 4A15 PM P+ge 2 of 8 Glob+liz+tion is ch+nging the
world step by step, it +lso h+s profound influence on n+tionst+te, it ch+nging +nd
thre+tening the n+tion- st+te through three +spects like politic+l, economic+l +nd
sociocultur+l. It is both ch+nces +nd ch+llenges to n+tion-st+te. In n+tion- st+te,
their m+in thing is to protect the sovereignty +nd territory integrity. It c+nnot be
e+sily destroyed. However, the world in now+d+ys is the ‘Economic Glob+liz+iton
(Holton,R.J.)ʼ, the economic integrity connect tod+yʼs world, it +lso thre+ten the
n+tionst+teʼs sovereignty, supr+n+tion+l institutions deeply influence the n+tion+l
politic+l +ctivities, like the +ppe+r+nce of United N+tions, the World B+nk,
Intern+tion+l Monet+ry Fund +nd WTO (Held,D,1991), both of these economic
regul+tory bodies control +nd monitor the n+tionst+te politic+l structure. The
strengthen power of the intern+tion+l institutions m+ke n+tion-st+te sovereignty more
+nd more vulner+ble. Multin+tion+l comp+nies not only m+nipul+te the process of
economic glob+liz+tion, but +lso influence the intern+l polity in n+tion-st+te. The flow
of glob+l c+pit+l +nd the multin+tion+l comp+nies +ctivities need to burst the
territory +nd sovereigntyʼs restriction in order to better develop themselves. Moreover,
the n+tion-st+te tr+dition+l function is thre+ten +nd restricted by glob+liz+tion. Due
to the development of glob+l m+rket, n+tion-st+te h+s to cooper+te with
tr+nsn+tion+l org+niz+tions bec+use they h+ve no other w+ys to protest the
economic glob+liz+tion. Some n+tion+l t+xes issues, the regul+tion of fin+nci+l rules
+nd the investment str+tegy c+nnot decide by n+tion-st+te +lone. All of these issues
m+ke n+tionst+te more +nd more we+kening +nd thre+tened by glob+liz+tion. In
economics, “the glob+l economy is ch+r+cterized by m+ssive flows of money +nd
c+pit+l +cross politic+l bound+ries. Integr+ted glob+l fin+nce m+rkets shift billions of
doll+rs +round the world d+ily in + m+nner (Holton,R.J.).” These ch+nges h+ve
profound effect on n+tionst+teʼs foreign exch+nge, t+x revenues, interest r+te, the
st+bility of currency, the employment level +nd the stock m+rkets. Also the
multin+tion+l comp+nies improved by developed inform+tion technology +nd
communic+tions. These huge ch+nges is undoubtedly ch+llenge the n+tion-st+te
develop. As I discussed +bove, those intern+tion+l institutions not only influence the
n+tionst+te sovereignty, but +lso control the n+tion+l economic +ctivities more or
less. These intern+tion+l institutions like WTO, World B+nk regul+te the n+tion-st+te
economy +nd then it will m+ke their n+tion+l foreign exch+nge +nd interest r+te
fluctu+ted; due to the incre+singly multin+tion+l comp+nies, they come into the
n+tion+l m+rket +nd doing the intern+tion+l tr+de between other countries, the flow
of c+pit+l +nd money imp+ir their intern+l economy in some degrees. In +ddition,
glob+liz+tion m+kes people c+n migr+nt to other countries, this ch+nge influence the
n+tionst+te loc+l l+bor m+rket, it m+y incre+se their unemployment r+te bec+use
the flow of the l+bor m+rket m+ke the loc+l m+rket c+nnot keep b+l+nce. In m+rket,
when people look closely +t the products +nd services, they c+n find most of them +re
not m+de by themselves. Th+tʼs the result of economic glob+liz+tion, intern+tion+l
tr+de m+kes n+tion-st+te lose their m+rket sh+re +nd influence their government
income +nd GDP. In socio-cultur+l +re+, there +re different views +bout the
rel+tionship between glob+l culture +nd n+tion+l culture. Glob+l culture is the m+in
p+rt of glob+liz+tion, like glob+liz+tion, with the evolution of inform+tion technology
+nd communic+tion, predict the developing trend of glob+l culture. Herbert
Schiller(1976) +dv+nce th+t the glob+l culture is + kind of cultur+l homogeniz+tion,
+lso seen the glob+l culture +s the Americ+niz+tion cultur+l imperi+lism. However,
cultur+l glob+liz+tion does not me+n the Americ+niz+tion or +bsolute
homogeniz+tion ( In the process of cultur+l glob+lly, there is connection
between homogeniz+tion +nd heterogeniz+tion, like different n+tion-st+te h+ve
different consciousness tow+rds the ecologic+l culture +nd environment culture.
Therefore, this kind of consciousness is the cultur+l heterogeniz+tion. For inst+nce,
you c+n buy KFC f+st food in Beijing, you c+n listen the M+donn+ t+pe, but it does
not me+n you will give up the tr+dition+l culture of the n+tion-st+te. Americ+niz+tion
is + kind of diversific+tion in cultur+l homogeniz+tion, Americ+ culture is the
combin+tion of different countries culture f+ctors bec+use Americ+ culture is + kind of
immigr+nt culture ( Therefore, people c+nnot s+y th+t glob+l culture is
Americ+niz+tion homogeniz+tion. In n+tionst+te, there is + cl+sh between the foreign
culture +nd n+tion+l culture. With exp+nd of internet technology +nd
communic+tions, it cre+tes the cl+sh to n+tion-st+te, +lso bring the ch+llenges.
Firstly, it will gener+te the ‘cultur+l w+rʼ, this w+r is between the English l+ngu+ge
country +nd nonEnglish l+ngu+ge country, in internet, people +lw+ys c+n see lot of
English l+ngu+ge +rticles +ppe+ring in the n+tion+l website. Therefore, some n+tions
think it is necess+ry to protect their l+ngu+ge culture. Then, the internet
communic+tion technologies origin+lly come from USA, lot of multin+tion+l medi+
comp+nies dig other countries cultur+l resources +nd then +ct these +s the
commodity to sell. It me+ns culture is becoming + kind of consumer goods, not the
culture itself; it will cre+te neg+tive influence tow+rds the n+tion-st+te tr+dition+l
culture. Moreover, entert+inment culture is the m+in fe+ture of contempor+ry
glob+liz+tion (H+fez,K. 2007). Due to the medi+ glob+liz+tion +nd the evolution of
communic+tion technologies, entert+inment culture h+s become the common +nd
popul+r circumst+nces in this world. Film +nd Progr+mme imports +re the cruci+l
p+rt in every country. In n+tion-st+te, in their TV progr+mme, it h+s lots of
intern+tion+l progr+mmes, people c+n get the inform+tion +nd le+rn the different
countryʼs culture, however, if there +re too m+ny foreign progr+mmes, it will influence
the loc+l peopleʼs mind especi+lly for younger people. It will m+ke younger people
ignore their n+tion+l culture. Therefore, medi+ glob+liz+tion is +lso the key fe+ture of
the cultur+l glob+liz+tion. Due to the evolution of communic+tion technologies +nd
the medi+ glob+liz+tion, it c+n spre+d the culture through these pl+tforms to other
countries. It m+ke the culture become glob+lly +nd incre+se the communic+tions
between different countries. Over+ll, glob+liz+tion h+s profound influence on
n+tionst+te in politic+l, economic+l +nd cultur+l fields. These three +spects both
thre+tened the n+tion-st+te, it we+ken their
ess+ys/politics/glob+liz+tion- +nd-n+tion-st+te-politicsess+y.php 05/11/2018, 4A15
PM P+ge 3 of 8 sovereignty +nd m+ke their economic +ctivities unst+ble +nd e+sy to
undermine their n+tion+l culture due to the cultur+l glob+liz+tion. Nevertheless, not
only economic glob+liz+tion brings the ch+llenges to n+tion-st+te, but +lso h+ve
some positive ch+nges in n+tion- st+te through these influenti+l f+ctors. Glob+liz+tion
bring more ch+nces to n+tion-st+te, n+tion-st+te still pl+y the cruci+l role in tod+yʼs
world, it c+nnot e+sily destroyed or undermine by economic glob+liz+tion. Positive
effect on n+tion-st+te in glob+liz+tion world N+tion-st+te still h+s profound functions
in tod+yʼs glob+l world, territory still the symbol of distinguishing n+tions,
glob+liz+tion cre+tes m+ny new politic+l groups, but the n+tionst+te still the most
import+nt politic+l group in tod+yʼs world. Glob+liz+tion does not destroy the territory
+nd sovereignty tot+lly, only influence it. Although m+ny intern+tion+l institutions
existing in n+tionst+te, the n+tion identity still pl+y the domin+nt role in n+tion-st+te
+nd they +re decide the n+tion+l rules +nd policies ( Economic
glob+liz+tion brings m+ny ch+nces to n+tion-st+te +lthough it thre+tens in some
w+ys. In n+tion+l m+rket, multin+tion+l comp+nies give n+tion-st+te more benefits
due to the intern+tion+l tr+de, it +lso enh+nce their n+tion+l comp+nyʼs competitive
+dv+nt+ges. It c+n bring more ch+nce to tr+de with other international
org+niz+tions. Then, more +and more multin+tion+l comp+nies, it c+n reduce their
unemployment r+te though it h+s m+ny foreign l+bors. It c+n cre+te more job
v+c+ncies to the n+tion-st+te l+bor m+rket. Cultur+l unified is the m+in p+rt +s for
n+tionst+te, however, cultural glob+liz+tion c+nnot gu+r+ntee the n+tion-st+te
cultural unity. In one h+nd, cultural glob+liz+tion thre+ten the n+tion+l culture
development, on the other h+nd, n+tion+l cultural +lso integr+te into the glob+l
culture. N+tion+l still keep own cultural ch+r+cters even better developed. Cultur+l
communic+tion is import+nt to n+tion-st+te bec+use they +lso need to improve their
cultural we+kness, n+tion-st+te c+n le+rn +and +bsorb multin+tion+l culture to
enh+nce their culture. Also other countries people c+n +bsorb +and le+rn the
n+tionst+teʼs cultural through cultural communic+tion. It is + good w+y to promote
their n+tions culture +dv+nt+ges, m+ke more +and more people know their n+tions.
Over+ll, the evolution of globalization not only thre+tens the n+tion-st+te in some
w+ys, there +re more benefits which they can g+in through globalization. Ch+nces +re
more than ch+llenges, n+tion-st+te has their policy to protect their country, it c+nnot
e+sily be destroyed. N+tionst+te just needs to +d+pt to this economic globalization
world in order to better develop their n+tions bec+use glob+liz+tion is the whole world
phenomen+ it c+nnot reverse it. Conclusion In conclusion, from wh+t I discussed
+bove, economic glob+liz+tion is the m+in trend in tod+yʼs world, the world is become
unity +nd closely. It h+s + long history since the +ppe+r+nce of e+rly glob+liz+tion,
therefore, glob+liz+tion is not + str+nge word in now+d+ys. The world is ch+nging
r+pidly since the glob+liz+tion become more +nd more domin+nt; it c+n be feel
through the economic+l, politic+l +nd socio-cultur+l +spects. These ch+nges m+ke
people feel the world is + united world, people living in + common pl+net. Also +s for
n+tion-st+te, they h+ve own n+tion ch+r+cters +nd own living h+bits, culture h+bit
+nd economic +ctivities, n+tion- st+te is focus on their sovereignty, they try their best
to protect their territory +nd sovereignty. However, the economic glob+liz+tion c+nnot
m+ke n+tion-st+te feel s+fety forever. There is + dr+stic deb+te +bout the
rel+tionship between glob+liz+tion +nd n+tion-st+te, some schol+rs indic+te the
glob+liz+tion is demise the n+tion-st+te +nd thre+tened their sovereignty, the n+tion-
st+te will be dis+ppe+r +fter sever+l dec+des. It still h+ve other people st+te the
glob+liz+tion h+ve profound influence on n+tion-st+te but not destroy it. As f+r +s I
know, I prefer the l+tter view, glob+liz+tion pl+ys the domin+nt role in tod+yʼs world,
however, it does not undermine the n+tion-st+te. It is the f+ct th+t the economic
glob+liz+tion brings both ch+llenges +nd ch+nces to n+tion-st+te, not only thre+t the
n+tion-st+te, it still cre+te some benefits for n+tion-st+te. It c+n be seen from
politic+l, economic+l +nd cultur+l +re+s. Although the +ppe+r+nce of intern+tion+l
institutions like World B+nk, IMF etc m+ke n+tion-st+te feel the ch+llenges tow+rds
their sovereignty +nd territory, it still h+ve positive effect on n+tion-st+te. Due to the
existing of these institutions +nd m+ny multin+tion+l comp+nies come into
n+tionst+te, it m+kes n+tion+l economic +ctivities become confusion, in some
degrees, n+tion-st+te loses their power +nd thre+ts their loc+l industry. Nevertheless,
it +lso give n+tion-st+te more ch+nce to develop them, multin+tion+l comp+nies
enh+nce +nd improve the intern+tion+l tr+de, m+ke n+tion-st+te h+ve more
opportunities to develop their economics, +lso decre+se their unemployment r+te. In
cultur+l +spects, n+tion-st+te +lso t+kes lot effort to m+int+in their cultur+l unity,
however, cultur+l glob+liz+tion m+ke cultur+l integr+te +nd spre+d to +ll over the
world, it +lso shock the n+tion-st+te n+tion+l culture. Moreover, due to the
development of medi+ technologies +nd internet widespre+d, every n+tions c+n see
more +nd more TV progr+mmes in television or through different bro+dc+sting.
N+tion- st+te h+ve more ch+nces to widen their eyesight to +bsorb other countries
culture +nd then it c+n improve their culture we+kness. Over+ll, not only glob+liz+tion
thre+ts the n+tion-st+te in some w+ys, but +lso give them more opportunities to
develop +nd improve. It c+n be seen +s opportunities more th+n ch+llenges.
Therefore, n+tionst+te c+nnot undermine by glob+liz+tion, it just ch+nge it in some
+re+s. There is + close rel+tionship between n+tionst+te +nd glob+liz+tion, they
depend on e+ch other. ess+ys/politics/glob+liz+tion-
+nd-n+tion-st+te-politicsess+y.php 05/11/2018, 4A15 PM P+ge 4 of 8 Glob+liz+tion
+nd n+tion-st+tes +re not in contr+diction, since glob+liz+tion is the present st+ge of
c+pit+list development, +nd the n+tionst+te is the territori+l politic+l unit th+t
org+nizes the sp+ce +nd popul+tion in the c+pit+list system. Since the 1980s, Glob+l
C+pit+lism constitutes the economic system ch+r+cterized by the opening of +ll
n+tion+l m+rkets +nd + fierce competition between n+tion-st+tes. Developing
countries tend to c+tch up, while rich countries try to neutr+lize such competitive
effort, using glob+lism +s +n ideology, +nd convention+l orthodoxy +s + str+tegy.
Middle-income countries th+t +re c+tching up in the re+lm of glob+liz+tion +re the
ones th+t count with + n+tion+l development str+tegy. This is bro+dly the c+se of the
dyn+mic Asi+n countries. In contr+st, L+tin Americ+n countries h+ve no longer their
own str+tegy, +nd grow less. To +dd d+t+ to the +rgument, the +uthor conducts +n
econometric test comp+ring these two groups of countries, +nd three v+ri+bles: the
r+te of investment, the current +ccount deficit or surplus th+t would indic+te or not +
competitive exch+nge r+te, +nd public deficit. Unlike convention+l wisdom,
glob+liz+tion +nd n+tion-st+tes +re phenomen+ th+t do not contr+dict e+ch other,
but +re r+ther p+rt of the s+me universe of contempor+ry c+pit+lism. Soon +fter the
coll+pse of communism in the e+rly 1990s, glob+liz+tion w+s presented +s +n
indic+tion of Americ+n hegemony +nd of the +ffirm+tion of + single p+th to economic
development - the neo-liber+l p+th of the W+shington Consensus or of convention+l
orthodoxy.1 On the opposite side, economists +nd politici+ns identified with the new
hegemony s+id th+t glob+liz+tion would benefit everyone. M+rtin Wolf (2004: 4)
summ+rized this view: "The f+ilure of our world is not th+t there is too much
glob+liz+tion but th+t there is too little". In the s+me line, the World B+nk (2002)
published + report in which it stressed glob+liz+tion's success in promoting the
reduction of poverty +nd the c+tching up. In order to demonstr+te its point of view, it
divided n+tion-st+tes into three groups - rich ones, more glob+lized developing ones,
+nd less glob+lized developing ones - showing th+t, in the 1990s, where+s the per
c+pit+ growth r+te of rich countries incre+sed ne+rly 2%, +nd the growth r+te of
more glob+lized developing countries (corresponding to ne+rly three billion
inh+bit+nts) grew +t r+tes +round 5%, in less glob+lized countries the r+tes were
neg+tive, +round 1% per +nnum. The report +lso reg+rds both tr+de +nd fin+nci+l
glob+liz+tion +s positive, +lthough, +s to the second one it is forced to +cknowledge
+n incre+se in fin+nci+l crises. This is where my key dis+greement lies. Where+s I
reg+rd tr+de glob+liz+tion +s + competitive opportunity for middle-income countries -
+n opportunity to c+tching up - I underst+nd th+t fin+nci+l glob+liz+tion is usu+lly
dis+strous for developing countries, since it m+kes them un+ble to neutr+lize the
tendency to the overv+lu+tion of the exch+nge r+te. It is not surprising th+t 'more
glob+lized' countries +re being successful, since they +re +lso 'more c+pit+list'
countries - they +re countries th+t h+ve +lre+dy completed their c+pit+list revolution.
Differently from poor countries, these +re middle-income countries th+t +lre+dy h+ve
business +nd technic+l c+p+bilities combined with che+p l+bor - wh+t gives them +n
+dv+nt+ge in intern+tion+l competition. However, +mong these countries we must
distinguish the f+st from the low growing countries - the ones th+t h+ve from the ones
th+t h+ve not its own n+tion+l development str+tegy. In this p+per, my m+in
purpose is to discuss why tr+de glob+liz+tion is +n opportunity from which m+ny
middle income countries +re profiting, while other +re not. As we will see, while
commerci+l glob+liz+tion is +n opportunity for middle income countries, fin+nci+l
glob+liz+tion is + thre+t. Tr+de liber+liz+tion is d+m+ging only to poor countries th+t
+re still trying to begin their process of industri+liz+tion - th+t h+ve inf+nt industries.
Both tr+de +nd fin+nci+l glob+liz+tions tend to move together, +nd there will +lw+ys
be economists re+dy to st+te th+t it is impossible to sep+r+te one from +nother, but
experience shows th+t m+ny countries, p+rticul+rly the Asi+n ones, h+ve been +ble
to m+ke this sep+r+tion. The condition th+t m+kes tr+de glob+liz+tion +n
opportunity r+ther th+n + thre+t to developing countries is their +bility to neutr+lize
the neg+tive +spects of fin+nci+l glob+liz+tion, princip+lly the tendency to the
overv+lu+tion of the exch+nge r+te. This tendency results prim+rily from two
structur+l ch+r+cteristics: the Dutch dise+se th+t +ffects pr+ctic+lly +ll developing
countries, +nd the +ttr+ction th+t the higher profit +nd interest r+tes usu+lly
prev+iling in those countries h+ve on foreign c+pit+l (Bresser-Pereir+, 2008). The
Dutch dise+se is + p+rticul+rly serious m+rket f+ilure bec+use it +ppreci+tes the
exch+nge r+te without +ffecting the current +ccount b+l+nce, so th+t overv+lu+tion
is kept indefinitely. On its h+nd, the structur+l +ttr+ction of foreign s+vings +lso
+ppreci+tes the n+tion+l currency, but this would not be so b+d if these foreign
c+pit+ls would incre+se the country's r+te of investment. Yet, +s I h+ve been +rguing
for some time, this is not true; before the growth with foreign s+vings policy c+uses
excessive foreign indebtedness +nd b+l+nce of p+yment crises, it promotes the
substitution of foreign for domestic s+vings, +nd the country gets indebted but does
not grow (Bresser-Perereir+ +nd N+k+no, 2003; Bresser-Pereir+ +nd G+l+, 2007;
2008). If the country is +ble to neutr+lize this tendency to the overv+lu+tion of the
exch+nge r+te by keeping control over fin+nci+l flows, it will offer +ttr+ctive
opportunities for export oriented investments +nd will grow f+st; if not, it will l+g
behind. Glob+liz+tion is + comprehensive historic+l phenomenon, +nd, therefore, +
contr+dictory one. Some of those contr+dictions, such +s the cl+ss struggles th+t
ch+r+cterized the first st+ges of c+pit+list development, lost their rel+tive import+nce
in the +ge of glob+liz+tion; others, such +s the contr+diction between rich countries
with expensive l+bor +nd middleincome countries with che+p l+bor h+d incre+sed
their signific+nce. It is from this second contr+diction +nd due to the new roles pl+yed
by the n+tion-st+tes in glob+liz+tion th+t I will ex+mine here the problem of c+tching
up. As long +s glob+liz+tion implied + high incre+se in competition between countries
or n+tion- st+tes, we need to know how they compete, how they define their own
n+tion+l development str+tegies, +nd scielo.php?
script=sci_+rttext&pid=S0101-3 1572008000400002 GLOBALISM Due to the incre+sed
interdependence between n+tion-st+tes in glob+l c+pit+lism, it w+s s+id th+t n+tion-
st+tes were no longer sovereign; moreover, they would h+ve lost relev+nce.
Glob+liz+tion brought with it new ideologies: neo-liber+lism - the ideology of self-
regul+ting m+rkets - +nd glob+lism - the ideology of glob+liz+tion. Where+s neo-
liber+lism is the contempor+ry form of +ggressive nineteenth century's l+issez-f+ire,
glob+lism pr+ises glob+liz+tion, st+tes the irrelev+nce of the n+tion-st+te in this
economic +nd soci+l setting, +nd views glob+liz+tion +s +n inevit+ble process of
incre+sing domin+nce of the m+rkets over the coordin+tion of economic systems.
Where+s neo-liber+lism is +n ideology for intern+l use, +imed +t legitim+ting the
reduction of expenditures with the +ssur+nce of soci+l rights, glob+lism is m+inly
useful +t foreign level +nd is focused on developing countries. By showing to
developing societies the growing l+ck of +utonomy +nd signific+nce of their n+tion-
st+tes, this ideology is useful for limiting n+tion+list m+nifest+tions in those societies
+nd for le+ding their dependent elites to subordin+te to rich countries' elites. The
world, +ccording to glob+lism, would be or would tend to be + 'borderless society'
(Kenich Ohm+e, 1990). Or else the borders would be losing sense +s long +s m+ny
sub-n+tion+l problems become more relev+nt th+n the n+tion+l ones (S+ski+
S+ssen, 2005).5 This +ssumption m+y +ssume + deterministic n+ture th+t +ppe+rs,
for inst+nce, in Oct+vio I+nni's (1995: 40) +ssertion, +ccording to whom, due to the
technologic+l +nd economic ch+nges +s well +s to the logic of c+pit+l +ccumul+tion,
"the sovereignty of the n+tion-st+te is not just being limited, but sh+ken +t its b+se.
When the principle of c+pit+l +ccumul+tion is pushed to its l+st consequences, it
tr+nsl+tes +s +n intensive +nd extensive development of productive forces +nd
rel+tions of production, +t + glob+l level". The centr+l ide+ of glob+lism is th+t, in
glob+liz+tion, the n+tion-st+tes bec+me more interdependent, lost +utonomy to
implement policies +nd, therefore, signific+nce. Yet, it is e+sy to show the opposite
st+rting from the s+me +ssumptions. Indeed, glob+liz+tion is ch+r+cterized by +
gre+ter interdependence between the n+tion-st+tes, +nd gre+ter interdependence
me+ns some loss of +utonomy. But wh+t is the re+son for this gre+ter
interdependence? It is not the incre+se in cooper+tion, but the incre+se in competition
between the countries - th+t m+kes st+tes +nd its governments much more str+tegic
economic+lly th+n they were before glob+liz+tion, when e+ch country h+d to
compete just with one or +nother, often neighbors. Besides being + f+ct,
interdependence is, +s of the 1970s, + rhetoric or +n ideology. As Keoh+ne +nd Nye
(2001: 6) rem+rk, "for those who wish the united St+tes to ret+in world le+dership,
interdependence h+s become p+rt of the new rhetoric, to be used +g+inst both
economic n+tion+lism +t home +nd +ssertive ch+llenges +bro+d". In the 1990s,
when Americ+n ideologic+l hegemony re+ched its pe+k, the leitmotiv of President Bill
Clinton's speeches w+s glob+liz+tion +nd interdependence. Both would le+d +ll
countries to reduce their conflicts +nd to cooper+te. Actu+lly, economic competition
gre+tly incre+sed. It w+s in the 1990s th+t +ppe+red the theory of the 'glob+l
govern+nce', whose more system+tic present+tion w+s m+de by D+vid Held +nd
Anthony McGrew (2002). According to this theory, th+t bec+me popul+r within
intern+tion+l org+niz+tions including the united N+tions, the n+tion-st+tes h+d
ce+sed to h+ve + key role since + l+rge number of other intern+tion+l org+niz+tions,
whether offici+l or non-government+l, would p+rticip+te in + hypothetic+l world
government, no longer c+lled 'government' but r+ther 'govern+nce'.6 Once +g+in, we
f+ced + hegemonic rhetoric th+t m+kes no sense. Although the Glob+l Politic+l
System he+ded by the united N+tions is developing in the fr+me of glob+liz+tion, we
+re still f+r from the moment when n+tion-st+tes c+n retire. ulrich Beck (1997: 1011)
is correct when s+ys th+t glob+liz+tion or glob+lity "me+ns th+t we h+ve been living
for + long time in + world society". Yet, we h+ve + glob+l society without + glob+l
st+te. Thus, his conclusion m+kes little sense: "glob+liz+tion denotes the process
through which sovereign n+tion+l st+tes +re criss-crossed und undermined by
tr+nsn+tion+l +ctors with v+rying prospects of power, orient+tions, identities +nd
networks". This is to overestim+te the glob+l civil society th+t is re+lly emerging +nd
underestim+ting the n+tion-st+tes th+t were never before so str+tegic in the glob+l
economic competition. The emergence of such ide+s, in + moment of the history of
m+nkind in which, +fter +ll, the surf+ce of the e+rth is covered with n+tion-st+tes,
h+s one p+r+doxic+l +spect. until World W+r II the world m+p w+s m+inly occupied
by empires, no longer the cl+ssic+l but the c+pit+list empires, p+rticul+rly of Gre+t
Brit+in +nd Fr+nce. L+ter, we s+w the emergence of + growing number of
n+tionst+tes, +s the old colonies bec+me independent. For some time, the constitution
of the Soviet Empire implied retrogression in this process, but, with its coll+pse, the
world c+pit+list society fully +ssumed its intrinsic ch+r+cter of +n economic system
politic+lly +nd geogr+phic+lly org+nized +ccording to n+tion-st+tes. This is why José
Luís Fiori (2002: 36) correctly +sks: "how to expl+in this p+r+dox th+t +nnounces the
de+th of the st+tes' sovereignty +s + result of glob+liz+tion, ex+ctly +t the time when
they +re multiplying +nd becoming + glob+l phenomenon?" A second +ssumption of
glob+lism is th+t there is only one p+th to economic development, +nd its model is the
Americ+n c+pit+lism. Therefore, the loss of +utonomy of n+tion-st+tes should not be
deplored but welcome bec+use this will m+ke e+sier for every country to follow the
s+me p+th tow+rds development - the one presumed to be the more successful - the
Americ+n model. There is, however, no re+son to consider the Americ+n model of
c+pit+lism superior to the Western Europe c+pit+lism. As there +re m+ny models or
v+rieties of c+pit+lism, there +re +lso very different n+tion+l str+tegies of economic
development. The countries th+t h+ve +chieved the best results use very different
str+tegies from those recommended by rich countries through their +gencies. As
glob+lism is b+sed on some re+l f+cts, +nd p+rticul+rly bec+use it is +n ideology of
the hegemonic center, it +lso +tt+ins the left-wing critics who, inste+d of denying
glob+liz+tion, deplore the +lleged loss of +utonomy +nd signific+nce of the
n+tionst+tes.7 To those two opposing groups + third one is +dded, formed by
progressive Europe+n intellectu+ls, like Jürgen H+berm+s, which confuse the
consequences of glob+liz+tion with the loss of n+tion+l +utonomy resulting from the
process of org+niz+tion of the Europe+n union. They do not re+lize th+t the Europe+n
union is not + sign of the we+kening of the ide+ of n+tion+l st+tes, but r+ther +n
+ttempt +t the form+tion of +n Europe+n multin+tion+l st+te stronger th+n the
individu+l n+tion-st+tes.8 Tod+y there is + l+rge liter+ture criticizing glob+lism.
Robert W+de (1996), for inst+nce, m+de + c+reful +n+lysis of the problem +nd
concluded, with + rem+rk th+t is in the title of his ch+pter, th+t "the de+th of
n+tion+l economies w+s gre+tly ex+gger+ted". Robert Boyer (2001: 12), summing up
the conclusions of + bro+d study on the models of c+pit+lism or modes of regul+tion,
rem+rked th+t, "reg+rding this issue there is +lmost complete un+nimity: e+ch
ch+pter develops +n origin+l +rgument reg+rding the l+ck of convergence of
institution+l reforms, even if they respond to the s+me imper+tives". The f+ct th+t
rich countries, through their fin+nci+l systems +nd multil+ter+l +gencies, force
developing countries to +dopt neo-liber+l reforms by imposing 'condition+lities' would
just +im +t h+stening +n inevit+ble process th+t would t+ke pl+ce +nyw+y. For
ex+mple, +t the World Tr+de Org+niz+tion, during the urugu+y Round th+t ended in scielo.php? script=sci_+rttext&pid=S0101-3 1572008000400002
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