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Reduchan Geat Tratn

8 Remove reducton gear shaft lrom case

NaTE lt B nal necessary to perfarm step g untess an end

p@y cneck must be made.

I Remove outp!t ptanetary. (See Output planetary in lhis '"i'? \a

@ v
t{ $
10. Dlsengage the tow disconnect co/af and ro ihe :YX
reducl on gear (A) to the teft s de of the case

I I Femove ihe front beartng cone (B) and then remove the
reducton gear (A).



1 nspect bearing retarner ior wear and damage.

2 Femove and nspect searng nng (A). New tnrckness s

2 36 to 2.39 mnr (0 093 to 0.094 n.)

3 D ameter of shalt mating area (B) s21.84to21 94 mm

10 860 to 0 864 rn.)

Ltho n USA 55-40-05

4. nspect rear bearing cup and c!p mating bore in lransmis-
sion case. O.D. of cup s 36.84 to 96.86 mm (3.813 to 3.814
in.). LD. of case bore rs 96.84 to 96.88 mm (3.813 to 3.814

5. Inspecl rear
bear ng cone (A) for wear and damage. ll
necessary temove cone us ng roo s as snown.

A.-Fedlctlon Gear Shaft

near B.arlng Cone
&-27s1s {21n.) Otsk
C-O.01243AA Knll. Edge Pullet

6. Inspect for wear and damage Make sure alloi passages

are free of obslructrons.

Fear Bearing Cone 50.83 lo 50.84 rnm

(2.001 to 2.002 n.)
Reduction Gear 65.99 lo 66.01 mm
(2.598 to 2.599 ln.)
Front Bearing Cone and Outprt
Planetary Bush ng 53.95 lo 53.97 mm
(2.126 ta 2.127 n.)
Output P anetary Bushing . . . ... . . 44.45 to 44.46 mm
(1.750 to 1.751 ln.) A-R€ar B.arlng Cone Maling

7. Femove and inspect two s-.aling rings.

Hcductlon Gear Mallng Are.
C-+ronl Bearhg Cone and Bushhg Mating Area
Pl.netary Bushing Mathg Area
llem New Thlckne.g

Sealing Rings 2.36 to 2.39 mm

(0.033 to 0.094 in )

Litho in U.S.A. 55-40-06 T[.i-1258 (Sep-82)

8. Inspect lront shalt oit seal (A) ior wear and damage. pry
sea irom shaft if necessary to remove.

9. Inspect reducion gear for wear and damage. i D. ot gear

rs 66.09 to 66.11 mm (2.602 10 2 603 in.).

10. Inspect front bearing cone tor wear and damage. LD,
oi cone is 53.98 to 53.99 mm (2.125 lo 2.126 in.).

Litho n U.S.A. 55-40-07 Tl\,4'12s8 (Sep-82)

Reduction Gear Tftin

'1 Inspect .ronl bea -g c-p lor wea a'lo oarage

NOTE: The beanng cup lo-ca:;e snap ring (A) nust be in

pla(e belote ,nstalhng lhe new beanng cLp

12. i necessary lo replace cup, drve reaMard with 27548

(4-1l16 rn.) disk and 27489 handle

NOTE: Be sure that the disk i.; positianed an the bearing

cup and not the snap tlng.

13. 11 cup s removed check the D. ol the case bore. lD.

of bore s 104 72 to 104.76.nrn (4.123 to 4125 rn.).



1 f necessary, nsla new shaft lront o seal wrlh sealtng

rps facrng Inward using 27495 (3/4 in.) prlot,27500 (1-1lj6
in.) dsk and 271A7 hande

2 install oi sea 1.5 to 2.5 mnr (0.060 to 0.100 n.) betow

end of shaft

J ora\< redr .t show. -sng2/523\2-'z

1n.)dsk (A) lo supporl bearnct cone Make sure cone s
insta ed tight agansl llange or shaft

Lrtho ln u s.A. 55-40-08 TM 1258 (Sep-82)

Reduction Gear Train

4 lnslal fronlbeafingcup ntocasedrvngcuplorwardwith

a 27548 (4-1/16 In.) d sk and 27489 handte Besurecup I
rs seaied agansl snap ring n case bore.


5. nsta llhe reduclron gear (A) incaseandro toleftside

0i lne case.

6. Inslal lront bearng cone (8) and ihen rol the reduction
gear (A) back to the center and engage the tow d sconnect
co ar

NATE: This is prelninary assembty proceoure useo @

establish shaft end ptay.

7 nstall reducton gear shall wlh reducton gear shift

collar, and bearing cones rn the case.

NOTE. Rear bearing rctanet wtt tacate tnat positon ol rear

bearing cup

8. Insla rear bearing cup (A) part way into case.

Lrlho in tl.S.A. 55-40.09 TM-135a (Sep-87)
Reduction Gear Tran

9. nstall rear bear ng retainer v/ith enough shims to estab.

lish shaft end play.

10. Insla11-1/8 in. long cap screw (A) in lower right hoe.

11. Insta i two cap screws (B).

12. Eveniy iighten cap screws to locale postion ol rear

bear ng cup and torque io 75 N m (55 ft-lbs).

13 Adlust bearng pre oad using iollowing instructions.


Litho n U.S-A. 55-40-10 Tlr,4 I354 (Sep-87)

Reduction Gear Ttain



NATE: Prcload must be adiusted il beaings, shaft ot rcar

rctainer is replaced. p,
1. Instail diat indicator as shown.

2 l\lark ihe spot where the diat indicator contacts the end I
of the shalt. ,
3. While pushing ihe shaft rearward, oscrtate the shatt
severaltimes, a m nimum of 90' n each direction, stopprng
wlh the dial indicator contacting the same spot marked n
slep 2.

4. Zero the dial indicator.

5. While puling the shaft ioNard oscilate the shaft as n I

slep 3 slopping wiih the dial indicator contactrng the safie
spot marked n step 2.

6. Note the dial indicator reading.

7. Remove dial indicator.

8. Remove the bear ng retainer and drive the shalt sligh y

rearward so lhe rear bearing cup wilt be only party instalted.
Take care to avoid damaging the oil seat in the front of the

Lilho in U.S.A. 55-40-1 1 Tl\,4-i354 (Sep-87)

Reduction Gear Train

L Remove enough shms in lront of bearing retaner to

equal measured end p ay plus addtiona 0.000-0.050 mm
(0.000---0.002 in.) to obtain requ red pre oad.

NOTE: Shims are available in nominal thicknesses ot 0.A03,

w ebb*

4.005, and 0.010 nn ().0A1 0.002, and 0.004 in.).

Measure shms tndtvidually for accurate measur-

10. With bearing reia ner removed, drive shaft shgh|y

rearward so rear bearingclp M/ ll be only parly installed.
11. Instal bearing reta nerwth thims, and three cap screws

12. Eveny tghien cap screws to ocale posnon ot rear

beafing cup and torque to 75 f,l m (55 lb ft).

13. Repeat steps 1-10 unlll pfttoad s eslab ished

14 Proceed lo Fnal Assembl/ of Reduclion cear Shatt

Instructon n lhis group.



NOTE. Prcceed to step 5 if encl play check was not made.

1. Remove rear bearng retainer as previous y instructed in

this group Do not lose or mrsplace sh m pack.

2. Drive on lront of shaft lo rerove rear bearing cup. Take

care 10 avoid damag ng oi sea.

3. Bemove reduct on gear shafl from case enough to allow

rnslalat on of output planelary.

4. lnstall outplt planetary. (See Output Ptanelary in this


5. Insla reduclron gearshaftwlhreductongear.shftcotar

and beanng cones n the case

NaTE: Reat bearing relatner wil locate tnat positton ot rcar

6. Install rear beanng cup pair way inlo case.

Litho n U.S.A. 55-40-12

Reduction Geat Train

7 nsla rear bear ng reta ner wlh shrrn pack determ ned
Lrnder AdtLrst Feductron Shaft Preload instrucl ons.

8 rnsla specral 1-1€ |l ong cap screw (A) in lower fight

I nsta' two cap screws (B) Make sure lube ine bracket
{C) s n p ace

l0 Evenl,'tghten cap screws to locate postion ol rear

b,oar ng cup and loroue io 75 N m (55 f! bs).

'l nsla C-3 o ,n,a {D)

12. lnsta rockshail housng or transmtsson Tear cover.

(See Feriove/ nslal Fockshatt Components in Sect on 70 )

l3 nstal npLrl p anelary. (See npul panetary in thrs

i.1 nsla the SCUND GARD body (See SOUND-GAFD

Eodv n Seci on 15 )

A-Spec:r 1r.,! r. Cap Screw C-L!be Line Brakcet

B-Retainer Cap Screws o-C-3 Oil Line


I Femove reduct orr gear shaltas instrlcted previous y n
tir s grolro

2 Dr ve spring p n {A) through shaft

3 Femcv€ two cap screws (B).

.1 Fernove slop p ate (C) and tever (D)

A-Shiller LeveFlo.Shatt Sprinq Pin

B-slop P ate-lo-Case Cap Screw
C--f.ansmission Drsconnect Shilter Lever

0 lransmission Disconnecr Shitter Lever

Ltho nLrSA 55-40-13 TM I354 (Sep-87)

Reduction Gear Train

5. Remove shaft retainer (A)

6. P voi arm (A) downward and oosen

hand shalt (B) and specia washer (C).

7. Remove left-hand shaft (A) ty pulling shail outward whi e

suppo.trng shtller yoke with one hand.

L Remove shiiter yoke (A) anl shoes with shriler collar.

55-40-14 Ti.r-1354 {Sep,87)

A--Fl9ht-H!nd Sh!fi H-R1.9
E-Shllter Cottar Shllt

1. Inspect right-haod shaft (A) at yoke.maling

diame- 3. Inspect lett-hand shaft (O). Diameterofshaft atcase
ter. O.D- of shaft is 16.46 to 16.51 mm (0.648 to
0.650 bore maring area is 17.42 to t7.aS mm (0.6S6 to O_6S8
in.) Reptace O_ring packing (D) on shatt.
2. Inspect yoke shoes (B) fol excess wear. New 4. Inspect shifter collar (E) tor wear and damage.
thickness ol shoe is 6.10 io 6.95 mm (0.240 to 0.250
in.) Diameter of shoe at yoke matingarea is 9.37
to 9.47
ftm (0.369 to 0.373 in..)

Litho in U.S.A. 55-40-15 TM-1258 (

Reduction Gear Train


NOTE: Frcnt bearing cup must be in place in case.
1. lristall shifter yoke and shoes wrth shifter colar (A) in
NOTE: lt should not be nec?ssary to adjust or check
rcduction shaft end plity il the shtm pack was nol

2. Instal reducton gear shaft. {See Assemble and nstal

Beduction Gear Shatt and Cornponents n lhis group.)

3. Pivoi arrn (A) downward ani nslal rghl-hand shaft (B) $

wlh special washer (C). . ..4t ,

I l;

4. With the shitter co ar luly engaged with lhe reducton

gear, assemblelhe lett-hand splned shaii to the shriieryoke
a ';*S*r&,'{!!t'.{'!.'**""'q
so ihe hole (A) is approx nrate y rn a honzontal posrt on as

5. lnstall shait relaner (A)

Litho n U.S.A. 55-40-16 TM I258 {Sep 82)

Reduction Geat Trein

6 stoppate(A). Install,butdonottightencapscrews

7. Instal spnng pin (A) through tever and shaft with tever
n position as shown.

Lilho n U.S.A. 55-40-17 TM-1258 (Sep-82)

Reducron Gear Traln

I Rotate shiler levef lorward to position colar aganst

reduci on gear

L co ar aga nsi reduct on gear, center the tow

W lh d scon
nect shoes (A) n the co ar groove

10 lvlove the stop plate (A) a rgn ng engaged detenl hole

wlh ever atch p n (B) and trchten cap screws (C)
,) \{|.*
I1 nsta ever spr ng (D)


A-Tow Disconnecl Lever

c-srop Plare-ro-case cap


1 nsta I reducl on gear shatl n p ace. (See Asserfb e and

lnsta I RedLrcl on Gear Shaft ard Components ln th s group )

IMPORTANT: Be sure to installthe same shim pack that

was removed or shaft bearing preload
adjustment must be made

LthoinUSA 55-40-18
Reduction Gear Traln


1 Rernove the SOUND-GARD body. (See Remove
SOUND-GARD Body in Seciion 15.)

2 Remove lransmission front cover. ?

3. Fe-rove rocksha,l -oLsnq o, r.ansnsson,ea. cover
(See Remove/ nsta I Rockshaft Componenls in Sect on 70

4 Bemove d lferentra . (See Different a n this sectron.)

spr ng pin ftom lock arm

6 Ba.lovo OC. o..n a^o so.,ng ac<enoty.

NATE. lt ts NOT necessary to remave the tocK arm and

spnng assemDty ar the taw disconnect yake when
temoving the patk pawt anly. Removing the shafts
will allow the park lack pawl to be removed.

7 Loosen tow d sconnect yoke shaft (A) ano Temove irom

tow d sconnect shtiler yoke

I Remove tett-hand tow disconnecl shaft. (See Remove

Tow Drsconnect in thrs group.)

NATE: Reducton gear shaft, reduction gear, ano @w

dEcannect componenls are removed for illustratton

I Remove lock paw shatt (A) reaMard.

10 Unhook sprng (B) and remove tock pawt assembty.



Litho n U.S.A 55.40-19 TM-1258 (Dec 83)

11. Remove lock cam (A) with needle thrust pack (B) from
nside ol case.


1. Inspect lock cam arm with spring and hub (A) for wear .1. an
or breakage. Replace parts as necessary. }l.,,-

2 nspect ock cam O-rng (E), replace as needed. \

3 nspect lock cam (C) for wear or damage. O.D. oi cam
al case mating atea is 25.22 to 25.32 mm (0.993 to 0.997
@ a ?
o \ 1\
4. Inspecl needle thrust
bear ng race (D) ior excess wear
or damage Rep ace as necessary.

5. lnspect need e thrust bearilg

are In place and free to rotate.
(E). 8e sure needle rollers
b 9i.- !
6. nspect ock cam roler (F) ior excess wear or damage.
ll necessary to replace, remove cotter pn, washer, and
headed p n (G) and inslal new roller in lock pawl. With the
a" \

ro lerloward viewerand the spr ng up, the washer and cotler \

p n must be on the efl oi the pawl.

7. Inspecl lock pawl (H) for rvear and damage. The teelh
lhat coniacl the reduclion gaar must not be chipped or A-P.rk Lock C.m Arm, F-Park Lock Cam Folle.
damaged. l.D oi shait mating 6orc is 22.24 to 22.34 mm
(0.876 to 0.880 n.) B--O-Frn9

I nspect lock pawl relurn spring O. To replace return D-N€edle Thrusl B€aring Spring
spr ng, drive oui the spring pin npawl. nstalnewsprngwith E-Needle lhrusl Bearing
c osed end n slot on top of pawl and the open side ol the
hook toward the ro ler. Insert spring p n.

9. Inspect lock paw shaft (.l). Make sure the two shaft
washers are in p ace in shaft groove,

Lrtho In lJ.S.A. 55-40-20 T[,4-1258 (Sep-82)

Beduclon Gear Tran


NOTE: Reduction gear shaft. reduction gear, and bw
oisconnect mechanism are removed lor illustration
purposes onty.

I nstall ock cam (A) with needle thrusl bearing (B)

between thrust races (C) as shown.

2 nsta I lock pawl assembly n place and nsert lock pawl

slrait (A) om d fferent a case.
3 Hook spr ng (B) n ho e (C) tn case.

'I In)ldl tolr dtq.o^-oct )ratrs o-o aol,sl slop p

ale (SFe
t^-tair.-d adrJc. ,os Dscon-ecl r^ lhs groLp.l

L tho in Ll S.A 55-40-21 T[,4-1258 (Sep-82)
Reductian Gear Train

5. lnstall lock arm hub arm and spring assembly on shaft

6. With park lock n d sengaged positron, install spring pn

(A) lhrough ock arm hub and ock cam shafl

7 nsta I dilierential. (See Drfi(rrential rn lh s section.)

8 nsta I rockshaft hous ng or lransmission rear cover (See

Remove/lnstall Rockshall Conrponents in Sect on 70.)

I nsta I transmrss on front co'/er and gasket

10. nstall SOUND-GARD bod! isee SOUND-GARD Body

n Sect on 15 )



IMPORTANT: lf the different al drive shalt is replaced,

the dilferential ring gear must also be
replaced since they are a malched set,

1. Remove oLrtput planetary. (liee Outpul Planelary in lhis

2. Remove dllerenta. {See D fierenlra n ths sectron.)

NATE: Use a wedge agatnst lae d4ve geat to keep shat't

lran, turntng while loosentng lhe shaft rctatnng cap

3 Loosen and rernove cap screw (A)

Litho n lJ.S.A. 55-40-22 TM 1258 (Sep'82)

Reduction Gear Train

4 Rernove fronl bearing relaner (A).

IMPORTANT: A hydreulic jack is the safest way to

remove the drive shalt without damaging
bearing or shalt_

5. Press drve shafl through ironl bearing cone usng a

TY148l HydraulicJack. Useasma driver d sk beiween
and shaft to protect end of shaft from possrble damage

NaTE: Therc E a shtm pack behind the frcnt beating cane

and then a spacer. Do not lose ar misplace these
i b-:
6. Remove d l{erenta drive shaf ront bearing cone,
ano spaoer when cone s iree of Shaft.


Remove differentra drive shail reaMard from case wh le

ry* -'t.q
sr.rpporl ng drMer gear in middte compartmenl.
8 Remove park lock paw irom case

I Remove driver gear from case

10. nspect tront beafing cup and f necessary remove cup

usrng a 27545 (3 7s n.) drsk (A) and 27489 nanore

11. ll cup s removed, check dianreter of matng bore In

case l.D. is 11266 to 112.7A mm (4 435 10 4.137 in )

Llh*" USA. 55-40-23 TM-1258 (Sep-82)

Reductian Gear Train

IMPORTANT: lf the rear bearing cup, cone or differen-

tialdrive shaft is replaced the cone point
must be adiusted. See Cone Point Adjust-
ment in this group.

NOTE: Therc are shims in front of the rcat bearing cup.

l2 nspect rearbearing cup and it necessary, remove ustng

27555 \4-1/, n.) disk (A) and 27488 handle

13 i cup s removed check d arleter of mating bore in case

.D. s 136.47 10 136.51 mm (5 373 to 5.375 in.).

1.1 nspectdrve shait gearrearspacer (A)and rear bearing

cone (8) ior wear and damage f necessary to remove e lher
part, press cone and spacer lrom shaft Lrsing JDG,305
Bearng Cone Renroval Too (C).

15 To remove C-3 oi I ne (A) bottom ol case, remove ..']::

cap screw and retarner from side of case wal
NOTE Access to oil hne E easiest by gong through the r'
hydtauhc ftltet opening i.fter removing hydraullc lilter
reref valve assembly


L lho rn u.S A 55-40-24 TM 1258 (lMay-83)

Reduction Gear TGin


q. f o
t t
A-Bevel Pinlon Shalt G-Fronr Bearhg Cone
A-Fear Aeari.g Cone E-Drivs Gear Front Spacer
C-Orive Gear Fear Spacer l-lletalnhg Cap Screw

l. nspect sfiait (A) and components for wear or damage

Shaft O D at Rear Bearlng [/ating Area 76.24 la 76 26 mm

(3.002 lo 3 003 n )
Shall O.D. at Drve Gear Rea. Soacer l,4at,ng Area 76.6.1 to 76.66 rnm
(3.017 10 3 018 in.)
Shaft O D. at Front Beari _g Core f,/ari-g A'ea 63 65 lo 63 67 mm
(2.506 to 2.507 n )
Rear Bear ng Cone I D 76.20 10 76.21 .rrtn
(3 000 lo 3 001 in )
Drive Gear Rear Spacer Widlh 31 87 to 32 13 mnr
(1.255 to 1.265 n.)
Front Spacer Width 24.87 lo 25 13 mm
(0.979 to 0.989 n.)
Froni Bearing Cone .D. 63.50 to 63.51 mm
(2 500 to 2 501 in )

2. Inspect drllerential drMe gear (D) ior wear and damaqe.

Litho n U S.A 55-40-25 fV-rZSe fO""-e3)

Reduclion Gear Train


IMPORTANT: lf the rear bearing cup, cone, or difleren-
tial drive shalt is replaced, the cone point
must be deteritined.
1 Determrne the aoie po nt sh m pack by subtracl ng the
n!mber etched on the p n on e.d of the driferentral drive
shaft frorrl 9.538 n Thrs s the 1r ckness ol the reqlired shim
pack rn ironi of the rear bear r)g

NO IE Beat bee1ng sh ms colne tn nomtnal thtcknesses ol

0.403 0 045, and A 01() tn Measure shims tndtvtdu-
arj/ tot accurate meas)rement
2. Insta rear bearng cup wth shm pack In transmtssOn.
Sla( rear cup and fronl clp (i renroved) nto case usng a

NOTE Both the frcnt and rear beannE cup may be nstalled
3t lhe same ttme by uslng lhe tecanmended toal
3. nsta JDG 30,1 EearngCup nslalrerSet(A) andtighten
!nt c!ps are properlv seateo
IMPORTANTT Make sure cuFs are securely seated.



CAUTION: Heat parls in a bearing heater. use

a thermometerand do not exceed 150'C (300'F).
Plan a safe handling procedure to avoid burns.

I Heat rear bearng cone anl rear dflve shaft spacer to

150"C (300 F) and nsta cn shaft

2 iean drve shaft and ts pErts from al ncKs ano Durs

L ghi y o the rear bear ng.

3 nsla dr ve shali $, th rear bear ng cone and rear dnve

shaft spacer through .ase wa and drve gear

,1. nsla hold ng loo (A) as srown !s ng a sma d sk (B)

on end of p r on shalt (SeeSeclon99 lor rnstruclons to
iabr cate hold ng rco l

Ltho nUSA 55-40-26 TIM-1258 (Dec'83)

Reductton Gear Train

IMPORTANT: There is a smatt woodruff key in the shalt

to keep spacer from rotating. Make sure
key is in place.

5. nsrd I no-. -pcco. o.., . o. o. <- o,. dqt - qr dflver gear

6. nstall enough fronl shms 1o provlde a

amount oi end p av

CAUTION: Heat parts in a bearing heater. use

a lherlhometerand do notexceed 150.C (300.F).
Plan a shaft handling procedure to avoid burns. xd
7 Heai ffont bearng cone (A) to 150 c (30c F) maxmum
and nsta I on shaft

8 Alow beaflng to coo and ght y o the iront bea|ng and

rnsta I lront bear ng reta ncr (A)

I Remove shail no o nq 1oo

10 Use a wedge agarnsl ar vc gear 1c prevenl shaft irom "&
turnrng and nsta rela n
'rg screw lA) ano lorqLre to 245 N rn
(180 rb fr).

v &*
Litho n Ll.S A 55-40-27 TM 1354 (Sep-87)
Reduction Gear Train

1 1. Mounl a dial ndicator as shown so the pointer resls on

oeanng rela ner.

12 Mark the retainer and the case wa (A) so end play can a,
be checked al the same poinl on the drMe shafl retainer

13. Grasp the pinron end of ihe drve shaft and rolate rl in
each drrection severaltimes whrle pushing rt torward io seat
lhe rear bear ngs.

14. Algn the marks (A) and wh le holding lhe shall ioMard,
zero the dial ind calor.

l5 Rotale the shail severa I Tes in each directon while

puling it reaMard to set the frrnl beaflng rollers.

16 Al9n the marks (A)and whie ho drng the shatt rearward

nole tne rndrcator reading.

17 Remove dal rndicalor ret€Lrnrng screw and retainer.

l8 P'er: d re -harr lrroLg. r'o-l bearrg cone r5r-g a

hydfau ic iack.

19 Remove differenta drive shatt iront bearng cone.

20. Femove or add enough shrms lo provde 0.000 mm

(0 000 n ) end play to 0.025 nm (0.001 n.) pretoad.

NATE. Ftont bearing shlms c.,me in nominal thicknesses

al A.A8, 0.13 and 0.25 nn (0.003, 0.05 and 0.A10
tn.). ltleasure shims tndividually for accurate

21. Insta shim pack delerrnined In the above steps and

repeal steps 8-22 unt I prope' preload is ach eved

L tho n U.S.A 55-40.28

Reduction Gear Train

22 re a slrng apprornraley 2 m 16 ft)ong lghty around

dfie.enta sha'i beve prno. at fa1 area (as cose to
rear D-aaf ng as ooss,b e)

23 Fotale shalt to t\rrap aroL]nd shaft

2.1 Attach a JDT 12 Spr no S.a. 1Al (or 1s eou vatent) Be

sur€saae sze,oed

25 Pu t5-. spr.q scae Ltrp rol3tno lhe shait a maxmum

al one revc r! on p.r seaond vrh e read ng the sDr ng sca e
Fepeat severe i rnes fcr arj acc.rrate read rg.

26 Sorf.t s.a e reai:t nq n |]st b. II 3I kg {2 5_7 5 b)

,VCIE lne 1 i-? 1 ,g 12 a a 5 tb) spnng scate reading

IlrayiC..-s lr.a sir-^aitr-r." .clt i,- a.aE totaue of0 6 17
r! r) i5 ij rf r.r

2l rc rg .rra.q T.rq!e s nct w th n spec f cal on repeal

1ne eftre assi.nbe l.v. srraft:ompone.ts and check
rol ng drag torq ,. p.ocedures l"iaIe srre shait s lree lrorn

IIVPORTANT: After att checks and adjustments are

made. a NEW drive shaft retaining cep
screw MUST be inslalled and torqued as

28 'ro ngdragl.'c!e s "v

th . spec I cat on renrove the
r.ta r -q cap sarew anil fsta a .e!v.ap screw

29 T.rqrre caD]!l ir 215 f.t n (180 bjtl



i ,rsta park o.k paw

2 rsta dlie"n,a IS..Dfi.r..nta Ithssectron)

3 nslai output p afetar\r as nslructed earler n lhis

Sect on See OLrtp!l ? anatar! for nslal alon InStrucl onS

Llho n USA 55-40-29 TIV-1354 (Sep 87)

L tho in U.S.A 55-40-30 TM-1354 (Sep-87)
Beductpn Geat Ttain

31. Tie a slrinq appfoxrmate y 2 m (6 i1.) ong trghtty around

difierential drive shafl bevel p n on at llat area (as c ose lo
rear beanng as possible)

32. Folate shaft to wrap sking around shaii

33. Attach a JDT-42 Spr ng Sca e (A) (or rts equ valent). Be
sure sca e is zeroed

34 Pulthe spring scale up rotaling the shaft a maximum

oi orle revo ut on per second whi e reading the spring scale.
Repeal several t mes for an accurate read ng.

35. Sprng scae readng must be 1.1 to 3..1 kg (2.5 to 7.5

lbs.). ,
NOTE The 1. 1 to 3,1 kg t,
(2 5 la 7. 5 lbs. ) spnng scale rcadt ng
provides the specified ralling d?g tarque of 0.6 to
1.7 N n (5 ta 15 lb in).
36. ll roling drag torq!e is nol with n specriicatron, repeal
the entire assemble drive shaft components and check
rollng drag torque procedures N,iake sure shall s lree irorn
nicks and bu(s.

IMPORTANT: Alter all checks and ad,ustments are

made, a NEW drive shaft retaining cap
screw MIJST be installed and torqued as

37. f rollng drag lorque is w th n speclfication, remove the

retainrng cap screw and nslall a new cap screw.

38 Torque cap screw to 2.15 N m (180 f bs)



1. Insta park ock pawl.

2. Insla dire'e-tial .l SFe D 'lere_l'a n t_.s seclo_.J

3. Instal output planeiary as nslructed earler n this
seclion See Oulput P anetary for instailatron nslructions.

LthoinUSA. 55-40.31 TlVl I258 (Dec 83)

Reduction Geat Train

Lrtho in u.s.A. 55-40-32 TM.1258 (Sep.82)


NOTE: Order tools ftom ycur SERVICE GARD Catalaq, unless otheMise indicated

D-01168AA <^r.^ a^nnroca'^. T6d6. To measure springs.

D 01215AA Puller To remove front carrer bushing,
.lDG-19 Liit Eye To remove output planetary.
tDr-21 Spr ng Cornpressor To cc,mpress Belleville springs
n dutch pack.
27512 1-13/ 16 in. Driver D sk To nstall 4th planel sun gear

27520 2'5l16 n. Driver Dsk To nstall bushing in clutch pislon

27522 2-7l16 n DriverDsk To instal front carrier bushrng.
27528 2-13l16 in. Driver Dsk tlsed with No 27522.
21541 3-5/8 in. Drver Disk To instal rear cafiier bushing.
27 544 313/16 in. Driver Dsk Used with No. 27541.

NATE: All drivet disks are lrcm D-O1045A4 Dnvet Set.

Lilho ln U.S.A 55-45.01 TM-1258 (Sep-82)


Brake P ston Return P ate Thrckness 2.99 lo 3.09 rnm

(0.118 to 0.122 n.)
Brake Separator P ales Th ckness 2.99 to 3.09 mm
(0.118 10 0 122 in.)
Bfake Drsk Th ckness 3.20 to 3.40 mm
(0.126 to 0.134 In.)
Clutch Prslon Hous ng Bushrng .D 54.05 to 54.10 mm
(2.128 to 2.130 n.)
C utch Separator P ale Thickness 1.95 10 2 06 mm
(0.077 to 0 081 in )
c utch D sk Thickness 3.20 to 3.37 mm
(0.126 io 0.133 in.)
Clulch Feturn Plate Th ckness 7 .6? ta 7.92 mm
(0.302 lo 0 312 n.)
Fear Cafter Bush ng D. 92.37 io 92.46 mm
(3.637 to 3.640 n.)
Front Carr er Eush ng D. 63.39 to 63.50 mm
(2.496 lo 2.500 in )
4thPanetSunPnon ID 44.47 lo 44.53 mn
(1.751 to 1.753 in.)
I,D 31.85 lo 31.87 mm
(1.254 to 1.255 n.)


lst P anelary Brake Prston Return 31 nm 11 .22 100 to 122 N at 24.5 nrm
(22 lo 27 bs. at 1 n.)
2nd P anetary Brake P ston Return 22 mm (0.86 1191o 145 N al 15.8 mm
(27 lo 32 ibs. at 0.60 in.)
3rd Planetary Brake P slon Felurn 44 mm (1.76 104 to 127 N at 35 mm
(23 to 28 lbs. al 1.38 n.)
4th P aneiary Brake P sion Relurn 25 nrm (0 98 295 to 360 N at 20 mm
(66 to 81 lbs. at 0.82 in )

P anelary Prnron Shafl Reta n ng Pn 4.5 N m (40 in lbs)

Pislon Hous ng'to-Drum 37 N m (27 tl bs)

tr/:la D,(r^n !^,1<.^ 55Nm(40 lt-lbs)

Planetary io Transm ss on . . 75 N rn (55 fflbs)

LthornUSA 55.45-02 TM-1258 (May,83)


1. Remove SOUND-GARD body. (See Remove SOUND

GARD Body n Sectrcn l5 )

2 Remove Input panetary and lube manifold. (See nput

Planetary n lhis sect on.)

3 Rernove reductron gear shaft. (See Reducton GearTran

.1 Remove PTO ard MFWD clutch lube oi lne (A) ii


5 Remove relurn c manlod screws (B) and remove

man lo d 1C)

6 Fernove lransm ss on case cover screws (D)and remove

A-PTO and MFWO C lrch C-Beturn Oi Manilold

o-Tfansmission Cas€
B-Fetlrn Oil Maniloll

oLrtput p anetary cap screws (A)



LihornUSA 55-45-03 T[,]'1258 (Sep-82)

Output Planelaty

8 Inslal two 9/16 x 1-1/4 n cap screws wth.lDG-19 til

eyes (A) nto tapped holes rn rear ol p anetary housing.

g Use a -hai 'or:t to l'l pla..rary'ro- r'a-sr,:s on casF.


1 Poslion p anelary as shown. wih 1st panetary brake

Prston hous ng (A) down.

2 Rernove lve .1ih p anelary brake prston housng cap

screws (B).

3 L It or pry 4th brake p ston lous ng (C) irom planetary

4 Remove 4lfr p anetary brak€, prston return plate (A), and

separator plales and d sks {8) lrom pianetary.

LIhO]NUSA 55-45-04 TM'1258 (May-83)

Outpul Planetary

5. Lrfl clulch pacl, (A) kom planelary

6 Renrove the eight brake p ston return spr ngs (A).

L113rd p lanetary b rake piston housing (B)konr ptanetary


I Rernove 3rd p anelary brake piston (A) and brake piston

return plate (8).

9. Remove separator p aies and disks (C) and brake p ston

return springs (D).
a-Piston Fetuh Ptate
C-Separator Plate3 and

o-Piston Feturn Springs

10. Remove thrrd p anetary brake r ng gear (A) and4thsun

prnron (B).

- -:' ,
.J j P
L[no n U.S.A. 55-45.05
TM-1258 (Sep-82)
1 1. Posilion carrier so planet pinions (A) are aligned with

largeropenings rn brake piston housing (B) to permit removal

ol carfler.
a 1

12- Remove 2nd planeiary brake piston housing (A).

13. Flemove 2nd planetary brake piston (A) and brake piston
return plaie (B).

14- Bemove the eighl brake pislon return springs (C), and
separator plales and disks (D).

B--+bron F.turn Pl!i.

C-Pldon F.tlrn Spdngr
F-S.plralor Plrt.r rnd Ol.k.

Litho in U.S.A. 55-45-06 T[.4-1258 (Sep-82)

18 Rernove separator plates and d sks (A)

19. Remove brake prstori return ptale (B)

20 Remove 1st planetary brake r ng geaf (A) and piston (B)

LthoinUSA 55-45-07 T[,{-1258 (14ay,83)

Output Planetary


I nspect brake prston reilrn spr ngs:

lsi planetary brake prslon return springs (A)

Free Length 31 rnm n)
Compressed Heghr 100 to i22 N al
122 Ia 27 lbs. aIt In) : i:ii:':ir:l:l
2nd p anetary brake prston return sprrngs (B)
22 mm (0 86 n.)
Compressed He ght lg to 145 N at 15.8 mm
(27 to 32 bs. at 0.60 n.)

3rd p anetary brax€ prston retrrn spnngs (C)

76 n)
a^m.r.c-an !o ^hl . 10.1to 127 N al 35 mm
(23 to 28 bs at .38 In )

4lfr p anetary brake piston return spnngs (D)

Free Length . 25 mm (0.98 n.)
Compressed He ght 295 to 360 N at 20 mm
(66 to 81 lbs. at 0.82 n )

2 Inspect brake p ston feturn p ates (A) Thrckness of each

pate rs 2.99 to 3 09 mm (0 11rl to 0122 n.)

3 nspect separator p ares (B) Th ckness of each ptate rs

2 99 to 3.09 rnm 1l l18 to 0 1ll2 n.)
,1 nspecl brake d sks (C) Th :kness of each drsk rs 3 20
to 3,10 mm (0.126 to 013.1 n) [4nmum facrng groove
deptlr s 0l j-lrm (0 005 n )

NATE: lf factng malexalchtps )lakes. ot sc?tchesotf easlty

when scralched wth a itngernatl (ar eqDtvalent), the
ds( -'o-o b. .Dd., l Pgaoa-s O 'ac-9

5 nspecl seal ng r rgs on p stons for wear

Ltho n USA 55-45-08 Tl\,4-1258 (May-83)


1. Femovelhe l2clutchpiston hous ng to-drum cap screws


2 Pry or llt p ston hous ng (B) lrom drum.

3 Remove c utch drive plales and d sks (A)lrom drum Noie

thrck c utch return p ate (B) wh ch conlacts c utch p ston


Remove clutch hub (A) irom drum

5 P ace piston housrng (A) n a press as shown

6 Use JDT-24 spring compressor (B) to compress Be levi te

spr ngs and remove snap r ng

7 Remove Belev le spflngs (C) from pision housing.

8. Remove piston (D) lrom housing.

B-JOl-24 Spring Compr*sor

Lilho n U.S.A 55-45.09 Tl\,4-1258 (May'83)

AuFut Planetary


I nspect packrng on p ston (q) and in prsion housrng (B) -Y'"&"

2 nspect blsh ng (A) n prston housing for wear l.D oi

blrsh ng !s 5.105 10 54.10 nrm (2 128 to 2130 In.)
dr ve bushlng lrom pston housrng

3 Use a|l O fing prck or prece of w re lo make sLrre clulch

dLJmp !a ve ba Is and spr ngs (A) are iree f necessary, clean
w th so vent and compressed air

.1. nspectlhrustwasher(A)onclltchdrumiorwear f worn

washer ano drum must be rep aced as an assembly.

Lrtho n Ll.S.A 55-45-10 Itul-1258 (f"lay 83)

Output Planetaty

5. Inspect thrust washers (A and B) on tront of clutch hub

6. Inspect thrust washer 1A) on rear of clutch hub for wear.

f tront or rear thrust washer is worn, hub with washers m!st
be rep aced as an assemblv.

7. Inspect cluich plates (A) and disks (B) lor wear. Thick-
enss of dsks s 3.20 to 3.37 mfi (0.126 to 0.133 in.).
Thickness of separaior plates is 1.95 to 2.06 mm (0.077 to
0.081). Thickness of ctutch reiurn ptale is 7.67 to 7.92 mm
(0.302 io 0.312 in.)

NOTE. lf lacing matenal chips, ltakes, ot scrctches otf easily

when scratched with a flngernail (or equivatent), the
disk should be replaced regardless of tacing


1 Remove lhe planet pinion shaft retaining pin screw (A)

lrom each of ihe planet pinion shafts.

NATE: Newet model t?ctors have planet pinion rctaining

plugs dn ed frcm outside diametet of planetary
housing. Remove pipe plug and push dowel pin out
by insetlinq wtrc through center hole of pinion shatt

L tho in U.S.A. 55-45-11 TM-1354 (Sep-87)

2. Use a piece ot wre to push each planei
retarnrng pin (A) lrom each planel plnion

$:r, I
NOTE: Ro er bearings, spacers, and thrust washers wll be
hee to fall lrom planet pinions as shafts are

3. Push each planet pinion shaft (A) reaMard and remove

retaining bal (B) from each shalt as shatt is removed.

4. Remove planel pinions from carier.

5. Inspecl bushifg (A) n rear of carrier for wear. .D. of

blshing is 92.37 to 92.46 mm (3.637 to 3.640
dnve from carrier.

6. Inspect bushing (A) rn iront of carier for wear. LD of

bushing is 63.39 lo 63.50 mm (2.496 to 2.500 in.). tl worn,
use D-01215AA puller wlh slide hamnmer atlachment (B)
to remove bushing.

Litho in U S.A. 55-45-12 TM'1354 (Sep'87)

7. Inspect thrusl washer on front lA) and rear of each ptanet
sun prnon for wear Replace washer and prnon as an
assemb y if washer s worn.

8 nspect bushngs (A) In lD of4irh ptanet sun pnon (B)

for wear I D oi bush ngs s 44 47 lo 44.53 nrm (t 751 to
1 753 in ) i worn, drive bushings from p n on


I {[ {} & l
9 nspect D.of eachplarieipinion(A)forwear. .D.ofeach
pianei p n on is 31.85 to 3l 87 nrm (i 254 to i.2S5 in.)


1. f rear bushtng n p anetary carrier was removed insta 1

new !slng No. 27511 (3-5/8 in.) pitot and No. 27544
(3-13/16 rn.) drver d sks (A). Instal bushrng ltush lo 0.5 mm
(0 019 n.) below sudace of caftier.

LthornUSA 55.45. t 3 TM-1258 (Sep-82)

2. lf lront bush ng in planetary carr er was removed, install
new lsng No. 27522 12-7/16 in.) plot afd No. 27528
2-13l16 in.) drver d sk (A). Insta bushrng lush to 0.5 mm
(0.019 n.) below surlace oi carrer.

3. nsta i trrsr p anel sun pinion (A) In carrier as shown.

4. Coat D of each planet p n on wilh grease.

5 Inslal 44 roller bearings (22 on each end) nto each

p anel prnron. ir
NATE. 3rd and llh planet ptnian roller bearings are sepa- b d
rated by a wde spacet. lst and 2nd planet pinion
roller beanngs are separaled by a naffowspacer (A), b .d
Lltho in U S.A 55-45-t4
? J
TM'1258 {Sep-82)
Outpul Planelary

6. Insla I a 4th
p anet p nlon (A) into carrier as shown wtth
a thrust washer (B) on each side oi pinion.

7. Inslal a 1st and 2nd planet pinion (A) inlo carrier as

shown, with a thrustwasher (B) oneach sideof planetoinion.

8. Carefully nsta I a planet pin on shafi iC) through pinions

and lhrusl washers, with groove (D) on end of shaft on same
side oi carrier as shaft retaining pin hole (E).

a-1sl and 2nd Ptanet Pinton

E-Setaining Ptn Hole

Litho n U.S.A 55-45-15

9 nsta a p anet prn on shali relarn ng ball (A) in shaft.
10 Push shall ntocaffeTuntr bal enters hole (B) in carr er


ll nstal pnron shait retanng pn (A). Ss{

l2 Apply LOCTTE 222 to s.rew (B). nstal and trghten
screw to 4 5 N m (,10 b-n.).

13 Repeat Steps 6 througlT 12 jor anolher prn on shail w th

lst, 2nd and 4th p anel P n oni.

NOTE Later trectors use a ptn and ptpe plug. Tlghten ptpe
plug ta 13 N n (14 !b-it)

2nd p anet sun p n rn (A).

15. prn on (B)

Lrtho n U.S A 55"45-16 TM 1354 (Sep-87)

Output Planetary

IMPORTANT: When the 3rd pinion shafl with lst, 2nd

and 4th planet pinions is installed, make
sure liming marks on the rear of all three
2nd planet pinions (A) are aligned with
lamin9 rnarks on carrier (B),

16 nstalllhe 3rd pinion shaii with isl, 2nd and 4th ptanel

I af

I7 nstall the three remaining 3rd p anet pinions (A) with
shalts (B) and lhrusl washers nto carrier.

I8. lnsla I shaft reta n ng ba s, retaining pins. and retaining

19. Tighten screws to 4.5 N m (40 n_lb)

NOTE: Tighten pipe plug on latet nodet ttactarc to t3 N.m

(14 tb_ft).

20. llbushing(s) n4thpanetsun gearwereremoved press

in new uslng No. 275i 2 (1-13/16 in.) driver d sk. push spiine
end (A) bLrshrng in T mm (0.04 in ) deep and push gear end
(B) bushing In mnr (0.3j n ) deep

21. lnsta 4th planet sun geaf into carrier, with gear tooth
end (B) down.

L lho In U.S A. 55"45-t7 Tl\,4-135a (Sep-87)


1. Install packings in piston housing (8) and on p ston (A)

ri removed,

NOTE: Slowly wotk pislon tnta piston

damaging packtngs.

2. nstall piston n piston housing so pin in housing a igns

wilh hole n prston.

3. Lnstall Bellev lle spr ngs on piston, with LD. of first washer
(A) againsi piston (B). Alternate insialaton ot remarnrng

4. Use.lDT-24 spring compressor (A)as shown to conipTess

Bellev le springs.

5. nsiall snap r ng. @.'


L tho In U.S.A 55-45-18

AuFut Planetary

6. ll bush ng (A) in piston hoLrsing was removeo. Insta new

usng No 27520 (2,5/16 in ) drver disk.

- nsta c urch hub (A) n drum

8 nstall a disk Into drum Jirst. Alternate instatation of 6

0 sks and 5 plates (A), endtng with the thick ctutch return
p ate (B).

g nsta I p ston hoLrsing (B) nto drum

NaTE: Seff-lockng cap screws may be lemoved and

relnstaled up to thrce times. lnspect cap screws to
see I any tocktng matenat B visabte on O.D. There
must be noticeable turning resistance in the tocking
area ot lhe cap screws.

l0 nstai the l2piston housing-to,drurn cap screws (A)and

torque to 37 N m (27 il,tbs).

L tho n U.S A. 55-45-19

Output Planekry


NOTE: Coat a mating parts with John Deere HY-GARD

transmission and hydtaulic oilto ease assembly and
to minimize weat.

1. ll pack ngs were removed lrom pistons, coat new pack-

ings with oil and insta L

2. Install lst planet brake pislon (A) in brake piston housng


3. Install the Jour dowel pins (A) in non{hreaded holes

brake housing.

4. nstall fabricated dowels (B) (see Making SpecialTools)

into threaded holes 1n brake housing.

5. InslaLl brake piston return plate (C).

6. Installthe eight 1si planet brake piston reiurn springs (D).

Ffee ength of these springs s 31 mm (1.22 in.).

7. install 1sl planet ring gear (E) with notched side facing

B_Fabrlcaled Dowelr
C-Brat€ Pl3ion R.turn
D-Pi3ton Return Spriog!
E-l.t Plan.i Flng Gear

8. nstail 2nd p anet rrng gear

L Allefnate installation of ihe three plates and four disks

(B), ending with a disk.

L lho in U.s.A. 55-45-20 T[,1-1258 (Sep-82)

Output Planetary

10 Insta planetary (A)so 1st and 2nd planet prnons mesh

wrth 1sl and 2nd planet ring gears.

11 nstall brake backing ptate (A) so hole In plate rs

al gned w lh o I ho e ln brake housrng

I2 nsta I the eight 2nd p anet brake piston return springs

(C) Free engrh of springs is 22 mm (0.s6 n.).

r3 nstal 2nd ptanet brake piston (A) in ils housing (B).

L tho in U S.A 55-45-2'l TM'1258 (Sep-82)

Output Planetary

14. Alternate instalat on oi the lwo plales and three disks

(A), endrng with a disk. .;.t
15. Hold brake prston relurn p ate (B) agarnst piston to keep
it in place, wh le installng hous ng (C) over dowels. .f

Install the eight 3rd p anet brake pislon reiurn springs

(A). Free length oi sprrngs is 44 mm (1.76 in.).
't7. lnstall 3rd p anet ring gear {B)

18. Alternate installalion of the lhree piates and four disks

(c), ending with a dsk.

19 nsta | 3rd planet brake piston (A) n rts housing (B).

L-h o n LJ.s.A 55-45-22 T[,]-1258 (Sep-82)

Output Planetary

20. Ho d brake piston return plate (A) aga nsl p ston io keep Y'
ii n place, while instatting housing (B) over oowets.

21. Instal clutch pack (A) into brake pack as shown.

22. Insla I the elghl 4th planet brake prston return springs
(B). Free lengih ot sprngs is 25 mnr (0.90 in.).

23. nstall 4th planel brake piston (A) n its houstng (B). ]

Lrtho in U.S.A 55-45-23 Tt\l 1258 (Sep-82)

24. A ternate nstalatron ol the lwo plates and three d sks !
(A) end ng w lh a disk.

25. Ho d brake p ston return p ate (B) aga nst p ston to keep
it n p ace whie insla I ng housrng (C) over dowe s.
26 Femove the iolr labr caled dowe s

27 nsta I lhe I ve planet brake p ston hous ng screws (A)

and lorque to 55 N m (40 iflbs)



NOTE The follawing checks a.d shimming adjustmenls arc

dane ta tnsure prope, fill lime far each element
checked. The 3rd planetary bQke ts not lo be

I apo) ,1 lo 2 bdr
pressure port (A), while usng
l20 o.15 pr) "r p'esc-ro to
a feeer gauge to
,ir wl mr'\-
'l #,..
c earance belween pston return pate and brake piston 1.,
housing (8) Nleaslre ai each ol the four relurn plale lang

. W.',
,:*- 'j3{,

Lilho nUSA 55-45-24 Tl\,4.1258 {M ay.8l)

2. ll sma est c earance is 2.29 mm (0.090 n.) or greater at
any ol llre iour tang locatons, use JDG-390 (A) to insert
E ring (shrm)

NOTE E ring (shtn) thickness is 0.6,1 nm p.A2S in.). Add

fou E-nngs (shims) if clea?nce is exceeded: one
on each offour btake piston retun spring dowelpins
around brake housing. <--:-1* i

3. Repeat sleps 1 and 2lot 82 (A) and 84 (B) elements.

L1h0 in lJ.s.A. 55-45-25 T[,4 1258 (Dec-83)

1 Apply 3.5 bar (50 psi) a r pressure to each brake port and
observe element engagemenl for proper operalton.

A-81 Tesr Pornt and Ptares

B-82 Test Poinl a.d Plales
C-83 Test Point and Plates
D-84 Tesl Point and Plates

2. Inspect O-r ngs (A) al brake pack pressure ports n

lransmrssron case Rep ace I not in good condition.

3. lnsla two 9/16 x 1 1/4 in cap screws w th JDG-I 9 L tt

Eyes (A) nio tapped hoes n rear ot planetary housng.

4 Use a charn hoist to lower p anelary nto transmission


5 Install the iour p anelary-lo{ransm ssron case cap

screws (A) and lorque to 75 N m (55 f|lbs) t--.,,e

t fll
l! tt'
Lrtho n U.S.A 55-45-26 TM'1258 (Dec 83)
Output Planetary

6. Instal transrn ssron case cover and screws (D).

7. Inslal relurn o man lo d (C) and screws (B)

I nsta PTO and MFWD ciltch ube oi Ine (A)

9. nsta I reduclron gear shait (See Reduct on Gear Tratn

In th s section )

10 nsta Input planetary (See nput Ptanetary in this

sectron )

ll nstall SOUND GAFD body (See Femove SOUND,

GAFD Body n Secton r5 )

Lrtho n USA 55-45-27 Tl\,4,1258 (May-83)

Output Planetary

Litho ri U.S.A 55-45-28 TM-1258 (May-83)

croup 50


I Remove six cap scTews and load contro knob and
remove consote wrap-around cover

2. Open smal access door on right s de of cab and put up

corner of floor rnat.

3 Remove atch peg (A) and iour ptastic ptugs (8, two

4. Pull pane away lrom side ot cab. but do not remove

5 Rernove lhe lhree cap screws irom outside ol cab.

6. P ace speed se ector lever lA) n seventh speed forward

7. Ca@lu y pu upholslery back from back oi fd calor

assembly (B), and remove amp assemby Pu ind cato.
assembly straight up and remove.

8. Rernove knobs irom speed sel€ctor ever and hand

throttle lever

I Pu I p astic ever gu de up over speed selector and hand

thrott e evers

10. Disconnecl hand ihroltle rod (A) by removing "E" clp

1l Remove cap screw (B) wlh sprng, washers, leverand

Litho n U.S.A. 55-50-01 TM-l258 (Sep,82)

12- Bemove cotter pin from rear side of park lock rod yoke
and remove pin (A).

13. Remove one inside plate-to-cab frame cap screw lrom

rear side oi plate (B) and one trom lront side ol plate_

14. Remove two bolts securing rubber boot plate to lloor.

15. Disconnect harness grounding eyelets trom side of seal

frame near floor.

16. Disconnect upper speed selector rod ball ioint (D) Iiom
center assembly bellcrank arm (C).

'7.Discolnect uoDer di'eclron seleclor roo joint (B)

from bell crank arm (A)-

IMPORTANT: Take care nol lo dlslurb posltlon oI batl

ioints on conlrol rods.

LihoinUSA. 55-50-02 rl,r-rZSe (S"p€a

Speed Selector Assembly

18. R emove cab lra me-to-o utsrde plate mou n ting cap screw
(A, between cab and shiiler assembly) and remove upper
corilrol assembly with rods and boot.

NOTE: Cap screw can be accessed by removing ptastic

plug from oulside of tractjr cab



1. Disconfect and remove speed selector rod (A) and

drecton selector rod (B).

IMPORTANT: Disconnect lrom arms only. DO NOT

disturb posilion of ball joint to rod

Lrtho in U.S.A 55-50-03 TM-1258 (Sep-82)


gpe ed Sel ector A sse m b ty

2. Remove three inside plate attach ng cap screws (A) and

remove ptate.

3. Disconnectsprng (A) and remove park ockquadranl (B)

nspecl bush ng and replace as necessary.

5. Remove worn bushing irom park lock quadranl using 5/8

in (27493) Dsk (A) as piot 11/16 tn (27d94) Dsk (B) as
drver and and a suitable spacer (C) of sma er o amerer as

NaTE. Bushing can be pressed ar dtiven from quadrant

L lho in U.S.A. 55.50-04 Th,l 1258 (Sep,82)

Speed Selector Assembly

6 nsta I new bush ng using same dtsks used ior removal.

7 nsla bush ng ilush wlh mach ned iace on quadrant.

I Continue with disassembly and repair of upper control
assemb y

L Remove and inspect bearing, replace as necessary.

10. Pullspeedseectorleverassemblyuptodisengagelrom
bellcrank and remove

NOTE. Lever must be in neutral position.

11. lnspect need e bear ng assembly lor damage or wear

ano reprace as necessary.

12. Drve ro lpin (B)from centerquadrantand remove relurn

sprng (c).

13 Remove p n (A) and remove center quadrant.

Litho rn U S.A 55-50-0s Tl\.4-1258 (Sep-82)

Spe ed gel ector Asse m b Iy

1.1. Remove needle bear ng using s/B n. (27403) D sk (A) as

pilaI,3/a in. (27495) D sk (B) as driver and a suitab e spacer
(C) oi smaller diameter as illuslraled.

NOTE: Beanng can be pressed ar driven from quadrant.

15. Instal new bushing in same direction as od one was

16 Usesamedsksasusedforremova. Pressordrvetush
wrth top srde oi quadrant.

tA X

17. Feinsrall shaft (A) roll pln (B) and spnng (C). Be sure
lhat qLradrant is installed in ever assernb y with ilush side
ot needle bearng facing down as

I18. Rernove and nspecl bear ng and replace as necessary,

Litho n U.S.A 55-50-06 Tl\rl-1258 (Sep'82)

Speed Selector Assembly

ro P :ra.i r.-..rc- q"adranl up oft shaft.

:i _a.i. i ;.r..i -:ea. bear ngs (A) tor damage or wear

ana"r'a : - rFia,:ssa'!
2. -.-- :1,. ,, ..a,-qs iry drvng oul wth drtit from
' o da_laqe oea'nq oore

22 nsra ..N" .e.'rgs ng ;? n. (27493)D sk (A)as p tot

3.d ri | :-194 irst "s3t as drver ,{
2: D' r,r cr :r.:s .arclr bear ng I ush w th mach ned surface
o^ eF!.- roa -r !_.dra.l

2 r r-ii .: -! LAr 1or darrage or wear and rep ace as

2.'- .sr:. :l.rrtonn -od berlcrank (B) iof excessive wear

n s ol a'a -;a :j ias

55-50-07 TM 1258 (Sep-82)

Speed Selector Assembly

26 nspect ballloints and rod ends ior excessive wear and

27. Check and adjusl rod length as llustrated. l/easurelrom

extreme ends of bal loinls.

IMPORTANT: Bod length must always be checked even

iI ball joinl position was not disturbed.
Upper rod length is critical to proper
operation of speed selector assembly.

A-Dnecrion Selecror Fo(F399 md 115.7 in.)

A-Speed Selector Rod-s2o nn {20,5 in.)

NOTE: lt|ore accurate measurcment can be made f rods

arc latd ontwo tables with tubber boot plate hanging
between table ends as shown.

Ltnes can be drawn on each table to lengths

spectfted above. Rod length can then be adjusted
lo natch distances between lines.

Assemble upper contro s In reverse order ol remova noltng
lhe lo ow ng:
I 3e sure 10 insta I bear ngs r speed se ector qladranl
2 When nstal ng speed se eclor ever, nsta with lop of
ever ang Ing to ironl of quadrant
3 Be sure bottom oi lever engages stot in U,shaped'
drrectrona bellcrank

Ltho In Ll S A 55-50-08 TM-1258 (Sep-82)

Speed Selector Assembly

4. Instal bearng over shalt on top ol speed selector tever

5. Insla park lock quadrant (B) over shafl and connect

spr ng (A)

6 nsta pate and connect speed selector rod (A) and

direct on rod (B)

7 Reverse remanng removal sleps to compele fina

Ltho in Ll S A. 55-50-09 TM 1258 (Sep-82)


1 .
Disconnect upper and lower rod ball joints trom arms on
center control assembly.

IMPORTANT: Take care not to disturb ba ioint position

on conl.Ol rods.

2. Remove two bolts (A) securing assembty to transmission


3. Rernove two attaching cap screws (A) lrom cab lrame

4. Remove center conlrol assembly from raoor.



1 Remove two cap screws (B) to remove assembly lrom

mounting bracket.

2. Remove lrom end of shail (A). ,<


3. Pull arm assembles from support blocks as shown.

Litho in U.S.A. 55-50-10 I M 1258 (Sep-82)

Speed Selectot Assembly

sea P ate retarnrng cap screws (A) and remove

suPPo.t block.

5 Inspectbrassbalbushngs(A).Checklorexcessivewear
or tightness n races Rep ace as necessary.

6 Rernove worn bushtngs frorr race !s ng

B ind Hoie Pu ler as shown.

7 PL.rl race lronr supporl ustng 3/t In. (3386i) B ind Hole

8. Clean bush ng bore thoroughly.

k .{

rnr',o in u SA 55-50-11 TM-1258 (Sep-82)

Speed Selector Assembly

L nslal new bushrng w th race Into bore and use a dr ft to

drve flush wrth lop s!riace oi suppon b ock.
IMPORTANT: Tap on outside edge of race only, do not
drive against brass ball bushing. ts

10 nspect arm shafts lor any oarnage ano repiace as

1l Remove arms lrom shafls by drivng out roll prns (A)



Aslienrb y s the reverse ol drsassemb y wilh the lo low ng

1. '/Vhen nstall ng sea p ate, do not overt ghlen cap screws

(A) Over trghten ng wi warp lhe p ate.

2 '/Vhen Insla ng bel crank arms lo bush ng b ocks, be sure

to nslal as reanoved

3. Be sure speed se ector bellcrank (bottom in photograph)

s insta led w th arms ang ing upward as shown.

IMPOBTANT: Note position ol bushing blocks, left and

right blocks are positioned differently.

a*" n u.s.A. 55-50-12 Tl\,4-1258 (Sep 82)

Speed Seleclor Assembly


1. Litt plastic console cover and loosen guide p aie atiach-
ng cap screws,

2. Place ever rn firsl speed forward.

3 Adjusl guide paie (A) to give 2 mm (0.i in.) c earance
beiween side of ever and inside edge of slot in gurde plate.

4. [,fove lever to 14 speed forward and repeat adjustmenl

The 2 mm (0 1 in.) clearance musl be mainlaned through
al lever positons (N thru 15).
5. Place lever in neulra-neutral positon and move up lo
park. Be sure ever moves wrthout drag against guide p ate.

6. P ace conlrol lever between neutral-reverse and neutra -

foMard positlons so it is I ned up between slots in guide p ate

7. Clearance between torward edge of levef and edge of

gurde p ate musl be 2 mm (0.1 in.). Adlust as necessary.

L tho in U S.A. 55-50-13 T[.i-1258 lSep-82)

Speed Selectot Assembly

8. li necessary, loosen ock nut (A) and adjusl speed

quadrant stop screw (B) lo obtain 2 mm (0.1 in.) clearance
between ever and gu de plate.

I Check to see that iever moves freely without drag from

neutrai-neulral pos tron to neutral,foMard posiiion (side to
srde). Adjusl as necessary

Edges in quadranl slots (A) should be a gned. Adjlst as



10. f necessary, loosen lock nui (A) and adlust park lock
quadrant stop screw (B) lnti ever moves ireely from s/de
ro sroe

Litho in U S.A 55-50-14 :\,1 '258 lSep-32)

Speed Selector Assembly

11. lf only center controls were removed and repaired and

upper speed seleclor rod length was not checked, use the
lollowing procedure to check rod length:

a) Cut a length oJ straighl brazing rod to exactly 429 mm

(16 7s in.) (16.8750 in.).

b) Place speed selector lever in 15 speed forward.

c) Remove console wrap-arolnd as instrucled under

Remove Upper Contro Assembly.

Place end of brazing rod (A) even wilh extreme top of

ball joint (B).

e) Place a mark on rod (A) even with end of brazing rod


IMPORTANT: Mark speed selector rod aa accuralely as

possible. Rod length is critical lo proper
operation ot tran3mlsSion control

Liiho in LJ.S.A. 66-<n-l E TM-1258 (Sep-82)

Speed Selector Assembly

f) Pul speed se ector tever back to neutralfoMard


g) Look up under r ghl srde of cab and measure distance

lrom mark to end of ba joint (A).

h) Distance from mark io bailloini shou d be 90 mm (3.54


i) Adjusi rod length as necessary.

12. Disconnect LOWER rods from arms on control vatve

ho!sing and from arms on center controls.

13. Check to see that alliour battjoints liwo each rod) are
threaded onio rods approximalely 10 mrn i0.4 ln.) as
illustrated (A).

Litho in U.S A 55-50-r6 TIV-1258 (Sep-82)

Speed Selector Assembty

14. Ccnnectlowerspeed contro rod toarm on convo va ve

hous rig and rotate a.m down
lo towest delented (neulral)

15. Pace speed se ector ever between forward and re-

verse detenis Insert I 25 mm (0 05 n ) th ckness feeter
gauge between ever and gu de plate as tlusrrareo.

16 Have a secona person hold the ever against feeler

gauge or ie so lever slays in position

17 Ad ust upper ba I lornt so I trts lree y Inlo arm on cenler

18. Femove leeler gauge and move lever through all speed
pos tions{nellral lhrough 15) Be sure thal tever engages
l6 l!l detents (Neuirat ptus 1 thro!gh 15)
IMPORTANT: Neutral and 15 positions MUST ENGAGE

20 Make Fl r'lor ad lstments to ball jo nts on ower rod as

necessarv lc nsLrre tnat a I speed p0srrons and neulra
engage 1!l d-oient

Lthornl.lSA 55-50-'t7 Tl\,1-1258 (Sep-82)

Speed Selectot Assembly

21. Roiate drecton conirol arm on conlrol valve housing

to its upper most delented positton.

22. Canrect ower contTo rod lo arm on cenler conlrol


23. Piace approximately five strips of regular paper between

ever and slot in speed quadrant. Tolat paper thick n ess must
not be gfeater than 0.5 mm (0.02 In.)

24. Wlh lever posrtioned against paper, adjusi balljo nt on

lower dtrectton contro rod so baljoint stld iits lreely lnto
arm on conlrol vave housng

25. P ace lever in neutrai reverse posttion. Lever snouio oe

d rectly rn ne w th reverse slol in glide plate.

26. lvake mrnor adlustnrents to length ol ower rod to align

ever wtth reverse sol. Lever should move ireely from
reverse posrt on d rectly into stot tn guide plate as shown.

IMPOBTANT: Lever must engage lull detent in N - N,

N-F, and N-F positions.

L iho rn ll S.A 55-50.18 TM 1258 (Sep-82)

Speed Selectot Assembly

27. qolate oark locr snatt Inre. arn tA) agatnsl stop (B).

28. Arake sure quadrant stops (A) are alrgned and adlust
Yoke on park rod (under consote) so p n will slide through
Yoke and quadrant eas ly.

29 Place shil lever in 7 speed toMard (7 detents trom


Loosen the ihree cap screws on outside of cab.

30. Pos iion gear ndicaior hous ng so that pointer is direc|y

beiow the number 7 as shown.

3l. lf adjuslmeni is correci, potnter should correc y identiiy

each gear having ai leasl 12 ol pointer direcfly below each

Retighten attaching cap screws.

Litho in U.S,A. 55-50-19 T[,i-] 258 (Sep-82)

Speed Selectot Assembly

32. After all adjusiments are made, make the fo lowing

operatronal cnecks:

A-[,fUST be able io engage FULL NEUTRAL DETENT

when shilting irom flrstgear forward lo frrst gear reverse

B-MUST be able 10 engage ful detent n ali gears

C-MUST be able to engage park
D-MUST NOT be ab e to shift pasi fourlh reverse
33. Readjusl inkage as needed

Litho rn U.S.A. TM-1258 (Sep-82)

Group 55

NATE: Otder tools fron yau SERVTCE-GARDtr Catalog, unless otherwise indicated.

27 494 1l /l6 in. Driver Disk Pump needle bearing insta lation

27196 13/16 n. Driver Disk Pump 11eedle bear ng nstattation


John Deere HY-GARD. transmission and hydraulc oil.


Man iold to-PLrmp .Body . . ... .... . .. . 47.5 N m (35 tt,tbs)

TractonCutchValveHousrng-to-Chargepump....... 27.1 N.m (20iftbs)

Lrtho n U S.A. 55-55-01 TM-1258 (Sep-82)


1. Remove lraction clutch valve housing. (See Remove/ln-

stall Traclion Clutch Va ve Ho!sing in lhis seciion.)

2. Remove the six traclion clutch contro valve housing-to-

charge pump cap screws (A), and remove charge pump



1. Remove ihe iour cap screws (A).

Fenove the smal retarnrng rrrg (Aj ,rom sharl

,@ b.
3.Using a punch, ightly tap shail with gear (A) and pump
body (B) lrom manifold (C).

Litho in U.S.A. 55-55-02 TM-1258 (Sep,82)

Charye Pump Assembly

4. Inspeci gear teeih and bushing (A) for wear. LD. ot

bushrng rs 19.09 to 19.12 mm (0.7518 to 0.7528 in.). O.D.
of dler gear shaft is 19.04 to 19.05 mm (0.7497 to 0.7503

5. Remove idler gear (B) lrom pump body.

u' i!.
''li;- ,_.

IMPORTANT: Ddving gear v{ith shatt (A) more than 6

mrn (y. in.) through drive geer (B) may
dahage needle bearing.

6. Tap gear wlh shaft (A) 6 mm (7a in.) through drive gear

7. Pry drve gear (A) irom shail with gear (B).

8. Femove key (A) from shaft.

L Rernove shaft with gear (B) from pump hous ng.

Litho ln U S.A. 55-55-03 T[,]'1354 (Sep-87)

10. Inspect needle bearing (A) ior wear. f necessary, drive U'
from housing.

11. Inspect bearng (A) ior wear. d"

12. lf necessary, remove snap ring (B) and tap bear ng (A) I
out of housing. ,


NOTE: Caata parts with Jahn Deele HY-GABD. tansmis-

sion and hydraulc oil, ta ease assembly and mini,
mize inittal wear.

1. needle bear ng was removed, press n lsing No. 27494

(11 / I6 in.) p lot disk and No. 27496 (13/ 16 in.) driver disk.
Press on numbered side of bearing and install so bearing
is t ush wlh fn shed surlace.

2 Insta shatl wrlh gear (B) nto pump housing

3. Insta key {A) ri shaft.

{t ra,

L tho in U.S.A 55-55-04 TIV-1354 (Sep-87)

Charye Pump Assembly

I nsta drve gear (A), so key on shafi enters stot in qear

5 Place idier gear (A) in pump body wrth side stamped ,,this
s de oli lac ng up

6 nsta Inner snap ring (A) in manlotd if removed


IMPORTANT: Ball bearing (A) shoutd be tigh y tapped

into place by tapping ONLY on ourer race.
lf bearing must be pressed in, pressONLy
on outer race of bearing. Pressinq on
inner race could damage balls or races,
7. Instal ba bearing {A) and outer snap rng (B).

Litho n U.S.A 55-55-05 TM 1258 (May-83)

8. Place pump manilold (A) onto pump body as shown.

IMPORTAIIT: Press only on Inner race of bearing.

Piessing on outer aace could damage
balls or nces.

L Use a 7/16 in. sockel (B)to press bearing onto shaft by

pressing on inner race ot bearrng.

NATE: Make sure dowel in manitald (C) aligns with hole in

pump bady as manfold and punp body come

10. Insla retaining rng (A)

IMPORTANT: Oil pump gears muat turn freely atter

screws have been tightened.

11. nsta I new cap screws {A) and torque 10 47.5 N m (3J

Ltho in U.S A. 55-55.06 TM'1258 (Sep-82)

1. lnstall charge pump onto lractron clutch valve housing.

2. Install the six traction clulch valve housifg cap scTews

(A) and rorque to 27 1 N m (20 ft-lbs).

IMPORTANT: After ten minutes, retorque cap screws lo

the above specilication.

3. installlract
on clltch valve housing. (See Femove/lnstall
Tracton Clutch Vave Holsing in th s section.)

Litho n U.S.A. 55-55-07 TM-1258 (Sep-82)

Charye Pump Assembly

Litho In l-l.S.A 55-55-08 TM-1258 (Sep-821

Group 60

NOTE arder lools frcm your SERVICE-GARD catalog, unless otherwise indtcaled

O'01045AA Bushing, Bearing, and Seal Driver nstalbushings, bearings, bearng

Set cLrps and or sea s

D-01 173AA 17-% Ton Puller Set Remove and insta bearings and
bear ng cups

D-01205AA 2-Jaw Grp-O'[,{atic Puller Pul PTO bearings qurl from PTO shall

D-01316AA Push Pu ler Cross Block Remove PTO drive gear shalt if stuck

D-05029ST Bearng Heater Oven Heat bearngs and olher press ilred
pans lor nslalalron

D 17501C1 Oulsde Micrometer ft,leasure shim lhickness

D I7515Cl Dia Ca ipers nspect components

D I7525C1 Magnetic Ease W/Adlustable Arm Measure gear and shalt end p ay

D-11526C1 Dral ndicator [4easure gear and shaft end p ay

JDG 302 Powershaft DrNe Gear Lftrng Too Support and remove PTO drve gear
whie in c utch hoLrsrng

JDG 307 PTO Brake Piston Installer Tool nstall pston n clutch housrng bore

JDG-308 PTO Clutch Piston Inslaller lnsta I clutch p ston rn PTO clutch housrng

.IDT-24A Spring Washer Compressor Compress PTO clutch spnng washers

PTO Gear End Pay Adiusting Shatt Check PTO gear end play (See Seclon
99 lor rnstruciions to make shalt.)


Nuhber Name Use

3/8 in. x 16 UNC x 3 in. Cap Screw Hande to remove powershall drve
gear shaft reta ning cap from clutch
housing and to use as hand e or lacking
screw for PTO drve gear shaft

Lrlho n U.S A 55-50-01 Tlvl-1258 (Aug-84)

PTO Gear Train Wnh MFWD


PTO C utch Drum LD. (installed bushtng) 54.11 to 54.14 mm

\2.131 Ia 2.142 n.)
D (bushing mating area) 57 13 to 57.18 mrn
(2 249 1o 2.251 in )
O.D. (pislon mating area) 100 50 io 100 70 mftr
(3.957 to 3 965 n )
.D. (piston mating area) 187.95 to 188.05 mm
/D. (f'o_l oeafing cup matng area) .. .. 82.48 to 82 53 mrn
(3.247 lo 3 249 1..)
Clutch P ston t. D. 100 95 to 101 05 mm
(3.974 to 3 978 n.)
oD. 187.37 lo 187.63 mm
(7 377 10 7 3A7 in )
Clutch D sk Thickness (new) 3 22 to 3.38 mm
(0.127 to 0.133 n.)
-h,ckness rnrnrrrum .. .. 0.5 mm
(0.020 in.)
Separator Plate Thickness (new) 2.97 to 3.12 mm
(0.117 to 0.123 in.)
C utch Back r]g Plale O.D. (bearing cone area) 55.01 lo 55.03 mm
(2.166 to 2.167 n.)
PTO Gear lvounllng Shail
Sealing Rings Th ckness (new) 2.35 to 2.38 mm
(0.092 to 0.094 in.)
PTO Gear N4ountrng Shaft .. O.D. (bearing cone area) 41 .25 1o 41.28 mm
(1.624 to 1 625 n )
O.D. (c[]lch hous ng bore malrng area) 50.79 to 50.81 mm
(1 999 to 2 001 in )
O.D. (sealing ring area) 37 58 lo 37.60 mm
(1.479 io 1.480 n.)
PTO Drve Gear Front Bearng Cone .. LD. 41.28 mm
(1.625 in )
PTO Drive Gear End Play 0.03 to 0.15 mm
(0 001 to 0.006 in.)
Input Planetary Housrng O.D. (PTO gear rear bearing cone area) 107 99 to 108 01 mm
\4.252 ra 4.253 n.)
PTO Dr ve cear O.D. (front bear ng cone area) 75.03 to 75.15 mm
(2.954 lo 2.959 in )
PTO Dirve Gear Support l.D (bearng cone cup maling area) ..... 114.92 1o 114.97 nrm
(4.524 10 4.526 in.)
Clulch Housing .D. (pTO drive gear rear bearing bore) 89.94 to 89.98 mm
(3.541 to 3.543 n.)
i.D. (brake piston LD. mating area) ....... 99.95 to 100 05 mm
(3.935 lo 3.939 in )
l.D (brake pislon O.D. malrng arca) ..... 141..15 1o 141.55 mnr
(5.569 to 5 573 rn.)

Continued on page

Litho n U.S.A. 55-60-02 TM-1258 (t4ay 83)

PTa Gear Train Wnh

Brake P ston ro 100 37 to 100.63 nrm

(3 952 lo 3.962 in )
OD 141.02 lo 141 28 rnm

Brake Housrn,e Herght (lp thal locates bearing cup

nous ng ooreJ 7.27 Ia 7.53 mrn
(0.286 10 0 296 In.)
Separalor P ates Th ckness (new) . 1.57 mnr
(0.062 in.)
Erake D sks Th ckness (new) . .. .. .. 1.80 to 1.90 mm
(0 071 to 0.075 n )
(m n mum lacng) 0.30 mm
(0 012 n.)
Erake 3ack ng P ate Th ckness (new) 4.42 lo 4.58 nrfir
(0 174 to 0.180 n.)
PTO Shaft O D (bearng cone area) .. 50 83 lo 50.86 nrm
(2 001 to 2.002 n.)
O D (cenler bushing matng area) .. 50 64 io 50.66 nrm
(1.994 to 1.995 n.)
PTO Shaft Rear 3,"ar ng Ou I 93.23 to 93.27 nrm
(3.670 to 3.672 n.)
PTO Shaft Fronl Bear ng Cup OD 93.27 mm
(3.672 n.)
PTO Shaft End Pay 0.03 lo 0.13 mnr
(0.001 to 0.005 n.)

C utch P ston Return Spring Washcrs 5 mm (0.197 n.)

PTO Brake Spr ng Washers 671 mm (0 26a in )

Cap Screw

C uich Back ng P a1e-ro-Dnve cear 54Nm (40 rb-tr)

C utch Drum Assemb v 10 Back ng 54Nm (.10 rb rt)

Or Pump to Vave Hols ng

(Fel ghten aller l0 m nltes) 27Nm(20 lbjt)
o-o D. .o God. ...- | 27Nm(20 bft)
B ata qo .o Brr. oo r" - o -o.. rg 27Nm(20 bft)
PTO B.dro d.-6-orJ o ,.-. -o,cnq agNm(35 lbjt)
oTo c.:..Ber..g o . -e. .1ng oo e 68 Nm (50 1b-i1)

o-o <,1.r B.d..g oL o.d!o 1 15 N m (85 b-ft)

L iho rn U S.A s5-60-03 TM-1258 (Aug-84)

PTO Gear Train With lvlFWD


1 Separale eng ne from c utch housing. (See Front End and

Engrne n Seclion 15.)

2. Femove PTO shail (See Remove pTO shalt in lhis


I qe'rove hg ano ow ange d.rvF sha,l:.

4. Bemove four PTO drive gear bearing support cap screws


5. Remove support wlh shims. Do not lose or misp ace

6 Remove PTO dfive gear


Apply only enough lifting force with hoist
to support the weight ot the body.

7 Support SOUND-GARD body with an overhead hoist and

JDG'15 Lrfting Bracket

74. Remoe efthand SOUND-cARD body mounting

bracket (A).

8. Remove six oi pump cap screws (A) on lraction ctutch

va ve nousrng

. /:
Lrlho rn Ll.S.A 55-60-04 TM-l258 (Aug-8.1)
PTO Geat Train With

9 Remove oi purnp from clutch housing

9A Femove input panetary as nskucled In this sect on

(See nput Planelary )


l0 Remove three cap screws (A) and remove nel line

elbow (B)

11 Remove p ug (C).

NATE: Plug (C) holds a spring and valve tn houstng. da nat

tose or mtsptace.

12. Remove two ol lrough-lo-clutch housing cap screws


O-Oi! Trough-1o-Crutch
Housing Cap Screws

13. Drsconneci lube (A) from lrough (B). Remove tube (A)
lrom clutch housng.

14 Hod irolgh (B) agansl gear, rotate gear and trough

counler-clockwise and lift trough ironr c ulch housing.

NOTE lf tube (A) is nissing, the hydraulic oil will overheat.

Ltho in U.S.A 55-50.05 TM'1354 (Sep'87)

PTO Gear Train Wnh MFWD

15. Femcve retarnrng cap-lo-clltch hous ng snap r ng (A).

NATE: Latet madel ttactarc have a square lug instead ol

welded hex nul

16 Remove retarn ng cap (B).

NOTE There are shints behind the relalnlng cap, do nol

lose ar misplace them

17. Insta la 3,4 x 16 x 3 n UNCcapscrew nthreadedhoe

rn mo!n! ng shaft as a handle

18. lnsla JDG-302 Powershait Drive Gear Liting Too (A)

IMPOBTANT: There is a bearing cone on the front

mounting shatt between the pTo ctutch
and the clutch housing wa . Do not allow
cone to fall into clutch housing.

NATE: Use af an addit@nal percon is recammended

I9. Whr e support ng gear wilh too horsr and helper, ho d

ffort bealng aone lrom fa Inq ancj pu shaft from clutch
noLrs ng

! l'il r

NaTE: li shaft 6stuck and cannat be removedas instructed

pteviousty, use pu er nethod shown.

Support bar (A) shown ls a small cross block

D Al3164A fram a D-01200AA Putter Set, atthough
any steel stack that Wli supporl the cap scrcw and
wasnet may be used.

Lrtho n L-lSA T[.4 i354 (Sep 87)

PTA Gear Train Wtth tiFWD

NOTE Use of addhtonel persan ts recommended

20 Remove powershail dnve gear and PTO c ulch assem-

b y trom c ulch housrng by l pp1ng the gear as shown Take
care dur ng rernova to avo d damaqe to bear|ng cone on rear
sde of PTO c Lrlch


1. Rernove sx culch backng pateto,culch drum cap

screws {A) and lft gear and plale from clutch drum.

Remove c utch hub (A)

Remove e ghl p ales and erght d sks iB).

LlhornUSA 55-60-07 TM 1258 (Aug-84)

PTO Gear Ttatn Wnh MFWD

4 UseapressandJDT 24ASprng Washer Compressor 1A)

to compress spr ng washers (B) enough to remove snap r ng

5. Remove loo and remove spring washers.

6. Remove p ston (A)

Litho n U.S.A 55-60-08 TM-1258 (Sep-821

PfO Gear Train Wtth MFWD



1. Inspecl kont bearing cup (A) n ctulch drum lor wear and
damage. ll cup s damaged, remove old cup using inlernal
bearrng puller. Instal new cup us ng a press aM 2753513-1,14
n ) disk Be sLre cup ts seated aga nst bottom of bore.

a) .D. of cup mating area n drum is 8248 to 82.53 mm

\3.211 1a 3.249 ir.).

2 nspect bushlng (A)forwearand damage ID.oiinsia ed

bushngrs5,1.l1to5.1.1.1mm(2.13J ro 2.132 in ) tf bushrng
rs worn or damaged, pry the o d bush ng lrom drum. Inslal
new bush n9 using 27517 (2-ls tn.) pi ol,27519 (2-la ln )disk
and 27488 handle.
a) LD. ol bush ng maltng area in drum s 57 13 lo 57.18 mm
12 249 la 2.251 n.)
3. Inspecl cutch plston mating suriace lor wear and
danrage Piston mat ng d ameter (B) is 100.50 to 1 00.70 mm
(3 957 to 3 965 n.). Pislon mating dranreter (C) is j87.95 to
188.05 mm (7 400 to 7.404 ln.).

4. nspect clutch piston lor wear and damage

Pislon l.D 100.95 to 101.05 mm

(3 974 lo 3.978 in.)
Piston O D 187.37 lo 187.63 nrrn
(7 377 10 7 387 in)

5. Replace nner sea n clutch drum and ouler seal (A) n


6 Coat clulch piston wilh oi and instat nto clutch drum

lsing JDG-308 PTO C utch P ston lnsta ler

Litho n U.S.A 55-60-09 Tt4-r258 (Sep-82)

7. nspect nine clulch p ston relum spflng washers ior wear
and damage. Free length ol sprng s 5 mm (0.197 in.).

8. Assemble c utch prston relurn spnngs in c utch drum

alternate y with O.D. oi f rst spring against clutch Prston.

L Use a press and JDT-24A Spr ng Washer Compressor (A)

to compress spring washers (B) enough to nstallsnap ring
(C) and remove too

10. Inspecl erght clulch d sks fof wear and damage. Thick-
ness of disks when new is 3.22 to 3.38 mm (0.127 1o 0.133
in ) M n mum facing th ckness is 0.5 mnr (0.020 n.)

NOTE: ll disk facing

chtps, llakes ot scratches ofl easily
wth a tngernal (ot equivalenl), the disk must be
rcplaced regardless of lacing thickness.

LthoinUSA. 55-60-10 TM-l258 (lVay,83)

PTA Geat Train Wnh MFWD

damage. Be sure orl

passages are c ear

l2 nspecl eght separalor pates for wear and damage.

New p ate th ckness s 2 97 lo 3.12 mnr (0.1 17 to 0 123 n.).

NATE The plates have a release wave and the high side
ol the plate (center punch narked lA)) wtl have
slgn t nore wear


13 nsia cutch hlb 1A) n ptace n dr!m.

IMPORTANTT The wavy separator plates must be
stacked so the high sides (punch marked
sides) alternate lo prevenr excess
(High side must be opposite the high side
ol the previous ptate.)
l,:1 Wth slee separator pate aganst clutch pston alter-
natey nsta pales (punch marked srdes of pate must
alternate) and drsks (B) n ctutch drLrm.

Litho nLl SA 55-60-'11 TlVl-1258 (Aug 84)

PTO 6ea/ Train With MFWD

15. lnspect rear bearing cone on c utch backlng plate tor

wear and damage. ll necessary lo replace bearing cone,
remove as shown. Inspect rear bearing cup in clutch housing

NATE: lt rcar beaing cup rcquires replacement, cup may

beremoved hom the hontusingtools homabearing

16 nspect clutch backing plate and power shaft drive gear

lor wear and damage. Bearing cone maling d ameter on
plate is 55.00 to 55.02 mm (2.166 to 2.167 in.).

A-O-Ol 21OAA Purh-Pullef

B-D-01291AA Le93
C-O-012434A Boanng Puller
D-r7517 ( r..) DIlk

17. necessary to disassemb e plate from drive gear,
remove sx cap screws wilh flal washers (A) and remove
plate irom gearl

18. Insta gear by sliding onto drum to a depth ol 11 mm

(0.43 n.). Put clean oilon back ng plate{o-drum cap screws
wlh washers and lighten to 54 N m (40 lb-tt).

19. Insta I bearing cone on plate usLng a press and 27523

(2-1l2 in.) disk (A).

Litho in u.s.A. 55-60-12 TM-1354 (Sep-85)

PTA Gear Train With MFWD

20. Assemble clulch drum assembty to clulch backing ptate

and dnve gear assemby. D1p cap scfews (A) ln cean
hydraLrlic oiland instaltwith f atwashers. Tighten cap screws
n a cr ss-cross patlern to 1o 54 N.m (40 tbjt). Retorque cap

21. lnspect PTO gear mountrng shatt O-rlng packings (A)

lor wear and darnage.

22 nspect sea ing r ngs (B) tor wear and damage. New
th ckness of rings is 2.35 io 2.38 mm (0.092 to 0.094 in )

23. Inspect shaft for wear and damage. Be sure o1t pas,
sages are lree of obstructions. Shalt O.D. ol bearing cone
maling area (C) ls 41.25 to 41.28 mm (1.624 to 1.625 in.) tI l?
Clutch housing bore matng O.D. (D) is 50.79 to 50.91 mm
(1.999 lo 2.001 in.) Shaft O.D. (E) is 37.58 to 37.60 mm ,: 'y, \
(1.479 to 1.480 n.).
;,. ,

24 Oil ead hole dowetpin must be in place in front oi shaft.

!a\a' ,

25. Inspecl front bearng cone tor wear and damage. l.D.
of lronl bearing cone 41.28 mm (i.625 in.) t)l-clulch Ho6inq Bore

C-Bearing Cone Matinq O.O. E-Searinq Bing Are.

Shatt O.D.


IMPORTANT: Use care to avoid dahage to bearing
cone on rear of PTO clutch. use of an
additional person is recommended.
1. Use an additional person and insta pTO drive gear and
clutch assembly inio ctutch housing using JDG-302 U
Powershaft Drve Gear Lifting Tool as shown 'f,
Litho in u s.A 55-60-13 TM-1354 (Sep-85)
PTO Gear fratn wth MF,|D

2 Supporl gear with tool (A) and insta I fronl beaflng cone
n place n PTO clulch bearing cup.

3. Lighly olthe PTO mountng shafi and nstalthrough

clulch housrng and PTO drve gear bearrng cone.

4. Femove tool lrom drive gear.

NOTE: Do not install shims until end play check B made lo

determlne amount of shims requ[ed.

5. lnstal shaft reiaining cap (A) wiihout shims beh nd cap.

,,^. iA\ n nlr.6

NOTE. Later models have a cast square tn place ol welded

7 Fasten bar (A) to clutch housing using cap screw and

washers (B) as required to alow a ro ling head pry bar wth D
a 1 in. hook under bar as shown.

8. Inslal a magnetic base dia ndicator on c utch hous ng

as shown with tip agarnsl rela n ng cap ."_-td
9. Wh le rotaling PTO gear, push down on pry bar, applying
approxmately 67-11T kg (15-25 lb0. Mainlarn pressure
and zero the ndicator. Release force and remove pry bar. I

Litho n U S.A. 55-60-13A Tlr,4 I258 (Aug 84)
PTA Geat Trarn Wnh \4FWD

10. Side PTO Geaf End Pay AdJustrng Shall (A) lhrough
PTO open ng In rear of case See Sectron 99, Spec a Too s,
Tor nsirucl ons to make tool

NCTE: Ftont of shaft must cantact PTO drive gear shafl

li/hen shaft ts correcllv tn place. n shauld not extend
beyond end of transmiss@n case

i1 l

ll nsta D-OT201. AA Push PLrllef as shown usrng cap

screws (Al as req! red

I2 T ghten lor.rng screw {a) aga nst specrat shalt (C) f rmty,
(approxrmate y 1.1 N m (10lb-ft)

IMPORTANTT lrake sure both the drive gear shaft and

the shaft retaining cap move u/hen mak-
ing end play check. \_,,

13 Note lhe nd cator read ng and remove the PTO Gear

End Pey Adlustrng Shaft cap scre\^/ bar washers, dial
nd cator, snap rng and shalt retarning cap.

NOTE Shtms a.e avatlable tn nomtnal thlckness of 0.08,

0 13. A 25 and A 50 mm (0.0A3. 0.005, 0.010, and
0 A2A in.) l/leasure shtms lndivtdually to assure
accurale measurement

Insta enough sh ms to allow 0.03--0.15 mm (0
006 l.n4o.,J-o.<ai,h"_t
fing n place.
ota. no. do o^d s^ap
K$'r (/

IMPOFTANT: With shims added, it is necessary that end

play is again checked to assure correct

l5 Repeat steps I l4 unl lcorrect end play is obtained.

Lrtho n U.S A. 55.60-138 Tti I2s8 (Aug-84)

PTO Gear Tran Wih MFWD

Lrlho n ll.S A 55-60- 14 TM-l2s8 (Aug 84)

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