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The Ultimate Mindset To Achieve Success With

Facebook ADS

How to approach and think about ads when it comes to Facebook?

This is by far one of the most important things that you need to learn when it comes to
Facebook ads. This is what could determine if you are spending thousands and not making
a profit or if you are breaking even quickly and efficiently.

How you approach the facebook ads is so critical that you might be failing before even

Facebook ads is by far one of the most comprehensive advertising platforms there is.

With over 1.7 billion daily users, it is powerful in getting ads… but if you don’t have the right
mentality it’s like a gun in the hands of a toddler… you probably won’t get the results you

So how should we approach Facebook Ads?

Well, let me simplify the steps to a successful campaign.

The objective here is to:

1. Create an Ad that grabs attention so people click to see your website
2. Have a product description that is compelling to make people buy
3. Customer service and fulfillment

I’m sure you see how this whole process takes only 3 steps.

Now look, these 3 steps don’t only apply to dropshipping… it’s how it works for ALL
businesses that rely on ads to sell their product or services.

Just 3 actionable steps.

So now how does this help you in your situation?

Well before we get to this stage you need have these things figured out?
1. Is the product already selling?
2. Are other stores selling this product and are they still running their ads
3. Is there a large trend towards this product at the moment?

These things are important because it takes the focus off the product to the juicy part…
which is the ​marketing​.

So our focus is on ​step 1 & 2​.

So how do we do step 1 & 2 correctly and actually

make money?
This is where the data is sooo important. Numbers are your best friend.

Here are the most important numbers that let you know if you are doing step 1 right…

Remember step 1 is -- to have an Ad that gets people to click to your website.

So to determine if that ad does that, we look at the Click through rate (CTR).

The CTR is the most important thing to look at in the beginning.

A CTR less than 1% means people aren’t feeling it. It’s not getting their attention.

Now this could mean the video is what needs changing or the ad copy.

So this is where you test. You don’t need to spend much to know if the CTR is not good.
This where you can save money, by killing it before it lays eggs or in your case kill it before
you spend more of your money.

A CTR of 1% isn’t entirely bad but the higher the better. Anything above 2% is good.

So remember the focus in the beginning is to get a good CTR. Because the rest doesn’t
matter if you can’t get people to click to your website.

I like to add here... the strategy you use here doesn’t matter.

You can go use Gabriel's PPE into LAA strategy or the more common straight into WC
campaign test.

It still won’t change the principles in this text. CTR is important in determining if you have an
appealing ad.

Without an appealing ad → No visitors → No sales

That being said What is the second most important thing?

Well we are still in stage 1 and to get past this stage, the second most important thing is the
cost per click (CPC).

A good cpc is something under $1. Anything above $1.50 is a little expensive. The most I’d
let run is $2 CPC because it may drop… But I only do this if it has a good CTR.

Now the reason CPC is important is because you don’t want to spend much to acquire
potential customers. The lower you pay for people to visit your store the better your chances
of getting sales.

Alongside the CPC is the cost per 1000 impression (CPM). This is important because it
determines how much you have to pay for 1000 people to see your ad. Of course you want
this as low as possible.

However, your CPM is by far one of the most volatile stats.

It varies based on your audience or just days of the week. A great CPM is under $10. When
it’s starts going over $25 it may not be worth continue running.

However only determine that by the other stats. Because it can go down during the day. It
may start at $40 and then drop to $15.

It’s up to you to decide if you want to continue running it… after reading the data.

What’s the next step 2?

Okay now let’s say you got a good CTR, good CPC and a decent CPM… you should
translate this as you having ​a good ad.

If all of this lines, up it means people are interested in your product. That’s good.

Now what do you look at next?

The next important statistic will be your add to cart (ATC).

Your ATC determines if people are interested enough to consider buying your product. If the
answer is no…

Then the next question you ask yourself is... ​how come?
Don’t make up your own answer, test and use the data to determine it.

Now there are ​2 major factors​ that influence your ATC… A.K.A people intent on buying.

Number 1 being your target audience and number 2 being your product description.

If you are targeting cheaper countries, you tend to get a lot of clicks at a low CPC. But most
of these people will not be interested in buying.

So having no ATC may simply mean you have start using different targeting methods.

This may include changing your interest, changing your placements or even changing your

Now if after all this changes you still aren’t getting any ATC… the blame might be on your
product description.

You may at this point decide to learn how to write good copy so you change your description
or if you have the money, hire a copywriter to do it.

Make sure they are competent, and cheaper doesn’t necessarily mean quality. Be smart with
your budget.

If you don’t want to do that, you can simply find a competitor that is making sales on the
product and copy their product description.

How do you know if they are making sales? Well check out their best selling products. Use
e-commerce inspector. (Chrome extension)

I also just want to note here that some shopify stores block you from seeing it, so you may
not be able to see what their best selling product is. *Sad face*


Using your competitors copy can be a good way to determine if it’s your targeting that needs
changing or your product description.

But let’s say you were already getting decent ATC without having to do all that, but you
aren’t getting any or as many sales.

Well in this situation there are 2 major possible situation

1. Your product description DOES need improvement or you need to have an appealing
2. The audience your targeting has bought enough of this product and their aren’t many
buyers left in that audience

Since I already spoke about #1 let’s talk about #2.

What do you do if you reach this situation?

You can either test a unique audience or simply move on and try a different product.

However, don’t look at it as giving up. You’re making a logical decision based on data. It’s
based on the data you have collected.

Let the numbers do the talking and then act.

P.s. I would love to point out here, getting this data is of course not free. It can cost
$100-$200 to fully get what you need, therefore you should always have a recurring income
stream so you don’t just burn your budget and left for dry.

So don’t quit your job.

Although Tony Robbins asks you to burn your bridges… play it smart. No need to walk or

There is a system to this, it’s not a get rich quick scheme.

Other important factors

Of course I know I didn’t address every problem, we’d be here forever this is long enough

But other important factors I believe I should mention so you can have them in mind are:
● does your website look legit?
● Are there too many distractions on your website?
● Is your website loading fast enough?
● Do you have a domain name?
● Is your checkout operating correctly?
● Do you have a currency converter?

These are other important factors that although hard to tell by the data given by Facebook…
they can swing your results one way or the other.

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