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Dependency Injection implements two related concepts

 Inversion of control
 Dependency inversion principal

 Promotes loose coupling of components.
 Promotes logical abstraction of components.
 Improve unit testing
 Cleaner and more readable code.

Microsoft Dependency Injection Container:

 Services are registered at startup and resolve from the container at run time.
 The container is responsible of creating and disposing of instances of required services on

What To register with DI:

 Locate new keyword
 Is the object a dependency
 Apply dependency inversion principal
 Register the service
 Rins and repeat
What NOT To register with DI:
 POCOS which only return model to make some view.
 Primitive types and strings.

Injection Configuration in .Net Core:

 Create a POCO class which hold the object of configuration like
o Public bool EnableEmailFunctionality
 Then add those variables in json file
 Register the configuration in ConfigureService Method and Get Section of configuration
 Inject the Ioption in Controller or any where you need like this and get value

Service Lifetime:

o Transient Services:
o Not required to be thread safe
o Potentially less efficient
o Easiest to reason about
o SingleTon Services:
o Generally more performant
o Must be thread-safe
o Suited to functional stateless service. Like function accept input and return output
and no shared state is used.
o Scoped Services:
o Create scoped services per request e.g dbContext

Avoiding Captive Dependencies (Chose proper service lifetime)

o A service should not depend on a service with a lifetime shorter than its own.

Scope Validation
o It is introduced in Core 2.0.
o Enables by default for development
o Validate container scopes at startup

Service Descriptors:
It contain information about registered services.

Multiple Registration:
In multiple registration case for the same contract. It’s the last registration always wins. Consider using
TryAdd method.

TryAdd and TrayAddEnumerable:

Both will ensure that no duplication occurred while registering services.

Replace And Remove Method:

o Use replace method to replace the already registered service with new one. But it accept service
o Use remove method to remove the service registration

Registering Multiple Implementation Of An interface:

If one interface has multiple implementation then inject using IEnumerable in constructor so that It will
attempt to resolve all implementation of an interface

Open Generic Registeration:

This allow us to define single registration which can handle any type arguments of contract

Cleaning Registration Of Dependency Injection Services:

o Create another class with extension method under the namespace of
Microsoft.Extension.DependencyInjection which will return IServiceCollection

Action Injection:
Only work when action specifies the dependency invoked to handle the request.
Middleware Injection:

Factory Based Middleware:

Factory based middleware is constructed once per request.

It’s a 3rd party library which full fills two gaps that Microsoft lacks
o Scanning Assemblies
o Using the decorator pattern

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