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The role of emotions on risk aversion: A Prospect Theory experiment

Article  in  Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics · June 2014

DOI: 10.1016/j.socec.2014.01.001


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2 authors, including:

Raymundo M. Campos-Vazquez
The College of Mexico


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Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 50 (2014) 1–9

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The role of emotions on risk aversion: A Prospect Theory experiment夽

Raymundo M. Campos-Vazquez ∗ , Emilio Cuilty 1
El Colegio de México, Centro de Estudios Económicos, Camino al Ajusco 20, Col. Pedregal de Santa Teresa 10740, Mexico

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This study measures risk and loss aversion using Prospect Theory and examines the impact of emotions
Received 26 April 2013 on these parameters. Students’ emotions were manipulated using information on rising deaths due to
Received in revised form 28 January 2014 drug violence in Mexico and youth unemployment and Tanaka et al. (2010) methodology was employed
Accepted 29 January 2014
to elicit PT parameters. We find that risk aversion increases with sadness while loss aversion is negatively
Available online 12 March 2014
influenced by anger. On average, anger reduces loss aversion by half.
© 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
JEL classification:

Risk aversion
Prospect Theory

1. Introduction List, 2004, where participants in a well-functioning marketplace

behave according to PT). In order to achieve a deeper knowledge of
Understanding human preferences over uncertain outcomes is human preferences, a behavioural approach like PT seems essential.
a key issue in many subjects in the field of economics. High risk It is well documented that humans behave differently depend-
aversion can explain why some countries do not invest in business ing on their emotional states.2 Under specific circumstances,
opportunities, capital, or human capital (Shaw, 1996; Hartog and people, cities, and even countries can become emotionally affected.
Diaz-Serrano, 2007; Yesuf and Bluffstone, 2009). In fact, the effects This emotional impact is one reason for the importance to
of public policy depend on the level of risk aversion in a society economists of the effect of emotions on risky decisions. Public pol-
(credit incentives, fiscal taxation programmes, etc.). These are only icy, market prognosis, and mechanism design may have different
a few examples of why decision making under conditions of uncer- implications if we consider the emotional impact on risk behaviour.
tainty is important, and there are still many unanswered questions The goals of this study are to measure risk and loss aversion
in the field. using Prospect Theory and the impact of emotions on the parame-
Risk aversion is typically measured assuming expected util- ters that characterise them. In particular and in contrast to previous
ity maximisation (Harrison and Rutström, 2008). Recent literature literature, we analyse how specific emotions like anger, sadness,
provides many well-documented examples, under diverse scenar- and fearfulness affect risk decisions under Prospect Theory. We
ios, that suggest Prospect Theory (PT) as the best way to model conducted a controlled experiment at two universities in Mexico
choice under uncertainty (an important example can be found in City. The experimental design, which followed that of Tanaka et al.
(2010) except in our use of uncompensated subjects, allowed us
to obtain the parameters of the Cumulative Prospect Theory (CPT)
value function and the probability weights for each individual.
夽 We thank the Associate Editor and two anonymous referees for helpful com-
ments and suggestions. All remaining errors are our own.
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +52 55 54493000x4153; fax: +52 55 56450464.
E-mail addresses:, For example, depressed people tend to overeat (Smith, 2009), frightened indi-
(R.M. Campos-Vazquez), (E. Cuilty). viduals tend to react impulsively, and angry people tend to act recklessly (Ahn,
Tel.: +52 55 54493000. 2010).

2214-8043/$ – see front matter © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
2 R.M. Campos-Vazquez, E. Cuilty / Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 50 (2014) 1–9

The CPT and the probability function are characterised by three one-parameter of the Prelec (1998) probability weighting function.
parameters: the curvature of the function that assigns value to the In the last sequence they identify the loss aversion parameter. This
prospects (i.e. lotteries) (), the coefficient of loss aversion (), and is a simple procedure, but it has some restrictive assumptions.5 In
the one-parameter in Prelec’s weighting function (˛). The aver- spite of these restrictions, we use this approach; our application of
age individual in our sample has values of 0.47, 2.29, and 0.71 for the method will be described in full in Section 3.
, , and ˛, respectively. Although our study used only uncom- In the experiment of Tanaka et al. (2010), using data from rural
pensated subjects, these values are similar to those obtained in Vietnamese villages and a national survey, the elicited parameters
the study by Tanaka et al. (2010). We were also able to gather were 2.63 for loss aversion and 0.59 for the curvature of the value
respondents’ socioeconomic variables and information about their function (i.e., the average agent is loss averse, risk averse over gains,
emotions after reading about different dramatic situations. and risk loving over losses). Their empirical regression allowed
To gather data on emotions, we randomly varied different ques- them to conclude, among other things, that being older reduces
tions across subjects just before the elicitation of the structural the level of risk aversion. However, their sample comes from a par-
parameters of CPT. One third of the subjects received a question- ticular experimental population, so additional studies are needed
naire that asked them how they felt about rising violence and to demonstrate external validity.
deaths in Mexico.3 Another third received an additional question-
2.2. Emotions and behavioural economics
naire about their feelings regarding youth unemployment. Each
subject self-selected into an emotional state: anger, sadness, fear-
There is a growing literature on psychology and decision making
fulness or indifference. The final third, a control group, did not
that studies the effects of emotions (fear, sadness, and anger) on risk
receive any information about violence or unemployment. Consis-
taking. We review this literature below, but broadly speaking, the
tent with Lerner et al. (2003), we find that risk aversion is related to
results of these studies can be summarised in three points: First,
emotional state; in particular, we find that sad people are more risk
there is a broad consensus that anger increases risk taking. Second,
averse in the gain domain. We also find that angry people are less
fear is, in general, correlated with higher risk aversion. Third, it is
loss averse, and that anger has a larger impact in the loss domain
not clear how sadness affects risky choices.
than sadness. While sad people become more risk loving in the loss
Studies usually use a writing task to induce emotional states in
domain than the norm, anger reduces the loss aversion by half.
subjects (for example, by asking subjects to write about something
To our knowledge, ours is the first attempt to explain the effect
that recently made them angry). Using this method, Kugler et al.
of specific emotions on the parameters that characterise a Cumu-
(2012) find in an experimental study with compensated subjects
lative Prospect Theory value function, and it may also be the first
that fear increases risk aversion and anger reduces it. Baumann
risk aversion analysis for Mexico. Hence, this paper makes a con-
and DeSteno (2012) analyse the role of context and find that anger
tribution to the literature of Prospect Theory, the literature of
increases risky choices.
behavioural economics, and to public policy design research, espe-
Another set of studies uses films to incite emotional states in
cially in the case of Mexico. Literature of the relevant economic
subjects. Treffers et al. (2012) show random film clips to 243 sub-
theory is reviewed in Section 2, experimental design is explained in
jects in order to vary their moods. They find that sadness increases
Section 3, data analysis is presented in Section 4, the main results
risk aversion, but they do not measure the effects of anger on risk
are shown in Section 5, and Section 6 provides some concluding
decisions. Conte et al. (2013) show random film clips to 236 sub-
jects, and find that both sadness and anger promote risky choices.
An experiment by Heilman et al. (2010) associates negative emo-
2. Review of the literature and economic theory tions with higher risk aversion.
In this paper we take a different approach, analyzing emotions
2.1. Prospect Theory using Prospect Theory, which allows us to obtain not only a risk
aversion parameter but a loss aversion parameter as well. Rather
We use an extension of PT known as Cumulative Prospect The- than showing film clips or asking subjects to remember a situation
ory (CPT), proposed by Tversky and Kahneman (1992). The general in which they were angry or sad, we incite strong emotional states
model of CPT is described by the following equation: by referring to the unfortunate situation of crime and violence in


0 Mexico. This use of emotions directly affecting study subjects to
V (xi ) = i+ (p)v(xi ) + i− (p)v(xi ) (1) elicit risk preferences represents an important contribution to the
i=0 i=−m

where the first sum is over the positive prospects (non-negative 3. Experimental design
outcomes only, v(xi )) associated with nonlinear weights (from 0 to
n), and the second over negative prospects, ṽ(xi ) which accounts Our experiment was conducted in two different universities in
for loss aversion (non-positive outcomes only, −m to 0). Hence, a Mexico City, one public and the other private, during November
parametric representation of CPT has parameters that identify the
curvature of the value function of prospects, parameters that iden-
tify the weights of the probabilities, and parameters that indicate The method assumes the same probability weighting function for gains and
the degree of loss aversion. losses and elicits the loss aversion parameter assuming a previously correct elicita-
tion of the parameter that identifies the curvature of the function. Although some
Tanaka et al. (2010) propose the TCN Eliciting Method.4 In TCN may argue that assuming the same value for the curvature over gains and losses
there are three ordered sequences of lotteries. In the first two, they is restrictive, several papers have found the same value estimating the parameters
identify the parameter of the curvature in the gains domain and the separately, see Abdellaoui (2000), Abdellaoui et al. (2005), Andersen et al. (2006),
Donkers et al. (2001), Fehr-Duda et al. (2006) and Tversky and Kahneman (1992).
There are also studies that measure emotions based on survey responses (Lerner
and Keltner, 2000, 2001; Lerner et al., 2003). Nguyen and Noussair (2013) introduce
According to the Attorney General’s Office the number of deaths caused by the face reading to the analysis of risk decisions, matching facial expressions to emo-
drug war in 2005 was 2221, while for 2010 this number increased to 15,273. tional states such as anger, fear, and happiness according to a computer algorithm.
Following Harrison and Rutström (2008) we denominate TCN as the method A drawback of this approach is that emotional states are not randomly framed, so it
used in Tanaka et al. (2010). is difficult to disentangle the effect of emotions on risky decisions.
R.M. Campos-Vazquez, E. Cuilty / Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 50 (2014) 1–9 3

2011. All respondents were students at their respective univer- 3.1. Sociodemographic characteristics
sities. We went to classrooms and asked if we could conduct an
experiment; if we got a positive answer we would return, usually The first part of the survey consisted of several questions about
25 min before the class ended. We had no special order of selection; personal sociodemographic characteristics. This section was the
we walked randomly around each campus, knocking on classroom same for all participants. With these questions we were able to
doors. However, it is important to mention that students majoring identify the age, sex, and academic major of the students. These
in economics make up 38% of our sample. We offered no compen- data allowed us to divide the groups for distinct interpretation of
sation for participation in the experiment; we told subjects they the parameters of the CPT function.
would be participating in a study to understand job employment In order to find control variables for wealth and socioeconomic
prospects for recent college graduates, and that it was important to status, we asked for information about the level of education of
answer questions truthfully. Each experiment took no longer than the subjects’ parents, as well as two income proxy questions about
20 min, and was divided into three sections: sociodemographic the number of rooms in their homes and cars in their households.
characteristics, emotional framing, and risk aversion.7 The survey Finally, we asked about their future salary expectations, the lapse
length was three pages for all participants in the study. The sec- between finishing their undergraduate degrees and finding a job,
tion on sociodemographic characteristics was included in the first and whether they worked during the week. These answers helped
page of the survey. The section was the same for all participants. us to identify the subjects’ good faith participation in the experi-
The second page in the survey included at the top of the page the ment, as discussed in Section 4.
emotional framing: one third of participants did not get any fram-
ing (control), one third got only one emotional framing related to 3.2. Emotional framing
crime and violence in Mexico, and another one third got in addi-
tion to the crime question a frame related to youth unemployment. To create an effective framing effect, we drew upon the unfor-
Also, in the second page and just after Section 3.2, we included one tunate social situation in Mexico of deaths related to drug violence.
table with lotteries (positive frame) in order to determine the level We randomly gave this framing treatment to two-thirds of the
of risk aversion. The third page included two tables: one table with study group; the other third received no framing. There were two
lotteries (negative prospects) and another table with lotteries to kinds of framing treatments. One framing treatment contained
determine the level of loss aversion. Those three tables are identical two questions related to violence and unemployment (a third of
to Tanaka et al. (2010), and were the same for all participants. subjects), while the other treatment contained only the question
The main part of the experiment consisted of choosing lotteries. related to violence (a third of subjects).9 Respondents were unable
In many experiments described in the literature, respondents are to identify whether their peers received a different questionnaire.
compensated after completing lotteries. We decided against com- The first question, used in both treatments, was as follows.
pensation, mainly because in Mexican universities such procedures
are not common or culturally appropriate. Hence, the hypotheti- From 2006 to 2010 almost 40,000 people died as a result of the
cal nature of the experiment is the major caveat of our paper. The drug war. Insecurity levels have not gone down in any region; on
literature on hypothetical vs real stakes shows mixed results. the contrary, the country is living the largest wave of violence ever
Holt and Laury (2002) find that behaviour towards risk taking seen. How does this make you feel?
is affected if high incentives are offered as a possible outcome. The
largest theoretical payoff in our experiment is $1700 pesos, approx-
The question may be shocking, but some students may not be
imately US $125, or 12% of the self-reported expected monthly
aware of its magnitude because they may be unacquainted with
salary after graduation (US $1077). It is thus not clear whether
the topic. To avoid this issue, in the strong treatment we added an
our results are affected by their high-stakes scenario. Evidence
even better-known situation. The second question (used only in the
in the literature on the effects of compensating subjects is mixed
strong treatment) was the following.
(Camerer and Hogarth, 1999). On the one hand, Faff et al. (2008)
conduct paid and unpaid experiments in a student population and
The financial crisis of 2008 has left the international financial mar-
find no significant differences in risk attitudes, and similar results
kets in tatters. The newspaper El Economista has reported that
are reported by Hardeweg et al. (2013) and Noussair et al. (2011).
2010 showed the largest unemployment rate for young people
On the other hand, Barreda-Tarrazona et al. (2011) and Etchart-
worldwide. Also, experts predict another economic recession for
Vincent and l’Haridon (2008) find that experimental subjects show
2012. How does this make you feel?
different responses depending on whether choices are real or hypo-
thetical. Additional studies will be needed to corroborate whether
our results are sensitive to hypothetical incentives.8 We believe this question may impact students more directly
because most of them seek to enter the workforce after finishing
their degrees (almost 97%, according to our survey). It is worth
mentioning that these questions were asked just before Section
3.3, so we expect them to have a framing impact on the decisions
7 made when choosing lotteries (as discussed in Section 2.2).
Two pilot studies were conducted before the experiment at a different univer-
sity. Based on students’ responses and recommendations about the instructions and The multiple-choice options for both questions are (i) anger,
the pool of available answers, we constructed a new experimental design. No fur- (ii) sadness, (iii) fear/uncertainty, and (iv) indifference.10 These
ther improvements were suggested in the second pilot, implying that respondents
felt comfortable with the experiment.
We find results similar to those of Tanaka et al. (2010), who conducted the same
experiment with compensated subjects. It is worth mentioning that our results are The reason to include two questions in one frame is to make sure the individ-
very similar to those experiments where individuals were paid. For the curvature ual experiences an emotion during the study. This is the reason why we decide to
parameter of the value function see Gonzalez and Wu (1999), Tanaka et al. (2010), include a frame more familiar to students: unemployment for recent graduates.
Wu and Gonzalez (1996) and Liu (2013). The loss aversion parameter is close to Because some individuals may not care about the framing situation, we decided
Tversky and Kahneman (1992), Tanaka et al. (2010) and Fehr-Duda et al. (2006) to include an option for “indifference.” With this option we intended to avoid indi-
and Liu (2013). Finally, our elicited value for the reweighting factor is similar to Tu viduals feeding us false answers, for example by responding that they experienced
(2005), Wu and Gonzalez (1996) and very close to Tanaka et al. (2010). emotions they were not really feeling.
4 R.M. Campos-Vazquez, E. Cuilty / Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 50 (2014) 1–9

mutually exclusive options were located immediately after each Table 1

Three series of pairwise lottery choices (in Mexican pesos).
question. In other words, each individual self-selected into a spe-
cific emotional state. Among individuals who received only the Option A Option B Expected payoff
violence framing, 41% reported feeling angry, 16% sad, 36% fear- difference (A − B)
ful/uncertain and 7% indifferent. Among those who received the P = 3/10 P = 7/10 P = 1/10 P = 9/10
youth unemployment framing in addition to the violence fram-
Series 1
ing, the answers on the unemployment frame were the following: 40 10 68 5 7.7
20% reported feeling angry, 5% sad, 64% fearful/uncertain and 10% 40 10 75 5 7.0
indifferent. The two set of answers are statistically different from 40 10 83 5 6.0
each other (at a significance level of 5%). Hence, there is a differ- 40 10 93 5 5.2
40 10 106 5 3.9
ence in the emotions that individuals experience in each treatment: 40 10 125 5 2.0
crime and violence are related to anger and unemployment is more 40 10 150 5 −0.5
related to fear and uncertainty. 40 10 185 5 −4.0
40 10 220 5 −7.5
40 10 300 5 −15.5
3.3. Risk aversion
40 10 400 5 −25.5
40 10 600 5 −45.5
In order to elicit the parameters of the CPT function, we con- 40 10 1000 5 −85.5
ducted a replica of the experiment designed in Tanaka et al. 40 10 1700 5 −155.5
(2010). The implementation simplifies the CPT function to only
three parameters: the risk and loss aversion parameters and the Option A Option B Expected payoff
difference (A − B)
parameter in the probability weighting function. We use Prelec’s
one-parameter probability weighting function: P = 9/10 P = 1/10 P = 7/10 P = 3/10

1 Series 2
+ (p) = − (p) = (2) 40 30 54 5 −0.3
exp[ln(1/p)]˛ 40 30 56 5 −1.7
This function satisfies the property that decision makers over- 40 30 58 5 −3.1
40 30 60 5 −4.5
weight low probabilities and underweight high probabilities. 40 30 62 5 −5.9
Tanaka et al. (2010) assume a piecewise power function for 40 30 65 5 −8.0
positive and negative prospects defined as follows: 40 30 68 5 −10
40 30 72 5 −12.9
v(x) = x for x > 0 40 30 77 5 −16.4
(3) 40 30 83 5 −20.6

ṽ(x) = −(−x) for x < 0 40 30 90 5 −25.5
40 30 100 5 −32.5
With this specification,  and  represent the concavity of the 40 30 111 5 −39.5
value function and the degree of loss aversion respectively (we use 40 30 130 5 −53.5
the term value or utility function in reference to Eq. (3), below).
Option A Option B Expected payoff
To elicit the three parameters we use the TCN method. The difference (A − B)
respondent faced three series of paired lotteries, as shown in
P = 9/10 P = 1/10 P = 7/10 P = 3/10
Table 1. Each row contains the possible outcome in Mexican pesos
for Lottery A and Lottery B. The probabilities of the outcomes in Series 3
25 −4 30 −21 6.0
both lotteries are fixed throughout the series. The TCN experimen-
4 −4 30 −21 −4.5
tal design enforced monotonic switching by asking the subjects at 1 −4 30 −21 −6.0
which question they would change from Lottery A to Lottery B. 1 −4 30 −16 −8.5
Respondents could change to Lottery B at the first question or they 1 −8 30 −16 −10.5
could stay with Lottery A throughout. 1 −8 30 −14 −11.5
1 −8 30 −11 −13.0
We follow Tanaka et al. (2010) in order to estimate the structural
parameters. Each switching decision provides us a set of possible Note: This table is same as Table 4 in Tanaka et al. (2010).
parameters consistent with rationalizable choices.11 For example,
a subject changing from A to B in the 7th scenario of the first series identified in the previous series. Using the value of  we are able to
would first have the following rationalizable (˛, ) combinations: identify  in an interval. Series 3 was constructed to assure similar
(0.4, 0.4), (0.5, 0.5), (0.6, 0.6), (0.7, 0.7), (0.8, 0.8), (0.9, 0.9), and values of  across different levels of . Table 2 shows examples of
(1, 1). If this same subject changes from A to B in the 7th sce- the interval of  given some fixed values of .
nario of the second series, his or her rationalizable combinations of
(˛, ) would be: (0.8, 0.6), (0.7, 0.7), (0.6, 0.8), (0.5, 0.9), and (0.4, Table 2
1). By intersecting both parameters we get the approximation of Lambda identification given sigma.
the parameters (˛, ) = (0.7, 0.7). So, the lotteries are constructed
Switching  = 0.1  = 0.5  = 1.5
such that the intersection of possible parameters from the first and scenario
second series is unique.
0  < 0.123  < 0.184  < 0.445
Finally, the loss aversion parameter  is partially identified with 1 0.123 <  < 1.237 0.184 <  < 1.346 0.445 <  < 1.771
the third series. Here the TCN method assumes that  is correctly 2 1.237 <  < 1.955 1.346 <  < 1.733 1.771 <  < 1.85
3 1.955 <  < 2.371 1.733 <  < 2.384 1.85 <  < 2.91
4 2.371 <  < 4.584 2.384 <  < 3.281 2.91 <  < 3.947
5 4.584 <  < 5.717 3.281 <  < 4.9 3.947 <  < 5.49
Rationalizable combinations are those parameters that satisfy the condition that 6 5.717 <  < 10.1693 4.9 <  < 9.17 5.49 <  < 11.787
Lottery B provides more utility than lottery A. We use the utility function defined in 7 10.1693 <  9.17 <  11.7872 < 
the text. In other words, each switching decision provides us with a set of possible
(˛,) combinations. Note: This table corresponds to Table 5 in Tanaka et al. (2010).
R.M. Campos-Vazquez, E. Cuilty / Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 50 (2014) 1–9 5

Table 3
Sample characteristics.

Variables All Control Emotional treatment Difference

[1] [2] [3] [4]

Male 0.55 0.53 .54 -0.009

(0.000) (0.034) (0.024) (0.043)
Years before graduating 2.34 2.39 2.30 0.09
(0.001) (0.088) (0.060) (0.107)
Age 20.84 20.77 20.86 -0.09
(0.002) (0.162) (0.104) (0.192)
Last semester’s GPA 84.64 85.00 84.46 0.53
(0.008) (0.726) (0.490) (0.877)
Number of bedrooms in the family household 2.18 3.54 3.57 -0.03
(0.001) (0.105) (0.062) (0.122)
Number of cars in the family household 3.56 2.05 2.25 -0.19
(0.001) (0.106) (0.082) (0.134)
Private University 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.00
(0.000) (0.035) (0.020) (0.042)
Father’s educational level 3.40 3.33 3.43 -0.10
(0.001) (0.065) (0.045) (0.079)
Mother’s educational level 3.26 3.18 3.30 -0.12
(0.001) (0.067) (0.044) (0.081)
Number of siblings 1.62 1.62 1.62 0.00
(0.001) (0.080) (0.054) (0.097)
Scholarship 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.00
(0.000) (0.032) (0.023) (0.040)
Hours worked last week 4.73 5.10 4.50 0.55
(0.009) (0.793) (0.548) (0.964)

Observations 604 204 400

Notes: Calculations by the authors. Means and standard errors obtained from the final data set. The third column (emotional treatment) contains the information of those
students who took the experiment with one question or two questions. Educational options were: (1) completed primary or less (less than 8 years of schooling), (2) completed
junior high school (9–11 years of schooling), (3) completed high school (12–15 years of schooling), and (4) completed college (16 and more years of schooling).

4. Data analysis With these observations in mind, the remaining concern is the
causality of the emotion with respect to risky attitudes. For exam-
The experiment included 700 subjects; however, 93 question- ple, a possible criticism is the two-way causality of emotions and
naires were discarded before data analysis because they showed risk aversion. Addressing this issue, Table 3 contains the results
a clear disregard of the instructions or an unwillingness to of the randomisation test on means of the emotional treatment.
take the experiment seriously. Discarded questionnaires showed None of the differences are statistically significant. This means
inconsistencies in the sociodemographic questions or errors in that the characteristics of subjects are random between treatment
Section 3.3. and control groups. In other words, as characteristics are similar
Our final experimental data thus consists of 607 subjects, where across subjects, we expect that unobserved variables are simi-
53% of the sample comes from the private university and the lar as well: emotions and risk/loss parameters without the frame.
remainder from the public one; summary statistics are presented in Hence, we can interpret the role of emotions on risk attitudes as
Table 3, column 1. The average values are reasonable for the sub- causal.
ject population of Mexican college students. Fifty-five percent of
the respondents are male and the average age is almost 21 years (in
Mexico most students begin college at 18). Only 30% of our experi- 5. Results
mental sample had scholarships, and subjects worked an average of
4 hours per week (the mean here is low because most do not work In our sample the average elicited value for the curvature of the
at all). The average student is in the middle of his or her education value function () is 0.471, which is reasonably close to the find-
(in Mexico it takes 4.5 years to graduate from college). The average ings of  = 0.58 in Tanaka et al. (2010) and  = 0.48 in Liu (2013).12
parent (father or mother) has at least a high school diploma. We If we assume that the EU axioms hold, the relative risk aversion
use the number of bedrooms and cars in the family household as coefficient r is 0.53. A kernel distribution of the parameter is pre-
proxy variables for family income: they have on average 3.5 rooms sented in Fig. 1, which shows that the majority of the respondents
and 2 cars. After they graduate they expect to earn an average of are located around 0.5, a common result in the risk aversion liter-
$14,535 Mexican pesos per month (approximately US $1100). ature. This result suggests that our experiment was implemented
Working with emotions is complicated because it may be argued correctly, and that an experiment with uncompensated subjects
that subjects are not feeling the emotions when they respond. does not affect the curvature of the value function.
Nevertheless, some psychological literature argues against this In order to link the demographic and socioeconomic character-
criticism. Field studies on drama advertising, like Escalas and Stern istics with the curvature of the CPT function, we conducted an OLS
(2003), find a high degree of emotional reaction in subjects read- regression using as dependent variable the risk aversion parameter
ing fictional dramatic situations. They also show that the emotional
response is sympathetic and empathic, in contrast with previous
studies that found only an empathic reaction. Shu et al. (2011) also
Tanaka et al. (2010) do not provide standard errors for the  parameter. Hence,
found a change in moral behaviour when an ethics code is read
we are unable to test whether our coefficient is statistically different from the one
before taking a test. The work of Feagin (1988) suggests that people in that study. However, given that the standard error in our sample is 0.015, our
can generate an empathic emotion related to a fictional character. estimate of risk aversion is not statistically different from the one in Liu (2013).
6 R.M. Campos-Vazquez, E. Cuilty / Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 50 (2014) 1–9

different manner. We define a dummy variable equal to 1 provided

the participant felt the same emotional response to both violence
and unemployment. This meant that if a student was assigned
the questionnaire with only the violence question, then a 1 was
assigned based only on this response. For a student given both
questions, they were only assigned 1 if they reported an emotional
response of anger, fear or sadness to both items. We interpret the
coefficient on this dummy as the strongest indicator of a student’s
emotions towards Mexico’s social ills, since it required that a stu-
dent responded with the same emotions to all the questions he or
she was given.13
The results show a positive impact of age over the value of
sigma of the value function. The same effect occurs with years
left until graduation. Both effects can be interpreted as a decrease
Fig. 1. Curvature parameter () density function. Notes: The graph shows the non- in risk aversion (higher curvature) level in the gain domain, but
parametric density of the risk aversion parameter across the 607 observations. they may also be interpreted as a decrease in risk willingness in
Gaussian kernel with a bandwidth of 0.15.
the loss domain. These results are in agreement with the litera-
ture (Harrison and Rutström, 2008; Halek and Eisenhauer, 2001;
for each individual in the sample and some observable character- Donkers et al., 2001). The common explanation for this phe-
istics as well as the emotion treatments. nomenon comes from the idea that older people are capable of
Table 4 presents the regression results using the risk aversion taking more risks when there is an opportunity to win, but they
parameter as a dependent variable, and different control variables also have experience that tells them it is better to lose a little when
from the main specification. The results presented in the first col- faced with the possibility of losing a lot.
umn only include socio-demographic characteristics. In the second Also consistent with previous literature (Hartog and Diaz-
column, we add our regressors of interest: dummy variables for Serrano, 2007; Dohmen et al., 2010; Shaw, 1996), the level of
the respondent’s emotional reaction to violence, which were either curvature  in the four models increases with the proxy variables
anger, fear, or sadness in response to the survey item describing for income (automobiles and rooms). In contrast to studies repor-
Mexico’s recent experience with violence. Finally, in the third col- ting gender differences in risk aversion (Croson and Gneezy, 2009;
umn, we add also the survey participant’s response to the question Eckel and Grossman, 2008), we do not find any significant gender
regarding unemployment. In this third specification, we examine effect. Nor do we find any relation of cognitive ability, as measured
the response of participants to our emotion question in a slightly by GPA, to the curvature of the utility function.
Columns 2–3 show the effect of emotions on the curvature of
the utility function. Among possible emotions, there is a statisti-
Table 4
Regression analysis: curvature parameter (). cally significant link between sadness and the curvature parameter
 (−0.077). On average, risk aversion over gains increases strongly
Variable No Moderate Strong
when people are sad. Our result also implies that sad people will
treatment treatment treatment
[1] [2] [4]
take more risk when trying to avoid a certain loss. Numerous situ-
ations in real life cause sadness: natural disasters, unemployment,
Male −0.033 −0.032 −0.032
economic crises. Our results imply that these events may affect real
(0.025) (0.026) (0.026)
Years before 0.025* 0.026** 0.026** outcomes through the channel of emotions. As aforementioned,
graduation fear has been associated with risk aversion in the literature, how-
(0.013) (0.013) (0.013) ever we do not find a significant result (see Lerner et al., 2003).14
Age 0.015** 0.016** 0.015**
In our sample, the average loss aversion parameter  is 2.29,
(0.007) (0.007) (0.007)
Last semester 0.001 0.001 0.001
which is close to that elicited in Tanaka et al. (2010), 2.63, but
average GPA closer to the finding of Tversky and Kahneman (1992), 2.25.15 Fig. 2
(0.001) (0.001) (0.001) presents a kernel distribution of the lower limit of . It shows that
Number of 0.023* 0.022* 0.023* agents have a loss aversion coefficient around 2.5. The hypothesis
(0.012) (0.013) (0.013)
Number of 0.024* 0.023* 0.024*
(0.012) (0.013) (0.013) 13
We also conducted an OLS regression using just a dummy variable for treatment
Private university −0.031 −0.032 −0.028 (equal to one when the individual received either framing). In any framing event or
(0.032) (0.032) (0.032) combination of events, there were no significant effects. This response is possibly
Anger – 0.036 0.034 due to the fact that emotional reactions may have opposite effects: sad people may
– (0.040) (0.056) be less risk averse but angry ones may be more risk loving. For future studies, how-
Sadness – −0.111*** −0.077*** ever, it would be highly desirable to find an experimental procedure that allows the
– (0.049) (0.039) manipulation of anger and sadness independently from each other.
Fear – 0.009 0.017 14
One possible explanation might be that our treatments did not induce the lev-
– (0.037) (0.040) els of fear required to affect the behaviour under uncertainty. In the study of Lerner
Constant −0.107 −0.120 −0.103 et al. (2003), the fear emotion was induced by recalling the September 11th terror-
(0.202) (0.197) (0.199) ist attacks. This event was common knowledge for almost every American citizen.
No. of observations 577 577 577 Hence, a possible explanation for not finding an effect of fear on risk is that students
R-squared 0.034 0.045 0.037 were not induced with the required level fear to change behaviour. In fact the study
of Stemmler et al. (2001) reveals that imaginative fear does not exhibit the same
Notes: Calculations by the authors. Standard errors are in parentheses. physical reactions as real fear. In contrast, there is no physical difference between
Significance levels are denoted as 10%. real and imaginative anger.
** 15
Significance levels are denoted as 5%. The coefficients are not statistically different from each other. In our sample,
Significance levels are denoted as 1%. the standard error of  is 0.18.
R.M. Campos-Vazquez, E. Cuilty / Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 50 (2014) 1–9 7

Fig. 2. Loss aversion parameter () density function. Notes: The graph shows the
nonparametric density of the loss aversion parameter across the 607 observations. Fig. 3. Probability Weighting Function Notes: The graph shows the probability
Results shown only for the lower bound. Gaussian kernel with a bandwidth of 1.1. weighting function under cumulative Prospect Theory (CPT) and expect utility (EU).
Simple average of ˛ using 607 observations.

Table 5
Interval regression analysis: loss aversion ().

Variable No Moderate Strong

treatment treatment treatment
[1] [2] [4]

Male 0.591 0.596 0.542

(0.402) (0.404) (0.404)
Years before −0.122 −0.114 −0.141
(0.209) (0.210) (0.208)
Age −0.072 −0.068 −0.068
(0.110) (0.110) (0.110)
Last semester 0.023 0.025 0.023
average GPA
(0.016) (0.016) (0.016)
Number of −0.060 −0.066 −0.056
bedrooms Fig. 4. Prelec’s one-parameter (˛) Kernel function. Notes: The graph shows the
(0.145) (0.144) (0.145) nonparametric density of the Prelec’s one-parameter for the probability weighting
Number of −0.219* −0.203 −0.225* function across the 607 observations. Gaussian kernel with a bandwidth of 1.
(0.129) (0.128) (0.129)
Private university 1.306*** 1.200** 1.258*** demographic characteristics. Tanaka et al. (2010) also find no
(0.483) (0.482) (0.482) strong correlations on this parameter. However, we find a signif-
Anger – −0.369 −1.101***
– (0.474) (0.497)
icant effect of being a student in a private university on the loss
Sadness – 1.172 −0.183 aversion parameter: if the individual attends a private university,
– (0.821) (0.978) the average degree of loss aversion increases by 1.25. This result
Fear – 0.583 0.056 implies that students from private universities suffer more from a
– (0.471) (0.458)
loss, relative to a gain, than those studying at a public institution.16
Constant −0.107 1.064*** 1.687***
(0.202) (2.990) (2.962) With respect to wealth, we find that an increase in our proxy
variable for income decreases the level of loss aversion, although
No. of observations 577 575 575
the effect is significant only at the 10% level. Tanaka et al. (2010)
McFadden’s R2 0.005 0.007 0.007
find a similar result and argue that wealthier villages tend to invest
Notes: Calculations by the authors. Standard errors are in parentheses.
more, given the fact that they are less loss averse. This suggests that
Significance levels are denoted as 10%.
Significance levels are denoted as 5%.
poor people would be reluctant to attempt risky business opportu-
Significance levels are denoted as 1%. nities and would dislike losing.
Columns 2–3 in Table 5 show the role of emotions on the
loss aversion parameter. In the strong emotional treatment, anger
of Kahneman and Tversky (1979), that people feel twice as strongly reduces the degree of loss aversion by 1.101. In percentage terms,
about losing something than winning it, thus seems appropriate for other factors being equal, anger reduces loss aversion by an average
our sample.
To estimate the relation between the characteristics and the loss
aversion coefficient, it is necessary to use a maximum likelihood 16
Although we cannot disentangle the reasons for the effect, we believe it may
interval regression. That is we run an interval regression using as be due to differences in self-confidence of students across university types. The
dependent variable the loss aversion parameter for each individual fact that newspapers, for example, generally rank students from private universi-
in the sample against control variable and emotional treatment. ties above public ones in terms of employability (Reforma, 2012) should reinforce
Again, we present the results in terms of the different emotional self-confidence in students of private universities. Consistent with this hypothe-
sis, Ahn (2010) finds that loss aversion increases with self-confidence in a repeated
treatments (or none). laboratory experiment. In other words, we expect that students from private uni-
Table 5 shows the main results. In contrast to the results versities suffer more from status-quo bias (Amir et al., 2008; Hossain and List, 2009;
in Table 4, the loss aversion parameter is not correlated with Kahneman et al., 1990).
8 R.M. Campos-Vazquez, E. Cuilty / Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 50 (2014) 1–9

Fig. 5. Utility and emotions. Notes: the graphs show the differential effect of sadness and anger on the form of the utility function. Differential effects are retrieved from
Section 5. We simulate the utility function described in the text according to Prospect Theory. Panel A uses  = 0.47 and  = 2.29 for the average individual; the line for sadness
uses  = 0.39 and  = 2.29. Panel B uses  = 0.47 and  = 2.29 for the average individual; the line for anger uses  = 0.47 and  = 1.19.

of 52% (the mean value of loss aversion is 2.3). This implies that less averse in the gain domain but lean towards less risk taking
angry individuals are less sensitive to losses. For example, in in the loss domain. We find that being a student in a private uni-
times of declining markets, angry people may hold their losses too versity increases loss aversion, and our proxy for income shows
long exhibiting stronger tendency for disposition bias (Shefrin and that increased income reduces loss aversion. Finally, the weighting
Statman, 1985). probability function does not vary with sociodemographic charac-
Finally, in our sample the average value of Prelec’s weighting teristics.
parameter ˛ is 0.713, extremely close to the findings in Tanaka An important contribution of this paper relates to estimation
et al. (2010) (the average weighting function is shown in Fig. 3). It of the impact of emotions on the structural parameters in Cumula-
is clear that individuals overestimate probabilities under 0.4 (over- tive Prospect Theory. In our controlled experiment, one-third of the
estimating even more as probabilities approach zero), but start subjects received a questionnaire that asked how they felt about the
to underestimate them above that level (underestimating most rising rate of violence and deaths in Mexico. Another third received
around 0.8). The kernel distribution of ˛ is presented in Fig. 4, where in addition a question about their feelings regarding youth unem-
it clearly shows a great accumulation around 0.7 and diminishes on ployment. The final third was a control group that did not receive
both sides. any questions about violence or unemployment.
We conduct the same regression analysis on ˛ but do not find Consistent with Lerner et al. (2003), we find that risk aversion is
any significant effect. Fig. 5 presents the simulated utility function related to emotional state. In particular, we find that sad people are
for gains and losses (Eqs. (1) and (3)) and the main results of the more risk averse in the gain domain. This is also consistent with the
study in terms of emotions. On average, utility shows concavity in results in Heilman et al. (2010) and Treffers et al. (2012). We also
the gain domain and convexity in the loss domain. It also shows a find that angry people are less loss averse than non-angry people. In
steeper slope over the loss domain than the gain domain, as in the fact, on average, anger reduces loss aversion by half. This could be a
seminal contribution by Tversky and Kahneman (1992). To simu- sympathetic reaction, or it could be that anger fuels the strength to
late the results of emotions we use the significant estimates from quickly forget a loss. In other words, it seems that once individuals
Tables 4 and 5. are angry they just do not care for negative outcomes. This is con-
Panel A of Fig. 5 shows that sadness causes more risk aversion sistent with literature in psychology that finds that anger in drivers
in the gain domain and more risk willingness in the loss domain. causes reckless driving (Abdu et al., 2012; Jovanovic et al., 2011). It
Panel B shows that angry people become more risk seeking in the is also consistent with literature in behavioural finance that finds
loss domain. Indeed, anger has a larger impact in the loss domain that anger predicts risky decisions (Gambetti and Giusberti, 2012).
than sadness: anger decreases the loss aversion parameter by close The limitation of the present study is that we do not understand
to 50%. the process why anger is only related to loss aversion. Hence, fur-
ther research in neuroeconomics and behavioural economics is
needed in order to gain a deeper understanding of why anger is
6. Discussion and concluding remarks
only related to the loss domain. Given the possible negative con-
sequences of anger, studying different interventions to decrease
We conducted a controlled experiment using students in two
anger and their effects on behaviour seems like an important topic
universities as uncompensated subjects to elicit the parameters of
for future research.
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