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Numerical Analysis of Composite Steel-Concrete Columns

of Arbitrary Cross Section

João Batista Marques de Sousa Jr.1 and Rodrigo Barreto Caldas2
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Abstract: This paper presents a numerical formulation for the nonlinear analysis of slender steel-concrete composite columns of generic
cross-sectional shape, subjected to axial force and biaxial bending. The cross section is defined in terms of a number of closed polygonal
loops of a specific material, each one with its own stress-strain relation, with reinforcement bars embedded in the polygons. The material
and geometrically nonlinear equlibrium problem is solved by the finite element method, with displacement-based stress resultant beam-
column elements. The proposed scheme turns possible, with a unified treatment, to perform analyses of concrete-filled steel tubes, fully
or partially encased steel profiles, or less usual cross sections present on composite construction. The robustness and accuracy of the
formulation is verified against numerical and experimental results available in the literature.
DOI: 10.1061/共ASCE兲0733-9445共2005兲131:11共1721兲
CE Database subject headings: Composite columns; Steel; Concrete; Finite element method; Numerical analysis; Cross sections.

Introduction design codes 共Oehlers and Bradford 1995兲. Significant differences

between prescriptions of these codes 共El-Tawil et al. 1995; Zhang
Composite structures, also called mixed or hybrid structures, and Shahrooz 1999; Saw and Richard Liew 2000; Weng and Yen
combine steel and reinforced concrete to benefit from each mate- 2002兲 indicate that further numerical and experimental research
rial characteristic. Composite construction takes advantage of the must be undertaken to gain understanding about the structural
speed of construction, light weight and strength of steel, and the behavior of these elements.
higher mass, stiffness, damping properties, and economy of rein- The finite element method 共FEM兲 is the most popular tool for
forced concrete. One of the most suitable structural elements for simulation of structural response. Recent numerical work on com-
this combination is the composite column, which in recent years posite columns has been focused on either three-dimensional or
has received much attention by researchers and practicing engi- beam-column elements. Three-dimensional element formulations
neers. Steel-concrete composite columns have been employed in are able to predict the complex behavior of the composite struc-
high-rise buildings, bridges, piers, piles, and earthquake-resistant tures, using sophisticated material constitutive laws and interac-
structures. tion models between the materials. Beam-column elements, on
The most usual types of composite columns are the concrete the other hand, are simpler to develop and implement and less
filled steel tubes and the partially or fully encased steel profiles. expensive on computational terms.
Encased steel elements have the additional advantage of protect- Practical design situations often employ composite columns
ing from fire damage and local buckling of steel plates, while under simultaneous axial load and biaxial bending. However, not
concrete-filled tubes benefit from the increase in strength due to many numerical and experimental results are available for com-
concrete confinement. In general, reinforcement bars may be bined axial force–biaxial bending loading, and design rules based
present, as well as shear connectors to prevent slip. on linearization of the interaction curves may be too conservative.
Most practice codes, such as the widely used AISC-LRFD The purpose of this paper is to develop and implement a nu-
共1999兲; ACI-318 共2002兲; Eurocode 4 共1994兲; and BS-5400 共BSI merical procedure for the static analysis of slender steel-concrete
1979兲 have incorporated simplified methods for analysis and de- composite columns subjected to axial force and biaxial bending.
sign of composite columns. These provisions are generally ex- The main advantage of the formulation is its suitability for a
trapolated from either reinforced concrete column or steel column generic shape of cross section under different loading conditions,
providing a valuable tool for the analysis of composite columns.
Associate Professor, Civil Engineering Dept., Escola de Minas, Univ.
At the end of the paper, selected examples prove the ability of
Federal de Ouro Preto, 35400-000, Ouro Preto MG, Brazil the proposed scheme to provide accurate and reliable results
共corresponding author兲. E-mail: compared to experimental data as well as other numerical
Graduate Student, Civil Engineering Dept., Escola de Minas, Univ. formulations.
Federal de Ouro Preto, 35400-000, Ouro Preto MG, Brazil. E-mail:
Note. Associate Editor: Donald W. White. Discussion open until April Cross-Section Analysis
1, 2006. Separate discussions must be submitted for individual papers. To
extend the closing date by one month, a written request must be filed with
the ASCE Managing Editor. The manuscript for this paper was submitted Composite cross-section analysis remains an active field of re-
for review and possible publication on April 13, 2004; approved on search. In composite construction, the formability and robustness
January 31, 2005. This paper is part of the Journal of Structural Engi- of concrete, associated to the high resistance of steel profiles
neering, Vol. 131, No. 11, November 1, 2005. ©ASCE, ISSN 0733-9445/ allow the columns to be designed with various geometries. Ana-
2005/11-1721–1730/$25.00. lytical 共Roik and Bergmann 1990兲 and numerical procedures for


J. Struct. Eng., 2005, 131(11): 1721-1730

My = 冕冕

Mz = − 冕冕
␴x共␧x兲ydA 共1兲

The generalized strains are measured relative to a local system of

axes whose origin is conventionally adopted at the plastic cen-
troid of the cross section. Strain at any point 共y , z兲 may be evalu-
ated by ␧ = ␧0 + kyz − kzy. In usual situations 共doubly symmetric
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sections兲 this point coincides with the geometric centroid. The

resultant forces and derivatives are obtained from analytical inte-
gration of the stress-strain relationship for each material 共Caldas
2004兲. This formulation has close similarities with the fiber
The geometry of the cross section is described by a number of
closed counterclockwise loops, with internal openings described
clockwise, Fig. 1. Each loop encloses a specific material with a
piecewise-defined stress-strain relation. Curved boundaries are
approximated by an equivalent set of rectilinear segments. The
Fig. 1. Geometry of composite section resultant forces of Eqs. 共1兲 may be split into a sum of integrals
over each material polygon, while reinforcement bar contribu-
tions are evaluated pointwise. If the uniaxial stress-strain relations
are composed by polynomials 共or adequately approximated by a
set of polynomials兲, Eqs. 共1兲 are integral expressions of integer
the analysis and design of reinforced concrete, steel and compos- powers of y and z, and cross-sectional resultant forces and deriva-
ite sections have been developed for over 30 years and related tives with respect to the deformation variables may be evaluated
recent developments have been published 共Rodriguez and analytically. This well-known procedure is based on the transfor-
Aristizabal-Ochoa 1999; Chen et al. 2001; Sfakianakis 2002; mation of the surface integrals into line integrals along the closed
Bonet et al. 2004兲. Practice codes are often restricted to symmet- boundaries of each region and appears to have been first sug-
ric sections and simple mechanical models, such as the rigid- gested for reinforced concrete section analysis by Werner 共1974兲
plastic assumption. and later employed, for instance, by Rotter 共1985兲. Although quite
Cross-sectional analysis is a fundamental step on the formula- convenient, this scheme seems not to have been fully explored for
tion and implementation of a successful numerical analysis of analysis of composite cross sections.
composite columns by FEM. For stocky columns or in simplified With piecewise polynomial stress-strain laws, it is necessary to
models which use approximations for geometric nonlinearity, it subdivide each material polygon into subpolygons, correspondent
may provide the solution of the column problem itself. The basic to each subrange of the constitutive law. This can be accom-
numerical procedures involved are the determination of resultant plished in an elegant way by means of a well-known surface
forces under predefined deformation variables and the evaluation contouring algorithm from computer graphics 共Martha et al.
of derivatives of resultant forces with respect to the same 1997兲. This method of analysis enables one to consider, for in-
variables 共generalized stiffnesses兲. According to Spacone and stance, different levels of confinement for distinct concrete re-
El-Tawil 共2004兲, two different approaches are generally used, gions, different residual stresses and effective widths for steel
namely 共1兲 resultant model and 共2兲 fiber section models. Fiber profile plates, or even modified stress-strain relationships for the
section model involves the subdivision of the section into small case of structures subjected to fire action. Compared to the fiber
elements which are assumed to be in a state of uniaxial stress. section model, it is unnecessary to subdivide the cross section into
This simple scheme allows the representation of any shape of small square regions, the results are exact for polynomial stress-
steel-concrete composite section. Effects such as concrete con- strain laws, there are no restrictions on the geometry of the sec-
finement, cracking, strain localization, and steel local buckling tion and the integrations are much faster.
may be simulated. Resultant section models define section re- In the examples presented in this paper the stress-strain rela-
sponses in terms of values of moment-curvature relationships and tions for steel 共and reinforcement兲 and concrete were assumed as
works with combined axial force-bending moment elastic bound- shown in Figs. 2 and 3. The concrete peak stress is dependent on
ing surfaces. In both cases, plane sections are assumed to remain the confinement level assumed to each region of interest, and the
plane even into the inelastic range. limit value of concrete strain ␧cu may vary according to its cylin-
In the present paper, cross-sectional response is defined in der strength f cyl. If f cyl is under 50 MPa, ␧cu is taken equal to
terms of resultant axial force and bending moments, Nx, M y, and −0.0035, and as −0.175/ f cyl but less than −0.0022 otherwise.
M z 共Fig. 1兲, which are in turn functions of the section deformation
state, described by generalized strains, namely axial strain ␧0 and
curvatures ky and kz Finite Element Formulation

Nx = 冕冕
Several works have dealt with numerical analysis of composite
steel-concrete structures. Composite beams have received consid-
erable attention. Less research, however, has been devoted to


J. Struct. Eng., 2005, 131(11): 1721-1730

Salari and Spacone 2001兲, and a lot of effort is still being put on
research with the objective of finding better formulations.
The FE model employed in this paper is based on cubic inter-
polation of transverse displacements and quadratic interpolation
for axial displacements. The main advantage of this rather classi-
cal scheme is its simplicity of formulation and implementation,
with easy incorporation into existing FE codes. Its drawback lies
on the fact that for inelastic response the solution will not in
general satisfy equilibrium and several elements may be neces-
Fig. 2. Stress-strain relation for steel sary to correctly simulate the behavior of a single bar. This has
been a major concern 共Chan 2001兲, leading to the development of
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alternative procedures for beam-column analysis, such as mixed

composite columns, and for biaxial bending of slender composite or flexibility-based elements 共Ayoub and Filippou 2000; El-Tawil
columns there is not much numerical and experimental research. and Deierlein 2001a,b兲 and the quartic interpolation technique
Muñoz and Hsu 共1997a, b兲 performed experimental and numeri- with constant axial force criterion 共Izzudin et al. 2002兲, among
cal analysis of concrete-encased composite colums under biaxial many others. Notwithstanding, Teh 共2001兲 argued that this con-
bending and proposed a simplified design procedure. More re- cern about cubic elements is unjustified and stated that the cubic
cently, Lakshmi and Shanmugam 共2002兲 developed a semianalyti- formulation provides very good results for steel frame analyses
cal procedure for numerical analyses of in-filled composite col- with just a few elements per member. Although this statement
umns under biaxial bending which showed good agreement with a cannot be directly extrapolated for reinforced concrete or com-
large set of experimental data. posite elements, the writers obtained accurate results with not
The numerical procedures may be roughly divided in two main more than four elements per column, which in a personal com-
approaches. puter does not imply prohibitive computational cost.
1. Three-dimensional analysis with solid elements: This ap- The maximum concrete compressive stress value f c depends
proach offers the widest range of possibilities for simulating on the confinement level, see, for instance, the discussion by El-
structural behavior. Sophisticated constitutive relations may Tawil and Deierlein 共1999兲. In this work, for in-filled circular
be employed, including plasticity, damage, and time depen- steel tubes, concrete peak stress is considered to be equal to its
dent effects. Shear connection may be modeled precisely as maximum cylinder compressive stress f cyl, otherwise it is as-
well as bond-slip between the elements. Johansson and Gyll- sumed to be equal to 0.85 f cyl. These values are based on the
toft 共2002兲 employed this kind of strategy via commercial Eurocode 4 共1994兲 specifications.
code to analyze the influence of forms of load application; The element axis is supposed to coincide with the plastic cen-
and troid of the cross section. Previous work 共Roik and Bergmann
2. Bar or beam-column elements: This approach employs one- 1990; Chen et al. 2001兲 has showed that this assumption leads to
dimensional elements to model the beam-column axis. It better results when applied to nonsymmetrical cross sections
requires accurate evaluation of cross-sectional properties as under biaxial bending as it provides a smoother mapping between
the physical nonlinearities are taken into account at section the resultant moment and the neutral axis direction, which are in
level and carried to element level by means of numerical general not parallel.
It has been recognized that the employment of solid elements,
despite its accuracy and reliability, may be excessively time- Element Formulation
consuming for practical purposes and, in general, beam-column
elements offer a better balance between response precision and The point of departure for the FE formulation is the principle of
computational cost. For beams, specialized formulations have virtual work stated as a condition of equilibrium for the structure
been developed to consider the effect of bond slip in the steel-
concrete interface 共Salari and Spacone 2001; Faella et al. 2002兲.
This effect is generally neglected when dealing with columns, due ␦Wint − ␦Wext = 0 共2兲
to its not significant influence in the column’s ultimate capacity.
Recent developments on beam-column elements for reinforced It is assumed that each fiber of the column is in a uniaxial state of
concrete, steel, and composite structures have employed classical strain. The expression for the internal virtual work for an element
displacement-based as well as mixed and force-based formula- of volume V, when only uniaxial stresses and strains are taken
tions 共Ayoub and Filippou 2000; El-Tawil and Deierlein 2001a,b; into account, is

␦Wint = 冕冕 冕
␴x␦␧xdV 共3兲

Integration is performed relative to the undeformed element con-

figuration 共total Lagrangian approach兲. The end nodal degrees of
freedom are two transverse displacements, two rotations, and one
axial displacement, Fig. 4. As mentioned before, cubic interpola-
tion 共Hermitian basis functions兲 for the transverse displacements
v and w and quadratic interpolation for the axial displacement u
Fig. 3. Stress-strain relation for concrete are employed at the element level


J. Struct. Eng., 2005, 131(11): 1721-1730

The numerical analyses undertaken were stopped when the maxi-
mum concrete strain reached the conventional limit ␧cu.


Several researchers have carried out experimental analyses of

composite columns, and some have performed numerical investi-
gations as well. Shanmugam and Lakshmi 共2001兲 presented a
comprehensive compilation of experimental results dating back
from 1969. In this section, results from experimental and numeri-
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cal analyses from other sources are compared with the ones by the
present formulation. The examples try to encompass the largest
number of possibilities to illustrate the versatility of the formula-
tion. In all the examples Young modulus for the steel and rein-
forcement was taken as 210,000 MPa.

Slender Concrete Encased I-Sections

Mirza and coworkers 共1996兲 carried out an experimental and nu-
Fig. 4. Finite element for composite column merical study on the behavior of slender concrete-encased com-
posite beam-columns, with the presence of reinforcement, com-
prising a total number of 16 specimens. The beam-columns were
v = NTv qv, w = NTwqw, and u = NTu qu 共4兲 tested under a combination of axial force and transverse loads,
with high influence of second-order effects. Steel ribs were
At the structural level, the central node axial displacement is stati- welded along the steel flanges of I-sections of the specimens in
cally condensed out from the final equations. Upon substitution of order to study the influence of the mechanical connection between
the strain-displacement relation the materials. In the original work, the FE analysis employed
1 three-node, three-dimensional beam elements from a commercial
␧x = u⬘ + 关共v⬘兲2 + 共w⬘兲2兴 − y v⬙ − zw⬙ 共5兲 program 共Abaqus v. 4.8兲. I-beam elements were used to model the
steel section, with 15 integration points. For concrete 15⫻ 15 in-
共the prime indicates differentiation with respect to x兲, on Eq. 共5兲, tegration points were used and for reinforcement one integration
replacement of interpolation of the nodal variables and integration point per bar. The steel ribs were modeled using 10 integration
on the cross section, the element internal force vector may be points and eccentric elements. A modified version of the Desayi–
obtained Krishnan curve was employed for concrete 共Saenz 1964兲. More

冕冤 冥
details, including the geometries of the cross sections and the
material properties for concrete, steel, and reinforcement of each
fm = Nxv⬘N⬘v + M zN⬙v dx 共6兲 specimen, may be found in the original paper.
Nxw⬘Nw⬘ − M yNw⬙ The proposed model employed four elements with four inte-
gration points each, disposed so that the nodes coincided with the
Following standard procedure, derivation of the internal force points of application of the transverse loads. The comparison of
vector with respect to the nodal displacements leads to the ele- the numerical and experimental results obtained by Mirza et al.
ment tangent stiffness matrix: 共1996兲 are plotted against the present formulation in Table 1 and

再 冎
冤 冥
⳵Nx T Figs. 5–7. It can be seen that the numerical results display a very
N⬘u good agreement.

kT = 冕 冉 N⬘v v⬘
再 冎
⳵Nx T

+ Nx0u N⬘v 0w + N⬙v
⳵M z
再 冎 T
dx Slender Circular Concrete Filled Tubes

冉 再 冎 冊 再 冎
⳵Nx T
⳵M y T
Results of nine experiments on slender concrete filled tubes sub-
Nw⬘ w⬘ + Nx0u 0v Nw⬘  − Nw⬙
⳵q ⳵q jected to eccentric axial load were obtained from the work of
Rangan and Joyce 共1992兲. The cross-section specimens consisted
of a steel tube of 1.6 mm thickness and external diameter
The element resultant forces Nx, M y, M z and their derivatives with 101.6 mm. The concrete cubic strength is 67.4 MPa and the steel
respect to the generalized displacements q are obtained analyti- yield strength 218 MPa.
cally by the technique presented in the previous section. The numerical analysis using the proposed formulation em-
The solution of the nonlinear equilibrium problem is obtained ployed four elements with four integration points each. Loading
using the Newton–Raphson technique with either load or dis- was applied at both ends of the column resulting in single curva-
placement control. The second choice is recommended to traverse ture. The maximum allowable value for concrete strain was re-
load limit points which is the general case for isolated composite laxed. This consideration was adopted because previous works
columns. Although a descending branch after peak load is usually 共Varma et al. 2002; Han 2004兲 have concluded that high-strength
present, the examples analyzed herein generally do not show this concrete, when confined by a circular steel tube, displays a
behavior strongly, mainly due to the constitutive relation adopted. strongly ductile behavior, with little decrease in the maximum


J. Struct. Eng., 2005, 131(11): 1721-1730

Table 1. Comparison of Results with Tests by Mirza et al. 共1996兲
Test Analysis Test Analysis
Specimen deflection deflection strength strength Test
designation 共mm兲 共mm兲 共kN兲 共kN兲 analysis
RHB-1 27.8 26.3 950.0 917.2 1.04
RHB-2 49.1 36.3 550.0 674.3 0.82
RHB-3 31.5 41.5 570.0 480.0 1.19
RHB-4 59.3 46.2 307.5 275.2 1.12
RHB-4A 56.8 48.7 154.3 155.9 0.99
RHB-5 56.4 50.7 95.0 90.1 1.05
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RNHB-1 39.8 33.2 925.0 867.4 1.07

RNHB-2 40.5 34.9 775.0 790.9 0.98
RNHB-3 46.5 41.3 540.0 511.4 1.06
RNHB-4 56.9 43.6 352.5 282.5 1.25
RNHB-5 53.7 51.4 107.5 96.0 1.12
RHNB-1 35.9 29.5 927.0 953.9 0.97
RHNB-2 37.9 35.2 720.0 778.9 0.92
RHNB-3 55.3 40.5 540.0 531.2 1.02
RHNB-4 64.1 45.8 296.0 295.4 1.00
RHNB-5 67.2 50.9 100.0 100.7 0.99
Average: 1.04
Standard deviation: 0.10
Note: RHB⫽specimens with perforated plate shear connectors; and RHNB⫽specimens without shear connection.

Fig. 5. Results for RHB series 关adapted from Mirza et al. 共1996兲兴


J. Struct. Eng., 2005, 131(11): 1721-1730

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Fig. 6. Results for specimens with non-perforated plate shear connectors 共RNHB兲 series 关共adapted from Mirza et al. 1996兲兴

Fig. 7. Results for specimens without shear connection 共RHNB兲 series 关共adapted from Mirza et al. 1996兲兴


J. Struct. Eng., 2005, 131(11): 1721-1730

Table 2. Comparison with Tests by Rangan and Joyce 共1992兲
Test Analysis
Specimen Length Eccentricity strength strength Test
designation 共mm兲 共mm兲 共kN兲 共kN兲 analysis
1 807.5 10 430 402 1.07
2 807.5 30 235 243 0.97
3 1,312.5 10 350 342 1.02
4 1,312.5 30 190 191 0.99
5 1,565 10 315 320 0.98
6 1,817.5 10 280 295 0.95
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7 1,817.5 30 140 161 0.87

8 2,322.5 10 220 246 0.89
9 2,322.5 30 126 134 0.94
Average: 0.97
Standard deviation: 0.06

stress beyond its peak value. Table 2 shows the results of the umns is probably due to the presence of geometrical imperfec-
analysis and comparison with values obtained by Rangan and tions which are more likely to be present in these cases. Lakshmi
Joyce 共1992兲. and Shanmugam 共2002兲 took this into account by employing an
initial eccentricity equal to 0.001 times the column length. Al-
though it would be simple to incorporate this eccentricity into the
Slender Rectangular Concrete-Filled Tubes
present formulation, without a reliable measure of imperfection
under Biaxial Bending
from the test program any adopted value would be arbitrary. For
From the work by Lakshmi and Shanmugam 共2002兲 the writers design purposes, the imperfection values established by the de-
reproduced the results obtained by Matsui et al. 共1995兲, in which sign codes should be used.
16 square concrete-filled tubes were tested. The tubes had sides
with 149.8 mm 共external兲 and thickness of 4.27 mm. The steel
Rectangular Concrete-Filled Tube with High Strength
tube had a yield stress of 412 MPa, and the concrete had cylinder
strength of 31.9 MPa 共average values兲. Columns from
0.6 to 4.5 m high were tested, with eccentricity varying from zero Liu et al. 共2003兲 published results from tests of 21 short rectan-
to 125 mm along the two principal axes of the cross section. gular concrete-filled steel tubes, assembled with high strength ma-
Four identical elements with four integration points were em- terials. The wall thickness was constant and equal to 4.18 mm, the
ployed in the numerical analysis. Table 3 displays the results and sides of the tube varied from 80.1 to 200.2 mm, and the length of
comparisons with the experimental data, displaying very good the specimens varied from 300 to 600 mm. The average yield
agreement. The greater difference observed for very slender col- stress for steel was 550 MPa and the cylinder resistances for con-

Table 3. Comparison with Tests by Matsui et al. 共1995兲

Test Analysis
Specimen Length Eccentricity strength strength Test
designation 共mm兲 共mm兲 共kN兲 共kN兲 analysis
1 600 25 1,184 1,161 1.02
2 75 734 692 1.06
3 125 514 488 1.05
4 1,200 25 1,133 1,118 1.01
5 75 665 667 1.00
6 125 484 473 1.02
7 1,800 25 1,025 1,056 0.97
8 75 631 631 1.00
9 125 445 449 0.99
10 2,700 75 553 564 0.98
11 3,600 25 705 802 0.88
12 75 441 490 0.90
13 125 326 359 0.91
14 4,500 25 588 666 0.88
15 75 373 420 0.89
16 125 277 315 0.88
Average: 0.97
Standarddeviation: 0.07


J. Struct. Eng., 2005, 131(11): 1721-1730

Table 4. Comparison with Test by Liu et al. 共2003兲
Test Analysis
Specimen Width Height Thickness Length strength strength Test
designation 共mm兲 共mm兲 共mm兲 共mm兲 共kN兲 共kN兲 analysis
C1-1 100.3 98.2 4.18 300 1,490 1,376 1.083
C1-2 101.5 100.6 4.18 300 1,535 1,413 1.086
C2-1 101.2 101.1 4.18 300 1,740 1,447 1.202
C2-2 100.7 100.4 4.18 300 1,775 1,434 1.238
C3 182.8 181.2 4.18 540 3,590 3,468 1.035
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C4 181.8 180.4 4.18 540 4,210 3,659 1.151

C5-1 120.7 80.1 4.18 360 1,450 1,375 1.055
C5-2 119.3 80.6 4.18 360 1,425 1,368 1.042
C6-1 119.6 80.6 4.18 360 1,560 1,397 1.117
C6-2 120.5 80.6 4.18 360 1,700 1,405 1,210
C7-1 179.7 121.5 4.18 540 2,530 2,525 1.002
C8-1 180.4 119.8 4.18 540 2,970 2,626 1.131
C8-2 179.2 121.3 4.18 540 2,590 2,636 0.983
C9-1 160.2 81.4 4.18 480 1,710 1,747 0.979
C9-2 160.7 80.5 4.18 480 1,820 1,739 1.047
C10-1 160.1 81.0 4.18 480 1,880 1,786 1.053
C10-2 160.6 80.1 4.18 480 2,100 1,777 1.182
C11-1 199.8 101.2 4.18 600 2,350 2,426 0.969
C11-2 200.2 98.9 4.18 600 2,380 2,393 0.995
C12-1 199.2 102.1 4.18 600 2,900 2,538 1.143
C12-2 199.8 99.6 4.18 600 2,800 2,500 1.120
Average: 1.087
Standard deviation: 0.081

Table 5. Comparison with Test Results by Wang 共1999兲

Major axis moment Minor axis moment
Test Analysis
Specimen Eccentricity Moment Eccentricity Moment strength strength Test
designation 共mm兲 ratio 共mm兲 ratio 共kN兲 共kN兲 analysis
RHS-1 0 — 55 −1 368 428 0.86
RHS-2 0 — 55 0 246 236 1.04
RHS-3 55 0 110 0 172 172 1.00
RHS-4 55 0 110 −1 238 231 1.03
RHS-5 55 −1 110 −1 251 236 1.06
RHS-6 55 0 55 0 234 223 1.05
RHS-7 55 −1 0 — 520 555 0.94
RHS-8 55 0 0 — 480 385 1.25
RSJ-1 55 0 0 — 960 957 1.00
RSJ-2 0 — 55 −1 816 868 0.94
RSJ-3 0 — 55 0 570 626 0.91
RSJ-4 55 0 55 0 427 350 1.22
RSJ-5 55 0 110 −1 380 374 1.02
RSJ-6 55 −1 110 −1 330 258 1.28
RSJ-7 55 0 110 0 257 231 1.11
Average: 1.05
Standard deviation: 0.12
Note: Negative ratio between end extremities moments indicates reverse curvature. RHS⫽concrete filled rectangular hollow section; and RSJ⫽concrete
encased I section.

J. Struct. Eng., 2005, 131(11): 1721-1730

crete were 60.8 and 72.1 MPa. Four elements with four integra- f cylinder , f cyl ⫽ concrete cylinder strength;
tion points were used in the numerical analysis. Table 4 displays fy ⫽ steel yield strength;
the comparison between the tests and the numerical results. Once f ys ⫽ reinforcement steel yield strength;
again there is excellent agreement between the experimental and fm ⫽ element internal force;
numerical results. kT ⫽ element tangent stiffness matrix;
ky ⫽ curvature about y;
kz ⫽ curvature about z;
Slender Composite Columns under Biaxial Bending,
My ⫽ resultant bending moment about y;
Single and Reverse Curvature
Mz ⫽ resultant bending moment about z;
Wang 共1999兲 performed experiments with eight rectangular hol- Nx ⫽ resultant axial force in x direction;
low concrete-filled and seven I-section concrete-encased columns Nu ⫽ interpolation functions for displacement along
Downloaded from by Indian Institute of Tech Gandhinagar on 12/22/15. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

under static loding. The specimens were subjected to eccentric x;

axial loading in both ends resulting in uniaxial and biaxial bend- Nv ⫽ interpolation functions for displacement along
ing with either single or reverse curvature. The cylinder strength y;
for concrete ranged from 25 to 55 MPa and yield stress from Nw ⫽ interpolation functions for displacement along
310 to 370 Mpa. Four elements with two Gauss points were em- z;
ployed. Table 5 summarizes the data for the experiments and the qu ⫽ displacements in x direction;
comparison of the ultimate loads obtained by the experimental qv ⫽ displacements in y direction;
program with those from the present formulation. In terms of qw ⫽ displacements in z direction;
displacements, some discrepancies are once more unavoidable as u ⫽ displacement along x;
in general geometrical imperfections are present in experimental V ⫽ volume;
results and these were not taken into account here. For instance, v ⫽ displacement along y;
the original work measured nonzero displacements at the mid- w ⫽ displacement along z;
height of reverse curvature specimens that the numerical analysis Wint ⫽ internal work;
is not able to detect. Wext ⫽ external work;
␧x ⫽ strain along x;
␧0 ⫽ axial strain;
Summary and Conclusions ␴x ⫽ normal stress along x;
␦ ⫽ indicates variation;
A FE formulation for the numerical analysis of composite steel- ␪ ⫽ rotation;
concrete slender columns of arbitrary cross section was devel- 0u ⫽ 0 0 0T, null vector; and
oped, implemented, and tested. The section formulation permitted 0v , 0w ⫽ 0 0 0 0T, null vector.
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