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Warnings & Instructions To The M.G.T. & G.C.C. From The Honorable Elijah Mohammed A WARNING TO THEM. G. Ts & G. C0. 10 REPENT AND REFORM AND DO TH FIRST WORK. BY ELIJAH MOHAMMED: SERVANT OF OUR SAVIOUR: 11/16/35. "oh, You Moslen Girls Training and General Civilization Clase; of the Wilderness of North America, whom the Lord Our Saviour, found and chose for himeelf, and made for you a Law and Guide, that you may Excel Nations.” “Remember; How you have turned back, repent; of your lewd ways and return to your Saviour, Amend your ways and he will return unto you, and forgive your faults, and make for Thee a Light. For you have sinned, and did a hateful thing in the sight of ALLAH, by casting aside the moral. precept in which he gave you. Renenber: How he chose you and made you teachers and taught you how to clean yourselves. from evil things, He gave you pure food to eat, and good clothing and bought for you bracelets, ear ringe, neck chains hair broaches, and head oraments, and taught you how to form yourselves, that your beauty the devils had robbed you of might return unto you again. And as long as you follow.this Divine Law, you began to return to your besuty. Your ekin become beautiful, your forms becone graceful, your eyes degan to sparkle with youth, your hair began to look natural, and your health was returning to you. And everything you laid your hands to he made it to prosper. Your Feme went abroad, and thine Own Enemies began to admire Thee," "Yea: More-over; Our Saviour, taken you and carried you about, end amused ‘Thee from City to City. That you may know that he was thine Saviour, and had the Power, to meke for you a Heaven in the Wilderness, only you Believe and Obey." Hear; Now; Oh Moslem Girls Training and General Civilization Claes, how you have fallen from the Right way, that now you are no more admired, Dut is looked upon by thine enemies as most hateful, ani they whispor among themselves saying: IS THESE THE WODHLS THAT WAS TO BE FOR THE LOST FOUND? HOW THEY HAVE DEGRADED TERIGELVES. You have fallon, gone back to that which your Saviour, did cone fend pull you out, what meaning have you in painting your faces, putting false eyebrows on, redding your nails with paint, painted lips, cheeks, hair burned out straight by hot irons, ueing the swine grease on it, and on thine faces, Dressing in tight form fitting clothes so as to show thy form and thus tempt men and boys, to commit adultry with theo? You have gone and stood in the highways, and on the street corners and winked with thine eyes, Yes; and opened thine fect to strangers to whosoever will, ‘Yea; you are like a red hot oven. The filthful lusts of adultry is eating you up. You have brought shame upon your Nation, as well as your family, Your innocent children, your husbands can not hold their heads up before the Nation, because of the lewd way of adultry. You havé loved the ways of the devils and despised your own in which our Saviour, have brought Thee. The cry of adultry is in every city throughout the country, from our women and girls, for men to come lie with them thet their shane may be increased. In several of the larger Cities, our women and virgin daughters is hireing then~ jlves to the devils to use their bodies for fornication purposes. These evil adultress is some times found among the so-called Society. Spreading untold misezy of white devile disease, besides corrupting their children and themselves with such disease as whites and syphilis. Where are we to rise from, such shameful adultry generation, following after the styles of the devil, and have thrown our intelligence into the garbage can. our little enilaren going to the devils schools, swest hearting with little devil boys and girle, This starts them crazing to adultry, and vice of ell kinds. Know you not that 90% of our girls virgin is first destroyed by devils? And near the same percentege in corrupting our hones between man and wife. This (2) etarts from the devil insurance agents, our women working in devils homes and offices, Nurse is attacked by devils, and is lured by a few shiny nickles, or for study employ- ment. Dear beloved Sisters; I am ALLAH'S Apostle to you. To warn you that this evil of your ehall and mat be stopped at once. Or be destroyed by Hell Fire with the devils. I must make a people to met the appearance of our Saviour‘s return. Repent; and Reform yourselves from uncleaness, and stop rebelling, and obey the Law of Islan, and ALLAH'S Apostle and you will see the hereafter. The time has come; make yourself ready. Remember; Problem #2. That our Saviour wrote for your admonish. Anyone of you read and understood that problem should show an example to others by reforming yourselves. My opinion of Problem #2 is given in the following. These Problems should be read and studied every time the class m ‘And any one of you not trying to live up to ‘the Lew laid down by our Saviour for our Improvement. Must be striken from the Roll at once. No more tines to waste on rebels and fault finders of Islam. Come right of right or not at all. Our Saviour helps us wio trys to do his will and punish the hyproerites. (PROBL #2.) ‘Tho wife of Mr. W. D. Ferd's uncle; in the Wilderness of North America, weigh other ‘than herself; therefore sie has rheumatisn, headaches, peins in all joints and cannot walk up to the store. She is troubled frequently with high blood pressure and reziet more than thirty-two} her pulse is nearly eighty times per minute, and she died at the age of forty-seven. How many times did her pulee beat in forty-seven years? ‘The Physical part of thie Problem 1a answered, so I do not profess to be solving that part, but what is needed to be solved out and understood in this problem is the spiritual aspect. So as to give our lost Found Nation in the Wilderness of North America a clear knowledge of the cause of their unwanted and denied presence in the better moral, and more cultured Society which causes us to suffer much embarrassment. Which not only affects our beauty facial expressions, but throws the mental power in to confueions. And from this comes the unwelcome words; I DO NOT CARE HOW I LOOK OR WHAT I DO IS NOSODYS BUSINESS BUT MY OWN. Another unfit mother. to suckle and train our on coming generations. Gone to the dogs of humanity. (The wife of Mr. Ws De Fard's Uncle) include every Lost found wonen and girl in the Wilderness of North ‘America. The uncle is every lost found man or boy. An uncle is one's father's brother or other's brother. By using this name (uncle) our Saviour wishes to show us not to reject him or chide him es a stranger, because he is one of our meny brothers of Asiatic blood. Our Father's and mothers is his fathers and mothers brother and sisters. The only great misfortune we did not know ourselves, and most likely if a person do not know himself, how can he know his brother? ‘Therefore, the Uncle's wife is his sister, and is completely robbed of herself. she weigh other than herself. The devil taught her to eat the wrong food, and to eat it three times per day, and all between meals, and drink strong beverages and make herself fat like a poison animal. So she would be shapeless and ugly, kinked hair, ignorant, degraded, and bese. That no one of high moral would want euch a women or girl. ‘The over weigh cousing her to suffer with rheumatiem, headaches, pains in all joints and she soon become lazy and careless, hopeless, using snuff, tobacco, wearing filthy clothes, sitting in her filthy rooms or houses sleeping all during the dey and night. She quarreled at all tines with her family, and use the most ugly dirty language at home or in public. If chastised by the better Society, she accuses them of not being ‘any better than her; or not as good, She hates the intelligent sisters of her neigh- porhood. she sit in her door or at her window and watch all men to offer her body. She love and enjoy all men but her own musband. She helps uphold her own Sone and daughters in committing acts of adultry.

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