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„There are so many laws that no one is exempt from being

hanged” Napoleon Bonaparte

Law plays different parts in life of every person, it means distinctive things for each of
us. Actually, law is a set of special legal rules, enforceable by the courts, regulating
the government of a state, relationship between the organs of government and the
subjects of the state, and the relationship or conduct of subjects towards each other.
Actually, it is a rule or body of rules made by the legislature for keeping order in one

The Law. Those two words may strike fear in the minds of many people living in
today's society. The truth is that the law is not implicated to create fear or scare
society's individuals. It is in place as a basis for society. Our society uses the law and
law enforcement as the primary building blocks on which it is built upon.

Without the law in place we would have no structure. It regulates protocol at

various places of employment, ensuring that all employees are treated equally. It
ensures our protection, whether it is personal or property, from injuries and damages.
We use the law to conduct business every time we make a purchase. After every
transactions there is a mutual agreement that money will be exchanged for the
desired product. Although it is not written or verbalized, this could be considered a
contract. Without the law, a contract would not be binding or valid. It's useless in a
world with no law.

Law is needed to keep the peace in a society where individual freedom is

valued. Without the law, we would experience havoc and chaos. We need the law as
it warrants order and stability within our society. It helps us to consistently base our
decisions on the patterns of social morality that we see within society. We conform to
society's expectations. This is the act of abiding to the law.

The reason that members of our society obey the law, on the most part, is to
avoid punishment. We are deterred from breaching society's expectations by the
punishments that misconduct holds. We are placed in positions which could humiliate
us by committing a crime. Appearing in the local newspaper is just one example of
humiliation. Paying a fine also helps to clear up the problem of disobeying the law.

Probably (but doubtfully) history knows some examples when justice triumphed for
the benefit of poor people.

As an example let’s take the case of a good and law-abiding citizen who is trying to
start a lawsuit against a very powerful and rich man. Do you think the offender will be
imprisoned?? Very unlikely! Justice usually serves the highest bidder! I think that law
can never be absolutely effective and fair because money can buy almost everything
in the world. Laws are always insufficient because of human greed.

Our realistic society is a heterogeneous mixture of all kinds of people, people that
are looking to disturb the balance of the natural society. The Law plays a very
important role in restoring that delicate balance back to the society and making the
lives of the people living together cohesive. It helps in maintaining the morality of the
people as individuals as well as the society as a whole.


Law is essential in the society. Law is there to guide the society towards happiness
without bloodshed and in peace and harmony. Law helps us to restrain ourselves in
times of great thirst for more money or power. It curbs our greed reminding us that
there is someone or rather something out there ready to punish us if necessary. It
helps to restore the balance in the society and bring justice to the victimized. The
greatest thing about law is that everyone is equal before it. No one is rich or poor in
the eyes of the law. No one is more powerful than the other in the eyes of the law.
Law helps to regulate the behaviour of the people. It prevents us from descending into

Law is dynamic. It is constantly adapting to the changing times so as to close all the
loopholes that may be left due to human error. Our Preamble states the ideals of
foundation of Our Constitution. However, without law these ideals will be constantly
shattered. We couldn’t use anything in order to protect these ideals.

In a world where 'survival of the fittest' is prevalent, and looking at the size of human
population we can say only one thing. Law is needed for survival. We cannot go
against each other as it will definitely lead to destruction. Law plants an element of
fear which prevents from killing fellow human beings. It gives each one his own share,
what they deserve.


Let us imagine a world without any law to punish the wrong doer. Let us assume that
the society has until now lived an honest life without any kind of betrayal. Suppose a
person, in greed, steals a valuable item from his neighbour's house. He isn't punished
but everyone knows what he has done. Some naive person, probably a youngster
witnessed this and is tempted to steal because he knows there are no repercussions.
This develops into a never-ending chain endangering the very foundation of the
Absence of law provides an opportunity to go against the general foundation of the
society. It goes against one's conscience. The fear of punishment is absent which
contributes to the growing confidence of the wrong-doer that he or she can get away
with anything. This disturbs the balance of our civilized society encouraging more and
more people to take to this habit.


It can be implied by common sense that law helps us to survive as a society and it is
convenient. Convenient is comfortable and humans look for comfort above all things
apart from happiness. Also law helps in getting rid of social barriers that exist in our
society. Through law we survive yet thrive. Hence law is necessary in a society.

However, hard people try, laws are always insufficient because people always start
breaking and they are not punished, and it is beginning seemed to be resolved but it is
still not solved after all the law has always been and will be respected by honest men,
but one who does not respect will always be punished . Therefore no matter how
much people would strive laws will not suffice.


1. Law-the principles and regulations established in a community by some

authority and applicable to its people, whether in the form of legislation or of
custom and policies recognized and enforced by judicial decision. (Lege)
2. Amnesty- An act of forgiveness granted to a large group of individuals by a
government, especially for political offences. (Amnistia).
3. Balance- An even distribution of weight enabling someone or something to remain
upright and steady. (Balanță)
4. Criminal law or Penal law- is the body of law that relates to crime. It regulates
social conduct and proscribes whatever is threatening, harmful, or otherwise
endangering to the property, health, safety, and moral welfare of people. (codul
5. Contract- A written or spoken agreement, especially one concerning employment,
sales, or tenancy, that is intended to be enforceable by law. (Contract).
6.Code- a set of laws or regulations (Coduri).
7. Constitution- The system of fundamental laws and principles that prescribes the
nature,functions, and limits of a government or another insitution and according to
which a state is governed.(Constituție).
8. Death-the act of dying; the end of life; the total and permanent cessation of all
the vital functions of an organism.(Moarte).
9. Declaration-A formal statement or announcement, proclamation. The ruling of a
judge or court on a quetion of law,esp in the chancery division of the high court.
10. Freedom-The ability to do what you want because you have no obligations or
responsibilities. (libertate)
11. Fact- A thing that is known or proved to be true. (Fact)
12. Government- Body of people that sets and administers public policy ,and
exercises executive ,political,and sovereign power through customs,institutions, and
laws within a state.(Guvern)
13. Influenced- he power to change or affect someone or something : the power to
cause changes without directly forcing them to happen (Influenta).
14. Instinct - the way people or animals naturally react or behave, without having to
think or learn about it (instinct)
15. Judicial- pertaining to courts of law or to judges (Judiciar).
16.Justice-The process or result of using laws to fairly judge and punish crimes and
criminals (Justitie).
17. Act- A bill which has passed through the various legislative steps required for it
and which has become law. (Act)
16. Members- someone or something that belongs to or is a part of a group or an
organization (Membri).
17.Precedent- A judicial decision that serves as an authority (Precedent)
18. To develop - to bring out the capabilities or possibilities (a manifesta, a evolua, a
crește ).

19. Protocol- The official procedure or system of rules governing affairs of state or
diplomatic occasions. (Protocol)
20.Problem-A matter or situation regarded as unwelcome or harmful and needing to
be dealt with and overcome. (Problema)
21.Rules - instruction that states the way things are or should be done, and tells you
what you are allowed or are not allowed to do (regulă).
22. Referendum- A vote in which the people in a particular country are all asked to
say whether they agree or disagree with a particular policy. (Referendum).
23. Society-The community of people living in a particular country or region and
having shared customs, laws, and organizations. (Societate)
24. Statement - declaration in speech or writing, setting forth facts (afirmație).
25. Punishment- A Punishment is meted out by the Authority as an imposition of an
undesirable or unpleasant outcome upon a group or individual, in response and
deterrent to a particular action or behaviour that is deemed unacceptable,
threatening to some norm and/or breaks the rules or laws by which the social group
is governed. (Pedeapsa).

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