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2 1 DayF A S T M
Buildin g
How To Gain 12 Pounds Of Pure Muscle Mass
In Only 21 Days Without
The Unhealthy & Unnecessary Fat Gain.

By Lee Hayward & Vince Del Monte

Version 1.0.1

Copyright 2011 © 21-Day Fat Mass Building Dot Com

Lee Hayward & Vince Del Monte

Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no more
2 than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building

Important Copyright & Legal Disclaimer
This e-book is copyrighted material. You do NOT have the right to reprint, resell,
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Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no more
3 than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building

Health and Medical Disclaimer
This program is for educational and informative purposes only and is not intended
as medial or professional advice. Always consult your doctor before making any
changes to your diet or nutrition program. The use of diet and nutrition to control
metabolic disorders and disease is a very complicated science, and is not the
purpose of this program. The purpose of this program is to help healthy people
reach their cosmetic fitness goals (gaining muscle and / or losing fat) by educating
them in proper nutrition and exercise guidelines.

No health claims are made for this program. This nutrition and exercise program
will not help cure, heal, or correct any illness, metabolic disorder, or medical
condition. The authors are not medical doctors, registered dieticians, or clinical
nutritionists; the authors are fitness and nutrition consultants.

If you have diabetes, chronic hypertension, high cholesterol, cardiovascular disease,

or any other medical condition or metabolic disorder requiring special nutritional
considerations, we suggest that you consult a health care professional with a clinical
nutrition background (MD, RD, or CCN) for your special nutrition program.

If you have been sedentary and are unaccustomed to vigorous exercise and/or if
you have any orthopaedic problems, you should obtain your physician’s clearance
before beginning an exercise program. The American College of Sports Medicine
(ACSM) recommends that apparently healthy individuals who are male over 40 or
female over 50 to have both a physical exam and a diagnostic exercise test prior
to starting a vigorous exercise program. A diagnostic exercise test and physical
examination is also recommended in individuals of any age who exhibit any of
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The authors and publishers shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any
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The user assumes all risk of injury, loss, or damage caused or alleged to be caused,
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Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no more
4 than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building

Table Of Contents:
The 1st Step Towards Building A Muscular Physique 7

Chapter 1:
The Muscle Building “Catch 22” 11

Chapter 2:
How This Program Came To Be 18
The Bodybuilder’s Secret To Rapid Growth 19
Lee’s Rebound Gains 23

Chapter 3:
Real World Results 25
Sharing The “Secret Program” 27
Vince’s 21-Day Fast Mass Results 29

Chapter 4:
The Theory Behind The Program 32

Chapter 5:
Calorie Cycling For Muscle Growth 36
Yo-Yo Dieting 37
Adaptation & Muscle Growth 41

Chapter 6:
The Anabolic Amplifier Effect! 43
(2 Steps Forward, 1 Step Back)

Chapter 7:
Fast Mass Nutrition 47

Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no more
5 than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building

Chapter 8:
Fast Mass Workouts 55
Pre-Workout Warm-Up Routine 59
Fitness Model Workout 69
Muscle Model Workout 78
Hardcore Bodybuilder Workout 86
Bodyweight 500 Workout 93

Chapter 9:
Lifestyle Influences 97

Chapter 10:
Frequently Asked Questions 109

Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no more
6 than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building

The 1st Step Towards Building A Muscular Physique

First off I want to thank you for picking up a copy of the Fast Mass Building
System. You’ve just taken an important step in the right direction towards
achieving your personal fitness and physique goals. As you know most people just
“hope” that someday they’ll get around to building muscle and getting in shape,
but YOU are actually taking action, which is the key that makes all the difference.
So for that I have a lot of respect for you and what you are trying to achieve.

Now with that being said, this program is going to provide you all the actual “How
To” stuff with regards to your eating, exercise, and lifestyle that you’ll need to
implement in order to build a lean muscular physique. However, simply knowing
what to do isn’t enough. Let’s face it everyone knows “What To Do” to some degree
or another. We all know that we should exercise regularly, that we should eat a
healthy diet, that we should drink plenty of water, and all that stuff... But how
many people actually do it?

You need to have a big enough reason “Why” you truly want to have a strong, lean,
muscular physique. It’s why you REALLY want this that will give you the drive and
motivation to actually follow through with this program and make your fitness and
physique goals a reality.

The very first thing I want you do to right now before you go any further with this
program is to ask yourself: Why Do You Want To Build A Lean Muscular Body?

I know this whole goal setting thing may seem a bit cheesy, but do it anyway ☺
Trust me this stuff works, every single successful person that I know of in
bodybuilding, business, or any endeavor in life has used goal setting to achieve
their personal success. Bottom Line - This Does Work!

So grab a pen and paper or just open up a new word processing document on your
computer right now and just jot down at least a dozen reasons for why you want to

Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no more
7 than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building

get in your best shape ever. And get real honest with yourself, what are those deep
emotional and often irrational selfish reasons that you have for wanting to get in
killer shape?

Very often the logical and practical ones like: it will improve my health, make me
live a longer life, lower my blood pressure, reduce my risk of heart disease, etc.
are not the “Hot Buttons” that will move you to action. Not many people can get
emotionally excited and passionate about lowering their cholesterol. But almost
everyone can get excited about the idea of being able to take their shirt off and feel
confident and proud of how their body looks.

Imagine having the type of body that commands attention and respect everywhere
you go. One that causes people to stop and do a double take when you walk by
because you are in such good shape.

How cool would it be to be one of the most ripped guys at your gym and among
your friends and co-workers? Imagine being in such good shape that people
regularly give you complements on how good you look and ask YOU for fitness

We all have our own personal reasons for why we want to get in shape, often times
the real motivating ones feel so silly and foolish that we would never tell anyone
about them. But those are often the ones that will actually keep you on track, help
you stick to your plan and follow through. So take a few minutes right now and
think about what those reasons are for you.

Really take the time to think of all the benefits that you’ll experience and how your
life will be better if you had a ripped muscular body…

Maybe it is so you can get more attention from the opposite sex. Maybe it is so
you can go out and buy new clothes that will highlight your new athletic muscular

Or maybe you just want to look good with your shirt off and be able to hit the beach

Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no more
8 than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building

or pool feeling confident about how your body looks, rather then worrying about
being that scrawny out of shape guy who gets made fun of.

How awesome it would feel to get “intimate” with that special someone while
sporting a lean muscular body with a big chest, powerful arms, wide shoulders, and
a V-shaped back that tapers down to a set of ripped 6-pack abs!

Also think of all the negative embarrassing things you’ll move away from and
the frustrations you’ll avoid. Maybe you are jealous of the other guys at the
gym who are big and ripped. Maybe you feel like you have been just wasting
your time, spinning your wheels, and going nowhere with your workouts. Maybe
someone called you “chicken legs” one too many times and now you’re going to do
something about it. Maybe it is your way of getting back at someone, to get your
revenge, or make an ex-girlfriend jealous.

Your reason for getting in awesome shape could be to inspire the people in your
personal life and to be a positive role model for your family. For example, if you are
a parent (or plan on being one someday) imagine how good you’ll feel knowing
that your children look up to you as a strong, fit, and healthy role model.

Whatever your personal reason is for doing this, write it down. You don’t have to
share this with anyone but keep it for yourself and review it on a regular basis. Use
the carrot and the stick so that you have every possible motivating factor working
to your advantage and pushing you towards achieving the muscular body of your

Psychologists have proven over and over again that YOUR reason for doing
something is much more powerful than how you get the job done. If you have
a strong enough reason WHY you want to build a lean muscular physique and
transform your body then you will find a way to do it. It’s as simple as that!

Really take the time to write down your reasons for getting in shape in clear specific
detail. Then review this twice daily, first thing in the morning when you wake up,

Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no more
9 than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building

and again as the last thing you do before going to bed each night.

Regularly going through these goal setting and visualization exercises will help you
crystallize the mental image of how you want your body to look, and how your life
will be better as a direct result of having that lean hard body. This will re-enforce
success habits into your subconscious mind.

Each day make notes about what productive things you did to move yourself closer
to realizing your fitness and physique goals, and make note of things you didn’t do so
well that you could improve upon. Keep visualizing and refining these goals so that
you know EXACTLY what kind of body you want and how you are going to get it.

As simple as this may seem, it’s regular conscious focus like this that can make
all the difference between actually achieving the muscular body you’ve always
wanted. Or getting distracted with all the day to day “stuff” and then looking back
6 months or a year later and being disappointed with yourself because you never
followed through.

You are only going through this world once. So live life to the fullest and be an
action taker. Go out there and make your fitness and physique goals a reality. Trust
me, it’s worth it!

Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no 10

more than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building

The Muscle Building
“Catch 22”
If you have been hitting the gym regularly with the intensions of packing on
some solid muscle mass to your frame, you’ve probably already experienced the
frustrations of what I like to call… The Muscle Building “Catch 22”.

This is a vicious cycle that the majority of all serious muscle-building enthusiasts
will go through at some point or another. Now if you are not familiar with the
whole muscle building “Catch 22”, let me explain it by sharing what my good friend
“Billy” recently went through …

Once upon a time there was a boy named Billy, who we could more appropriately
call “Little Billy”. He was a skinny small frame guy, and like a lot of skinny guys he
got picked on and bullied while growing up.

Now I realize that most people have probably experienced some bullying and
teasing while growing up, it’s normal. I went through it, and maybe you went
through it as well to some degree or another. But everyone has their limit of how
much crap they can take before it eventually gets to them.

Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no more
11 than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building

So one day Little Billy took a good hard look in the mirror and finally decided that
enough is enough! He was sick and tired of being the weak scrawny guy among his
peers. His pathetic body embarrassed him. He constantly wore oversized baggy
sweatshirts to try and cover up those noodle thin arms. But he wasn’t fooling
anyone; everyone knew that underneath those baggy clothes he was still “Little

So what does Little Billy do to solve his dilemma? Well he decides to start working
out to beef up his skinny frame. After all, if he were big and muscular he would
finally get the respect he deserved and nobody would ever pick on him again!

The next day Little Billy joins the local gym. He’s a bit nervous because this is
foreign territory, but at the same time he’s proud of himself for taking action. After
all, if he can just commit to “workout everyday” in the matter of weeks his scrawny
body will be rippling with muscles… Right?


After a couple months of hitting the gym on daily basis Little Billy is… Well, still
kind of “little”. Now yes, he has made some improvements. He does know his way
around the gym floor and is familiar with all the basic exercises. He has gotten
somewhat stronger since joining the gym. But his body is certainly not “Rippling
With Muscles” like he thought it would be by now. In fact his bodyweight on the
scale has hardly budged.

So what does Little Billy do? Well, he gets online and starts searching for answers.
This seems like the logical choice, but it turns out to be a daunting task!

The more he searches, the more confusing it gets... But our Little Billy is NOT a
quitter! After countless hours of sifting through dozens of muscle building articles,
hundreds of forum posts, and tons of contradictory crap and childish online
debates he finally discovers the solution to his problem.

Little Billy needs to “Bulk Up”…

Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no 12

more than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building

He read an article online that said in order to Get Big you have to Eat Big. Now you
have to admit that does make sense. And the more Little Billy thought about it,
the more he realized the reason he wasn’t getting any bigger is because he wasn’t
eating enough.

You see even though Little Billy was going to the gym everyday, he was skipping
breakfast in the morning because he often slept in too late. For lunch he just
grabbed whatever the “Special Of The Day” was at the cafeteria. Then when he got
home his dinner consisted of whatever his family was having. Basically he gave no
conscious thought to what he was eating day in and day out.

So Little Billy decides that he’s going to get serious…

The next morning he wakes up early and chows down on a big breakfast of bacon,
eggs, and pancakes. His belly is stuffed, but he’s feeling good and ready to start his
first official day of “Bulking Up!”

On his lunch break, he quickly woofs down the “Special Of The Day” plus dessert,
and then heads on over to the local supplement store. After chatting it up with
the clerk and getting the low down on all the weight gainer supplements, Little
Billy ends up buying up the BIGGEST Container of Super Duper MASS Gainer on the
shelf. His plan is to drink a couple of these enormous shakes everyday in addition
to eating his big breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

After work he stops into the gym for his daily workout. And you know what, he
actually does feel a bit fuller and stronger from the extra food he’s been eating.
This “Bulking Up” stuff seems to be working!

Once he finishes his last set in the gym, he heads into the locker room like a man
on a mission and cracks open that Big Ass Container of Super Duper Mass Gainer!
Using the freebie shaker cup that the clerk gave him at the supplement store, he
mixes up his first Weight Gainer Shake.

Granted this stuff mixes up like cement and tastes like chalk dust. But our Little
Billy is a warrior; nothing is going to stand in his way so he plugs his nose and chugs

Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no 13

more than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building

that weight gainer shake down like a REAL MAN. With his belly bloated from
drinking the enormous shake, he waddles his way out to his car and drives home.

Once home he gets cleaned up and ready for dinner. Now granted he is still feeling
full from the weight gainer shake he had earlier at the gym. So at the dinner table
Little Billy is not really that hungry, but non-the-less he goes back for second
helpings. After all, you gotta eat big if you want to get big… Right!?

After dinner he plops his butt on the couch and watches some TV, while letting
out the occasional burp and fart to ease up the gas pains. After a couple hours of
channel surfing the food and bloat in his belly has settled and he’s actually feeling
a bit hungry again. So to really make the most of this whole “Bulking Up” thing.
Little Billy jumps in his car and makes a late night trip to the drive through to grab
a burger and fries before bed.

The next morning he wakes up and does it all over again…

Big Breakfast, Big Lunch, Weight Gainer Shakes, Second Helpings at Dinner, and
Late Night Pig Out Snacks!

After a week of stuffing his face on a regular basis Little Billy does feel different. He
can actually feel his muscles getting that tight pumped feeling during his workouts,
which is something he never really experienced before. Not only that but he has
been able to increase his weights on several exercises as well.

But the moment of truth is when he steps on the scale… Holy Sh!t batman, Little
Billy is up 6 pounds! That’s like the biggest weight gain jump he has had since
hitting puberty. This “Bulking Up” thing is really working!

He keeps up this routine of heavy eating over the next week and sure enough the
gains keep on coming. By week 2 Little Billy is up 9 pounds on the scale and all his
major lifts in the gym have increased significantly.

By the 3rd week in to his “Bulk Up Program” he is still feeling strong, but the weight
gains have slowed down considerably. He only gained 1 measly pound over the last

Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no 14

more than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building

week. It almost feels as if his body is getting used to the routine. But he pushes on
full steam ahead non-the-less.

Week 4 goes by and the same thing, not much gained in either bodyweight or
strength. Little Billy is wondering what the heck is going on here? During the first
2 weeks he was growing like a weed, now it seems like everything has levelled off.
He figures that his metabolism must have gotten used to higher food intake and
that he just needs to eat even more food in order to continue making gains.

So the next day, Little Billy looks for ways to jam in extra calories to his already
heavy “Bulk Up” eating plan…

» For breakfast he has his regular bacon, eggs, and pancakes. But on top of his
pancakes he not only pours maple syrup, but also piles on several spoonfuls of
whipping cream as well.

» As soon as he gets to work he grabs a chocolate bar out of the vending machine.

» At lunch he goes back for second helpings of the “Special Of The Day” Plus 2
helpings of dessert.

» After his workout he tosses in an extra scoop of Super Duper Mass Gainer in his
post workout shake.

» For dinner he goes back for second helpings and then finishes it off with a full
row of chocolate chip cookies out of the bag.

» Then later that evening for his late night drive through run, he tops it off by
“Super Sizing” his full meal-deal!

You have to agree that’s A LOT of food by anyone’s standards. And guess what
happens to Little Billy after a full week of following this “Super Bulking Up” eating

Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no 15

more than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building

He Feels Like Crap…

Little Billy is bloated like a pig. His once baggy pants are now feeling snug around
the waistline. He even had to let his belt out a couple notches. Oh he’s gaining
weight all right, but it’s all excess fat around the belly.

Even his strength in the gym has plateaued, at first he was feeling fuller and
stronger with each workout. Now he just feels fat, sluggish, and even has a hard
time catching his breath in between sets.

And let’s not forget about the gas…

Ever since increasing his food intake he has been burping and farting more than
ever. But lately with this ridiculously high calorie “Pig Out” eating plan Little Billy
is literally a walking gas leak. It’s a good thing he’s single…

We could now change his nickname to “Little Tubby Billy”. Because he is still a small
framed guy, even though he has put on a little muscle mass, but now he’s also
getting fat too. Let’s face it, the “skinny fat” body type is NOT the type of physique
that anyone wants to have.

Now our Little “Tubby” Billy is even more confused and frustrated then before.
He still wants to get bigger and build a muscular body. But he doesn’t want to keep
on getting fatter around the waistline.

This is what I refer to as The Muscle Building “Catch 22”

Whenever you focus your efforts on “Bulking Up” to fill out your frame and gain
more muscle size, you probably find that you can gain weight all right (if you eat
enough). But a lot of the weight gained is just excess bodyfat right around the

Then when you finally had enough of the bulking and you can’t even button up
your pants anymore, you switch gears and focus instead on “Cutting Up” to lose the

Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no 16

more than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building

extra bodyfat you gained. But what ends up happening more often than not,
is that you sacrifice a lot of the lean muscle mass you gained while bulking up.

This is a vicious cycle that has plagued serious muscle-building enthusiasts for
years. Maybe you’ve already experienced this yourself or know someone who has.
It’s a very frustrating process and a lot of times people just get to the point where
they give up on their goal of building a lean muscular physique and settle for
second best.

You’ve probably seen people like this before at the gym.

The Big Fat Guy… He is big as a house and strong as an ox. But he also has a gut
that sticks out further than his chest. He just keeps on bulking up, getting bigger,
and fatter. He’s always afraid that if he ever tried “dieting” to lose his huge belly,
he’d end up losing all his size and strength.

Then at the other extreme you have:

The Skinny Ripped Guy… He’s got ripped six-pack abs year round. But he is still very
skinny and scrawny. Always training his abs and doing endless cardio to try and get
even more shredded. He’s afraid that if he ever gained a pound on his skinny frame,
it would just blur his abdominal definition.

There has to be a better way to go about building a lean muscular physique.

Imagine how good life would be if there was a proven training system that avoided
these pitfalls and actually allowed you to get Bigger while staying Lean at the
same time. Rather then having to settle for just one or the other.

Well my friend, there is such as training system and you have it right now…
The 21-Day Fast Mass Building System tackles these draw backs of traditional
“Bulking” and “Cutting” programs head on. This program uses a synergistic
approach where you actually work with your body’s natural hormonal systems to
create the optimal lean muscle-building environment, without getting fat in the

Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no more
17 than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building

chapter How This Program

Came To Be...
Like many of you, I’ve spent several years fumbling around in the gym, jumping
from one workout to the next always looking for that one “Special Program” that
would be the key to consistent muscle building success.

In fact I personally went through my own variation of the “Little Billy” story going
from skinny to down right sloppy fat at one point. Before finally figuring this stuff
out and eventually finding a way to build a LEAN and MUSCULAR physique.

To see for yourself, just check out my pictures below…

Lee Hayward’s Physique Transformation Pictures

From Skinny To Chubby To Lean & Muscular

Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no 18 

more than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building

The big turning point for my muscle-building journey was when I started attending
local bodybuilding competitions. At first I would just go as a spectator and fan,
but I would stay afterwards just so I could meet and talk to the competitors. This
is without a doubt what helped me the most and where I learned the “secrets”
to building muscle, right from the people who were actually doing it in the REAL

I became good friends with several of the local bodybuilders and would often
train with them in the gym. This allowed me to see what they did themselves, and
I would basically just pick their brains for tips and tricks on the best ways to go
about packing on lean muscle mass. This is when things REALLY started to “click”
for me and I was able to make some of my best muscle gains ever!

One thing you’ll quickly notice about competitive bodybuilders is that they will
make muscle gains MUCH faster than the average gym member. Part of this has
to do with the fact that they are just more serious about their workouts and are a
heck of a lot more motivated to push themselves to get in their best shape.

Note: Never ignore the power of good old fashion hard work. I’ve met A LOT of
successful bodybuilders, and for the most part, the ones who excel and standout
are the ones that hustle the hardest. That’s something that applies to muscle
building and life in general. You are going to get out of it, what you put into it.

But other than pushing themselves harder, the MAIN reason why competitive
bodybuilders make better gains in the gym is that they are constantly cycling their
training and nutritional programs.

The Bodybuilder’s Secret To Rapid Growth…

Bodybuilders will routinely go from heavy “Off-Season” mass building programs,

to ultra strict “Pre-Contest” fat loss programs, as well as taking some down time
where they settle into more generic maintenance style cruising programs.
You see building muscle happens in spurts. It’s kind of similar to the seasons in

Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no 19

more than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building

nature; you have the planting season of the spring, the growing season of the
summer, the harvesting season in the fall, and then some down time over the

Muscle building works along the same lines, it is NOT a non-stop process that just
goes on and on forever without interruption. You have to work WITH your body,
not against it. If you are stubborn and try to force your body to grow non-stop it
will fight back with all the negative training symptoms of plateaus, over training,
burnout, and injuries. You may have already experienced some of these things first
hand for yourself, or at least know of people who have.

However the year long training cycle of a competitive bodybuilder avoids many of
these pitfalls by providing nutritional variety and unique muscle stimulation. It also
takes advantage of the body’s natural anabolic growth and recovery cycles and
uses them to pack on solid muscle mass.

A prime example of this happens right after a bodybuilding contest when

bodybuilders experience their post contest “Rebound”. It’s during this short
window of opportunity bodybuilders will literally make the most insane rapid
muscle gains ever!

If you’re not familiar with how the Post Contest Rebound works, then let me
explain it for you…

Bodybuilders will go on a very strict fat loss diet for at least 12 weeks prior to a
bodybuilding contest. This is so they can strip away all their excess bodyfat and get
as ripped to the bone shredded as possible. Their goal is to step on stage with NO
Excess Bodyfat What So Ever! This is necessary in order to bring out all their rock
hard muscle definition.

However, once the contest is over the celebration begins. Can you imagine
how good it must be for all those “starving bodybuilders” who have deprived
themselves of their favourite foods for weeks on end to all of a sudden be allowed
to eat them again?!

Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no20
more than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building

Let’s just say that the typical foods most bodybuilders eat after a show are NOT the
most “healthy”… Pizza, burgers, fries, ice cream, cake, cookies, and chocolate bars
are just some of the many things that will get devoured in ridiculous amounts…
If they actually added up all the calories consumed it would be scary!

Now in most “normal people”, eating this much food would just be stored as ugly
unwanted bodyfat. But when your body is depleted (as in the case of a pre-contest
bodybuilder) this Over abundance of calories triggers the body to unleash HUGE
amounts of Natural Anabolic Hormones that shuttle all this food towards building
solid Lean Muscle Mass!

The typical tasty goodies that bodybuilder’s will PIG OUT on right after a competition!

Note: I am NOT suggesting that you purposely

go out and eat “junk food” in effort to gain size.
I’m just telling you what the majority of competitive
bodybuilders will do when they “pig out” after
months of strict dieting.

Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no 21

more than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building

It’s actually quite common for bodybuilders to gain 20+ pounds of muscular
bodyweight during the first week after a show!

Now obviously a lot of that rapid weight gain will be water and muscle glycogen
being stored within the muscle cells. But about 5-10 pounds of it will be actual
solid lean muscle mass.

Can you imagine the incredible muscle building results that you could make by
going through this kind of rebound cycle again and again?

Considering the fact that the average gym member is lucky to even gain 5 pounds
of muscle per year. You can now see why competitive bodybuilders are among
the BIGGEST & Most Muscular guys in the gym, especially since they are literally
packing on 5-10 pounds of permanent muscle mass with every pre-contest diet
& post-contest rebound!

When following a strict bodybuilding contest diet you’ll lose a lot of bodyfat, as
well as some lean muscle mass in the process. But once you start the post contest
rebound the majority of the weight gained is lean muscle mass with only small
increases in bodyfat.

Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no22
more than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building

My Personal “Rebound” Results…

These are pictures that were taken while I was in training for the Atlantic Canadian
BodyBuilding Championships which took place in New Brunswick, Canada on
April 17, 2010.

Before Pre-Contest Diet January Contest Day on Stage April 2010 After Post-Contest Rebound April
2010 - Bodyweight 215 pounds - Bodyweight 187 pounds 2010 - Bodyweight 210 pounds

As you can see in the first picture I started my pre-contest diet at 215 pounds.
I wasn’t in “bad” shape, but certainly not lean enough to compete in a bodybuilding

The second picture was taken on stage at the competition. After 12 weeks of strict
dieting I got my bodyweight down to a ripped 187 pounds.

Then right after the competition was over, the post contest pig out began ☺
It started off with an “All U Can Eat” Italian buffet with endless amounts of pizza,
pasta, and desserts. And for the entire week after the show I pretty much ate
whatever I wanted in rather large quantities… (Hey, I had 12 weeks of cravings
to get out of my system LOL)

Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no23
more than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building

But I didn’t get “fat” from eating all this food…

Instead my muscles filled out like crazy and I made the most insane muscle gains
imaginable. The third picture above was taken within 1 week after the show. And as
you can clearly see I was up 23 pounds and looking as huge and jacked as ever!

And the only way you can make these kinds of rapid fast muscle gains is through
strategically cycling your diet and training similar to how competitive bodybuilders
do with each pre-contest diet and post-contest rebound.

Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no24
more than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building

Real World Results…
The entire process of alternating back and forth between off-season mass building
phases and pre-contest fat loss phases works amazingly well for competitive
bodybuilders. It allows them to cycle their training and pack on several pounds
of solid new muscle mass with each bodybuilding competition they do. However,
I realize that most guys who hit the gym and workout on a regular basis are NOT
interested in competing in a bodybuilding contest.

The idea of taking several months of your life to go through a complete pre-contest
diet and post-contest rebound is still a very long and tedious process, one that
most guys just cannot commit to follow through with.

So that’s why I’ve developed a modified approach that uses the same principles,
but squeezes them into a more practical and realistic system of just a few short
weeks. Granted the changes in bodyweight are not as extreme as with an actual
bodybuilding contest diet cycle. But non-the-less you are still able to prime your
body for rapid muscle gains with a short low calorie diet “Primer Phase”, and then
super compensate with explosive new muscle growth during the high calorie diet
“Overload Phase”.

Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no25
more than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building

That is the entire basis for the 21-Day Fast Mass Building System. I’ve broken
down the entire bodybuilding contest preparation process of pre-contest dieting
and off-season mass building and condensed it into a short, but effective 21-day
rapid results cycle!

My first experiments with this style of training and nutritional cycling started
back in the late 1990’s. I was a college student at the time and I had just started
competing in bodybuilding competitions. My main fitness goals were simply
getting bigger, stronger and packing on muscle mass.

Now granted the early version of this program that I used back then was not nearly
as detailed, structured, and organized as the 21-Day Fast Mass Building System
is now. However, I was still able to pack on 45 pounds of solid muscular bodyweight
within one year of repeatedly alternating back and forth between high calorie and
low calorie diet cycles.

Keep in mind that I was already working out consistently for 8 years (I started
working out when I was 12 years old) and I had already competed in 3 bodybuilding
competitions by the time I first tried the early version of the 21-Day Fast Mass
Building Program. So those 45 pounds did NOT come from the fast initial “newbie”
muscle gain growth spurt that people experience when they first start working out.

Not only that, but these gains were made 100% naturally
(i.e. I never took any anabolic steroids to make those rapid
fast muscle gains). Taking illegal drugs goes totally against
my morals. And besides that, I was a broke college student
so I couldn’t afford to take anything even if I wanted to.

This 21-Day Fast Mass Building System has been my “secret program” that I’ve
pretty much kept to myself over the years. I’d use it every now and then, whenever I
felt that I needed a growth spurt to kick my muscle gains into high gear. But I never
really broadcasted it to the world before now…

Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no26
more than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building

Sharing The “Secret Program”…

Just this past fall I went to watch the Mr. Olympia Competition in Las Vegas with
Vince Del Monte and several of our closest friends.

Vince Del Monte, myself,

and our friend Dave Ruel
at the 2010 Mr. Olympia
after party in Las Vegas.

After attending the Olympia competition, Vince told me that he was motivated
to take his training up to the next level and compete in another Fitness Model
Competition in 2011. But he first needed to pack on some new muscle mass in order
to be more competitive in his division.

Of course we started brainstorming and discussing different training strategies for

how Vince could pack on some extra muscle size. And during the discussion I shared
my “secret program” with him of how repeatedly going through these mini 21-day
training and nutrition cycles could help him quickly pack on solid muscle mass
without getting fat in the process. I told him about my results of how I’ve used this
system over and over again to pack on lean muscular bodyweight every single time.

Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no 27

more than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building

Well, after hearing about it Vince was as excited as a kid at Christmas! He couldn’t
wait to give this 21-Day Fast Mass Building Program a shot for himself. In fact for
the rest of our trip in Vegas he didn’t stop talking about it.

Now if you know Vince, he is a HUGE action taker. He’s not one of those guys who
just talk’s the talk, but he walk’s the walk as well. So as soon as he got home he
jumped right in and started implementing the program exactly as I outlined it to
him while we were in Vegas.

21 days later… and 7.4 pounds of solid muscle bigger… Vince was blown away by
the rapid results he had made! Keep in mind that Vince is a very advanced trainer
himself. So even gaining 7.4 pounds of muscle in a year would be considered good
gains, let alone gaining that much muscle mass in only 21 days!

Vince kept on repeating the 21-Day Fast Mass Building Cycle right on through the
rest of 2010 and he got up to a very solid 227 pounds with only 15% bodyfat. Those
are some very impressive mass gains, especially considering that he is an advanced
lifter and these gains were made 100% steroid free!

Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no28
more than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building

Vince Del Monte’s results from following the
21-Day Fast Mass Building Program!
Before Picture – October 25th, 2010 After Pictures – November 17th, 2010
Age 30 Age 30
Height 6 ft 1.0 in Height 6 ft 1.0 in
Weight 214.4 lb Weight 220.6 lb
Fat % 15.5% Fat % 14.5%
Fat Mass 33.2 lb Fat Mass 32.0 lb
Fat Free Mass 181.2 lb Fat Free Mass 188.6 lb

Before After

Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no29
more than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building

Now even though I have used this program numerous times myself and made
killer gains with each cycle through. And Vince just went through it himself and
experienced some of the best muscle gains of his life… That wasn’t enough!

We were both curious to see how this 21-Day Fast Mass Building Program would
work on a larger scale. After all, maybe we were the exception (and not the rule) for
how good this program would actually perform in the “Real World”.

So we put the challenge out there, and ended up recruiting a group of “guinea pig”
test subjects from our online followers. We got over 100 people to put this 21-Day
Fast Mass Building Cycle Program to the test.

We wanted to make sure that the rapid gains we experienced were not some fluke
or just unique to us. We wanted to see what kind of gains that the average gym
member could make from following this style of training and nutrition cycling.

Now I have to admit, we were somewhat optimistic that the results would be
positive from our test subjects. After all, competitive bodybuilders have been doing
this for years, it has worked well for me, and it was working for Vince… But when
the final results came in we were SHOCKED to say the least…

We were hoping that our group of test subjects would be able to as well as Vince
did by gaining approximately 7 pounds over the course of the 21-day program. Even
if they gained a bit less, we would still have considered it a success. But our jaws
hit the floor when we seen that the “average” muscle gains that these guys were
making was 12 pounds of solid muscular bodyweight in just 21 days!

A lot of our test subjects were making better gains than even Vince did when he
first tried the program! Now granted most of our test subjects are not as advanced
as Vince. Many of them have only been working out for about a year or two, so it’s
easier to make fast gains when you are not as experienced. But still these results
were much greater than we ever expected.

Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no30
more than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building

And now you have the proven 21-Day Fast Mass Building System that our test
subjects used to make those rapid muscle gains! Not only that, but the version
you are reading right now has been tweaked, refined, and perfected based on the
feedback that we’ve gotten from our 100 initial program test subjects.

You are NOT going to be a “guinea pig” with this program. We’ve already put it to
the test and it works in the REAL World, by REAL People. You have the final refined
system right here, this is your very own “secret program” for gaining FAST MUSCLE
MASS in just 21 days!

Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no 31

more than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building

The Theory Behind
The Program…
I’ve got a question for you…

What’s The Most Anabolic Muscle Building Substance You Can Get Your Hands On?

… Is It A Black Market Steroid ? Nope.

… Is It The Latest Bodybuilding Supplement Stack ? Negative.

… Is It Some Exotic Herb From The Amazon Jungle ? Heck No!

The most anabolic substance known to man is “food”.

I’m dead serious about this. All the training, drugs, and supplements in the world
won’t build an ounce of muscle mass without proper nutrition and adequate
food intake. In fact when you get right down to it, the food you eat is the only real
“Anabolic Component” of your entire muscle-building regimen.
Going to the gym and working out is NOT anabolic. The workout itself is actually
catabolic and breaks down muscle tissue. Now granted it’s the stress of working

Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no32
more than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building

out that triggers the adaptation response within the muscles so that they get the
signal to become bigger and stronger. But it’s the food you eat that actually goes
towards building muscle tissue.

In fact I’ll go so far as to say that food is so anabolic that it can even build solid
muscle mass regardless if you lift weights or not!

Think I’ve lost my marbles and that I’m full of BS???

I’m not and I’ll prove it to you... Just go out in public and take a look around. You’ll
see lots of people who don’t even workout, many of who have never stepped foot
inside a gym before. Yet all of these people have muscle on their body.

The average adult male is made up of 42% skeletal muscle. Think about where all
that muscle came from… It had to be built from the food that was consumed along
with release of the body’s own natural anabolic hormones… Right?
(I mean where the heck else would it have come from?)

So the question is how do we harness this muscle building power that’s lying
dormant inside your body right now? Well the key is to understand exactly how
your body reacts hormonally to changes in your food intake.

The entire foundation of the 21-Day Fast Mass Building Program is to

strategically cycle your caloric intake to optimize lean muscle gains, while
minimizing the build up of excess bodyfat in the process.

For the first part of the program you need to prime your body with a low calorie diet
phase. This will prepare your body for the super compensation of the high calorie
mass building rebound phase that’s to follow.

Whenever you follow a restricted diet and eat less than your maintenance calorie
intake, this triggers your body’s metabolic processes to produce more hormones
and enzymes to efficiently store the food you eat as lean muscle.
It’s a survival mechanism that has been built into our genetic makeup over
thousands of years of evolution. When our caveman ancestors weren’t successful

Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no33
more than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building

in hunting and gathering food, they would often go several days (or weeks) with
little food to eat. This would trigger their bodies to get really good at making the
most out of any food they did eat.

So when they finally got that Big Woolly Mammoth and had the opportunity to
eat until their hearts content, their bodies were very efficient at shuttling that over
abundance of calories towards building lean muscle mass.

However, this survival mechanism is very smart and also works in the opposite
fashion as well. So if our caveman ancestors hit a lucky streak and kept on having
successful hunts and had lots of food to eat week after week. Their bodies actually
slowed down on the production of the muscle building hormones and geared up
the fat storing hormones instead.

You see a lean heavily muscled body burns A LOT of calories. From a survival point
of view having “some” muscle mass is good, but having “too much” muscle is bad.
Carrying around excess muscle mass would just speed up the metabolism and burn
a lot of extra calories. Similar to how a big V8 engine is going to guzzle a lot more
gas compared to a small 4 cylinder engine. So if our caveman ancestors burned
excessive amounts of calories, it would make it harder for them to survive periods
of famine when they did occur.

This hormonal shift happens after about 2 weeks of overeating. At this point the
body shifts from a primary focus on building lean muscle mass, to a primary focus
of storing the extra food consumed as bodyfat.

Remember “Little Billy” who we introduced earlier, he actually made great muscle
and strength gains during the first 2 weeks of his “Bulk Up” program, but after that
he started gaining more bodyfat than muscle.

Now from a caveman’s point of view this was actually a good thing, it’s one of the
key reasons why we survived as a species and got to evolve to where we are today.
That extra bodyfat gave us reserve energy to run on when food supplies were low.

Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no34
more than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building

But in today’s society with the abundance of food production, it’s very unlikely that
we’ll ever have to be so well prepared for a famine that we purposely carry around
an extra roll of blubber just in case we have nothing to eat for weeks at a time.

So with the abundance of good nutritious food that we have available today, why
not go all out and enjoy being that lean, mean, calorie guzzling, muscle machine!
Just like it’s a heck of a lot more fun to drive a high performance muscle car
(regardless of the gas mileage), it’s a heck of a lot more fun to live your life with a
high performance muscular physique!

Which Would You Prefer?

Puny Car... VS Muscle Car! 

Puny Body... VS Muscle Body!


Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no35
more than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building

chapter Calorie Cycling

For Muscle Growth…
Competitive bodybuilders will regularly cycle their calories for the purpose of
gaining lean muscle mass. They will follow an ultra strict diet before a competition
in effort to lose weight and get ripped to the bone shredded. Then right after the
competition is over they will purposely change their diets and gain back the weight
they lost, along with several pounds of additional new muscle mass. The end result
is they get bigger and more muscular with every single competition they do!



These pictures are of the author (Lee Hayward) and they really show 

the contract between a bodybuilder’s off-season shape and the ripped
conditioning that they achieve after months of pre-contest dieting.

Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no36
more than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building

These muscle-building results are not just limited to competitive bodybuilders
either. Even regular folks who cycle their food intake through typical “Yo-Yo
Dieting” gain lean muscle from it as well. However, the muscle gains are generally
not as dramatic with “average people” as they are with post-contest competitive

Yo-Yo Dieting…

Chances are you have probably heard the words

“Yo-Yo Dieting” brought up in conversation among
dieters and weight loss experts before. Basically
Yo-Yo Dieting, also known as weight cycling, is a
term that was coined by Kelly D. Brownell, Ph.D., at
Yale University, in reference to the cyclical up-down
motion of a yo-yo.

In this process, the dieter is initially successful in

the pursuit of weight loss but is unsuccessful in
maintaining the weight loss long-term and begins
to gain the weight back. The dieter then seeks to
lose the regained weight, and the cycle begins again.

Ok, so to translate that into English it basically means that a fat person goes on a
diet and they lose some weight. But after a while they get fed up with being on a
low calorie diet and feeling hungry all the time. So they ditch the diet, pig out, and
gain the weight back again.

Note: The whole process of Yo-Yo Dieting is very similar to what competitive
bodybuilders purposely do every single time they diet down and compete in a
bodybuilding competition.

Now most mainstream diet and weight loss gurus talk about Yo-Yo Dieting as a “bad”
thing that should be avoided. But when you actually take a deeper look into the

Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no 37

more than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building

topic, you’ll see that it’s not as bad as the weight loss gurus have made it out to be.

You’ll hear all kinds of myths and misconceptions about Yo-Yo Dieting… People say
stuff like… “it will ruin your metabolism”, “make you get fatter”, “make it harder to
lose weight again in the future” and the list goes on and on.

But when you do your homework you’ll see that the research doesn’t back up
these myths. In fact studies have shown that repeatedly cycling your caloric intake
actually increases your food efficiency and doesn’t “ruin your metabolism”.

While it’s true that most people will re-gain weight when they come off a diet.
What is NOT taken into consideration is the actual body composition of that re-
gained weight. There have been several studies that show a lot of the weight that’s
re-gained after a low calorie diet is actually lean muscle mass and NOT just excess

Whenever you drastically increase your food intake over base levels it increases
protein synthesis, it improves nitrogen retention, and it triggers your body to
produce more anabolic hormones such as IGF-1 (insulin like growth factor),
testosterone, and insulin.

In fact there was a study done by Forbes, et al., called “Hormonal Response To
Overfeeding”. In that study the test subjects went from eating a maintenance diet
to eating a diet that provided an extra 1,200 - 1,600 calories per day for a total of
21 days. The results from this study were quite eye opening and really show just
how powerful calorie cycling is for gaining muscular bodyweight.

First off, the study volunteers were adult women who did NOT do any weight
training exercise. Not only that, but the diet they ate during the study was very
LOW in protein (consisting of only 6% protein). Now just from that info alone you
wouldn’t expect to see any muscle gains from bunch of women who didn’t workout
and ate a low protein diet… Right?


Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no38
more than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building

Just the fact that they were in a significant caloric surplus was enough to elevate
their anabolic hormones. In fact their blood tests showed a progressive increase
in the 3 most powerful anabolic hormones; IGF-1, testosterone, and insulin which
actually peaked and doubled within 14 days!

This hormone spike was also accompanied by an equal impressive gain in solid
muscular bodyweight. By the end of the 21-day study the average lean muscle
gains for the group was 4 ½ pounds!

Now granted the ladies did gain a few pounds of bodyfat along with those
lean muscle gains, but isn’t it amazing how they still managed to gain muscle
WITHOUT weight training and by eating a LOW protein diet…

Can you imagine how much greater those lean muscle gains would have been if
the test subjects actually worked out with weights and ate a well balanced, high
nutrient, high protein muscle building meal plan!?

Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no39
more than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building

All Good Things Must Come To An End… (Or Maybe Not ?)

As impressive as these results are for both competitive bodybuilders and average
folks alike, the key thing to realize is that these fast muscle gains are only

Like I mentioned earlier, muscle gains come in spurts, it’s NOT a non-stop process.
Even in the Forbes study above, the increased levels of anabolic hormones peaked
out after 14 days of overeating. Then they started to decline back to base levels.

The same thing applies with competitive bodybuilders when they are “pigging out”
after a bodybuilding contest. Generally, they will make incredible muscle gains for
2 weeks before things start to plateau. After that if they continue eating excessive
amounts of calories beyond the 2 week mark those extra calories will get stored as
bodyfat, and NOT as lean muscle mass.

High calorie “Bulk Up” diets work great

for fast muscle gains initially…
But if you continue eating excessive
calories after 2 weeks you’ll
start gaining more inches to your belly,
than to your biceps…

This is the biggest draw back to

traditional Bodybuilding “Bulking”
Programs. Guys will go on a prolonged
high-calorie eating plan for 12 weeks at a time. Now granted they will make some
fast muscle gains initially when starting the program, but they quickly get to the
point where the gains in bodyfat are greater than the gains in lean muscle mass.

So do you want to know the “secret” strategy to avoiding these problems?

It’s simple… Implement Shorter & More Frequent Training & Nutrition Cycles!

Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no40
more than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building

Adaptation & Muscle Growth…

» Whenever you start a new fitness program you can usually make fantastic
progress for the first few weeks. But after that, the body starts to adjust to the
new program and the results come to a plateau.

This concept applies to both exercise AND nutrition…

» When you start a new workout routine, you’ll make your best strength
gains during the first few weeks of the program before they start to taper off.

» When you change your diet, you’ll see the fastest changes in body
composition during the first few weeks. After that your progress will slow
down to a snails pace.

» The body is very good at adapting to changes in our environment. So the rapid
progress that you make whenever you change your diet and training programs is
your body adapting and growing in response to the changes made.

Now there is no shortage of different training and nutrition programs to follow. And
you are going to hear mixed reviews on every single one of them. One person will
say that a particular program is awesome, while someone else may say that very
same program sucks.

However the results that someone makes from a particular program (or whether
they think is sucks or not) is not necessarily due to the workout or diet program
itself. But rather from the level of change that program provided compared to
what they were accustomed to doing previously.

You see the key thing you need to realize when it comes to building muscle is that:
Everything Works, But Nothing Works Forever…

The tendency for most people is to have an “either/or” approach. Very often this

Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no 41

more than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building

kind of thinking leaves the majority of us in a state of perpetual confusion when
it comes to designing and carrying out our training and nutrition programs.

You can’t stick to the same style of program forever and continue making progress.
Your body will adapt and your progress will level off. You need to provide unique
muscle stimulation, as well as unique dietary changes, to keep things progressing
forwards over the long term.

Now when most people first here about this they think:
“I’ll Just Keep Changing Things Up All The Time.”
That’s the basis of the whole “muscle confusion” theory.
And a lot of people mistakenly think that if they keep
changing their programs all the time, they’ll keep making
progress all the time.
But they are neglecting one key element…

In order for significant muscle growth to occur you have to give your body time to
adapt and grow from the program you are currently following before changing it
to something else.

So while change is good, you can’t be haphazard about it either. You need to have
a planned system and structure in place so that your body adapts and grows from
your current training and nutritional program, before you change things and move
on to another complementary program.

This is where most people who are stuck in a muscle-building plateau go wrong.
They are not following a structured plan that changes in accordance to the body’s
natural growth and recovery patterns.

That’s the secret to success with our 21-Day Fast Mass Building Cycle Program.
We’ll show you how to work with your body and cycle your diet and workouts so that
you make steady progress in muscle size and strength gains over the long-term.

Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no42
more than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building

The Anabolic Amplifier
2 Steps Forward, 1 Step Back…

If you’ve done any reading on the topic of fat loss, than I’m sure you are familiar
with the concept of cycling your calories. I’ve talked a bit about it in the previous
section with regards to “Yo-Yo Dieting”. But the common strategy that most weight
loss experts recommend these days is to cycle your calories during a fat loss diet to
prevent the metabolism from slowing down and hitting a fat loss plateau.

What researchers have found is that whenever you start a low calorie diet you can
make rapid fat loss progress for the first few weeks. But after that the body adjusts
to the low calorie diet and the fat loss results comes to a screeching halt.

So to overcome this problem people have incorporated different kinds of calorie

cycling variations. Having a “cheat day” or “high calorie re-feed days” planned into
the fat loss program helps to prevent your metabolism from adapting to the low
calorie diet. This bump in calories actually speeds up your overall fat loss results.

Not only that, but having a planned “Cheat Day” gives you a mental break as well.
Temporarily going off your diet satisfies your food cravings and makes the process
of following the fat loss program much more tolerable over the long term.

Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no43
more than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building

Now there have been tons of research articles published about this calorie cycling
concept from fat loss point of view. After all we live in an overweight society where
the average person wants to lose weight. But this same principle also applies in
reverse to muscle building as well. It just hasn’t been documented as much because
building muscle isn’t nearly as popular as losing fat.

So like we’ve already mentioned in the previous sections, whenever you drastically
increase your calorie intake over base levels your body will release higher amounts
of anabolic hormones to shuttle those extra calories towards lean muscle growth.
This elevated anabolic response continues for about 2 weeks. After that, the body
adapts to the higher calorie intake and your muscle growth progress hits a plateau.
This is when you need to temporarily back off on your food intake and “Re-Prime”
your body for another rapid growth “Rebound” phase.

The process of repeatedly cycling your diet with a low calorie “Primer Phase” and
then drastically switching to a high calorie “Overload Phase” is what we refer to as
the Anabolic Amplifier Effect.

The Anabolic Amplifier Effect

(2 steps forward, 1 step back)

Muscle Growth occurs in spurts, and with the Anabolic Amplifier Effect
you’ll make a rapid gains during the 2 week high calorie “Overload Phase”.
Then you’ll need switch to a 1 week low calorie “Primer Phase” to prepare
your body for the next anabolic growth spurt.

Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no44
more than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building

Cycling your calories like this not only helps you make better lean muscle gains,
but it also gives your digestive system a break from consuming excessive amounts
of food all the time. A lot of people don’t realize this, but following a high calorie
mass building eating plan is down right hard!

While it sounds fun initially to be able to eat a lot, it quickly becomes a chore.
Having to regularly consume over and above your maintenance calorie intake day
after day is very difficult. If you have ever followed a typical bulk up eating plan for
any length of time you know exactly what I’m talking about here.

Just like when you are following a fat loss diet and you look forward to a cheat day
when you can “pig out”. During a mass building phase you actually look forward to
low calorie days when you don’t have to eat so much.

The 21-Day Fast Mass Building System is based on those exact nutritional
cycling principles. The program is divided into 2 phases that complement one
another, and keeps your body on the “Anabolic Edge” for maximum muscle growth.

The first phase of the program is a 1-week low calorie “Primer Phase”. This will
give your digestive system a break, increase your insulin sensitivity, and elevate
hormones and enzymes so that your body becomes very efficient at storing the
food you eat as lean muscle.

Then once your body is primed for growth, we’ll switch gears and move into the
2-week high calorie “Overload Phase”. This will open up the floodgates for natural
anabolic hormone production (IGF-1, Testosterone, and Insulin). It’s during this
phase where you’ll literally be able to feel your body growing bigger and stronger
by the day!

In addition to cycling your nutritional program, we’re also cycle your training
routine. You see a HUGE mistake that bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts often
make is not matching their workouts so that they complement their diets.

Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no45
more than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building

Obviously, when you are following the low calorie “Primer Phase” you are not going
to have the same level of strength, muscle fullness, and power as you will when
following the high calorie “Overload Phase”.

So to go along with the “Primer Phase” we’re going to follow a fast paced
conditioning circuit routine that utilizes higher reps and more bodyweight exercises.
This lighter training phase will give your joints and tendons a break, and prep your
body for the heavy mass building power-training phase that’s to follow.

With the 21-Day Fast Mass Building System the scales are tipped in favour of
lean muscle growth, because you’ll spend the majority of your time in a caloric
surplus. While at the same time following a heavy mass building power-building
workout program, thus allowing you to grow bigger and stronger!

But you will not experience the metabolic pitfalls that are associated with
traditional long term bulking and heavy mass building workouts, because we’ll be
strategically “Re-Priming” your body with a brief period of lower calories and lighter
training every 3rd week.

This short low calorie “Primer Phase” will also allow you to trim off any excess
bodyfat that you may gain during the high calorie “Overload Phase”. This is a nice
little side benefit of the program that ensures you make LEAN muscle gains over
the long term.

With this system you’ll work WITH your body’s natural growth processes and
NOT against them. You’ll literally take 2 steps forwards and 1 step back with every
21-Day Fast Mass Building Cycle. And you can follow this program for as many
cycles as you like until you reach your desired level of muscular development!

Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no46
more than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building

Fast Mass Nutrition…
When it comes to building muscle, what you eat has a HUGE impact on your overall
results. In fact some “bodybuilding experts” even go so far as to say that nutrition is
responsible for 80% of your muscle building progress.

Now I certainly agree that nutrition is a very critical component, but I don’t like to
give it some random percentage value towards your muscle building gains. Instead
I like to zoom out and look at the big picture.

Building muscle comes down to 3 things…

Training, Nutrition, & Mindset. You need to have all 3 components in place in
order to make progress and achieve your fitness and physique goals.

Training: Obviously, you need to workout and place demands on the muscles in
order to give them a reason to grow bigger and stronger. You can consider weight
training as the spark that starts your body’s muscle building engine.

Nutrition: Once the spark is ignited you need to fuel it in order to get things rolling.
Without proper fuel and nourishment that muscle-building spark will quickly burn
out, and you’ll be left with nothing to show for your efforts.

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more than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building

Mindset: Finally you need to have the mental drive, desire, and vision to keep
on pushing forward. Your mindset is like the glue that holds the training and
nutritional components together over the long term in order to reap the muscle
building results you are striving for.

Each of these 3 components is like a leg of a tripod. If one leg is missing the whole
thing will just topple over and your progress will come to a screeching halt. Now
of all 3 of these equally important elements, the one that people usually have the
most trouble with is Proper Nutrition.

When you break down each part and really look into them individually, it’s no
wonder that nutrition is the most challenging…

You see for most people Training is actually the easy part. After all, you simply
have to go to the gym, workout for an hour, and then you are finished. You can
forget about it and carry on with the rest of your day.

But Nutrition isn’t like that. You can’t just do it once a day and forget about it.
Instead nutrition is an all day event because every few hours you have to plan
and eat a meal. And to make it every more complex our whole social life is based
around eating.

Whenever you visit family, it’s usually centered around having a meal together.
Whenever you hangout with your buddies it’s usually over drinks and snacks. This
can make following a proper muscle building nutrition program quite challenging,
especially when your family and friends don’t have the same muscle building goals
as you do.

Now obviously, no one can eat and train perfectly all the time. There will be times
when you skip meals, cheat on your diet, miss workouts, etc. but as long as you
focus on the big picture and stick to the plan most of the time, you’ll move yourself
in the right direction towards your muscle building goals.

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more than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building

The big take home point that I want you understand about Proper Nutrition is
that you should “Strive For Progress, NOT Perfection”. This is where the whole
Mindset component really comes into play.

You see a big mistake a lot of people make is falling into the All or Nothing trap.
So many people say to themselves; “If I can’t do it perfectly, then I won’t do it at
all.” They maybe super strict and meticulous about their eating for a few weeks in
a row, doing everything spot on and to the letter. But if they fall off the bandwagon
and mess up a little bit, they get discouraged, quit, and then go back to their old
eating habits.

The key to success with any program is being consistent with it over the long
term. You have one of the most well planned out training and nutrition programs
available right here in your hands. But if you are not consistent with it, you will not
get the results you want. Simple as that!

A killer tip that I learned from Dr. John Berardi, and one that I want to share with
you is: When it comes to real world results, there is virtually NO difference between
following a nutrition program perfectly 90% of the time, and following a nutrition
program perfectly 100% of the time.

And if you were so stubborn as to try and stick to a perfect nutrition program 100%
of the time, the stress you’d have to undertake and sacrifices you’d have to make in
your life would not be worth the messily extra bit of progress you’d make.

Having this 10% of leeway factored into your Nutrition Program makes it possible
to be social when needed and still stick to your program over the long term. So
when you have that big family BBQ get together, or you are out for a couple beers
with your buddies on a Friday night, you can simply count those as part of your
10% meals. And then just pick things back up for your very next meal.

I’ve been bodybuilding for over 20 years and I’ll be the first to admit that I’m not
perfect… I’ll sometimes give into my junk food cravings, I’ll miss a meal from time

Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no49
more than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building

to time, and I’ve been known to indulge in the occasional alcoholic beverage. But
because 90% of the time I do stick to a solid nutritional eating plan. I’m still able
to move in the right direction towards my muscle building goals.

So my advice to you when it comes to any nutrition program you follow; be it the
21-Day Fast Mass Building program or any other program you choose to follow,
make sure that you: “Strive For Progress, NOT Perfection”.

If you fall off the nutrition bandwagon (and most likely you will) just take it in
stride, chalk it up as one of your 10% not so perfect meals, and pick things up
where you left off for your very next meal.

This takes the stress out of

eating, because rather then
getting freaked out over every
little hiccup in your nutritional
program, you can stay focused
on the big picture and move
closer towards your ultimate
muscle building and physique
transformation goals.

Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no50
more than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building

The 21-Day Muscle Power Nutrition Plans

As was mentioned in the previous sections, the key to making rapid fast muscle
gains is to trigger your body to release natural anabolic hormones by implementing
The Anabolic Amplifier Effect. The main way we do this is by cycling back and
forth between the 7-day low calorie “Primer Phase” and the 14-day high calorie
“Overload Phase”.

The general guideline is to consume approximately 10 calories per pound of

bodyweight daily when following the low calorie “Primer Phase”, then when you
switch to the high calorie mass building “Overload Phase”, you will double that to
20 calories per pound of bodyweight.

These calorie guidelines have worked really well for the majority of people that we
have coached with this program. However, in some rare cases we needed to adjust
the caloric intake up or down for certain individuals. But everyone started their very
first 21-Day Fast Mass Building Cycle with the same basic nutritional guidelines.

To make this whole process easier to understand and follow, we’ve included a
separate Nutrition Guide Manual (it is a part of the complete download package).
In that manual we’ll break down the entire process of calculating your perfect
meal plans for both the low calorie “Primer Phase” and the high calorie “Overload

Rather then simply outlining a generic diet plan based only on caloric intake. We’ve
taken things to the next level and with specific nutrient timing strategies. This
way you’ll structure your meals so that all the food you eat gets shuttled towards
building lean mass, and not getting stored as excess bodyfat.

In fact this concept of nutrient timing is so powerful that most of our initial
21-Day Fast Mass Building Test Subjects actually LOST bodyfat while at the
same time building lean muscle. That’s pretty much unheard of with any other
mass building program!

Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no 51

more than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building

So when you are ready to start the actual program make sure go through the
Nutrition Guide Manual. Everything is broken down step-by-step you just need
to follow the guidelines exactly as they are outlined.

But for now, let’s move on and cover the training portion of the program. I want you
to grasp the full overview of how the entire 21-Day system fits together as a whole,
before we get bogged down in the nitty gritty details of number crunching.

Note: The Actual Calorie Intakes, Macro-Nutrient Ratios, & Nutrient Timing
Strategies For The Complete 21-Day Fast Mass Building Meal Plans Are Outlined
In the Nutrition Guide Manual.

Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no52
more than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building

Customer Offer Only!
The Done-For-You Muscle-Power $97.0
Nutrition Plans Value

Since what you eat and when you

eat is paramount in determining
whether you add muscle mass or
blubber, these done-for-you meal
plans were hand-designed by both
of us to optimize your results. These
are not some generic, computer-
generated meal plans that you can
find anywhere else.

Nor were these meal plans taken

from any of our previous programs.
These are 100% unique and brand
new and were created specifically
for the 21 Day Fast Mass Program
to make the implementation as
easy as possible – no guesswork

As long as you weigh between 100 pounds and 300 pounds, we have you covered!
Plus, the meal plans are accompanied by our proprietary Food Exchange List so
that you’ll always have a food substitute of equal nutrient quality.

The Done-For-You option is your no-brainer solution to save time and effort.
Let us do the work for you so you can begin growing right away!

Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no53
more than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building

Meal Plans:
1000 Calories 3000 Calories
1250 Calories 3200 Calories
1500 Calories 3600 Calories
1600 Calories 3800 Calories
1750 Calories 4000 Calories
2000 Calories 4400 Calories
2250 Calories 4600 Calories
2400 Calories 4800 Calories
2500 Calories 5200 Calories
2750 Calories 5600 Calories
2800 Calories 6000 Calories

As you can see, the total value of the “Done-For-Your Muscle-Power Meal
Plans” is a real world value of $97.00. Heck, if you were to hire a coach to design a
meal plan like ours for you, get ready to fork over at least $300 a month.

But since we want to give you an extra edge in maximizing your muscle potential,
and making the most of the next 21-days, we’re going to offer the entire
“Done-For-You Muscle Power Meal Plans”
not for $97.00 but at a full 70% off the retail price:

70% $97.00 $29.95

O Fil PFrice
Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no54
more than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building

Fast Mass Workouts…
When it comes to your workouts the main thing you need to focus on is making
gradual progress overtime. A bigger muscle is a stronger muscle (and vice versa).
So by making your main training focus on gaining muscular strength, you’ll also
gain muscular size!

Now there are all kinds of workout routines that you can follow; from total body
workouts, to dozens of different body part split routines, and countless set and rep
patterns that you could implement within those workout routines.

And you know what, they ALL work to a certain extent. You could talk to 10 very
successful bodybuilders and ask them to explain their workout routine to you, and
chances are you would get 10 totally different answers.

Just like I mentioned before, when it comes to building muscle:

Everything Works, But Nothing Works Forever…

That is probably the most important thing to remember for making consistent
progress with your workouts. You can follow most any type of workout routine and
you will make good progress for the first few weeks (provided that you are getting
adequate nutrition, rest, etc.). But generally after a few weeks of following a set
workout program your progress will slow down and eventually you will no longer
make progress with that routine.

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more than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building

Our bodies are very smart and naturally accommodate to stress. Your body will add
as little muscle as necessary to get the job done. This is why construction workers
get only big enough to handle the exact amount of “lifting” they do during a days
work and no bigger, even though they are doing physical work all day long.

Adding muscle is a very unnatural thing to your body. You must constantly throw
curve balls at your muscles to get them to grow. Now from my own personal
experience of having coached hundreds of people one-on-one in the gym (and
indirectly coaching tens of thousands of people online), I have found that most
people make their best muscle and strength gains within the first 2-3 weeks of
starting a new workout program.

Whenever you do a new workout routine, or a new exercise, it is a total shocker to

your body. That’s why you very often feel awkward and uncoordinated when doing
new exercises and you usually experience delayed onset muscle soreness that lasts
for a few days afterwards.

However, each time you do that new routine it gets easier and easier. You start
to feel more comfortable as your body gets accustomed to the exercises. You
feel stronger and eventually you will no longer get sore from doing that workout
anymore. In other words your body adapts and your muscles grow.

But the problem is that once you adapt to a workout routine, your muscle growth
slows down and you reach a training plateau. This is where 99% of all gym
members are stuck. Most of the regulars that you see in the gym day after day look
no different now then they did this time last year. And chances are they’ll probably
look exactly the same this time next year (if they are still working out).

Now while you should constantly strive to increase the weights you lift with progressive
overload. This is actually the hardest and slowest way to go about making progress.
Now don’t get me wrong, progressive overload is VERY important and does provide
new muscle stimulation. But the “easiest” and “fastest” way to stimulate growth is
with new training stimulus in the form of new workouts and new exercises.

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more than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building

Whenever you do a new exercise, you’ll make strength gains really fast with that
exercise. To give you an example of this, just think back to the first time you did
deadlifts. (Note: I hope you are doing deadlifts, and if you aren’t, then now would be
a good time to start :-)

When you did your first deadlift you may have worked up to 135 pounds on the
barbell. Chances are you struggled and felt awkward doing them. After all, it does
take some practice to get the technique and coordination down pat. Most likely
you felt sore throughout your back, hips, and hamstrings for a few days afterwards.
As a lot of novice lifters will say: “I worked muscles I never knew I had”.

The next time you did deadlifts chances are the weights felt much lighter and you prob-
ably worked up to lifting at least 20+ pounds more then the first time you did them.
And they probably felt less awkward to perform the second time around as well.

The third time you did deadlifts you probably added another 20+ pounds to the bar
and performed them with even better form again. This kind of rapid progress and
strength gains usually keeps up for a few weeks before it starts to taper off.

Granted some of the fast strength gains will come from improved lifting technique,
but a lot of it also comes from the unique muscle stimulation provided by the new
exercise routine. So if you want to make the fastest muscle gains possible you must
go through the process of regularly selecting new exercises and workouts and then
let your body adapt and grow.

Now here in the 21-Day Fast Mass Building program, Vince and I have included
several different workout programs that you can follow. Each one will provide
different forms of training variety and unique muscle stimulation.

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more than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building

Fitness Model Workout:
This program focuses mainly on building muscular endurance and fitness
conditioning through the use of Extended Sets. This is a killer way to stimulate
new muscle growth by keeping your muscles under tension for longer periods of

Muscle Model Workout:

This program focuses mainly on muscle hypertrophy with traditional bodybuilding
set and rep patterns. But we kick up the training intensity with the addition of
2 advanced training techniques: Forced Reps and Strip Setting.

Hardcore Bodybuilder Workout:

This is a Power Building program that focuses building dense muscular mass with
multiple sets of heavy weights and low reps. Supplemented with some smaller
isolation exercises to target all angles of the muscles.

Bodyweight 500 Workout:

This is a fast paced bodyweight conditioning workout routine that you can
incorporate during the low calorie “Primer Phase” of the program. It’s a great
change of pace from the typical bodybuilding style weight training workout

And because the 21-Day Fast Mass Building program is a 3-week training cycle,
it fits in perfectly with the time frame for making rapid muscle and strength gains.
You could literally follow a different workout with each cycle through the program.

This way you’ll not only be maximizing your muscle gains through the Anabolic
Amplifier Effect of the nutritional cycling, but you’ll also be maximizing your
strength gains through unique muscle stimulation from the different workout
routines. Your friends, family, and fellow gym members are going to be shocked by
the rapid transformation you make from this strategic mass building program. They
are going to want to know what the heck you are doing to grow so fast…
And it’s up to you whether or not you tell them 

Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no58
more than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building

Pre-Workout Warm-Up Routine

Prior to hitting the gym floor for your actual weight-training routine, you should
take some time to warm-up and mentally prepare yourself for the workout that’s
to follow. I’m going to outline my personal pre-workout “warm-up ritual” that I do
at the beginning of each and every workout.

I’ll start my workout with 5-10 minutes of moderate intensity cardio that moves the
total body. My personal favorite warm-up cardio is using the rower or the elliptical
machine with the moving arm handles. This will help circulate blood flow throughout
the entire body, increase your core temperature, and get a light sweat going.

Now if you don’t have a rower or elliptical at your gym don’t worry about it, just use
whatever cardio machines you have available. After the cardio I’ll go through the
following series of exercises to warm-up all my major muscle groups.

Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no59
more than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building

Arm Circles: 20 rotations forward and 20 rotations backwards (repeat 2 times).

Rotator Cuff Rotations: 2 sets of 20 reps using 5 pound dumbbells.

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more than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building

External Rotator Cuff Rotations: 2 sets of 20 reps using 5 pound dumbbells.

Standing Dumbbell Flyes: 2 sets of 20 reps using 5 pound dumbbells.

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more than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building

Diagonal Dumbbell Flyes (each side): 2 sets of 20 reps using 5 pound dumbbells.

Twisting From Side To Side: 2 sets of 20 reps.

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more than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building

Bodyweight Squats: 2 sets of 20 reps.

You’ll notice that I do a fair bit of warm-up for the shoulders / rotator cuff here.
The reason for this is because shoulder injuries are quite common in the gym, and
the main cause is simply not warming up properly before lifting heavy weights.

Your shoulders are a very critical area. They are involved with virtually every
upper body exercise you do. Plus they also come into play with a lot of lower body
exercises as well. For example, holding a barbell across your back while squatting
and grabbing a barbell while deadlifting places a lot of stress on the shoulders

Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no63
more than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building

in a static contraction. If you suffer a shoulder injury it can literally hamper your
workouts for all bodyparts. So it’s best to play it safe and warm-up properly before

After this “warm-up ritual” I’ll move into the actual scheduled workout routine for
that day. But even though I’ve already done the cardio and the warm-up exercises
listed above, I’ll still start off light for each and every weight training exercise and
do as many progressively heavier warm-up sets as I feel I need before moving to my
top working weight.

You should NEVER skip on your warm-ups. Granted they will add an extra 10 or 20
minutes or so to your workout time. But if you don’t do them and get injured, you
could be unable to workout for several weeks while you are laid up and recovering
from that injury. So make sure that you ALWAYS take the time to do a proper

Progressively Heavier Warm-Up Sets…

There is a lot of confusion when it comes to doing warm-up sets. While most
workout programs are very detailed in outlining the actual workout routine itself,
they are usually very vague when it comes to talking about warm-up sets. The
general description for warm-ups is simply “Do as many warm-up sets as you feel
you need.”

The problem is that most people don’t really know how many warm-up sets they
need. I’ll often get asked questions such as:

» How many warm-up sets do you have to do?

» How much weight do you lift for a warm-up set?

» Do you have to do a warm-up for every single exercise?

» Etc…

Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no64
more than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building

And just like with a lot of things, there is no right or wrong answer to those
questions. It’s going to vary from person to person as well as from exercise to
exercise. But I’m going to outline some general warm-up set guidelines that you
can start with and as you get more experienced you can customize them based on
your results.

One thing you need to understand is that the more advanced you get, the more
warm-up sets you’ll need. Just think about it; the more advanced you are, the
stronger you are, and the more force you are able to generate.

For example, an advanced bodybuilder who can squat 400 pounds is going to need
to perform a lot more warm-up sets than a novice who can only squat 100 pounds.
The heavier you lift, the more warm-up sets you need to do. This also applies to the
different exercises you do within your actual workout. You’ll need a lot more warm-
up sets for a 300 pound deadlift than you will for a 30 pound dumbbell curl.

I’m going to give you some sample numbers from my own personal workouts. This
way you can get an idea of how I go about my warm-up sets and how I transition
from light warm-up sets, to progressively heavier warm-up sets, and up to my
top working weight sets. Now obviously the weights listed are just for example
purposes. The weights you lift in your own workouts may be lower (or higher)
depending on your personal strength levels.

Sample Bench Press Workout Warm-Up:

Empty Bar X 10 reps (light warm up set)
95 pounds X 10 reps (light warm up set)
135 pounds X 10 reps (light warm up set)
185 pounds X 5 reps (moderate warm up set)
225 pounds X 5 reps (heavy warm up set)
275 pounds X 5 reps (top working weight)

I work my way up doing several progressively heavier warm-up sets until I get up
to my top working weight. You’ll notice that when I get to the “moderate warm-up

Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no65
more than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building

sets” I actually drop my reps down to 5 per set. This is to conserve energy for my
top weight working sets. I still want to warm-up to prevent injury, but I don’t want
to tire myself out, so I’ll keep the reps low.

Once I get to my top weight, I’ll do my working sets; 3 sets of 10 reps, 5 sets of
5 reps, etc. or what ever my scheduled workout is for that day.

Sample Squat Workout Warm-Up:

Empty Bar X 10 reps (light warm up set)
95 pounds X 10 reps (light warm up set)
135 pounds X 10 reps (light warm up set)
185 pounds X 10 reps (moderate warm up set)
225 pounds X 5 reps (moderate warm up set)
275 pounds X 5 reps (heavy warm up set)
315 pounds X 5 reps (top working weight)

Again, I’ll use a similar pattern here as I did with the bench press. But because it
is a heavier exercise I’ll do more warm-up sets.

Sample Deadlift Workout Warm-Up:

Empty Bar X 10 reps (light warm up set)
95 pounds X 10 reps (light warm up set)
135 pounds X 10 reps (light warm up set)
225 pounds X 10 reps (light warm up set)
275 pounds X 5 reps (moderate warm up set)
315 pounds X 5 reps (moderate warm up set)
365 pounds X 5 reps (heavy warm up set)
405 pounds X 5 reps (top working weight)

The weights increments used in these examples go along with the standard
weights used at most commercial gyms. 45 pound barbells, 45 pound weight
plates, 25 pound weight plates, etc. You can adjust your own personal warm-up set

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more than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building

weights accordingly. However, everyone should start with an empty bar warm-up
set and then perform several progressively heavier warm-ups until you get up to
your top working weight.

You can perform these warm up sets in a fairly fast pace. You won’t need to take
long rest periods between sets, especially for the lighter sets, as they will not be
physically exhausting. But as you get into your heavier warm-up sets you may want
to take a minute or two rest between sets.

Generally most workouts start with the big heavy compound exercises first and
then move on to smaller isolation exercises afterwards. With smaller exercises you
won’t need to go through as many warm-up sets. The weights lifted will be much
lighter and your body will already be physically warmed up by this stage of your
workout. The purpose of doing lighter warm-up sets here is to just prepare your
body for mechanics of the actual exercise you are going to be doing.

Most people feel stronger on their 2nd set of an exercise. During your 1st set you
may have lots of energy, but you are not totally in the groove of doing the exercise.
By the time you do your 2nd set your body is in the groove of the movement and
you’ll generally feel stronger. Then with each set after that, fatigue comes into play
and your strength will gradually decline as you muscles get tired.

So getting your body comfortable with the exercise mechanics is another reason
for doing lighter warm-up sets. This way you’ll get in the groove of the exercise
with a lighter warm-up set and then be able to go 100% with your actual working
weight sets.

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more than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building

This is how my weights may go when warming up for smaller exercises…

Sample Dumbbell Curl Workout Warm-Up:

20 pound dumbbells X 10 reps (light warm up set)
30 pound dumbbells X 10 reps (moderate warm up set)
40 pound dumbbells X 10 reps (top working weight)

Sample Seated Cable Row Workout Warm-Up:

100 pounds X 10 reps (light warm up set)
150 pounds X 10 reps (moderate warm up set)
200 pounds X 10 reps (top working weight)

Once you are in the middle of your workout and physically warmed up, all you need
to do is perform a quick warm-up set with approx. 50% of your top weight, another
warm-up set with approx. 75% of your top weight, and then move right into your
top working weight for that exercise. This will be plenty to get your body in the
groove of the exercise and give it your all for the actual heavy working sets.

If you strictly follow these guidelines for doing progressively heavier warm-up sets
during your workouts you’ll greatly reduce your risk of injury. You’ll also improve
your lifting technique and enhance the overall results from your weight training

Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no68
more than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building

2 1 Day
Fast Ma s s B u i l d i n g
Fitness Model Workout
Basic Introduction
» Always consult a physician before beginning this or any exercise program.

» Complete a thorough warm-up as described in the section: “Pre-Workout Warm-

Up Routine” before commencing the Fitness Model Workout.

» For maximal fat burning during the low calorie Primer Phase, 40-minutes of low
intensity cardio such as walking on the Stairmaster or walking on a steep incline of
a treadmill is strongly recommended.

» For maximal muscle-growth during the high calorie Overload Phase, cut your
cardio to about half of what you do during the Primer Phase. You can still do your
cardio warm up / cool down as normal. But limit yourself to 3 easy sessions per
week. No need to push the cardio hard during the Overload Phase.

Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no69
more than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building

Safety & More Recommendations
» Safety Step #1: Master proper exercise technique with a slow and controlled
tempo with a full range of motion.
» Safety Step #2: Master a strong and steady lifting speed before increasing

» Safety Step #3: Keep increasing poundage but never sacrifice technique, range
of motion or speed for extra weight.

Summary of Progression to Increase Intensity: Smooth & controlled movement

-> Full range of motion -> Increase lifting speed -> Add resistance.

Method behind the madness:

» The Power of Extended Sets! Instead of just dropping the weight at the end
of set, we’re going to focus on muscle growth by increasing the number of reps
threefold by using extended-sets. The primary goal of bodybuilding training is to
figure out ways to keep a set going despite having nothing left in the tank. There
are many options to keeping a set going: partial reps, forced reps, drop sets but
none of these allow you to do complete self-supported, full range reps using the
same weight.

» So how can you continue on using a full range of motion without having to
change the load? The answer lies in biomechanics. By quickly switching up your
foot stance, grip, angle on a bench, you can in fact continue your set beyond failure
using constant weight because the weight actually feels lighter in certain positions.
And check this out, you’re not limited to one switch - you can incorporate multiple
switches that really smash your muscle-building threshold. This is a completely
new experience and one we’ve never revealed in any other program.

» Go From Hardest To Easiest. You’ll notice that each variation of an exercise

begins with the harder movement and extends to the easier movement. Every time
you transition to an easier position you’re gaining a mechanical advantage and
you’ll find room for a few more reps so you can go to failure again.

Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no70
more than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building

» Finish Stronger Then You Started. The primary principle behind extended sets
is to begin with movements that start you in the weakest mechanical position (i.e.
wide grip overhand pull-ups are far more challenging than close grip underhand chin-
ups). You will apply this principle to every single muscle group. By finishing with the
naturally stronger positions you can finish every set stronger then you started.

» Extended Sets Equals Non Stop Muscle Gains. For all exercises you’ll begin
with a weight you can do for 8-12 reps. You will not need to do any forced reps or
drop sets since the failure is built into each extended set exercise. Here are a number
of benefits of training this way: since you’re not moving through as many exercises
and you’re targeting the same muscle group from the same work station you’ll save
a lot of time in the gym so the Fitness Model Workout is excellent if you’re limited
for time.

Don’t interpret that as the program being easier though. Often times, shorter
workouts mean higher intensity and a more gruelling training session, so don’t think
we let you off the hook! You’ll find Extended Sets help you train beyond failure,
achieve a better pump, breakdown more tissue, allow your muscle to experience
longer time under tension, achieve more work in less time, add more angles and
are more time efficient. Combine this with the power of the Anabolic Amplifier
Effect from the nutrition program we included and you’re going to experience some
serious growth.

Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no more
71 than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building

Program Guidelines:

» The 4 day Fitness Model Workout will be used for the entire 21 day cycle on a
three-on/one-off/three-on/one-off and repeat.

Here’s a sample week

day exercise
Day 1 Chest, Shoulders and Triceps
Day 2 Quads, Hams and Calves
Day 3 Back, Biceps and Abs
Day 4 Off
Day 5 Triceps, Shoulders and Chest
Day 6 Calves, Hams and Quads
Day 7 Abs, Biceps and Back
Day 7 Off
Repeat The Cycle
Note: It doesn’t really matter what days of the week your workouts fall on. The only thing that
really matters is that you follow the order of workouts as they are outlined above.

Notice: Every time you go through the three-day split you will switch the order of body parts
upside down. This is intentionally designed to give smaller muscle groups a chance to train first
while fresh and to provide equal development and prevent imbalances.

» During the low calorie Primer Phase the primary goal is maximal fat loss and
caloric expenditure to set up the Anabolic Amplifier Effect. Since the Fitness
Model Workout already uses a higher frequency of training, you can simply add in
30+ minutes of cardio per day. You can perform the cardio immediately after your
weight training or at another time of the day that fits your schedule.

Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no 72

more than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building

Here’s a sample Primer Phase SCHEDULE
day AM - CARDO PM - exercise
Monday (Day 1) 30 minutes Chest, Shoulders and Triceps
Tuesday (Day 2) 30 minutes Quads, Hams, Calves
Wednesday (Day 3) 30 minutes Back, Biceps and Abs
Thursday (Day 4) Off/Rest Off/Rest
Friday (Day 5) 30 minutes Chest, Shoulders and Triceps
Saturday (Day 6) 30 minutes Quads, Hams, Calves
Sunday (Day 7) 30 minutes Back, Biceps and Abs
Monday (Day 8) Off/Rest Off/Rest
Repeat The Cycle...

Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no 73

more than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building

» During the Overload Phase the primary goal is maximal muscle growth
and caloric retention. Keep your cardio to no more than 3 easy sessions per
week in addition to your workout warm up / cool down routine.

» If you like to organize your workouts so they fit inline with a weekly
schedule, rather than running through the weekends, you can follow this
schedule below:

Here’s a sample week

day exercise
Monday: Day 1 Chest, Shoulders and Triceps
Tuesday: Day 2 Quads, Hams and Calves
Wednesday: Day 3 Off
Thursday: Day 4 Back, Biceps and Abs
Friday: Day 5 Triceps, Shoulders and Chest
Saturday: Day 6 Off
Sunday: Day 7 Off
Monday: Day 8 Calves, Hams and Quads,
Tuesday: Day 9 Abs, Biceps and Back
Wednesday: Day 10 Off
Thursday: Day 11 Chest, Shoulders and Triceps
Friday: Day 12 Back, Biceps and Abs
Saturday: Day 13 Off
Sunday: Day 14 Off
Repeat The Cycle...
Note: It doesn’t really matter what days of the week your workouts fall on. The only thing
that really matters is that you follow the order of workouts as they are outlined above.

Notice: Every time you go through the three-day split you will switch the order of body
parts upside down. This is intentionally designed to give smaller muscle groups a chance
to train first while fresh and to provide equal development and prevent imbalances.

Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no74
more than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

Fitness Model Training Program

Note: All exercises should be proceeded with a proper warm up as outlined in the
“Pre-Workout Warm-Up Routine”
Chest Incline Dumbbell Press 3-4 8-12
Flat-Bench Dumbbell Press 3-4 8-12
Decline Dumbbell Press 3-4 8-12 2 min.
*After you complete all 3 exercises back-to-back, rest for 2 minutes.
Repeat for a total of 3-4 Extended Set circuits.
Shoulders Bent-Over Lateral Raise 3-4 8-12
Seated T-Lateral Raises 3-4 8-12
Standing Overhead Dumbell Press 3-4 8-12 2 min.
*After you complete all 3 exercises back-to-back, rest for 2 minutes.
Repeat for a total of 3-4 Extended Set circuits.
Triceps Lying Barbell Skull Crushers 3-4 8-12
Close Grip Presses 3-4 8-12
Bench Dips 3-4 8-12 2 min.
*After you complete all 3 exercises back-to-back, rest for 2 minutes.
Repeat for a total of 3-4 Extended Set circuits.
DAY TWO – Quadriceps, Hamstrings & Calves
Note: All exercises should be proceeded with a proper warm up as outlined in the
“Pre-Workout Warm-Up Routine”
Quadriceps Front Squat (Narrow Stance) 3-4 8-12
Front Squat (Wide Stance) 3-4 8-12 2 min.
*After you complete all 2 exercises back-to-back, rest for 2 minutes.
Repeat for a total of 3-4 Extended Set circuits.
Hamstrings Back Squat (Narrow Stance) 3-4 8-12
Back Squat (Wide Stance) 3-4 8-12 2 min.
*After you complete all 2 exercises back-to-back, rest for 2 minutes.
Repeat for a total of 3-4 Extended Set circuits.
Calves Seated Calf Press 3-4 20-30
Standing Calf Press 3-4 20-30 2 min.
*After you complete all 2 exercises back-to-back, rest for 2 minutes.
Repeat for a total of 3-4 Extended Set circuits.

Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no more
75 than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

Fitness Model Training Program

DAY THREE – Back, Biceps, & Abs
Note: All exercises should be proceeded with a proper warm up as outlined in the
“Pre-Workout Warm-Up Routine”
Back Bent-Over Barbell Row (Wide Grip) 3-4 8-12
Bent-Over Barbell Row (Narrow Grip) 3-4 8-12
Bent-Over Barbell Row (Reverse Grip) 3-4 8-12 2 min.
*After you complete all 3 exercises back-to-back, rest for 2 minutes.
Repeat for a total of 3-4 Extended Set circuits.
Biceps Reverse Barbell Curl 3-4 8-12
Wide-Grip Barbell Curl 3-4 8-12
Close-Grip Barbell Curl 3-4 8-12 2 min.
*After you complete all 3 exercises back-to-back, rest for 2 minutes.
Repeat for a total of 3-4 Extended Set circuits.
Abs Hanging Knee Raise 3-4 15-20
Weighted Knee Crunch 3-4 failure 2 min.
*After you complete all 2 exercises back-to-back, rest for 2 minutes.
Repeat for a total of 3-4 Extended Set circuits.
Note: All exercises should be proceeded with a proper warm up as outlined in the
“Pre-Workout Warm-Up Routine”
Triceps Lying Barbell Skull Crushers 3-4 4-8
Close Grip Presses 3-4 4-8
Bench Dips 3-4 4-8 2 min.
*After you complete all 3 exercises back-to-back, rest for 2 minutes.
Repeat for a total of 3-4 Extended Set circuits.
Shoulders Bent-Over Lateral Raise 3-4 4-8
Seated T-Lateral Raises 3-4 4-8
Standing Overhead Dumbell Press 3-4 4-8 2 min.
*After you complete all 3 exercises back-to-back, rest for 2 minutes.
Repeat for a total of 3-4 Extended Set circuits.
Chest Incline Dumbbell Press 3-4 4-8
Flat-Bench Dumbbell Press 3-4 4-8
Decline Dumbbell Press 3-4 4-8 2 min.
*After you complete all 3 exercises back-to-back, rest for 2 minutes.
Repeat for a total of 3-4 Extended Set circuits.

Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no more
76 than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

Fitness Model Training Program

DAY SIX – Calves, Hamstrings & Quadriceps
Note: All exercises should be proceeded with a proper warm up as outlined in the
“Pre-Workout Warm-Up Routine”
Calves Seated Calf Press 3-4 20-30
Standing Calf Press 3-4 20-30 2 min.
*After you complete all 2 exercises back-to-back, rest for 2 minutes.
Repeat for a total of 3-4 Extended Set circuits.
Hamstrings Back Squat (Narrow Stance) 3-4 8-12
Back Squat (Wide Stance) 3-4 8-12 2 min.
*After you complete all 2 exercises back-to-back, rest for 2 minutes.
Repeat for a total of 3-4 Extended Set circuits.
Quadriceps Front Squat (Narrow Stance) 3-4 8-12
Front Squat (Wide Stance) 3-4 8-12 2 min.
*After you complete all 2 exercises back-to-back, rest for 2 minutes.
Repeat for a total of 3-4 Extended Set circuits.
DAY SEVEN – Abs, Biceps & Back
Note: All exercises should be proceeded with a proper warm up as outlined in the
“Pre-Workout Warm-Up Routine”
Abs Hanging Knee Raise 3-4 15-20
Weighted Knee Crunch 3-4 failure 2 min.
*After you complete all 2 exercises back-to-back, rest for 2 minutes.
Repeat for a total of 3-4 Extended Set circuits.
Biceps Reverse Barbell Curl 3-4 8-12
Wide-Grip Barbell Curl 3-4 8-12
Close-Grip Barbell Curl 3-4 8-12 2 min.
*After you complete all 3 exercises back-to-back, rest for 2 minutes.
Repeat for a total of 3-4 Extended Set circuits.
Back Bent-Over Barbell Row (Wide Grip) 3-4 8-12
Bent-Over Barbell Row (Narrow Grip) 3-4 8-12
Bent-Over Barbell Row (Reverse Grip) 3-4 8-12 2 min.
*After you complete all 3 exercises back-to-back, rest for 2 minutes.
Repeat for a total of 3-4 Extended Set circuits.

ABOUT YOUR FIRST 7 DAYS OF TRAINING: This is the Primer Phase performed on lower calories but with a high
energy expenditure to set up the anabolic amplifier effect to occur next week. This phase doesn’t allow you to drop
the weight when you finish a set. You’ll be maximizing muscle retention, metabolism and muscular endurance and
strength by increasing your reps up to threefold by harnessing the power of extended-sets training. The additional
30-minutes of easy cardio will ensure your maximizing fat loss the first 7-days. Get ready to GROW fast next week.

Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no more
77 than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

2 1 Day
Fast M a s s B u i l d i n g
Muscle Model Workout
Basic Introduction
» Always consult a physician before beginning this or any exercise program.

» Complete a thorough warm-up as described in the section “Pre-Workout Warm-

Up Routine” before commencing the Muscle Model Workout.

» For maximal fat burning during the low calorie Primer Phase, 45 minutes of low
intensity cardio such as walking on the Stairmaster or walking on a steep incline of
a treadmill is strongly recommended.

» For maximal muscle-growth during the high calorie Overload Phase, cut your
cardio to about half of what you do during the Primer Phase. You can still do your
cardio warm up / cool down as normal. But limit yourself to 3 easy sessions per
week. No need to push the cardio hard during the Overload Phase.


21 Day Fast Mass Building

Safety & More Recommendations
» Safety Step #1: Master proper exercise technique with a slow and controlled
tempo with a full range of motion.

» Safety Step #2: Master a strong and steady lifting speed before increasing

» Safety Step #3: Keep increasing poundage but never sacrifice technique, range
of motion or speed for extra weight.

Summary of Progression to Increase Intensity: Smooth & controlled movement

-> Full range of motion -> Increase lifting speed -> Add resistance.

Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no79
more than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building

Method behind the madness:
» The 4-Day Muscle Model Workout will be on a; 2 days on, 1 day off, 1 day on, 1 day
off schedule. Here’s a sample week:

Here’s a sample week

day exercise
Monday Shoulders and Triceps
Tuesday Legs
Wednesday Off
Thursday Chest and Bis
Friday Off
Saturday Back
Sunday Off

» During the “Primer Phase” the primary goal is maximal fat loss and caloric
expenditure to set you up for the Anabolic Amplifier Effect. Incorporate at
least 45 minutes of cardio a day for at least six days. You can perform the cardio
immediately after your weights or at another time of the day. Here is a sample

Here’s a sample SCHEDULE

day AM - CARDO PM - exercise
Monday 45 minutes Shoulders and Triceps
Tuesday 45 minutes Legs
Wednesday 45 minutes Off
Thursday 45 minutes Chest and Bis
Friday 45 minutes Off
Saturday 45 minutes Back
Sunday Off Off

» During the Overload Phase the primary goal is maximal muscle growth and
caloric retention. Keep your cardio to no more than 3 easy sessions per week in

Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no80
more than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building

addition to your workout warm up / cool down routine.

» 8-12 Reps Baby! I have trained all sorts of rep ranges and when it comes
time to pick the most anabolic rep range, 8 to 12 reps per set is the money range.
Anything less and it can become a challenge to get good form when performing
each rep and anything higher is simply not heavy enough to force maximal mass in
our short 21-day window.

» 3-4 Sets Baby! We are firm believers that performing multiple sets of an
exercise and pushing yourself to the limit with every working set is necessary for
generating high intensity and providing maximum stimulation to completely
destroy the muscles and spur on new growth.

» Forced Reps and Strip Setting! These are the only two advanced and high
intensity techniques you’ll rely on during the Muscle Model Workout. Strip setting
should be done on your third and fourth set of every exercise. A typical strip set
should be an additional 8-12 reps, which will require you to strip the weight 50-
70%. You can also employ forced reps on your third and fourth sets to reach your
8-12 rep range followed by your strip set. Bottom line: your third and fourth sets
should be all out sets where you leave nothing to spare. But don’t ever sacrifice
your lifting form for safety reasons.

» 60 Seconds Rest. This is the most anabolic rest period because it elicits the
most natural testosterone and growth hormone into your system. If you’re training
with a partner, simply go back and forth and if you’re alone, use a stopwatch to
keep the rest periods measured and honest.

Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no 81

more than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building

» How Much Weight. You should pyramid your weights up with each set and each
workout. Here is an example.

Week 1:
1st set - 12 reps @75 lbs
2nd set - 10 reps @80 lbs
3rd set - 8 reps @85 lbs + Strip Set of 8 reps at 40-50 lbs
4th set - 8 reps @85 lbs + Strip Set of 8 reps at 40-50 lbs
Week 2:
1st set - 12 reps @80 lbs
2nd set - 10 reps @85 lbs
3rd set - 8 reps @90 lbs + Strip Set of 8 reps at 40-50 lbs
4th set - 8 reps @90 lbs + Strip Set of 8 reps at 40-50 lbs
Week 3:
1st set - 12 reps @85 lbs
2nd set - 10 reps @90 lbs
3rd set - 8 reps @95 lbs + Strip Set of 8 reps at 40-50 lbs
4th set - 8 reps @95 lbs + Strip Set of 8 reps at 40-50 lbs

*After 21 days your strength should have gone up 5 to 10 pounds on all smaller
bodyparts and about 10-30 pounds on all larger bodyparts.

*Remember, you can perform 1-2 warm up sets before each exercise but for no more
than 10-12 reps and 50% of your top working weight. Do not count these as work

Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no82
more than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building

Program Guidelines:

» Due to the extreme work demand I don’t recommend a lot of freedom in its
application. I suggest doing 2 days on, 1 day off, 1 day on, 1 day off, 1 day on, 1 day off.
Repeat this format for the entire 21 days so you’ll perform each workout once per

» You can use the same weight training routine for the “Primer Phase” and
“Overload Phase”. The lighter starting weights will work will along with the low
calorie “Primer Phase” and then your training weights will get heavier as you
transition into the high calorie “Overload Phase”. The cardio deficit is established
via the 45-minute cardio routines during the low calorie “Primer Week”.

Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no83
more than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

Muscle Model Training Program

DAY ONE – Shoulders & Triceps
Note: All exercises should be proceeded with a proper warm up as outlined in the
“Pre-Workout Warm-Up Routine”
Shoulders Behind The Neck Barbell Press 3-4 8-12* 60 sec.
Seated Military Press 3-4 8-12* 60 sec.
Upright Cable Rows 3-4 8-12* No Rest
Super Set With
Front Cable Raises 3-4 8-12* 90 sec.
Dumbbell Lateral Raises 3-4 8-12* No Rest
Super Set With
Close Grip Upright Rows 3-4 8-12* 90 sec.
Triceps Dumbbell Shrugs 3-4 15 60 sec.
EZ Bar Skull Crushers 3-4 8-12* No Rest
Super Set With
Close Grip Presses 3 failure 2 min.
Close Grip Rope Pressdowns 3-4 15* 60 sec.
* Add a 15% drop set on your last 2 sets until failure. Get ready to get RIPPED up.
DAY TWO – Legs & Abs
Note: All exercises should be proceeded with a proper warm up as outlined in the
“Pre-Workout Warm-Up Routine”
Legs Barbell Squats 3-4 8-12* 60 sec.
Leg Press 3-4 8-12* 60 sec.
Dumbbell Stiff Leg Deadlifts 3-4 8-12* 60 sec.
Lying Leg Curls 3-4 8-12* No Rest
Super Set With
Seated Leg Extensions 3-4 8-12* 90 sec.
Donkey Calf Raises 3-4 failure 120 sec.
Abdominals Lying Ab Crunches 3-4 12-15 15 sec.
* Add a 15% drop set on your last 2 sets until failure. Get ready to get RIPPED up.

Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no 84

more than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

Muscle Model Training Program

Chest Incline Dumbbell Chest Press 3-4 8-12* 60 sec.
Flat Dumbbell Chest Press 3-4 8-12* 60 sec.
Seated Pec Deck 3-4 8-12* 60 sec.
Cable Flys 3-4 8-12* 60 sec.
Bicep Incline Dumbbell Curls 3-4 8-12* 60 sec.
Preacher Bicep Curls 3 8-12* 60 sec.
Standing Barbell Curls 3 failure 120 sec.
* Add a 15% drop set on your last 2 sets until failure. Get ready to get RIPPED up.
Back Pull-Up/Chin Up Variations 6 failure 60 sec.
Bent Over Rows 3-4 8-12* 60 sec.
Seated Close Grip Rows 3-4 8-12* 60 sec.
Dumbbell Pullovers 3-4 8-12* 90 sec.
One-Arm Rows 3-4 8-12* 60 sec.
Reverse Pec Deck 3-4 8-12* 90 sec.
Weighted Back Extensions 3-4 15 60 sec.
*Every set alternate between wide grip pull-ups, close grip chin ups and neutral grip chin ups so
you’ll do a total of 2-sets on each.
* Add a 15% drop set on your last 2 sets until failure. Get ready to get RIPPED up.


ABOUT YOUR FIRST 7 DAYS OF TRAINING: This is the Primer Phase performed on lower calories but with a high
energy expenditure to set up the anabolic amplifier effect to occur next week. This phase doesn’t allow you to drop
the weight when you finish a set. You’ll be maximizing muscle retention, metabolism and muscular endurance and
strength by increasing your reps up to threefold by harnessing the power of extended-sets training. The additional
30-minutes of easy cardio will ensure your maximizing fat loss the first 7-days. Get ready to GROW fast next week.

Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no 85

more than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

2 1 Day
Fast M a s s B u i l d i n g
Hardcore Bodybuilder
Basic Introduction
» Always consult a physician before beginning this or any exercise program.

» Complete a thorough warm-up as described in the section “Pre-Workout

Warm-Up Routine” before commencing the Hardcore Bodybuilder Workout.

» For maximal fat burning during the low calorie Primer Phase, 45-minutes of low
intensity cardio such as walking on the Stairmaster or walking on a steep incline of
a treadmill is strongly recommended.

» For maximal muscle-growth during the high calorie Overload Phase, cut your
cardio to about half of what you do during the Primer Phase. You can still do your
cardio warm up / cool down as normal. But limit yourself to 3 easy sessions per
week. No need to push the cardio hard during the Overload Phase.


21 Day Fast Mass Building

Safety & More Recommendations

» Safety Step #1: Master proper exercise technique with a slow and
controlled tempo with a full range of motion.

» Safety Step #2: Master a strong and steady lifting speed before
increasing poundage.

» Safety Step #3: Keep increasing poundage but never sacrifice technique,
range of motion or speed for extra weight.

Summary of Progression to Increase Intensity: Smooth & controlled

movement -> Full range of motion -> Increase lifting speed -> Add resistance.

Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no87
more than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building

Method Behind The Madness:

» The 4-Day Hardcore Bodybuilder Workout should be followed on a 2 days

on, 1 day off, 2 days on, 2 days off schedule.

Here’s a sample week

day exercise
Monday Chest
Tuesday Back
Wednesday Off (light cardio optional)
Thursday Legs
Friday Shoulders and Arms
Saturday Off (light cardio optional)
Sunday Off (light cardio optional)

Now if those particular days do not fit your schedule you can train on different
days. However you should never train more than 2 days in a row before taking
a day of rest.

» During the “Primer Phase” the primary goal is maximal fat loss and caloric
restriction to set you up for the Anabolic Amplifier Effect. For this reason I
personally do not like to do heavy mass building workouts while following a
low calorie diet. So during the low calorie “Primer Phase” I would recommend
following the Bodyweight 500 Circuit Workout that’s outlined in the next
section. Then when you switch to the high calorie “Overload Phase” you can
use the Hardcore Bodybuilder Workout as outlined here.

» For maximal muscle-growth during the high calorie Overload Phase, cut
your cardio to about half of what you do during the Primer Phase. You can
still do your cardio warm up / cool down as normal. But limit yourself to 3
easy sessions per week. No need to push the cardio hard during the Overload

Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no88
more than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building

» Each workout will start with a heavy mass building power exercise done for
5 sets of 5 reps. Afterwards you’ll move on to some smaller and lighter isolation
exercises to complete the workout and hit the muscles from different angles.

» We are firm believers in performing multiple working sets of an exercise and

pushing yourself with every set. The goal here is to stimulate maximum muscle
growth and completely destroy the muscles so they respond by getting bigger and

» The rest periods between sets for the heavy mass building 5x5 exercises should
be upwards of 3 minutes between sets. You need to be fully rested so that you
generate maximum strength and power.

» For the smaller isolation exercises you can rest between 1 and 2 minutes
between sets, basically just long enough to catch your breath and prepare for your
next set.

How Much Weight To Lift. You should pyramid your weights up with each and
each workout. Here is an example.

Week 1:
Warm Up Set – Empty Bar x 10 reps
Warm Up Set – 95 pounds x 10 reps
Warm Up Set – 135 pounds x 5 reps
1st set – 185 pounds x 5 reps
2nd set – 185 pounds x 5 reps
3rd set – 185 pounds x 5 reps
4th set – 185 pounds x 5 reps
5th set – 185 pounds x 5 reps

If you were able to perform all 5 sets of 5 reps with good form and with no help
from a spotter, you would then up the weight by 5-10 pounds for your next

Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no89
more than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building

Week 2:
Warm Up Set – Empty Bar x 10 reps
Warm Up Set – 95 pounds x 10 reps
Warm Up Set – 135 pounds x 5 reps
1st set – 195 pounds x 5 reps
2nd set – 195 pounds x 5 reps
3rd set – 195 pounds x 5 reps
4th set – 195 pounds x 5 reps
5th set – 195 pounds x 5 reps

As you get stronger you’ll need to include more progressively heavier warm up
sets to work up to your top working weights. This is outlined in more detail in the
“Pre-Workout Warm-Up Routine” section.

*Keep track of all your weights lifted and with each 21-Day Cycle and each time you
perform the Hardcore Bodybuilder Workout strive to beat your personal best lifts
form the previous time you followed it.

Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no90
more than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

Hardcore Bodybuilding Training Program

DAY ONE – Chest
Note: All exercises should be proceeded with a proper warm up as outlined in the
“Pre-Workout Warm-Up Routine”
Chest Decline Barbell Bench Press 5 5 3 min.
Incline Bench Dumbbell Flyes 3 10-12 1-2 min.
Pec Deck Flyes *Super Set With* 3 10-12
Reverse Pec Deck Flyes *Super Set With* 3 25 1-2 min.
Push Ups (do as many sets as needed to get 100 total reps)
Note: All exercises should be proceeded with a proper warm up as outlined in the
“Pre-Workout Warm-Up Routine”
Back Pull Ups 1 5-10 1 min.
Deadlift 5 5 3 min.
Pull Ups 1 5-10 1 min.
Dumbbell Pullovers 3 10-12 1-2 min.
Pull Ups 1 5-10 1 min.
Chest Supported Row Machine 3 10-12 1-2 min.
Pull Ups 1 5-10 1 min.
Face Pulls 3 10-12 1-2 min.
Pull Ups 1 5-10 1 min.
**Note: Spacing out your pull ups over the course of your back workout like this will allow you to
perform more total reps than if you just did them set after set together.
DAY THREE - REST (light cardio optional)
Note: All exercises should be proceeded with a proper warm up as outlined in the
“Pre-Workout Warm-Up Routine”
Shoulders Bradford Press 2 25 30 sec.
Seated Dumbbell Press 3 8-10 30 sec.
Dumbbell Side Lateral Raises 3 10-12 30 sec.
Biceps Standing Barbell Curls 3 8-10 30 sec.
Incline Dumbbell Curls 3 10-12 30 sec.
Tricep Tricep Cable Push Downs 3 8-10 30 sec.
Decline Bench Tricep Extensions 3 10-12 30 sec.


Hardcore Bodybuilding Training Program

Note: All exercises should be proceeded with a proper warm up as outlined in the
“Pre-Workout Warm-Up Routine”
Legs Leg Extensions (warm up the knees & pre-exhaust the quads)
100 total reps with light weight
Barbell Squats 5 5 3 min.
Lying Leg Curls* 3 10-12
Leg Extensions* 3 10-12 2 min.
Standing Calve Raises 3 10-12 1 min.
Abdominals Pull Down Cable Ab Crunches 3 15 1 min.
*Note: you can super set leg curls and leg extensions back and forth for 3 sets each.
**Note: The first set of leg extensions is done with really lightweight to warm up the knees and
pre-exhaust quads before moving into the rest of the leg workout
DAY SIX & SEVEN - REST (light cardio optional)

ABOUT YOUR FIRST 7 DAYS OF TRAINING: This is the Primer Phase performed on lower calories but with a
high energy expenditure to set up the anabolic amplifier effect to occur next week. This phase doesn’t allow you to
drop the weight when you finish a set. You’ll be maximizing muscle retention, metabolism and muscular endurance
and strength by increasing your reps up to threefold by harnessing the power of extended-sets training. The
additional 30-minutes of easy cardio will ensure your maximizing fat loss the first 7-days. Get ready to GROW fast
next week.


2 1 Day
Optiona l A d
i t
Deple t i o n
500 Rep Bodyweight Circuit
Basic Introduction
» Always consult a physician before beginning this or any exercise program.

» Complete a thorough warm-up as described in the section “Pre-Workout Warm-

Up Routine” before commencing the Bodyweight 500 Circuit Routine Workout.

» This workout will ONLY be used during the low calorie Primer Phase. For
maximal fat burning during the low calorie Primer Phase, 45-minutes of low
intensity cardio such as walking on the Stairmaster or walking on a steep incline
of a treadmill is strongly recommended.


Bodyweight 500 Circuit Routine

Method Behind The Madness:
» The purpose of the Bodyweight 500 Workout is made up of 5 different exercises
that you will do for a total of 100 reps each, thus the name “Bodyweight 500”.

» This workout is going to provide you with some higher volume training variety
that’s totally different from the heavy lower rep training that you typically do
during you regular workouts.

» A workout of all bodyweight exercises will give your joints, tendons, and
ligaments a break from doing heavy weight-training exercises. Doing bodyweight
movements tend to be easier and less jarring on the joints and provide a unique
form of muscle stimulation.

» Another benefit from bodyweight exercises is that they provide a higher level
of neuromuscular activation compared to exercises that just move your limbs.
For example, pull-ups are harder than pull downs and squats are harder than leg
presses. This is because you are moving your entire body in a real 3 dimensional
environment and not just your arms or legs.

Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no94
more than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

Bodyweight 500 Circuit Routine

Program Guidelines:
» The Bodyweight 500 Workout will be done on a day on, day off pattern during
the low calorie “Primer Phase”. On your days off from the strength training you
should do at least 45 minutes of cardio.

Here is a sample week:

day exercise
Monday Bodyweight 500 Circuit Routine
Tuesday 45 minutes of cardio (walking, jogging, bicycling, etc.)
Wednesday Bodyweight 500 Circuit Routine
Thursday 45 minutes of cardio (walking, jogging, bicycling, etc.)
Friday Bodyweight 500 Circuit Routine
Saturday 45 minutes of cardio (walking, jogging, bicycling, etc.)
Sunday Bodyweight 500 Circuit Routine

» You can also do additional cardio if you like on the days you follow the actual
Bodyweight 500 Circuit Routine as well. For example, you could do cardio in the
morning and strength training in the evening (or vice versa).


Bodyweight 500 Circuit Routine
Note: All exercises should be proceeded with a proper warm up as outlined in the
“Pre-Workout Warm-Up Routine”
Push Ups 4 25 60 sec.
Bodyweight Rows 4 25 60 sec.
Bodyweight Lunges 4 25 60 sec.
Hyper Extensions 4 25 60 sec.
Decline Bench Sit Ups 4 25 60 sec.

The way the program works is you’ll do a single set of each exercise and repeat the
circuit 4 times. For example, do a set of push ups, rows, lunges, hypers, and sit ups.
Then repeat for a total of 4 circuits.

Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no95
more than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

Bodyweight 500 Circuit Routine

If you cannot perform 25 reps of each exercise in a single set, you can perform the
total number of reps in a Rest Pause fashion.

For example, you may do:

15 push ups
Rest 10-20 seconds
5 push ups
Rest 10-20 seconds
5 push ups

This would equal a total of 25 push ups done in a Rest Pause fashion.

The sheer volume of this workout (i.e. 500 reps) is quite advanced. Depending on
your level of conditioning right now you may or may not be able to complete the
entire 500 reps at the start.

Use your own personal judgement on this one. If you go through 1 or 2 sets of each
exercise and feel totally wiped out. Then call it a day and stop your workout. And
the next time you perform this workout routine strive to perform an additional set
of each exercise.

When you work up to doing the entire Bodyweight 500 Circuit Routine Workout
you will have built up an impressive level of muscular endurance and a high work

Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no96
more than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building

Lifestyle Influences
With the 21-Day Fast Mass Building Program we have provided you with all the
tools you need to build an impressive lean muscular physique. We’ve covered the
theory and science behind the program, the actual workouts that you need to
follow in the gym, the eating plans for the different training phases, etc.

But that’s NOT enough!

There is another element to the whole muscle building equation that can make or
break your success. This is so critical that it literally separates the winners from the
losers (or the gainers from the non-gainers).

This important element is what we refer to as Lifestyle Influences!

If you truly want to succeed in building your body it has to be more than a simple
pastime or a hobby that you do on the side. You can’t go to the gym and workout
every now and then and expect to get big and ripped. It has to be a lifestyle that
you live day in and day out.

Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no97
more than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building

The On & Off Syndrome…

Have you ever heard anyone say something along the lines of:

“I’ve been working out ‘On & Off’ for 5 years…”

I hear about this scenario from people all the time. After all this is my job. Do you
want to know the kind of progress that these “On & Off” guys make?

Nothing, Nadda, Zilch…

They are literally just spinning their wheels going nowhere in terms of building
a stronger and more muscular body. Now yes when they do get that shot of
motivation and hit the gym for a little while they will make some progress. But as
soon as life gets in the way and they quit, they lose it all again and go right back
to square one.

The key to success is consistency over the long-term. A simple half-baked training
program that is followed consistently will produce much greater results than a
perfectly designed training program that’s followed “On & Off”.

We touched on the topic of consistency with regards to nutrition back in

Chapter 7. But now I’m going to expand on it and share some practical real
world tips and suggestions that you can use to make following the bodybuilding
lifestyle easier over the long-term. After all, that’s the key to actually building the
impressive muscular physique that you truly deserve!

Lifting Weights Is The Easy Part…

It is important to remember that your quest for muscles goes far beyond what you
do in the gym. It involves what you eat, the activities you partake in, how much
you sleep, your stress levels, and so on.

Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no98
more than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building

The lifestyle you live is ultimately responsible for the level of progress you make
with your workouts. I read a story a while back that talked about an aerobics
instructor who used to teach a daily fitness class at the local gym. One thing he
noticed was that some of his students made fantastic progress and lost bodyfat,
while several of the other students never lost any bodyfat. At first he couldn’t
understand why because they all performed the exact same workout.

But he later found out that the reason why some of the students succeeded and
others failed… It wasn’t because of the workouts they did in the gym, but rather
it was from the lifestyle choices they made outside the gym!

The ones who consistently ate

a clean nutritious diet, avoided
alcohol, and lived an overall
healthy lifestyle made the best
progress. While the others who
ate junk food, drank alcohol,
etc. made very little progress.

Bottom line, if you want to

have an above average body,
it’s going to take above average
effort in all areas of your life.
Not just for the hour you spend
in the gym. You must treat
your body right, which means
eating a healthy diet, avoiding
harmful drugs, and getting
adequate sleep and rest. I’m
going to dive in deeper and
cover more info about some
of these very critical lifestyle

Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no99
more than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building


Exactly what you should eat, when to eat it, etc. has already been covered in our
sample meal plans. So basically what I want to cover here is some extra tips to help
keep you on track when life gets in the way so that you can still reap the results
from the 21-Day Fast Mass Building Program.

Junk Food

Eating junk food drains your body of energy and loads it up with toxins. This goes
beyond simply getting lean, but it affects your entire athletic performance. I mean
if you had a high performance sports car would you fill it up with cheap grade fuel?
Or if you had a $100,000 racehorse would you feed it cake and cookies?

I think you get the point…

The easiest way to prevent eating junk food is to not bring it in your home. If the
junk food isn’t there, than you can’t eat it. Simple as that!

Ideally you would go through your kitchen cupboards and refrigerator and get all
the junk food out of your home. I personally do not keep any junk food in my house.
So if I get a craving and feel like snacking I’ll have some air popped popcorn, veggies
and dip, or just eat a full meal.

Now this is the “ideal” situation. However, if you live with family members who are
not on board with your healthy lifestyle this may cause some conflicts. I know when
I was living at home with my parents there was no way my mom would give up her
ice cream. And my dad always had to have a bag of potato chips on hand. So this did
create temptations for me. But if it is at all possible I’d suggest you opt to live in a junk
food free home. It will be much better for you and your physique in the long run.

Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no100
more than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building


A little know fact about water is that the less you drink, the more likely you will
become over-trained with your workouts. Muscle tissue is comprised of over 70%
water. Sweating from hard workouts causes you to lose body water. Eating a
high protein diet increases your body’s need for water. And water is needed as a
transport mechanism for various nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. If your water
intake is too low, your ability to transport nutrients to your muscles becomes
compromised, you’ll lose muscle fullness, and toxins will build up in the body.

To stay adequately hydrated you should drink 0.6 ounces of water per pound of
bodyweight daily. To put this in perspective a 200 lb. man should drink 120 ounces
of water over the course of the day. That’s about 15 glasses of water daily. While
this may seem like a lot, it is not that hard to consume this much water. Simply
having a glass or two with each meal would equal about 10 glasses. And then
sipping water from a water bottle during the day and during your workouts can
easily make up for the other 5 glasses. As I am writing this right now I have a water
bottle on my desk that I’ve been sipping from all morning. When I’m at the gym I
always keep a water bottle with me at all times so I can take sips in between sets
to keep myself hydrated.

(Note: this is an average

water intake, if you live in
a particularly hot climate
or have a physically
demanding job where you
are working hard for long
hours then you may need
to drink even more water.)

Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no101
more than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building

Meal Preparation

The whole idea of eating 6 well-balanced meals per day is by no means a new
concept. But for the majority of people the problem is they don’t have the time or
the will power to eat properly.

However, when you plan things out right this is just not the case. Eating a “junk-
food” diet actually takes just as much (or more) time then it does to eat a
healthy muscle building diet. For example, at lunch time getting in your car and
heading on over to the fast food joint, waiting in line at the drive through, and then
heading back to work takes a lot more time then if you had your food prepared in
advance and ready to eat.

The key to successfully following a healthy bodybuilding nutrition program is

planning ahead. When you cook your food always prepare for several meals. It
doesn’t take much more time to cook larger quantities of food than it does to
cook smaller amounts of food for just one meal. Purposely plan to have leftovers
that you can re-heat in the microwave, this saves time and makes it easier to have
quick nutritious meals on hand. I’ll often grill several steaks at a time, cook several
chicken breasts at a time, bake several potatoes at a time, cook up a large pot of
rice, etc.


Plan ahead for several meals at a time. It doesn’t take much more time to cook
for several meals in advance then it does to cook for a single meal at a time!

Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no102
more than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building

A Well Stocked Kitchen

In order to prepare and eat healthy nutritious meals you need to have the
necessary kitchen supplies. Make sure to get yourself a good set of pots, non-stick
frying pans, measuring cups and spoons, food scale, a good set of kitchen knives,
blender, kitchen grill (such as the George Foreman grill), electric kettle, good
quality spatulas and other cooking utensils like tongs, ladle spoons, etc. These are
the basic tools that you’ll need to prepare your meals.

For packing and storing your food

you will also need to get some
plastic food storage containers.
Get a half dozen smaller sized
containers for packing individual
meals. And also get a few bigger
containers that you can use for
storing leftovers in the refrigerator.

Make sure to get good containers

with tight fitting lids so they will not pop open easily. You can get plastic containers

with “snap on” lids that are great for packing food to go.

Get a couple shaker bottles for mixing up protein drinks and also get an insulated
lunch bag or small hand held cooler for taking your food with you to work. You will
be able to get all of these kitchen supplies at places like Wal-Mart for a fair price.
Also check out the Dollar Stores as they often have decent quality kitchen utensils
for very low cost.

Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no103
more than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building

First Aid Solutions For When You Screw Up!

With the low calorie “Primer Phase” the main thing you need to focus on is
depleting your body and going into a caloric deficit. This is so you can set up the
Anabolic Amplifier Effect and make those rapid rebound gains during the high
calorie “Overload Phase”.

Now the biggest screw up that you can make during the “Primer Phase” is eating
too darn much and going over your required calorie intake for the day. So if you do
fall off the bandwagon and eat too much at a particular meal, a little rescue tip you
can use is to simply have an Iso-Smooth protein shake mixed in water for your next

This will still provide your body with some quality protein, but keep your calories
low so you can make up for the excess calories that you ate earlier. Now I’m not
saying that this is ok to do all the time, but for those occasional times that you do
get off track you can replace some meals with protein shakes to help correct the
calorie balance.

With the “Overload Phase” the opposite is true, the biggest screw up you can make
is eating too little and not reaching your desired calorie intake for the day. So make
sure to do whatever you can do get all your meals in for the day.

But if you do skip a meal then having a protein bar can help. You should keep some
protein bars on hand at your work, in your locker, gym bag, brief case, etc. just in
case you get caught without a meal. Snacking on nuts and trail mix is another way
to bump up your calories as well. Again these are not the ideal scenarios, but it sure
beats missing a meal and not consuming your required calorie intake.

As for cheating on your diet, this should be avoided all together during the low
calorie “Primer Phase”, but if you do have a cheat meal during the high calorie
“Overload Phase” it’s not that big of a deal. Just pick things up for your very next
meal and continue with your eating schedule.

Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no104
more than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building


The simple answer here is to avoid alcohol entirely and you’ll be better off. We
don’t need alcohol to survive and it really has no place in a muscle-building
program. However, social drinking is a part of most people’s lifestyle to some
degree or another so it needs to be addressed.

Having a drink or two on occasion is a part of enjoying life for many people
(Lee & Vince included) and it’s important to find a lifestyle balance for the sake
of your long term happiness and success.

However, we do NOT recommend drinking every day or in excess such as binge

drinking. Not only does that add up to a lot of empty calories, but alcohol also
lowers testosterone levels and increases estrogen levels! This is the exact opposite
of what you want, unless you like having a beer belly and man-boobs!

Alcohol negatively affects protein synthesis. Protein synthesis is the process

where amino acids are joined together to form complete proteins. Excessive alcohol
consumption slows this process down drastically. And since your muscles are made
up of protein, this will limit your recovery and muscle growth.

Alcohol causes dehydration. The kidneys must filter very large amounts of
water in order to break down the alcohol, and this can result in severe dehydration
within the body. As I mentioned above water plays an absolutely crucial role in the
muscle-building process, and being even slightly dehydrated is a recipe for disaster.
The muscles alone are comprised of over 70% water.

Alcohol consumption causes vitamins A, C, the B’s, calcium, zinc and phosphorus to
all be drained from your body at rapid rates. Vitamins and minerals keep every little
process in your body functioning properly, and many of these processes involve
muscle growth.

Alcohol also inhibits fat burning. While your liver is busy metabolizing alcohol, it

Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no105
more than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building

puts your fat metabolism on hold. That’s why I do NOT recommend any drinking
when you are following the low calorie “Primer Phase” of the program. However, a
drink or two on the weekend during the high calorie “Overload Phase” isn’t going to
stop your gains entirely. Just keep it to a minimum.

How To Booze Your Way Buff…

This is a phase that we came up with while partying in Las Vegas… It’s a given that
whenever two devilishly handsome stallions hit up the hottest nightclubs in Sin City
there is going to be some drinking going on. The question though is how much???

Let’s just say there was no muscle building happening that night

Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no106
more than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building

Minimize The Damage…

Despite what the picture above depicts, we are NOT heavy drinkers. But we both
have a good sense of humor and like to have fun when we go out clubbing. What
you’ll find below is my personal “secret” strategy for minimizing the damage done
by drinking.

First off, I don’t keep any alcohol in my house what so ever. If it’s not there then you
can’t drink it. The only time there is ever any alcohol brought in is the occasional
bottle of wine for a special dinner or something like that.

When I do go out to a club or party I will space out my drinks accordingly…

1 alcoholic drink (always a single drink, never doubles!)

1 diet soda
1 glass of water

This way I always have a glass in my hand so it looks like I’m drinking and having a
good time. There is no social pressure from friends to “drink” because they already
think that I am. But only 1 out of every 3 drinks contains alcohol. So I can be out
and have a half dozen “drinks” during the night, but only 2 are alcoholic drinks. This
really helps minimize the damage done while still allowing me to enjoy myself and
be social with friends.

Other alternatives that you can include as well are non-alcoholic beer, non-
alcoholic wine, etc. In fact this past New Years Eve Lee and his girlfriend Trish
literally celebrated with a bottle of non-alcoholic champagne and rang in 2011

Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no107
more than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building

Tobacco & Other Recreational Drugs…

These days it’s no longer “cool” to smoke, at least it’s not throughout North
America. More and more public places these days are becoming “Smoke Free”
which is fantastic in my opinion.

My advice when it comes to

smoking and recreational drugs
is simply avoiding them entirely.
Tobacco is a very additive drug.
It’s virtually impossible for
someone to be a “social smoker”
and only smoke on special
occasions or infrequent enough
to not do any serious damage.
As you know, most people who
smoke have to smoke several
times a day because they are
addicted to the habit.

Now I don’t need to list the

dangers of smoking here. It’s 

common knowledge. If you haven’t heard yet that smoking is bad for you, than you
must have been living under a rock for the past 20 years.

As for recreational drugs the same advice applies - simply avoid them altogether.
Not only are they illegal and can land you in jail, but they are very addicting and
devastating to your overall health and fitness.

These things are not socially acceptable so there shouldn’t be any social pressure or
reason to use them. And if your friends are pressuring you into using drugs, maybe
you should re-consider the company you keep!

Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no108
more than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building

Individualization Guide
Frequently Asked Questions
Question: How do I determine whether or not to start with 1-week of cutting,
2-weeks of bulking or 2-weeks of bulking and 1-week of cutting?

Answer: First off, you are responsible for your results so we ultimately encourage
you to experiment with both methods and monitor your results. The mirror and
personal feedback will give you the honest and accurate answer.

Here is our advice for your first 21-day cycle: If you’re over 15-20% body fat then
begin with 1-week of cutting and 2-weeks of bulking. If you’re less than 15% body
fat then begin with 2-weeks of bulking and 1-week of cutting.

In other words, if you’re starting with a “bigger and not so lean” physique, let’s cut
some fat with the Primer Phase (1-week of cutting) and maximize clean gains in
your Overload Phase (2-weeks of bulking). If you’re starting with a “skinny and
small” physique, let’s pack on some quick size using a 2-week bulking phase then
1-week cutting phase.

Another way to answer this question: If your body needs more size and mass, start

Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no109
more than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building

with the 2-week bulking phase and
then 1-week cutting phase. If you’re
body needs more fat loss and leanness,
start with 1-week of cutting and then
2-weeks of bulking.

This is not rocket science so don’t

overcomplicate the system.

Remember, each cycle is 21-days and

you’ll only know what works for you
after you complete a full 21-day cycle.
We encourage you to really get your act
together and follow the system to the
letter so you can discover a wealth of
new info about your body.

Question: How do I decide whether

to use the 500-Rep Bodyweight
Circuit during the Primer Phase or
to follow the same weight-training
workout the entire 3-weeks?

Answer: This is personal preference. Lee prefers to do the 500-Rep Bodyweight

Circuit during the Primer Phase because his calories are lower and he prefers more
of a metabolic style workout that does not demand as much power and strength.
Vince prefers to follow the same weight-training workout during cutting and
bulking phases because he likes to stick to the same workout for a minimum of
3-weeks at all times. In Vince’s opinion, too much variety prevents seeing progress.

We believe the best program is the one that you follow. So examine the different
routines we provided and after viewing them, ask yourself this one question,
“Which program can I see myself being 100% committed too?” The program you’re

Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no110
more than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building

prepared to execute to the smallest detail
is the program that will work best for you.

Again, you are free to experiment with

both methods over different 21-day cycles!

Question: How do I decide whether to

start with the Fitness Model, Muscle
Model or Hardcore Bodybuilder

Answer: Again, it’s totally up to you. Look

at the exercises, volume, exercise selection
and ask yourself, “Which program can I see
myself being 100% committed too?” That
is your answer.

We encourage you to try all three of the programs, which gives you three unique
21-day cycles! Keep in mind, these programs can act as stand-alone programs for
longer than 3-weeks so if you’re making crazy gains on one of them – keep crushing
it and stick to it until you max out it’s rewards.

Vince personally used the Muscle Model Physique workout to gain 7.4 lbs of muscle
and lose 1 pound of fat in 21-days. That is his favorite one but Vince has never tried
Lee’s Hardcore Bodybuilder workout so we’ll see if he changes his mind!

And get this – if you currently have a program that you’re LOVING and would like
to complete it, you’re welcome to ride that out while using the nutrition protocol
from 21-Day Fast Mass Building. In fact, that’s what many of our Test Group people
did. Many of them were using No Nonsense Muscle Building, Maximize Your Muscle,
Blast Your Bench, Blast Your Biceps, or there own program in conjunction with our
meal plans and calorie cycling.

Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no 111
more than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building

Again, don’t over think this. Make your decision, commit to it, don’t look back and
go get some outstanding results you can brag about!

Question: Are there any advanced

strategies that I can apply to the
nutrition plan?

Answer: Yes!

Here are some advanced principles

you can use to optimize your nutrition

» 1. Try to eat a fast digesting protein like white fish before your workout.
This will ensure you have plenty of amino acids in your blood stream during
your workout to create a very anabolic environment, especially if you’re
using the Workout Nutrition drinks.

» 2. Try to eat a slow-digesting carbohydrate with your pre workout meal.

Whole wheat bread, oatmeal, Ezekiel cereal and brown-rice are best. If
you’re in a rush, fruit is your next best option. Eating a slow-burning, steady-
releasing carb will sustain you with plenty of energy to maximize your

» 3. Eat a faster digesting carbohydrate after your workout like white rice or
potatoes. You want rapid glycogen replenishment post workout.

» 4. Eat your fattier proteins like salmon and beef in the evening time and a
few hours before your workout because this protein is slower-releasing.

» 5. Never miss a meal. You really have no excuse by using the Iso-Smooth
Protein Powder (or your personal preference of protein powder) mixed with
fruit and oils to make a complete meal.

Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no112
more than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building

» 6. Never eat fat with your pre-workout meal. We’re about to spike your
insulin during the workout and insulin is a storage hormone so we don’t want
fat in our bloodstream while our insulin is up. This is why we don’t eat meat
or fatty fish 1-2 hours before we workout. We always eat a LOW FAT meal.
This rule applies especially if you’re using all three Workout Rituals that jack
up your insulin.

Question: What kind of cardio should I do? Does it matter?

Answer: You have a number of options when it comes to cardio:

» a. Interval cardio. Intense bursts alternated with slow bursts.

» b. Steady state cardio. Walking, hiking, biking or any form of activity you
can carry on a conversation the entire time.
» c. Metabolic-Resistance cardio. This is when you do bodyweight exercises
for high reps with little rest in a circuit fashion.

We know you probably hate this answer but it’s really personal preference. Here are
some STAPLE recommendations. You should perform at least three 30-35 cardio
workouts a week – all the time – all year round – for general cardiovascular health.
If you ever get to the point where this becomes an effort – OMG!

We recommend that you begin with steady state cardio three times a week for
30-35 minute sessions and assess the results. This form of cardio is the first line of
defense against muscle-wasting that occurs with more intense forms of cardio like
interval cardio and metabolic-resistance cardio.

If you’re not pleased with what’s happening or not happening to your body fat
levels, adjust at the end of the week in small increments. For example, if you’re
body fat levels jump up too high after the first week of the “Overload Phase”, simply
add a fourth cardio session on week three. Keep your changes simple and gradual.

Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no113
more than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building

Got a question?
Email us at
and we’ll add it to this page.

Question: Are there any modifications to the program for females?

Answer: No. Not one. The reason is because the meal plans are already based
around macronutrient timing – when all the carbs are timed at breakfast, pre
workout and post workout so they will ensure maximum muscle growth and
minimal fat gain through hormone regulation.

The only, slight, modification we can think of is the work volume on some
of the weight training workouts. You might want to stick to the end of the
recommendations and scale up. All other details are the same.
Question: Will this work for vegetarians?

Answer: We hate these questions! Why? Because neither of us are vegetarians

nor have much experience with this kind of lifestyle so we can’t share any personal

Focus on choosing a variety of grains, legumes, seeds and vegetables to provide

an array of amino acids so a deficit from one food will be made up for another. For
example, a combination of black beans and rice will provide you with a complete
protein meal with high energy yielding complex carbohydrates.

They key to being a successful bodybuilder as a vegetarian is knowledge so we

highly recommend you inform yourself and continue to educate yourself on food
combing and supplementation to optimize your results.

Question: What if I don’t gain any weight during the program?

Answer: Then you didn’t follow it! If you followed the program exactly as
outlined, even 50%, and didn’t gain any weight we’ll both fall over dead in

Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no114
more than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building

the spot. My first guess is that you didn’t come close to your goal calories
and need to write down a 3-day food diary, email us your food sheets at and we’ll personally look at your meal plan
and tell you what’s wrong.

On top of that, go through the program another time and apply to the two
following changes:
1) Eliminate all cardio.
2) Add an extra 500 calories a day to what you’re currently eating.
Those two tricks will get you growing.

Question: What if I gain more fat than muscle?

Answer: This can happen and if it does, don’t panic. If you gain more fat than
muscle, something went wrong with your food choices and food timing.

Here are a few suggestions for your next 21-day cycle to maximize the muscle-to-
fat-ratio and if you haven’t started yet, consider these tips to ensure you aren’t
the person asking this question!

» 1. Maintain at least three 30-45 minute cardio workouts a week.

» 2. If you can, perform these cardio workouts away from your weight training
workouts e.g. If you train weights in the evening, do cardio in the morning,
preferably on a empty stomach.

» 3. Drink a big cup of black coffee before your cardio workouts to stimulate

» 4. Examine the times you are consuming your carbohydrates. They should all
be placed between your breakfast, pre workout and post workout meals. These
are the times that it’ll be very hard to have your carbs get converted to fat.

» 5. Are you maintaining your meal frequency at least every 3-4 hours?

Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no115
more than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

21 Day Fast Mass Building

» 6. Are you drinking at least a gallon of water a day?

» 7. How are your stress levels? Are you getting to bed by 11pm every night?
These are just a few powerful goals to shoot for that will minimize your fat gains
and most likely even help you to lose fat like many users experience.

Question: Can you make a customized meal plan for me? I’m not good at
figuring out how to piece together all the foods I need to eat.

Answer: Sure thing, we have actually customized 18 complete “Done For You
Meal Plans” that you can follow during the entire 21-Day Fast Mass Building
Program. Just pick the meal plan based on your body weight and caloric intake.
We’ve taken the time and effort to put together all the food combinations and
macro-nutrient calculations for you. All you have to do is print off your meal plans,
stick’em on the fridge and follow them!

These “Done For Your Meal Plans” are included with the Done For You Package.
If you didn’t purchase the Done For You Package when you got the program you
can Click Here to order them now.

Since we want to give you an extra edge

in maximizing your muscle potential, and
making the most of the next 21-days, we’re
going to offer the entire
“Done-For-You Muscle Power Meal Plans”
not for $97.00 but at a full 70%
off the retail price:

$97.00 $29.95
Eat your meals 3 hours apart - No less than two and no116
more than four hours apart and one gallon of water a day.

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