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Let me introduce myself

My first name is :................................................................

My surname / last name is :............................................................
I am ........................ (years old) I was born in:..................................................
I live in :......................................................... I am from:.........................................................
My phone number is: ...................................

I haven't got any brothers  I haven't got any sisters 

I have got............................. brothers I have got............................. sisters
I haven't got any pets  I have got ........................................................
(a cat, a dog, a hamster, a guinea pig, a tortoise, (a) goldfish(), a rabbit, ......................................

What do you look like? (Physical description) Physical appearance (build: corpulence) slim thin, skinny,
chubby, fat
Head/Face: round, square, oval, long Size: tall, small, medium-sized/height
Nose: round, pointed, turned-up/snub nose, long, short, medium-length
Eyes : black, blue,green, brown…..small, big…., round, almond…. Glasses Piercing
Hair: long/short/medium length – blond/fair, black, brown, chestnut – straight, curly, spiky, curled, bald
Beard, moustache
Scar(cicatrice) wrinkles(rides) freckles(taches de rousseur)

What are you like? (Personality/temper): clumsy(maladroit), funny, messy, talkative, lazy, selfish,
patient, polite, shy, timid, nervous, embarrassed, jealous, hardworking, absent-minded, serious.

What do you like? (tastes)

Food: I like....................................... I don't like............................... I hate..............................
Sports: I like....................................... I don't like............................... I hate..............................
Activities: I like....................................... I don't like............................... I hate..............................
Animals: I like....................................... I don't like............................... I hate..............................
Musical instrument: I don't play a musical instrument.
I play the............................................
++ I like , I enjoy, I love, I’m fond of , I’m crazy about , I’m interested in , I'm keen on
--I don’t like/I dislike, I hate , I’m not interested in , I’m not fond of , I can't stand
= I don’t mind :

My favourite singer is........................................... My favourite actor/actress is............................

My favourite film is............................................... My favourite TV programme (émission) is........

Talents and skills

I can / can't play/sing/swim ….......................................
I play / don't play the............................................
I'm / I'm not good at …................................................................
I'm better / worse at ….....................than at …........................................

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