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AMMAN-JORDAN ‫المستوى الذهبي‬

Semester/ Academic Year: 1nd semester 2019/2018

Instructor.: mohammed almansor Lab Engineer:

Experiment No.: ___1___ Experiment title: finger dexterity


 Students should behave in a responsible manner at all times in the laboratory.
 Students will receive training related to the locations and operating procedures for all applicable
laboratory safety equipment and personal protective equipment
 Students must follow all verbal and written instructions carefully. If you are unsure of the
procedure, ask your instructors for help before proceeding.
 Students must perform only those experiments authorized by the instructors.
 Students must work on the results of the experiments, do not "cook" the results
 Students must prepare the report in a systematic way following the " FORMAL LAB REPORTS

SO-(a): an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering
SO-(b):an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data
SO-(d):an ability to function on multidisciplinary teams
SO-(e):an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
SO-(g):an ability to communicate effectively
SO-(k):an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering

SOs Max Mark Score


 FEEDBACK: ________________________________________________________

Student No.: 201330005 Student Name: MOHAMMED MOHAMMED ZOUHAIRIY

AMMAN-JORDAN ‫المستوى الذهبي‬


Finger dexterity is defined as the skillful, controlled ability to manipulate a small object through a small space. Assembly
work is the most obvious job which requires this ability. The critical aspects of this factor are the abilities to pick up
small objects, transport them through a small space and place them correctly in a specific location. It does not require the
wrist movement involved in wrist finger speed factor, nor the precise hand eye- coordination of the aiming factor. In fact,
visual acuity is not part of this ability factor, as long as the person is able to locate the part to be picked up which is
always in the same place and locate where it is to be placed.


Pegboard will be used to do this experiment which is a consisting of 25

holes with randomly positioned slots

1- the client sits such that the metal half of the Lafayette pegboard is closer to him and the cup with the pegs inside is further
2. This task will be done twice, once with each hand, beginning with the dominant hand
3. With the dominant hand, the person begins at the upper left corner working down the column.
4. When the first column is filled, he proceeds to the second column from the left and from up to down
5. The client has 30 seconds to insert as many pegs as possible into the pegboard. He has to pick up only one peg at a time.
If an individual purposely
6. Count and record the number of pegs he inserted into the pegboard as T1.1 using his non dominant hand, the pegs are
inserted beginning with the opposit places two pegs at a time, the test must be stopped and started over.
7. Return all of the pegs to the wooden bowl and prepare the client for practice using his non dominant hand ,the pegs are
inserted beginning with the opposite upper corner to the one used in the first test with the dominant hand. After 30 seconds
the number of pegs inserted in this test is considered as T12-
AMMAN-JORDAN ‫المستوى الذهبي‬

Result and data:

T1.1 is the no. of pegs inserted into the pegboard with the dominant hand.
T1.2 is the no. of pegs inserted into the pegboard with the non dominant hand

Name T1.1 T1.2

X1 14 10
X2 15 11
X3 16 15
X4 14 12
X5 16 13
X6 12 11
X7 15 15
X8 10 8
X9 15 13
X10 12 12
X11 10 8
X12 10 9
X13 11 11
mean 13.077 11.385

Std.deviation 2.326 2.293

AMMAN-JORDAN ‫المستوى الذهبي‬


1-Calculate the mean value and standard deviation for the results, and write their values in the table?
Name T1.1 T1.2
mean 13.077 11.385

Std.deviation 2.326 2.293

2-From the results, specify which person has the highest Tt, and which person has the highest
T12. What does that indicate?

T1.1. the highest =x3 (16) indicate that person have a high skill with the dominaute hand
T1.2 . the highest =x7 (15) indicate that person have a high skill with the dominaute hand

The speed of constriction of the finger

Define finger dexterity?

Finger dexterity is the measure of a person's ability to handle small objects or to manipulate controls
using their fingers. Finger dexterity evaluates the capability of the muscles in the hand as well as the
person's fine motor skills for the purpose of performing tasks that involve placing, turning, and picking up
of objects. It may be a concern of ergonomic planning for work stations and job tasks, part of testing prior
to employment for certain jobs, and it may be part of rehabilitation after injury or illness

What type of work is the ability of finger dexterity useful to?

Assembly work

What is the name of apparatus used in finger dexterity experiment?

Peg board
AMMAN-JORDAN ‫المستوى الذهبي‬

is there a need for visual acuity in finger dexterity?

No need for visual acuity , visual is not a part of this ability factor as long as able to locate to be picked

What can we do to improve performance in this experiment?

Uses both hands

cut nails
practice more


we learn through this experiment who has greater ability and speed to but things in place and has
more accuracy othe. in this experiment do not need to visually acuity but at speed and accuracy.
the score consist of the number of pegs inserted during 30 second period for each hand dominate
is more accurey ues beause muscle is strouger

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