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Sneak Peak: Excerpts from Chapter 2

October 20, 2015

One of the pivotal moments of our working on this project was when we delineated the concepts of
Physical and Subtle anatomy. We are taking the study of anatomy out of the context of "western" or
"eastern" or "yogic" and simply working with the palpable and etheric elements of being a human
being. Check out this except from Chapter 2 where we develop this concept even more.

Physical anatomy and subtle anatomy are merely different angles on the human body. They work
together in intricate ways to create your experience of this human life. Existence is a complicated
network of physical components, empty space, consciousness, and soul. The Physical Body without
the animation of the soul is an empty shell. The subtle energies of a human being without the
Physical Body are formless and lack impact. As humans we have an incredible capacity for divine
states like pleasure and joy, and our bodies are ultimately the vehicle that brings us to liberation. It is
not in spite of your humanness that you can experience divine truth it is because of it.

Your body, and your experience within it, is your guide. By understanding the human body’s
physical and subtle structures from a cognitive and experiential perspective, we create a deep well of
knowledge that allows us to heal and uplift ourselves. When we look to the body we find all types of
metaphors, reminders, and reassurances that this human life has meaning. Choose to look carefully
at the body; hear its messages for they will bring you closer to your spiritual path.

In Teaching Tools, Physical and Subtle Anatomy

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