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Unions of same-sex partners should not involve children.

There is no natural way that two women or

two men can conceive and have children. Same-sex partners should not be given custody or the ability
to adopt a child. Homosexual parents may not cause a child to become a gay or lesbian, but it does
deprive the child of a mother (female) and father (male). Children long to bond emotionally with their
parents, especially the parent of their own gender. The relationship is a fundamental part in the process
of growing to feel complete as males and females. If same-sex marriages are legalized and homosexuals
are allowed to adopt or is granted custody of children, no matter what we as Christians believe, public
schools will be required to teach that homosexual relations are considered to be as equal to
heterosexual relationships are. Today, we as parents are being challenged enough already with what are
children are taught in school and society. If you think not, may I remind you that our children can be
given birth control without our knowledge. If same-sex marriages are made legal, they will be teaching
our children that homosexuality is just as natural as heterosexuality.

On the same vein, there are differences with regards to parenting. Whereas in heterosexual
marriages children are brought up with parents of different sexes, in same sex marriages children
are brought up with parents of a single sex. It is often argued that children raised in heterosexual
marriages grow up into responsible and well-balanced citizens than children brought up in
homosexual marriages. This is because children need both male and female role models to learn
their roles in society properly. They argue that children raised in same sex marriages are likely to
seek same sex relationships when they grow up. However, these arguments are based on personal
opinions and belief since they are not backed by any data. In fact, scientific research has
consistently shown that there are no significant differences between children brought up by same
sex couples and those brought up by heterosexual couples.

Various studies have also shown that same sex marriages and heterosexual marriages are
different with regards to relationship duration and health risk. Generally, heterosexual marriages
tend to last longer than same sex relationships despite the high divorce rate. A survey conducted
by the National Centre for Health indicates that 66 per cent of heterosexual marriages last at least
ten years and 50 percent last at least twenty years (Dailey, 2013). Various studies on same sex
marriages show a different picture. An online census of gay/lesbian couples that surveyed about
eight thousand couples revealed that a mere 15 per cent indicated their relationship has lasted for
at least 12 years. Similarly, a survey which was conducted among homosexual couple couples in
the Netherlands revealed that most same sex marriages have an average lifespan of two years.
Another glaring difference is health risks. A national survey sponsored by the Journal of Sex
revealed that 77 per cent of men in heterosexual marriages and 80 per cent of women remain
faithful to their partner (Dailey, 2013). On the contrary, a Dutch study sponsored by the Journal
of AIDS revealed that same sex partners in steady relationships have at least eight sexual
partners in a year (Dailey, 2013). This increases their risk to contract AIDS and other STDs.
Marriage is a part of human being’s life that is uniting different biological sex, a men and
a woman to be lifelong together as couple sharing love and belongings whether in happiness or
sadness. Calling something marriage does not make it marriage at all. The point should be
concern about marriage is naturally done by men and women. That is how children come into the
world. That is how families are formed as well. Same sex union is not kind of any marriage
because they deny the self evident distinction between male and female, mother and father.
Moreover, there is no one of the religion exist in the world mention to admit the same sex merge.
God creates human being should be attracted to the opposite gender as themselves then have
procreation. That is the God’s order and become our natural law. Can you imagine all people
around us marry their same sex partner? Will you act normally and suppose like it is nothing? In
particularly about our nation. I believe we won’t because we don’t get used to this. The power of
norm, culture and religion teachings will strongly discourage the point of view that same sex
merge is normal from happening among our society. There are more reasons why same sex
married should be illegalized.

1. Marriage has been regulated in Law

2. Same sex married cannot form normal families
3. Increase the spread of sexual transmitted diseases

First of all, when someone says that marriage itself is freedom for each people and
everyone freely determine their decision about marriage. That is absolutely wrong since marriage
is a decision whose carry responsibilities not individuality. These responsibilities include the
responsibility toward the partner, society and God. Marriage cannot be interpreted as a decision
to only achieve self satisfaction. Marriage is pointed as necessary matter which has law value
for both wife and husband. Moreover marriage has been regulated not only in natural law but
also constitution of republic of Indonesia. The rule of Indonesian marriage is one of the issues
that regulated in constitution. According to UU No.1 Tahun 1974 marriage is a covenant
between man and woman to be a wife and husband in the form of everlasting family based on
moral principle Ketuhanan Yang Maha Esa. From those explanation there is either no excuse for
doing same sex marriage in front of the constitution in our country or eventually the marriage
cannot be admitted and supposed as valid marriage. However if it still occurs in family that
consist same sex couple It will be referred a rejection for their existence among the society which
is time by time can give bad impact for both couple themselves due to the pressure they probably
Second, same sex marriage cannot be defined as family form. Because family consist
father, mother and, children. The straight marriages are more valid because they can procreate,
they can have a children who will be the next generation. In marriage, the procreative of husband
and wife has a primary purpose. In the other side homosexual unions are 100 percent sterile. The
sexual acts of two men or two women will never produce a child. While we think that same sex
couple still has easy alternative way to have children by adopting. Let’s imagine ever since same
sex marriage legalized in our country and the amount of it cannot be controlled. That can cause
negative effect to growth, development and dynamic of our populace where regeneration process
will stuck. In addition, In the name of family same sex marriage always denies the child either a
father or mother. Every child should be raised by natural father and mother who have each role
distinctively. Motherhood will never feel same as fatherhood. Children need both male and
female role models to learn their roles in society properly. And it should be balanced.

Lastlty, increasing sexually transmitted disease. People those are homosexual

significantly always look for way to get sexual pleasure or their primary purposes, objectively is
the personal gratification of two individuals. They will feel miserable when their sexual desire is
not satisfied. This is the reason many of they have more than one pair in the same period. In the
terms of health it can be a threaten for the homosexual people to infect sexually transmitted
disease such as human immunodeficiency virus, AIDS, syphilis and other dangerous disease.

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