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Nowadays most of the population listen to music, it is almost impossible to find

someone who at least does not like a musical genre.

Music has long been present in the life of man, which has made it a resource for
various purposes. Music influences psychologically, socially and aesthetically.
Music awakens emotions that interfere with the functioning of our body, altering
our mental state. Music can end up affecting character, behavior and society,
because each person can bring the harmony of the song to itself and ends up
influencing the thoughts, the emotions, the health, the movements of the body.
Few people stop to think about it, but music today influences a lot of health, for
example accelerating or slowing down, regulating or deregulating the heart rate,
relaxing or irritating the nerves, influencing blood pressure and respiratory rate.

The musical notes have the capacity to relax us: we can listen to the musical
genres that have more regular and slow rhythms. Some pieces of classical music,
instrumental or soft pop contribute to reassure us. They are widely used in
radiotherapy rooms or aggressive medical treatments to relax patients.

Science has been able to establish that musical rhythms stimulate different areas of
the brain

Among the main positive effects are the following:

Entre os principais efeitos positivos estão os seguintes:

Each type of music has an effect on your brain and provokes feelings and feelings

• Classical music is related to calming the mind, even being a form of

meditation, creating more brain connections and enhancing cognitive
abilities as a whole. To stay calmer and more focused, it is important to
listen to classical music.

 heavy metal has a more marked beat and can be more or less heavy and
can release bad feelings. Songs in this style connect with the feelings of
pain, loss, guilt and regret, being extremely therapeutic for those who want
to release these internal sorrows.

 The horror movie soundtracks are created just to give the feeling of fear and
transport the viewer into the movie. Some musical tones immediately
connect with the feeling of fear, being highly powerful to create an even
more terrifying atmosphere.

As músicas sonoras de filmes de terror são criadas justamente para dar a sensação
de medo e transportar o telespectador para dentro do filme. Alguns tons musicais
conectam imediatamente com a sensação de medo, sendo altamente poderosos
para criar uma atmosfera ainda mais aterrorizante.

 People who love physical activity are usually seen with their headphones,
listening to the beats of lively and energetic music, doing the same for the
brain, leaving it full of motivation to take physical movement to another

As pessoas que adoram atividades físicas são geralmente vistas com os seus fones
de ouvidos, escutando as batidas de músicas animadas e energéticas, fazendo o
mesmo pelo cérebro, deixando-o cheio de motivação para levar o movimento físico
a outro nível.

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