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This Learning path enables participants to gain three critical skills: data analysis and problem solving
framework, the ability to perform descriptive analytics and visualization, and the expertise to build
and implement the most widely used data science and machine learning algorithms in use today,
with R

Module 1: The need for Analytics and Understanding Analytics

1. Decision Making – Heuristics and Biases
2. The need for analytics
3. Impact of analytics on business
4. Being analytically competitive
5. The difference between analytics and BI
6. Introduction to the business Analytics model
7. Types of analytics
8. Models and algorithms in Analytics
9. The Analytics Methodology

Module 2: Tool and Tech Landscape

1. A review of technology used in data storage, data processing, and data science
2. Popular tools used in Data Science and when to use each

Module 3: Descriptive Analytics with excel and Tableau

1. An introduction to Tableau
2. Using descriptive statistics in analysis and reporting
3. Advanced reporting with Tableau

Module 4: R programming
1. An introduction to R
2. Importing and exporting data in R
3. Data Manipulation with R
4. Advanced Data Manipulation with R
5. Data Visualization with R

Module 5: Data Preprocessing

1. Data Exploration and Assessment for Data Science
2. Identifying and dealing with noise in Data
3. Preparing data for Data Science Modeling

Model 6: Predictive Models in R

1. Linear Regression Models and their applications
2. Logistics Regression Models and Their applications
3. Time Series Forecasting

Syllabus: M.Sc. (Economics) w.e.f. AY 2018-19. Approved by Board of Studies 21-3-2018; Academic Council 28-3-2018
Model 7: ML Models in R
1. Clustering Algorithms and application
2. Decision Tree Algorithms and applications
3. Random Forest Algorithms and applications

Model 8: Storytelling with Data

1. Communicating data science results
2. Effective presentation skills
3. Using Data visualizations for storytelling


Syllabus: M.Sc. (Economics) w.e.f. AY 2018-19. Approved by Board of Studies 21-3-2018; Academic Council 28-3-2018

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