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Webpage 1

I Notice I Wonder

● This is the New York Times’ website. ● I wonder if she wrote about the 2016
● It talks about the 2016 election. election.
● Her name is Emma Roller.
● She is an opinion writer.
Webpage 2

I Notice I Wonder

● There are different articles. ● Were these articles published during

● All of the articles have headings and the 2016 election?
subheadings. ● I wonder if these are primary sources
● There are dates on the left hand side. because she was there when they
● Did the election happen between
these dates?
Webpage 3
I Notice I Wonder

● This is the opinion section. ● What does Women For Trump mean?
● The article has 741 comments. ● Why did Emma Roller make a
● The man in the picture looks like he is correction?
yelling. ● What are the comments about? Is it
● Emma Roller is the author of the feedback on the article or what the
article. people think?
● Will Emma Roller be coming to our

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