Sie sind auf Seite 1von 2

1. El presente simple se utiliza para hablar de cosas que suceden habitualmente.

A diferencia
con el español, no se usa el presente simple para hablar sobre algo que está pasando en el
momento en el que hablamos.

El "presente simple" se usa para:

 Rutinas

Ejemplo: I work in a silver mine

Trabajo en una mina de plata

 Situaciones permanentes

Ejemplo: She has a car

Ella tiene un coche

 Leyes naturales o físicas

Ejemplo: The Sun appears in the East

El Sol sale por el este


Rita teach english three times a week Rita teaches English teacher three times a week.
Ana sing in the school choir. Ana sings in the school choir.
Daniel always sleep during his match class. Daniel always sleeps during his match class.
The earth go around the sun. The earth goes around the sun.
Bird fly. Bird flies.
Triangles have three side. Triangles has three side.


Push Pushes
Sneeze Sneezes
Glorify Glorifies
Annoy Annoys
Kiss Kisses
Deny Denies
Marry Marries

I do not work. No trabajo
You don't work. Tu no trabajas.
She does not work. Ella no trabaja.
He doesn't work. El no trabaja.
It does not work. Eso no trabaja.
we do not work Nosotros no trabajamos
you don't work Tu no trabajas.
they do not work Ellos no trabajan.

 I have a watch.
 You have a watch.
 He has a watch
 She has a watch.
 It has a watch
 We have a watch.
 They have a watch.

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