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What is terminal in Linux operating system?

Linux is a descendant of Unix operating systems developed in the 70s in an environment

that used terminology adapted from the earliest days of computing. A lot of that
terminology is still used nowadays.
Terminal: a terminal is a program that allows the use of the terminal in a graphical
environment. As most people use an OS with a graphical user interface (GUI) for their
common computer need, the use of a terminal emulator is necessary for most Linux
server users. Today’s terminals are software representations of the old physical
terminals, often running on a GUI. It provides an interface into which users can type
commands and that can print text. When you SSH into your Linux server, the program
that you run on your local computer and type commands into is a terminal.
Shell: it can be defined as a program that runs other programs, but in the Linux world it
refers to a command line shell; the program that crates and manages the command line
interface that allows users into which users type commands. This command line
interface interprets a user's commands and script files, and tells the server's operating
system what to do with them. There are several shells that are widely used, such as
Bourne shell (sh) and C shell (csh). Each shell has its own set and intricacies.
An example of a terminal would be pi@raspberrypi: ~ $ cd /home/pi where pi
indicates de user which is connected with the terminal, @ means “in”, raspberrypi
indicates the name of the machine which we are connected, ~ indicates the route in
which we are and
$: indicator to start writing new orders or commands.
It allows with a few orders to carry out operations in a massive way. It is a highly
productive tool, where all your efforts will focus on knowing the orders to execute. You
do not need a graphical interface.


 Cat (to concatenate), is a utility that allows us to visualize the content of a text file
without the need of an editor. To use it we only have to mention it next to the file
that we want to visualize: $ cat test.txt
 Ls (to list), allows listing the contents of a directory or file. The syntax is: $ ls /
home / directory
 Cd (to change directory), it is as its name indicates the command that you will
need to access a different route than you are. For example, $ cd…
 Touch creates an empty file, if the file exists it updates the modification time. To
create the file prueba1.txt in / home, it would be: $ touch /home/test1.txt
 Mkdir (create directory), creates a new directory taking into account the current
location. For example, $ mkdir…
 Cp (copy), copy a source file or directory to a destination file or directory. For
example, $ cp /home/test.txt /home/rests/test.txt In the syntax, the source is
always specified first and then the destination. If we indicate a different destination
name, cp will copy the file or directory with the new name.
 Mv (move), moves a file to a specific path, and removes it from the finished source
of the operation. For example: $ mv /home/test.txt /home/rests/test2.txt. Like cp,
the origin and then the destination are specified in the syntax.
 Rm (remove), is the command necessary to delete a file or directory. To delete
the test.txt file located in / home, we execute: $ rm /home/test.txt
 Pwd (print working directory), is a convenient command that prints the route or
location at the time of execution, so we avoid getting lost if we are working with
multiple directories and folders. Its syntax would be: $ pwd
 Clear (to clean), is a simple command that will clean our terminal completely
leaving it as
 Chown: Change the owner of the file or directory. (chown –R root:root myDir)
 Chmod:Change the permissions of a file or directory. The mode consists of 3
parts. owner, groups, and others this refers to the permissions for these modes
and you must specify them. The permissions are the following: Read = 4 Write =
2 Execute = 1 ( chmod 755 myfile)
 Locate:To find a file on your system, the locate command will search on a system
for the pattern that you provide (locate myfile)
 Updatedb: Update the database used by the locate command.
 Date:Just print today's date. Just type date in the shell.
 Cat: Displays the contents of a file on the screen without limits. (cat myfile.txt)
 Passwd: Used to change your user password
 Reboot: Reboot the system immediately.
 Halt: Turn off the system, but make sure to close all your files to avoid data loss.
 history: displays a list of recently used commands.
 rename: modify the name of a file or several.
 Chgrp:It is exactly like chwon but to change the owner group.


Linux has an interpreter or terminal that acts as an interface between the user and the
operating system itself and whose name is bash (acronym for Bourne Again SHell) A
terminal is a form of access the system without using the graphical interface, that is,
perform all kinds of tasks in text format. The way to use the system in this way is through
A terminal is a way to access the system without using the graphical interface, that is,
perform all kinds of tasks in text format. The way to use the system in this way is through

The CDM is the command interpreter on OS / 2 and Windows NT based systems

(including Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista and
Windows 7). It is the equivalent of in MS-DOS and systems of the
Windows 9x family.

This program is only an application, it is not a part of the operating system and it does
not have the function of loading the configuration when the system is started.

Many functions that are performed from the graphical interface of an operating system
are sent to the cmd that is responsible for executing them.


OS X is an operating system that derives directly (or almost) from the Unix operating
system. On the other hand, Linux does not derive from Unix, but its structure is very
similar to that of Unix. Both Unix and Linux followed very similar lines of development.
Therefore, this makes both operating systems compatible to some extent. In addition to
sharing their stability and security in common, they also share the fact that both have
parts that are free software (not all macOS is free).

The shell environment also includes the various commands you use in the shell and
these are going to be similar -- but not identical -- between OS X and linux. In general,
both will have the same core commands and features (especially those defined in the
Posix standard), but a lot of extensions will be different.

For example, linux systems generally have a useradd command to create new users,
but OS X doesn't. On OS X, you generally use the GUI to create users; if you need to
create them from the command line, you use dscl (which linux doesn't have) to edit the
user database

Also, some commands they have in common will have different features and options.
For example, linuxes generally include GNU sed, which uses the -r option to invoke
extended regular expressions; on OS X, you'd use the -E option to get the same effect.
Similarly, in linux you might use ls --color=auto to get colorized output; on macOS, the
closest equivalent is ls -G.

Another difference is that many linux commands allow options to be specified after their
arguments (e.g. ls file1 file2 -l), while most OS X commands require options to come
strictly first (ls -l file1 file2).
Finally, since the OS itself is different, some commands wind up behaving differently
between the OSes. For example, on linux you'd probably use ifconfig to change your
network configuration. On OS X, ifconfig will work (probably with slightly different
syntax), but your changes are likely to be overwritten randomly by the system
configuration daemon; instead you should edit the network preferences
with networksetup, and then let the config daemon apply them to the live network state.

Mac OS X is a prison, it is not at all a flexible system, precisely this was a feature of
the UNIX that Apple has shaken off, away from the hacker culture that inspired * nix.
You can say that Mac OS X is a rare UNIX, where you do not control the machine, but
the machine controls you.
In this sense, Mac OS X is more similar to Windows than its brothers propos * nix
(Solaris, Linux, BSD, AIX, ...). In contrast is Linux, where everything is modifiable,
offering you total freedom in terms of configuration and modifications. Sometimes
there are so many possibilities that it is extremely complex and an arduous task to
touch them all.

Open vs. Code Closed code

Mac OS X is closed source and therefore you do not have access to the sources. You
do not know what you are doing, you cannot improve it, you cannot modify the code,
you cannot do more than use it.
Linux again offers you total flexibility and freedom in this regard. You can modify the
source code, redistribute it, correct errors yourself, add new features, observe the
code for educational purposes and most importantly, see what it really does on your
computer (without hidden functions for not very licit purposes).
Not to mention the code ... Why else was Steve Jobs so interested in signing Linus
Torvalds and other important figures in the free software world? Because we must not
forget that Linus rejected the offer, but Apple has a good catch of hackers from the
world of FreeBSD.

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