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Smart Grid Technology in Power Systems

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Davood Mohammadi Souran Hossein Hooshmandi Safa

Khorasan Power Engineering Consultant Company - Moniran Isfahan University of Technology


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Smart Grid Technology in Power Systems

Davood Mohammadi Souran, Hossein Hoshmandi Safa,

Behrooz Gohari Moghadam, Mehran Ghasempour
and Parisa Tavakkoli Heravi

Abstract The smart grid, which is known as the next-generation power grid, uses
two-way flows of electricity and information to create a widely distributed auto-
mated energy delivery network. This article is a survey of smart grid literature till
2011 on the enabling technologies for the smart grid. In this paper, three major
systems are explored namely the smart infrastructure system, the smart management
system, and the smart protection system. Possible future directions are also proposed
in each system. For the smart infrastructure system, we specifically explore the smart
energy subsystem, the smart information subsystem, and the smart communication
subsystem. Various management objectives, such as improving energy efficiency,
profiling demand, maximizing utility, reducing cost, and controlling emission are
explored for the smart management system and for the smart protection system,
various failure protection mechanisms which improve the reliability of the smart
grid, and the security and privacy issues in the smart grid are explored.

Keywords Smart grid  Power grid  Security  Privacy

D.M. Souran (&)  B.G. Moghadam

Khorasan Power Engineering Consultant Company (MONIRAN), Mashhad, Iran
B.G. Moghadam
D.M. Souran  H.H. Safa  M. Ghasempour
Mashhad Electric Energy Distribution Company, Mashhad, Iran
M. Ghasempour
P.T. Heravi
Department of Electrical Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016 1367

V.E. Balas et al. (eds.), Soft Computing Applications,
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 357,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-18416-6_109
1368 D.M. Souran et al.

1 Introduction

Traditionally, the term grid is used for an electricity system that may support all or
some of the following four operations: electricity generation, electricity transmis-
sion, electricity distribution, and electricity control.
A smart grid (SG), also called smart electrical or power grid, intelligent grid,
intelligrid, future grid, intergrid, or intragrid, is an enhanced version of the twentieth
century power network. Carrying power from a few central generators to a large
number of users or customers is one of the main and general usage of the traditional
power grids. In contrast, the SG uses two-way flows of electricity and information
to create an automated control and distributed advanced energy delivery network.
A brief comparison between the existing grid and the SG is presented in Table 1.
Using newly introduced information technologies, the SG is capable of delivering
power in more efficient ways and responding to wide ranging conditions and events.
The SG could respond to events that take place anywhere in the power grid, such
as power generation, transmission, distribution, and consumption, and accord
the corresponding predefined strategies. As an example, once a medium voltage
transformer failure event happens in the distribution grid, the SG may automatically
change the power flow and recover the power delivery service.
Let us perceive another example of demand profile shaping. Since lowering peak
demand and smoothing demand profile decrease the total plant and capital cost
requirements, in the peak period the electric utility can activate real-time pricing to
ensure some users to reduce their power demands; so that the total demand profile
full of peaks can be shaped to a daintily smoothed demand profile. More specifi-
cally, the SG can be regarded as an electric system that uses information, two-way,
cyber-secure communication technologies, and computational intelligence in an
integrated method across electricity generation, transmission, substations, distri-
bution and consumption to achieve a system that is clean, safe, secure, reliable,
recessive, effectiveness, and sustainable. This description covers the entire spectrum

Table 1 A brief comparison Existing grid Smart grid

between the existing grid and
the smart grid Electromechanical Digital
One-way communication Two-way communication
Centralized generation Distributed generation
Few sensors Sensors throughout
Manual monitoring Self-monitoring
Manual restoration Self-healing
Failures and blackouts Adaptive and islanding
Limited control Pervasive control
Few customer choices Many customer choices
Smart Grid Technology in Power Systems 1369

of the energy system from the generation to the end points of utilization of the
A “smart grid” is simply an advanced electrical distribution system that has the
capability to balance electrical loads from diverse, and often intermittent, alternative
energy generation sources. One key component of the “smart grid” is the capacity
to store electrical energy; this allows the demand from consumers to be met [1].
The ultimate SG is a vision. It is an integration of complementary sections,
subsystems, functions, and services under the control of highly intelligent man-
agement and control systems. Given the extensive view of the SG research, dif-
ferent researchers may express different points of view for the SG due to different
concentrations and plans. According to this introduction, in this paper, three major
systems in SG are discussed to from a technical view: Smart infrastructure system:
The smart infrastructure system is the energy, information, and communication
infrastructure underlying of the SG that supports (1) advanced electricity genera-
tion, delivery, and utilization; (2) advanced information metering, monitoring, and
management; and (3) advanced technologies in communication. Smart management
system: The smart management system is the subsystem in SG that prepared
advanced management and control tasks.
Smart protection system: This section is the subsystem in SG that provides
advanced grid reliability and safety analysis, failure protection, and security and
privacy protection services. Other reviews on SG were done in [2–13].
Chen et al. [5], Yu et al. [13], and Hassan and Radman [8] briefly reviewed the
basic concepts of smart grid and some technologies that could be utilized in smart
grid. The authors of [9, 10] has reviewed the existing smart grid standardizations
and gave concrete recommendations for future SG standards. Vasconcelos [11]
outlined the potential benefits of smart meters, and prepared a short overview of the
legal framework governing metering activities and policies in Europe. Brown and
Suryanarayanan [4] determined an industry perspective for the smart distribution
system and recognized those technologies which could be applied in the future
works and researches in the smart distribution system. Baumeister [3] provided a
survey of the work related to the cyber security of the smart grid.
Chen [6] explored the security and privacy issues in smart grid and related issues
to cyber security in the Internet. Gungor and Lambert [7] explored communication
networks for electrical system automation and tried to provide a better under-
standing of the hybrid network architecture that can provide heterogeneous elec-
trical system automation requirements. Akyol et al. [2] analyzing how, where, and
what types of wireless communications are appropriate for deployment in the
electrical power system. Wang et al. [12] presented an overview on the commu-
nication architectures in the power systems, including the communication network
compositions, technologies, functions, requirements, and research challenges.
The network implementation considerations and challenges in the power system
settings are discussed in many papers. In this survey complements, the other
reviews with considering: (1) comprehensively review the literature till 2011, and
systematically classify the work for the smart infrastructure system (energy,
information, and communications), the smart management system, and the smart
1370 D.M. Souran et al.

protection system; and (2) outline challenges and future research directions for each
of these three major systems. The novelty of this survey is in the classification,
volume of information prepared, and predestinating of future research in these three
major systems.

2 Definition of a Smart Grid

Various authors, government organization bodies have given numerous definitions

of smart grid. A smart grid can be defined as an upgraded electricity grid network
enabling two-way information and power exchange between suppliers and con-
sumers, due to the pervasive incorporation of intelligent communication monitoring
and management systems [14].
The initial components of smart grid started with the idea of advanced metering
infrastructure (AMI) with the aim of improving demand-side management and
energy efficiency, and constructing self-healing reliable grid protection against
malicious sabotage and natural disasters [15].
However, new requirements and demands drove the electricity industries,
research organizations, and governments to revision and expand the initially per-
ceived scope of smart grid. The U.S. Energy Independence and Security Act of
2007 directed the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to pro-
portionate the research and extend of a framework to gain interoperability of smart
grid and devices. Although an accurate and comprehensive definition of smart grid
has not been proposed yet, according to the report from NIST [16], the anticipated
benefits and requirements of a smart grid are the following:
(1) Improving power reliability and quality;
(2) Maximizing facility usage and averting construction of back-up (peak load)
power plants;
(3) Enhancement of capacity and efficiency of existing electrical power
(4) Improving resilience to disruption;
(5) Enabling predictive maintenance and self-healing responses to system
(6) Facilitating extended deployment of renewable energy resources;
(7) Accommodating distributed power sources;
(8) Automating maintenance and operation;
(9) Reducing greenhouse gas emissions by enabling electrical vehicles and new
power resources;
(10) Reducing oil consumption by reducing the need for inefficient generation
during peak usage periods;
(11) Presenting opportunities to make better grid security;
(12) Enabling transition to plug-in electrical vehicles and new energy storage
Smart Grid Technology in Power Systems 1371

Fig. 1 The NIST conceptual model for smart grid

(13) Increasing consumer options;

(14) Enabling new products, services, and markets.
In order to realize this new grid paradigm, NIST presented a conceptual model
(as shown in Fig. 1), which can be used as a reference for the different parts of the
electrical system where smart grid standardization work is happening.
This conceptual model divides the smart grid into seven domains. Each domain
encompasses one or more smart grid actors, including devices, systems, or

Table 2 Domains and actors in the NIST SG conceptual model [16]

Domain Actors in the domain
Customers The end users of electricity. May also generate, store, and manage the use of
Markets The operators and participants in electricity markets
Service The organizations providing services to electrical customers and utilities
Operations The managers of the movement of electricity
Bulk The generators of electricity in bulk quantities. May also store energy for
generation later distribution
Transmission The carriers of bulk electricity over long distances. May also store and
generate electricity
Distribution The distributors of electricity to and from customers. May also store and
generate electricity
1372 D.M. Souran et al.

programs that decide and exchange information necessary for performing appli-
cations. The short explanation of the domains and actors are given in Table 2. Refer
to the appendix of the NIST report [16] for more detailed descriptions. Note that
NIST proposed this model from the perspectives of the various roles involved in the
smart grid.
In contrast, this paper which looks at smart grid from a technical point of view,
divides smart grid into three major systems: smart infrastructure, smart manage-
ment, and smart protection systems.
1. Smart infrastructure system:
The intelligent infrastructure is the energy, information and communication
infrastructure underlying the smart grid. It supports bidirectional flow of elec-
tricity and information. Note that is easy to understand the concept of “two-way
flow of information”. “Bidirectional flow of power” means the power supply is
not unidirectional more.
For example, in the network of traditional energy, electricity is generated by the
power plant, then moved by the transmission, distribution network, and finally
delivered to users. In a smart grid, electricity can also be put back into the
network by users. For example, users may be able to generate electricity through
solar panels in homes and put it back to the network, or electric vehicles can
provide energy to help balance loads “peak shaving” (sending power to the
network when demand is high).
This backward flow is important. For example, it can be extremely helpful in a
microgrid that has been “islanded” due to power failures. The microgrid can
work, albeit at a reduced with the help of the energy fed back in the customer
level. Intelligent power subsystem, the subsystem of intelligent information and
intelligent communication subsystem: In this survey, more intelligent infra-
structure is divided into three subsystems. The intelligent power subsystem is
responsible for the advanced generation, supply, and consumption. Intelligent
information subsystem is responsible for advanced metering information,
monitoring, and management in the context of the smart grid.
The smart communication subsystem is responsible for communication con-
nectivity and information transmission among systems, devices, and applica-
tions in the context of the smart grid. It is noticeable that the reason why we
separate information subsystem and communication subsystem is to get a handle
on the involved complexity of the SG as a system of systems.
2. Smart management system:
The smart management system is the subsystem in smart grid that provides
advanced management and control services and functionalities. The main reason
for intelligent network can revolutionize the network is the explosion of func-
tionality based on your smart infrastructure. With this extension of new man-
agement applications and services that can leverage the technology and
Smart Grid Technology in Power Systems 1373

capability upgrades enabled by this advanced infrastructure, the grid will keep
becoming “smarter.” The smart management system takes advantage of the
smart infrastructure to pursue various advanced management objectives. So far,
most of these objectives relate to improving energy efficiency, supply and
demand, emissions control, reduced operating costs, and optimization utility.
3. Smart protection system:
The intelligent protection system is the subsystem that provides advanced
analysis of network reliability, fault protection and security services, and pro-
tection of privacy. By taking advantage of intelligent infrastructure, the smart
grid must not only realize a more intelligent management system, but also
provide intelligent protection system that can support more effective and effi-
cient protection mechanisms so fails, troubleshoot cyber security, and preserve
In this article, we describe smart grid using this classification. We encourage
readers to refer to this classification in case of any confusion when reading the
text. On hand order although there has been much debate over the exact defi-
nition, a smart grid actually encompasses a wide range of technology solutions
that optimize the value chain of energy. Depending on where and how a specific
utility operates through that chain, you can benefit from the implementation of
certain parts of a set of smart grid solutions.

3 An Overview of Legislations, Standards, Projects,

Programs, and Trials

In 2001, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) began a series of Communications

and Controls Workshops focused on the integration of distributed energy resources
[17]. The broad view of a transformation to smart grid was reflected in DOE’s Grid
Wise [18]. The US federal government has also established its policy for SG, which
is reflected in two Acts of Congress. The first one is the Energy Independence and
Security Act of 2007 [19] which determined studies on the state and security of
smart grid establishes a federal advisory committee and intergovernmental agency
task force; frames technology research, development and demonstration; directs the
advancement of interoperability; and creates a matching foundation program to
encourage investment in smart grid [17]. The second one is the American Recovery
and Reinvestment Act of 2009 [20], which includes $3.4 billion in funding for the
smart grid Investment Grant Program and $615 million for the smart grid
Demonstration Program. The result of these programs is expected to lead to a
combined investment of over $8 billion in SG capabilities.
In order to promote the development of smart grid, governments, academia,
industries, and research organizations have put great effort in the pilot projects,
programs, and field tests. In order to help readers assess recent developments,
especially in the industrial sector, we summarize 17 major projects, programs, and
Table 3 A summary of major projects/programs/trials

Project/program Organization *Country Period Brief description of project/program/trial Project/program/trial

name category
1 Acea Distribuzione Acea IT From 2004 The implementation of the integrated Smart meter and AMI
smart metering in Distribuzione advanced metering management system
Rome began in 2004 with the objective of
improving energy efficiency in Italy’s
capital. The system includes high accuracy
bidirectional meters and smart grid
applications such as network operation
control, and the ability to monitor low and
medium voltage line status automatically
2 American American US 2010–2012 It aims at building a fiber optics Transmission grid
transmission Transmission communications network for high-speed
company’s phasor Company communications to maximize the full
measurement unit capability of phasor measurement networks
project across American Transmission Company’s
transmission system
3 CERTS microgrid American US From 2003 Smart Grid 1.0 deployment started in 2003. Integrated system
test bed Electric Power It is the first fully operational SG
demonstration deployment in the U.S. Smart Grid 2.0
deployment started in 2008. It offers
improved customer services, including:
(1) by phone or online real-time meter reads,
(2) web-based management of smart
consumer appliances, and (3) remote service
turn on and shut-off
D.M. Souran et al.
Table 3 (continued)
Project/program Organization *Country Period Brief description of project/program/trial Project/program/trial
name category
4 CERTS microgrid American US From 2006 It aims at enhancing the ease of integrating Integrated system and
test bed Electric Power small energy sources into a microgrid microgrid
5 DLC + VIT4IP Kema DE, AT, UK, NL, 2010–2013 It aims at developing, verifying, and testing Communication and
Nederland BV IT, BE, IL a high-speed narrow-band power line information systems
communications infrastructure using the
Internet Protocol (IP) which is capable of
supporting existing and extending new and
multiple communication applications
6 EU-DEEP GDF Suez FR, GR, UK, DE, 2004–2009 It brings together eight European energy Integrated system and
Smart Grid Technology in Power Systems

BE, ES, SE, PL, utilities and aims at removing most of the distributed resources
LV, AT, HU, IT, technical and nontechnical barriers that
FI, CY, CZ, TR prevent a massive deployment of distributed
energy resources in Europe
7 Fenix Iberdrola ES, UK, Sl, AT, 2005–2009 It aims at boosting distributed energy Integrated system and
Distribucion DE, NL, FR, RO resources by maximizing their contribution virtual power plants
to the electric power system, through
aggregation into large-scale virtual power
plants and decentralized management
8 Grid4EU ERDF DE, SE, ES, IT, 2011–2015 It is led by a group of European distribution Integrated system
CZ, FR system operators and aims at testing in real
size some innovative system concepts and
technologies in order to highlight and help to
remove some of the barriers to the SG
deployment (technical, economic, societal,
environmental, or regulatory)
Table 3 (continued)

Project/program Organization *Country Period Brief description of project/program/trial Project/program/trial

name category
9 INOVGRID EDP PT 2007–2011 It aims at replacing the current low voltage Integrated system and
Distribuicao meters with electronic devices called energy home application
SA boxes, using automated meter management
10 IntelliGrid Electric Power US From 2001 It aims at creating a new electric power Other
Research delivery infrastructure that integrates
Institute advances in communications, computing,
and electronics to meet the energy needs of
the future. At present, the IntelliGrid
portfolio is composed of five main projects:
IntelliGrid architecture, fast simulation and
modeling, communications for distributed
energy resources, consumer portal, and
advanced monitoring systems
11 Large-scale ChoosEV A/S DK 2011–2013 Its main investigation is whether it is Smart meter and AMI,
demonstration of possible to move the charging of electric integrated system, and
charging of electric vehicles to a more environmental friendly electric vehicle
vehicles time and whether the electric vehicle owner
is interested in it
12 Model city MW Energie DE 2008–2012 It concentrates on an urban conurbation in Integrated system
Manheim which distributed renewable energy
resources are used to a large extent. Within
the framework of the e-energy project, a
representative large-scale trial is being
conducted both in Manheim and in Dresden
to demonstrate that the project can be
applied and translated to other regions
D.M. Souran et al.
Table 3 (continued)
Project/program Organization *Country Period Brief description of project/program/trial Project/program/trial
name category
13 More microgrids ICCS/National ES, GR, PT, NL, 2006–2009 It aims at: (1) implementing sophisticated Integrated system, smart
Technical IT, DK, MK, DE control techniques for distributed meter and AMI,
University of generators; (2) integrating microgrids into microgrid, distribution
Athens operation and development of the power grid, and home
system; (3) conducting field trials to test application
control strategies on actual microgrids; and
(4) quantifying microgrids effects on power
system operation and planning
14 Pacific Gas and Pacific Gas and US From 2006 It is part of a statewide effort driven by the Smart meter and AMI
Electric Electric California Public Utilities Commission to
Smart Grid Technology in Power Systems

Company’s Company upgrade California’s energy infrastructure

SmartMeter with automated metering technology. This
Program technology will enable new programs that
help California energy customers use less
energy and save money
15 Pacific Northwest Bonneville US 2010–2014 It aims at (1) validating new smart grid Integrated system
smart grid power technologies and business models;
demonstration administration (2) providing two-way communication
project between distributed generation, storage, and
demand assets and the existing grid
infrastructure; (3) quantifying smart grid
costs and benefits, and (4) advancing
standards for interoperability and cyber
security approaches
Table 3 (continued)

Project/program Organization *Country Period Brief description of project/program/trial Project/program/trial

name category
16 Smart Grid City, Xcel Energy US 2008–2010 Smart Grid City is a technology pilot that Integrated system, smart
Boulder, Colo explores smart-grid tools in a real-world meter and AMI
setting. The goal of this pilot is to help
determine: (1) Which energy management
and conservation tools customers want and
prefer; (2) Which technologies are the most
effective at improving power delivery;
(3) How best to incorporate SG technology
into the business operations to improve
efficiency, reduce carbon emissions and
modernize the energy delivery system;
(4) How to roll out the most promising SG
components on a wider scale. Xcel energy
has installed approximately 23,000 smart
meters in Boulder as part of a new era in
electricity grid management
17 Smart Grid Tianjin Electric CN 2010–2011 The project aims at building a smart power Integrated systems
Demonstration Power supply network with 220 kV and 110 kV
Project in Sino- Company transmission grid, 10–35 kV distribution
Singapore Tianjin lines, and 380 V/220 V low voltage
Ecocity distribution grid
D.M. Souran et al.
Smart Grid Technology in Power Systems 1379

tests, shown in Table 3. They cover smart meter, AMI, transport network, distri-
bution network, distributed resources, virtual power plant, home use, microgrid,
electric vehicle, and integrated systems.

4 Conclusion and Recommendations

Because of the potential importance of smart grid, this comprehensive survey

explores the technologies used in smart gird. We have studied the main smart grid
projects/programs/trials and three major technical systems smart grid: intelligent
system infrastructure, intelligent management system, and intelligent protection
system. We have outlined challenges and future research lines worth exploring for
each of these three systems.
We divided further intelligent infrastructure into three subsystems: intelligent
power subsystem, the subsystem of intelligent information, and intelligent com-
munication subsystem. For intelligent energy subsystem, we have reviewed the
work of generation, transmission, and distribution. We have also described two
important new paradigms of the grid: microgrid and G2V/V2G. For the subsystem
of intelligent information, we reviewed the work in the measurement information,
measurement and management. For intelligent communication subsystem, we
reviewed the wireless communication technologies and cable and communication
management from end to end.
In brief, in the transition from the conventional power grid to the smart grid, we
will replace a physical infrastructure with a digital one. The needs and changes
present the power industry with one of the biggest challenges it has ever faced [21].
For the smart management system, most of the existing works aim to provide
energy efficiency, demand profile, utility, cost, and emission, based on the smart
infrastructure by the usage of optimization, machine learning, and game theory. We
believe that within the advanced infrastructure framework of smart grid, more and
more new management services and applications would emerge and eventually
revolutionize consumers’ daily lives.
For the intelligent protection system, we have work to verify the reliability of the
system, error protection mechanism, security and privacy in the SG context.
However, we must note that the modern infrastructure used in SG one hand,
authorizes us to identify more efficient mechanisms to defend against attacks and to
handle failures, but on the other hand, opens up many new vulnerability. More
thorough research on the smart protection system is desirable. Of the existing efforts
in SG, we have also learned some useful lessons. Below we list these lessons from
four perspectives: practical assignments and projects, infrastructure, management
system, and protection system. First, the practical assignments and projects of the
SG should be well analyzed before the initiative starts.
For example, Xcel Energy’s Smart Grid City project [22] aimed at turning
Boulder, Colorado into an ultimate smart grid hub. However, when the project was
almost finished in 2010, only 43 % of Boulder residents had installed smart meters
1380 D.M. Souran et al.

and the cost of the project ballooned to $42.1 million from $15.3 million. Note that
this number does not count the cost of running and maintaining the grid. One
possible reason why the result was not satisfactory is that Xcel failed to perform a
thorough cost-benefit analysis before the initiative begins. Therefore, although
smart grid itself is an encouraging and promising technology, we still need to
carefully design blueprints of smart grid projects. In other words, do not necessarily
and directly lead to new and advanced technologies into a profitable and prosperous
future. We need advanced and matured project initiation, planning, execution, and
control to ensure that the practical projects SG be completed satisfactorily.
In addition, current projects and programs are mainly used by utility companies
or related organizations (see Table 3) out. Probably, they might not have enough
experience on the design and use of complex communication and information
systems. However, SG is a complex system of systems, leading to complex
interactions among energy, information, and communication systems. The devel-
opment of the SG infrastructure can ask to be included for advanced information
and communication technology sector. For example, electric utilities can still lead
the development of the network, while other areas through outsourcing or coop-
eration involved. The term smart in “Smart Grid” implies that the grid has the
intelligence to realize advanced management objectives and functionalities.
The experience in other sectors, especially consumer electronics, tells us that
only the technologies that will be customer-oriented functionality eventually attract
customers to accept and use. SG is no exception. For example, one of the most
important management objectives in SG is the reduction of CO2 emissions.
However, this does not necessarily mean that customers are willing to update their
devices to support the new feature. Therefore, in addition to the design of different
management objectives and functions, must the electric power industry, to how to
motivate customers to buy into these new ideas to think.
To protect part, we have the following two lessons. The first is that we examine
the behavior of the power company. Although SG is expected to provide advanced
protection in practice, the power companies want to provide services to minimize
costs and maximize profits. You cannot tilt well understood, therefore, neglecting
safety and privacy, and long-term reliability of the system in the face of the threat.
This raises some potential challenges to other system designers. For example, we
can ask, “Should we fully trust in the power company when we make our capa-
bilities in the field of energy suppliers?” It is likely that the power company itself is
trusted, but it has no ability to provide fully trusted services.
As mentioned in Sect. 2, in order to save costs, energy utilities, the information
management outsource to a third party (e.g., a cloud provider). This allows energy
companies to lose, to some extent control over ensuring the confidentiality and
integrity of information. New technologies in SG, we should also be introduced to
evaluate the potential risk, for example, as I said, with the smart metering archi-
tecture itself there are many new security and privacy issues. Therefore, we must do
a thorough evaluation of the new technologies.
In summary, there is no doubt that the emergence of the smart grid will lead to
an environment friendly future, a better power supply, and finally to revolutionize
Smart Grid Technology in Power Systems 1381

our daily lives. But we still have a long way to go before this vision becomes
reality. We need to consider not only how this mighty hammer (smart grid), but also
the nails (various functions) can be used to improve.


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