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NH3 Carb
Components M.W Mass Frac Mass Flow mole frac Mole flow Mass Frac Mass Flow
NH3 17 1 85951.244 1 5055.9555 0.421 51093.342
CO2 44 0.3206 38908.611
Urea 60 0.0754 9150.684
H2O 18 0.183 22209.22

Total 1 85951.244 1 5055.9555 1 121361.86

NH3 Flow 282 gpm Carb 214.5

gpm to lbs 85951.244 lbs gpm to lbs 121361.86

Production 1501 TPD

Carb CO2 in both reactors Total Outlet Mass basis
mole frac Mole flow Mass Frac Mass Flow mole frac Mole flow Mass Frac Mass Flow
0.5696388 3005.4907 1 142336.89 1 3234.9294 0.3669 52223.406
0.1676012 884.28662 0.0985 14020.184
0.0289059 152.5114 0.3494 49732.51
0.2338541 1233.8455 0.1852 26360.793

1 5276.1343 1 142336.89 1 3234.9294 1 142336.89

gpm Total
in urea + CO2 in Carb N basis
lbs 155346 in
CO2 In urea 1125.75 TPD 1.0657 out
103428.28 lbs 145768.93 FLOW

Total Co2 fed 142336.89 lbs

Production 49732.51 lbs

541.30623 TPD
Outlet Mass basis
mole frac Mole flow
0.5404612 3071.9651
0.0560595 318.64054
0.1458268 828.87517
0.2576524 1464.4885

1 5683.9692



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