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UX & UI Design Principles

in Digital Industries
Tak Kenal
Tak Sayang
hello !
I’m Shanis
UI/UX Designer
User Interface
Apa yang anda desain di layar

User Experience
Totalitas pengalaman user
ui / ux
Business needs Customer needs
Apa yang dipikirkan user
ketika menggunakan
suatu produk digital ?
Apa yang salah dengan
desain ini ?
Kita tidak tahu seperti apa pengalaman user ketika
menggunakan produk digital sebelum
melakukan usability testing
Usability fokus kepada menciptakan
smooth interactions antara pengguna dan
5 atribut usability
- Learnability
- Efficiency
- Memorability
- Errors
- Satisfaction
You are not the user

Pengujian desain harus dilakukan kepada

target diluar perusahaan.
Don’t make me think
SnapShots meant as
Information Loaded
Cognitive Bias : Framing

90% fat free 10% fat

Cognitive Bias : Framing

Positive Negative
90% fat free 10% fat
Information Architecture
High Fidelity Design

Clickable design, interactive

design dapat di UT
Desainer yang baik tidak akan pernah bisa
mengetahui kebutuhan user, bila tidak
dilakukan usability testing
Lean & Agile
Design, testing, measure, redesign, launch, dilakukan bersama-sama

Designer + Developer =
Design is not just what it look
like and feels like.
Design is how it works
Steve Jobs
10.000 hours rule
20 hours per week in 10 years

Gladwell repeatedly mentions the "10.000

hour rule", claiming that the key to
achieving world-class expertise in any skill,
is, to a large extend, a matter of practicing
the correct way.

Malcolm Gladwell
the end
thanks for having me

contact me on

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