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Bashar 2014-09-26 The Interstellar Enneagram MP4s MP3s 7hrs

In this exciting three-part weekend event, Bashar uses the Interstellar Enneagram to
explore the historical, present and future relationship of Earth to various
extraterrestrial and interdimensional civilizations including the Anunnaki, Grey,
Orion, Reptilian, Pleiadian, Essassani, Sirius, Arcturus and Shalinaya civilizations.

This material is shared by Bashar Sharing Community. Our intention is to connect with
those who are attracting this material for free and to help one another to get all of
the Bashar's material, especially the latest. We as a group and as individuals buy it
and share it, in any way we can but mainly via Torrents.

Direction for more Bashar Torrents is at:

"The Interstellar Enneagram, Part 1" September 26, 2014 - Los Angeles, CA
Part 1: The Past Interstellar
Enneagrams of the Orion, Anunnaki & Grey civilizations

Q&A includes: How are we working with templates with different civilizations? How does
the channel interact with you? Did I make any agreements to work with the Grey
civilization? Could you comment more on the two operations I had during an interaction
with the Grays? How can we include your teachings in our educational systems? Did I
meet you five years ago on a white spherical vessel? How do The Essassani explore the
unknown? How will everything change in the fall or 2016? What is happening with Mother
Earth? Could you please comment on the intense experience I had at a past Bashar
event? How can I enhance my public speaking ability? How was the DNA that the Greys
used get here? What are hybrid children? How are they created? What is your
civilization's perspective of suicide? Could you elaborate on the concept of "Old
Soul? In a meditative state, I was given a name. What does that mean? What does the
Sassani symbol in the enneagram mean? How can I unblock a pain in my right shoulder?
What is our purpose in being here? How do we experience change and what is process?
What can we do to raise the consciousness in the Middle East? What is your perspective
of the concept of "hope?" Could you share a paradox?

"The Interstellar Enneagram, Part 2" September 27, 2014 - Los Angeles, CA
Part 2: The Present Interstellar Enneagrams of the Essassani
& Shalinaya hybrid civilizations

Q&A includes: Why are the Scandinavian, Chinese and other races are so different from
the Annunaki bloodline? Are the accounts in the Old Testament related to the contact
with the Annuanaki? Did religion come from the Annunaki? Was the quarantine because of
the Annunaki? How many hybrid children do I have? Will I meet them? What is buried on
the Oak Island at the east coast of Canada? Could you comment on the wall of water
that I saw in a vision? Is it possible to be ecstatic every day as a human? Is it
possible to instantly download information from a book? As we evolve, how will our
physical needs change, such as having to eat food? I once had repeated dreams of a
little Grey. What is the relevance? Are there more civilizations in the Enneagram? Is
my son a descendant of the Annunaki? Can you elaborate on the higher vibrational
placement as in the white of Orion? Is the hexagon symbol in the center of The
Enneagram related to the fourth hybrid race? Who are the Oxcillo? What is your
definition of ecstasy?

"The Interstellar Enneagram, Part 3" September 28, 2014 - Los Angeles, CA

Q&A includes: Can you expand on the concept of time: 24 hours in a day, 12 months in a
year, etc? Does the bluish-tinted colors of the species before the Annunaki relate to
Krishnas, Vishnus and other deities? How does the universe view us as a civilization?
Can you give us some guidelines on how to co-exist with and help my three hybridized
children? How does The Flower of Life relate to the symbols of different
civilizations? How do I deal with family members who are on a lower vibrational level?
How do you raise the consciousness of the audience in a musical performance? What can
you tell us about Arcturus? What are the roots or background of Persians? Is the moon
hollow? Is this my first incarnation on the planet? I had a motorcycle accident when I
was 14. Was there anyone there to help me out? If the eyes are the window of the soul,
what does the gold around the iris mean? What are good crystals to meditate with
related to Sirius, Arcturus and the Pleadians? Does DMT play a larger role in the
universe or just here on Earth? How does a first contact specialist connect with the
other civilizations?

Who is Bashar?

Bashar is a being of extraterrestrial origin, a friend from the future who has spoken
for the past 30 years through channel, Darryl Anka, bringing through a wave of new
information that clearly explains in detail how the universe works and how each person
creates the reality they experience. Over the years, thousands of individuals have had
the opportunity to apply these principles and see if they really work to change their
lives and create the reality that they desire.

Overwhelmingly the response we receive is "This works!" Some of the feedback our
listeners have shared include:

- Enhanced creativity & abundance

- Mental & emotional clarity
- Improved health
- Enhanced love relationships
- Expanded psychic ability
- Increased self love & self acceptance
- Greater self-empowerment

Why do these concepts work?

Bashar would be the first to say that it's because this information is based on the
laws of physics and is not just a "nice New Age philosophy." Perhaps this is a more
advanced version of physics than you may have encountered in the past- but
nevertheless, it is based on physics. Hence, when you apply these principles and
techniques to your day to day life, you can see dramatic results, both in what you
experience and how you feel!

Bashar describes the importance of belief systems and explains how to change what you
believe about yourself and your world to dramatically change what you experience in
your life. The new perspectives he shares can change the way you view "reality" and
help you get in touch with the beliefs and ideas that are presently guiding your life
so that you can change them if you decide to. Bashar's message emphasizes your self
empowerment and your ability to use your conscious free choice to create the life and
the world that you prefer.

Self-empowerment is key

Bashar describes the planet as going through a major transformation- an evolutionary

leap to the next level of consciousness. Bashar's message simply acts as a reminder of
what you already know but may have forgotten, and can help you experience this
transition smoothly and joyfully, by expanding your awareness of the unlimited
possibilities that are truly available to you. The message emphasizes increasing your
self empowerment and your connection to your Higher Self as being key to consciously
creating the kind of reality you desire.

Ecstasy is your birthright

Bashar's message helps to expand your capacity for learning and change. It re-awakens
your ability to use your imagination and express yourself creatively... so that you
can experience the ecstasy that is your birthright. The techniques that are contained
in the Bashar material are fun, challenging and interesting to work with and Bashar's
uniquely humorous and direct approach enhances the entire experience!

A wide range of topics

Bashar also provides cutting-edge information on a wide range of topics:

- Personal Transformation
- History of the Universe
- Extraterrestrials & UFO's
- 2012
- Parallel Realities - Crop Circles
- Psychic Phenomenon
- Spiritual Ascension
- Earth Changes
- Healing Methods
- Life after Death
- Future Technology
- Sacred Geometry

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