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Extended Abstract Guidance

The Title Goes Here With Each Initial Letter

First Author, 1Next Author & 2Last Author
Author Affiliation(use complete postal addresses)
Add e-mail address of corresponding author
Co Autor Affiliations(use complete postal addresses)
Add e-mail address of corresponding author

Abstract. Do not replace the word “abstract,” but do replace the reset of this text. If you must
insert a hard line break, please use Shift+Enter rather than just tapping your "Enter" key. You
may want to print this page and refer to it as a style sample before you begin working on your
paper. Use 10 pt Times font for body of the text with one spacing between lines, and 12 pt
spacing for the next heading. Left and right indent 0.5cm. Maximum length 200 words.

Keywords: Enter Keywords here.

PACS: Replace this text with PACS numbers; choose from this list:

The first Heading of your manuscript must use the style “INTRODUCTION.” Otherwise, your paragraph
spacing will be off [1].
The section title use 12 pt, bold, Times, title case with 6 pt spacing to the body text. Use 11 pt
Times for body of the text with one spacing between lines, 12 pt spacing between paragraph and
18 pt spacing for the next heading.1 To set the style, simply use this template and follow the
instructions on section 2.

Style and Formatting

This template already set the style and formatting for the paper, so you can use those styles by
choosing the style name on the Styles box.
The styles used in this paper are:
1. Title, for paper’s title
2. Author, for author’s name
3. Address, for author’s address
4. Abstract, for abstract
5. Heading 1, for section title
6. Heading 2, for sub section title

First Level Heading (Heading 1)

This is the standard font and layout for the individual paragraphs. The style is called "Paragraph."
Replace this text with your text. The "Enter" key will take you to a new paragraph [2]. If you need to
insert a hard line break within the paragraph, please use Shift+Enter, rather than just tapping the "Enter"
This is the paragraph spacing that occurs when you use the Enter key.

For typing footnote, simply choose Insert Footnote on the menu bar, it numbered automatically.

Jurnal Ilmiah GIGA Page 1

Second Level Heading (Heading 2) With Each Initial Letter
This is the standard font and layout for the individual paragraphs. The style is called "Paragraph."
Replace this text with your text. The "Enter" key will take you to a new paragraph. If you need to insert
a hard line break within the paragraph, please use Shift+Enter, rather than just tapping the "Enter" key.
This is the paragraph spacing that occurs when you use the Enter key.

Third Level Heading (Heading 3) With Each Initial Letter Capitalized

This is the standard font and layout for the individual paragraphs. The style is called "Paragraph."
Replace this text with your text. The "Enter" key will take you to a new paragraph. If you need to insert
a hard line break within the paragraph, please use Shift+Enter, rather than just tapping the "Enter" key.
This is the paragraph spacing that occurs when you use the Enter key.


FIGURE 1. This is the Style for Figure Captions. Center this if it doesn’t run for more than one line.

To insert a footnote, use the "Insert" menu, select "Footnote", and click "OK"
Below is an example equation created with Word 2003’s Equation Editor. To move this equation,
highlight the entire line, then use cut and paste to the new location. To use this as a template, select the
entire line, then use copy and paste to place the equation in the new location [3,4].

Mathematical Formulation
Equation should be type with indent 1.27 pt, and numbered consecutively starting with
(1) set flush right.
To set the style, type Equation in the style box. But this style only set the tab stop position. To put the
equation on the right place just press tab button one time. And to type the equation number, press tab
button once again from the right side of the equation.

Figures and Tables

All figures and tables should be centered and numbered consecutively.

TABLE 1. Type Table Name Here. To remove this placeholder, choose the “AIP” menu and select “Delete Current
Single Column Section.”
Column Header Goes Column Header Goes Column Header Goes Column Header Goes
Here Here Here Here
Row Name Goes Here x x x
Row Name Goes Here x x x
Row Name Goes Here x x x

Maximum length of article is 20 pages including all pictures, tables, nomenclature,
references, etc.

If necessary you can type your acknowledgement here.

Jurnal Ilmiah GIGA Page 2

[1] M. P. Brown and K. Austin, The New Physique, Publisher City: Publisher Name, 2005,
pp. 25-30.
[2] M. P. Brown and K. Austin, Appl. Phys. Letters 85, 2503-2504 (2004).
[3] R. T. Wang, “Title of Chapter,” in Classic Physiques, edited by R. B. Hamil, Publisher
City: Publisher Name, 1999, pp. 212-213.
[4] C. D. Smith and E. F. Jones, “Load-Cycling in Cubic Press” in Shock Compression of
Condensed Matter-2001, edited by M. D. Furnish et al., AIP Conference Proceedings
620, American Institute of Physics, Melville, NY, 2002, pp. 651-654.
[5] B. R. Jackson and T. Pitman, U.S. Patent No. 6,345,224 (8 July 2004)
[6] D. L. Davids, "Recovery Effects in Binary Aluminum Alloys", Ph.D. Thesis, Harvard
University, 1998.

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