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Know Everything About Back

Pain And How To Treat It

Back Pain and Diagnosis ...................... 3
Injuries and Back Pain .......................... 5
Indicators in Back Pain ......................... 8
Methods for Treating Common Back
Pain ..................................................... 11
Back Pain Interventions ...................... 13
Sports Injuries Prevention and Back
Pain ..................................................... 16
Back Pain and Diagnosis
Did you know that many doctors miss areas of concern that could
lead to cures? Did you know that back pain is common, yet many
doctors fail to see the cause? The answer is simple. The reason is
most medical doctors have little experience in the system of
healing so to speak. Rather many doctors focus on prescribing
medicines and searching for answers, which many times rest in
front of them. Don’t get me wrong, good doctors reach
everywhere, yet these people lack educational knowledge of the
spinal column, central nervous system and so on. As well, these
people fail to see that many causes of back pain rests in
misaligned bones, or spine. Of course, diseases may cause back
pain as well. Sitting too long, lack of stretch exercises, etc, all
cause lower back pain.

If the back pain is, serious it will often show up in MRI or CT

scans. X-rays will show back conditions, however since doctors
review all areas, except the alignment of the bones and spine, thus
most times the x-rays only reveal what the doctor wants to see.
This happens to many people, including myself. A pro in
analyzing the spine and bones is the man you want to see if you
have chronic back conditions.

The types of back pain include sciatica. The back problem may be
listed as slip disk in some instances, yet the pain often challenges
doctors diagnose since a sharp, electrical shock-like and
distressing ache starts at the back and then travels to the legs.
Sometimes the pain is intermittent, while other times the pain
may be chronic. The particular problem often requires surgery to
correct. Sciatica according to few experts is one of the worst
backaches endured, since even when the pain has mild pain it is
difficult to bend forward and over to tie a shoe. The problem rests
in the spine, joints, and connective elements of the spinal column
that links to the entire body.

The spinal column makes up muscles, bones, central nerves, etc.

What holds the spine together is disks, connective tissues,
tendons, ligaments, etc? When a person stands erect, the spine’s
elements will join to apply tension. You can visualize the tension
by considering how a string will respond when you pull it down.
The changes assist the body in mobility; as well, it determines
how the body responds to movement.

The lower back is made up of large-scale structures, including the

backbone and the hip joints. The hip joints connect to the pelvis
and each element joins with the spinal column at the triangle bone
in the lower back and at the baseline of the spine that joins the
hipbones on either side and forms part of the pelvis. (Sacrum)

The large bones attach to the legs, which provide us strength and
support to the vertical spinal column. We have thick bones that
start at the opposite side of the thick cord of nerve tissues (Spinal
Cord) that is near the neck. Along this area, the joints are thick
and the bones start to thin and shrink. The spinal cord is a “thick
whitish” nerve cord surrounded by tissues and extends from the
base of the brain and continues to the spinal column, giving
mount to a pair of spinal nerves that contribute the body.

Combined these elements give us the ability to move and provides

flexibility. In addition, the organs are directed by these elements.

The spine is held up by the larger group of bones at the lower

region, smaller base, and the top architectures. Stress occurs at the
area, since below this region larger muscles work by directing and
sparking movement. This is how the legs are able to move, which
brute stress is applied to the vertebrae. At the back, we also have a
lumbar spinal disk. The disk is affected by the brute stress, since
each time we bend and sit, we are applying more than 500 pounds
to this area, yet it stretches to a “square inch” around the disks
and per count along the area.

Injuries and Back Pain

Injuries can cause back pain, including injuries to the upper limbs,
shoulders, neck, spine, etc. Injuries can occur also cause back
pain if the rotator cuffs are disturbed. The rotator cuffs comprise
acromion, tendons, such as the rotator cuffs, which rest at the
upper bones at the arm, and connect with rotator cuff muscles.
The muscles are at the top of the upper arm bones, and below the
shoulder joints. Rotator cuffs are clusters of smaller muscles,
tendons, etc, and attach to various parts of the body. If the
tendons are torn and/or ruptured it can cause back pain. The
injuries usually occur when sudden impacts or forces target the
region. Exerting the muscles can also cause injury. If the tendons
are damaged, it causes inflammation and swelling, which
obviously creates pain.

Such problems are treated with rest, ice packs, compression, and
elevation. Shoulder injuries are seen when the arm is thrown out
of socket. The injuries occur from falls, overexerting muscles, etc.
The doctor considers such injuries carefully, since fractures may
arise, which start within the humerus. In some instances, surgery
is mandatory to correct the problem.

Additional injuries include arc pain, shoulder freeze, tendonitis,

subacromial bursa, acromio-clavicular, and so on. The Bursa is a
sac filled with fluids that serve as padding to reduce friction. The
purpose of the bursa is to make movement easy and to avert
rubbing of the joints. The bursa can cause problems when the
shoulders are suddenly tossed over the head. Treatment for
subacromial bursa conditions, include steroid regimens, physical
therapy, meds, etc, especially when inflammations sets in. The
condition can cause back pain, since bursa is an assistant to the
joints, cartilages, bones, and synovium. Bursa works by playing
down the risks of joint damage. If bursa inflames it compresses
the nerves, or tendons. What happens after is failure, especially
once the joints rub. The soft pockets amid the bones that overlap
and protect other bones can cause serious back pain, since
inflammation has set in from bursa disorders. The tension caused
from inflammation hits the muscles, overexerting these muscles,
which the sensory nerves are slowed down and movement is

Posture is the pose we receive from bearing muscles and joints. If

a person slouches, often it can cause back pain, since the muscles
and joints are not moving, as they should. Physical therapy and
meds are often employed to correct the problem. Sitting at long
intervals can also cause back problems, especially if the lower
back is not supported. In fact, sitting incorrectly can bend the
spine at the lower back and cause serious pain. Back pain in this
nature may arrive from sport activities as well, such as heavy
lifting, repeated twisting, and so on. Slouches can correct back
problems by learning how to sit and stand in proper positions. The
back when damaged from slouching affects the lumbar. In
addition, the slouchier will need to learn correct techniques of

Back pain can arrive from slipped disk, sciatica, sacro-iliac, etc.
Slip disks is a Herniated nucleus pulposa (HNP) disorder. Slip
disks is rupturing of the “intervertebral disk.” The intervertebral
disk sits amid the Spinal Columns and next to the backbone.

Slipped disks start at the spinal canal, nerves, gelatinous core, and
finally at the disks. When the nerve roots are pressured, the disk
can slip, causing herniated nucleus pulposa. Sciatica is a sort of
slipped disk, since the pain sends sharp, electrical shock-like pain
down the canal of the spine, sending a distressing ache that starts
at the back. The pain carries onto the legs. The pain is at times
intermittent, yet other times it can lead to chronic pain syndrome.
Surgical procedures are often required to correct the problem.
Indicators in Back Pain
Back pain usually starts with signals or indicators. For instance, if
your back hurt at one time and stopped, and later it started it
again, you received your indicator at the start. In short, the first
time your back started hurting is the sign. You want to pinpoint
when the first pain started. Once you pinpoint the starting date,
you will need to consider what inspired your back pain. For
instance, did you fall? Were you in a motorized accident?

Once you find the trigger of your back pain, you want to consider
the symptoms. Did you feel pain? Did you feel weak? Was your
back stiff or numb?

Now you can use the indicators to discover where the pain started.
Did the pain start at the lower back? Was the pain at the top area?
Did the pain cause additional pain, such as around the neck? Was
the pain intermittent? Did the pain consistently cause stress? Did
the pain shoot to other areas of the body?
Did the pain get worse, when you walked, stood, sit, or lie down?
Did the pain decrease, or did it increase?

When you first hurt your back did the pain stop, or did it
frequently hurt? Did the pain cause long-term problems? Did the
pain leave right away?

When you first injured your back, did the symptoms change
gradually? Did the symptoms interrupt your daily duties? How
did the symptoms change? How did the symptoms interrupt your
daily duties?

Answering the questions can help you inform your doctor, as well
as understand the cause of your condition. If you were in an
accident and sought medical support when you first damaged
your spine, you may want to consider what tests were used to spot
your condition. What did you doctor find?

If you sought medical support and your doctor recommended

treatment, what was that treatment? How did the treatment help
your back condition? If the treatment helped your condition, can
you try the remedies now?

Is your back pain caused from surgery, joint conditions,

musculoskeletal disorders, or disease?

Does your job require mandatory lifting of heavy objects? Is your

job emotional stressful? Do you stand long hours? Do you sit long
How are your exercise habits? Do you workout often. Do you
engage in stretch exercises? What is your stress level? Do you do
something active to relieve stress?

Is there a hereditary back problem in your history?

Once you ask questions related to your back condition you might
want to mark points that you can mention later to your doctor.
Noting the problems can help you and your doctor find the cause.
Often patients fail to do this, which is why many back pain
problems go unnoticed.

If your back pain has recently started again after the initial
indicator, you may use treatments at home to relieve the pain,
unless it is demanding. Rest is a common treatment doctor
prescribes to reduce back pain. I am a fan to chiropractor support,
yet some people have issues with this notion, therefore if you feel
a chiropractor can benefit you, seek support. Massage and
physical therapy is also recommended to reduce back pain. In
many areas, massage therapists are available, which charge
reasonable fees. Check your areas to learn more about massage
therapy. Common stretch exercises can reduce back pain, which
has emerged from tension. If you overworked the muscles, you
may want to rest and do a few exercises later.

Whatever you do, avoid ignoring the indicators. Once pain starts
in the back, note the area and discuss the problem with your
Methods for Treating
Common Back Pain
If your back pain does not require medical attention, i.e. if you
feel you over exerted the muscles you can perform a few actions
at home to, perhaps relieve your pain. The common treatments
include bed rest, pain remedies, cold or hot pads, massage, relax,
and so on.

Sometimes when we pull the muscles pain relievers can help

reduce the pain. Common over-the-counter meds include
ibuprofen, aspirin, or meds with acetaminophen included. You
should avoid taking ibuprofen and aspirin combined to treat
common back pain. In addition, if you have asthma, allergies, or
polyps, leave ibuprofen and aspirin alone.

Cold packs work well, yet if you have conditions such as

rheumatoid arthritis or related symptoms you should avoid using
cold packs. Cold packs can reduce back pain otherwise if you
allow the packs to remain on your back long enough to reduce
muscle spasms, pain, or inflammation. Leave the cold pack on the
area where your pain is for at least twenty minutes.

Later you can apply hot packs to the area. Avoid placing hot
packs over areas where scar tissue is present. In addition, if you
have poor circulation, avoid placing hot packs in this area as well.
Leave the hot packs on your back for at least twenty minutes as
well. Do not use heating pads, since experts believe that the pads
are unsafe. You can take a hot, steamy bath or shower, or
purchase hydrocollators and place it on the area. You can find
hydrocollators at pharmacy, or areas where medical equipment,
meds, etc, are sold.

If you muscles are tight, you may benefit from a massage. If

someone you know is willing to give you a massage, ask him or
her to rub the area gently. Otherwise, you may find local massage
therapists in your area, which offer affordable treatment. If the
massage increases your pain, ask the person to stop. You may
need medical treatment. You should avoid massages if you have
fallen and injured your back, or if you were recently in an
accident. Seek medical help first.

You can also relax the back if your muscles are tense. Relaxation
promotes wellness, since the muscles can rest from over-exertion.

To avoid complicating common back pains you should move

around at least 20 minutes each day. Throughout the day we sit,
lie on the back, stand, walk, etc, which all applies gravity pressure
to the spine. We can learn proper sitting strategies to avoid
complicating common back pain.
When sitting you can roll a towel up and situate it at the lower
back and on your chair. This will provide the lumbar support. If
you have, certain conditions however avoid using such support.
Conditions such as spine stenosis or spondylolisthesis can become
irritated if you use back supports in such a way.

At what time you sit, try to use a chair that has armrests so that
you can use the rests to lower your self in position. Avoid placing
the legs directly “in front of you,” and do not bend when you lift
your self from the chair. Avoid twisting when rising from a seated
position as well.

To minimize back pain you should avoid sitting for long hours.
Walk around in intervals if you have a job that requires you to sit
for long hours. At what time you sit, try to position your knees so
that they are somewhat above the hips.

Common back stress can be reduced, yet if you try remedies at

home or at work and the remedies fail, you may need to seek
medical advice.

Back Pain Interventions

Doctors often prescribe a variety of exercises, diets, stretch
exercises, etc to relieve back pain. According to statistics, more
than 200 million Americans alone suffer back pain. Some patients
endure surgery, while others find ways to minimize the pain.
Unfortunately, some people turn to alcohol and drugs to relieve
such pain.
When pain is chronic, it makes it difficult to cope with daily
duties. Most pain in the back starts at the lower region. With so
much suffering, many people make a hobby out of finding relief.

Back pain mild or chronic can slow activities, mobility, and so on.
While there are, many medical causes and sometimes-mysterious
causes the fact is the majority of people in the world fail to
maintain ROM of the joints by stretching and exercising

For this reason, back pain is the number one cause of time loss
and money spent. The fact is back pain alone is one of the prime
reasons that people must call in to work sick. According to
statistics, the increase in back pains the total estimate of loss and
medical costs soars up to $60 billion dollars annually.

Some people are lucky. That is some people mysterious

experience back pain and in a few months, the pain vanishes,
never returning. Lucky dogs!

While the large percentage of people soon recover naturally from

back pain, another percentage makes up 100 and these people find
relief by modifying their weight, adjusting sitting arrangements,
and stretching.

Still, others suffer enduring back pain. Some of these people will
sit inappropriately in chairs, or on couches until they lower back
finally dents, forming the shape of the chair position they had sit.
These people often spend a lifetime indulging in over-the-counter
meds, such as analgesics. If they would get off the couch, align
the back with stretch exercises and support of Chiropractors, thus
the pain may disappear.

Still, other people suffer life-long back pain due to injuries,

trauma, disease, and so on. The downside is these people rarely
get the treatment they deserve, since it is rarely recommended by
doctors. In short, doctors will often recommend over-the-counter
medications, i.e. painkillers to resolve the problem. Doctors rarely
tell patients to exercise, diet, etc. Sometimes you may hear,
“Loose some weight,” yet the doctor will rarely tell the patient
how it is done.

Painkillers work to eliminate inflammation and sometimes pain,

yet what doctors fail to tell the patients is that some of these
painkillers are in fact killers. In addition, painkillers do not have
the same affect on all persons. For sure, some painkillers will
reduce pain for some, while others may continue hurting.

This leads us to drug addictions and alcoholism, since these

people need help coping with the pain, and if doctors are not
offering that help, thus drugs and alcohol is the answer. We have
another problem.

In view of the facts, back pain recoveries lay behind information.

When a patient has an idea as to what is causing his/her pain, thus
he/she can move to treatments that help them to find relief.

Fact: When a person is aware of cause, effect, only then can he

take action to eliminate the cause. When a person is aware of
cause, he moves to acceptance, in turn acceptance moves him to
How do I find the cause?
You find the cause by researching your condition. Once you
begin research your eyes will open, which leads you to discuss
with your doctor, treatments to eliminate your pain. Doctors
prescribe medicines, recommend tests, and encourage surgeries in
some instances, thus these people rarely focus on REAL
HEALTH, which includes exercise.

Exercise has proven to reduce even the worst back pain. Exercise
has gone as far as proven to prevent death from internal injuries.
Most people would ordinary die after six months from internal
injuries; however, one person stood against doctors and should
them that exercise is the gatekeeper to good health.

Sports Injuries Prevention

and Back Pain

Learning proper stretch exercises:

In sports people learn techniques, and will train to enjoy the
sports. The problem is most trainers fail to train the peers
correctly. Injuries occur when inappropriate training and
techniques are used. In addition, many people engage in sports
failing to wear proper clothing, helmets, etc, and sometimes
people will participate in sports when weather or visibility is
When weather is cold, it is important that you wear warm attire.
Wearing proper attire can help you avoid respiratory conditions,
which affect the liver, lungs, etc, and can lead to back pain. In
addition, those joining in exercises or sports should wear proper
shoes to avoid slips and falls. Helmets are essential to prevent
brain injuries. Brain injuries will affect the spinal columns, which
leads to back pain.

When weather conditions interrupt visibility, it poses risks. In

fact, various people have sustained back injuries while jogging at
night, since these people failed to wear proper attire, such as
reflective tabs, etc. Motorized accidents can occur when the driver
cannot see the runner, jogger, etc. This means the vehicle hits you
and if you are not lucky enough to die, you should pray that you
are lucky enough to miss back pain. Back pain is one of the worst
types of pain you will ever endure. Since many people are
misinformed as to how to stretch the muscles before exercising,
we can consider a few helpful steps.

As mentioned earlier it is important to perform proper exercises

before joining in sports. Proper exercises start with warm ups.
Warm ups include neck, shoulder, arm, and leg stretches.

How to perform neck stretch exercises:

To start neck stretch exercises you want to stand erect. Lift the
head so that it extends upward. Now, move your head so that it
bends slightly forward. Continue to change directions, bending
until your chin rests slightly on your torso. Balance the head,
turning it to the left or right and hold your position. After a few
seconds turn your head so that it rolls to the other side of your
body. Hold the jaw down, hold, and continue stretching the neck
up to five counts.

How to perform shoulder stretches:

Again, stand erect. Lift your arms so that it extends above the
head. Clasp the hands, joining them and pulling the hands
downward and behind your head. Hold and repeat the steps five
counts. Next, with your arms behind your back, reach down and
hold your hands at a pointing position. That is, bring your fingers
together at the points while one arm is over the shoulder and the
other arm is behind the back. Pull in opposing directions once in
position. If the arms are bent, extend the right arm, bending it
back and over the right shoulder and the head. With your free
hand, grab your elbow and hold. Pull the elbow gently toward the
free shoulder, and repeat the steps on the left side.
You can practice the windmill, shoulder shrug, triceps stretches,
arm circles and more to warm up before breaking into a full-speed

How to perform the windmill:

The windmill is one of the oldest stretches in the history of
workouts, yet the stretch is often missing in action, since many
people do the windmill incorrectly. To start, stand erect. Your
arms should be down at your side. Once in position, swing
upward, the right arm and bring it to the front, up, and around
behind your back so that it forms a circle. Repeat your steps up to
five counts and continue to the other side.

If you are interested and want more information you can visit my
blog here.

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