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use DBA_Work /* Change to database appropriate for you */


if object_id('usp_SQLAgentJobDocumentation','P') is null
exec('create procedure usp_SQLAgentJobDocumentation as select X=1')


Procedure usp_SQLAgentJobDocumentation
(c)2011, Brad Schulz (

Produce HTML code to document SQL Agent Jobs

To run this, create a SQL Agent Job of Type CMDEXEC that does the following:


queryout "C:\SomeFolder\$(ESCAPE_DQUOTE(MACH))_SQLAgentDocumentation.htm"

(For a local named instance, you may want to add $(ESCAPE_DQUOTE(INST)) to the
filename above).

Alternatively, you could create an SSIS Package that will execute this
procedure and output the contents to a flat file destination (with an .HTM

For further information, go to

This procedure is free to download and use for personal, educational, and internal

corporate purposes, provided that this header is preserved. Redistribution or sale

of this procedure, in whole or in part, is prohibited without the author's express

written consent.

Apr04,2011-Brad Schulz

alter procedure usp_SQLAgentJobDocumentation
--Optional parameters here to filter jobs you want
with SelectedJobs as
--If you want to add parameters to the procedure to filter out
--certain jobs, you can do it in the WHERE clause here
select *
from msdb.dbo.sysjobs j
--where job_id=@Job_ID
--where name like '%'+@JobNamePattern+'%'
--where category_id=@JobCategoryID
,SysScheds as
--Get all the System Schedules, getting a Frequency into readable English
select schedule_id
from msdb.dbo.sysschedules
cross apply
--Translate the dates and times into DATETIME values
--And translate the times into HH:MM:SSam (or HH:MMam) strings
(select StDate=convert(datetime
) F_DtTm
cross apply
--Translate the times into appropriate HH:MM:SSam or HH:MMam char formats

) F_Tms(StTimeString,EnTimeString)
cross apply
--What Time of Day? Single Time or Range of Times/Intervals
(select case
when freq_subday_type=0
then N''
else case
when freq_subday_type=1
then N'At '
else N'Every '
+' '
+case freq_subday_type
when 2 then N'Second'
when 4 then N'Minute'
when 8 then N'Hour'
when freq_subday_interval=1 then N'' else N's' end
+N' From '
when freq_subday_type=1
then N''
else N' to '+EnTimeString
+N' '
) F_Tm(TimeOfDay)
cross apply
--Translate Frequency
(select case freq_type
when 1
then N'One Time Only'
when 4
then N'Every '
+case freq_interval
when 1
then N'Day'
else convert(nvarchar(10),freq_interval)+N' Days'
when 8
then N'Every '
+case freq_recurrence_factor
when 1
then N''
else convert(nvarchar(10),freq_recurrence_factor)+N' Weeks on
+stuff(case when freq_interval& 1<>0 then N', Sunday' else N''
+case when freq_interval& 2<>0 then N', Monday' else N''
+case when freq_interval& 4<>0 then N', Tuesday' else N''
+case when freq_interval& 8<>0 then N', Wednesday' else N''
+case when freq_interval&16<>0 then N', Thursday' else N''
+case when freq_interval&32<>0 then N', Friday' else N''
+case when freq_interval&64<>0 then N', Saturday' else N''
when 16
then N'Every '
+case freq_recurrence_factor
when 1
then N'Month '
else convert(nvarchar(10),freq_recurrence_factor)+N' Months '
+N'on the '
when freq_interval in (1,21,31)
then N'st'
when freq_interval in (2,22)
then N'nd'
when freq_interval in (3,23)
then N'rd'
else N'th'
+N' of the Month'
when 32
then N'Every '
+case freq_recurrence_factor
when 1
then N'Month '
else convert(nvarchar(10),freq_recurrence_factor)+N' Months '
+N'on the '
+case freq_relative_interval
when 1 then N'1st '
when 2 then N'2nd '
when 4 then N'3rd '
when 8 then N'4th '
when 16 then N'Last '
+case freq_interval
when 1 then N'Sunday'
when 2 then N'Monday'
when 3 then N'Tuesday'
when 4 then N'Wednesday'
when 5 then N'Thursday'
when 6 then N'Friday'
when 7 then N'Saturday'
when 8 then N'Day'
when 9 then N'Weekday'
when 10 then N'Weekend Day'
+N' of the Month'
when 64
then N'When SQL Server Agent Starts'
when 128
then N'Whenever the CPUs become Idle'
else N'Unknown'
) F_Frq(Frequency)
cross apply
--When is it effective?
(select N' (Effective '+convert(nvarchar(11),StDate,100)
when EnDate='99991231'
then N''
else N' thru '+convert(nvarchar(11),EnDate,100)
) F_Eff(EffDtRange)
,JobScheds as
--Since a job can have multiple schedules, we will gather them
--all together here by job, separating each schedule by a NCHAR(13)
select j.job_id
,Schedules=stuff((select nchar(13)+SchedDesc
from msdb.dbo.sysjobschedules jsch
left join SysScheds ssch on
where jsch.job_id=j.job_id
for xml path(''),type).value('(/text())
from SelectedJobs j
,JobDefs as
--Get Attributes and Values for Jobs
select jobs.job_id
from SelectedJobs jobs
left join msdb.dbo.syscategories catgs on jobs.category_id=catgs.category_id
left join master.dbo.syslogins logs on jobs.owner_sid=logs.sid
left join JobScheds jsch on jobs.job_id=jsch.job_id
cross apply
--Look at the last 100 (successful) executions for the job
--and accumulate the Quantity (NumExecs) and Average Duration (AvgSecs)
(select NumExecs=count(*)
from (select top 100 NumSecs=run_duration/10000*3600
from msdb.dbo.sysjobhistory
where job_id=jobs.job_id
and step_id=0 --Full Job
and run_status=1 --Succeeded
order by run_date desc, run_time desc) x
) F_Hist
cross apply
--Translate the AvgSecs into "xx Hours xx Mins xx Secs"
(select case NumExecs
when 0
then N'N/A'
else case
when AvgSecs/3600>0
then convert(nvarchar(10),AvgSecs/3600)+N' Hour'
+case when AvgSecs/3600=1 then N'' else N's' end
+N' '
else N''
when AvgSecs%3600/60>0
then convert(nvarchar(10),AvgSecs%3600/60)+N' Min'
+case when AvgSecs%3600/60=1 then N'' else N's' end
+N' '
else N''
when AvgSecs=0
then N'0 Secs'
when AvgSecs%60>0
then convert(nvarchar(10),AvgSecs%60)+N' Sec'
+case when AvgSecs%60=1 then N'' else N's' end
else N''
+N' (Across '+convert(nvarchar(5),NumExecs)+N' Execution'
+case when NumExecs=1 then N'' else N's' end
) F_AvgDur(AvgDuration)
cross apply
--Get alerts (if any) for the job
(select stuff((select nchar(13)+name
+case when enabled=0 then N' (Disabled)' else N'' end
from msdb.dbo.sysalerts
where job_id=jobs.job_id
for xml path(''),type).value('(./text())[1]','nvarchar(max)')
) F_Alerts(AlertInfo)
cross apply
--Parse out the various notifications for the job
(select stuff(case
when notify_level_email=0
then N''
else nchar(13)+N'Email '
+isnull((select name
from msdb.dbo.sysoperators
where id=notify_email_operator_id),N'???')
+N' when job '
+case notify_level_email
when 1 then N'succeeds'
when 2 then N'fails'
when 3 then N'completes'
when notify_level_page=0
then N''
else nchar(13)+N'Page '
+isnull((select name
from msdb.dbo.sysoperators
where id=notify_page_operator_id),N'???')
+N' when job '
+case notify_level_page
when 1 then N'succeeds'
when 2 then N'fails'
when 3 then N'completes'
when notify_level_netsend=0
then N''
else nchar(13)+N'Net Send '
+isnull((select name
from msdb.dbo.sysoperators
where id=notify_netsend_operator_id),N'???')
+N' when job '
+case notify_level_netsend
when 1 then N'succeeds'
when 2 then N'fails'
when 3 then N'completes'
when notify_level_eventlog=0
then N''
else nchar(13)+N'Write to Event Log when job '
+case notify_level_eventlog
when 1 then N'succeeds'
when 2 then N'fails'
when 3 then N'completes'
when delete_level=0
then N''
else nchar(13)+N'Delete Job when it '
+case delete_level
when 1 then N'succeeds'
when 2 then N'fails'
when 3 then N'completes'
) F_Notify(NotifyInfo)
cross apply
--Build AttribSeq/Attribute/Value list for the job
(select 1,N'Description'
union all
select 2,N'Status'
,case when jobs.enabled=1 then N'Enabled' else N'Disabled' end
union all
select 3,N'Created'
union all
select 4,N'Modified'
union all
select 5,N'Owner'
union all
select 6,N'Category'
union all
select 7,N'Avg Duration'
union all
select 8,N'Schedule(s)'
union all
select 9,N'Alert(s)'
union all
select 10,N'Notification(s)'
union all
select 11,N'Start Step'
,isnull(N'Step #'+convert(nvarchar(10),start_step_id),N'N/A')
) F_JobDefs(AttribSeq,Attrib,Value)
,JobStepDefs as
--Get Attributes and Values for individual Job Steps
select job_id
from msdb.dbo.sysjobsteps s
left join msdb.dbo.sysproxies p on s.proxy_id=p.proxy_id
cross apply
--On Success
(select case on_success_action
when 1 then N'Quit Job with Success'
when 2 then N'Quit Job with Failure'
when 3 then N'Go To Next Step'
else N'Go To Step #'+convert(nvarchar(10),on_success_step_id)
) F_Succ(OnSuccess)
cross apply
--On Failure
(select case retry_attempts
when 0
then N''
else N'Attempt retry '
+case retry_interval
when 0 then N'immediately'
else N'in '+convert(nvarchar(10),retry_interval)
+N' min'+case when retry_interval=1 then N'' else N's' end
+case retry_attempts
when 1 then N''
else N', up to a maximum of '
+N' attempt'+case when retry_attempts=1 then N'' else N's'
+N'If all attempts fail, '
+case on_fail_action
when 1 then N'Quit Job with Success'
when 2 then N'Quit Job with Failure'
when 3 then N'Go To Next Step'
else N'Go To Step #'+convert(nvarchar(10),on_fail_step_id)
) F_Fail(OnFailure)
cross apply
--Translate Last_Run_Duration into "xx Hours xx Mins xx Secs"
(select case
when last_run_date=0
then N'N/A'
else case
when last_run_duration/10000>0
then convert(nvarchar(10),last_run_duration/10000)+N' Hour'
+case when last_run_duration/10000=1 then N'' else N's' end
+N' '
else N''
when last_run_duration%10000/100>0
then convert(nvarchar(10),last_run_duration%10000/100)+N' Min'
+case when last_run_duration%10000/100=1 then N'' else N's'
+N' '
else N''
when last_run_duration=0
then N'0 Secs'
when last_run_duration%100>0
then convert(nvarchar(10),last_run_duration%100)+N' Sec'
+case when last_run_duration%100=1 then N'' else N's' end
else N''
) F_LastDur(LastDuration)
cross apply
(select stuff(case
when output_file_name is not null
then nchar(13)
when flags&2<>0
then N'Append to File: '
else N'Overwrite File: '
else N''
when flags&8<>0
then nchar(13)+N'Write Log to Table (Overwrite)'
else N''
when flags&16<>0
then nchar(13)+N'Write Log to Table (Append)'
else N''
when flags&4<>0
then nchar(13)+N'Write to Step History'
else N''
) F_Output(OutputInfo)
cross apply
(select case subsystem
when N'ActiveScripting'
then N'ActiveX Script (Using '+database_name+N')'
then N'SSAS Command (Server='+server+N')'
then N'SSAS Query (Server='+server+N', Database='+database_name+N')'
when N'CmdExec'
then N'CmdExec (Exit Code On
when N'Distribution'
then N'Replication Distributer'
when N'LogReader'
then N'Replication Transaction-Log Reader'
when N'Merge'
then N'Replication Merge'
when N'QueueReader'
then N'Replication Queue Reader'
when N'Snapshot'
then N'Replication Snapshot'
when N'SSIS'
then N'SSIS Package'
when N'TSQL'
then N'TSQL (Database='+database_name+N')'
else subsystem
) F_Type(StepType)
cross apply
--Build AttribSeq/Attribute/Value list for the Job Step
(select 1,N'On Success'
union all
select 2,N'On Failure'
union all
select 3,N'Last Duration'
union all
select 4,N'Output'
union all
select 5,N'Type'
union all
select 6,N'Run As'
,nullif(isnull(' ',N'')+isnull(database_user_name,N''),N'')
union all
select 999,N'Command'
,isnull(command,N'(No Command Defined)')
) F_StepDefs(AttribSeq,Attrib,Value)
,JobAndSteps as
--Combine the Job and Steps together (giving the Job a Step_ID of 0)
--Incorporate the HTML code (and translate special characters)
--Job Titles Plus Beginning <TABLE> Tags:
select job_id
,HTM=N'<span style="font-size:x-large;"><b>'
+N'<table border=0><tr><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>'
+N'<table border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2>'
from SelectedJobs
union all
--Job Tables:
select job_id
,HTM=N'<tr><td valign=middle style="background-
from JobDefs
where Value is not null
union all
--Ending <TABLE> Tags:
select job_id
from SelectedJobs
union all
--Job Step Titles and Beginning <TABLE> Tags:
select j.job_id
,HTM=N'<br/><span style="font-size:large;"><b>'
+N'Step #'+convert(nvarchar(10),s.step_id)+N': '
+N'<table border=0><tr><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>'
+N'<table border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2>'
from SelectedJobs j
join msdb.dbo.sysjobsteps s on j.job_id=s.job_id
--Job Step Tables (handle the "Command" Attribute in its own Table):
union all
select job_id
when Attrib=N'Command'
then N'</table></td></tr></table>'
+N'<table border=0><tr><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>'
+N'<table border=0 cellpadding=10>'
+N'<tr><td style="font-family:Lucida Console,Courier
else N'<tr><td valign=middle style="background-
when Attrib=N'Command'
then N'</td></tr></table></td></tr></table>'
else N'</td></tr>'
from JobStepDefs
where Value is not null
union all
--Ending Code for Job (Page Break):
select job_id
+N'<hr style="color:#AAAAAA;page-break-after:always;">'
from SelectedJobs
,JobSeqs as
--Create a Job Sequence Number for jobs (ordered by their Name)
select job_id
,JobSeq=row_number() over (order by name)
from SelectedJobs
,FinalHTM as
--Put together the final product
--Beginning HTML for the entire Page:
select JobSeq=0
+N'<title>SQL Agent Jobs on '

+N'body {font-family:Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,Swiss,Sans-Serif; font-
+N'th {font-family:Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,Swiss,Sans-Serif; font-
+N'td {font-family:Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,Swiss,Sans-Serif; font-
union all
--All the Job/Step Stuff (incorporating the JobSeq)
select JobSeq
from JobSeqs j
join JobAndSteps js on j.job_id=js.job_id
union all
--Ending HTML for the Page:
select JobSeq=99999
--Output the whole thing in the appropriate order
select HTM
from FinalHTM
order by JobSeq

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