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180 Aquatic Science

Chapter 7

Chemical and
Physical Features
of Seawater and
the World Ocean

Rockhopper penguins (Eudyptes chrysocome) and bull kelp (Durvillea antarctica) lashed by
icy waves in the far South Atlantic Ocean.

verybody talks about the weather, but nobody does therefore, we must know about their environment. Chapter 3
anything about it.” Often attributed to Mark Twain, describes the chemistry and physics of the oceans in relation to
this quote by Twain’s collaborator, Charles Dudley life in the sea.
Warner, expresses the plight of marine organisms as well as
people. From the point of view of marine organisms, crashing
waves and icy waters are just part of the ocean’s “weather,” as are
wind, tides, currents, salt, and other chemical and physical features
of the ocean.
Because marine organisms can’t control the physical and We often think of water as commonplace because there is so much
chemical nature of their environment, they simply have to “grin of it around us. From a cosmic perspective, though, water is not
and bear it”—that is, adapt to where they live––or live some- common at all. Earth is the only known planet with liquid water
where else. Which organisms occur at a given place in the ocean on its surface.
and how they live are largely controlled by chemical and physi- Even so, most of us never give water a second unless we’re hot
cal factors. To understand the biology of marine organisms, or thirsty. Water quenches our thirst because it makes up most of

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Aquatic Science 181

− liquid (Fig. 7.2). As temperature rises so does the evaporation rate,

since the molecules move faster and more escape the hydrogen
O bonds. When the water gets hot enough, nearly all the bonds are
+ + broken and many molecules enter the vapor state at once; in other
_ − words, the water boils.

When liquid water cools, the molecules not only move slower,
+ − Hydrogen O they pack closer together and take up less space, so that the vol-
H bond ume of water decreases. Because the volume decreases without
O H changing the mass, the water gets denser. As seawater gets colder,
therefore, it gets more dense. As we shall see, cold seawater tends
H to sink in the ocean. Fresh water also gets denser as it gets colder,
+ but only down to a temperature of about 4 °C (39 °F). Below 4 °C
fresh water gets less dense as it cools.
FIGURE 7.1 The different ends of water molecules have opposite electri- Water freezes when the molecules move so slowly that the
cal charges. The oxygen (O) end has a weak negative charge, the hydrogen (H)
end a slight positive charge. Opposite charges attract each other like the oppo-
hydrogen bonds take over, locking the molecules into a fixed,
site poles of a magnet, so the oxygen end of one molecule is attracted to the three-dimensional pattern known as a crystal. In ice crystals
hydrogen end of neighboring molecules. These weak attractions between water the molecules are farther apart than in liquid water, so water
molecules are known as hydrogen bonds.

our bodies. Marine organisms, too, are mostly water—80% Water molecules
or more by weight in most cases, and in jellyfishes, or sea
jellies, over 95%. Water not only fills the ocean, it makes life
itself possible.

The Unique Nature of Pure Water

All matter is made of atoms. Only 118 or so known sub- bond
stances (chemists argue about the exact number) are com-

Liquid water
posed of a single kind of atom; these are called elements.
In all other substances two or more atoms are chemically
combined into larger particles called molecules. Water
molecules are made up of one oxygen atom, which is rel-
atively large, and two small hydrogen atoms. The oxygen
and hydrogen atoms have weak, opposite charges that cre-
ate electrical attractions, or hydrogen bonds, between adja-
cent water molecules (Fig. 7.1). Hydrogen bonds are much
weaker than the covalent bonds that hold the water molecule
together, but they make water different from any other sub-
stance on Earth.

The Three States of Water Any substance can exist in

three different states, or phases: solid, liquid, or gas. Water
is the only substance that naturally occurs in all three states
on Earth.
In liquid water, hydrogen bonds hold most of the mole- FIGURE 7.2 The molecules in liquid water form groups of various sizes held together
by hydrogen bonds. The molecules are moving too rapidly to be held permanently in place,
cules together in small groups (Fig. 7.2). The molecules are in so the groups constantly break up and re-form. Evaporation occurs when molecules break
constant motion, however, and because the hydrogen bonds free of hydrogen bonds and enter the gaseous state. Molecules of water vapor are much
farther apart than in the liquid state and are not held in groups by hydrogen bonds.
are weak the groups constantly break apart and re-form.
Temperature reflects the average speed of the molecules—the
faster they move, the higher the temperature. When a molecule
moves fast enough it breaks free of all the hydrogen bonds and Density The mass of a given volume of a substance.
escapes from the liquid phase into the gaseous or vapor phase. This
density ⴝ _
is the process of evaporation. volume
In water vapor the molecules are not held together by hydro-
• Chapter 2, p. 21
gen bonds. They are separate and much farther apart than in the

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182 Aquatic Science

°C °F latent heat of melting than any other commonly

occurring substance. The reverse is also true: A
great deal of heat must be removed from liq-
uid water to freeze it. It thus takes a long period
Gas of very cold weather before a body of water will
100° 212°

In melting ice, added heat breaks more

hydrogen bonds rather than increasing the speed
Water of molecular motion, so the temperature of the
ice-water mixture remains at a constant 0 °C
0° 32° (32  °F) until all the ice melts. That is why ice
keeps drinks cold: Added heat goes into melting
Ice the ice, not raising the temperature.
Once all the ice has melted, added heat
again makes the molecules move faster and so
raises the water temperature. Some of the heat
Heat Time
energy, however, still goes into breaking hydro-
gen bonds rather than increasing the speed of
FIGURE 7.3 The molecular structure of water changes with temperature. In ice, hydrogen bonds
hold the vibrating molecules in a hexagonal pattern. As heat is added, the ice warms up and the molecules molecular motion. It therefore takes a lot of heat
vibrate more rapidly until they break free of the crystal structure. When this happens, the ice melts. to raise the temperature. The amount of heat
While the ice is melting, added heat is absorbed by breaking hydrogen bonds, not by increasing the tem- needed to raise a substance’s temperature by a
perature. When the ice is completely melted, additional heat causes the temperature to rise again. Some
molecules gain enough speed to break free of all the bonds and evaporate. At 100 °C (212 °F) nearly all given amount, or its heat capacity, reflects how
of the hydrogen bonds are broken and the water boils. much heat the substance can store. Water has
one of the highest heat capacities of any natu-
expands as it freezes. Because the same mass of water occupies rally occurring substance. Water’s ability to absorb a lot of heat
more volume as ice than as liquid water, ice is less dense and with a relatively small increase in temperature is why it is used as a
floats. Water is extremely unusual in being less dense as a solid coolant, in car engines for example. More importantly for marine
than a liquid, a property that is very important for aquatic organisms, water’s high heat capacity means that most of them
organisms, both freshwater and marine. A floating layer of ice are not subjected to the rapid and sometimes drastic temperature
leaves water below, where organisms can live, and insulates changes that occur on land (Fig. 7.4).
it so it doesn’t freeze. If ice were denser
than liquid water, the ocean would freeze
from the bottom and be much less hospi-
table to life.

Seawater becomes denser as it cools, until it

freezes. Ice is less dense than liquid water.

Heat and Water In ice, vibrating water

molecules are held in place in the ice crys-
tal by hydrogen bonds. The bonds must be
broken before the molecules can begin to
move around, which is what happens when
ice melts (Fig. 7.3). Because of this, ice
melts—or, moving in the opposite direc-
tion, freezes—at a much higher tempera-
ture than similar substances that do not
form hydrogen bonds. If not for the hydro-
gen bonds, ice would melt at about ⫺90 °C
(⫺130 °F) instead of 0 °C (32 °F)!
Not only does ice melt at a compara-
tively high temperature, it absorbs a lot of
heat when it melts. The amount of heat
FIGURE 7.4 In the heat of the sun, this seaweed (Hormosira banksii) in New Zealand is beginning to shrivel.
required to melt a substance is called its Shore organisms that are exposed to the air during low tide are subjected to much more extreme temperatures
latent heat of melting. Water has a higher than organisms that are always submerged.

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Aquatic Science 183

of the water molecule, however, so these ionic bonds are much

stronger than hydrogen bonds. If no water is present, the ions bind
- strongly together to form salt crystals (Fig. 7.5).
+ When a salt crystal is placed in water, the strongly charged
+ ions attract the water molecules—with their weak charges—like
+ iron filings to a magnet. A layer of water molecules surrounds
- each ion, insulating it from the surrounding ions (Fig. 7.5).
+ This greatly weakens the ionic bonds that hold the salt crys-
tal together. The ions pull apart, or dissociate, and the salt
+ ++ +++ +
++ +
+ + + +
+ Sodium ion
+ + ++
Chloride ion Seawater
+ + + +
+ + + The characteristics of seawater are due both to the nature of
pure water and to the materials dissolved in it. Some substances
+ Sodium ion dissolved in seawater are produced by the chemical weathering
Chloride ion of rocks on land and are carried to the sea by rivers (Fig. 7.6).
Water molecule

FIGURE 7.5 Within a crystal of table salt, or sodium chloride, the ions are
held together by the attractions between opposite charges. Because the charges
on the ions are much stronger than the charges on a water molecule, the bonds
between ions are stronger than hydrogen bonds. When the salt is placed in
water, the slightly charged water molecules are attracted to the charges on the Sulfide (HS–),
ions. The water molecules cluster around the ions. This weakens the bonds chloride (Cl–),
between ions, which separate, or dissociate. etc.

Water also absorbs a lot of heat when

it evaporates—that is, it has a high latent Rain or snow
heat of evaporation. Again this is due to
hydrogen bonds: Only the fastest-moving
molecules, those with the most energy,
can break the bonds to enter the gaseous
phase. Because the fastest molecules leave
the liquid phase, those left behind have a Sodium (Na+),
lower average velocity and therefore a lower potassium (K+),
temperature. This is known as evaporative magnesium (Mg++),
cooling, which is why evaporating perspira-
tion cools our skin.

Water has the highest latent heats of melting Sulfide (HS–),

chloride (Cl–),
and evaporation and one of the highest heat
capacities of any natural substance.

Water as a Solvent Water can dissolve

more things than any other natural substance
and is often called the universal solvent.
Water is especially good at dissolving salts.
FIGURE 7.6 Not all ions in seawater enter the ocean at the same place. Positive ions like sodium and
Salts are made up of particles with opposite magnesium come mostly from the weathering of rocks and are carried to the sea by rivers. Negative ions
electrical charges. Such electrically charged like chloride and sulfide enter the ocean at hydrothermal vents and from volcanoes via precipitation. If
particles, which can be either single atoms the ocean was not thoroughly mixed, coastal water would have a relatively high proportion of sodium and
magnesium. Deeper water, influenced by hydrothermal input, would be rich in chloride and sulfate, which is
or groups of atoms, are known as ions. For produced from sulfide. Actually, the proportions of ions do vary right near river mouths and hydrothermal
example, ordinary table salt, or sodium chlo- vents, but most of the ocean is well mixed and the rule of constant proportions holds.
ride (NaCl), consists of a positively charged
sodium ion (Na⫹) combined with a negatively charged chloride ion
(Cl⫺). The oppositely charged ions are joined by the same electrical
Weathering The physical or chemical breakdown of rocks.
attraction that creates hydrogen bonds between water molecules.
Ions have much stronger electrical charges than the opposite ends

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184 Aquatic Science

Other materials come from the earth’s interior. Most of these salinity changes; see “Regulation of Salt and Water Balance.”
are released into the ocean at hydrothermal vents. Some are The chemist William Dittmar analyzed seawater samples
released into the atmosphere from volcanoes and enter the from the Challenger expedition and found that the percentage of
ocean in rain and snow. the major ions in seawater remained constant even though the
total amount of salt varied slightly from place to place. Chloride
Salt Composition Seawater contains at least a little of almost ion, for example, nearly always makes up 55.03% of however
everything, but most of the solutes, or dissolved materials, are much salt is present. This principle is called the rule of constant
made up of a surprisingly small group of ions. In fact, only six proportions.
ions compose over 99% of the material dissolved in seawater
(Table 7.1). Sodium and chloride account for about 85%, which is
why seawater tastes like table salt. The rule of constant proportions states that the relative amounts of
When seawater evaporates, the ions in it are left behind and the various ions in seawater are always the same.
combine to form various salts. Salinity is defined as the total
amount of salt dissolved in seawater. Salinity is usually expressed as
The proportions of different ions do in fact vary slightly,
the number of grams of salt left behind when 1,000 grams of sea-
especially in coastal areas where rivers bring in large amounts
water are evaporated. If 35 grams of salt are left from evaporating
of positively charged ions or near hydrothermal vents (Fig. 7.6).
1,000 grams of seawater, for example, the seawater had a salinity
In some places intense biological activity also affects ion ratios.
of 35 parts per thousand, or 35‰.
Still, in most of the oceans the proportions remain remarkably
Today salinity is rarely measured by evaporating water sam-
constant. This indicates that for the most part the oceans are
ples; Electronic instruments are used instead. Because of their
chemically well mixed, and that ocean salinity varies almost
electrical charges, ions are good electrical conductors. The conduc-
entirely as a result of the addition or removal of pure water
tivity of seawater therefore reflects the salinity. Oceanographers
rather than the addition or removal of salts. If salinity varied by
express salinity determined from conductivity measurements in
adding or removing any particular salt, then the relative amounts
practical salinity units (psu) rather than parts per thousand,
of the ions in the seawater would change. If magnesium chlo-
but the two units are numerically the same: 35 psu is equivalent
ride (MgCl2) were added, for example, then the proportions of
to 35‰.
magnesium and chloride would go up. Thus, although marine
The salinity of water greatly affects the organisms that live
organisms are exposed to changes in total salinity, they rarely
in it. Most marine organisms die in fresh water. Even slight
have to deal with changes in the ratios of the various ions. This
changes in salinity harm some. Many, especially those that live
makes it easier for them to control their internal salt and water
in river mouths or other places where the salinity is prone to
fluctuations, have evolved specific mechanisms to cope with
Water is removed from the ocean primarily by evapora-
tion, and to a lesser extent by freezing. When seawater freezes,
the ions are excluded from the forming ice. They are left
behind in the unfrozen water, increasing its salinity, and the
Table 7.1 ice is almost  pure water. That is why icebergs are not salty.
The Composition of Seawater of 35‰ Salinity Water is added by precipitation—rain and snow—and, to a
Although the concentration varies slightly from place to place in the ocean, lesser extent on short timescales, by the melting of glaciers and
the percentage of total salinity of each ion remains constant. polar ice.
The average salinity of the ocean is about 35‰. The open
Percentage of
ocean varies relatively little, between about 33‰ and 37‰,
Ion Concentration ‰ Total Salinity
depending mostly on the balance between evaporation and
Chloride (Clⴚ) 19.345 55.03 precipitation. Partially enclosed seas may have more extreme
Sodium (Naⴙ) 10.752 30.59 salinities. The Red Sea, for instance, is in a hot, dry region
where evaporation predominates over precipitation, so it is very
Sulfate (SO4ⴚ2) 2.701 7.68
salty, about 40‰. Near coasts or in enclosed basins, runoff
Magnesium (Mgⴙ2) 1.295 3.68
from rivers may have a strong effect. River runoff gives the
Calcium (Caⴙ2) 0.416 1.18
Baltic Sea a typical salinity at the surface of only about 7‰, for
Potassium (Kⴙ) 0.390 1.11 example.
Bicarbonate (HCO3ⴚ) 0.145 0.41 The “other dissolved material” listed in Table 3.1 includes
Bromide (Brⴚ) 0.066 0.19 substances such as essential nutrients that, though present in tiny
Borate (H2BO3ⴚ) 0.027 0.08 amounts, are critically important to marine life. Compounds con-
Strontium (Srⴙ2) 0.013 0.04 taining nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and iron (Fe) are particularly
Fluoride (Fⴚ) 0.001 0.003 important and their availability determines the biological produc-
Other dissolved material ⬍0.001 ⬍0.001 tivity of much of the oceans (see “The Importance of Nutrients,”
and “Nutrients”).

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FIGURE 7.7 Niskin bot- Salinity, Temperature, and Density We have already seen
tles are one of several types
of water sampling bottles. The
that temperature greatly affects water’s density. Salinity also influ-
bottles are clamped to a cable ences seawater density: The saltier the water, the denser it is. The
and lowered to the desired density of seawater therefore depends on both its temperature and
depth with both ends open. A
weight called a messenger is
its salinity.
sent down from the surface.
The spring-loaded end caps
then snap shut, trapping a The temperature and salinity of seawater determine its density: It
sample of seawater in the gets denser as it gets saltier, colder, or both.

Temperature in the open ocean varies between about ⫺2 and

⫹30 °C (28 and 86 °F). Temperatures below 0 °C (32 °F) are pos-
sible because salt water freezes at a colder temperature than pure
water. This is one reason that the ocean is less prone to freezing than
lakes and rivers.
Temperature in the ocean varies considerably more than salin-
ity, so as a practical matter density is usually controlled more by
temperature than salinity. Exceptions do occur, however, and both
the temperature and salinity of ocean water still need to be mea-
sured to determine the density.
Temperature and salinity can be measured by lowering spe-
cially designed bottles and thermometers on a wire to the desired
depth (Fig. 7.7). Then a weight called a messenger is released to
slide down the wire, triggering the bottles to snap
shut and trap a water sample that can be analyzed
Temperature (°C) for salinity. The thermometers are also triggered to
0° 10° 20° “freeze” the temperature reading so that it doesn’t
change as the thermometer is retrieved.
A series of bottles can be attached to the cable
to measure temperature and salinity, and there-
fore density, at several depths at once (Fig. 7.8).
A graph that shows the temperature at different
depths in the ocean is called a temperature profile.
A temperature profile obtained from a given loca-
1,000 m
Thermocline tion can be thought of as showing the tempera-
Water column

ture in a vertical shaft of water, or water column,

extending down from the surface. Profiles can also
be plotted for salinity, density, or any other charac-
teristic. In a profile the vertical axis appears “upside
Water bottle
down,” as shown in Figure 7.8.
and thermometer 2,000 m

A profile is a plot that shows temperature, salinity, or

any other characteristic of seawater at various depths
in the water column.

Using bottles and thermometers is time-

3,000 m consuming and expensive. Today oceanographers

Hydrothermal Vents Undersea hot springs associated with

mid-ocean ridges.
(a) (b)

FIGURE 7.8 (a) Sampling bottles can be used to measure temperature and salinity at several
depths at once. (b) The results are plotted on a profile, or a graph showing how temperature, salinity, The Challenger expedition (1872–1876) marked the birth of
or any other property varies with depth. This example shows a temperature profile. Temperature is modern oceanography.
measured only where the bottles are (dots) and the temperature between the bottles (red line) must
be inferred. The zone in which the temperature rapidly drops as it gets deeper is called a thermocline.

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186 Aquatic Science

meters) are widely used in conjunction with

other instruments (Fig. 7.9). Expendable
bathythermographs (XBTs), which measure
temperature but not salinity profiles, are even
Though temperature, salinity, and vari-
ous other things can be measured electroni-
cally, many other measurements still require
a water sample, so Niskin bottles and similar
devices remain in use. These days, oceanog-
raphers usually mount all the open bottles on
a single rack (Fig. 7.9) rather than stringing
them along the wire. To collect samples from
different depths, each bottle is closed at a dif-
ferent time while the rack is lowered. The
rack is easier to use than a series of individual
Even with electronic instruments, mea-
surements from ships can be made in only
one place at a time. To study a large area, the
ship has to steam from place to place. In the
meantime, conditions might change because of
(a) (b)
currents or the weather. One alternative is to
FIGURE 7.9 (a) Instead of being hung on a wire individually, water sampling bottles (red arrow) are use a number of ships at once. This is expen-
now usually mounted in a “rosette” to a single frame. A variety of electronic instruments (yellow arrows) sive, however, and is not done often. Today
that measure temperature, salinity, light, water clarity, and other factors can also be mounted on the frame,
(b) which is then lowered through the water column. Many of the instruments provide real-time information oceanographers increasingly make their mea
to computers on the surface. surements with automated instruments (see
“Observing the Ocean”).
usually use electronic sensors to quickly and accurately record salin- Another way to get the big picture is to use satellites.
ity, temperature, and depth throughout the water column, rather Satellites can measure conditions only near the surface, but
than just at certain depths. CTDs (conductivity-temperature-depth they give instantaneous coverage of a large area (Fig. 7.10).

FIGURE 7.10 This satellite image shows the temperature of the ocean surface. The coldest water is shown in blue, the warmest in red. The large patch of very warm
(29.5 °C, 85.1 °F) water just north of the island of New Guinea (arrow) is called the Pacific Warm Pool. It contains the ocean’s largest reservoir of heat and strongly
influences the climate of the entire planet. During El Niño years, for example, the pool of warm water moves east to the central Pacific (see “The El Niño–Southern
Oscillation Phenomenon”).

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Aquatic Science 187

FIGURE 7.11 oxygen depletion by respiration (see “The Oxygen Minimum

Different colors of light Zone.”).
penetrate to different
depths in the ocean. In Carbon dioxide is much more soluble than oxygen because
clear ocean water blue it reacts chemically when it dissolves. As a result, CO2 makes up
light penetrates the deep- more than 80% of the dissolved gas in the ocean, compared to
est, red light the least. Visible light
Coastal waters often less than 0.04% of air, and the ocean stores more than 50 times as
contain materials that much CO2 as the atmosphere. This makes the ocean critical to
absorb blue light so that m ft understanding the effects of human activities on Earth’s climate
green penetrates deepest.
0 0 (see “Special Report: Our Changing Planet.”).


10 33 Green
Transparency One of the most biologically important prop-
erties of seawater is that it is relatively transparent, so sunlight
20 66
can penetrate into the ocean. This is vital because photosynthetic
organisms need light to grow. If seawater weren’t transparent,
30 98 there would be little photosynthesis in the sea, and then only right
at the surface.
40 131 Sunlight contains all the colors of the rainbow, but not all
colors penetrate seawater equally well. Clear ocean water is most
50 164 transparent to blue light. Other colors are absorbed more than
blue, so as depth increases more and more of these other col-
60 197 ors are filtered out and soon only blue light remains (Fig. 7.11).
Things that appear red on the surface look gray or black at depth
because there is no red light to reflect off them and be seen
70 230
(Fig.  7.12). At greater depths—about 1,000 m (3,300 ft) in
the clearest water—even the blue light gets absorbed and only
darkness remains.
Furthermore, a series of measurements
can be made in a short time. This makes it
possible to follow rapid changes in surface
conditions that result from currents and

Dissolved Gases There are gases as

well as solid materials dissolved in sea-
water. For organisms the most important
gases in the ocean are oxygen (O2), car-
bon dioxide (CO 2), and nitrogen (N 2).
All three are found in the atmosphere and
dissolve in seawater at the sea surface.
Sometimes the reverse occurs and the sea
surface releases gases to the atmosphere.
This process is known as gas exchange
(a) (b)
between the ocean and atmosphere.
Unlike solids, gases dissolve bet- FIGURE 7.12 At a depth of 30 m (98 ft) only blue light remains, and under natural lighting (a) this sea star
ter in cold than warm water, so dissolved (Thromidia catalai) appears light blue, with the tips of the arms almost black. (b) An electronic flash reveals the
sea star’s true colors.
gas concentrations are higher in polar
waters than in the tropics. Oxygen is not
very soluble. The ocean contains between 0 and 8 milliliters Photosynthesis
of dissolved oxygen per liter of seawater, but more typically CO2 ⫹ H2O ⫹ sun energy S organic matter ⫹ O2
about 4 to 6   ml/L. A liter of air, by comparison, contains (glucose)
about 210 milliliters of oxygen, or 21% of the total volume.
The amount of oxygen in the water is also strongly affected
by organisms through photosynthesis and respiration. Much Respiration
organic matter ⫹ O2 S CO2 ⫹ H2O ⫹ energy
of the oxygen produced by photosynthesis in the ocean is (glucose)
released to the atmosphere. The relatively low dissolved oxy-
gen level in seawater makes it more susceptible than air to

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188 Aquatic Science

The transparency of water is strongly affected by suspended OCEAN CIRCULATION

or dissolved material (Fig. 7.13). Obviously, muddy water is not
as clear as clean water. Large quantities of plankton also reduce The ocean never rests. Throughout its depths, currents move and
water transparency. Water near coasts often contains a lot of mate- mix ocean waters and transport heat, nutrients, pollutants, and
rial brought in by rivers that gives coastal waters a greenish tint organisms. Ocean circulation profoundly affects not only marine
and makes them less transparent than the deep blue waters of the organisms and their habitats, but also Earth’s climate and there-
open ocean. fore all habitats on land.

Pressure Another factor that changes dramatically with depth in Surface Circulation
the ocean is pressure. Organisms on land are under 1 atmosphere
The wind drives the strongest ocean currents, which occur in the
(14.7 pounds per square inch, or psi) of pressure at sea level—the
surface layer. Both wind and surface currents are ultimately driven
weight of all the air above them. Marine organisms, however, are
by heat energy from the sun. Both surface currents and the wind
under the weight of water as well as the atmosphere. Since water
are also influenced by what is known as the Coriolis effect.
is much heavier than air, marine organisms are under much more
pressure than those on land. The pressure increases dramatically
with depth because the amount of water above gets greater
(Fig. 7.14). With each 10 m (33 ft) of increased depth, another
atmosphere of pressure is added.
As pressure increases, gases are compressed. Gas-filled
structures inside organisms like air bladders, floats, and
lungs shrink or collapse. This limits the depth range of many 1 atm
marine organisms. It also means that submarines and sci-
entific instruments must be specially engineered to with-
stand pressure. This greatly increases the difficulty, expense, Water depth Total pressure
atm bar psi
and sometimes the danger of studying the sea. The reverse
effect also causes problems: Organisms that contain gas- 0 1 1.0 14.7

filled structures are often injured when brought up from the 1 atm
deep (Fig. 7.15).
10 m (33 ft) 2 2.0 29.4

1 atm

20 m (66 ft) 3 3.0 44.1

1 atm

30 m (98 ft) 4 4.1 58.8

1 atm

40 m (131 ft) 5 5.1 73.5

1 atm

50 m (164 ft) 6 6.1 88.2

1 atm

60 m (197 ft) 7 7.1 102.9

1 atm

70 m (230 ft) 8 8.1 117.6

1 atm

80 m (262 ft) 9 9.1 132.3

FIGURE 7.13 Sophisticated electronic instruments like those

mounted to the frame in Figure 7.9 allow precise measurements of FIGURE 7.14 The pressure at any place depends on the weight pressing down from
water clarity and light penetration. For surface waters, however, above. At the sea surface or on land, only the atmosphere is above. Divers and marine organ-
this simple instrument called a Secchi disk gives a surprisingly isms, however, are also under the weight of the water column. The deeper the diver goes,
useful measurement of water clarity. The disk is slowly lowered the more water presses down from above and the greater the pressure. As the pressure
to where it just ceases to be visible. The greater this depth, the increases, flexible gas-filled structures like the red balloon are compressed. Pressure can be
clearer the water. measured in atmospheres (atm), bars, pounds per square inch (psi), or other units.

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Aquatic Science 189

The Coriolis effect is too slight to

notice when you’re walking along or driv-
ing in a car, so most people aren’t aware of
it. It is very important, however, for things
like winds and ocean currents that move over
large distances. In the Northern Hemisphere
the Coriolis effect always deflects things
to the right. In the Southern Hemisphere,
things are deflected to the left.

The Coriolis effect deflects large-scale motions

like winds and currents to the right in the
Northern Hemisphere and to the left in the
Southern Hemisphere.

Wind Patterns The winds in our atmo-

sphere are driven by heat energy from the
FIGURE 7.15 Many fishes, like this longfin grouper (Epinephalus quoyanus), have an internal air sac called sun. The Equator is warmer than the poles
a swim bladder. If the fish is brought to the surface too quickly, the bladder blows up like a balloon because
of the decreased pressure. This fish’s swim bladder has expanded so much that it has pushed its stomach out because most of the sun’s energy is absorbed
of its mouth. Fish like this sometimes survive if the bladder is carefully punctured and the fish returned to the near the Equator. As solar energy heats the
water, though there are often severe internal injuries.
Equator the air there becomes less dense and
rises. Air from adjacent areas gets sucked in
The Coriolis Effect Because the earth is round and rotating, to replace the rising equatorial air, creating wind (Fig. 7.17). The
anything that moves over its surface tends to turn a little rather winds do not move straight toward the Equator, but are bent by
than moving in a straight line. One way to understand this bend- the Coriolis effect. These winds, called the trade winds, approach
ing, called the Coriolis effect, is to try a simple experiment. Put a the Equator at an angle of about 45°. Over the ocean, where they
piece of paper on a record turntable or some other rotating surface. are not affected by land, the trade winds are the steadiest winds
Try to draw a straight line. The line will come out curved because on Earth.
the paper is spinning, moving under the pen. Figure 7.16 shows Other winds are also driven by solar energy but are more
another way to understand the Coriolis effect. variable than the trades. The westerlies lie at middle latitudes
(Fig. 7.18), and move in the opposite direction to the trade winds.
The high-latitude polar easterlies are the most variable winds of all.

Surface Currents The major wind fields of

North Pole North Pole the atmosphere push the sea surface, creating
currents. All the major surface currents of the
open ocean, in fact, are driven by the wind
Pacific and ultimately by heat energy from the sun.
Ocean Atlantic When pushed by the wind, the upper-
North Atlantic Pacific Ocean
America Ocean Ocean most layer of surface water begins to move.
San Diego Charleston Instead of going in the same direction as the
Charleston San Diego
wind, the surface current moves off at an
angle of 45° because of the Coriolis effect
Equ (Fig. 7.19). This top layer pushes on the
ator n
Earth’s ro
tatio layer of water below, and again the Coriolis
effect comes into play: The second layer
moves not in the same direction as the top
one, but slightly to the right, and slightly
(a) (b) slower. This process passes down through
FIGURE 7.16 The Coriolis effect. (a) Imagine that someone fires a missile from the North Pole at the water column, each layer pushed by the
Charleston, South Carolina. If the missile takes 2½ hours to reach its destination, (b) the earth will rotate under layer above and pushing the one below, in
the missile while it is in the air so that the missile ends up hitting San Diego, California. From space it is clear a pattern called the Ekman spiral after the
that the missile moved in a straight line (black arrows) and the earth rotated, but to an observer on Earth it
would look like the missile curved (red arrow). The Coriolis effect would still apply if the missile was fired from Swedish oceanographer who discovered it.
east to west. Can you think of ways to explain this? The effect of the wind decreases with depth,

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190 Aquatic Science

so that progressively deeper layers move more

and more slowly. Eventually, at a depth of
a few hundred meters at most, the wind is
not felt at all. The upper part of the water
Warm air rises from column that is affected by the wind is called
Win equatorial regions the Ekman layer. Though each microlayer
Trade moves in a different direction, taken as a
whole the Ekman layer moves at 90° from
the wind direction. This process is called
energy Ekman transport.

The Coriolis effect causes surface currents to

Equator Clouds move at 45° from the wind that drives them.
Lower water layers move at progressively
greater angles from the wind in a pattern called
an Ekman spiral. This produces Ekman transport,
in which the upper part of the water column
ds moves perpendicular to the wind direction, to
the right in the Northern Hemisphere and the
Trade Air blows in to replace rising
air, creating trade winds left in the Southern Hemisphere.

A comparison of wind and surface

FIGURE 7.17 Air near the Equator is warmed by solar heating and rises. Air from higher latitudes moves current patterns demonstrates the conse-
in over the earth’s surface to replace the rising air, creating wind. These winds, the trades, are deflected by
the Coriolis effect and approach the Equator at an angle of about 45°. quences of the Coriolis effect. While the
trade winds move toward the Equator, for
example, the equatorial currents that these winds pro-
duce move parallel to the Equator (Fig. 7.20). Under
Clouds the influence of the Coriolis effect, the wind-driven
Polar easterlies surface currents combine into huge, more or less circu-
lar systems called gyres.
60ⴗ N

Westerlies n
c tio
dd 45°
Surface cu
30ⴗ N

m s
Equator (0ⴗ)

Southeast transet
trades port

30ⴗ S


60 ⴗ S

FIGURE 7.19 When a steady wind blows over the sea surface,
FIGURE 7.18 The major wind patterns on Earth are created by the rising of sun-warmed air the uppermost layer moves at 45° from the wind direction. Each
and the sinking of cold air. The trade winds lie between about 30° north and south latitude and are deeper layer moves farther to the right in the Northern Hemisphere,
the steadiest of all winds. The westerlies are found from about 30° to 60°, and above 60° lie the shown here, or to the left in the Southern Hemisphere. When the
most variable winds, the polar easterlies. The transition zones or boundaries between these major direction of the current at each depth is plotted, the result is a spiral,
wind belts have very light and changeable winds (see “Tall Ships and Surface Currents,” p. 51). The called the Ekman spiral. The net result of this process is that the
wind fields are pictured here as they would look on an imaginary water-covered earth. In actuality affected layer of water, called the Ekman layer, is transported at right
they are modified by the influence of the continents (see Fig. 3.20). angles to the wind direction.

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Aquatic Science 191

Tall Ships and Surface Currents

or purely practical reasons, winds and surface Portugal to the west to avoid the Benguela Current. On the
currents were among the first oceanic phenomena voyage home, they took the opposite path, completing
to be observed and documented. For centuries a figure eight.
ships were at the mercy of the wind, and the names Current Early mariners knew about other currents as
sailors gave to various areas reflected their knowledge well. Christopher Columbus noted the existence of
of global wind patterns. Many of these names are still the North Atlantic Equatorial Current on his third
0 1000 Miles
used. The trade winds got their name from the traders voyage to the New World. While searching for the
0 1000 Kilometers
who relied on them during their voyages. The equa- “Fountain of Youth” the Spaniard Juan Ponce de León
torial region where the winds are light and variable Equator described the Florida Current. In the Pacific, fisher-
because of the rising air masses there (see Fig. 7.17) men recorded their knowledge of the Perú Current
is called the doldrums. Winds are also variable at 30° and the Kuroshio.
north and south latitudes, where the trade winds and Even Ben Franklin has a place in this story. While
westerlies are moving apart (see Fig. 7.18). At these serving as deputy colonial postmaster he noticed that
latitudes, sailors, becalmed and short of drinking water, Current
mail ships routinely made the trip to Europe two weeks
sometimes had to throw their dying horses overboard. faster than they returned. Upon questioning seafarers
To this day these are known as the horse latitudes. he learned of the mighty Gulf Stream and asked his
Sailors also knew about surface currents. A clever cousin, a sea captain, to sketch it on a nautical chart.
navigator could shorten a passage by weeks or months Franklin developed the sketch into the first published
by riding favorable currents and avoiding unfavorable chart of the Gulf Stream, which is remarkably accurate.
ones. In the fifteenth century, Portuguese sailors Outward voyage He understood that the Gulf Stream is a vast river of
under the guidance of Prince Henry the Navigator Return voyage warm water flowing through the cold waters of the sur-
made careful observations of currents along the west Gyres rounding Atlantic Ocean and instructed ships to stay in
coast of Africa. Soon they were using their knowledge The route of early Portuguese ships on the warm water of the Gulf Stream when sailing east but
of these currents on their trading voyages. On the trading voyages to the west coast of to avoid it on the westward journey. Later, on voyages
southbound journey, the ships sailed close to shore Africa. The southbound route is shown as emissary to England, Franklin regularly measured sea
by a solid line, the northward journey by
while in the Northern Hemisphere, riding the Canary a dotted line. The prevailing currents are
temperature and published his findings in a report about
Current. When they crossed the Equator they swung indicated by red arrows. the Gulf Stream.

60° 90° 120° 150° 180° 150° 120° 90° 60° 30° 0°

60° 60°


lf S

os C
Cu al Current

30° r 30°

ifo nt

r th ial
North Equatorial Cur
Current/Monsoon Nor rent
Somali Drift
th Equatorial Current Equatorial
0° Equatorial Countercurrent nt 0°
th Equatoria
Sou l
Current quatorial Current
Perú th Equatoria

Sou l Benguela
West Australia Current Current
Agulhas Current Current Cold
30° Brazil 30°

60° 60°
Antarctic Circumpolar Current
lar Current
0 1000 2000 3000 Miles

60° 90° 120° 150° 180° 150° 120° 90° 60° 30° 0° 0 1000 2000 3000 Kilometers

FIGURE 7.20 The major surface currents of the oceans. In the main ocean basins the currents combine to form large circular systems called gyres.

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192 Aquatic Science

Recall that water is particularly good at transporting heat are strongly affected by the bottom, the shape of the coastline,
because of its high heat capacity. The warm currents on the and the tides (see “Physical Characteristics of the Subtidal
western sides of the gyres carry vast amounts of solar heat from Environment”).
the Equator to higher latitudes. Cold currents flow in the oppo-
site direction on the eastern sides. Ocean currents thus act like
a giant thermostat, warming the poles, cooling the tropics, and Thermohaline Circulation
regulating the climate of our planet. Large-scale fluctuations in and the Great Ocean Conveyor
current patterns such as El Niño can dramatically affect weather
around the world (see “The El Niño–Southern Oscillation The ocean is a three-dimensional habitat, and the major cur-
Phenomenon.”). rents shown in Figure 7.20 reflect circulation only at the surface,
The role of surface currents in transporting heat is reflected not at greater depths. Over much of the ocean, surface waters
in the sea-surface temperature (Fig. 7.21). Surface temperature are partially isolated from deeper waters by differences in den-
is higher on the western sides of the oceans, where currents sity, which is why oceanographers painstakingly measure the
carry warm water away from the Equator, than on the eastern two factors—temperature and salinity—that determine seawater
sides, where cold currents flow toward the Equator. Because of density.
this, tropical organisms like corals extend into higher latitudes Because the densest water sinks, the ocean is usually layered,
on the western sides. Cold-loving organisms like kelps, on the or stratified, with the densest water on the bottom and the least
other hand, occur closest to the Equator on the eastern sides. dense at the surface. This can be seen in typical profiles of salin-
ity, temperature, and density (Fig. 7.22). Deep water is normally
cold and dense, whereas the surface water is relatively warm
and “light.”

Global wind patterns and the Coriolis effect produce gyres, large
circular systems of surface currents. These currents regulate Earth’s The water column in the ocean is usually stratified, with the least
climate by transporting heat from tropical to polar regions and greatly dense water at the surface and the densest water on the bottom.
affect the geographic distribution of organisms in the ocean.

The currents shown in Figure 7.20 are average patterns over large

d istan ces an d a lo n g tim e sp an . A t a g iven p lace o n a The Three-Layered Ocean Although there are actually many
given day the current is often different: Currents shift with the thin layers of water, each of slightly different density, it is not a bad
season and the weather. O n the continental shelf, currents approximation to view the ocean as having three principal layers

60° 90° 120° 150° 180° 150° 120° 90° 60° 30° 0°

60° 60°

30° 30°

Pacific 0°
Indian Ocean

30° 30°

0 1000 2000 3000 Miles

0 1000 2000 3000 Kilometers
60° Warm current
Cold current

Mean Surface Temperature

60° 90° 120° 150° 180° 150° 120° 90° 60° 30° 0°
25 °C and higher 10°–19 °C
20°–24 °C 9 °C and lower

FIGURE 7.21 The average sea-surface temperatures of the oceans are strongly affected by the ocean gyres.

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Aquatic Science 193

(Fig. 7.22a). The surface layer is usually 100 to 200 m (330 to the cooler water below. These sudden changes in temperature over
660 ft) deep. The surface layer is mixed by wind, waves, and cur- small depth intervals, called thermoclines, are often noticed by
rents, so it is also known as the mixed layer. The surface layer is divers. When the weather becomes colder, wind and waves again
not always well mixed, however. Sometimes, usually in the spring mix the water column and these temporary, shallow thermoclines
and summer in temperate and polar latitudes, the very uppermost break down.
part of the surface layer gets heated by the sun. The warm water The intermediate layer lies below the surface layer, typi-
floats in a shallow “lens” on top, and there is a sharp transition to cally to 1,000 to 1,500 m depth (3,300 to 5,000 ft). The main
thermocline, a transition zone between
warm surface water and cold water
below, lies in the intermediate layer. The
Salinity (0/00) Temperature (°C) Density (g/cm3) main thermocline should not be confused
33 34 35 36 37 5 10 15 20 25 1.023 1.025 1.027 1.029 with the much shallower, seasonal ther-
0 moclines in the surface layer. The main
Surface layer
Permanent or main thermocline breaks down only occasion-
Intermediate layer ally and then only in a few places. The
main thermocline is a feature of the open
ocean. The waters over the continental
Depth (m)

shelf are not deep enough to have a main

thermocline; in shelf waters the mixed
surface layer often extends all the way to
2,000 Deep layer
the bottom.
Below about 1,500 m (5,000 ft) lie the
deep and bottom layers. Technically,
deep water and bottom water are different,
but they are similar in being uniformly
cold, typically less than 4 °C (39 °F).

4,000 The ocean has three main layers: the surface

(a) or mixed layer, the intermediate layer, and
the deep layer.
Temperature (°C) Temperature (°C)
5 10 15 20 25 5 10 15 20 25
0 0
Stability and Overturn Most of the
time surface water, being warmer and less
thermocline dense, floats on top of the denser water
1,000 500 (summer) below unless wind or wave energy stirs up
Depth (m)

the water column. Such a water column
Permanent or
Polar main thermocline is said to be stable. How stable the water
column is depends on the density differ-
ence between the layers. If the surface
layer is only slightly less dense than the
layer below, less energy is required to mix
3,000 the two layers and the water column has
low stability. A highly stable water col-
umn, on  the other hand, results from a
large density difference between deep and
4,000 shallow water, and requires more energy
(b) (c) to mix.
Sometimes water columns become
FIGURE 7.22 (a) Typical profiles of salinity, temperature, and density in the open ocean. Salinity profiles
near the surface vary considerably because of precipitation, evaporation, and river runoff. Temperature and unstable, meaning that the surface water
density profiles are usually mirror images of each other because temperature largely controls seawater density. becomes more dense than the water below.
Surface water is usually warmer and therefore less dense than the water below. (b) The surface temperature, The surface water sinks, which is called
as you might expect, varies with latitude, with the highest surface temperature occurring in the tropics. Deep-
downwelling, and displaces and mixes
water temperature and salinity is much more uniform. (c) In temperate and polar waters, seasonal thermoclines
may develop in the surface layer during the summer when the sun warms the uppermost part of the water with deeper water. This process is known
column. Note that the depth scale in (c) is different from that in (a) and (b). as overturn (Fig.  7.23). Because surface

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194 Aquatic Science

Larval Transport Near Hydrothermal Vents

The results brought more surprises. The

ecause currents are so important to all carried away by the currents so that the
marine life, marine biologists often rely community depends on importing larvae from working hypothesis had been that larvae prob-
on the work of physical oceanographers other communities. ably rode plumes of warm water rising from the
in their studies. This is true not only at the After a vent in the Pacific off the coast of vents several hundred meters up into the water
scale of entire ocean basins, but also at much Mexico was wiped out by a violent eruption, column, and were carried horizontally from
smaller scales. Recent studies of currents in biologists found that new larvae apparently there by currents. Instead, the results indicate
the vicinity of hydrothermal vents provide an came in from more than 300 km (200 mi) that the fastest currents flow along the bottom
example. away. This was a surprise, because they had at the edges of the rift zone where the vents are
Hydrothermal vents support rich thought that the larvae spend only 30 to located. The study also showed that the current
communities of worms, mussels, clams, shrimps, 40 days in the water column before settling swirls around the vent in eddies, initially flowing
and other animals (see “Hot Springs, Cold to the bottom, and that the prevailing cur- away from the vent and then coming back to it.
Seeps, and Dead Bodies,” p. 379). Each vent rents could transport them 100 km (60 mi) Thus, it seems likely that some larvae from the
is like a tiny oasis, however, separated from at most. vent community would return to maintain the
similar communities, sometimes by distances of So, the biologists teamed with physical population, at least at this study site.
hundreds or thousands of kilometers. oceanographers to further study current pat- Even the relatively fast currents measured
Furthermore, the vent communities can be terns near the vents. The first step was to near the bottom did not flow fast enough to
short-lived, as the vents that support them can put meters along the vents and in the water carry larvae 300 km in their 30- to 40-day larval
die out or, alternatively, erupt and wipe out the column above to measure the speed and direc- span. Are there faster currents? Do the larvae
community under a wave of hot lava. One of tion of the currents. It isn’t feasible to deploy spend longer in the water column than thought?
the mysteries about vent communities is how enough current meters over a large enough Are there other transport mechanisms that
they are established when new vents appear area to measure the broader circulation pattern. the scientists missed? Also, the current eddies
and re-colonized after being wiped out by an Instead, the current measurements were used observed may be due to the current swirling
eruption. The animals at vent communities to develop a computer model of the circula- around some nearby seamounts. Do other vent
can’t disperse as adults, but only in their tiny tion. Finally, the predictions of the model were sites have similar circulation? For marine scien-
larval stages, which swim only weakly and must tested by releasing a chemical tracer that can be tists to answer these and other questions, there’s
be carried from place to place in the currents. detected in very low amounts, and taking water only one thing to do: head back to the deep sea!
Another question is whether some larvae from samples at various distances around the vent
a vent community settle at the same vent to to determine where the currents carried the For more information, explore the links provided in
sustain the populations there, or if they are tracer. the Marine Biology Online Learning Center.

water, all with the same temperature and density, is descending of water, or water mass, has a “fingerprint,” a characteristic com-
through the water column, the temperature and density profiles bination of temperature and salinity. Oceanographers can use this
are vertical straight lines, and oceanographers identify conditions to follow the movement, or circulation, of water masses over great
of overturn by looking for such straight-line profiles. Overturn distances. Because this form of circulation is driven by changes in
usually occurs in temperate and polar regions during the winter density, which in turn is determined by temperature and salinity,
when the surface water cools. this form of circulation is known as thermohaline circulation.
When overturn occurs over only a small area, or when the sur-
face water is only slightly denser than the water below, the down- The Great Ocean Conveyor After water masses leave the
welling water simply mixes with deeper water, so that the mixed surface they sink to a depth determined by their density. Water
layer extends deeper in the water column. This mixing is important of intermediate density descends only part way, to a depth
for the productivity of temperate and polar waters (see “Patterns where it is denser than the water above but less dense than the
of Production,” p. 350). When downwelling is intense, however, water below. To sink all the way to the bottom of the ocean,
a large volume of water may sink without mixing much with the surface water must become very dense—that is, cold and rela-
surrounding water. The processes that change salinity in the open tively salty. This occurs at only a few locations, and only inter-
ocean—precipitation, evaporation, and freezing—occur only at mittently. The main places where surface overturn reaches the
the surface. Temperature also changes primarily at the surface, bottom are in the Atlantic Ocean, south of Greenland and just
through evaporative cooling, solar heating, or the exchange of heat north of Antarctica (Fig. 7.24). After sinking, the water spreads
with the atmosphere. Once surface water has sunk, therefore, its through the Atlantic and into the other ocean basins. The water
salinity and temperature don’t change. From then on the volume eventually rises to the surface and flows back to the Atlantic,

cas24204_ch03_040-063.indd 54 13/08/12 3:36 PM

Aquatic Science 195



laye yer
ace a
Surf diate l
I nte r m e

tlan r
th A
Nor p Wate
(a) Summer 1,0
Wind De 00 60° N
pth 2,0 An
Temperature (m 00 tar 40° N
) c ti
3,0 W a c B o tt o m 20° N
00 ter
4,0 0°
5,0 20° S
40° S
60° S
FIGURE 7.24 The deepest water in the deep and bottom layers of the Atlantic Ocean consists
(b) Autumn largely of two large water masses called North Atlantic Deep Water and Antarctic Bottom Water.
Wind These water masses originate at the surface in the extreme North and South Atlantic, respectively,
Temperature then sink and spread along the bottom. Deep water originating in the Atlantic also spreads to the
other ocean basins.

(c) Winter

FIGURE 7.23 (a) In temperate and polar regions

the summer sun warms the surface layer, making it
much less dense than the water below. (b) In autumn
the surface water begins to cool, and storm winds mix
colder deep water to the surface. (c) If the surface
water gets cold enough, which usually happens in
winter, it becomes denser than the deeper water and
sinks, which is called downwelling. The deeper water
is displaced to the surface, and the entire process is
known as overturn.

FIGURE 7.25 The deep circulation of the oceans is part of a global pattern known as the
where the cycle begins again (Fig. 7.25). This great ocean conveyor. This circulation constantly replenishes the oxygen supply to the ocean
depths. Small variations in the conveyor circulation are thought to produce dramatic changes
global thermohaline circulation, called the great in weather patterns around the world. Larger changes may even bring on ice ages.
ocean conveyor, mixes the oceans on a timescale
of about 4,000 years. The great ocean conveyor is also critical
in regulating Earth’s climate, and fluctuations in the conveyor of the world, are now known (see “The El Niño–Southern
have produced rapid climate changes, even ice ages, in the past. Oscillation Phenomenon,” p. 357).
The conveyor also brings dissolved oxygen to the deep sea (see
“The Oxygen Minimum Zone,” p. 371). This effect is enhanced
because oxygen dissolves best in cold water (see “Dissolved
Gases,” p. 47). The great ocean conveyor doesn’t flow steadily
and uniformly like an actual conveyor belt. Instead it constantly The great ocean currents, as important as they are, aren’t usually
varies both in strength and exact position in a series of super- apparent to the casual observer. Waves and tides, on the other
imposed cycles, or oscillations. The best-known of these is the hand, are among the most visible of all ocean phenomena. Anyone
El Niño–Southern Oscillation, but many other such oscilla- who has swum in, sailed on, or simply walked beside the sea is
tions, operating on different timescales and in different parts familiar with waves and tides.

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196 Aquatic Science


Cr Tr Wind
es ou
t gh


15 Wind

Direction of propagation

FIGURE 7.26 An idealized series of waves, or wave train. The highest point of a wave is called the crest,
the lowest point the trough. The wavelength is the distance between crests. The wave period refers to how
long it takes the wave to go by. In this example the period is 15 seconds, which is how long it will take for
the next crest to reach the bird. FIGURE 7.28 The wind is blowing at the same
speed and has been blowing for the same length of
time over this entire imaginary bay. On the top side
of the bay, however, the wind is blowing over a much
Cr longer stretch of water. In other words, the fetch is
es longer on the top side, so the waves are bigger there.
t Tr

While the wind is blowing it pushes the wave crests up

into sharp peaks and “stretches out” the troughs (Fig. 7.29).
Waves like this are called seas. The waves move away from
where they are generated slightly faster than the speed of the
wind. Once away from the wind the waves settle into swells.
With their smoothly rounded crests and troughs, swells are
very similar to the ideal waves shown in Figure 7.26.
When the waves approach shore and get into shallow
water, they begin to “feel” the bottom. The bottom forces
the water particles to move in elongated ellipses instead of
Direction of propagation circles, which slows the wave. As the waves behind catch up
FIGURE 7.27 Water particles do not move along with a wave but instead move in the waves get closer together, giving them a shorter wave-
circles. Under the crest they move up and forward with the wave, then they are pulled back length. The waves “pile up,” becoming higher and steeper.
down under the trough. As wave after wave passes, the water and anything floating in or on
it moves in circles.
Eventually they become so high and so steep that they fall
forward and break, creating surf. The energy that was put
into the wave by the wind is expended on the shoreline as
Waves the wave breaks.
The wind not only drives surface currents, it causes waves. The high- The sea surface is usually a confused jumble instead of a series
est part of a wave is called the crest and the lowest part the trough of nice, regular waves moving in one direction. This is because
(Fig. 7.26). The size of an ocean wave is usually expressed as the the surface at any given location is affected by a mixture of waves
wave height, which is the vertical distance between the trough and coming from many different places, generated by winds of dif-
the crest. Wave crests or troughs can be close together or far apart. ferent speeds blowing in different directions for different lengths
The distance between them is called the wavelength. The time a of time. The complex surface of the ocean results from the inter-
wave takes to go by a given point is called the period of the wave. actions of all these waves. Wave cancellation occurs when the
When under a wave crest the water moves up and forward; crest of one wave meets the trough of another, and the sea surface
under the troughs it moves down and back. On the whole the ends up intermediate between the two. If the crests of two waves
water particles don’t go anywhere at all as the wave passes; they just collide, however, they add together to produce a higher wave.
move in circles (Fig. 7.27). Though waves carry energy across the This wave reinforcement occasionally produces rogue waves as
sea surface, they do not actually transport water. tall as a 10-story building that seem to come up out of nowhere.
Waves begin to form as soon as the wind starts to blow. Oceanographers once dismissed rogue waves as rare or even non-
The  faster and longer the wind blows, the larger the waves existent, nothing more than sailors’ myth, but have now confirmed
get. The size of waves generated by the wind also depends on the that rogue waves do occur. They may account for a significant
fetch, the span of open water over which the wind blows (Fig. 7.28). fraction of the 100 or so large ships lost at sea every year.

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Aquatic Science 197

Wind Seas Swell Surf

of water

FIGURE 7.29 Storm winds generate seas, peaked waves with relatively flat troughs. The waves move out of the storm area, carrying energy away, and become swells,
with rounded crests and troughs. When the waves reach shallow water, they get higher and shorter, that is, closer together. Eventually they become unstable and break,
expending their energy on the shoreline. Water particles under swells have the ideal circular motion shown in Figure 7.27. In shallower water the influence of the bottom
causes the particle motion to flatten out into a back-and-forth movement known as surge.

Tides sun. The moon and Earth are held together by gravitational attrac-
tion. The moon’s gravity is strongest on the side of the planet closest
The sea surface has been rising and falling in the rhythmic pattern to the moon. Here the moon’s gravity pulls the water in the ocean
known as the tides for billions of years. The tides are a dominant toward the moon, so that if the earth were covered entirely by water
influence on nearshore sea life. They alternately expose and sub- the ocean would bulge toward the moon (Fig. 7.31). On the opposite
merge organisms on the shore (see Chapter 15), drive the circulation side of the earth, further away from the moon, the moon’s gravita-
of bays and estuaries (see Chapter 11), trigger spawning (Fig. 7.30), tional pull is weaker, so the water does not move toward the moon. In
and influence the lives of marine organisms in countless other ways. fact, it bulges in the opposite direction, away from the moon, because
of centrifugal force. This centrifugal force arises because, strictly
Why Are There Tides? The tides are caused by the gravitational speaking, the moon does not revolve around the earth. Instead, the
pull of the moon and sun and by the rotations of the earth, moon, and earth and moon both rotate around their combined center of mass,





center of
mass of
and moon Center
together of Earth


FIGURE 7.31 The moon does not exactly

rotate around Earth. Instead, both the moon and
Earth rotate around their common center of mass,
which lies inside the earth. Thus, the earth actually
“wobbles” a bit, like an unbalanced tire. Centrifugal
force produced by the earth’s motion causes the
water to bulge outward, away from the moon.
FIGURE 7.30 These grunion (Leuresthes tenuis) are spawning high on a California beach. A male has On the side of the earth closest to the moon, how-
wrapped around a female to fertilize her eggs as she releases them. Spawning is precisely timed to coincide ever, the moon’s gravitational pull overcomes the
with the highest tides, when the grunion can reach the uppermost parts of the beach. Hatching of the eggs, not centrifugal force and pulls the water into a bulge
quite a month later, also corresponds to high tides so that the fry can swim away. toward the moon.

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198 Aquatic Science

Waves That Kill

urfers and beachgoers who’ve been hit Once in a while, though, tsunamis are dev- (100 ft)—smashed onto Aceh, on the Sumatran
by a wave know how forceful they can astating. In 1883 the volcanic island of Krakatoa coast. In less than eight hours tsunami waves
be. Most waves are pretty harmless, but in the Indian Ocean exploded, causing tsunamis radiated around the Indian Ocean, killing an
coastal storm waves cause damage every year, around half the globe that killed over 35,000 estimated 230,000 people. Indonesia was worst
and occasionally deaths, and rogue waves take people. Fatal tsunamis occur every year or two affected, but people died in 12 countries.
an unknown toll. Sometimes, however, killer on average, mostly in the Pacific because of Survivors suffered the loss of their homes, busi-
tsunamis, a Japanese word meaning “harbor seismic activity around the Pacific Rim. A 1946 nesses, farms, hospitals, schools, and water and
waves,” unleash all the awesome power of tsunami in Hawai‘i killed 159 and another in electricity supplies.
the sea. 1960, the result of a Chilean earthquake, killed The toll continues. In the two years after
Sometimes called tidal waves, tsunamis are 61. The U.S. west coast suffered deadly tsuna- the Indian Ocean tsunami, fatal tsunamis struck
unrelated to tides and are produced by seismic mis caused by both the 1960 Chile earthquake Haiti, Chile, Indonesia, and Japan. The worst
disturbances like earthquakes, landslides, and and the great Alaskan earthquake of 1964. A was triggered by an earthquake off the coast
volcanoes, so they are also called seismic sea 1998 tsunami in Papua New Guinea, left 2,200 of Sendai, Japan, that was so severe it changed
waves. Tsunamis are much longer and faster known dead. Many other places have been hit. the orbits of satellites and knocked icebergs
than ordinary waves. They can have wave- Between 1992 and 2011, tsunamis killed more off Antarctica. Tsunami waves estimated at up
lengths of 240 km (150 mi) and travel at over than a quarter-million people. to 39 m (130 ft) high hammered the northeast
700 km/h (435 mi/h). In the open ocean, tsuna- The deadliest tsunami struck in the Indian coast of the main Japanese island of Honshu,
mis are typically less than 1 m (40 in) high and Ocean on 26 December 2004, triggered by a killing nearly 16,000. The waves overtopped a
are hardly noticeable. They grow when they massive earthquake off the Indonesian island of protective seawall around the critical backup
reach shore, but usually not much, and most Sumatra. Within minutes, waves at least 10 m electrical generators for a nuclear plant at
tsunamis do little damage. (30 ft) high—estimates range as high as 30 m Kagoshima. With the main electricity grid

60° 90° 120° 150° 180° 150° 120° 90° 60° 30° 0°
Arctic Ocean

60° 60°

Kuril Is. (Russia) 11

Indian Ocean tsunami Okushiri (Japan) 239
30° (see adjacent map) Honshu (Japan) 15,840 30°
Mindoro I.(Philippines) Jalisco (Mexico) Haiti
62 1 7
Biak (Indonesia) 100 Nicaragua 170
Minhassa Peninsula Papua New Guinea 2,200
0° (Indonesia) 24 0°
Sumatra (Indonesia) Solomon I. 52 Atlantic
Pacific Perú 12
East Java (Indonesia) 238 Ocean Ocean
Samoa Perú 26
Indian Ocean
30° Vanuatu 5 30°
Chile 166
Flores I.(Indonesia)
East Timor 11 Seram I. (Indonesia) 4 0 1000 2000 3000 Miles

60° 0 1000 2000 3000 Kilometers 60°

60° 90° 120° 150° 180° 150° 120° 90° 60° 30° 0°

Worldwide death toll from tsunamis between the years 1992 and 2011.

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Aquatic Science 199

already down, the plant lost power to its criti- by warning systems, and even where they exist people can become complacent; even when
cal cooling system, resulting in explosions and word may not get out to rural areas or people they know to move to high ground they may not
the release of radioactivity to the atmosphere who aren’t tuned in to media. In Hawai‘i, media respond appropriately. After a 2009 earthquake
and ocean in the worst nuclear accident since and other electronic systems are supplemented in Samoa, some people could have reached the
the Chernobyl disaster in 1986. Areas around by old-fashioned sirens, but this is the exception hills on foot but evacuated in their cars and
the Kagoshima plant may be uninhabitable for and not the rule. And when earthquakes strike were killed by the tsunami while stuck in traffic.
decades, but fortunately the Kagoshima acci- right near the coast, where the carnage is often We can’t stop tsunamis, but coastal cities
dent was much less severe than Chernobyl, greatest, there may not be time to issue warn- and industries need to be more resilient. In
and though increases in radioactivity will be ings. Here, education is key: People on the coast addition to warning systems and education,
detectible throughout the north Pacific Ocean, need to understand that an earthquake might this means wiser choices of where to build
they are not expected to reach harmful levels. bring a tsunami. Many in earthquake-prone on the coast and better engineering. Since
All people must do to survive a tsunami is Japan knew to evacuate after the Sendai earth- the Kagoshima accident, for example, higher
evacuate to higher ground, but they need to quake, or there would have been many more seawalls are being built around many nuclear
know the tsunami is coming. A tsunami warning dead. In both the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami plants. Resilience also means protecting natural
system was established in the Pacific for Hawai‘i and one in Chile in 2010, schoolgirls were cred- habitats such as reefs, mangrove forests, and
and the west coast of North America in the ited with saving hundreds of lives by raising the salt marshes that protect the coast. Habitat
1960s and has probably saved hundreds of lives alarm. But in many places tsunami education still loss is thought to have worsened the impacts
at least. Another system was established in the lags. The ocean often briefly recedes as a tsu- of the Indian Ocean tsunami, for example.
Indian Ocean after the 2004 tsunami, too late nami approaches, and people sometimes move Humans will never be immune from tsunamis
for its victims but hopefully a future life-saver. into harm’s way to look at the exposed marine as long as we choose to live on the coast, but
Unfortunately, many coasts are not covered life. Where small earthquakes are common we can adapt to minimize the damage.

Eurasian Plate
Bangladesh 2

India Myanmar
18,045 61
108 Thailand 8,212
Sri Lanka
35,322 Burma Plate
289 Aceh Malaysia 75
Kenya Indian Plate
1 2 hr Indonesia
3 hr
7 hr
Tanzania Sumatra
Seychelles Australian Plate
2 hr

Epicenter 26 Dec 04 Epicenter 28 Mar 05

Waves from the Indian Ocean tsunami of 26 December 2004 and the resultant
toll of dead and missing. As with many other tsunamis, there was actually a
series of waves rather than a single one. Most places were hit by three waves,
with the second being the most destructive. The 11 March 2011 tsunami in Sendai Japan washes away buildings in its path

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200 Aquatic Science

which lies inside the earth but offset slightly from the actual
center of the earth (Fig. 7.31). This offset causes the earth-
moon system to wobble slightly, like an unbalanced tire, and High tide
creates a centrifugal force that pushes water away from the
moon. Thus, on a water-covered earth the water would form 0 hr E 18 hr, E
two bulges on opposite sides of the planet, one bulge toward 37 min
the moon where the moon’s gravity predominates and the
other bulge away from the moon where centrifugal force pre- Midnight 6:37 PM Low tide
dominates. The water would be relatively deep under the
Not quite
bulges and shallow away from the bulges. high tide
In addition to the rotation of the earth and moon illus- Low tide
trated in Figure 7.31, the earth is spinning like a top on its
own axis. As it does so, any given point on the planet’s sur- 6 hr, E 24 hr E
12 min
face will alternately lie under a bulge and then away from
it (Fig. 7.32). High tide occurs when the  point is under
a bulge. Because the earth takes 24  hours to complete a 6:12 AM Midnight
rotation, the point will have two high tides and two low High tide
tides every day. Actually, the moon advances a little in its
own orbit in the course of 24 hours. It takes the point on
Earth an extra 50 minutes to catch up and come directly in
line with the moon again. A full tidal cycle therefore takes 12 hr, E 24 hr, E
24 hours and 50 minutes. 25 min 50 min
The sun produces tidal bulges in the same way as the High tide
12:25 PM 12:50 AM
moon. Though the sun is much larger than the moon, it
is 400 times farther away, so the effect of the sun on the FIGURE 7.32 As Earth spins on its axis, a given point like the one marked by the
tides is only about half as strong as the moon’s. When flag alternates between being under a bulge, making it high tide, and being between the 
bulges, making it low tide. Because the moon moves while the earth is rotating, a full tidal
the sun and moon are in line with each other, which cycle takes 50 minutes longer than the 24 hours it takes the earth to make a complete
happens at the full and new moons (Fig. 7.33), their rotation.
effects add together. At these times the tidal range, or

Spring tide Neap tide Spring tide Neap tide

Sun Sun Sun Sun

Gravitational Gravitational
Gravitational Gravitational
pull of moon pull of moon
pull of sun pull of sun
plus sun plus sun

Moon Moon
Earth Earth Earth Earth

Gravitational Gravitational
pull of moon pull of moon


New moon First quarter Full moon Third quarter

FIGURE 7.33 The tidal bulges are largest, and therefore the tidal range is greatest, when the moon and sun are in line and acting together. This
happens at new and full moon. When the moon and sun are pulling at right angles, which occurs when the moon is in quarter, the bulges and tidal
range are smallest.

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Aquatic Science 201

Tide height (m) Semidiurnal Mixed semidiurnal Diurnal

Tide height (m)

Tide height (m)

0 0 0

0 6 12 18 24 0 6 12 18 24 0 6 12 18 24
Time (hr) Time (hr) Time (hr)
(a) (b) (c)

FIGURE 7.34 Types of tides. In most places the tide is semidiurnal; that is, there are two high and two low tides per day. (a) In some places, successive high
tides are nearly equal in height. (b) In many other places, one of the high tides is considerably higher than the other. This is called a mixed semidiurnal tide. (c) A
few places have a diurnal tide, with only one high and one low tide per day.

difference in water level between successive high and low tides, Tides in the Real World Fortunately for us, Earth is not
is large. Such tides are called spring tides because they seem completely covered with water. Because of the continents and
to surge up like a spring of water. The name has nothing to do the shape of the sea floor, tides in the real world behave differ-
with the season; spring tides occur throughout the year. ently than they would on a water-covered Earth. Most places
When the sun and moon are at right angles their effects par- do have semidiurnal tides as predicted, which means there are
tially cancel each other. During these neap tides the tidal range two high tides and two low tides a day (Fig. 7.34a and b). The
is small. Neap tides occur when the moon is in the first and third east coast of North America and most of Europe and Africa
quarters. have semidiurnal tides (Fig. 7.35). Some places have a mixed
semidiurnal tide, with successive high tides of different height
The tides are caused by a combination of the gravity of the sun and
(Fig. 7.34b). Mixed semidiurnal tides are characteristic of most
moon and the centrifugal force that results from the rotation of the of the west coast of the United States and Canada. Diurnal
earth, moon, and sun. tides occur when there is only one high and one low tide every
day (Fig. 7.34c). Diurnal tides are uncommon. They occur on

60° 90° 120° 150° 180° 150° 120° 90° 60° 30° 0°
Arctic Ocean

60° 60°

30° 30°

0° 0°
Ocean Atlantic
Indian Ocean
30° 30°

Semidiurnal tide
Mixed semidiurnal tide
60° 60°
Diurnal tide

0 1000 2000 3000 Miles

60° 90° 120° 150° 180° 150° 120° 90° 60° 30° 0°
0 1000 2000 3000 Kilometers

FIGURE 7.35 The worldwide distribution of semidiurnal, mixed semidiurnal, and diurnal tides. This map shows the dominant type of tide. At most places there
is variation; a place that usually has, say, a mixed semidiurnal tide may occasionally experience diurnal tides.

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202 Aquatic Science

the coast of Antarctica and in parts of the Gulf of Mexico, within individual basins. Islands, ridges, basins, canyons, reefs, and
Caribbean, and Pacific (Fig. 7.35). The distinctions between other features further affect the waves. The tide at a given place
the types of tide illustrated in Figure 7.34 are not absolute, thus depends on its location relative to these features. The tides
and in most places the tidal pattern varies somewhat. Southern are also influenced by variation in the orbits of the sun and moon
California, for example, has a predominantly mixed semidiurnal relative to the Equator, and the planets have small effects. Even
tide but on some days the tides are almost diurnal. the weather can affect the tides. Strong winds, for example, can
Tides vary from place to place and time to time because of the pile water up on shore, causing higher tides than would otherwise
effects of continents, islands, and bottom topography. On a water- occur. To predict the tides at a given place, oceanographers have
covered earth with a perfectly flat sea floor, the tides would move to combine observations of actual tides at that place with their
around the earth in a smooth, symmetrical wave. In the real world, theoretical equations. They are then able to produce remarkably
however, the continents prevent the wave from sweeping around accurate tide tables that predict the time and height of high and
the globe, essentially breaking the wave into several separate waves low tides. Tide tables are available for most coastal areas.

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Aquatic Science 203


The Marine Biology Online Learning Center is a great place to check your Linn, A., 1983. Oh, what a spin we’re in, thanks to the Coriolis
understanding of chapter material. Visit effect. Smithsonian, vol. 13, no. 11, February, pp. 66–73. A
for access to interactive chapter summaries, chapter quizzing, and more! detailed explanation of the Coriolis effect and a look at some of
Further enhance your knowledge with videoclips and weblinks to chapter- its consequences.
related material. McGuire, B., 2005. Swept away. New Scientist, vol. 188, no. 2522,
October 22–28, pp. 38–42. The Atlantic is not immune to tsunamis.
Critical Thinking Mundy, C. J., S. M. Kathmann, and G. K. Schenter, 2007. A special
1. In unusually cold winters the northern Black Sea sometimes freezes, brew. Natural History, vol. 116, no. 9, November, pp. 32–36. Water
while the nearby Adriatic Sea usually doesn’t, even if it is just as cold. has unique properties that influence how life evolved on Earth.
Freshwater runoff gives the surface of the Black Sea a low salinity of Murphy, D., 2010. Into the wild Irminger Sea. Oceanus, vol. 48,
about 18‰. What would you guess about the salinity of the Adriatic? no. 1, June, pp. 30–35. Measuring a critical ocean current means
2. Just for the fun of it, someone in Beaufort, South Carolina, throws working in wild, freezing weather.
a message in a bottle into the sea. Some time later, someone in Stutz, B., 2004. Rogue waves. Discover, vol. 25, no. 7, July, pp. 48–55.
Perth, on the west coast of Australia, finds the bottle. Referring to Rogue waves are almost impossible to catch in the real ocean, so a
Figure 3.20 and the fold-out map at the back of this book, can you team of oceanographers tries to understand them in the laboratory.
trace the path the bottle probably took? Villano, M., 2010. The mysterious movements of deep-sea larvae.
3. If you owned a seaside home and a bad storm brought heavy winds Oceanus, vol. 48, no. 1, June, pp. 24–27.
and high surf to your coastline, would you prefer it to be during a new Watts, G., 2006. Captain William’s obsession. New Scientist, vol. 190,
moon or a quarter moon? Why? no. 2556, June 17–23, pp. 58–59. The precise measurement of tidal
4. Most tsunamis occur in the Pacific Ocean, as indicated by the map amplitudes goes back to the late 1700s.
in the “Waves That Kill” boxed reading (see p. 58). How would you Zax, D., 2007. When Portugal ruled the seas. Smithsonian, vol. 38,
explain this? no. 6, September, pp. 74–79. Portugal’s voyages of discovery in the
sixteenth century inspired works of art around the world.
For Further Reading
Some of the recommended reading may be available online. Look for live In Depth
links on the Marine Biology Online Learning Center.
Clark, P. U., N. G. Pisias, T. F. Stocker, and A. J. Weaver, 2002. The
role of the termohaline circulation in abrupt climate change. Nature,
General Interest vol. 415, no. 6874, pp. 863–869.
Catlidge, E., 2010. A drop of the weird stuff. New Scientist, vol. 205, Deser, C., M. A. Alexander, S.-P. Xie, and A. S. Phillips, 2010. Sea
no. 2746, 3 February, pp. 3235. Waters unique properties are being surface temperature variability: patterns and mechanisms. Annual
unravelled. Review of Marine Science, vol. 2, pp. 115–143.
Cromwell, D., 2000. Ocean circulation. New Scientist, vol. 166, Johnson, G. C., B. M. Sloyan, W. S. Kessler, and K. E. McTaggart,
no. 2239, 20 May, Inside Science supplement no. 130, pp. 1–4. 2002. Direct measurements of upper ocean currents and water
A summary of what is known about ocean currents and current properties across the tropical Pacific during the 1990s. Progress in
research efforts to learn more. Oceanography, vol. 52, no. 1, pp. 31–61.
Geist, E. L., V. V. Titov, and C. E. Synolakis, 2006. Tsunami: Wave of Lough, J. M. and T. F. Cooper, 2011. New insights from coral growth-
change. Scientific American, vol. 294, no. 1, January, pp. 56–63. In the band studies in an era of rapid environmental change. Earth-Science
aftermath of the Indian Ocean tsunami, scientists have made consid- Reviews, vol. 108, pp. 170–184.
erable strides in understanding and predicting tsunamis. Løvholt, F., S. Glimsdal, C. B. Harbitz, N. Zamora, F. Nadim,
Hadingham, E., 2008. Minoan tsunami. Discover, January, pp. 8–14. P. Peduzzi, H. Dao, and H. Smebye, 2012. Tsunami hazard and
New clues link the collapse of the ancient Minoan culture in Crete, exposure on the global scale. Earth-Science Reviews, vol. 110,
Greece, to tsunamis. pp. 58–73.
Krajik, K., 2001. Message in a bottle. Smithsonian, vol. 32, no. 4, July, Satake, 3–25 K. and A. F. Atwater, 2007. Long-term perspectives on
pp. 36–47. An oceanographer studies ocean currents by tracking the giant earthquakes and tsunamis at subduction zones. Annual Review
paths taken by rubber duckies, tennis shoes, and other floating objects. of Earth and Planetary Science, vol. 35, pp. 349–374.
Kunzig, R., 2001. The physics of . . . deep-sea animals: They love the
pressure. Discover, vol. 22, no. 8, August, pp. 26–27. Deep-sea
organisms feel the squeeze under the pressure of the deep.

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